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1. Short Nail: Energic, curious, intuitive, logical.

2. Nails short, tend to be wider than long. Critical and quick-tempered.

3. Wide nails, long, rounded at the edges, People with clear advise and reasonable.

4. Long nails almond-shaped. People calm and relaxed, dreamer.

5. Very large nails, rectangular cold and selfish

6. Wedge-shaped nails. Over-sensitive.



A. Practical, hands flat rectangle with short fingers. Honest, hard workers, and natural. In connection

with the earth element.

B. Intuitive, a hand with long fingers short. Energetic, can not be silent, individualist, associated with

the element fire.

C. Sensitive, the length of a hand with long fingers, imaginative, emotional, and often more introvert.

Regarding the element of water.

D. Intellectual, a hand with the terms of the four fingers long. Jockey, rational, clever mind alert and

the regular (sometimes too regularly). In connection with the elements of the air.



1. Elemental on a thick, wide, short fingered. Perhaps a slow thinker, a rough and physical.

2. Tetragon usually called on ordinary rectangular with the fingers wide and blunt. Practical,
conventional, difficult to adapt, not intellectual.

3. Spatulat hand and a shovel-shaped berjari straight, are ambitious and energetic. Independent,
distracted, not too intellectual.

4. Philosophical hand with wide segment of the finger, is logical, careful thought and introvert depth,
analytical rather than castle.

5. Artistic Hand conic called normal for a long and flexible, with a pointed finger. Is sensitive, creative,
more impulsive rather than methodology.

6. Idealism always called psychic hand a longer and more subtle. "Reside in the top of the cloud" and
far from reality that hard, dreamer, mystical, aesthetic.

7. The mixture should even vaguely because no one hundred percent fit on one of the six categories
above. Most of the human hand is a combination of two or more types of the above, as well as
human nature.
Breasts personality –

 If a woman have breast forms containing the full or plump, it's means not like competition, and

like to influence others.

 If a woman have form of small breasts, it's means never give up, and when trying always to the

 If a woman have large breast forms, it's means not good at keeping feelings, and quick offense.

 If a woman have breast forms containing the full or plump, it's means not like competition, and

like to influence others.

 If a woman have form of small breasts, it's means never give up, and when trying always to the

 If a woman have large breast forms, it's means not good at keeping feelings, and quick offense.

Someone's Fingers Shapes Reflect Their Character and


Fig of Fingers Shapes

 Long finger shapes are reflected character of intelligent.

 Short finger shapes are reflected character of impulsive, hurried and less intelegent.

 Large finger shapes are reflected character of serious and slow thinking.

 Square (1) finger shapes are reflected character of deep thinking and careful.

 Spatulat (2) finger shapes are reflected character of energetic.

 Having waist finger shapes are reflected character of full consideration.

 Cuneiform (3) finger shapes are reflected character of impulsive, artistic and too careful.

 Gent finger shapes are reflected character of introvert and aesthetic.

 Thick and short finger shapes are reflected character of selfish.

 Curve finger shapes are reflected character of jealous and angry easily.

 Distended finger shapes are reflected character of hedonistic.

 Straight Booked (4) finger shapes are reflected character of quick thinking and impulsive.

 Dent booked finger shapes are reflected character of think of depth and dignity.

 Big booked finger shapes are reflected character of methodical and rational.

Hand Line Shape Palmistry According to Planets Name

(fig. 03)

1. Venus Hill

If in physically manner are wide, hard and spherically health, have meaning of warm soul, honest full
attention, like children.

If in physically manner are flat and not grow, have meaning of brittle body condition, separated self

and can stand alone.

If in physically manner are big, have meaning of high vitality.

If in physically manner are very big and grow more than general, have meaning of very energetic

physically and hedonist.

If in physically manner are tall and hard, have meaning of have great sex oriented.

If in physically manner are tall and smooth, have meaning of swaying with the wind, following

whatever opinion that is dominant.

If in physically manner are bumper in the bottom of the hill, have meaning of all the energy maybe

striped on the artistic things.

If in physically manner are sign with big satire, have meaning of people who have one big love in

whole live.

2. Mars Valley

If in physically manner are having normal size, have meaning of brave as physically, distinct, would

be calm in a critical situation.

If in physically manner are flat and not grow, have meaning of a coward, afraid from physical suffer.

If in physically manner are very big and grow more than general, have meaning of cruel and

argumentative, may be brutal, but never afraid to take risks.

3. Jupiter Hill

If in physically manner are having normal size, have meaning of enthusiastic, ambitious, good temper
and friendly. Self confident and good deed. In base, conventional and conservative, famous lover

and ritual.

4. Saturnus Hill

If in physically manner are normal, have meaning of these people are introspective, serious thinking,

be careful and wise.

If in physically manner are flat and not grow, have meaning of people that possess live purpose


If in physically manner are very big and grow more than general, have meaning of depressed,

interesting, hermit. Perhaps, have no full healthy and inclined to do suicide.

If in physically manner are at an angle direct to Apollo hill, have meaning of high appreciation of


5. Appolo Hill (Sun Hill)

If in physically manner are normal, have meaning of joyful people with sequence of lucks. Have good

appetite and lean to be artistic.

If in physically manner are flat and not grow, have meaning of direct to bored life and don't have

interest with arts and cultures in any forms.

If in physically manner are very big and grow more than general, have meaning of luxurious,

extravagant, dan hedonistic.

If in physically manner are at an angle direct to Mercury hill, have meaning of could produce money

from arts.

If in physically manner are related with Mercury hill, have meaning of lean to be introvert or extrovert,

anything that see on finger will be powered.

6. Mercury Hill

If in physically manner are normal, have meaning of think fast but subtle, life, persuasive, hard

worker, need variations and friends.

If in physically manner are flat and not grow, have meaning of tired, easy to be tricked, and don't

have sense of humor. Failed people.

If in physically manner are big, have meaning of good sense of humor.

If in physically manner are very big and grow more than general, have meaning of tricky cruel,

materialistic and hand long. Fraud people.

If in physically manner are sign with short lines, straight on stigma medic. Full of attention, full of

affection, potential healing. Usualy found in hands of doctors or nurses.

7. Upper Mars Hill

If in physically manner are normal, have meaning of morally brave.

If in physically manner are flat and not grow unusually, have meaning of lean to be coward because

just interest with fine of themselves.

If in physically manner are very big and grow more than general, have meaning of bad temper,

sarcastic, cruel as mentality.

8. Moon Hill

If in physically manner are normal, have meaning of sensitive, romantic and imaginative, artistic,

perhaps have big love to the sea.

If in physically manner are flat and not grow, have meaning of do not imaginative, don't have

sympathy, unstable, cold, hard conviction.

If in physically manner are very big and grow more than general, have meaning of imaginative more

than usually, introspective, perhaps not honest.

If in physicaly manner are tall and hard, have meaning of easy to change leader, easy to be

offended, swaying with the wind, following whatever opinion is dominant.

If in physically manner are close to Venus hill, have meaning of full of desire.

If in physically manner are close to hand circle, have meaning of suppose to have magical power.

Hand Line Map of Palmistry

(fig. 02)

Hand Map

See fig. 02 above. After you know about obligatory position or technical term that used by palmistry

specialist, more better for you to know about "hand map". Hand map is basic technical terms that

generaly used by hand fortune teller or hand oracle. From fig. 02, we can see numbers that direct to

many different parts of our hand, bellow here are the name for each part of our hand:
 1. Jupiter Finger

 2. Solomon Ring

 3. Internode Finger of Willingness

 4. Jupiter Hill

 5. Gridle Venus

 6. Internode Finger of Logical

 7. Lower Mars Hill

 8. Life Line

 9. Mars Line

 10. Venus Hill

 11. Via Lasciva

 12. Racettes

 13. Saturnus Finger

 14. Appolo Finger

 15. Mercury Finger

 16. Saturnus Ring

 17. Saturnus Hill

 18. Appolo Hill

 19. Heart Line

 20. Mercury Hill

 21. Head Line

 22. Child Line

 23. Marriage Line

 24. Hepatica
 25. Intuition Line

 26. Upper Mars Hill

 27. Destiny Line

 28. Sun Line

 29. Moon Hill

Explanation of Hand Lines in a General Palmistry Manner

(fig. 01)

1. Venus Corset Lines

 No line: Have good controlled personality, calm.

 Clearly sign: More emotions, need something to stimulate and variations.

 Short: Really aware to other feeling.

 Hazy or broken off: More sensitive.

 Cut of Destiny line and Sun line: Humorist, talented.

 Finished at Mercury hill: Have big power back up, but lean to be extreme.

 Edge hand side, not shape half circle: Anxious, quiver.

2. Via Lasciva (Milky Way)

 Straight: Nervous, easy to bored.

 Straight and long, reach to Mercury hill: Good speaker about uncertain morality.

 Curve: People who enemy themselves.

 Curve and start from Venus Hill: React anything with excessive. People who easy to addict with

anything, i.e: alcohol, etc.

 Branch line reach to Sun line: Have aptitude to be rich people if the lines not really touched.

Suffer a financial loss as a consequence of relationship, i.e: expensive divorce problem, if the lines


3. Rascettes (Bracelet)
 Parallel and clear: Healthy life, prosperous, age long and peaceful.

 Top side, like chains: Happy life after having trouble.

 Top side, arc inside of hand palm for women hands: Will have trouble when birth a baby.

 Line from top side go in the direction of Jupiter hill: Long journey and profitable.

 Line from top side go in the direction of Sun hill: Will have foreign trip to warm climate country.

 Line from top side go in the direction of Merkuri hill: Rich of sudden.

 Line from top side go in the direction of Moon hill: Each lines representate a trip.

4. Hepatica (Healthy Line)

 No line: Powerful and health physical condition.

 Deep carved: Low body resistance and stamina.

 A long unbroken wave or swell: Absorption problem.

 Hazy: Less of stamina.

 Touch the Life line: Need extra take care of health at the time.

5. Mars Line (Inner Life Line)

If present, could defend when disease or danger attacked.

6 Marriage Line
 Clearly sign: Marriage or intimate relationship. Number of lines, will indicate how many number of

 Unclear sign no line: Indicate romantic string that not beneficial enough.

 Long and straight: Long time relationship and happy.

 Broken: Divorced or separated.

 Broken lines overlapping another: Assemble again after separated, maybe married again with

same people.
 Double line: Relationship with two differ people at the same time, deeply relative from this

relationship indicate with strength on line.

 Arc to the bottom side: Have longer age from husband or wife.

 Strength arc to the top side of the little finger bottom direction: No marriage but not celibate.

 Arc to the top side of Sun line direction: Marriage with famous people or rich if the lines really are

not touched. If crossed, that marriage will be unhappy.

 Start with fork form: Delay or frustrate in the early of relationship.

 End with fork form: Divorced or separated.

 Cut of line that come from the bottom of Mercury finger: Kind of relationship.

 Cut of Venus corset: Unhappy marriage, troublesome couple.

7. Child Line

If there's exist: The lines sourced from the bottom of Mercury finger go in the Marriage line direction.

The number of lines indicate how many number of child; stronger line will indicate boys, but weak

lines indicate daughters.

People's Characteristics from Blood Type

People's Characteristics from Blood Type

Blood Type A :
1. Usually the people who have blood A are presence of mind, serious, patient, calm and cool.

2. The people who have blood A have the coherent character, can be relied on and trusted but


3. Before doing something they think beforehand of it. And plan everything maturely. They do

everything very seriously and consistently.

4. They try to make their self possible to be ideal and fair.

5. They can looked to be stand apart and far from people.

6. They try to depress their feeling and often do that to be seen obstinate. Although be in fact, they

have flabby side like nervous, etc.

7. They are tend to ossify other people who don't in their agreement. Hence they tend to reside in

around the people who have same temper.

Blood Type B :
1. The people who have blood B are tend to be vexed and interest in everything.

2. They also tend to have much exasperations and hobby. If they like with something, they usually

dothat with all desire but also quickly tire of.

3. But they usually can choose which is more important from so many matters that still doing of him.

4. They are tend and want to be the first one in so many matter, they don't want to be an average

ordinary people. And they usually tend to neglect something if focused with other workdload. Equally,

they cannot do something concurrent in same time.

5. From the outside, they look like very bright, blithe, motivated and enthusiastic. But in fact the all

thing that seen in their outside are differ from inside of them.

6. They can be told as the people one who don't wish to associate with many people.

Blood Type O :
1. The people who have blood O, they are usually play to create an enthusiasm into a group. And

play to create a harmony among members of the group.

2. Their figure seen as one who accept and do something quietly. They are clever to close over

something so they looked to be blithe always, peace and have no problem in at all. But if not held up,

they surely will look for the place or people to talk.

3. They are usually generous (kindhearted), like to do benefaction. They are generous and not

reluctant to release their money for others.

4. They are usually loved by everybody, " loved by all". But in fact they also could be stuborn, and in

secret they have theirself own opinion in concerning matters.

5. In Other part, they are very flexible and very easy to accept all new things.

6. They are tend to be influenced easily by others and by thing that they are seen on TV.

7. They are seen to be trustworthy and presence of mind but they often sliped and make big mistake

because less taking a care. But that all cause the people who have blood O are be loved.

Blood Type AB :
1. The people who have blood AB are have sensitive feeling and soft.

2. They are full of attention with others feeling and always face the others with caring and also


3. Beside that they are ossify with themselves and also with people who close arround them.
4. They are tend to be looked have two personality.

5. They are often become to be sentimentil people and think of something too deep.

6. They have many friends, but they require the time to stand apart to think of their problems.

Hairs Form of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality

The following Javanese Astrology Divining Manual post, have a title 'Hairs Form of Human Reflect

Their Character and Personality'. In this 'Hairs Form of Human Reflect Their Character and

Personality' beneath, will be explained about character and personality of someone could be known

from the form of their hairs.

Hair Colors of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality

Below here's the explanation list of 'Hair Colors of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality':

 If someone have very black hair color, it's means never give up, not easily discouraged, and well

 If someone have black hair color and weak, it's means sincere but changed their mind easily.

 If someone have black hair color and shiny, it's means like science, patient but firm.

 If someone have black hair color and slightly wavy, it's means easily influenced, but have smart

 If someone have weak and rather smooth hair, it's means susceptible to disease, and rather

 If someone have slightly reddish hair color, it's means have an unpredictable behavior, and not

like regular life.

 If someone have rarely hair, it's means not good at saving money, and stubborn.

 If someone have rigid or stiff hair, it's means tenacious, assertive, and courageous.

 If someone have dense or heavy hair, it's means articulate, and resourceful.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eyes Form of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality

Now let's see our post about 'Eyes Form of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality'. In this

'Eyes Form of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality' beneath, will be explained about

character and personality of someone could be known from the form of their eyes.

Eyes Form of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality

Below here's the explanation list of 'Eyes Form of Human Reflect Their Character and Personality':

Form of the eyes are rounded

 If someone's form of the eyes are rounded, describe that he/she is good-hearted, helpful and

happy to work.

Form of the eyes are wide

 If someone's form of the eyes are wide, describe that he/she is honest, love declare, and


Form of the eyes are slanting

 If someone's form of the eyes are slanting, describe that he/she is full of spirit, not easy to

despair, and almost always achieve.

Form of the eyes are squint

 If someone's form of the eyes are squint, describe that he/she is envious, never satisfied, always

alive and suffering.

Form of the eyes are medium

 If someone's form of the eyes are medium, describe that he/she is venturesome, and have a firm


Form of the eyes are oval

 If someone's form of the eyes are oval, describe that he/she is a grandiose thinking people, and


Someone's Nose Form Reflect Their Character and Personality

Now let's see our post about 'Someone's Nose Form Reflect Their Character and Personality'. In this

'Someone's Nose Form Reflect Their Character and Personality' beneath, will be explained about

character and personality of someone could be known from their form of nose.

Someone's Nose Form Reflect Their Character and Personality

Below here's a list of Someone's Nose Form Reflect Their Character and Personality:

Form of the nose is rather large

If someone's form of the nose is rather large, reflect umbrageous fast, big appetite, and quite

Form the bottom of the nose is rather large

If someone's form the bottom of the nose is rather large, reflect clever not save money, think of high-

Form of the nose is rather large but sharp

If someone's form of the nose is rather large but sharp, reflect lofty, love be selfish.

Form of the nose is rather large but the pug

If someone's form of the nose is rather large but the pug, reflect parsimonious, does not have the

Form of the nose rather large and round

If someone's form of the nose rather large and round, reflect have great prestige, not considered to
be unimportant.

Form of the nose is rather small

If someone's form of the nose is rather small, reflect intelligent, but always suffer in life.
Form of the nose are quite
If someone's form of the nose are quite, reflect sincere, benevolent.

Form of the nose rather sharp

If someone's the form of nose rather sharp, reflect sportif, eloquent.

Form of the nose with nostril widish

If someone's form of the nose with nostril widish, reflect envious, like other people want to belong.

Form of the nose with nostril slightly smaller

If someone's form of the nose with nostril slightly smaller, reflect does not have any fixed ideas,
easily tempted.

Someone's Face Color Reflect Their Character and Personality

Someone's Face Color Reflect Their Character and Personality

Below here's a list of Someone's Face Color that Reflect Their Character and Personality:

1. White Color of Face

If face have white color, it means not feeling clever store and can not be held confidential.

2. Reddish Color of Face

If face have reddish color, it means have a high spirit, love working hard.

3. Blacky Color of Face

If face have blacky color, it means umbrageous fast, easy to despair.

4. Quite White Color of Face

If face have quite white color, it means rather hamlet, quite careful and do not have a fixed mind.

5. Smooth Red Color of Face

If face have smooth red color, it means less initiative, not so smart.

6. Reddish White Color of Face

If face have reddish white color, it means stage can not be suspected, like dishonest, corrupt.

7. Pale Slightly Oily Color of Face

If face have pale slightly oily color, it means their life is always suffering, less happy.

Someone's Small Moles (Freckles) Reflect Their Character and


Someone's Small Moles (Freckles) Reflect Their Character and Personality

Below here's a list of Someone's Small Moles (Freckles) Reflect Their Character and Personality:
If there are small moles or freckles in the stomach, it means impressionable, gentle, and be clean.

If there are small moles or freckles on the nose, it means preferred person, not stingy, and rich.

If there are small moles or freckles in the top or bottom lip, it means be in a lot of people and rich.

If there are small moles or freckles on the chin, it means can not be trusted, a lot of talk.

If there are small moles or freckles on the left forehead, it means intelligent, strong mentally and

If there are small moles or freckles right in the forehead, it means jaunty, like the adventurous.

If there are small moles or freckles on the left cheek, it means extravagant, many obstruction.

If there are small moles or freckles on the right cheek, it means helpful and not dare.

If there are small moles or freckles on the left eyebrow, it means selfish, does not want to care about
other people in distress.

If there are small moles or freckles on the right eyebrow, it means many bear the burden, never

If there are small moles or freckles on the chest, it means unbending.

If there are small moles or freckles in the arm, it means brave, strong, taciturn.

If there are small moles or freckles on the wrist, it means a lot of talk, can not save money.

If there are small moles or freckles on the right or left knee, it means humored, strong run.

If there are small moles or freckles on the left shoulder, it means patiently, carefully, have a
permanent establishment.

If there are small moles or freckles on the right ear, it means does not parsimonious, have the

If there are small moles or freckles on the left ear, it means susceptive, quick-tempered.

Someone's Black Flex (Birthmark) on Face (Skin) Reflect Their

Character and Personality

Someone's Black Flex (Birthmark) on Face (Skin) Reflect Their Character and Personality

Below here's a list of Someone's Black Flex (Birthmark) on Face (Skin) Reflect Their Character and

1. On Navel
Someone who have black flex mark or birthmark on their navel, it means their whole life will always
suffer because of so many obstacles that come.
2. On Face
Someone who have black flex mark or birthmark on their face, it means they will always make
troubles that can make their parents angry.

3. On Hip (Bottom): Just one sign

Someone who have black flex mark or birthmark on their hip (bottom) but just one sign on there, it
means have power to sit.

4. On Hip (Bottom): Many signs

Someone who have black flex mark or birthmark on their hip (bottom) but many signs on there, it
means their whole live will always suffer.

5. On the middle of Hip (Bottom)

Someone who have black flex mark or birthmark on the middle of their hip (bottom), it means they
are bright, smart and light in hand. Like to help.

6. On Right or Left Foot

Someone who have black flex mark or birthmark on their right or left foot, it means have power

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