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Ikrar saya dalam membuat persediaan untuk

memperoleh A dalam Bahasa Inggeris UPSR:



Unit Pendidikan BH,

Balai Berita, 31, Jalan Riong,
59100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 1300-22- 6787 Samb. 4781 / Faks: 03-20567081



1. Understand the tasks candidates have to perform based on the new UPSR format.
2. Explore and experience the effective techniques and strategies for answering the 013
and 014 papers in the upcoming UPSR examination.
3. Understand the rules and functions of the ‘high frequency’ grammatical items (including
spelling, punctuation, vocabulary etc).
4. Understand and answer higher order thinking skills questions.
5. Increase the candidate’s level of knowledge and its subsequent application in the UPSR
6. Adopt and adapt the use of correct sentence structures based on sound knowledge in
7. Expose candidates to their strengths and weaknesses in tackling the UPSR questions.



No Item Type of Questions

1 Type of instrument • Objective
• Subjective
2 Type of item • Multiple choice
• Multiple
• Limited response
3 Sections • Section A
• 20 questions
Section B
5 questions
4 Marks • Section A
• 20 marks
Section B
30 marks
Total: 50 marks
5 Duration • 1 hour 15 minutes
6 Construct • Language system
• Vocabulary
• Reading skills
7 Scoring • Dichotomous
• Analytical

2 - Bahasa Inggeris

No Item Type of Questions

1 Type of instrument • Subjective
2 Type of item • Limited response
Open response
3 Sections • Section A
• 1 question
Section B
• 1 question
Section C
2 questions
(answer 1 out of 2 given questions)
4 Marks • Section A
• 10 marks
Section B
• 15 marks
Section C
25 marks Total: 50 marks

5 Duration • 1 hour 15 minutes

6 Construct • Language application skills
• Information application skills
• Creative and language appreciation skills
7 Scoring • Analytical
• Holistic



Adjectives Adjectives Demonstrative Interrogative Possessive

of quality of quantity adjectives adjectives adjectives
• fierce • three • this • who • mine
• naughty • third • that • what • yours
• annoying • fifty • these • where • his
• neat • those • which • hers
• clean • when • its
• how • theirs
• ours

Bahasa Inggeris - 3

Adverb of Degree

• Extent of an
Eg: very,
Adverb of extremely Adverb of Manner
• How an action
• How often an action is done
is done Eg: neatly,
Eg: often, slowly


Adverb of Time
Adverb of Place
• Where an action is Adverb of • When an action is
done Eg: yesterday,
Eg: there, Interrogation
here • To ask questions
Eg: when,


1. Positive Degree
• To describe one noun/pronoun.
Eg: Ali is a tall boy
• To compare two equal nouns/pronouns
Eg: Ali is as tall as Zul.

2. Comparative Degree
• To compare two unequal COMPARISONS
nouns/pronouns &
Eg: Ali is taller ADJECTIVES
than Muthu.
3. Superlative Degree
• To compare three or
more nouns/pronouns
Eg: Ali is the tallest boy in his class.

4 - Bahasa Inggeris

● Words that join sentences. They are used to join words, phrases and sentences.









Since/ For
Because/ As

Bahasa Inggeris - 5

● Names of people, animals, places and things


Common Countable Collective Singular

• elephant • a • a nest of ants
• boy
• waiter • an • a fall of snow • tooth
• basket • several • a fleet of ships • ox
• library • many • a herd of cow • sheep
• some • a flock of birds • woman
Proper • plenty of • brush
• a lot of
• Proton • a few Plural
• a large number
• SK Murni
Jaya • boys
• Mr. Ravi Uncountable • teeth
• Harry Potter • a little • oxen
• sheep
• much • women
• some • brushes
• plenty of
• a lot of
• a large amount of
• a great deal of

● Shows the relationship between one thing and another.

Place & Position Direction Time Accompaniment

• on • into • in • with
• by • onto • by • without
• near • past • before • by
• in front • off • since
• before • along • until
• outside • up • on
• among • over • after
• up • along • during
• above • from • for
• at • down
• beside • towards
• against • out
• inside • to
• outside

6 - Bahasa Inggeris

● Used to state quantity or amount.

some an

a a few



a large number many

plenty of

any a little


much a great amount

Bahasa Inggeris - 7

Whose When

Which QUESTION Where


How Who Why


• Words that are used instead of names of things, people, animals and place.


Personal Possessive Reflexive Demonstra Intergorative

Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns tivepronouns Pronouns
• Subject • mine • myself • this • who
I • yours • yourself • that • whom
• You • his • himself • these • what
• He • hers • herself • those • whose
• She • its • itself • which
• It • theirs • yourselves
• They • yours • themselves
• We • ourselves

• me
• you
• him
• her
• it
• them
• us

8 - Bahasa Inggeris

• These expressions make comparisons in the imagination between two things.

• Usually connected by words as or like.

Similes based on qualities of persons

Adjective (as) happy as tall as feeble as strong

Person a king a giant a child Hercules

Similes based on qualities of other living things

Adjective (as) bald as timid as playful

as angry

Other living an egg a mouse a kitten a bull

Similes based on qualities of objects or things
Adjective (as) sharp as clear as loud

as still

Objects / a razor crystal thunder statue



• A verb must agree with the subject in a sentence.

Singular is as was as eats as cycles

Plural are were eat cycle

Singular sleeps as has as does as lives

Plural sleep have do live

Bahasa Inggeris - 9

• A word which has the same meaning as another word.

word admit as abolish as careful as dear

Similar confess cansel cautious expensive


word quick as odour as sleep as weep

Similar rapid smell nap cry



• Joins a subject with a certain adjective or other words which refer to the subject.

verb to be is not as are not as was not as were not

Contracted isn't aren't wasn't weren't



• A word of opposite meaning.

• We may form an antonym by adding or changing a prefix or a suffix.
• Prefix is a word or a syllable placed at the beginning of a word.
• Suffix is a word or a letter added to the end of a word.

word capture as gentle as exhale as hollow

Opposite release rough inhale solid


word born as capable as perfect as able

Opposite unborn incapable imperfect disable


10 - Bahasa Inggeris
word conduct as normal as literate as care

Opposite misconduct abnormal illiterate careful



• Used to talk about actions which had taken place at a definite moment in the past.

like flew
fly put


TENSE talked
talk read

run liked


Animal idioms

Idioms Meaning

monkey see, monkey do silly / unintelligent people tend to copy each other’s
raining cats and dogs raining heavily
straight from the horse’s mouth directly from the original source

to be dog tired to be exhausted

Bahasa Inggeris - 11
Food idioms

Idioms Meaning
handed to someone on a silver receive something without working for it
hard nut to crack difficult to understand a person
a couch potato someone who just sits on the couch watching television
piece of cake very easy

Body idioms

Idioms Meaning
to point the finger to accuse someone or being responsible for something
bad that has happened
cold feet feeling nervous just before a big event
cost an arm and a leg being very expensive
skeleton in the closet/cupboard hiding a secret about yourself

Colour idioms

Idioms Meaning
to be in the red to be in debt

to see red to be very angry

to wave a white flag to surrender or give up
to be yellow to be cowardly

12 - Bahasa Inggeris

Satu jam lima belas minit

1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2. Kamu di kehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian ini.
3. Tiap-tiap soalan dalam Bahagian A diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B, C
dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja.

[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 “ You will have to vacate this apartment 4 Sammy a new pair of shirt every
you pay the rent by tomorrow month. C buying
morning,” the landlord reminded Zahran A buy
and his friends. C unless B buys D bought
A until
B before D although 5 “ you get your parents’ permission
2 The boys walked for the class trip to Melaka?” Halim asked
towards their Kamil. C Did
class as they are early. leisurely A Do
A quietly C B Had D Does
B quickly D hurriedly
3 Farisha’s mother did not do house
work today because she has a backache.
A any C much
B some D little

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih peribahasa yang sesuai.

6 You should not judge someone or something by what they look like or what they seem
like at first.
As the saying goes
A every cloud has a silver lining.
B two heads are better than one.
C all that glitters is not gold.
D better safe than sorry.

Bahasa Inggeris - 13
Choose the best answer for each blank.
Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

I live in a small house. It is made of bricks. There are only two rooms in my house. The kitchen

and the bathroom are very small. The living room is also not very big. The house is, , big
enough for our family of four. There is some land the house. It is covered with green
thick grass. At the back of the house there are two trees, a mango and a guava tree. In front of the

house, there is a of roses. The fragrance fills my house every morning. I love my house.
7 A therefore C since 9 A bouquet C plant
B however D but B stalk D bed
8 A at C beside
B round D around

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10 The policeman asked the man about the theft in the supermarket.
A toldC requested
B advisedD questioned

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11 A The odeon cinema is showing Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

B The Odeon Cinema is showing Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
C The Odeon cinema is showing Star Wars: the force awakens. D
The Odeon Cinema is showing Star Wars, the force awakens.
Look at the picture and choose the best answer.
Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

14 - Bahasa Inggeris
Underwater World Langkawi is one of the marine and fresh water aquaria in South
East Asia. the start of its operation in 1995, it has become one of the must visit tourist
destinations in Langkawi. It is built to raise awareness on the importance of conserving our
precious life forms, thus creating an understanding of the bond between man and
nature. The main attraction is the gigantic 15-meter long walk-through a consisting of
500,000 litres of seawater. Other attractions include the Freshwater Fish Section, the Seashell
Display, the Koi Pond, the Reptilian Section and the Coral Reef Section.
12 A large C largest 14 A aquatic C flora
B larger D gigantic B fauna D fish
13 A By C Besides 15 A tunnel C path
B Since D Through B route D hole

Questions 16 to 20
Read the news report below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Ipoh, Sun – Two siblings, aged 9 and 12 escaped from their kidnappers about 24 hours after
they were kidnapped in front of their school in Taman Slibin. The two girls found their way
to the main road and got a lift from a passerby who happened to be a police officer. He then
took them to Slibin police station.
Both sisters who were unhurt were united with their parents at the police station. Their
parents were relieved to see them. Later the two girls led a police team headed by ASP
Mahendran, to the place where they were held. There, the police arrested two illegal immi-
grants aged 25 and 30 years respectively.
The girls’ father, a petrol station owner had earlier received a note asking for a ransom of
RM200,000. However, the sisters managed to escape before the ransom could be paid. Their
parents commended the police for their swift action in apprehending the kidnappers.
16 Why were the two girls kidnapped? 18 Who kidnapped the two sisters?
A The kidnappers like them A The illegal immigrants
B The kidnappers wanted to play hide B The police officer
C and seek with their father. C ASP Mahendran
The kidnappers wanted to sell them D The petrol station owner
D off 19 Another word for kidnapped is
The kidnappers wanted money from
their father A abducted C lost
17 Where were the girls taken to by the passer B taken D hid

by? To the immigration department 20 Which of the statements below describes

A the police?
B To see their parents A They were slow in their action.
C To the police station. B They did not catch the kidnappers.
D To Slibin hospital C They only managed to catch one of
D the kidnappers.
They responded quickly and arrested
the kidnappers.

Bahasa Inggeris - 15
[30 marks]

Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh.
Tulis jawapan di tempat yang disediakan.


It’s aryanraj@
(b) [2 marks]

Sir, you cannot Answer:

use your mobile
phone here.

[2 marks]


I’m feeling

[2 marks]

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Salesgirl : Good afternoon, Madam. May I help you?

Mrs Devi : Good afternoon. Yes, I’d like to buy my daughter a birthday present.
Salesgirl : Do you have anything particular in mind?
Mrs Devi : That’s the problem. I just can’t make up my mind. It’s for a seventeen-year-old
Salesgirl girl. What would you recommend?
: How about some clothes? We have a wide selection of the latest fashion. Why
don’t you look at the latest blouses and skirts we have? They arrived just this

16 - Bahasa Inggeris
Mrs Devi : Oh, no! Her wardrobe is overflowing with clothes. I want to get her something
Salesgirl different. I want her to have something that she will really love.
: How about some costume jewellery then? I think she will love them. They are
Mrs Devi all of the latest designs too.
: That sounds interesting. Could you show me your selection of earrings?
Salesgirl : Yes, certainly. Here they are.
Mrs Devi : This pair is lovely. How much are they?
Salesgirl : They are RM155.00, Madam.
Mrs Devi : Wow! They are expensive. Do you have anything cheaper?
Salesgirl : How about this pair? They are only RM55.00 per pair. They are also lovely and
Mrs Devi will definitely look nice on your daughter.
: Yes, you are right. They do look lovely. I’ll take them. Please have them gift-
Salesgirl wrapped.
: Certainly. Could you please choose the wrapper? They only cost RM3.00 each.
Mrs Devi : I’ll have the one with floral design.
Salesgirl : I’ll have them wrapped right away.
Mrs Devi : Thank you.
Salesgirl : You are welcome and please come again.
Question 22
Tick ( ✓ ) the correct answer.

(a) Costume jewellery are ...

worn only with costumes.

made of gold.
fake jewellery.
[1 mark]

(b) In the end Mrs Devi bought ...

a gold chain.
a set of rings
a pair of earrings
[1 mark]

Write your answers in the space provided.

(c) What does Mrs Devi want to get for her daughter? Why?

[2 marks]

(d) Why did Mrs Devi ask for the salesgirl’s opinion ?

[2 marks]

Bahasa Inggeris - 17
(e) Do you think her daughter will like the gift ? Why ?

[2 marks]

Read the speech below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca ucapan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

A very good morning to Puan Zarina , the headmistress of SK Layang, teachers and
friends. In conjunction with World Environment Day, I would like to talk about
environmental awareness and to encourage all people to protect the environment.
Today we can see the wasteful consumption and bad habits that are draining the earth’s
resources. If this not prevented, these resources will be exhausted in no time.
Great amount of resources and energy can be saved with just a little effort. At home, we
should separate our garbage. Recyclable waste should be placed in different bags and disposed
off in proper bins. Besides, we can also reduce water and electricity wastage. If you are using a
washing machine, make sure that you wash a full load. This will not only avoid water wast-age
but also save electricity. Discarding unused items should only be as a last resort. Reuse or
recycle these things so that you can save some money rather than buying new ones.
When buying, make an effort to purchase only environmentally-friendly goods. We should
avoid disposable products. Buy products that can be reused, recycled or biodegradable.
The major source of environment pollution is the vehicles on the road. They contribute
more than two third of the pollutant emitted into the atmosphere. To reduce the emission we
should car pool or use public transport. The government has spent billions of ringgit to
upgrade these facilities so that more people will use them.
Every little action we take can go a long way in protecting our environment. Whatever
we do serves as an example for others. If all of us work hand in hand and make an
effective effort to save the environment, we can make a difference.

Question 23
Tick ( ✓ ) the correct answer.

(a) If wasteful consumption of earth’s resources is not prevented, they ...

will replenish after a few years.

will be exhausted in no time.
will be replaced by other resources.
[1 mark]

(b) Malik is going on a holiday. What should he do?

Switch on all the lights in the house.

Fix a time to switch on and off the lights.
Switch off all the lights.
[1 mark]

18 - Bahasa Inggeris
(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrase in List B. An example is given below.

Put all recyclable waste when the load is full.
Wash your clothes disposable products.
Avoid using in different bags
[2 marks]
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
(d) We should buy environmentally friendly products. Why?

[2 marks]

(e) What do you understand by the phrase work hand in hand?

[2 marks]

Read the advertisement and answer the questions that follow.

Baca iklan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.


• accommodation at a family room facing the sea at RM450 per night.
• free buffet breakfast for 4 people
• free use of all non-motorised facilities in the hotel
• 25% discount on the use of motorised facilities
• free wireless and gymnasium usage
• late check-out till 3.00 p.m. upon request and availability

For further inquiries, visit our website at www.

All reservations must be made online, a fortnight prior to travelling date
Peak season rates applicable during the school holidays and public holidays

Truly Malaysian Travel and Tours

Jalan Bahagia 46, Bangsar Baru Business Centre,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03 2282 6677 Fax: 03 2282 8899

Bahasa Inggeris - 19
Questions 24 and 25
Tick ( ✓ ) the correct answer.

24 (a) Salim and his father want to use the water scooter. They ...

don’t have to pay anything.

will get a discount of 25%.
need to book online.
[1 mark]

(b) a fortnight in the advertisement means ...

fourteen days.
four nights.
one night.
[1 mark]

25 (a)

Peak season rates applicable during

school holidays and public holidays.

What does the above statement means?

[2 marks]

(b) Why does the hotel want the reservation to be made online? Give reasons to support
your answer.

[2 marks]

(c) Salim’s grandmother, who is an active person also joined them for the holiday.
Suggest one activity for her and give reasons for your suggestion.

[2 marks]


20 - Bahasa Inggeris
Satu jam lima belas minit

1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi tiga bahagian, iaitu Bahagian A, Bahagian B dan
Bahagian C
2. Kamu hendaklah menjawab ketiga-tiga bahagian.
3. Bagi Bahagian C, kamu boleh memilih sama ada menjawab Soalan 1 atau Soalan 2.

Section A
[10 marks]

Study the notes below and use the information given to complete the text.
Teliti nota-nota di bawah dan gunakan maklumat yang diberi untuk melengkapkan teks.

≤ also found in electrical ≤ produce documents

appliances ≤ create designs
• washing machine ≤ make calculations
• microwave oven ≤ search for information

≤ factories ≤ instructions stored in

≤ do different
• operate tools electronic memory
• robot arms called programs

Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.
Berdasarkan nota-nota, lengkapkan teks di bawah dengan maklumat yang betul.

Computers are electronic machines that can be programmed to

In homes, schools and offices, they are used to
. In factories,
computers . There are even computers inside the electrical appliances that we use everyday

A computer works by processing data. It follows

Bahasa Inggeris - 21
Section B
[15 marks]

B (i)
Read the notes about a book and answer the following questions in the spaces provided.
Baca nota-nota di bawah tentang buku dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya di ruang
yang disediakan.
hardcover colourful

family portraits of the 3D bookmark


more magical first 100 books signed

experience 500 pages by J.K. Rowling

List three features of this book that attracts you.
i. _______________________________________________________________________

ii. _______________________________________________________________________
iii. _______________________________________________________________________
[3 marks]

B (ii)

You want to buy this book but you forgot to ask your mother’s permission. Write a message
to her to explain the reasons why you want to buy this book. Write your reasons between 50
to 80 words.
Kamu ingin membeli buku tersebut tetapi kamu terlupa mendapatkan kebenaran daripada
ibu kamu. Tulis pesanan kepada ibu kamu menerangkan sebab-sebab kamu ingin membeli
tersebut. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 50 hingga 80 patah perkataan.
Dear Mum,

22 - Bahasa Inggeris
[12 marks]

Section C
[25 marks]

This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only.

Bahagian ini mengandungi dua soalan. Jawab satu soalan sahaja.

Question 1

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write
your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.
Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-
perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu. Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang
disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan.


Begin your story with:

Encik Hamid owns a farm not far from his house.

Bahasa Inggeris - 23
Question 2

Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.
Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan
perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu.
Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan. Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah
antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan.

hawker – sweets – fruits –

drinks – roadside – friendly

customers – pupils – fresh –

refreshing – friendly

business – good – price –



24 - Bahasa Inggeris

Bahasa Inggeris - 25

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