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Student Protection

This certificate acknowledges that on

12 February 2018

Sarah Evans
completed a two-hour professional development activity that included the
following topics:
 Student protection overview
 Recognising student harm
 Responding to student harm
 What to do after a report is made
 Harm caused by an employee.

Racheal Jones
Stretton State College
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers define the work of teachers
and make explicit the elements of high quality, effective teaching in 21st century
schools that will improve educational outcomes for students.

The following standards were most prominently addressed in the program:

 4.4 – Maintain student safety
 4.5 – Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically
 6.2 – Engage in professional learning and improve practice
 7.1 – Meet professional ethics and responsibilities
 7.2 – Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements

Professional development activities incorporated into this event:

Active involvement in workshop/course/seminar/conference
Presentation to colleagues on classroom practices, research findings or
contemporary issues in education
Educational research/action research project
Active contribution to system initiatives, pilots, trials, projects
Formal short course/online course relevant to teaching context
Establishing/coordinating learning circle/study or discussion group
Structured networking with teachers across schools
Other (please specify) __________________________________________

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