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Universidad Mariano Gálvez

Facultad de Humanidades
Escuela de Idiomas
Licenciatura en traducción (inglés-español español-inglés)
Gramática en Inglés
Catedrática: Lcda. Loida Ramírez

Conditionals sentences in songs.

Pedro Pablo Solis Jerónimo

Sección: B
Carné 37761821009
Guatemala 1 de septiembre de 2018
Conditional sentences in songs.

1. If I should stay, I would only be your best friend.

2. If you're a house I would live in you all my days and all my nights.

3. If I were a rich man, I would buy 3 cars and I would travel for the all world.

4. Would you know my name is I would ask you tomorrow?

5. If you give me the chance, I would take this advantage.

6. I'd have all the money in the world if I won the lottery.

7. Would you dance if i play some music?

8. Would you cry if you fall and hit your hand?

9. Would you know my name if i have a tag that says it?

10. If I were a girl, I think I could understand how it feels being one.

Youtube. (2017). Taken from

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