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Ashley Burns - 2137244

Unit overview
Title of Unit: Mental and Emotional Health.

This unit will focus on the option study 6 mental and emotional health with the idea of how it influences

Students will undergo a variety of assessment and under the SACE standards will complete Assessment
one of the required three tasks to complete stage 1. This unit will delve into the ideas surrounding these
concepts under the SACE guidelines and will prepare the students for their issue response.

This unit will incorporate a range of different range of different teaching strategies to engage students
promote learning. Structure, Collaboration, Game-based learning and constructivism are some that will be
explored during this unit to enable students to easily gain, retain and apply content knowledge.

Six weeks has been allocated to this mental and emotional health unit. There will be one 50 minute lesson
to allow for the introductions of concepts throughout the unit and one 110 minute double to enable
application, critical/deeper thinking and largely engaging activities that can struggle to be brought across
in a 50 minute lesson.

Grade: YEAR 11 Duration: Six weeks

School and context
As Health SACE is an optional subject the total numbers in this class are below
that of regular class numbers. This class of 15 includes 9 girls and 6 boys which
is based out in the outer suburbs in South Adelaide. This school is a category 6
rating which means it has the capacity of resources for effective teaching and is
considered to have less socio-economic disadvantage. The class has some
diversity being such a small group and contains one student with English as a
second or additional language (ESL) (EAL/D). This school works very hard to
engage with the community and has a number of valuable connections with local
services, sporting clubs and other schools.
This class is set up for ICT usage and includes a smart board for video and
interaction during lessons and two large whiteboards for class structure, learning
objectives and class discussion. As these students are in their later years of
schooling a majority have their own computer device or netbook provided by the
school and the classroom includes 6 laptops (3) and Ipads (3) in the event of
technological difficulties or being unable to access their own device.
Under the New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2016) states
that on average there are 4 students that will have a learning difficulty or
disability and therefore will require this plan to be adjustable and cater for the
needs of these students. In this class there are 3, one boy with Autism Spectrum
disorder, A girl with diagnosed dyslexia and a boy with EAL/D. The school
provides a School Support Officer (SSO) to give support to these students and
help give these students the same opportunity to learn and complete this unit.
This class has built a culture around respect, questioning and understanding their
own learning to enable a community of learners and create a safe space for health
practice (Domain 2.2).


Ashley Burns - 2137244
Students require a variety of different strategies even those without learning difficulties, as education
needs to address the needs of all students. Blooms taxonomy will be largely used for differentiation
throughout this unit using vocabulary to differ the challenge and difficulty.
Student with Autism As this student has ASD this enables him to receive special education services to
Spectrum Disorder help cater for their needs.
Strategies that will need to be used to allow this student for inclusive practice are
- Need to work with SSO to tailor a specific program for this student and provide
same work as other students where possible.
- Structure. Provide lesson layout and maintain schedule
- Find personal interest or preferred learning style. Use this to engage student to
promote learning.
- Clear student instruction.

Owens, A. (2007). Supporting children with additional needs. National Childcare

A student with an This Student is originally from India and uses English as his additional language
English as an or second language. This student understands most of what is produced by the
additional language. teacher but as he progresses to SACE learning key terms and vocabulary are
(EAL/D) or English becoming difficult to understand. Strategies to facilitate learning and provide for
as a second language inclusion includes;
(ESL) - Use of Ipad which includes the App Lectio which allows students to take
images of words that they do not understand and have it read aloud through the
app, this allows the student to work independently and promotes individual
- Clear instructions and simple writing.
- Allow for negotiation of oral or other adjusted format which is included in
Assessment 1 of SACE.
- Incorporate visual learning.
- Collaboration of work.
- Highlight essential words and information or Frontload vocabulary to allow
students to recognise key concepts and terms.

Owens, A. (2007). Supporting children with additional needs. National Childcare

Student with This student suffers from a low case of dyslexia however still requires a majority
Dyslexia of the same strategies that one would use for high levels of dyslexia. Strategies
that can be used to facilitate her learning and provide inclusion include;

- Use of Ipad which includes the App Lectio which allows students to take
images of words that they do not understand and have it read aloud through the
app, this allows the student to work independently and promotes individual
- Multisensory classroom. Videos, Game-based learning collaboration.
- Highlight essential words and information or Frontload vocabulary to allow
students to recognise key concepts and terms.
- Reduce distraction to enable student to have full attention on task.
- Clear instructions and simple writing.
- Use google docs or similar online platforms to allow for student to go over
work in their own time or even revisit during class.
- Allow for negotiation of oral or other adjusted format which is included in
Assessment 1 of SACE.

Ashley Burns - 2137244

(Department for Education and Child development, 2017)

Links to SACE
Content Descriptors
SACE Investigation
The specific features are as follows:
I1 Understanding of issues affecting personal and community health and
(Australian well-being.
Curriculum, I2 Access to, and organisation and use of, information about health.
Assessment and I3 Investigation of the roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities,
Reporting Authority and governments in addressing health issues and priorities.
(ACARA), 2017)
The specific features are as follows:
An1 Analysis of current health trends and issues.
An2 Analysis of health-promoting strategies and the role of education in
promoting and enhancing health outcomes.

The specific features are as follows:
R1 Reflective thinking on personal and social actions to promote improved
health outcomes for individuals and communities.
R2 Reflection on personal attitudes and values about a specific health issue.

Links to the general Within SACE Health Outline

capabilities Communication -
(SACE, 2017) - Students will build on communication through collaboration with other students
and with the outside community.
- They will understand the sensitivity around mental health and use language
- The use of information and communication to access present information which
will be required throughout this unit.

Citizenship –
- Students will understand how mental health can impact personal and
community health and wellbeing through collaboration with programs and
- They will recognise that groups can foster change in societal attitudes and
recognise that stigma starts with the individual. This will be evident in their
issues responses.
- How interactions of sociocultural, economic, physical, political and spiritual
environments influence mental health.

Personal Development –
- By working collaboratively students can develop their decision making abilities
for the positive management of physical and mental health.
- Build positive relationships during school and outside in wider community
- Relationships with students, community and teachers enhance options for
healthy living and how students develop their skills for managing and promoting
mental health.
Ashley Burns - 2137244

Learning -
- Students will develop their capacity to learn (TFEL domain) through some
inquiry based activities and assessment such as Assessment 1.
- The Assessment requires investigation, analysis and reflection which will need
to apply the knowledge and skills that they have started to build.

- Students will understand the language surrounding health
- Students will analyse and respond to texts/information, readings and programs.
- Completing a variety of different activities such as mind-maps and written tasks
- Viewing and analysing current Australian data and policies surrounding mental
health in the form of documents, speeches articles or videos.

- Students will work closely with numerical data and statistics surrounding
mental health.
- view trends in this data and discuss potential these potential trends with the idea
of mental health.

Cross Curricular Health Promotion Schools

focus and
Framework The school has a Health Promotion Schools framework. As a whole school
approach the students are fully aware of this schools framework and are regularly
involved with outside services and community. As part of this unit includes the
outside school involvement enables students to gain real life perspective of the
environment and suburbs around them. As this framework has been regularly
available and used in health may students have produced the skills and
confidence to view health critically and understand its influence (World Health
Organisation, 2018).



Aboriginal and Torres strait islander (ATSI) health is an important aspect health
education in Australian. ATSI people have a variety of health problems similarly
to that of white Australians particularly that in the Northern Territory.
Incorporating the knowledge, cultures and perspectives of ATSI people into
health can allow student to begin to see health from their perspective, seeing
health from their eyes. This allows for appropriate health analysis and promotion.

Ashley Burns - 2137244

Department for Education and Child Development. (2017). Teaching for Effective Learning
framework guide. Retrieved 19 October 2017, from

Dyslexia Australia. (2017). Solutions to dyslexia. Retrieved from

Education Department of Victoria (2011). Games-based Learning; Retrieved from:

Health Subject Outline. (2018), SACE, Retrieved from:


New South Wales Department of Education and Training. (2016). Students with Disabilities in Regular Classes.
Retrieved from

Owens, A. (2007). Supporting children with additional needs. National Childcare Accreditation Council, 6-8. (2018). WHO, What is a health promoting school? retrieved from:

Learning approaches and Methodologies

This Unit includes several learning approaches and methodologies to facilitate the learning. Structure,
collaboration game based learning and constructivism help lay the foundations for students to achieve the
SACE standards.

Structure – is used to maintain flow and ensure students remain on task. This is created by using a visual
lesson outline to allow students to see what you as the teacher want them to learn and students know what
is expected of them in the lesson. This is particularly helpful for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
as they are included in the learning process and are kept in routine of a lesson outline (Owen, 2007).

Collaboration – This is used to promote a community of learners (Tfel 2.2) and allows students to feed of
each other in the learning process. By working collaboratively enables students to receive ideas that they
may not have originally thought of themselves and produces higher order thinking within the classroom.
This also helps students with dyslexia and ESL to become included in the lesson as this involves different
methods of teaching other than reading and writing.

Game-based learning – promotes high levels of engagement and offers an exciting and powerful
opportunity to stimulate collaboration, problem solving, and creativity and can help satisfy current
curriculum goals and approaches to student learning (Education Department of Victoria, 2011). Game-
based learning helps explore the construction of knowledge (Tfel 3.3) and provides a unique formative
assessment that builds on student understanding (Tfel 4.1).

Constructivism – As health is a real life context it is important to engage students and build on their prior
learning and experiences. By using students real life experiences helps them become engaged and their
learning becomes worthwhile.

Methodology that this unit is attempting to implement is brainstorming or mind maps, discussion,
research, community involvement, multimedia such as videos or interactive activities online and build
upon a community of learners (Tfel 2.2) by involving the students in the lesson process allowing them to
negotiate their learning (Tfel 2.3) and allow for some student instructed teaching. This can be seen in the
group activities that require presenting.
Ashley Burns - 2137244

Blooms Taxonomy is used during assessments and activities to allow for differentiation as said above and
help promote some high order thinking within the classroom to maintain appropriate challenge for all
levels of students.

Know, Understand Know

and Do -What is mental health and emotional health
- Signs of emotional and mental health
- Positive emotional and mental health strategies
- Relationship between physical activity and physical, mental and emotional
- Mental health concerns of adolescents and adults in contemporary society.
- Current social policies in relation to mental health and equity
- Effects of negative behaviour such as bullying and prejudice on mental and
emotional health.
- How to write an issue response
- Investigative writing

- Why mental health has such an influence in health.
- How attitudes help shape the stigma surrounding health.
- How why some people may be at greater risk to develop mental health
- How lifestyle choices such as physical activity influence health.
- Why community involvement is important for effective mental health


- Understand issues affecting personal and community health and wellbeing.

- Be able to access, organise and use information about health.
- Investigate roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities and
governments in addressing health issues and priorities.
- Analyse current health trends and issues.
- Analyse health promoting strategies and the role education has on promoting
and enhancing health outcomes.
- Collaborate with others in a group activity on a health issue
- Reflect on thinking on personal and social actions to promote improved health
outcomes for individuals and communities
- Reflect on personal attitudes and values on a specific health issue (Mental

Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL)

Domain 1: Learning This unit plan in comparison to the Tfel domain 1 links to;
for effective teaching 1.1 understanding how self and others learn, by understanding how students in
this class allows for effective tailoring and design of the program and
appropriately accommodate for all students. This will help build engagement and
promote learning.
1.4 engaging in the community is a vital aspect of this unit as it is an essential
part of health education. By including the community allows for strengthening of
pedagogy and experience to create valuable learning.

Ashley Burns - 2137244
1.6 design, plan and organise for teaching and learning, this is met through the
creation of this unit plan.

Domain 2: Create This unit plan in comparison to Tfel domain 2 links to;
safe conditions for 2.2 building a community of learners is an important aspect of creating a safe and
rigorous learning respectful environment for health practice. Collaboration also builds this standard
to positively build the relationships during learning.
2.3, negotiating learning is seen in the assessment task 1 which enables students
to choose between a written piece or and oral, this helps students how struggle
with writing particularly those with dyslexia and ESL to complete the assessment

Domain 3: Develop
expert learners 3.1 teach students to learn is incorporated through the activities during the unit,
by completing singular, group task and other assessment enables the students to
complete different forms of work and understand what works best for them.

Domain 4:
Personalise and 4.1 building on learners’ understandings incorporates the constructivist theory
connect learning used in the implementation of this lesson by 4.2 connecting learning to students’
lives and aspirations by engaging with the community. 4.4 communicating
learning through multiple modes is implemented through providing information
in videos, research and text to build engagement and exposes students to
differing types of information. This also includes ICT use.

Assessment Pre-assessment

Entry Card
This pre-assessment is aimed to acknowledge student knowledge for the
upcoming unit. This will be implemented at the end of the previous unit in health
and should give the teacher insight into what students actually know.

This entry card will include:

How does mental health influence health?

What is the importance of community in health

What do you need to do to better understand this lesson?

1-2 questions that you have entering this unit.



Ashley Burns - 2137244
The Kahootz quiz will be used to recap from the previous lesson and provide
repetition of the core concepts. This does not require being done every week but
in this unit will be used most weeks to ensure students are grasping content. Then
teachers can discuss points that students have struggling in or just take home
without discussion to save time for the lesson then recap in the next lesson.
(I1, I2, I3) Group task
Students in groups of three will research (In practice to Summative Task) analyse
Application data and produce a health promotion strategy/program and with the community
(AP1, such as Headspace Adelaide can in theory implement their program inside their
AP2, AP3) service. This will help prepare students for the SACE assessment task later in the
unit and help achieve the learning outcomes in this unit. Students will then
Reflection individually reflect upon their program and critique
(R1+R2) - What went well?
- What could have been done better?
- Do you think this will influence the community? Discuss

As a formative task this is more about learning about strategies, policy and
programs rather than the assessment and students will be provided with a non-
graded pass when completed.

Exit cards

This exit card will be conducted at the end of most lessons. These exit cards
allow the teacher to see that they understand the content from that lesson and are
used for the Kahootz quiz each lesson.
The Exit card follows this format:

2 things that you have learnt this lesson?

1 thing that could have been taught better or explained more?

1-2 questions about today’s class?

This enables the teacher to first-hand view how the students are thinking and
provides some teacher feedback for some professional development.


Investigation Assessment 1
(I1, I2, I3)
Students undertake at least one issues response. They evaluate and respond to a
Application current health issue and reflect on their attitudes to the issue and on the values
(AP1, that influence those attitudes.
AP2, AP3) The responses may be in written, oral, or multimodal form. Students may choose
personal and confidential issues for their responses. They must be informed that
Reflection teachers will maintain confidentiality and respect their responses where possible,
(R1+R2) but that teachers have legal responsibilities in the area of mandatory reporting.
A response should be a maximum of 1000 words if written or a maximum of
6 minutes for an oral presentation, or the equivalent in multimodal form.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning in relation to
the following assessment design criteria:

Ashley Burns - 2137244
- Investigation
- Application
- Analysis
- Reflection.

(SACE Health Outline, 2017)

Rubric provided below


The exit cards will included to enable reflection for formative purposes as stated
above, this allows students to improve and become involved in the learning

Recording, Reporting and Feedback

Students receive regular feedback on their exit cards as they are returned to the
students to view each week during the lesson. Students will also gain instant
feedback through the Kahootz quiz as it is an instant answer. By completing a
variety of different assessments gives the teacher a range of data to track progress
during this unit. Through the Exit cards display how students are tracking along
with Kahootz quizzes, group work throughout the semester along with the group
task and the summative task allows for appropriate measurement of student
progress. This can be kept in personal files for progression which can be referred
to when used with other teachers and parents.

Ashley Burns - 2137244
(50min Link to
per Big question/ Lesson objectives/Know, Teaching and
single Lesson theme tasks Understand and Do learning
100 and Assessment for strategies
minutes learning.
1 Definitions of Entry Card completed. Know: Teacher - Butchers paper
(Single) Mental Health What is mental health instructed - Markers
Class discussion. and emotional health? learning. - Exit Cards

Mind Map Rotations Understand: Collaborative

Definitions of Mental Why mental health has mind map
and Emotional health. such an influence in
health. Exit card for
Partner feedback of reflection and
created definitions. Do: Teacher
Understand issues understanding
Exit Cards/Lesson close. affecting personal and
community health and

2 Lead on from Opening of class and Know: Teacher

(Double) last class and Kahootz. What is mental health facilitated group Kahootz
begins signs of and emotional health? discussion.
mental health. Recap of last lesson. John Video
Understand: Multimedia of
Topic in further depth. Why mental health has information for
such an influence in engagement Exit Cards
John Oliver – Mental health.
Health. Student
Do: facilitated

Ashley Burns - 2137244
Group discussion of Understand issues discussion
video affecting personal and around video.
community health and
Lesson Closure/Exit wellbeing.

3 Beginning of Class discussion of exit Know: Teacher

(Single) mental health cards from previous Positive emotional and facilitated
strategies. lesson. mental health discussion
strategies. Exit Cards
Lesson that starts the Exit card for
concept of Mental Understand: reflection and
health strategies. Why mental health has Teacher
such an influence in understanding
Lesson Closure/Exit health.
Cards. How attitudes help
shape the stigma
surrounding health.

How lifestyle choices

such as physical
activity influence

Understand issues
affecting personal and
community health and
Reflect on personal
attitudes and values on
a specific health issue
(Mental Health)
Analyse health
promoting strategies

Ashley Burns - 2137244
and the role education
has on promoting and
enhancing health
4 Mental health Opening of class and Know: Kahootz quiz
(Double) strategies Kahootz. Positive emotional and Kahootz for ice
mental health breaking into Family Feud resources
Discussion of last week’s strategies. content.
class. Previous summative works for students.
Understand: Teacher
Teacher facilitated Why mental health has facilitated Exit Cards
Family Feud. such an influence in discussion of
health. exit card.
Summative Task How lifestyle choices
Research/Work. such as physical Gam-based
activity influence learning for
Lesson Closure/Exit health. content
Cards. retention and
Do: break up usual
Understand issues format.
affecting personal and
community health and Exit card for
wellbeing. reflection and
Reflect on personal Teacher
attitudes and values on understanding
a specific health issue
(Mental Health)

Analyse health
promoting strategies
and the role education
has on promoting and
enhancing health

Ashley Burns - 2137244
5 Relationship Class discussion of exit Know: Teacher
(Single) of physical cards from previous Relationship between facilitated Markers
activity and lesson. physical activity and discussion. Exit Cards
mental health physical, mental and
Discussion of how emotional health. Mind map on
Physical activity is white board to
beneficial. Understand: promote
How lifestyle choices communication
Mind Map on such as physical and sharing of
Whiteboard Class activity influence ideas. Building
facilitated. health. the community
of learners.
Lesson Closure/Exit Do:
Cards (10 Min) Understand issues Exit card for
affecting personal and reflection and
community health and Teacher
wellbeing. understanding
Analyse current health
trends and issues.
- Analyse health
promoting strategies
and the role education
has on promoting and
enhancing health

6 Relationship Opening of class and Know: Real life

(Double) of physical Kahootz (10 Min) Relationship between application to Exit Cards
activity and physical activity and improve
mental health First hour - Outside physical, mental and engagement.
lesson, take students emotional health.
outside for some Changing usual
physical activity, even Understand: dynamic of class
just everyday activities How lifestyle choices
such as physical

Ashley Burns - 2137244
that promote healthy activity influence (May struggle
mental health. health. with student
with ASD)
Begin group task Do:
(Students placed in Analyse current health Multimedia
groups) Begin research. trends and issues. approach.
Analyse health
Lesson Closure/Exit promoting strategies Beginning
Cards (10 Min) and the role education collaborative
has on promoting and assessment.
enhancing health
outcomes. Exit card for
reflection and
Collaborate with others Teacher
in a group activity on a understanding
health issue

Ashley Burns - 2137244
7 Mental Health Class discussion of exit Know:
(Single) in adolescents cards from previous Mental health concerns Student lead Video
and adults lesson. of adolescents and discussion, this
adults in contemporary week one Exit Cards
White board discussion. society. student write .
and idea on the
Examples. Understand: board.
How attitudes help
Video of adolescent for shape the stigma Examples for
real life context. surrounding health. real life context.

Do: Video for

Lesson Closure/Exit Reflect on thinking on multimedia
Cards. personal and social component.
actions to promote
improved health Exit card for
outcomes for reflection and
individuals and Teacher
communities. understanding

8 Mental Health Opening of class and Know: Student centred Markers

(Double) in adolescents Kahootz. Mental health concerns learning Exit Cards
and adults of adolescents and through inquiry
Recap of last lesson adults in contemporary
society. Allowing for
Send students for some collaboration in
inquiry based learning Understand: group task.
(googling lesson title). How attitudes help
shape the stigma Exit card for
surrounding health. reflection and

Ashley Burns - 2137244
Bring group back for Teacher
discussion Do: understanding
Reflect on thinking on
Last hour group task personal and social
actions to promote
Lesson Closure/Exit improved health
Cards outcomes for
individuals and
9 Current social Class discussion of exit Know: Teacher
(Single) policies cards from previous Current social policies facilitate class Markers
lesson in relation to mental discussion Exit Cards
health and equity.
Identify State Grid up of
Government policies on Understand: different
health on whiteboard How why some people services on
and research a variety may be at greater risk whiteboard for
of different services to develop mental comparison.
(Federal, State). health problems.
Provide some
Mock group Why community feedback for
presentation handed up involvement is group tasks
to ensure ready or important for effective
nearly ready for mental health Exit card for
presentation. promotion. reflection and
Lesson Closure/Exit Do: understanding
Cards Analyse current health
trends and issues.

Analyse health
promoting strategies
and the role education
has on promoting and

Ashley Burns - 2137244
enhancing health

10 Current Students taken on Know: Student Permission Slips (previously signed)

(Double) Social Policies excursion to local health Current social policies excursion for
services to present their in relation to mental real life Potential Transport (public transport)
program and are given health and equity. application.
feedback from Peer feedback sheets
professionals (set up at Understand: This links to
start of year so to ensure How why some people Health
right time for service.) may be at greater risk promoting
to develop mental schools by
Peer feedback. health problems. engaging with
the community
Why community outside the
involvement is school and
important for effective working with
mental health these services
promotion. for potential
Analyse current health
trends and issues.

Analyse health
promoting strategies
and the role education
has on promoting and
enhancing health

Ashley Burns - 2137244
11 Effects of Class discussion of exit Know: Teacher Exit Cards
(Single) negative cards from previous Effects of negative facilitated
behaviour lesson behaviour such as discussion.
such as bullying and prejudice
bullying and Value walk of negative on mental and Student value
prejudice on and positive behaviours. emotional health. walk, building a
mental and community of
emotional Questions surrounding Understand: learners and
health Summative Task. How lifestyle choices builds on
such as physical students’
Lesson Closure/Exit activity influence experiences and
Cards health. expectations and
Why mental health has potential
such an influence in confronting
health. their ideas in a
How attitudes help safe and
shape the stigma respectful
surrounding health. environment.

Do: Exit card for

Reflect on thinking on reflection and
personal and social Teacher
actions to promote understanding
improved health
outcomes for
individuals and
12 Effects of Kahootz Know: Student centred
(Double) negative Effects of negative discussion Exit Cards
behaviour Recap on previous behaviour such as
such as lesson. Student centred. bullying and prejudice Final exit cards
bullying and Take a back seat and on mental and for reflection
prejudice on allow students to recap. emotional health. and Teacher
mental and understanding
emotional Understand:

Ashley Burns - 2137244
health and Further detail into main How lifestyle choices
main lesson to concept. such as physical
work on activity influence
Summative Give a majority of time health.
Task. for students to finish Why mental health has
Summative Task such an influence in
Lesson Closure/Final How attitudes help
Exit Card shape the stigma
surrounding health.

Reflect on thinking on
personal and social
actions to promote
improved health
outcomes for
individuals and

Ashley Burns - 2137244

Assessment 1 Performance standards/rubric


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