Dual Pol Magnetoelectric Reference

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8, 2009

A Broadband Dual-Polarized Magneto-Electric

Dipole Antenna With Simple Feeds
Bi Qun Wu, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, and Kwai-Man Luk, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—A novel dual-polarized magneto-electric dipole an-

tenna excited by two 0-shaped strips is presented. The antenna
achieves a common impedance bandwidth of 65.9% (SWR 2)
at both input ports. The antenna has excellent performance in
isolation, which is more than 36 dB between the two input ports,
and the gain of the antenna is about 9.5 dBi. The radiation pattern
and bandwidth over the operating frequency band are very stable.
Index Terms—Cross-polarization, dual-polarized magneto-elec-
tric dipole antenna, 0-shaped strip feed, high isolation and dual-

N THE DEVELOPMENT of recent wireless communica-
I tions, the capacity issue is becoming critical due to the ex-
pansion of wireless services and the number of mobile sub-
scribers. Research work has been focused on frequency reuse Fig. 1. Photograph of a dual-polarized magneto-electric dipole antenna with
and polarization diversity by using two orthogonal polarizations ground plane.
[1]. For the past few years, dual-polarized antennas have
been used widely in mobile communications to increase ca-
pacity and reduce the installation costs [2]. Significant advance-
ment in the design of dual-polarized antennas is observed.
However, it is difficult to achieve wide bandwidth, high isola-
tion, and low cross-polarization simultaneously [1]. The patch
antenna is a good choice over other kinds of antennas due to
its low profile, light weight, low costs, and easy fabrication for
dual-polarization implementation [3]. By employing aperture-
coupled feeds, a high-isolation antenna with wide impedance
bandwidth of more than 14% can be obtained [4]. With the use
of L-probe feeds, a patch antenna with impedance bandwidth of
about 24% and isolation over 30 dB can be obtained [1]. How-
ever, it requires two pairs of L-shaped probes to suppress the
coupling for achieving high isolation between two ports, which
increases the complexity of the antenna and costs of fabrication
A concept of exciting electric dipole and magnetic dipole si-
multaneously to produce equal E- and H-planes radiation pat- Fig. 2. Perspective view of a dual-polarized magneto-electric dipole antenna.
terns was first revealed by Clavin [5]. Since then, several inves-
tigations [6], [7] have been conducted to demonstrate the same
concept of complementary antenna. In 1974, Clavin presented
two parasitic inverted-L wires act like an electric dipole, and the
a simple structure of complementary antenna [8] in which two
rectangular slot acts like a magnetic dipole.
parasitic inverted-L wires are placed beside a slot antenna. The
Recently, a wideband complementary antenna designated as
the magneto-electric dipole was proposed by Luk et al. [9],
Manuscript received October 02, 2008; revised December 11, 2008. First pub- [10]. The antenna comprises a vertically oriented quarter-wave
lished December 31, 2008; current version published April 17, 2009. This work shorted patch and a planar dipole, which are equivalent to a com-
was supported in part by a grant from the Research Grant Commerce of the
Hong Kong Special Administration Region, China [Project No. CityU 119008]. bination of a magnetic dipole and electric dipole. Good elec-
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Depart- trical characteristics, such as low back radiation, stable antenna
ment of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, across the operating band, and symmetric E- and H-plane radia-
Hong Kong (e-mail: 50538940@student.cityu.edu.hk).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online tion patterns, were demonstrated. In this letter, a dual-polarized
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. magneto-electric dipole antenna excited by two -shaped strips
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2008.2011656 is presented.
1536-1225/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE

Fig. 5. SWR and antenna gain versus frequency.

Fig. 3. Top view of two orthogonal 0-shaped strips.

Fig. 6. Isolation versus frequency.


Fig. 4. Perspective view of two orthogonal 0-shaped strips.


configuration of the proposed magneto-electric dipole element

is a combination of an electric dipole and a vertically oriented
shorted patch antenna. The upper part of the antenna, which is
the electric dipole element, has a square shape of dimensions
mm . The electric dipole is connected with
the lower part of antenna, which is a vertically oriented shorted
patch antenna with height of 28 mm ( refers to the
center frequency of operation). The separation between two ver-
tical walls is mm. Each -shaped strip feed consists
of two portions, a transmission line, and a coupled strip. The
transmission line, which is a linear tapered microstrip line, is lo-
cated close to the corner of a bent vertical wall. The remaining
coupling strip, which is an L-shaped strip, can be adjusted for
impedance matching [10]. The feeding strip is not electrically
connected to the second dipole arm. It enters into the triangular
II. ANTENNA DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN GEOMETRY hole of second dipole arm without touching the metal. Similar
The geometry of the dual-polarized magneto-electric dipole to a conventional microstrip line, the characteristic impedance
antenna is shown in Figs. 1–4, with detailed dimensions for of the microstrip line with a folded ground plane can be adjusted
operation at around 2.45 GHz. The dimensions were selected by tuning the width of the line and the distance from the corner
after a detailed parametric study for good performance. The of the folded vertical wall. The SMA connector located under

Fig. 7. Simulated and measured radiation patterns at port 1.

the ground plane is connected to the end of the linear tapered frequency band, the isolation between two input ports is more
line. To enhance the isolation between the two ports, the two or- than 36 dB, which satisfies the design requirement for a com-
thogonal -shaped strip feeds are designated to have different mercial base station antenna. When the size of ground plane is
heights to reduce the coupling effect. reduced, the impedance and broadside radiation pattern do not
change significantly.


A prototype with dimensions shown in Table I was fabri- Fig. 5 also illustrates the antenna gain over the operating
cated and tested. Simulation results of standing-wave ratio frequencies. The maximum gain of the antenna is around
(SWR), isolation, radiation pattern, and gain were obtained by 9.5 dBi, and the 3-dB gain bandwidth covers the range from 1.6
the commercial EM software IE3D ver. 12.30. Experimental to 3.55 GHz. The simulated and measured radiation patterns
results were measured by an HP8753ES network analyzer and of the antenna at frequencies of 2.109, 2.707, and 3.306 GHz
a compact range with an HP85103C antenna measurement are plotted in Figs. 7 and 8. The antenna has stable radiation
system. Figs. 5 and 6 depict the SWR and performance patterns and low back lobes across the entire bandwidth. The
versus frequency. Table II shows simulated and measured 3-dB beamwidth of the proposed dual-polarized magneto-elec-
impedance bandwidths of the antenna. It is observed that the tric dipole antenna is tabulated in Table III. The variation of
measured impedance bandwidth is 69.7% SWR and beamwitdh over the operating band is over a few degrees. When
74.6% SWR at port 1 and port 2, respectively, which is the size of ground plane is reduced, the broadside radiation
slightly better than the original complementary wideband an- pattern does not change significantly, whereas the back-lobe
tenna design [9]. The operating frequency ranges for port 1 and level and gain deteriorate. Finally, we would like to mention
port 2 are slightly different. This is probably due to the small that the performance of the antenna is insensitive to the dimen-
difference in dimensions and locations of the two strip lines. sions of gap and height, which confirms that this is a robust
The common bandwidth of the two ports is 65.9% SWR , design. Good agreement is observed between simulation and
ranging from 1.7185 to 3.409 GHz. Over the whole operating measurement results.

Fig. 8. Simulated and measured radiation patterns at port 2.


THE 3-dB BEAMWIDTH OF DUAL-POLARIZATION ANTENNA AT DIFFERENT [1] H. Wong, K.-L. Lau, and K.-M. Luk, “Design of dual-polarized
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[2] Y.-X. Guo, K.-M. Luk, and K.-F. Lee, “Broadband dual polarization
patch element for cellular-phone base stations,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
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[3] H.-W. Lai and K.-M. Luk, “Dual polarized patch antenna fed by me-
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2625–2627, Sep. 2007.
[4] T. W. Chiou and K. L. Wong, “Broad-band dual-polarized single mi-
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[5] A. Clavin, “A new antenna feed having equal E- and H-plane patterns,”
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[6] K. Itoh and D. K. Cheng, “A novel slots-and-monopole antenna with a
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A new dual-polarized planar antenna excited by two -shaped AES-8, no. 2, pp. 130–134, Mar. 1972.
strips is simulated, fabricated, and tested. The antenna has about [7] W. W. Black and A. Clavin, “Dipole Augmented Slot Radiating Ele-
ment,” U.S. Patent 3594806, Jul. 1971.
67% SWR impedance bandwidth, and the isolation is [8] A. Clavin, D. A. Huebner, and F. J. Kilburg, “An improved element for
more than 36 dB over the whole impedance bandwidth. The use in array antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP-22, no.
maximum gain is 9.5 dBi. The radiation pattern across the 4, pp. 521–526, Jul. 1974.
operating bandwidth is stable. It is suitable for GSM1800 [9] K. M. Luk and H. Wong, “A Complementary Wideband Antenna,” U.S.
Patent No. 11/373,518, Mar. 10, 2006.
(1.7–1.88 GHz), CDMA1900 (1.85–1.99 GHz), TD-SCDMA [10] K. M. Luk and H. Wong, “A new wideband unidirectional antenna ele-
(2.01–2.025 GHz) mobile communications, etc. ment,” Int. J. Microw. Opt. Technol., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 35–44, Jun. 2006.

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