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MAY 2012 • VOL 213 • NUMBER 5

Eldorado Builds on Turkish Success
Turkey’s top gold producer is intent upon doubling annual ore production
to an estimated 475,000 oz by 2014..............................................................28
Shovel Performance: AC vs. DC
A case study demonstrates the benefits of AC technology ............................34
Minimizing Arc-Flash Danger in Mining Operations
Capable of producing tremendous heat, explosive impact and molten
shrapnel, arc-flash incidents are the leading cause of nonfatal electrical
injuries. They may not be totally preventable, but there are ways to
protect workers and equipment against their damaging forces.....................40
Prospectors and Developers Converge on Toronto
Investment opportunities and exploration service providers attract a
global following ............................................................................................46
Beating Crusher Wear Challenges
Developments in the metallurgy of crusher wear parts are helping
operators reduce the impact of wear on their operations ..............................54
Armstrong Retrofits AC Technology for Dragline Mining
A Western Kentucky coal operator is the first to embrace a step change In addition to an extensive report on Ontario mining
in electrical motors and drives, and quickly demonstrates the benefits ........58 and Toronto financiers, E&MJ reports on Eldorado
Gold’s Kişladağ mine in west-central Turkey. On the
Special Report: Mining in Ontario and Toronto cover, Atlas Copco Pit Viper PV-235 and DM45
World’s mining capital....................................................................................67 blasthole rigs are shown drilling a new bench at
Kişladağ. (Photo: Simon Walker)
New Management at Ivanhoe Mines ................................................................4
AuRico Sells Three Mines, Readies One for Startup ..........................................4
Galaxy Bids for Lithium One..............................................................................5
Calendar ......................................................26
Rio Tinto Reviewing Options for its Diamond Business ....................................6
Classified Advertisements ........................158
AROUND THE WORLD Equipment Gallery......................................154
U.S. & Canada: Mitsubishi Buys into Stillwater’s Marathon Project..................8 From the Editor ..............................................2
Latin America: Centaurus Targets 2013 Startup for Jambreiro Iron Ore Project ....14 Markets ......................................................160
Operating Strategies ..................................148
Australia/Oceania: OZ Starts Underground Production at Prominent Hill ......16
People ..........................................................12
Africa: Mali Mines Report ‘Business as Usual’ Following Coup ....................18 Processing Solutions ..................................152
Asia: Ice Movement Limiting Kumtor Production ............................................20 Suppliers Report ........................................150
Exploration Roundup: Brigus Reports Positive Drill Results from Black Fox ....22 This Month in Coal........................................24

Surface Mining....28 PDAC 2012 Roundup....46 Dragline Mining....58 MAY 2012 • E&MJ 1


The Sun Shines in Santiago MINING JOURNAL
Once again Santiago, Chile, hosted the Expomin trade
show during April. Certainly the largest event of its kind in Mining Media International
Latin America, it has steadily grown and improved along Editorial Office
with the mining business in Latin America. To visit a cul- 11555 Central Parkway, Suite 401
Jacksonville, Florida 32224 U.S.A.
ture that embraces mining and treats miners like heroes is Phone: +1.904.721.2925
refreshing. Chileans are remarkable people and this year Fax: +1.904.721.2930
the air in Santiago was clear, the sun was shining and atti- Editor-In-Chief—Steve Fiscor,
tudes were similarly upbeat. Managing Editor—Russ Carter,
Steve Fiscor/Editor-in-Chief What a difference two years can make. In January 2010,
European Editor—Simon Walker,
Chileans elected President Sebastián Piñera to office and
Latin American Editor—Oscar Martinez,
shortly afterward (March 2010) an earthquake struck the region. A tsunami took the
lives of many in the fishing villages near Concepcion. In Santiago, the infrastructure South African Editor—Antonio Ruffini,

suffered extensive damage. The overpasses on the highways had collapsed and get- Australian Editor—John Miller,
ting to and from anywhere required a few short-cuts and a little patience. This year, Associate Editor—Gina M. Tverdak-Slattery,
my short-cut was paved and the street vendors had been replaced by a Starbucks. Graphic Designer—Tad Seabrook,
Santiago is home to the world’s largest copper producer, Corporacion Nacional
del Cobre (Codelco), the Chilean national copper company. Last year, Codelco pro-
Mining Media International
duced 1.8 million metric tons (mt) of copper and the company has set its sights on Corporate Office
growing the business to more than 2 million mt by 2015 and 2.3 million mt by 8751 East Hampden, Suite B1
Denver, Colorado 80231 U.S.A.
2021. Attaining this goal will not be easy, considering the headwinds that Chile now Phone: +1.303.283.0640
faces, including declining ore grades, the need for water and insufficient power. Fax: +1.303.283.0641
The other wild card for the Chilean economy is China, Codelco’s largest cus-
tomer. Diego Hernandez, CEO, Codelco, outlined the situation well in his presenta- President/Publisher—Peter Johnson,

tion, “Challenges and Opportunities for China in the Mining Market of Latin VP-Sales and Marketing—John Bold,
America.” He explained how world refined copper consumption had grown from 15 U.S. & Canada, Sales—Victor Matteucci,
million mt in 2000 to nearly 20 million mt in 2011. During the same time period, Scandinavia, UK and European Sales Manager—Colm Barry,
China’s share of world consumption grew from 2 million mt (13%) in 2000 to 7.5 German Sales Manager—Gerd Strasmann,
million (39%) today. As part of a larger effort to integrate vertically, China has been Rest of World, Sales—Peter Johnson,
investing extensively in mining operations abroad. Of the $22 billion China will Classified Advertising—Norm Rose,
invest in copper, 40% is destined for Latin America. Classified Advertising—Tanna Holzer,
Shortly after Expomin ended, students began to protest in Santiago. They were Ad Traffic Manager—Erica Freeman,
demanding free university education and calling for Chile to use proceeds from the
copper industry to fund it. Even though Chile has benefited enormously from a free
market economy, leftist ideals still pervade with people seeking to redistribute the
wealth. Today, Chile has 1.2 million students and 20 years ago only 200,000 could
afford to attend college. Unfortunately, many of the students choose a path that
does not allow them to repay their student loans and now they are looking to the
government to bail them out.
Bowing to the protesters, Piñera recently unveiled a reform proposal that includes Engineering & Mining Journal, Volume 213, Issue 5, (ISSN 0095-8948) is published month-
raising taxes on companies and lowering taxes for individuals. Chile enacted a tem- ly except January and July by Mining Media, Inc., 10 Sedgwick Drive, Englewood, Colorado
80113 ( Periodicals Postage paid at Englewood, CO, and additional
porary corporate tax increase to 18.5% from 17% in the aftermath of the 2010 earth- mailing offices. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40845540. Canada return
quake. Now Piñera is considering increasing it to 20% and making it permanent. If address: Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor ON N9A 6J5, Email:
Current and back issues and additional resources, including subscription request forms and
approved, it would raise up to $1 billion a year in extra funding for education. an editorial calendar, are available on the World Wide Web at
For a long time now, Chile has been considered Latin America’s economic suc-
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Free and controlled circulation to qualified subscribers.
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Steve Fiscor, E&MJ Editor-in-Chief, PHOTOCOPIES: Authorization to photocopy articles for internal corporate, personal, or instructional use may be obtained from the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at
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COPYRIGHT 2012: Engineering & Mining Journal, incorporating

2 E&MJ • MAY 2012 World Mining Equipment, World Mining and Mining Equipment

New Management at Ivanhoe Mines

of its power requirements from within
Mongolia within four years of the start of
commercial production. The project will
use power imported from China during its
initial years of operation.

AuRico Sells Three Mines,

Readies One for Startup
AuRico Gold announced on March 27,
2012, an agreement to sell its Stawell and
Fosterville gold mines in Victoria,
Australia, to Crocodile Gold for total con-
sideration of up to C$105 million in cash
and Crocodile shares and followed up with
an announcement April 15, 2012, of an
agreement to sell its El Cubo silver-gold
mine and Guadalupe y Calvo silver-gold
development project in Mexico to
Endeavour Silver for up to $250 million in
cash and Endeavour shares.
Workers install ball mill liners at the Oyu Tolgoi concentrator in April. (Photo courtesy of Ivanhoe Mines) In a third announcement, dated April
5, 2012, AuRico reported that commis-
Rio Tinto and Ivanhoe Mines announced on of the Oyu Tolgoi project. Rio Tinto will pro- sioning of its Young-Davidson gold project
April 18, 2012, that Rio Tinto would name vide a standby commitment for the full in Ontario, Canada, was nearing comple-
a new top-management team for Ivanhoe amount of a $1.8-billion rights offering by tion and that the project’s first gold pour
and that a number of directors of the Ivanhoe and also will provide $1.5 billion was expected to occur before the end of
Ivanhoe board would be replaced by Rio of bridge financing to Ivanhoe, in addition the month.
Tinto-nominated directors. The changes to the $1.8 billion interim funding facility Crocodile Gold is a Canadian company
reflect Rio Tinto’s 51% ownership position that was agreed in December 2010. Once with operating gold mines and a land pack-
in Ivanhoe, which it obtained in late project financing is in place, both the $1.5 age of more than 3,300 km2 in the Northern
January 2012. The two companies also billion of bridge financing and the $1.8 Territory of Australia. The company is cur-
signed an agreement under which Rio Tinto billion interim funding facility will be rently mining a number of open pits and is
will support and provide certain elements repaid to Rio Tinto in full. developing the Cosmo underground mine.
of a comprehensive funding package for The funding commitments are intended The Fosterville mine is located 20 km
Ivanhoe that will underpin the develop- to support the scheduled start of phase- east of Bendigo, Victoria, and is the largest
ment of the company’s Oyu Tolgoi copper- one production from the Oyu Tolgoi open- producing gold mine in the state. The
gold project in Mongolia. pit mine during the second half 2012. Stawell mine is located in the town of
Ivanhoe-founder Robert Friedland Ramp-up to commercial production is Stawell, northwest of Ballarat in central
resigned as company CEO and as a mem- scheduled for the first half of 2013. Victoria, and is the second largest gold pro-
ber of its board of directors, and six other Phase-one work includes operation of the ducer in the state. The acquisition of the
directors and four other senior manage- open-pit mine and a 100,000-mt/d con- two mines creates the potential for
ment members also resigned. Kay centrator, infrastructure, and a $900-mil- Crocodile Gold to become a 300,000-oz/y
Priestly, a director of Ivanhoe and CFO of lion investment in underground develop- gold producer in 2013.
Rio Tinto Copper, was appointed interim ment in preparation for phase two. Crocodile Gold also expects the combi-
CEO, and Catherine Barone, vice presi- Continuing development of Oyu Tolgoi’s nation of the Cosmo, Fosterville and
dent–finance of Ivanhoe, was appointed second phase will include expansion of Stawell operations to create a support
interim CFO. A new 13-member board concentrator capacity to 160,000 mt/d foundation for projects such as Union
was slated to be formed, the majority of and start of production of high-grade ore Reefs Underground and Maud Creek that it
whom will be independent directors. Rio from the Hugo Dummett underground is developing. “Very important to the trans-
Tinto will nominate 11 directors, six of block-cave mine in 2016. Underground action is the wealth of knowledge and tech-
whom will be independent. Friedland will production is planned to increase to nical expertise that the Fosterville and
nominate two directors, one of whom will 54,000 mt/d by 2019, followed by subse- Stawell teams bring to Crocodile Gold.
be independent. quent increases to full production of Combined with the existing management
The funding package, together with the 85,000 mt/d. group, the additional experience of operat-
proceeds from any potential future asset The Oyu Tolgoi project development ing similar-scale underground operations
sales by Ivanhoe, is intended to cover total agreement with the government of as our own should considerably de-risk our
funding required to complete development Mongolia requires the project to source all growth and help shape the future of our

4 E&MJ • MAY 2012


new company,” Crocodile Chairman, Presi- Galaxy Bids for Lithium One providing a completion guarantee for the
dent and CEO Chantal Lavoie said. Galaxy Resources announced on March debt component of the capital development
Endeavour Silver has two producing sil- 30, 2012, a planned, friendly acquisition costs (E&MJ, November 2011, p. 14).
ver-gold mines in Mexico, the Guanacevi of Canada-based Lithium One for about Lithium One also owns the James Bay
mine in Durango state and the Guanajuato C$112 million in Galaxy shares. bulk-tonnage spodumene project in
mine in Guanajuato state. El Cubo is a pro- Galaxy is headquartered in West Perth, Quebec. Galaxy is earning a maximum
ducing silver-gold mine located in the Western Australia, and wholly owns the Mt. 70% project equity in the James Bay pro-
southeast part of the Guanajuato district, Cattlin project near Ravensthorpe, Western ject through an earn-in agreement that
only 10 km from Endeavour’s Guanajuato Australia, where it mines lithium pegmatite includes delivery of a feasibility study by
mine. El Cubo produced 209,440 oz of sil- ore and processes it on site to produce a early 2013.
ver and 4,543 oz of gold during the first spodumene concentrate and tantalum Commenting on the transaction, Galaxy
quarter of 2012. byproduct. The concentrate is shipped to Managing Director Iggy Tan said, “A merg-
Guadalupe y Calvo is an advanced sil- Galaxy’s lithium carbonate plant in China’s er with Lithium One represents an excel-
ver-gold exploration project located in the Jiangsu province. lent opportunity for Galaxy to boost its
historic Guadalupe y Calvo mining district Lithium One’s principal asset is the Sal global lithium resource base and become a
in Chihuahua state, approximately 300 km de Vida lithium and potash brine project in major lithium company. Galaxy has spent
southwest of the city of Chihuahua. A pre- Argentina. End-user partners KORES, LG the last 18 months searching the world for
liminary economic assessment dated International, and GS Caltex are earning a a high-quality, undeveloped lithium brine
March 5, 2012, evaluated the potential for maximum of 30% project equity by funding deposit, and we believe Lithium One’s Sal
a combined open-pit and underground a minimum of $15 million in feasibility de Vida lithium-potash project in Argentina
mine producing on average 968,100 oz/y work, providing an off-take agreement for fits that criterion. The Sal de Vida brine
of silver and 17,600 oz/y of gold for the up to 50% of the lithium production, and chemistry is highly favorable, with high lev-
first eight years of production. Endeavour
plans to further explore Guadalupe y Calvo
with additional drilling before re-assessing
its mining potential.
Bradford Cooke, chairman and CEO of
Endeavour, said, “El Cubo’s proximity and
similarity to, and potential synergies with,
our Guanajuato mine, make El Cubo a
logical and strategic acquisition for
Endeavour that will have an immediate
and sizable impact on our production,
reserves, and resources, with minimal or
no dilution to our shareholders. We hope
to replicate at El Cubo the same types of
exploration and operational successes that
we have engineered at our Guanacevi and
Guanajuato mines.”
Following the divestiture of these assets
and start of production at its Young-
Davidson mine in Ontario, AuRico will
have three operating properties: Young-
Davidson; the Ocampo mine in Chihuahua,
Mexico; and El Chanate mine in Sonora,
Mexico. The Young-Davidson mine is
expected to reach commercial production
by the third quarter of 2012 and to ramp-
up to more than 200,000 oz/y of produc-
tion by 2015.
“The divestitures are consistent with
AuRico Gold’s strategy of focusing on its
large, low-cost, core assets in North
America,” an AuRico company statement
said. “AuRico Gold is now directing all of
its attention to delivering value for share-
holders from its three core operating
mines, including Young-Davidson where
first production is imminent, and its devel- Recovered drill core from Lithium One’s Sal de Vida lithium and potash project in Argentina. Lithium One also owns
opment pipeline in Mexico and Canada.” the James Bay bulk-tonnage spodumene project in Quebec. (Photo courtesy of Lithium One) MAY 2012 • E&MJ 5


els of lithium and potash and low levels of employees and the governments in the Bunder project in India were ready for
magnesium and sulphate impurities. states and countries where we operate that finishing. The occasion was marked by
“Galaxy will require more lithium it is very much business as usual.” a private event in Bhopal to hand over
resources over the next few years, and the Other recent news from Rio Tinto the first rough gems to selected Indian
Sal de Vida project, along with the James Diamonds included an announcement in diamantaires for cutting and polishing.
Bay project, will significantly add to our late March of discovery of Australia’s The diamonds will be carefully trans-
existing Australian resource base at Mt. largest pink rough diamond at the Argyle formed by master craftsmen at factories
Cattlin and give us sufficient resources to mine. The 12.76-carat diamond will be in India, with detailed tracking of each
continue to grow the lithium business and known as the Argyle Pink Jubilee. When it step of the manufacturing process. The
drive the long-term value of the company. has been cut and polished, it will be grad- aim is to understand the nature of the
“With Galaxy’s expertise across project ed by a team of international experts and product and its potential for future com-
development and lithium mining, process- showcased to the world before being sold mercial production.
ing, and marketing, we will aim to fast track as part of Rio Tinto’s “Argyle Pink The Bunder gems will be displayed at
development of Sal de Vida as we did at Mt. Diamonds Tender” later this year. the Indian International Jewelry Show in
Cattlin and the Jiangsu lithium carbonate And, in early April, Rio Tinto reported Mumbai in August. They will not be avail-
plant. Galaxy plans to retain Lithium One’s that the first rough diamonds from the able for sale.
current management team and incorporate it
into Galaxy’s successful business,” said Tan.

Rio Tinto Reviewing Options

for its Diamond Business
Rio Tinto reported in late March 2012 that
it had begun a strategic review of its dia-
mond business that will include exploring a
range of options for potential divestment of
its diamond interests. Rio Tinto is one of the
world’s major diamond producers through
its 100% ownership of the Argyle mine in
Australia, 60% interest in the Diavik mine
in Canada, and 78% interest in the Murowa
mine in Zimbabwe. These three mines com-
bine to produce a full range of diamonds for
all market segments. Rio Tinto also has a
100% interest in the Bunder advanced dia-
mond project in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Rio Tinto’s share of the production from
the three operating mines is sold through
its sales and marketing headquarters in
Antwerp, with representative offices in
Mumbai, Hong Kong and New York. It also
operates a niche cutting and polishing fac-
tory in Perth for the rare pink diamonds
from its Argyle mine, which produces more
than 90% of the world’s pink diamonds.
Harry Kenyon-Slaney, chief executive of
Rio Tinto Diamonds and Minerals, said,
“We regularly review our businesses to
ensure they remain aligned with Rio Tinto’s
strategy of operating large, long-life,
expandable assets. The diamonds market
outlook is very positive, with demand grow-
ing strongly and lack of new discoveries
limiting supply. We have a valuable, high-
quality diamonds business, but given its
scale we are reviewing whether we can cre-
ate more value through a different owner-
ship structure. This process may take some
time. We’re committed to keeping stake- Rio Tinto, which recently announced it was considering a range of options for potential divestment of its global
holders informed about any key develop- diamond business, mines conventional white diamonds from a number of operations such as Diavik in Canada;
ments and in the meantime are reassuring and rare pink diamonds at its Argyle operation in Australia, shown here. (Photo courtesy of Rio Tinto)

6 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Mitsubishi Buys into Stillwater’s

Marathon Project
Stillwater Mining announced in late March Concentrates produced at Marathon would HudBay Advancing Reed
2012 an agreement with Mitsubishi Corp. be transported off-site to a third-party Mine Project in Manitoba
whereby Mitsubishi will acquire a 25% smelter and refinery for final processing. VMS Ventures reported in early April 2012
interest in Stillwater’s Marathon platinum Initial projections suggest the mine would that HudBay Minerals and Stantec
group metals (PGM) and copper project produce about 200,000 oz/y of PGMs Consulting have completed a positive NI
in northwest Ontario for approximately (mostly palladium) and 37 million lb/y of 43-101 compliant prefeasibility study for
$81.25 million. Mitsubishi also will meet copper over a mine life of about 11.5 years. the underground Reed joint-venture copper
the venture’s first cash call of $13.6 mil- Pre-production capital cost of the mine in Manitoba. The project is owned
lion, for a combined total cash payment of Marathon project is currently estimated at 70% by HudBay and 30% by VMS and is
$94.6 million. between $550 million and $650 million, based on a high-grade copper deposit
Mitsubishi will be responsible for fund- with first production of PGMs and copper located 120 km east of Flin Flon,
ing its 25% share of operating, capital and in about 2016, subject to orderly receipt of Manitoba. The project received HudBay
exploration expenditures on the Marathon approvals. Outside of amounts provided board approval to proceed to full construc-
properties and has agreed to cooperate and through project financing, Stillwater and tion in December 2011, and first produc-
support efforts to secure project financing. Mitsubishi will be responsible for separate- tion is expected by late 2013. Mine life is
Under a related supply agreement, Mitsu- ly funding their respective interests in the currently projected at five years.
bishi also will have an option to purchase up project. To date, Stillwater has invested Initial capital to develop the Reed mine
to 100% of Marathon’s PGM production. about $159 million in the properties. is estimated at C$71.9 million. Run-of-
The Marathon deposit is located about Commenting on the transaction, Still- mine ore will be transported by truck to
10 km north of the town of Marathon, water Chairman and CEO Frank McAllister HudBay’s Flin Flon concentrator, where it
Ontario, near the north shore of Lake said, “For a number of years we at Stillwater will be crushed to less than 150 mm. The
Superior. Stillwater acquired the property have recognized the critical need to grow and Reed ore will be batched separately through
in November 2010. The town of Marathon diversify the company’s production, which at the concentrator, with assumed metal recov-
is situated on the Trans-Canada Highway present is limited to our PGM operations eries of 94% copper, 58% gold and 62%
about 300 km east of the city of Thunder along the J-M Reef in Montana. Conse- silver in a copper concentrate. Production
Bay. The project is currently in the environ- quently, we were very pleased to acquire from the Reed ores is expected to average
mental assessment and permitting stage. Marathon in 2010. We recognized early on 17,000 mt/y of copper in concentrate.
Once approved, the Marathon project that the development of Marathon likely Access to the underground Reed mine
would include development of an open-pit would require raising new capital and/or will be via a trench, portal, and decline
mine and milling operation, with one pri- bringing in a partner. In this regard, we are located near the center of the surface site.
mary pit and several smaller satellite pits. delighted to have the support of Mitsubishi.” The decline will be excavated 6 m wide
and 5 m high to a depth of 510 m from
surface and will be able to accommodate a
60-mt truck. Mining levels will be spaced
25 m vertically and will be accessed from
the decline. Level development will be 5.5
m wide by 4.5 m high to accommodate a
10-yd3 Scooptram. Mining will be at a rate
of 1,300 mt/d, using long-hole open stop-
ing methods.
Infrastructure required at the Reed site
includes an employee camp, mine office
and changehouse dry, mechanical shop,
warehouse, core shack, explosive maga-
zine, electrical generator and fuel storage
area, electrical office, ventilation downcast
building, and compressor building.
As of March 30, 2012, the Reed pro-
ject had probable minerals reserves totaling
2.2 million mt, grading 3.83% copper,
0.59% zinc, 0.48 g/mt gold, and 6.02
g/mt silver. HudBay and VMS are optimistic
Site view of Stillwater Mining’s Marathon PGM project in Ontario, and an early-stage conceptual view of the mine that additional resources can be developed
layout. (Photos courtesy of Stillwater Mining) down-dip from the current reserves.

8 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Energy Fuels Acquiring Avalon Considering Louisiana

Denison’s U.S. Assets Location for Separation Plant
Energy Fuels and Denison Mines Toronto-based Avalon Rare Metals has
announced in mid-April 2012 an agree- announced the results of a prefeasi-
ment whereby Energy Fuels will acquire all bility study for a rare earth elements
of Denison’s mining assets and operations separation plant potentially to be located
in the United States in exchange for Energy in Louisiana.
Fuels shares valued at about C$106 mil- The plant is designed to treat chemical
lion. The key asset in the transaction is concentrates containing a blend of light
Denison’s White Mesa uranium and vanadi- and heavy rare earth elements originating
um mill near Blanding, Utah. Denison also from the Avalon’s Nechalacho rare earth
operates the Beaver, Pandora and Daneros elements deposit at Thor Lake, Northwest
mines on the Colorado Plateau and the Territories, Canada.
Arizona 1 mine on the Arizona strip and has These chemical concentrates will be
a variety of U.S. development properties. produced from two hydrometallurgical
The White Mesa Mill is the only con- facilities: a sulphuric acid bake plant
Denison Mines White Mesa mill in southern Utah is the
ventional uranium mill currently operating planned for the Northwest Territories and a
only conventional uranium plant currently operating in
in the United States. It is fully licensed the U.S. (Photo courtesy of Denison Mines) second cracking plant, which is presently
and permitted to process 2,000 st/d, pro- contemplated to be co-located with the
ducing up to 8 million lb/y of uranium. A Fuels and Denison shareholders to benefit separation plant, as it also requires
vanadium co-product recovery circuit from the clear operational synergies that hydrochloric acid and caustic soda.
allows for the processing of vanadium ore, result from this transaction.” The Nechalacho project feasibility
and its central location allows for hauling On closing of the transaction, current study is scheduled for completion by the
of uranium ore from Arizona, Utah, Denison shareholders will hold approxi- end of 2012.
Colorado and New Mexico. mately 66.5% of the issued and outstand- The separation plant is designed to
Steve Antony, president and CEO of ing shares of Energy Fuels. The combined produce 10 different pure rare earth
Energy Fuels, said, “This transaction is company will have measured and indicat- oxides and one pure mixed heavy rare
transformational for Energy Fuels and ed resources of 49.8 million lb of U3O8, earth carbonate for sale. The prefeasibility
reshapes the landscape of the uranium plus inferred resources of 17.9 million lb study for the plant was completed by
sector within the United States. It com- of U3O8. SNC-Lavalin.
bines the highly strategic asset of the only Following completion of the transac- The estimated capital cost for a
operating uranium mill in the United tion, Denison will focus on its Canadian plant with 10,000 mt/y of production
States, White Mesa, with a significant development assets, which include the capacity is $302 million. The estimated
resource base that substantially increases Wheeler River project in the Athabasca operating cost is $5,634/mt of rare earth
White Mesa’s available feedstock. The Basin of northern Saskatchewan, and on oxide product, which includes labor,
result is an unmatched production growth exploration and development projects in operating supplies, reagents and mainte-
profile and the opportunity for both Energy Mongolia and Zambia. nance costs.

Canada Streamlining its Project Review Process Federal assessment efforts will focus on major projects that
The Canadian government, as part of its “Economic Action Plan can have significant environmental effects. For the first time, fed-
2012,” has released a plan for “Responsible Resource eral inspectors will have the authority to examine whether or not
Development” to streamline the review process for major econom- conditions of a decision statement are being met; and for the first
ic projects. The plan calls for movement to a “one project, one time, administrative monetary penalties will be authorized for vio-
review” system for reviews of major projects by recognizing provin- lations of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the
cial processes as substitutes or equivalents to federal ones as long Nuclear Safety and Control Act, and the National Energy Board
as they meet the requirements under the Canadian Environmental Act. These penalties will be designed to address small contraven-
Assessment Act. The plan calls for consolidation of the number of tions quickly so that larger issues do not arise. Further details on
organizations responsible for reviews from more than 40 to three: the penalties will be available once legislation is introduced.
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, the National The plan for “Responsible Resource Development” was
Energy Board, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. announced by Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver, who
Under the new plan, decisions by the Canadian Environmental said, “Streamlining the review process for major economic projects
Assessment Agency on whether a federal environmental assess- will attract significant investment dollars and give every region of our
ment is required will made earlier in the process, within 45 days. country a tremendous economic boost. It will produce hundreds of
Timelines will be set for hearings and assessments: 24 months for millions of dollars in government revenues that fund important social
panel reviews, 18 months for National Energy Board hearings, and programs. And it will create good jobs and stimulate economic activi-
12 months for standard environmental assessments. Legally bind- ty throughout the supply chain. That is what we are determined to
ing timelines will be set for key regulatory permitting processes, achieve. That is what responsible resource development is about.”
including the Fisheries Act, the Species at Risk Act, the Navigable Further details about Canada’s plan for “Responsible Re-
Waters Protection Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection source Development” can be accessed at the plan website
Act, and the Nuclear Safety and Control Act.

10 E&MJ • MAY 2012


BHP Billiton announced Iron Ore President Ian Ashby is Rajant Corporation has appointed Todd Rigby vice pres-
leaving BHP Billiton July 2012, after more than 25 years ident of business development-mining.
with the company. Ashby will be succeeded by Jimmy
Wilson, currently BHP Billiton Energy coal president. To Renforth Resources Inc. has appointed Nicole Brewster
allow a smooth transition, Wilson will join the iron ore president and CEO. She has also been appointed direc-
team immediately. Energy Coal CFO, Andre Liebenberg, tor. The company has also appointed Wally Rudensky a
will assume the role of acting president, energy coal. director and chair of the Audit Committee. David
Danziger has resigned as president and CEO, but will
Jimmy Wilson
Hecla Mining Co. has appointed Ed Sutich vice president Todd Rigby
continue to serve as the company’s chairman. Paul
and general manager of the Lucky Friday mine. The com- Pathak has also resigned as a director.
pany also announced the appointments of John Jordan
as vice president of technical services and Michael UC Rusal has appointed Evgeny Ovchinnikov commercial director.
Wegleitner as director of health and safety. Bear Creek Mining Corp. announced its CFO, Brad Blacketor, will be leaving
Avanti Mining Inc. has appointed Mark G. Premo COO of to pursue other opportunities. Steve Krause has been named interim CFO.
the company and CEO of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Major Wire Industries Ltd. has appointed Jerry Teague
Avanti Kitsault Mine Ltd. territory manager for the south central United States
Guyana Goldfields Inc. announced Claude Lemasson and Puerto Rico.
has resigned as president and COO, and as a director Claude Resources Inc. has appointed Peter Longo vice
Mark G. Premo of the board. Patrick Sheridan Jr., CEO, will re- president of operations.
place Lemasson on a temporary basis until a successor
is appointed. Mustang Alliances Inc. has appointed Peter Boies pro-
ject geologist to oversee Mustang’s Honduran 2012
Mammoth Resources Corp. has appointed Thomas Atkins president and CEO. Jerry Teague exploration program.
Edward Farrauto has stepped down as president and CEO, and Mark Hunter
has stepped down as a director. Star Gold Corp. has appointed Scott Jenkins chief geologist and director of
Witwatersrand Consolidated Gold Resources has
appointed Bernard Wessels COO. Richard Tagge, former general manager of Mine Radio
Systems Africa, has returned to the United States to
Fortune Minerals Ltd. has appointed Carl Kottmeier the take over the role of MRS U.S. sales manager.
project manager for Mount Klappan based in the com-
pany’s new Vancouver, British Columbia, regional office. Huakan International Mining Inc. has appointed
Seok (Joon) Kim has been appointed mine planning Pengzhi Guo CEO to replace Kunpeng Li, who has
engineer to support the NICO gold-cobalt-bismuth- stepped down as president and CEO.
copper project in the Northwest Territories and
Bernard Wessels
Saskatchewan, and the Mount Klappan project in B.C. Talon Metals Corp. has appointed Sean Werger president.
Richard Tagge
Rio Grande Mining Corp. has appointed Blair Way COO. FLSmidth & Co. A/S has appointed Carsten R. Lund
group executive vice president and member of the group executive manage-
Continental Gold Ltd. has appointed Arturo Salvador general manager, Luis ment, when Christian Jepsen resigns to join Alcoa in July 2012. Lund will
Felipe Huerta project manager and Gerardo Chambergo technical services head the new global Bulk Materials Division.
manager to the Buriticá project team.
Kenneth Eltschlager received an International Society
Strata Minerals Inc. has appointed Peter Kozicz presi- of Explosive Engineers (ISEE) President’s Award during
dent and CEO, and Hugh Agro chairman of the board of ISEE’s annual conference on explosives and blasting
directors. technique. Eltschlager is a trainer dedicated to making
Pershimco Resources Inc. has appointed Octavio Choy certain that blasters learn what they need to know to do
country manager covering its operations in Panama. their work safely and follow the procedures.

Carbine Tungsten Ltd. has appointed Andrew James KaMin LLC has appointed Warren McPhillips vice pres-
Morgan managing director and CEO. ident of commercial.
Kenneth Eltschlager
Peter Kozicz Castle Peak Mining Ltd. has appointed Clive Arthur vice Dr. Saleem Ali has been appointed director of the Centre
president of exploration. for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM). CSRM is one of seven research
centres within the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) at The University of
Equinox Exploration Corp. has appointed Victor Nielsen president and COO. Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Ali will replace Professor David
He succeeds Joshua Bleak, who will remain CEO and continue to serve the Brereton, CSRM founding director, who will become SMI’s deputy director-
board as a director. The company also appointed Rick Cid vice president of research integration.
business development. Eriez announced the promotion of Jaisen Kohmuench to
Linear Metals Corp. has appointed Jim Megann presi- deputy managing director, Eriez Flotation Division—USA.
dent and CEO. He replaces Brian MacEachen who will
remain on the board of directors. NOV has appointed Jayme Sperring director of global
sales and marketing with scientific drilling.
Arianne Resources Inc. has appointed Jean-Sébastien
David vice president of operations. Peninsula Energy Ltd. has appointed Ralph Knode CEO
of its subsidiary Strata Energy Inc.
AuRo Resources Corp. has appointed John Buckle vice
president of exploration. TMEIC Corp. has appointed Paul Cowx technical
Jaisen Kohmuench sales manager.
Jim Megann Rogue Iron Ore Corp. has appointed Ronald Mariani vice
president of operations. Atlas Copco Construction Equipment has appointed Brian Bieller vice pres-
ident of business development.
Black Iron Inc. has appointed Igor Buchatskiy vice president of strategy.
Atlas Copco Construction Mining Technique USA recently appointed Shane
For the first time in 130 years, FLSmidth, a Denmark Roden product manager for GIA and raise boring products; Matt Juth has
based, market-leading supplier of equipment and serv- been appointed product manager for load/haul/dump
ices to the global minerals and cement industries, has (LHD) and pedestal boom system (PBS) products; Matt
promoted a non-Dane to its executive leadership team. Huntsman has been appointed product manager for
Peter J. Flanagan has been selected to serve as a mem- distributor parts and services; and Rhodes Barrett has
ber of Group Executive Management, and as executive been appointed product specialist for blasthole drills as
vice president of FLSmidth’s newly formed non-ferrous part of the ADS team in Garland, Texas.
Gemcom Software International Inc. has appointed
Tembo Gold Corp. has appointed Peter Haworth explo- Dave Osborn managing director for the company’s
Peter J. Flanagan ration manager. Dave Osborn Africa business unit.

12 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Centaurus Targets 2013 Startup for

Jambreiro Iron Ore Project
lakes be left intact and that water storage
capacity of the reservoirs be increased.
In a televised address to the nation
on April 20, Peru’s President Ollanta
Humala gave tentative approval to develop-
ment of the Conga project, with the condi-
tion that its developers take additional
measures to mitigate its hydrologic and
environmental impact.
On April 21, Minera Yanacocha said in
a press release that it will undertake a new
evaluation of technical and economic alter-
natives for the project, as well as of ways to
compensate for its hydrologic and environ-
mental impact.
Production from the Minas Conga open-
pit mine is planned to be in the range of
600,000 to 700,000 oz/y of gold and
160,000 to 240,000 lb/y of copper.
Centaurus Metals hopes to produce a high-grade sinter feed for Brazilian steel mills from its Jambreiro iron ore
project, pictured here. The company recently filed the project’s EIA with the Minas Gerais state government. (Photo
courtesy Centaurus Metals)
Extorre Reports Positive
PEA for Cerro Moro
Centaurus Metals, a junior Australian com- lion mt measured, indicated, and inferred, Extorre Gold Mines announced in early
pany, has filed the environmental impact grading 26.8% iron. A new resources esti- April 2012 the results of preliminary eco-
assessment (EIA) for its Jambreiro iron ore mate is scheduled for the end of May 2012 nomic assessment (PEA) No. 3 for its Cerro
project with the Minas Gerais state envi- as part of a bankable feasibility study that is Moro gold-silver project in Santa Cruz
ronmental authority in southeast Brazil. currently in progress. The new estimate will province, southern Argentina. The PEA
The company is targeting approval of the focus primarily on upgrading the respective considered mine production scenarios
EIA and receipt of a preliminary license for categories of the resources, rather than on ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 mt/d. A
the project during October 2012, in line increasing the overall tonnage. 1,300-mt/d scenario was selected as the
with its development timetable of produc- A diamond drill rig has been mobilized preferred scenario and is the basis for the
ing first iron ore at Jambreiro by the end of to the Jambreiro project to start a geotech- information reported here.
2013. The EIA is for an operation that can nical drill program required by the feasibil- At the 1,300-mt/d mining rate, Cerro
deliver up to 3 million mt/y of high-grade ity study. Moro precious metal production over a
iron ore product, although the project is nine-year mine life is estimated at
currently planned to start at a production Changes Suggested to Minas 848,000 oz of gold and 47.2 million oz of
rate of 2 million mt/y. Conga Water Storage Plan silver, for a total gold equivalent production
Domestic Brazilian steel mills are the On April 17, 2012, the Peruvian govern- of 1.79 million oz. Gold contributes
primary target market for Jambreiro pro- ment received an independent, 248-page approximately 48% of the projected rev-
duction. Initial pilot-scale test work on report from contracted consultants analyz- enue stream, and silver contributes approx-
Jambreiro ore has produced a high-grade ing the hydrologic aspects of Minera imately 52%. During the first five years of
sinter feed product grading 65.6% iron Yanacocha’s Minas Conga gold mine proj- operations, gold equivalent production
with low impurities—2.8% silica and ect in Cajamarca province, Peru. Minera would average 248,000 oz/y. The econom-
0.01% phosphorus. The work confirmed Yanacocha is owned 51.35% by Newmont, ic modeling used base-case metal price
the effectiveness of a robust, simple, low- 43.65% by Buenaventura, and 5% by the assumptions of $1,320/oz for gold and
cost, two-stage magnetic separation pro- World Bank’s International Finance Corp. $26/oz for silver.
cessing route that allows production of a The project, which has estimated capital The Cerro Moro PEA contemplates a
range of product qualities to suit different costs of about $4.8 billion, has been shut combination of approximately 43% open-
customer needs, including a high-grade, down since November 2011 due to pit and 57% underground mining. Mine-
low-impurity product that meets the sinter protests directed primarily at its water stor- site cash costs during the first five years
feed blend requirements of traditional age plans, which call for four lakes on the are estimated at $304/oz on a gold equiv-
steel mills. property to be replaced by four water stor- alent basis. Initial capital expenditures are
Current estimated JORC-compliant age reservoirs. The report suggests, among estimated at $284 million, including
resources at Jambreiro stand at 116.5 mil- other recommendations, that two of the refundable VAT.

14 E&MJ • MAY 2012


OZ Starts Underground Production

at Prominent Hill
Port Hedland across a distance of about
277 km.
All necessary internal and regulatory
approvals, including approval by the
Australia’s Foreign Investment Review
Board, had been received at the time of the
announcement, and the transaction was
expected to close within 14 days.

Ivanhoe Australia Completes

Merlin Feasibility Study
Ivanhoe Australia completed the feasibility
study for its Merlin molybdenum and rhe-
nium project in northwestern Queensland
in mid-April 2012. “The feasibility study
Aerial view of OZ Minerals’ Prominent Hill property in South Australia including the Ankata deposit, where under-
ground mining recently commenced. (Photo courtesy of OZ Minerals) has largely confirmed the outcomes from
the prefeasibility study, while improving
OZ Minerals fired the first production holes Consortium Takes 30% Interest the economics of the project,” Ivanhoe
in the first stope of the Ankata under- in Roy Hill Iron Project Australia CEO Peter Reeve said. “In addi-
ground mine at its Prominent Hill opera- Hancock Prospecting and a consortium tion, there is further potential upside to the
tions in South Australia on March 29, comprising POSCO, Marubeni Corp., and study through options surrounding the
2012. Development of the underground STX Corp. jointly announced on March 30, plant’s roaster, which could be located out-
mine at Prominent Hill began in November 2012, agreements for the consortium to side of Australia for significant savings on
2010 to access the higher-grade Ankata acquire a 30% equity interest in Roy Hill up-front capital and operating costs.”
deposit. The access decline reached the Holdings (RHH), the holding company of The processing plant for Merlin ore will
Ankata orebody in August 2011, and the the Roy Hill iron ore project in Western be a new, separate mill and processing
first development ore was hauled to sur- Australia. facility constructed at Ivanhoe Australia’s
face in September 2011. The transaction is valued at about Osborne complex, 53 km from the Merlin
The underground Ankata operation will A$3.5 billion. Marubeni will take 12.5% of mine site (E&MJ, April 2012, p. 20). The
ramp-up over 2012 and is anticipated to the project for A$1.5 billion, POSCO will re-commissioned Osborne copper-gold mill
reach its full 1.2 million-mt/y mining rate take 15% for A$1.7 billion, and STX will became operational in March 2012, pro-
in the third quarter. The mine is expected take 2.5% for A$300 million. The consor- ducing copper-gold concentrate, with
to contribute 800,000 to 1 million mt of tium has also secured its proportionate throughput capacity of 2 million mt/y.
ore in the 2012 ramp-up year. The average share of project production, representing a Initial capital expenditure to first pro-
grade of the Ankata ore to be mined in combined 16.5 million mt/y of iron ore at duction at Merlin is estimated at A$345
2012 is expected to be in the range of full production. million. An additional A$52 million of capi-
2.3% to 2.8% copper. The Roy Hill project is located along the tal in year one of operations is scheduled for
The Ankata resource is located 800 m eastern end of the Chichester Range in the an optimized molybdenum trioxide purifica-
from Prominent Hill’s Malu open-pit. The Pilbara region of Western Australia and has tion plant. This higher-grade molybdenum
higher-grade ore from the underground a JORC-compliant resource of 2.32 billion product receives a premium price and will
mine is expected to contribute an average mt grading 55.9% iron and a reserve of increase overall returns to the project.
of 25,000 mt/y of copper and 12,000 oz/y 851 million mt grading 59.3% iron. The The Merlin mill at the Osborne complex
of gold production each year for five years. project is being developed as a low-cost, will have a throughput rate of 500,000 mt/y.
Mining will be via sub-level open stoping fully integrated, open-pit mine, rail and Production during the first seven years follow-
techniques. The ore can be blended with port facility. ing ramp-up will average 5,100 mt/y of
the open-pit feed for processing. Roy Hill operations are scheduled to molybdenum as molybdenum trioxide and
OZ Minerals is exploring around the begin in 2014, and at full production, the 7,300 kg/y of rhenium as ammonium per-
Prominent Hill area for further copper-gold mine is designed to deliver 55 million mt/y rhenate. Operating costs are estimated at
deposits. The company has access to a high- (wet) of premium quality lumps and fines approximately $6.66/lb of molybdenum, after
ly prospective, 7,000-km2 tenement pack- iron ore to the seaborne iron ore trade for byproduct credits and including royalties.
age in its own right and through its joint ven- more 28 years. The Merlin feasibility study was based
ture with IMX Resources. The company has The project includes a dedicated 342- on a probable mineral reserve of 7.1 mil-
committed to spending A$70 million on km railway that will connect the mine to lion mt grading 1.1% molybdenum and
near-mine and regional exploration in 2012. port facilities within the inner harbor at 18.1 g/mt rhenium.

16 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Mali Mines Report ‘Business as Usual’

Following Coup
Implats proposals were that:
• 10% of Zimplats will be issued to the
Community Trust at the independent val-
uation previously submitted to the gov-
ernment. Zimplats Holdings will provide
an interest free loan to the Community
Trust to fund the shares, and the loan will
be repaid from dividends. This stake will
be non-contributory.
• 10% of Zimplats will be sold to an
employee share ownership trust for the
benefit of all full-time employees of
Zimplats. The shares will be sold at the
same independent valuation, and
Zimplats Holdings will provide an inter-
est-bearing loan to the Employee Trust to
fund the purchase of the shares. The
loan will be repaid from dividends and
will be contributory or dilutive..
Companies with operating gold mines in Mali reported no measurable impact on their operations after a recent
Zimplats and the government will explore
military coup in the country. Shown here is Randgold Resources/AngloGold Ashanti’s Morila mine. (Photo courtesy
AngloGold Ashanti) fair value compensation for ground released
by Zimplats to the government under an
A negotiated settlement following a March Impala Platinum Agrees to agreement dated May 24, 2006. On receipt
22, 2012, military coup in Mali installed Indigenization in Zimbabwe of this compensation, Zimplats will make
an interim president and an interim prime [Editor’s note: Due to a production error, available for sale to the National Indigeni-
as heads of the nation’s government in the version of this article that appeared in zation and Economic Empowerment Fund a
April. The settlement grew out of negotia- our April issue omitted the opening para- 31% fully contributory stake in Zimplats for
tions between the coup leaders and repre- graph. The article is reproduced below in cash at an independently determined fair
sentatives of countries within the Economic its entirety. E&MJ regrets any confusion or value at the time. Future expansion opportu-
Community of West African States (ECOW- misunderstanding caused by the error.] nities will therefore not be impacted.
AS). However, the route back to stable civil- In press releases dated March 13 and “If they don’t come up with the cash,
ian rule in Mali remained uncertain. Rebels March 14, 2012, Impala Platinum (Im- the stake will not be transferred,” Reuters
seized control of the northern half of the plats) announced that, following a meeting reported Implats CEO David Brown as say-
country as political events unfolded in the between Implats directors and the Zimbab- ing during a conference call following the
capital, Bamako, and a near-term agree- wean Minister of Youth Development, agreement. Also, the stake, whose value
ment to end the rebellion seemed unlikely. Indigenization and Empowerment, a new must be decided, will only become avail-
Mali’s gold mines, which are located in Zimplats Indigenization Implementation able for sale once the government has com-
the south and west of the country, contin- Plan presented to the Minister had met the pensated Implats for the land it released to
ued to operate normally during the coup minimum requirements of Zimbabwe’s the state under the 2006 agreement.
and government change and were not Indigenization and Economic Empowerment Brown said the company believed the
immediately impacted by the rebellion in Act and 2010 regulations and was accept- $158 million value it had placed on the
the north. Companies with operating gold able in principle to the government. land at that time was still appropriate. That
mines in Mali include Randgold Re- Implementation of the agreement would be sum would have to be paid before a value
sources/AngloGold Ashanti (the Morila at appropriate value, and the details for the could found for the 31% stake in Zimplats,
mine), AngloGold Ashanti/Iamgold (Sadiola transfer of a 51% shareholding in Zimplats which would be worth $372 million based
and Yatela), Randgold Resources (Loulo), would be addressed by a joint technical on the company's market capitalization,
Resolute Mining (Syama) and Avion Gold team, comprising Impala Platinum, the the Reuters report said.
(Segala and Tabakoto). ministry responsible for indigenization, and
In a statement issued April 9, Randgold the National Indigenization Economic and Kibali Gold Mine Starts to
said it welcomed the political settlement Empowerment Board. Implats holds an Take Shape
brokered in Mali by its West African neigh- 87% interest in Zimplats. Randgold Resources reported in mid-April
bors and that the disruptions that followed No agreement was reached on the tim- 2012 that construction at the Kibali gold
coup had not materially affected Randgold’s ing or valuation of the transaction other
gold production. than that it would be at appropriate value. (Continued on p. 26)

18 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Ice Movement Limiting Kumtor Production

China Establishes Rare
Earths Association
China’s rare earth industry established
an industry association on April 8
with the aim of spurring healthy devel-
opment in the sector, Xinhau News
Agency reported. The association has
155 members, including Aluminum
Corporation of China and China
Minmetals, and was formed to pro-
mote sustainable and sound develop-
ment in the sector, Su Bo, vice mini-
ster of Industry and Information
Technology said.
Gan Yong, now an academician at
the Chinese Academy of Engineering
and also president of the Chinese
Society of Rare Earths, will be the
president of the association. He said
the association will work to form a
reasonable price mechanism and to
create a win-win situation for develop-
ers and consumers through its coordi-
nation efforts.
Problems with ice movement in the pit will curtail this year’s gold production at Centerra Gold’s Kumtor mine by The association also will provide
an estimated 185,000 to 215,000 oz, according to the company. (Photo courtesy Centerra Gold) support and services for relevant
departments and local governments,
Centerra Gold announced in late March Centerra expects to partially miti- help maintain order in the sector,
2012 that increased ice movement in the gate the impact of the ice movement facilitate exchange and cooperation
southeast section of its Kumtor open-pit and the resulting delay in cutback 14A between enterprises to spur innovation,
mine in the Kyrgyz Republic will delay by accelerating mining in the south- and coordinate efforts to cope with
scheduled access to the high-grade SB west portion of the pit to access part international trade frictions and
zone of the pit. Preliminary engineering of recently reported new reserves to disputes.
analysis indicates Kumtor gold produc- provide higher-grade ore for the Kum- China has announced production
tion during 2012 will fall to between tor mill. The company is undertaking caps, stricter environmental standards,
390,000 to 410,000 oz of gold, rather further technical analysis of the im- and an export quota system for rare
than the 575,000 to 625,000 oz previ- pact of the ice movement on its life- earth metals in recent years. These
ously forecast, the company said. of-mine plan and expects to provide moves have triggered protests from sev-
Production at Kumtor is dependent further information on production, eral countries who claim that China is
on successfully maintaining the mining capital costs, and operating costs in using the rare earths, which are used to
rates of the waste and ice in the south- due course. manufacture an array of high-tech
east section of the pit to gain access to Centerra also reported that goods, as a political bargaining chip.
the higher-grade ore in the SB zone. “A Kumtor’s collective bargaining agree- Asked about the recurring frictions,
recent substantial acceleration of ice ment expires at the end of 2012. “A Gan said the new association will help
and waste movement, which was exacer- work stoppage at any time during the deepen international communications
bated by the 10-day labor disruption year could have a significant impact and “properly” handle the trade dis-
that occurred in early February 2012, on Kumtor achieving its revised fore- putes according to international stan-
now requires that cutback 14A be cast production. Additionally, achiev- dards and World Trade Organization
delayed to allow for the unloading of ing the revised 2012 production is rules. China supplies more than 90% of
such ice and waste in the southeast sec- dependent on the delivery of new min- rare earth products on the global mar-
tion of the pit. This is expected to delay ing equipment on schedule and suc- ket, but its reserves only account for
the cutback from late 2012 to late cessfully maintaining the mining rates about one-third of the world’s total.
2013, resulting in the deferral into of the waste and ice in the southern “Many countries in the world have
2013-2015 of production from the portion of the pit to gain access to the rare earth reserves. You cannot rely on
high-grade SB zone otherwise expected higher-grade ore,” the company China alone to provide all the sup-
in 2012,” Centerra said. announcement said. plies,” Gan said.

20 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Brigus Reports Positive Drill Results

from Black Fox
Brigus Gold continues to achieve positive tion has a strike length of about 450 m and compliant global mineral resource for the
results from ongoing drilling on the 147 remains open along strike to the north and project by 33 million mt to 243 million mt
and Contact Zones of its Black Fox proper- at depth. grading 0.48% V2O5, a 16% increase on the
ty, east of Timmins, Ontario, and 4 km In December 2011, Brigus announced previous global mineral resource. The grade
south of the company’s Black Fox mine. a combined initial gold resource of across the larger resource tonnage increased
Intercepts in the 147 Zone have includ- 116,710 oz indicated and 459,420 oz to 0.48% V2O5 from 0.47% V2O5, with an
ed 10 m grading 27.7 g/mt gold and 56.7 inferred for the 147 and Contact Zones increase in average grade to 0.50% V2O5 in
m grading 5.95 g/mt gold, while intercepts based on drilling in 255 holes. A prelimi- the southern mine area of the deposit.
in the Contact Zone have included 15.5 m nary economic assessment of the two The latest Windimurra resource figures
grading 26.83 g/mt gold and 22.45 m zones is under way and is scheduled for follow successful 3,518-m reverse circula-
grading 4.08 g/mt gold (grades are uncut, completion in the third quarter of 2012, tion and 823-m diamond core drilling pro-
average grades over core-length widths). along with an updated resource statement. grams in the southern mine area. Atlantic
The main area of the 147 Zone extends The Black Fox complex covers an area expects to announce an updated
approximately 250 m in a north-south of approximately 18 km2. To date, Brigus Windimurra ore reserve and life-of-mine
direction. Gold mineralization primarily has systematically explored about 25% of plan by mid-year 2012.
occurs within multiple quartz carbonate its property on the complex and considers The Windimurra plant produced its first
brecciated zones within bleached units of that significant upside potential remains ferrovanadium in early January 2012 and
variolitic mafic volcanics and other parallel on the rest of the property. is expected to reach design capacity of
footwall zones. ( 6,300 mt/y of contained vanadium during
The Contact Zone consists of a steeply the first quarter of 2013.
dipping, gold-mineralized fault contact Exploration Briefs (
between north-south trending metasedi- Atlantic Ltd. reported in early April 2012
ments and mafic volcanic rocks, and other, that drilling and surveying in recent months Lumina Copper has expanded the drill pro-
parallel, hanging-wall and footwall gold at its Windimurra vanadium project in gram at its 100%-owned Taca Taca copper-
mineralized zones. The area of mineraliza- Western Australia has increased the JORC- gold-molybdenum deposit in Salta province,

22 E&MJ • MAY 2012


northwest Argentina, from 99,500 m to mineral resource estimate was also sched- Sabodala open-pit gold mine in Senagal
163,500 m with the addition of 64,000 m uled for completion before the end of April. continues to confirm higher grades in a
of step-out drilling. The added drilling will ( potentially expanded pit. Drill intercepts
extend the program from a previous end date have included 85 m grading 3 g/mt gold
of April 2012 to the fourth quarter of 2012. Sumitomo Metal Mining has identified a and 99 m grading 1.3 g/mt gold.
Lumina based its decision to expand the new gold deposit, named the “East Deep” Exploration results during 2011 and early
drill program on recent results from drilling deposit, 300 m northeast of the Liese 2012 indicate that existing gold mineraliza-
in the northeast, south, and southeast deposit that is currently being mined at its tion can be expanded by an additional 20
zones of the Taca Taca deposit, along with Pogo mine in eastern Alaska. At year-end million to 30 million mt over the next 12 to
visual interpretation of mineralized material 2011, the new deposit contained approxi- 18 months at grades of between 1.5 and
from subsequent exploration drilling in mately 1.28 million oz of gold in resources 2 g/mt, for a total inventory of 2.5 million to
areas to the north and northwest of the cur- and reserves. 3.5 million oz of gold on the Sabodala mine
rent NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate. Development of access drives will begin license. This would increase mine life to
Recent results at Taca Taca are high- this year to accelerate a start of production about 15 years at a gold production rate of
lighted by two step-out holes. One hole at the East Deep deposit, and drilling dur- about 200,000 oz/y and would provide a
intersected 873 m grading 0.54% copper, ing 2012 will continue to explore the solid production base to support Teranga’s
0.09 g/mt gold, and 0.01% molybdenum, extent of the deposit, which is open in the regional exploration program.
including 148 m grading 1.31% copper, northeast, north, and west and holds Teranga has budgeted $20 million for
0.19 g/mt gold, and 0.01% molybdenum, potential for discovery of additional ore. drilling on the Sabodala mine license dur-
in the northeast zone. The other intersect- At year-end 2011, total estimated Pogo ing 2012, with a minimum of 6 drill rigs
ed 184 m grading 0.45% copper, 0.13 resources and reserves, including the East testing new targets and converting existing
g/mt gold, and 0.02% molybdenum, Deep deposit, stood at 12.3 million mt at resources to reserves. Drilling during the
including 72 m grading 0.76% copper, an average gold grade of 12.5 g/mt and first and second quarters of 2012 has
0.20 g/mt gold, and 0.02% molybdenum, containing 4.97 million oz of gold. focused on in-filling and extending miner-
in an area to the southeast of the previous- The Pogo mine is owned 85% by alization in the immediate vicinity of the
ly identified porphyritic intrusion. Sumitomo Metal Mining and 15% by current ultimate pit.
Seven core and two reverse circulation Sumitomo Corp. Teranga expects Sabodala to pro-
drill rigs were operating at Taca Taca as of ( duce between 210,000 and 225,000 oz
late March 2012, and Lumina expected to of gold during 2012 at cash costs of $600
add an another core rig to the program before Teranga Gold reports that ongoing drilling at to $650/oz.
the end of April. A new interim NI 43-101 depth and immediately to the north of its ( MAY 2012 • E&MJ 23


TransAlta Abandons Canada’s Largest

Carbon-Capture Project
TransAlta Corp., Canada’s largest publicly CONSOL idled its longwall at Buchanan, 2013. In addition to increasing exports,
traded electricity generator, announced that effective March 9, in an effort to refrain Jiménez said the projects would also strive
it and several partners had decided to aban- from selling its premium hard coking coal at to minimize the emissions.
don the nation’s largest carbon capture and a discount. As a result of extensive negotia-
sequestration project. Project Pioneer was a tions, CONSOL has now come to terms with Arch Coal Honors Steve Leer
joint effort by TransAlta, Capital Power, its customers and, as a result, will re-start Arch Coal’s Tygart Valley No. 1 mine will be
Enbridge Inc, Canada’s largest oil pipeline the longwall at Buchanan also. renamed the Leer mine in recognition of
company and the federal and provincial Steven F. Leer, who was elected executive
governments to demonstrate the commer- Colombian Miners to Make chairman of Arch’s board after two decades
cial-scale viability of CCS technology. Major Port Investment with the company as CEO.
The first step and an essential part of Several major Colombain coal operators “We wanted to honor Steve for two
the project was to prove the technical and have reported progress on expanding port decades of exceptional service and leader-
economic feasibility of CCS through a front facilities, which is essential to meet their ship,” said Arch’s Lead Director James R.
end engineering and design (FEED) study goals of growing production to 120 million Boyd. “It is fitting to name this brand-new,
before making any major capital commit- metric tons per year (mt/y) in two years, world-class mining complex in honor of
ments. Following the conclusion of the according to La Republica. This year, Steve and his vision of safety excellence,
FEED study, the industry partners deter- Drummond, Cerrejón and Prodeco will environmental stewardship and strategic
mined that although the technology works invest more than $1.3 billion in construc- growth. We view the Leer mine as one of
and capital costs are in-line with expecta- tion projects and material handling Arch’s most exciting new growth projects and
tions, the revenue from carbon sales and upgrades. According to Alfonso Saade, an integral part of our company’s future.”
the price of emissions reductions are insuf- executive director of Fenalcarbon, by 2030 Initiated by International Coal Group,
ficient to allow the project to proceed at this the mines located in regions such as Cesar and acquired by Arch Coal in 2011, the
time. “The markets for CO2 sales and the and La Guajira plan to produce as much as Leer mine is a metallurgical coal mine cur-
price of emission reductions are not suffi- 200 million mt/y. Saade believes the exist- rently under development in Taylor County,
cient at this time to allow the project to go ing investment allocated to ports and gen- West Virginia. With the startup of the long-
ahead,” said Dawn Farrell, TransAlta presi- eral facilities will generate enough confi- wall in mid-2013, the Leer mine is expect-
dent and CEO. “While we are disappointed dence for Colombia to achieve its goals in ed to produce 3.5 million tons annually.
that Project Pioneer will not go ahead, we terms of future production. “I’m honored to have my name forever
now know the technology works and we still Augusto Jiménez, president of Drum- associated with this new operation, which I
believe there is a future for CCS,” she said. mond Colombia, said the main works to believe is destined to become one of the
Pioneer would have been able to trap as construct the port facilities have already world’s premier coal mines,” said Leer. “It
much as 1 million tons of CO2 a year from started. These works will allow the compa- has been a great privilege to be associated
the Keephills No. 3 coal-fired power plant ny to load the coal directly into ships with Arch for 20 years and counting, and I
west of Edmonton, and then sell the gas to instead of transloading. The $450 million am more enthusiastic than ever about the
energy companies to use in enhanced oil project is expected to be completed by company’s exciting future prospects.”
recovery applications. Construction was
due to start this year.

CONSOL Energy Restarts

Idled Longwalls in U.S.
CONSOL Energy announced it will re-start
the longwall at its Blacksville mine on
May 1. “The company has largely conclud-
ed negotiations with thermal coal cus-
tomers concerning deferred shipments,
enabling us to resume our thermal guid-
ance for the second quarter and beyond,”
said Brett Harvey, chairman and CEO,
CONSOL Energy. “A similar situation exists
in the coking coal markets, where overseas
steelmakers have been taking advantage of
a lull in the strong longer term market to
pressure coal producers into accepting The three major Colombian coal operators plan port upgrades. The largest coal producer, El Cerrejón, exports
prices lower than the benchmark.” through Puerto Bolivar. (Photo courtesy of El Cerrejón)

24 E&MJ • MAY 2012


(Africa Regional News - from p. 18) startup, covers the metallurgical plant, the is due to begin arriving from the end of
first phase of the tailings storage facility, the April. The earthworks and civils contractor
project in northeastern Democratic Re- first of the hydropower stations, the back-up is also on site, and work on the main earth-
public of Congo is well under way, as its power plant, all shared infrastructure, and works should commence in earnest on
developers continue to target first produc- the completion of a resettlement program. schedule at the end of April. During the
tion by the end of 2013. The plus-10-mil- The cost of Phase 1 is estimated at $920 current quarter, concrete works are
lion-oz gold deposit is owned by Randgold million, before provisions, contingencies, planned to start at the metallurgy plant and
(45%), AngloGold Ashanti (45%), and the and escalation. Phase 2 will include devel- at the first hydropower plant, earthworks
Congolese parastatal, Sokimo (10%). The opment of the underground mine, which is for the decline box cut are due to get
current life-of-mine plan envisages average expected to deliver first ore in 2014 and to underway, and the structural, mechanical,
production of approximately 600,000 oz/y reach steady state production by 2015, at and platework contractor is scheduled to
of gold for the first 12 years, at an average an estimated cost of $650 million before mobilize on site.”
grade of 4.1 g/mt. provisions, contingencies, and escalation. Randgold’s group general manager oper-
Randgold is developing the Kibali project “By the end of March, we had already ations Central and East Africa Willem
and will operate the mine. The completed shifted 200,000 m3 of ground for the foun- Jacobs points out that the project’s staff
operation will comprise an integrated dations of the metallurgy plant, and during complement has increased almost tenfold
underground and open-pit mine, a twin-cir- the second quarter we plan to move from the end of 2009 and now stands at
cuit sulphide and oxide plant with a 800,000 m3 for the bulk earthworks,” said 2,829. In line with Randgold’s policy of
throughput of 6 million mt/y, and four self- Project Manager Gary Short. “Construction favoring nationals of the countries in which
constructed hydropower stations, as well as of the assay laboratory is scheduled for it operates, only 86 of these are expatri-
a standby high-speed thermal power gener- completion by early May, and the three lay- ates, and they are there largely to transfer
ator for back-up during the dry season. down terraces should be complete by June. skills and build local capacity. Eventually,
The Kibali project is being constructed in “The open-pit mining contractor started Kibali’s management team will be almost
two overlapping phases. Phase 1, through site establishment in February, and its fleet entirely Congolese.


MAY 26–JUNE 2, 2012: ALTA Nickel-Cobalt-Copper, Uranium & Gold JULY 16–20, 2012: Economic & Evaluation Investment Decision
Conference, Perth, Western Australia. Contact: ALTA Metallurgical Methods, 5-day course, Golden, Colorado, USA. Contact: Colorado
Services; Tel: 61 3 5472 4688; Fax: 61 3 5472 4588; E-mail: School of Mines; Web:; Web: AUGUST 28–30, 2012: Mining & Energy NSW 2012 Exhibition,
MAY 29–JUNE 2, 2012: M&T Expo 2012, São Paulo, Brazil. Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Contact: Warren Queenan,
Contact: Cristina Bighetti; E-mail:; Tel: Sales Manager, Reed Mining Events; Tel: 61 2 9422 2563; Email:
55 11 5585 9787; Web:; Web: www.miningand-
MAY 30–31, 2012: AIMS 2012 7th International Symposium:
Rockbolting and Rock Mechanics in Mining, Aachen, Germany. SEPTEMBER 5–6, 2012: MEMSA Annual Technical Symposium,
Contact: Mirjam Rosenkranz; E-mail:; Clearwater, Florida, USA. Contact: Mining Electrical Maintenance
Web: Association.; Web:
MAY 30–JUNE 1, 2012: Western Mining Electrical Association Bi-annual SEPTEMBER 10–14, 2012: Electra Mining Expo, Johannesburg, South
Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA. Contact: WMEA; Web: Africa. Contact: Specialized Exhibitions (Pty) Ltd.; Tel: 27 (0) 11 835
JUNE 4–8, 2012: 27th Annual Mining Expo, Elko, Nevada, USA. Contact: 1565; Fax: 27 (0) 11 496 1363; Web:
The Elko Convention & Visitors Authority; Tel: 800-248-3556; Fax:
775-738-2420; E-mail:; Web: SEPTEMBER 24–26, 2012: MINExpo, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Contact: Hall-Erickson Inc.; Tel: 866-717-6463; E-mail: minexpo@hei-
JUNE 5–8, 2012: UGOL Rossii & Mining 2012, Novokuznetsk, Russia.; Web:
Contact: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH; Tel: 49 (0)211 4560-01; E-mail:; Web: OCTOBER 30–NOVEMBER 1, 2012 : Goldfields Mining Expo 2012,
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia. Contact: Warren Queenan,
JUNE 12–14, 2012: Euro Mine Expo, Skellefteå, Sweden. Contact: Anna Sales Manager, Reed Mining Events; Tel: 61 2 9422 2563; Email:
Sellberg; Tel: 46 (0)90 16 34 09; Fax: 46 (0)90 14 24 81; E-mail:; Web: www.goldfieldsmining-; Web:
JUNE 17–20, 2012: 14th U.S./North American Mine Ventilation
Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Contact: Department of Mining OCTOBER 30–NOVEMBER 2, 2012: 19th International Symposium,
Engineering, Dr. Felipe Calizaya; Tel: 801-581-5422; Fax: 801-585-5410; Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Industry in Brazil and New Global
Email:; Web: Developments, Belém, Brazil. Contact: ICSOBA, the International
symposium/index.html. Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium; Tel: 91 982 328
98 17; E-mail:; Web:
JULY 4–6, 2012: III International Mining and Metallurgy Congress,
Astana, Kazakhstan. Contact: Gulziya Asylbekova; Tel: 7 (727) 258 10 11; NOVEMBER 14–16, 2012: Western Mining Electrical Association
E-mail:; Web: Bi-annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Contact: WMEA;
JULY 24–26, 2012: Queensland Mining & Engineering 2012 Exhibition, Web:
Mackay, Queensland, Australia. Contact: Warren Queenan, DECEMBER 3–5, 2012: Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminum Industry
Sales Manager, Reed Mining Events; Tel: 61 2 9422 2563; Email: of Asia – Vision 2020, Nagpur, India. Contact: International Bauxite,; Web: www.queensland- Alumina & Aluminum Society (IBAAS); Email:; Web:

26 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Eldorado Builds on Turkish Success

Turkey’s top gold producer is intent upon doubling ore production to reach an
estimated 475,000 ounces per year by 2014
By Simon Walker, European Editor

The crushing and screening plant at Kişladağ, with the pit in the background. The operation came on stream in 2007, and now has a 10.5 million oz mining reserve.
(Photo courtesy of Eldorado Gold Corp.)

Headquartered in Vancouver, British Mining Corp.), the company has also been Today, the mine is founded on a 10.5-mil-
Columbia, Eldorado Gold Corp. is one of developing its own projects from discovery lion-oz gold reserve, with a lifetime cur-
the new generation of mid-tier gold pro- to production, with none more prominent rently projected to run until at least 2026.
ducers. Focusing on low-cost production, than its Kişladağ mine in west-central
the company currently has mining, devel- Turkey. Today, this is the largest gold pro- Grass-roots and Growth
opment and exploration operations in ducer in the country, with Eldorado having Kişladağ is located at an elevation of just
Brazil, China, Greece and Turkey. Since recently completed studies on a major over 1,000 m (3,300 ft) on the plateau-
Eldorado was incorporated in 1992, it has expansion that would result in its output lands of Uşak province, inland from the
grown both organically and through a series increasing from the 284,648 oz produced western Turkish Port of Izmir and some 350
of mergers and acquisitions, the most in 2011 to 475,000 oz by 2014. km (220 mi) southwest of the country’s cap-
recent of which, involving a C$2.5-billion As a low-grade deposit, Kişladağ has ital, Ankara. Operated by Eldorado’s wholly-
bid for European Goldfields Ltd., was com- benefited enormously from the current owned subsidiary, Tüprag Metal Madencilik
pleted in late February. high gold price, and Eldorado has contin- Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., the mine paved the
While its acquisition trail provided ued to invest in exploration that has way for the use of heap-leaching in Turkey.
Eldorado with an entry into countries such increased the resource there nearly two- To give a measure of the scale of the opera-
as China (with its 2005 takeover of Afcan fold since production began in 2006. tion, in 2011 Tüprag placed 12.4 million
metric tons (mt) of ore on to its leach pads,
a 25% increase over 2010’s production.
The strip ratio of 1.46:1 waste-to-ore means
it also had to move 18.3 million mt of waste
rock, with a further increase scheduled for
the total tonnage during 2012.
The region that hosts the mine is high,
dry and economically dependent on small-
scale agriculture. During a visit to the
mine last December, Tüprag’s chief geolo-
gist, Yücel Öztaş, told E&MJ how the
deposit was discovered and outlined its
geological setting.
“The first indication of gold mineraliza-
tion came from sediment sampling in the
early 1990s, and we won the rights to
begin exploration here when the property
was put up for auction by the Turkish gov-
ernment in 1996,” Öztaş said. “There’s lit-

28 E&MJ • MAY 2012


tle surface outcrop, but our initial trench- achieved in May and the official opening Then, in July 2007, everything got put
ing returned grades of over 1 gram per ton. taking place in July. on hold. Pre-existing third-party litigation
After that, we started drilling.” Speaking at the ceremony, the compa- over the validity of the project’s environ-
Kişladağ is a Miocene-age porphyry- ny’s President and CEO Paul Wright said: mental impact assessment reached a high-
type gold deposit hosted in a series of latite “Turkey is a country where we have invest- er court that ordered the shut-down of the
intrusives. Emplacement was into base- ed for over a decade, and have successful- operation pending a final decision. With
ment schists that can be graphite-bearing. ly advanced a grass-roots discovery to a the exception of essential environmentally
Latite, Öztaş explained, is the near-surface producing mine. With a 14-year mine life, orientated work, the company suspended
expression of quartz syenite and quartz Kişladağ will provide direct employment operations at Kişladağ.
monzonite intrusives, with exploration hav- for 300 people.”
ing defined four phases of intrusives within By the end of 2006, the mine had pro- ...Back on Track
the resource area. Of these, the oldest, duced nearly 71,000 oz of gold at a cash Seven months of suspension followed
Intrusive 1, hosts around 80% of the total cost of US$206/oz, and Eldorado had before the mine was able to return to oper-
resource in quartz-sulphide stockwork min- already committed to a US$14 million ation, in March 2008. During the remain-
eralization, with further resources held in expansion project aimed at increasing der of the year, it achieved an output of
both Instrusives 2 and 2A. All three were capacity to 240,000 oz/y. With contract 190,000 oz from 7.5 million mt placed on
emplaced over a short time-frame, while mining scheduled to be phased out, a new the leach pads, with the company reporting
the youngest body, Intrusive 3, which cuts excavator and truck fleet was on order, the cash costs of US$254/oz.
through the earlier emplacements, is essen- aim being to reduce mining costs by using With the new mining system in place,
tially barren, forming a core around which higher-capacity equipment. ore production in 2009 rose to 10 million
the ore zone lies in a horse-shoe shape.
Typical grades for the three ore-bearing
intrusives are 1 g/mt, 0.7-0.8 g/mt and 0.3-
0.5 g/mt respectively. Strong argillic alter-
ation has produced a soft capping to the
deposit that extends to depths of between
30 and 80 m (100 and 260 ft) and overlies
harder, more abrasive host rock.
The gold occurs as 2- to 10-µm free
grains in both the oxidized and sulphide
zones, making it a straight-forward target
for heap-leaching following simple crush-
ing. In addition, Öztaş said, copper, molyb-
denum and silver values are low, which
helps the metallurgical process by reduc-
ing the potential for cyanide robbing.
In 2003, when Eldorado prepared its
feasibility study on the project, proven and
probable reserves at Kişladağ stood at 4.5
million oz. By 2005, this had grown to 135
million mt grading 1.16 g/mt, containing
5.06 million oz, and by the end of 2011,
continued exploration had increased this to
460 million mt at 0.71 g/mt for 10.5 mil-
lion oz, within measured and indicated
resources of 580 million mt grading 0.65
g/mt and containing 12.1 million oz.

Construction and
Commissioning, but Then...
Having secured its permits, Eldorado gave
the go-ahead for development in 2004,
with construction beginning in September
of that year. At the time, the company was
budgeting capex of US$83 million to bring
the mine on stream, with commissioning
scheduled for the end of 2005 and an out-
put of 164,000 oz projected for 2006. In
the event, bad weather delayed the start- The Atlas Copco Pit Viper PV-235 and one of the mine’s older DM45 rotary blasthole rigs drilling a new bench.
up until early 2006, with the first gold pour (Photo: Simon Walker) MAY 2012 • E&MJ 29


here, the Pit Viper has contributed around

70,000 m to that total,” he said.
“We are using the Pit Viper in the hard-
er rock in the pit, so we’re not really in a
position yet to make direct comparisons
between it and the DM45s. What it has
done for us, though, is to give us drilling
capacity ahead of our production needs, so
we can chose to be selective about where
we use it at the moment,” Yüksel said. Not
only that, but the mine operates with a
‘cushion’ of broken ore sufficient for
between 20 and 25 days’ production
which, he added, has been helped by the
extra drilling capacity now available.
Both ore and waste is drilled on a dia-
mond pattern, with a 4.5-5.25 m burden
and slightly greater spacing. Blastholes
cover the depth of a 10-m mining bench,
with typically 800-mm (31.5-in.) sub-
The mine’s Hitachi EX-3600 hydraulic excavators are matched with Caterpillar 785C haulers. When new haulers
arrive on site, they will be equipped for trolley assist. (Photo: Simon Walker) drilling. The mine uses both ANFO and
Emulite emulsion explosives, depending on
mt, while total rock mined reached 24 mil- 1,500 m (5,600 by 5,000 ft), by 650 m whether holes are wet or dry. A blast every
lion mt. Eldorado completed an expansion (2,100 ft) deep. day meets the mine’s current production
of the leach pads, installed larger carbon Since taking over the mining operation needs, with some 1.5 million mt of broken
columns in the ADR (adsorption-desorp- from its initial contractor, Tüprag has been ore ‘in stock’ at the end of November 2011.
tion-recovery) plant and undertook design relying on two Atlas Copco DM45 drill rigs
work on increasing crushing capacity to for the bulk of its production blasthole Dig and Dump
more than 12 million mt/y. Gold produc- drilling, together with an Atlas Copco Equipped with 21-m3 buckets, the two
tion rose to 237,200 oz at a cash cost of FlexiROC D50 that is used mainly for pre- Hitachi EX-3600 hydraulic shovels bear the
US$280/oz. split drilling around the pit perimeter, plus brunt of the rock-loading duties, with a
Design work on the capacity expansion some production work as well. In August high-lift Caterpillar 993K wheel loader on
continued during 2010, while mine output 2011, the mine took delivery of an Atlas hand to add capacity when needed. The
rose again, to 274,600 oz at a cash cost of Copco Pit Viper PV-235 blasthole rig, mine’s initial fleet of 10 Cat 785C haulers
US$329/oz. Permitting for the expansion which will add capacity once drilling was augmented with a further four
was granted in June 2011, allowing the demands increase as the next stage of machines during 2011, in preparation for
company both to increase its leaching expansion gets under way. Loading and future increases in tonnage handling. Other
capacity for Kişladağ ore and construct a hauling involves two Hitachi EX3600 face- equipment on site includes two Cat D9 doz-
new processing plant to handle flotation shovel hydraulic excavators, a Caterpillar ers, a Cat 834 wheel dozer, and two Cat
concentrates from its Efemçukuru under- 993 wheel-loader and a fleet of 14, 16M graders and three water trucks for haul
ground mine in Izmir province, which came Caterpillar 785C 150-mt-capacity rear- road maintenance and dust suppression.
on stream during the year (See E&MJ, dump trucks. As Yüksel explained, there is good rea-
February 2012, p.20). The new plant is Designed as a mid-range blasthole drill son for high-quality haul-road care. This is
designed to recover around 70% of the capable of either rotary or down-the-hole an arid part of Turkey where annual rainfall
recoverable gold from Efemçukuru, with drilling, the Kişladağ PV-235 is powered by averages 425 mm, mainly in winter when
the remainder being recovered at a gravity- a 597-kW (800-hp) Caterpillar C27 engine. temperatures are 5-10°C (40-50°F) during
concentration unit at the mine. Capex at Crawler-mounted, and with an all-up weight the day and down to -10°C (15°F) at night.
the mine totaled US$55 million in 2010 of some 58 mt, the rig can exert 267 kN In summer, by contrast, typical daytime
and a further US$53 million during 2011, (60,000 lbf) of hydraulic pull-down and temperatures are up to 33°C (90°F).
most of which was invested in completing 29.5 mt (65,000 lb) of weight on the bit. With the rock density varying from 2.1
the expansion project. The mine uses 152- or 165-mm bits on to 2.5 mt/m3, haul-truck loads can range
114-mm-diameter drill pipe, with the rig between 120 and 150 mt, he pointed out.
Phased Pit Development drilling 12-m-deep holes in one pass. Average haul runs are currently around
Since mining began, the pit floor at Mine Manager Serkan Yüksel described 2 km to the waste-rock dumps and 1.4 km
Kişladağ has reached an elevation of 874 to E&MJ the contribution that the Pit Viper to the primary ore crusher.
m above sea level, from an 1,100 m start- had made since it had arrived on site, with Given its relatively compact footprint,
ing point. A six-phase operation is being the two DM45s and the PV-235 having maintaining pit-wall stability will become
studied, with the final pit bottom engi- completed a total of 650,000 drill meters increasingly important as the pit gets deep-
neered for an elevation of 400 m, giving during the first 11 months of the year. er, which is where the mine’s Atlas Copco
ultimate pit dimensions of 1,700 by “During the four months that it’s been FlexiROC D50 comes into play. The rig is

30 E&MJ • MAY 2012


used to drill 20 m double-bench-height E&MJ. “We use a Metso Superior primary the pit. This would not only increase gold
holes at 95-mm diameter, with 1-m sub- gyratory crusher to produce -100 mm output to around 475,000 oz/y, but would
drilling. The layout involves 1-m hole spac- material for the 20,000-mt coarse ore also involve a separate leaching system for
ing around the entire pit periphery, requir- stockpile, with a Metso MP1000 cone as low-grade run-of-mine ore as well as the
ing very accurate rig set-up to achieve par- the secondary crusher and three MP800s construction of a new bank of convention-
allel drilling. “Another challenge is that the short-heads for tertiary crushing,” Demir al leaching heaps. The company has since
pit slope varies from 42.4° to 48.5°, de- said. Undersize is screened out before both been preparing its application for a revised
pending on the geotechnical conditions secondary and tertiary crushing, with fine- environmental permit.
from area to area,” Yüksel said. “We have ore screening separating out product from Based on a 25-million-mt/y throughput
experimented in the past with both single- oversize that is returned to the tertiary rate for crushing, screening and stacking,
and double-plane inclined holes.” crushers. After screening, the fine ore the material-handling requirement will
Despite the security provided by this product is 80% minus-7.5-8 mm. increase to an average of some 65 million
system, Tüprag has invested in a further “The fine ore can either be stacked on mt/y from now until 2016, peaking at 100
safeguard in the form of a Reutech Mining the heap direct from crushing or screening, million mt/y. Run-of-mine ore treatment
movement and surveying radar monitor. or we can hold it in a 25,000-mt stockpile will average around 8 million mt, with a
Supplied by the South Africa-based firm, until it can be loaded on to the pads,” maximum of 13.6 million mt, with recov-
the MSR system continuously scans the Demir said. Lime addition at 5.5 kg/mt of eries expected to be in the order of 40%
opposite pit slope for any signs of move- ore precedes stacking, with a two-stage from this material.
ment or instability, taking between five and overland conveyor running from the plant to Eldorado plans to keep its existing
ten minutes to complete each pass across the heap. Mobile conveyors carry the ore to shovel and truck fleet in operation, with
the entire pit wall. Sensitive enough to a radial stacker for placement in 10-m-high new equipment being phased in as loading
identify even sub-millimetric movements, lifts, with a final planned heap height of and hauling demands increase. The com-
the trailer-mounted instrumentation is fully 60 m. Cyanide solution is applied at a pany’s aim here is to cut operating costs by
self-contained and remote controlled, with rate of between 5.5 and 12 l/m2/h, with a going electric, not only for loading but also
a maximum range of between 1,200 and 90-day leach cycle for oxide material and for the new trucks, which will be equipped
2,500 m, depending on the model. 120 days for sulphide ore. for trolley-assist up the pit ramps.
The leach pads are founded on a two- The expansion will also require a dou-
High-recovery Heap Leaching layer liner system comprising compacted bling-up on crushing, screening and fine-
As other companies have discovered (See clay or geosynthetic clay liner overlain by a ore handling capabilities, together with a
E&MJ, February 2012, p.47), popular 2-mm-thick HDPE/LLDPE synthetic mem- new gold-recovery plant. Eldorado antici-
opinion in Turkey often expresses strong brane. The 15-million-mt initial pad pates receiving permitting for the project
misgivings over the use of cyanide in min- capacity has been extended sequentially later this year, with a capex budget of some
ing operations. Tüprag has provided clear since production began, with new cells US$175 million already allocated for pre-
proof that heap leaching is a safe way of being brought on stream as mine output liminary work, out of a project total of
producing gold, achieving recoveries of has grown. There are now 21 cells in oper- US$354 million. Commissioning of the
around 85% from oxide ores and 65% from ation, each measuring 80 m wide by 750 new infrastructure is currently scheduled
the underlying sulphide mineralization. m long. High-grade pregnant solution is for the third quarter of 2014.
General Manager Metin Demir ran pumped to the ADR plant, while low-grade Closer to the present, Eldorado ex-
through the operation’s process route for solution from the pads is recycled through pects Kişladağ to produce between
an intermediate pond for re-application. 285,000 and 295,000 oz of gold this
The ADR plant consists of two trains of year at a cash cost of US$385-395/oz,
five carbon columns, with each column only marginally higher than the US$374/oz
containing between 4.5 and 5 mt of car- achieved in 2011.
bon. Following an acid wash, the loaded The company reported net profits of
carbon is pressure-stripped, with elec- US$347 million for 2011, on revenues
trowinning and smelting to produce a doré of US$1.1 billion that were US$300
bar containing 65%-80% gold, 10%-20% million higher than in 2010. Total gold out-
silver and some copper. Refining is under- put reached nearly 659,000 oz, with
taken in Turkey. Kişladağ contributing 43% of this. Its
The recently commissioned concentrate other operation in Turkey, Efemçukuru, is
plant, designed to handle material grading now operating as planned, with an out-
around 85 g/mt from Efemçukuru, in- put of 125,000-135,000 oz projected
cludes IsaMill fine-grinding and leaching for this year.
circuits, with the high-grade leach solution Faced with a challenging operating
going straight to electrowinning without environment, Eldorado has proved that it is
passing through carbon columns. possible to develop world-class mines in
countries for which this a new experience.
The mine’s Reutech movement and surveying monitor Looking Ahead Kişladağ is one such, with plenty more to
system continuously scans the opposite pit wall, provid- In August 2011, Eldorado completed its come as it cements its position as Turkey’s
ing an additional level of safety. (Photo: Simon Walker) studies into doubling ore production from largest gold producer.

32 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Shovel Performance: AC vs. DC

A case study demonstrates the benefits of AC technology
By Eric N. Berkhimer, P.E.
Working with a western Canadian mine improved efficiency in troubleshooting, Mining/MinePro Services and the mine. A
operator, P&H Mining Equipment conduct- thus reducing downtime; set of truck scales was brought in by the
ed a case study to compare the performance • AC motors used on swing and hoist to mine to weigh haul trucks loaded by the
of its AC-powered rope shovel against its improve swing and hoist speeds resulting 4100XPC AC (with a few loads from other
DC-powered shovel. The mine operates sev- in productivity improvements; shovels). Those weighed included 320-ton
eral P&H electric rope shovels and recently • Modifications (to name a few) were made Komatsu 930E, 345-ton Cat 795F and
purchased two P&H 4100XPC AC shovels. to the front idler, lube system, roller 400-ton Cat 797F haul trucks.
Because these units were new to the opera- dimensions, revolving frame dimensions, During the same period, time studies
tion and are matched with some new haul roller path, hoist gear case, boom and were conducted on the 4100XPB DC
trucks as well, a study was carried out in gantry to improve reliability; (Shovel S05), 4100XPC DC (Shovel S06),
March 2011 to assess the productivity of • Independent drives for each propel motor and the first 4100XPC AC (Shovel S07).
these new shovels in comparison with a allowing “propel on demand” and elimi- Additionally, the P&H PreVail data acquisi-
4100XPC DC shovel that has been used on nating the time required for a transfer tion system installed on Shovel S07 was
the property since mid-2008. from dig mode to propel mode and back monitored for payload consistency as com-
The results showed the AC shovels resulting in higher productivity because pared to data from the truck scales. PreVail
exhibited a higher availability than the there is more time available for produc- also provided additional information on the
DC shovel through a similar period. tion rather than propel delays; and swing angle, digging time in the bank, time
Additionally, initial results indicate the • Rear room with improved climate tem- to swing loaded, and time to swing and
cycle time of the AC shovels is faster, perature and dust control. return to the tuck position for each dipper
resulting in a higher production rate. These upgrades were made to improve pass. The same operator was used on each
DC controls on P&H electric shovels the performance of the 4100XPC AC, sev- different shovel during the time studies to
evolved from Ward-Leonard to the eral of which were targeted for validation eliminate operator skill level as a variable
analog Electrotorque in 1968, the digital during the study. in the study.
Electrotorque Plus in 1997, and the In all, there were:
Centurion in 2004. The Centurion supervi- Data Acquisition • Nearly 10 hours of time study data
sory control and data acquisition technolo- A study to compare the productivity figures collected;
gy put P&H in a position to offer AC drives between a 4100XPC DC and a 4100XPC • 226 trucks loaded by Shovel S07
as a reliable alternative to DC drives. The AC was jointly conducted starting the week weighed on the truck scales (over a 4-day
company’s first AC drive shovels went into of February 28, 2011, between P&H period); and
service in 2007—two years after it
launched its AC drive shovel initiative. Table 1: P&H 4100XPC Shovel Working Data
Today, P&H offers both DC and AC drive
shovels as demand continues for DC drive
shovels in some mining regions while other
regions standardize on AC drive technology.
To validate the productivity rates from
the 4100XPC AC shovels, particularly in
loading 345-ton Cat 795F and 400-ton
797F haul trucks, a joint productivity study
was planned and executed between the
mine and P&H. In addition to performance
improvements, P&H also wanted to verify
that its voice-of-customer driven approach
for mine operations was effective.

Changes from 4100XPC DC

to 4100XPC AC
A number of important improvements were
included on the 4100XPC AC shovel
affecting reliability and/or productivity:
• Factory-built modular rear room enclo-
sure for streamlined electrical routings
resulting in shorter installation time and

34 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Figure 1: Breakdown of Average 4100XPC DC and AC Cycle Times A minor portion of the cycle time savings
was in the swing loaded component (0.4
seconds) but the vast majority of the cycle
time savings is in the time required to
hoist the dipper through the bank. Faster
hoist times as demonstrated here are one
of the inherent advantages of an AC drive
over a DC drive in an electric rope shovel.
Some of the time savings can be attributed
to the shaped bucket that is currently
being used on the AC shovels. These buck-
• Nearly 8,000 data points from the tion rate. Under fully-utilized conditions, an ets are endorsed by P&H to reduce dig
Prevail system on Shovel S07 (over a 5- improvement of just 1% availability can add time in the face.
day period) detailing swing angle, time some 250,000 m3 of overburden annually to P&H targeted a cycle time improve-
hoisting in the bank, time swinging the overall mine production (even consider- ment of 1 to 2 seconds over the 4100XPC
loaded and time swinging empty to a ing the same production per hour). DC when designing the AC shovel. The
tuck position. In the design of the AC shovel, P&H tar- study indicates that the target number is
As part of the study, photos were taken geted an availability improvement of 1% to currently being met.
of representative dipper and truck fills to use 2% over the DC version of the same shov-
in future operator discussions and training el model. The results suggest that this is Dipper Payload
so that operators can better recognize when accurate. Dipper payload observations on 4100XPC
the dipper and truck are loaded to capacity. AC Shovel S07 were made using the
Additional data obtained from the mine Cycle Time PreVail system equipped on the shovel as
included: One of the key components in a shovel’s well as the total truck payloads from the
• Availability data for the first 6-months of productivity is the time it takes the shovel truck scales study information. Over a five-
operation on Shovel S06 and life-to-date to load a dipper of material into the truck day period, the PreVail system indicated an
information on both Shovel S07 and S08; (along with the payload in each dipper average dipper payload of 91.2 metric tons
• Preventive maintenance schedules and full). In an electric rope shovel, the cycle (mt) from some 8,000 data points.
actual history for the shovels; and time consists of the following components: Observations made (of the PreVail system)
• Operator and maintenance technician • Hoisting in the bank to load the dipper; strictly during the time studies conducted
comments and feedback concerning the • Swinging a full dipper to the truck; indicated an average dipper payload of
DC vs. AC shovel models. • Dumping into the truck; and 93.1 mt. The trucks weighed over a four-
The study compared the 4100XPC DC • Returning with an empty dipper to a day period during the study indicated an
and AC shovels from several different tucked position to begin the next cycle. average dipper payload of 92.7 mt. This
aspects: physical availability, cycle time, In the time studies conducted, each resulted in a very narrow range of only 1.9
preventive maintenance requirements, component (except dump) was tracked mt (a 2% spread), resulting in a very high
hourly parts costs and, finally, overall individually (dump was considered part of correlation between all observations made.
productivity. both the swing empty and swing return However, it should be noted that there
components and assumed to be 2 sec- are some differences—from day-to-day
Availability onds—one second accounted for in each of as well as from truck model to truck
Excluding the first two months of operation these). PreVail data showed an average model—that are perhaps more significant.
to allow for a break-in period on each shov- swing angle of approximately 60°. According to Figure 2, the range from day-
el, excellent results were found on all three As seen from the time study data on to-day may be as high as 10% reflecting
shovels under consideration with the low- cycle time components (See Figure 1), the changes in the digging conditions, material
est physical availability being 92.52% on 4100XPC AC has an average cycle time fragmentation, position within the bank, etc.
the 4100XPC DC Shovel S06 for the sub- some 3.5 seconds faster than that of the It is also interesting to note there is a
sequent four months of operation. The two 4100XPC DC. This represents a significant difference in dipper payloads when the
AC shovels (over a three-month operating reduction in the load times of the shovel. 4100XPC AC is loading the smaller
period on Shovel S07 and one month on
Shovel S08) had a weighted average phys- Figure 2: Truck Payloads in 3-Passes
ical availability of 93.96%.
It should be noted that life-to-date
(through more than 16,000 operating hours),
Shovel B has demonstrated a 93.58% phys-
ical availability, an improvement over the first
several months of operation.
If these numbers are maintained over
time and assuming a fully trucked unit, an
availability advantage of approximately 1.5%
can add significantly to the mine’s produc- MAY 2012 • E&MJ 35


Figure 3: P&H 4100XPC PM Cost Figure 4: Relative Parts Cost Comparison – AC vs. DC

Komatsu 930E haul trucks and when it is er, investigating the possibility of extending results would be compounded further
loading the Cat 795F haul trucks. When these intervals. Based on current data, the should the PM intervals for the AC shovels
loading the 930Es, the 4100XPC had an mine has found that the average machine be extended.
average dipper payload of 90.2 mt. When downtime for each PM is some 2.2 hours
loading the 795F haul trucks, it had an less with the 4100XPC AC shovels Hourly Parts Cost
average dipper payload of 95.2 mt—a vari- than with the DC-powered 4100XPC. Six months of operation on the 4100XPC
ation of 5.5%. This difference was relative- Additionally, they are using an average of AC at the mine had not allowed sufficient
ly consistent from day-to-day and indicates 7.6 fewer man-hours for the electrical por- operating hours for the operation to gener-
that the operator may likely be loading to a tion of the PM (See Figure 3). ate a history of parts cost comparison
higher dipper payload (at least subcon- These indications from the PM data between the DC and AC shovels. P&H Life
sciously) when he knows that a larger truck show that there can be a significant advan- Cycle Management, however, has made
is present. Both 4100XPC shovels studied tage to the AC shovel. If the operator is some long-term projections.
were equipped with 55-m3 dippers. achieving an average of 3,300 bank cubic Primarily because of the lower mainte-
meters (BCM) per hour of production and nance involved with the AC motors, P&H
Preventive Maintenance, can gain an extra two hours of production projects an overall 4% reduction in parts
Scheduling and Experience for every 500 hours of operation, there cost per hour with the AC-powered
To date, the mine has maintained the same would be the potential for 79,000 BCM of 4100XPC versus the DC-powered unit
preventive maintenance (PM) schedule for additional material to be moved each year. (based on 6,000 hour-meter hours per year).
the AC shovels as currently being used with The labor savings can also add up to a sig- Annually, the savings varies from 2.7%
the 4100XPC DC shovel. They are, howev- nificant reduction in PM costs. These to 5.4% with the higher variances occur-

P&H Implements Real-Time Data Solution

P&H is using AspenTech’s real time database to capture operational
data from electric shovels operating worldwide, improving equip-
ment uptime and increasing profitability for customers. The com-
pany’s PreVail Remote Health Monitoring (RHM), which provides
insight into the health and performance of its electric shovels, relies
on Aspen InfoPlus.21. The system monitors equipment in real-time
and enables the mine to deploy labor resources to the right place at
the right time, reducing unplanned shovel shutdowns.
“Using Aspen InfoPlus.21 data historian for continuous data col-
lection, the PreVail system allows us to diagnose root causes quick-
ly and reliably,” said Ken Daniel, RHM group leader, P&H Mining.
A key part of any real-time data environment is a data histori-
an. Storing and analyzing this data with dashboards allows opera-
tors to become proactive and apply best-practice monitoring tech-
niques. When equipment approaches scheduled maintenance or
more importantly, when real-time, algorithm-based alerts suggest
potential for failure, operators can proactively warn the mainte- tion allowed the drive to be replaced before it failed, saving down-
nance department before a shutdown occurs. These alerts can be time and reducing lost production and parts cost.
sent via mobile devices, further improving response times. With the successful implementation of this solution, P&H is
Mines are already benefitting from this technology. An operator now looking to apply condition monitoring techniques to all equip-
at a coal mine in Wyoming recently reported a problem with a shov- ment, including drills and draglines. P&H currently monitors more
el drive, and a P&H technical support specialist remotely accessed than 1 billion records a day and plans to increase this by over a fac-
the real-time performance of the shovel and the historical data in tor of 10 in the next two years. As a secondary benefit P&H’s R&D
Aspen InfoPlus.21 to confirm the drive was faulty. This informa- group is using the data to improve its next generation of shovels.

36 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Table 2: Estimated Productivity Comparison Based on the cycle times observed, the
4100XPC AC would have an estimated pro-
ductivity advantage of 11.2% over the
4100XPC DC in similar operating condi-
tions. This is currently higher than project-
ed by P&H but a target long-term advantage
of 5% to 6% should be very achievable.
As projected by P&H during the design
phase of the 4100XPC AC shovel and as
validated by this study, the AC-powered
shovel offers some significant cost and pro-
ductivity advantages over the DC-powered
shovel. The AC shovel is achieving a 1% to
2% better availability (over the same peri-
od); a faster cycle time equating to a high-
er productivity; and, projected lower oper-
ating costs. Considering all of these fac-
tors, the 4100XPC AC is expected to have
ring in the two earlier periods. Combined compares the expected overall production a positive long-term impact on both pro-
with the higher productivities experienced between a P&H 4100XPC DC and a duction and cost per ton/BCM moved at
from the AC shovel, the cost per BCM is 4100XPC AC based on double-side load- the mine.
further reduced significantly. ing of the trucks and some of the other
parameters observed during the time stud- Berkhimer is a senior applications engineer
Overall Productivity ies conducted of both shovels. An operat- for P&H Mining Equipment. This article
It is difficult to compare productivities ing efficiency of 83% (50 minute-hour) was adapted from a presentation he made
based strictly on the time study data will be used and a haul truck capacity of at the Haulage & Loading conference,
because shovels do not experience the 290 mt is assumed for this estimate (with which was held during May 2011 in
same levels of truck presentation. Table 2 a 3-pass load). Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Siemens Improves Shovel Safety switch is located within the inverter cabinet, but is actuated exter-
Siemens has developed several new enhancements related to the nally and includes a sight window so the ground connections can
electrics on rope shovels. “Periodically we review products from be physically verified in addition to status indicators.
different vantage points such as safety, productivity, efficiency and Another new option gives technicians the ability to test the
sustainability,” said Daniel Robertson, business development man- ground fault circuit. The native ground fault circuit involves a volt-
ager, Siemens, who specializes in software and controls for electric age divider across the DC link with one point tied to ground,
shovels. “From a safety perspective, Siemens identified several Robertson explained. The presence of a ground, and its location,
areas for improvement.” is determined based on the voltage across the ground fault capac-
As an example, a new design layout relocates the DC link and itor. “This circuit is still in place, but we have augmented it with a
line voltage transducers from a frequently accessed low voltage method to test the circuit.” Siemens developed a ground fault test
control area to a separate compartment. Technicians can now circuit where technicians can switch in a ground and see that the
access the low voltage control area systems without requiring high- system is responding to it and it shuts down accordingly.
voltage access permits. For some of the more common mainte- Siemens has also added new signage for each cabinet cover.
nance routines, such as switching breakers on and off, technicians Previously, simple signage was used to indicate the presence of
will now have safe, easy access. high voltage. The new signage, inspired by Australian mine safe-
A recent Caterpillar shovel order, which was headed to ty standards, provide an indication of high voltage, as well as
Australia in January, included an option for a DC link grounding detailed information indicating the voltage level present behind
switch. The device provides the means to physically connect both each bolted cover.
terminals of the DC link to ground before maintenance technicians Another future improvement aims to reduce any fall hazard by
enter the cabinet. By grounding the DC link before entry, service moving components, originally located in compartments on top of
personnel can avoid the potential hazard from residual voltage. the electrical cabinet to a safer location. These cabinets are taller
“The normal shutdown sequence uses the over-voltage choppers than 6 ft, which requires maintenance technicians to use a ladder to
to rapidly discharge the system down to 50 volts,” Robertson said. access the components on top. “We made some space available so
“From that point, bleed resistors continue to bring the voltage that we could move these components to a lower position where they
down to zero within 5 minutes. There was, however, no provision could be easily accessed without the use of a ladder,” Robertson
to positively ensure zero potential.” said. In addition to safety, Robertson explained, the new design also
Standard electrical safety practices were used to manually improves repair times because the technicians wouldn’t have to
ground the system, but these methods require human intervention, locate a ladder and harness and work in a restricted environment.
and the use of PPE. “This process has now been automated so the These enhancements will be available for all new Cat shovel
system is grounded before the cabinet is opened,” Robertson said. orders and Siemens is pursuing aftermarket rebuild kits for exist-
The risk has been engineered out of the system. The grounding ing equipment. The kits will be available by late 2012.

38 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Minimizing Arc-flash Danger in

Mining Operations
Capable of producing tremendous heat, explosive impact and molten shrapnel,
arc-flash incidents are the leading cause of nonfatal electrical injuries. They may
not be totally preventable, but there are ways to protect workers and equipment
against their damaging forces.
By Tyler Klassen, P.E.

the resistance of the air gap is lowered,

such as when contaminated by dust or
moisture. When this happens, the air in
the gap becomes plasma consisting of
ionized air and vaporized metal.
An arc flash releases large amounts
of energy that can kill or severely injure
anyone exposed (See p. 42). It produces
temperatures up to 35,000°F (hotter
than the surface of the sun) that can
expose a person nearby to heat loads of
120 cal/cm2 or more—sufficient to char
skin and set clothing on fire. It can pro-
duce a blast wave with pressures up to
2,000 lb/ft2 (enough to throw a person
across a room or collapse lungs), eject
bits of molten metal and other debris at
ballistic speeds, and produce a sound
level of 140 dB (equivalent to a gunshot)
or more. The vaporized metal quickly
turns into a cloud of hot metallic oxides,
which can burn themselves into nearby
According to the NIOSH Office of
Mine Safety and Health Research, arc-
Current-limiting fuses and circuit breakers, as shown here, can help reduce arc-flash energy, but have critical
flash burns are the leading cause of non-
response-time deficiencies in offering complete protection. For a higher level of arc-flash protection, faster-acting fatal electrical injuries, accounting for
arc-flash relays should be installed where necessary. 35% of lost work days due to electrical
injuries in mining between 1990 and
Unfortunately, not enough attention has another phase or ground conductor, with 20011, averaging 21 lost work days per
been paid to arc-flash hazards in mining, enough voltage differential to overcome incident and accounting for more than
and even the regulatory agencies have the resistance of the air gap between the 12,000 lost work days during the 11-year
not yet fully responded to the danger. conductors. An arc flash also can occur if period of the study.
This article discusses what an arc flash
Incident Energy,
is, what causes it, and some of the meas-
(cal/cm2) Results/Example
ures that can be taken to reduce the dan-
0.0033 Amount of energy the sun produces in 0.1 sec. on the ground’s surface at
gers of arc flash in aboveground and
the equator.
underground mining operations.
1 Equivalent to a fingertip exposed to a cigarette lighter flame for one second.
An arc flash can occur when an ener-
1.2 Amount of energy that will instantly cause second-degree burns to bare skin.
gized phase conductor is exposed to
4 Amount of energy that will instantly ignite a cotton shirt.
1Kowalski-Trakofler, K.M. Non-contact Electric Arc- 8 Amount of energy that will instantly cause incurable third-degree burns to
induced Injuries in the Mining Industry: A Multi- bare skin.
disciplinary Approach. Presented at the 2004 IEEE IAS
Electrical Safety Workshop. Table 1: Effect of arc-flash radiation.

40 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Overcurrent device Opening time at 8 Opening time at 20 tect the people and minimize the possi-
x rating x rating bility and effects of the arc flash itself.
Protecting the people involves normal
Current-limiting fusesA 0.1 to 1 s 8.3 ms or less
safety precautions and, importantly, the
Molded case circuit breakers 5-8 s <10 msB
use of personal protective equipment
under 600 A
(PPE) required by NFPA 70E, including
Molded case circuits breaker Depends on trip settings: <25 msB
such things as flame-resistant clothing/
over 600 A over 5 to 20 s
undergarments, flash suits, flash suit
Large air power breakers Depends on trip settings: <50 ms=3 cyclesB
hoods, arc-rated gloves and more.
over 5 to 20 s
Limiting arc energy—While protecting
Medium voltage breakersC Depends on trip settings: <100 ms=6 cycles
personnel from arc flash with PPE is both
over 5 to 20 s
appropriate and necessary, the problem
ACurrent-limiting fuses also reduce the fault current.
should be approached from the other
BWhen equipped with instantaneous trip units. If short delay trips are used for coordination,
time may exceed 0.2 seconds.
side as well: minimize the danger of arc
CPlus relay time. flash by eliminating the chance of having
one in the first place, or at least mini-
Table 2: Typical opening times of overcurrent protective devices. mizing the amount of energy released.
The energy released in an arc flash is
Most of the injury due to an arc flash protect against arc flash, and following determined by the square of the current
is caused by the infrared radiation it pro- NFPA 70E is a good way to ensure safe- flow and the duration of the arc (I²t) in
duces. This is measured in terms of the ty. NFPA 70E applies to all electrical ampere squared seconds, so limiting
energy that reaches the person exposed installations in the mining industry either the current or duration of an arc
to it, in calories per square centimeter. except in underground mines, for self- will limit the damage it can do. One way
Table 1 shows the effect of various levels propelled mobile surface mining machin- to do this is with fast-acting circuit
of incident energy. ery and trailing cables. Even in those breakers or current-limiting fuses in the
An arc flash also generates smoke and areas not required by law to comply with feed to a panel. These overcurrent pro-
toxic fumes from vaporized copper and NFPA 70E, MSHA strongly recommends tective devices react quickly to limit the
other materials—fumes that cause health following its precautions. duration of an arc.
problem by themselves. And while these Under short-circuit conditions (a 20x
should eventually be removed by the Protecting Against Arc Flash overcurrent condition) a current-limiting
mine’s ventilation system, if the arc flash Protection against arc-flash dangers can fuse can clear a fault in less than half an
takes out a substation there’s a chance it be approached from two directions: pro- AC cycle (8.3 ms), as shown in Figure 1.
will disable the ventilation system at the
same time.
Arc flash is possible on any system
with voltages of 480 volts or more. In
general, it involves exposing a live con-
ductor to either another phase or ground.
Such exposure could be caused by cable
or equipment damage, a misplaced volt-
meter probe, improper installation,
dropped tools or even the accumulation
of conductive dust on insulators. It is
worth noting that in a typical mining
electrical distribution system, a neutral-
grounding resistor is used to limit
ground-fault current, and as such will
prevent an arc flash from occurring on a
phase-to-ground fault.
While some industries have strict reg-
ulations concerning arc-flash hazards,
others do not. In manufacturing and gen-
eral industry, for example, OSHA requires
compliance with NFPA 70E, Standard for
Electrical Safety in the Workplace, but
these regulations do not apply in mining.
Instead, MSHA requires compliance with
CFR 30 56 subpart K (Electricity), but
does not specifically cover arc flash. Yet,
for obvious reasons, mine operators must Figure 1: Current limitation with a current limiting fuse. MAY 2012 • E&MJ 41


The gray area shows the energy allowed Arc-flash relays—While current-limit- In contrast, an arc-flash relay (Figure
through by a conventional overcurrent ing fuses and circuit breakers can help 2) uses light sensors (either point type or
protective device, while the green area reduce arc-flash energy, they have a sig- distributed fiber optic type) to detect light
shows the energy allowed through by a nificant drawback; because the earliest from an emerging arc flash and send a
current-limiting one. An arc does not moments of an arc flash may draw only a signal to the relay. The relay will then
draw as much current as a bolted fault, fraction of the current of a short circuit, send a signal to the trip coil on the break-
but even with an 8x overcurrent a cur- overcurrent protective devices cannot er feeding the panel. The arc-flash relay is
rent-limiting fuse can open between 0.1 distinguish them from a typical inrush designed to operate extremely quickly.
and 1 second, and some current-limiting current, and must wait until the current The relay and sensors can be used
circuit breakers in less than 10 msec. increases—during which time significant in transformer enclosures, substations,
Table 2 compares the clearing times of harm can be done to nearby personnel. If switchgear and motor control centers. Arc-
some available overcurrent protective the current is low enough, an arc can flash relays are compact and can easily fit
devices Note that current-limiting fuses develop and remain fairly stable for some in retrofit projects and new switchgear with
operate more quickly than current-limit- time—seconds or longer—before it draws little or no re-configuration.
ing circuit breakers and are thus more enough current to trip the overcurrent Typically, the light sensors are set to
effectively limit delivered I²t. protective device. detect light at 10,000 lux (equivalent to

Arc-flash Incidents
Details of several arc-flash incidents that have occurred at var- • Purchase and use of PPE.
ious mining operations: • Putting arc flash labels on electrical equipment.

Oklahoma granite mine2 New Mexico copper mine4

On October 10, 2010, a contract electrical apprentice, with two On June 7, 1997, an arc flash occurred at an open-pit copper mine
assistants, was installing ground-fault indicator lights at the in New Mexico, resulting in the death of an electrical supervisor
main 480-volt circuit breaker in a motor control center at a sur- who had been testing a 480-volt circuit breaker. Two mine super-
face granite mine in Oklahoma. The breaker had been turned visors received non-fatal injuries to the face, hands and arms.
off but the fuses at the nearby transformer station had not been The breaker in question was mounted in a motor control cen-
removed and the input side of the main breaker was still ener- ter and received power from a 750-kVA transformer. The break-
gized. The breaker itself was connected in an unusual way, with er was improperly mounted, with bolts that were inserted
input cables entering the cabinet from the top, down to the though the back of the enclosure and nuts that protruded from
inside floor of the cabinet and then back up to the lugs on the the front of the breaker within 1/4 in. of the energized termi-
breaker, which were on the bottom of the breaker rather than nals. No terminal cover was in place at the time of the accident.
the usual top entry. Investigation determined that while testing for an electrical
At 12:55 p.m. an arc flash occurred. The three men were problem using a portable voltmeter the electrical supervisor
able to leave the motor control center trailer; they were trans- (who was not wearing protective clothing) inadvertently touched
ported to a hospital, where the contract electrical apprentice a probe to both a grounded mounting nut and an energized ter-
died two days later. minal on the breaker. The resulting arc flash ignited his cloth-
Investigation showed the root cause of the accident was fail- ing and he received second degree burns over 75% of his body.
ure to follow lock-out and tag-out policies, which, if followed, He died the next day.
would have ensured the breaker was de-energized prior to work- The company was subsequently cited for multiple violations.
ing on it.
Australian copper mine5
Australian gold mine3 On November 24, 2009, an electrician at a copper mine in
In June 2008, at a large open-pit gold mine in Australia, an arc Australia was working to clear a frame ground fault in an elec-
flash occurred while a 750-kW crusher was being started, caus- trical substation. Over time, dust had combined with moisture
ing a 3,300-volt vacuum contactor to be partly ejected from the in the air to create a conductive path between energized and
switchboard. No one was in the substation at the time, and grounded parts. While the electrician was wiping inside the
there were no injuries. The cause of the accident was deter- panel an arc flash occurred; the electrician received burns to
mined to be poor contact of trunk “fingers” to a busbar con- one hand, one thigh and his face. The panel had not been de-
nector, which caused an arc resulting in a 20-kA fault. energized and the electrician was not wearing PPE.
A large number of actions were implemented as a result.
2MSHA accident investigation report, available at
Among them were:
• Completion of an arc-flash study and identification of high 2010/FTL10m16.asp.
3New South Wales Government Industry & Investment Safety Alert, available at
arc-flash risk equipment.
• Reduction of arc-flash energy: reducing fault levels by open-
ing bus ties and reducing the operating times of the protec- 4MSHA accident investigation report, available at
tive devices. ftl97m34.htm.
• Purchase of power-system analysis software and training staff 5Xstrata Safety Alert, Ref. FRM-118003, incident no. 122950, available at
in its use. Alert HV Cubicle Arc Flash.pdf.

42 E&MJ • MAY 2012


state shunt-trip relay if a sensor input is

above threshold. This feature is also useful
upon startup after power has been off (as
happens after a planned maintenance shut
down) since a microprocessor requires start
up time before it starts scanning sensors.
In contrast, a solid-state device can detect
an arc and trip in as few as 2 ms.
To further improve reliability, most arc-
flash relays have some degree of internal
health monitoring, but designs vary con-
siderably. Ideally, the relay will check the
health of each component in the path from
the light sensor to the trip output contact.
The relay should keep event logs that can
be accessed by maintenance personnel.
Figure 2: An arc-flash relay. Several arc-flash relays allow multiple
relays to be connected. This can be use-
about 10% of the smallest arc). In some together and the total detection time in ful if the motor control center does not
relays the lux tripping level can be user- this example is <1 ms. Typically the have a local circuit breaker. In case of an
adjusted to prevent nuisance tripping. breaker will take an additional 30-35 ms arc flash, the relay that detected the fault
Certain arc-flash relays can be equipped to open after it receives the trip signal. can send the trip signal to a relay locat-
with current transformers on each phase. An arc-flash relay requires that the ed in the switchgear upstream. A network
If high levels of light are detected (such main breaker have a relay trip coil, so in of relays also makes it possible to divide
as from opening a panel in direct sun- some cases it may be necessary to replace protection in zones. For these applica-
light or from a nearby arc welder), but no the main breaker when the relay is tions most relays come with easy-to-use
corresponding increase in current is installed. In addition, the main breaker configuration software.
detected, then the unit does not trip. should receive regular maintenance— Arc flashes are dangerous events; they
Enough sensors should be used to generally by cycling it off and on every six can kill or injure people, and damage or
cover the application thoroughly, and to 12 months—to help keep the mecha- destroy equipment. In an underground
they are typically placed near vertical and nism from seizing up. Some arc-flash mine, they can start fires that could even-
horizontal bus bars. In addition to point relays have a circuit-breaker fail function; tually fill the mine with hazardous fumes
sensors, most relays also accept input if the breaker does not trip after a time and trigger secondary explosions. Through
from a fiber optic cable that will detect a delay of 50 to 150 milliseconds and the the application of arc-flash relays, it’s pos-
flash of light anywhere along its length. arc flash condition is still present, the sible to contain arc flashes inside cabinets,
Such cables range from 26 to 65 ft (8 to unit will trip the upstream supply breaker. minimize the potential for injury, safeguard
20 m) long, and in some cases they can Reliability is essential. Select an arc- equipment, and avoid MSHA fines.
interconnect to make even longer flash relay that offers a redundant trip fea-
lengths. Use long lengths with caution, ture that will still be able to trip the break- Tyler Klassen is sales engineering man-
however, because the fiber optic cable er if the microprocessor does not. Any fail- ager for Littelfuse Startco, Saskatoon,
may attenuate the light arriving at the ure in the primary path will activate a solid- Saskatchewan, Canada.
detector end, delaying detection.
Figure 3 shows how damage from an
arc flash increases with time. Clearly, the
faster an arc is detected, the better.
Among the arc-flash relays on the mar-
ket, detection times vary from less than 1
ms to about 9 ms. These reaction times
are a function of the relay’s light sensor
input sampling scheme and the design of
its trip output circuit. For example, the
relay’s microprocessor’s sampling rate of
six light sensors might be one sample
every 125 microseconds (8 kHz). The
relay’s microprocessor may be pro-
grammed to count three samples above
the threshold value before tripping. The
electronic output takes time to turn on,
say 200 microseconds for an insulated
gate bipolar transistor. Add these times Figure 3: Damage caused by arc-flash incident.

44 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Prospectors and Developers Converge

on Toronto
Investment opportunities and exploration service providers attract a global following
By Steve Fiscor, Editor-in-Chief

sioned a large-scale drilling and re-sam-

pling program. By the end of 2010, the
project had proven and probable open-pit
reserves of 14.9 million oz of gold. Detour
Gold Corp. is now moving ahead with the
development of the project.
PDAC selected Osisko Mining Corp. for
the Viola R. MacMillan Award after suc-
cessfully developing and bringing into pro-
duction the company’s Canadian Malartic
gold property in Quebec’s Abitibi gold belt.
In November 2004, Osisko acquired the
property, which had produced some 5 mil-
lion oz of gold from 1935 to 1983 from
four mines. A detailed compilation of the
extensive historical database was followed
by the start of a major drilling program in
March 2005. The mine began commercial
More than 30,000 attended the 2012 PDAC in Toronto. production May 19, 2011, and currently
has an estimated 10.71 million oz in
The Prospectors & Developers Associa- hand with core samples and investors were proven and probable reserves. According to
tion of Canada (PDAC) held its annual scrutinizing the specimens. At the same the association, the company has been
meeting in early March in Toronto. It is the time, more than 150 experts gave presen- exemplary in its attention to community
premier event to learn about new discover- tations related to prospecting, exploration concerns and involvement throughout the
ies and tools and techniques explorers use and project development. development of the open-pit mine, which
to make those finds. One of the largest Toronto is arguably the best place to included the resettlement of more than
mining-related gatherings, organizers said host a mining investment conference and 150 homes and the construction of five
that more than 30,000 people attended in many ways PDAC is an industry leader. institutional buildings. PDAC also acknowl-
this year’s event with 25% coming from The Toronto Stock Exchange provides most edged that the collaboration of residents
outside of Canada. That tops last year’s fig- of the mining-related investment capital. In and the town council had been crucial to
ures of 27,000 and 22,000 in 2010. addition to mining financiers, many mining the success of the project as ‘best in class.’
PDAC recognized several individuals companies and consulting firms call
and organizations for outstanding contribu- Toronto home. All of this activity during a
tions to and excellence in the minerals few days creates a very healthy dynamic.
industry. The recipients were honored at an
evening event March 5, 2012, at the PDAC Outstanding
Fairmont Royal York Hotel. Achievement Awards
The annual PDAC exhibition and con- PDAC awarded Gerald Panneton, president
ference can really be subdivided into four and CEO of Detour Gold Corp., with the Bill
areas: the Investor’s Exchange, the Trade Dennis Award for prospecting success for a
Show, the Technical Sessions and the Core Canadian mineral discovery. He led a team
Shack. Both halls and the technical ses- that advanced the Detour Lake property
sions were shoulder-to-shoulder at times in northern Ontario into a world-class,
and the Core Shack was bustling with low-grade, high tonnage gold deposit.
activity too. Nearly 600 mining companies According to the association, Panneton
exhibited in the Investor’s Exchange, pro- spearheaded the initial acquisition and
moting themselves to potential investors, subsequent evaluation of what is now con-
while 400 companies showcased equip- sidered Canada’s largest undeveloped gold
ment and services in the Trade Show. At deposit. Recognizing the potential of The Core Shack allows investors and geologists to in-
the Core Shack, 60 companies were on Detour Lake in 2006, Panneton commis- spect samples.

46 E&MJ • MAY 2012


David Giles, director of exploration for used to indicate potential deposits. ware. We now have software that can deal
Mexican-based Fresnillo plc, received the Alteration minerals form halos patterns with thousands of spectra during a core
Thayer Lindsley Award for mineral discover- around the deposits. If you are using the logging program. It processes the spectra
ies outside Canada. He led the Peñoles and alteration minerals, you can see that you in bulk and it provides visualization tools,
Fresnillo Plc exploration teams that have are getting closer to a deposit from a much not just for a single hole, but for across a
seen considerable success in the number of greater distance than if you were using an series of holes. On the production side, we
their new economic gold and silver deposit elemental anomaly.” have software that rapidly converts the
finds in Mexico and Latin America. Most On the production side, the interest measurements from the instrument into a
notable of these was the discovery of a new shifts away from alteration minerals and quantitative number that can be used to
vein system in the Fresnillo district, leading patterns to worrying about the cost and the manage the ore processing.”
to the opening of the Saucito mine in 2011 ability to recover the metals from the ore.
and consolidating Fresnillo as the largest At a copper heap leach operation as an Managing Advanced Earth
silver district in the world. example, the abundance of clays, particu- Science Projects
The 2012 Distinguished Service Award larly swelling clays that can destabilize an On the trade show floor, Geosoft was
was presented to Deborah McCombe. A agglomerate, or other acid consuming demonstrating the latest enhancements
long time volunteer and supporter of minerals influence the costs and the abil- within its Oasis montaj and mapping soft-
PDAC, she served as the association’s ity to extract the copper, Curtiss explained. ware. The software system allows users to
director from 1996 to 2011. Currently, she “Having knowledge of these factors, you work efficiently with one software platform.
is executive vice president, business devel- can adjust the processes to better deal It provides a scalable environment for effi-
opment for Roscoe Postle & Associates. with the properties of the ore,” Cutiss ciently importing, viewing, modeling, ana-
The Mining Association of Canada said. A number of companies are using lyzing and sharing large volume geophysi-
received the Environmental and Social this technology to look at cuttings from cal, geochemical and geological data, all
Responsibility Award for its flagship initia- blastholes to analyze properties and meas- within one integrated environment. “What
tive, Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM). ure acid consumption. we have in common as geologists, geo-
The Skookum Jim Award for Aboriginal In copper ore concentration, some min- physicists, and geochemists working in the
Achievement was presented to the NUNA erals, such as talc, float along with the sul- exploration industry is that we are all
Group of Companies. phides. If the mill could manage the abun- dealing with a lot of data sets,” said
The Mine Training Society (MTS) dance of talc, it could keep it below a Dima Amine, technical analyst, Geosoft.
received a Special Achievement Award for threshold where it could add chemicals to “Working with geochemistry data sets,
its work with Aboriginal people in the suppress the talc to keep the grade of the assay results, drill hole information, air-
Northwest Territories. concentrate higher, Curtiss explained. borne surveys, magnetic surveys, etc., we
The technology has been around since face a lot of challenges organizing the data
Using Spectroscopy to the 1990s, but the TerraSpec 4 has much sets.” One of the biggest challenges, she
Address Declining Yields higher sensitivities. “The higher sensitivi- explained, is the volume of data. Another
Today’s copper and gold mining production ties allow users to look at dark rocks, which challenge is multi-disciplinary data sets.
requires robust new technologies to were problematic in the past,” Curtiss said. In addition to Oasis montaj, Geosoft
increase declining yields. More metallur- “The other major change was with the soft- gave a preview of what’s exploration pro-
gists are turning to near-infrared spec-
troscopy to identify new deposits as well as
to rapidly characterize and quantify miner-
al assemblages, both providing a useful
exploration vector and assisting in resource
evaluation and reserve definition.
Dr. Brian Curtiss, chief technology offi-
cer and co-founder of ASD, a global leader
in high-performance analytical instrumen-
tation solutions, discussed some real-world
analysis applications at PDAC 2012.
ASD’s TerraSpec 4 line of mineral ana-
lyzers offers a rapid rate of data analysis
and the ability to process more data in a
given time. The use of NIR in mining and
in particular, the launch of the TerraSpec,
is creating a buzz among mine operators.
“We have a line of instruments
designed to not only analyze the elemental
abundance of ore, but the mineral abun-
dance,” Curtiss said. “We have foundation
applications in exploration and production.
In exploration, the alteration minerals are Geosoft’s Oasis montaj allows users to link vast data sets.

48 E&MJ • MAY 2012


The system consists of a sonic head,

the rig, and a support vehicle. The key
component is the sonic head. Inside the
sonic head, an oscillator (two large rotating
weights) creates a resonant energy, which
is transferred to a 150-Hz frequency. An
innovative air spring system protects the rig
from the extreme vibrations and redirects
the energy down the drill string to the bit
face. That combined with slow rotation of
the drill string from the rig, allows exces-
sive speed of core recovery. On top of that,
the driller is managing the resonant energy
for maximum penetration.
In traditional coring work, a drill rod is
advanced with a core barrel. An overshot
retrieves the core barrel. With the Sonic
system, the core barrel is driven down and
collects a sample, then a casing overrides
it. No fluid is needed. The casing main-
The LS600 uses sonic drilling to provide accurate samples from unconsolidated materials. tains hole integrity and prevents cross con-
tamination. The drillers retrieve the sample
fessional can expect to see in 2012 with a drillers to gather continuous and undis- (core barrel) and send it back down again.
continued focus on enriched 3-D visualiza- turbed core samples in varying and diffi- Samples can be gathered in three ways, it
tion and analysis of subsurface structures. cult ground formations. According to Boart can be bagged (common), a carbonate
Other demos included Geosoft’s VOXI Longyear, the LS600 rig delivers more liner can be used for more fluid samples,
Earth Modeling service, which enables geo- accurate core sampling, less than 1% hole or a split barrel could be used for clays.
scientists to create 3-D models of the earth deviation, reduced waste, and faster pene- The pullback is 7.5 tons and the maximum
by applying inversion techniques to 2-D tration than conventional methods. depth for a 6-inch head is 600 ft.
magnetic or gravity data. The company’s sonic program was This process would be best compared
developed over the last 20 years through with an auger or a probe. An auger, howev-
Equipment for Tough the Boart Longyear Drilling Services divi- er, could deviate 10 ft on a 100-ft string,
Drilling Conditions sion. “We have the largest sonic drilling while a rotary drill could deviate as much as
Boart Longyear is the largest provider of fleet in the world and the most advanced 60 ft over a 300-ft string. Augers can cre-
equipment and services in the global technology,” Tomaszewski said. “We also ate a mess as it slings mud in sloppy con-
exploration space. The company’s drilling have expert drillers. That’s one of the rea- ditions. The Sonic drilling process is well-
services business is the largest as far as sons we never released this as a product contained, according Boart Longyear, and it
size, rig count and revenue, explained line and kept it close as core competency. keeps the job site clean and compliant.
Kevin Tomaszewski, director of global prod- Today, there are more entrants trying to get The combination of the frequency with
uct management at Boart Longyear. “In it right. We believe this is the right time to the rotation allows the Sonic drill to
products, we share the same strength,” expand and commercialize the service.” advance two times faster while recovering
Tomaszewski said. “Product innovation is The technology incorporates sonic fre- the samples. “The system provides superior
our top priority, focusing on safety and pro- quencies that match the resonant energy of information on unconsolidated, difficult
ductivity. We take intellectual property and the ground, allowing the core barrel to eas- ground conditions, such as sands, gravels
trademarks very seriously. In 2011, we ily advance in unconsolidated and difficult and clays, bringing them up in their natural
filed 210 patents and were awarded 89. overburden formations. During drilling, form,” Tomaszewski said. “You cannot drill
“Our vision is to continue to grow boreholes are cased continuously by first these unconsolidated materials by conven-
and continue to take market share,” allowing the core barrel to advance into the tional methods without mixing or destroying
Tomaszewski said. “We had a lot of suc- substrate, followed by the outer casing. the sample. Reverse circulation would
cess in 2011 and we believe we will see This technique allows for the accurate destroy it and an auger would mix it. Push
that again in 2012. We plan on launching measurement of continuous in-situ (undis- probes are an option in this material, but
up to eight new products this year.” turbed) core samples, even in varying probes can’t push through boulders.” The
During PDAC 2012, Boart Longyear ground conditions. Sonic core samples range from 3 to 8 inch-
discussed three areas for growth: sonic The LS600 would work well for sampling es and boreholes sizes up to 12 inches.
drilling, diamond core bits and dewatering tailings piles and heap leach pads. Drillers Boart Longyear offers the Sonic Head
services. The company decided to use this can gather accurate core samples twice as Service Program, which provides a replace-
year’s PDAC event to launch the LS600 fast with Sonic technology and reduce waste ment head for the LS600 in the case that
sonic rig, support vehicle and sonic tooling. by up to 80%, because no fluid, air or mud repair is required. The Sonic Head has
The system is ideal for drilling and sam- is needed. The LS600 can reach a drilling advanced proprietary technology and Boart
pling unconsolidated materials. It allows depth of up to 182 m (600 ft). Longyear wants to assure it is working for

50 E&MJ • MAY 2012


their customers. “When the drilling crews Services segment focuses on near mine
encounter a problem, Boart Longyear will water control, which includes a number of
be prepared to quickly swap out the sonic different types of wells.”
heads,” Tomaszewki said. Dewatering is not new to Boart
Longyear. The company entered the dewa-
Bits Engineered for the tering business more than 25 years ago as
Hardest Conditions a decentralized service that was provided
Last year, readers might recall that Boart by Lang Exploratory Drilling, Johnson
Longyear introduced the UMX Diamond UMX diamond coring bits. explained. “The business has now been
Coring Bits. It introduced three bits: the centralized within Boart Longyear and,
SSUMX, 07UMX and 09UMX. At PDAC performance,” said Baird. “These bits were even though the industry no longer sees
2012, they unveiled the 10UMX, which designed for extreme performance, based the name, the group and the expertise still
has the “freest-cutting matrix” available, on the Boart Longyear patented ultra exists and they are the core of the exten-
enabling it to penetrate the hardest forma- matrix technology, which uses large syn- sion of this business globally,” Johnson
tions, according to the company. “The thetic diamonds. The versatility allows said. “Typically the wells that we will install
10UMX diamond coring bit completes the them to operate in varying ground condi- would be water table monitoring from the
product line, which provides a bit for any tions. The 10UMX was specially designed beginning of mine life through closure.
type of ground condition encountered,” for the toughest ground formations.” Then we drill wells for production water for
said Matt Baird, global product manager All of the UMX bits are offered in three mining and processing. And as the under-
for Boart Longyear. “We have tested these crown heights: 12 mm, 16 mm and 25 ground operations advance, we can provide
bits in all regions and take great pride in mm. All of these bits offer Twin Taper win- boreholes for underground utilities to sup-
providing drillers the most advanced line of dows to flush cuttings from the hole. The ply bulk materials, such as gravel and con-
diamond bits in the industry to maximize protrusions on the face of the bit, which is crete. All of this requires a larger diameter
their productivity.” the Razorcut face design, allow these bits deep hole and the expertise to keep them
UMX bits use advanced metallurgical to track in the hole and maintain balance. on target.”
formulas to provide increased penetration As far as dewatering, Boart Longyear
capabilities. Optimized life translates into Dewatering to Reach honed its craft in the Carlin Trend “That’s
less tripping and increased productivity. Deep Targets where the expertise was developed and
The bits rely on the Stage waterway Last fall, Boart Longyear announced an now we are expanding into Peru, West
design. The geometry of these windows expansion of its Mine Water Services. Pits Africa, South Africa, and West Australia
sustains the integrity of the bit through the are getting deeper and more miners are [Pilbara],” Johnson said.
entire life of the bit, allowing for a variety heading underground. Mine dewatering is Boart Longyear approaches dewatering
of crown heights. A Twin-Taper design dra- big business these days. North America, as projects in three phases: Phase 1 (28 inch-
matically improves surface flushing, forc- an example, has expanded its underground es), Phase 2 (48 inches), and Phase 3 (60
ing debris through the windows while operations in the last 10 years. “Often- inches). For Phase I work, they would use
keeping the bit face clear and reinforcing times, water has to be removed to access the T130A rig. Phase 2 would require the
the inner diameter. those deeper targets,” said Dale Johnson, LR140A. Phase 3 would start with LR300
“The UMX bits have received a lot of operations director for global drilling serv- then advance to LR500 and LR700 rigs.
recognition within the industry for their ices, Boart Longyear. “Our Mine Water “The T130 is a versatile rig,” Johnson
said. “It can be used for RC exploration
work, water wells, and up to 20-inch bore-
PDAC Field Safety holes. We build wells up to 14- to15-inch
Pocket Guide completed diameters. We expect the next
The PDAC’s new Field Safety Pocket phase to be much larger, moving into the
Guide is a valuable and handy informa- 48-inch range, completing the holes in the
tion resource for field workers in the 20- to 24-inch range. The depth of holes
mineral exploration industry. Water- we are seeing is in the 300-m range.”
proof, tear-resistant and designed to fit The second phase drill is a Boart
easily in a high vis jacket, the guide Longyear drill produced in Salt Lake City.
provides useful information on safe “The 140A was the ‘utility’ drill used for
fieldwork practices. The goal of the the Carlin Trend. Next step is LR300. We
Field Safety Pocket Guide is to are building an LR500.” The product des-
increase safety awareness in the field ignation is the pull-back capacity in tons.
by providing useful information on the Single pass drilling is important for this
risks, hazards and dangerous situations process. Drillers want to be in the hole for
inherent in exploration work. Order a minimum amount of time to maintain the
your copy of the guide today—the first integrity of the hole. The quality of wells,
five copies are free. You can also down- Johnson explained, depends on the ability
load the Pocket Guide in English, to put large tooling in the holes and drill
French and Spanish. straight holes.

52 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Beating Crusher Wear Challenges

Developments in the metallurgy of crusher wear parts are helping operators reduce
the impact of wear on their operations
By Simon Walker, European Editor

through the crusher at design produc-

tion levels over time.

The Best Materials

The development in 1882 of austenitic
manganese-rich steel (Hadfield steel),
containing between 11% and 14%
manganese and around 1.2% carbon,
led to its use in high-wear applications.
Major advantages for this material
include its toughness and ductility, and
the fact that continuous surface
impacts result in work-hardening with-
out any increase in brittleness. In con-
sequence, Hadfield steels and their
technological descendants provide both
strength and abrasion resistance; qual-
ities that are essential for wear parts
that can withstand the rigors of the
crushing process.
Chris Sydenham, technical director
at CMS Cepcor said that premium man-
ganese steel grades today have a higher
Crusher wear-parts manufacturers stress that each operation has to work out the best solution to crusher opera-
manganese content, commonly in the
tion for their own individual circumstances—which may well change over time. Suppliers are developing
advanced materials, quicker parts changeout and expanded customization services as new avenues to improved 18%-24% range. In addition, he said,
crusher performance. other alloying elements are often
added, the most common being chromi-
From loading run-of-mine ore to han- results in wear, while the continuous um and molybdenum, and to a lesser
dling concentrates for storage or ship- crushing forces will test the mechanical extent titanium, vanadium and nickel.
ment, managing wear is a constant bat- integrity of any material exposed to These specific modifications to the
tle. Mines that work soft, non-abrasive them. For this reason, wear parts that metallurgical composition are targeted
ores are few and far between, so for the are installed in crushers have a double to achieve improved wear resistance
vast majority of operations, keeping function. Not only must they protect and toughness.
wear under control is a significant cost the machine itself, but they must be As Steven Hanny, product line man-
item in the production budget. Get it physically strong enough to survive in a ager for mining crushing chambers at
wrong, and the financial implications brutally tough working environment. Sandvik confirmed, there are many
can be severe: hence the incentive to E&MJ asked some of the world’s types of manganese steel. The most
clad high-wear components with mate- leading crusher manufacturers and common usually contain different alloy-
rials that can both withstand continu- wear-parts suppliers for their views on a ing elements to enhance the tough-
ous abrasion and protect machines and number of key aspects relating to the ness and hardness. More manganese
materials-handling equipment made design and production of wear parts for is needed to bind with the other
from standard steels. crushers. There is obviously a trade-off alloy materials, however; a higher man-
And, while excavator buckets and in place between durability and pur- ganese content does not necessarily
truck beds bear the initial brunt of run- chase cost, given that the production of mean that the wear parts will be better
of-mine ore, crushers run a close sec- wear parts involves highly sophisticated in a specific application. Working with
ond in terms of the tonnage of material casting techniques using specialist alloys that are suited for different appli-
handled and their persistent exposure alloys, so it is often the case that the cations has been one of the significant
to abrasion on the one hand, and the most suitable wear-part materials for a improvements over the last 20 years, he
massive forces needed to break rock on particular operation can only be deter- added. By using different manganese
the other. Abrasion, needless to say, mined once ore has been running alloys, materials can be customized to a

54 E&MJ • MAY 2012


customer’s applications, leading to posites—involving the addition of poly- Changing Geology Brings
increased productivity. mers and ceramics—are increasingly New Challenges
However, as Metso’s vice president playing a bigger role in wear solutions, Clearly, the economic life-span of
for crusher wear solutions, Osmo Mäki- and have given some impressive crusher wear parts depends on more
Uuro, pointed out, adding other alloying results. Using these materials is also than just the materials from which they
elements may enhance one characteris- broadening the usage range for some are made. Changing rock parameters,
tic but weaken others. The individual sit- crusher technologies, he went on, with such as the silica content, will have a
uation must be well understood before their lower weight loss per ton when noticeable impact on the change-out
recommending alternatives, he said. used in wear parts meaning that equip- cycle time, as will the tonnage of mate-
Not all of the research has been into ment can be economically used in more rial being handled and the design of the
alloying metals. “Recent advances have abrasive applications today than was crushing chamber itself.
focused on higher carbon grades to the case in the past. A general trend is that today’s crush-
improve wear performance, with other Other companies have successfully ers draw more power and use higher
additions to maintain heavy-section explored the potential of increasing the crushing forces than before. Because of
properties at these higher carbon lev- manganese content of the alloy, as Alan this, said Mäki-Uuro, the physical prop-
els,” said John Dillon, vice-president for George, marketing communications erties of the wear parts must meet the
engineering and technical services at manager for Columbia Steel, explained. changed conditions, while aiming to
ESCO Corp. Referring to the company’s Xtralloy minimize the wear rate in terms of the
“At ESCO, we patented an alloy that 24% manganese steel for crusher wear material weight loss (in grams per ton
incorporates aluminum to increase the parts, he noted that no other foundry of output product).
amount of carbon we can introduce in can manufacture wear parts with this There is also the question of changing
the alloy without sacrificing ductility. manganese content, with the company conditions in the geology of orebodies
To my knowledge, that is the highest having been delivering 24% Mn crush- now being worked compared with, say,
carbon grade in routine production. The er wear parts to the mining industry 20–30 years ago. As Osmo Mäki-Uuro
introduction of higher carbon grades— since 1988. The company reports that pointed out, there are significant differ-
starting about 20 years ago—has been Xtralloy has significantly higher man- ences between the iron ores produced in
the most significant improvement to ganese and carbon contents than con- the U.S. (hard, abrasive taconite) and in
the metallurgy,” Dillon said. ventional Hadfield steel, claiming it has Australia, where the ore is less abrasive.
High-manganese steels are not with- up to double the wear life compared And, he said, mines being developed as
out their challenges when it comes to with earlier materials, especially when greenfield projects today are often based
manufacturing. Wear parts of all types handling tough, abrasive rock. on deposits that are hosted in less-abra-
are usually foundry cast, with one of the According to Hanny, casting thicker sive rocks than where existing mines are
key requirements being to control the sections in high-manganese alloys can being expanded.
formation of carbides within the materi- be difficult. Steel with a higher man- Hanny agreed that there have been
al as it is cooling. Heat treating, used to ganese content has lower heat transfer changes in the rock characteristics
strengthen the material further, can characteristics during quenching, being handled today compared with 20
also cause carbide precipitation, espe- which makes it more difficult to cast years ago. These change even within an
cially in thick sections. thick pieces. To compensate for the individual mine, by depth and location,
lower heat transfer, other alloying met- as a result of variations in the geologi-
Work-hardening Gives als must be added, which can make the cal conditions and the rock/ore mineral-
Longer Life casting process both more complex and ogy. Usually mines encounter less-
One of the key attributes of high-man- more expensive, he said. weathered rock as they get deeper, with
ganese steel, work hardening generates “The fluidity of manganese steel is the potential for less alteration and
a tougher surface to the part, helping relatively good, making it possible to harder material. “What we can see is
to protect it from wear. Of equal im- cast complex shapes,” said Sydenham. that mining companies are working
portance, said Hanny, is that the main However, manganese steel achieves its lower-grade ores, and much more barren
material is very strong and tough and inherent properties of good toughness rock, which can be harder on account of
can withstand high forces without and the ability to work-harden through their mineralogy,” Hanny said.
cracking. Manganese steel develops a heat treatment, which involves water “One factor that is having an effect
low-friction polished surface that quenching from its solutionizing tem- is that ore grades are declining, so more
results in better crushing properties perature of above 1,000°C. This severe rock has to be processed to produce the
for the crushing chamber, while being quenching action causes distortion same amount of mineral. Attention to
tough with properties that prevent issues to the part, especially those of crusher design and alloy selection is
crack propagation and allow for longer complex shapes having differing section critical to limit the cost of the crushed
life times. thickness across the part.” stone,” said Dillon.
Low-alloy steels and special high- “Process controls in melting and
chrome materials have expanded their heat treatment have continued to Optimizing Maintenance
application areas and today offer signif- evolve, with a resulting improvement in Crushers are usually key components
icant life improvements, said Mäki- consistency from quality manufactur- within any mineral-processing system, so
Uuro. In addition, metal matrix com- ers,” said Dillon. operators strive to minimize the downtime MAY 2012 • E&MJ 55


involved in changing out wear parts. In improve safe handling and to facilitate “The consumption of wear parts is
addition, each mine has to strike its own ease of fitting,” said Sydenham. “An so dependent on the application of
balance between the cost of buying example of this would be our alloy steel the machine and factors such as the
replacement parts and the cost of lost pro- concave segments, where we have compressive strength and work index,”
duction while fitting them. Cheaper parts recently provided a solution for a cus- said Sydenham. In a worst-case sce-
may not translate into lower operating tomer by reducing the number of seg- nario, a mining company might spend
costs when looking at the bigger picture. ments in a set from 60 to 16. This not roughly 50% of the capital cost of the
While all of the major suppliers of only reduces the number of parts being base crusher per year on wear parts for
wear parts, both OEMs and independent lifted, but also takes far less time to fit.” that machine.”
after-market companies, guarantee com- “Part lifetimes have improved in
patibility of their components with the Optimizing Wear-part Costs recent years. Since higher carbon grades
equipment they are intended for, that The cost of replacing liners and other were developed, wear resistance has
does not necessarily mean that exchang- wear items in crushing plant on a regu- improved and, subsequently in most
ing old-for-new will be straightforward. lar basis is a function of the material applications, the parts last longer. Better
Crushers by their very nature have a being crushed, the quality of the wear designs have optimized the placement of
challenging lifestyle, which can trans- parts being used and, most importantly, wear metal to improve production through
late into difficult change-out conditions the way that the crushing chamber is the crusher while providing better wear
as old liners wedge tightly into place. set up. As Mäki-Uuro explained, the life. Wear life should really be measured
According to Mäki-Uuro, Metso offers way the rock flows through the crushing as tons of material produced rather than
a wide range of options in its ser- chamber is critical, and depends on hours, so crushing performance is a criti-
vices portfolio, from change-out service the chamber design. Each application cal area of focus,” said Dillon.
to total life-cycle services programmed. needs to be tailored to the individual
Many customers, he added, carry site conditions, depending on the input Market Trends
change-out components such as spare material characteristics and the type of The clear message from all of the manu-
head and shaft assemblies that allow for product that is required: this may be facturers is that each operation has to
quick change-outs with the wear parts vastly different for a mining operation work out the best solution to crusher oper-
then being replaced in the workshop. or for aggregates production. ation for their own individual circum-
“The company regards top cone- Clearly, then, there can be significant stances, which may well change over time.
crusher serviceability as a key customer cost differences for replacing wear parts, According to Hanny, one top priority
benefit, and we are also developing dif- not only in terms of the parts themselves within the mining industry is to reduce
ferent lifting tools for our parts that will but also in the labor needed. Liners that downtime due to liner changes. Even a
make maintenance work faster and wear quickly will need replacing more short unscheduled maintenance stop in
safer,” said Hanny. “Sandvik’s ASRi frequently, and the crusher will be down production can mean a big profit loss.
(Automatic Setting Regulation) systems more often as a result. Environmental impact is also increasing
keeps track of liner wear, which makes So, what should mines expect in in importance with our customers, so
it easier to plan liner changes and min- terms of regular replacement costs, as we are working with materials, life-
imize interruptions in production.” a proportion of the initial cost of a times, the production process and
“Whenever possible, ESCO adds cast- crusher? logistics so as to minimize our and our
in-place lifting devices directly to its “Wear-part life is directly related to customers’ environmental impact.
wear parts, which support safe handling the material characteristics and mining Other materials are also playing
procedures to hoist these large parts in operations. As a very general rule of a role. “Materials other than man-
and out of crusher frames,” said Dillon. thumb, one could estimate somewhere ganese steel have been introduced for
“Our engineers are constantly striving between one-third and one-half,” said crusher wear parts, especially in pri-
to improve the design of our products to Hanny. mary gyratory concave segments,” said
Sydenham. Various grades of pearlitic
and martensitic low steel and iron heat-
treated to high hardness are gaining
more popularity over manganese steel
concave segments. Some manufactur-
ers have also done trials on casting
high-hardness alloy iron inserts into the
manganese steel matrix material to
enhance wear resistance.”
“In the future, I see more customized
solutions at each crushing stage to
enhance the total value of the operation,
helping to optimize the product shape,
amount of fines, system capacity, energy
The evolution of high-manganese steels has been crucial in the development of protective parts that offer maxi- usage and wear costs for each individual
mized wear resistance and structural strength to combat abrasion and fatigue. (Photo courtesy of Metso) customer,” said Mäki-Uuro.

56 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Armstrong Retrofits AC Technology

for Dragline Mining
A Western Kentucky coal operator is the first to embrace a step change in electrical
motors and drives, and quickly demonstrates the benefits
By Steve Fiscor, Editor-in-Chief

is less rotating equipment and the associ-

ated guarding. The downside is that most
of the AC technology of this magnitude was
developed for industrial installations and
applied to mining. The intense duty cycle
for mining applications often brings these
industrial systems to their knees.
Flanders wanted to develop a system
specifically for dragline mining. Three
years ago they recruited an expert from the
industrial side of the business and he
began teaching them about AC and they
began teaching him about mining duty
cycles. Together, they developed a proto-
type and then they received the call from
Armstrong Coal.

Rebuilding the Lewis

Armstrong Coal recently refurbished a BE 770 dragline for its Lewis Creek mine in Western Kentucky. As part of
Creek Dragline
the upgrade, it retrofitted AC motors into DC frames—a first in the U.S. The Lewis Creek surface mine was put into
operation in April 2011. The 770 dragline
Armstrong Coal purchased an older the U.S.—the country that has the most would be used to move overburden. With
dragline from a mining company in draglines in operation. The 23-yd 770 is a rolling topography, the overburden depth
Colorado to refurbish for its new Lewis small machine with a 215-ft boom, but the ranges from 30 to 160 ft. In addition to the
Creek mine in Western Kentucky. The technology is scalable. Not long after the dragline, the mine employs a small fleet of
Bucyrus Erie 770 was in sad shape. The machine was commissioned, the mine drills, front-end loaders, haul trucks and
electrical technology onboard was 50 years began to see results. They were also able to dozers, to expose and extract the 13A and
old and it needed to be fully restored. compare its performance against the com- 13B coal seams. The mine currently has a
That’s no problem for Armstrong Coal. The pany’s other three machines. Even though 10-year life.
company recently refurbished and assem- the machine is smaller than the others, on The dragline was dismantled in
bled three other draglines for surrounding a comparative bucket basis, it is moving Colorado and transported to Western
mines in the region. This time, however, more than 50% of what the larger 45-cu- Kentucky. Kenny Allen, vice president-oper-
they were going to take a measured gamble yd machines are moving. ations, Armstrong Coal, who at one time in
on new technology: AC drives and motors. The benefits of AC technology, as far as his career was a chief electrical engineer
Not far away, in Evansville, Indiana, the safety and maintenance over DC systems, working on draglines and shovels, looked at
engineers at Flanders were already drawing are well-documented. AC technology is the electrics on the machine and knew he
up plans for the first AC retrofit for a safer. The motor-generator (MG) sets that had some decisions to make. “I had some
dragline application. For many years, the power most draglines require a lot of main- past experience with draglines and I always
company has been working with mines tenance. The systems are open and guard- wanted to build an AC machine and this
servicing and rebuilding DC systems on ing is a safety concern as well as arc-flash. seemed like the perfect fit,” Allen said.
draglines and they knew there had to be a Electrical maintenance on DC motors, “The rotating DC machinery on this dragline
better way. Anticipating a need for the checking carbon brushes and megging was in pretty bad shape. When it was built
technology, Flanders set out to develop a motors, centers around the commutator. new, it wasn’t the best of the best.”
system specifically targeted for the AC eliminates the MG sets. AC motors have Armstrong Coal approached Flanders,
dragline duty cycle. no commutator. AC motors require less looking at the possibility of retrofitting it
The Armstrong AC dragline is not the maintenance, which keeps people out of with AC drives. They had developed a pro-
first AC-powered dragline. It is, however, harm’s way. So a great deal of the constant totype drive. With a short timeline, the
the first AC dragline retrofit operating in electrical maintenance is eliminated. There engineers began to develop AC motors for

58 E&MJ • MAY 2012


“drop-in” applications (same footprint,

frame size, shaft height, etc.) for the
swing, hoist and drag functions. Flanders
performed all of the pre-commissioning
test work in advance. “We load tested
everything in the shop prior to installa-
tion,” said Mike Casson, manager-dragline
mining, Flanders. “We also performed sys-
tem control testing. We were just waiting to
get power on the machine. Once the mine
had installed the 7,200-volt line, the
dragline was mining in eight days.”
The Armstrong 770 began mining in
April 2011. The machine has been run-
ning consistently since with very high avail-
ability. The machine has been running less
than a year and it is already two months
ahead of the dig plan. “We have been very,
very pleased with the machine,” Allen said.
“It has really exceeded our expectations.
The run time has been super. We have had
very few problems with either the electrical The AC hoist motors on the Armstrong 770.
or mechanical side of the drives. This
speaks well for the drive, particularly on free machines I have worked on and its Retrofitting an AC Package
the mechanical side, because they performance brings big smiles to manage- At the time Armstrong approached them,
[Flanders] were very meticulous in their ment,” said Gary Durham, chief electri- Flanders had already developed an AC
design of the drive to stay within the cian, Midway and Lewis Creek mines, dragline system and it was 80% complete,
mechanical parameters of the machine.” Armstrong Coal. but the company had not taken it to market.
From ballast to drive, the machine is Power consumption has been below “Everything on the 770 was obsolete and
well balanced from a power and speed per- Armstrong Coal’s original estimates. The worn out,” Casson said. “So it needed a
spective, Allen explained. “The operators mining company had to estimate power completely new electrical package. It was an
do not wait for anything,” Allen said. demands for the power supplier. Allen had ideal candidate to go AC rather than DC.” As
“When they are loading, hoisting and never estimated demand for a machine of Allen mentioned, it’s more cost effective
swinging, everything works together and all this type and neither had anyone else for when starting from scratch, and the benefits
of the speeds are in synch, which makes that matter. “We were collaborating with of the AC system quickly payback.
for a very productive machine.” Flanders in providing an estimate for the The AC motors were designed to deliver
E&MJ toured the new Armstrong 770 power company,” Allen said. “We were con- more horsepower. Most frames sizes would
dragline in late February. Even though the servative and over projected to avoid penal- see a 30% increase in power. “We
region had suffered from major thunder- ties. We probably over-projected a little designed it as a mechanical drop-in
storms the night before, including a few more than we should have. The power fac- replacement,” Casson said. “It would have
tornadoes, the dragline was busy moving tor has been 99%. It’s at unity almost all of the same bolt pattern, footprint, shaft
overburden. Dragline operator Chris the time and that just doesn’t change.” height, and the tapered shafts. It’s still the
Hayden takes great pride in the machine. When he began discussing the technol- standard Association Iron & Steel
“This is the best one we have,” Hayden ogy with the engineers at Flanders, Allen Engineers frame dimensions.” It’s a physi-
said. “It’s easier to run. We have no prob- had two questions. One dealt with power cal drop-in with the same speed range, so
lems. On the uptime log, this one is in the factor and the other related to harmonics. no gearing changes are required.
mid to high 90% range. When you want to “They said power factor would not be a The AC drive system was designed
run it fast, it’s a lot faster.” problem because they would be operating specifically for a dragline. “This is not an
When comparing it to the other at unity and I said, ‘Yeah right’ and, well, it off-the-shelf drive that’s being applied to a
Armstrong machines, he said the uptime is. They have also done a great job of tak- mining environment,” said Bob Parke, sen-
logs for those machines are in the low 90% ing care of the harmonics as well.” ior field engineer, Flanders. “It was
range. “All of the others are down a day As far as cost, Allen agrees with Flanders designed for the machine. We elected to go
every week or two for maintenance,” he that this technology is well-suited for retrofit with a water-cooled arrangement. We felt
said. “The 770 is down one day a month. applications. “We have three other draglines that was an obvious better choice because
We just run. We are running about two and they are doing fine,” Allen said. “I of the better efficiency. The system can get
months ahead of schedule. A lot of that would not shut them down and do the retro- the heat out of the drives and the house,
has to do with not being down. This fit. It would not be cost effective. Anyone but more importantly the cabinets are now
machine just digs!” considering a major rebuild should take a sealed.” Without air cooling, there are no
“In my almost 40 years of mining expe- look at this AC system. I would do it again if filters to change and no dust in the cabinet.
rience, the 770 is one of the most trouble- I had an opportunity.” Also, everything the technician accesses on MAY 2012 • E&MJ 59


the front side of the drive is 24 volts, which The operating environment on an AC cient,” said Casson. “The active front-end
provides a zero arc flash rating. dragline is much cleaner than DC. The lack drive is about 92% to 93% efficient. So the
Flanders also opted for a lower voltage of carbon brushes (no carbon dust) and mine would see significant savings on operat-
application. Typically an AC drive is either pedestal bearing oil eliminates the risk for ing costs as far as electricity consumption.”
700 volts or 1,400 volts. “We elected to flash over. The drive cabinets have a zero Something else that could be consider-
go with the 690 volts to stay below the arc flash rating. With an MG set in DC able is dragline utilization. When a dragline
1,000-volt threshold,” Casson said. “In application, there is always a huge poten- sits idle, whether it’s for a shift change or
many countries, the 1,000-volt threshold tial for arc flash. If the MG sets are down a bucket lube, a 1570 size machine is
triggers a different, more stringent set of for an extended period of time, they have going to consume 1 mw or more of power
safety regulations.” to be rolled over to oil the bearings. with the MG sets idling. The AC drive sys-
As far back as 2008, Flanders was AC systems run more quietly. The ambi- tem consumes virtually no power when the
already considering the concept. “We want- ent noise for an MG set on a 1570/8200 machine is not in operation.
ed to build an AC dragline system,” Casson class dragline runs anywhere from 90 to Another side benefit is a decreased
said. “We looked at other drives on the mar- 96 dBa, according to Parke. “Noise is diameter on the trailing cable. Ordinarily a
ket that we could utilize for this applica- cumulative and more sources generate dragline trailing cable is sized to start the
tion. In our opinion, none of them were the louder noise levels,” Parke said. “When the MG sets. “It’s actually oversized for the
right drive for a dragline. So we recruited MG sets are eliminated, those sources of power needed to operate the machine,”
the people to develop the drive system noise are removed. The heat exchangers for Parke said. “With the AC static drives, there
specifically for a dragline application.” the water-cooled drives are located on the is no in rush of electricity like there is start-
The AC drive system is designed for outside of the house and, with the heat ing an MG set. It’s not a huge difference, but
175,000 hours. Typically an MG set lasts removed from the house, the number of a smaller cable can be used.” It’s easier to
about 20 years. “Some would say the drive intake fans can be reduced. Or they could handle, lessening the chance for back injury.
is over-sized, but we say it’s right-sized for be placed on a VFD, which slows them
the environment,” Casson said. “A dragline down—energy savings and less noise.” Advances in Drive Technology
is a long-term investment and we want the An AC system is much more efficient. “A With all of these benefits, one of the first
drive system to be a long-term piece of typical DC system with an MG set in a Ward questions would be: How did the mining
equipment.” Leonard loop is about 80% to 83% effi- business miss the boat? The answer is: It
did not. Most of the draglines were built 20
to 30 years ago with a 15- to 20-year life.
During that same timeframe, technology
advanced and improved. In fact many of the
changes have occurred in the last 10 years.
Previously AC drive technology could
not function properly in a dragline applica-
tion such as this before the advent of the
active front-end drive. “The field-oriented
control with the active front-end can con-
trol power factor on the machine just like a
synchronous motor,” Casson said. “The
harmonics can be reduced to virtually
nothing. The drive system operates well
below IEEE 519 standards.”
The dragline is such a tough applica-
tion because of the cyclic loading. It goes
from 200% load to no load or regen every
60 seconds. Previous AC systems could
not typically handle the voltage swings and
the cyclic loading.
This system can be scaled up to any
size dragline, Casson explained. “It’s just a
matter of paralleling the modules,” Casson
said. “The way we designed it, we used the
same module on the active front-end and
the inverter. It’s an identical interchange-
able module—one spare module. For a typ-
ical hoist application, an 824 frame size is
replaced with a 1024 AC motor. It has the
same shaft height, frame size and footprint.
That’s a 1,900-hp induction motor replac-
The swing motors on the Armstrong 770. ing a 1,300-hp DC system. It takes 12

60 E&MJ • MAY 2012


amps and volts. “That took some time—

that and understanding the power profiles
on the machines,” Mann said.
The use of this technology allows oppor-
tunities to do more things differently, Mann
explained. “We haven’t done that yet,”
Mann said. “We have followed the same pro-
files of the classic DC machines. We pro-
grammed the drive to deliver the same pro-
file because everyone is safe with that. But,
we already have people asking about upping
the speeds. The curve from max torque to
max speed is linear. But the curve for a gear-
box is a parabolic function. So why don’t we
take the speed up like that? The DC motors
used to have commutation problems in the
upper limits because of high current and
An AC helper drive on the Flanders factory floor will soon be shipped to an Australian dragline operator. high speed occurring at the same time. The
AC motor doesn’t have those problems.”
modules in parallel for the inverter side to dragline retrofit, which amounted to two There is opportunity for more performance
run the 1024. A smaller motor might take motors each for hoist and drag, and three improvements, but it will place more stress
nine modules. They are all single phase for swing,” Mann said. “It’s a multiple- on the machine. Theoretically it’s inside the
modules, so there are always three in a motor-motion application and we were able machine’s performance boundaries.
batch. So it would run three, six, nine or to validate a lot of our control strategies Within a year Mann had an operational
12.” Because the modules and drive sys- with parallel motors in the same motions.” prototype. “Then we initiated the real pro-
tems are digital with built-in health moni- Dragline structures are designed for duction design with the details that we per-
toring and diagnostics, there is not a lot of peak forces and torques. “DC motors have ceived the industry needed,” Mann said.
trouble-shooting because the system tells a peak force rating and everyone is sacred “We have to build a good motor. We have to
the operator where the problem is located. about not exceeding that,” Mann said. have a drive that will produce the torques
Each module has been designed with a “There are also gearbox characteristics. As and speeds and profiles that we need. But,
maintenance technician in mind. The the speed increases, the torque on the what’s really important is that the machine
module has four connections: One AC gearbox must be reduced to keep it happy. runs reliably. Uptime has to be high and it
power connection, the positive and nega- So we have these boundary curves, which must be easy to maintain. If the dragline is
tive DC connections, and one mechanical are x-y plots of current and speed for DC not running, it’s costing the mine a fortune.”
locking bolt. They each use a ¾-inch bolt. motors [amps and volts]. It’s the classic That’s what Mann learned from the mines.
The module slides in on tapered pins and analysis of machine performance to take One of the biggest changes was the
the locking bolt hold it in place. The tech- the motor data through a motion and watch water-cooling, according to Mann. “It took us
nician removes four bolts and a small how it interacts. It tells them whether a a long time to convince people that it was
thumb-screw communications cable and machine is inside or outside its bounds or O.K. to run water and electricity in the same
the module pulls out. It weighs 50 lb. “One whether the motor-generator loops are sta- cabinet,” Mann said. “When they realize that
man with a ¾-inch wrench can change the ble or unstable.” This is the way the min- everyone else in the world does this at these
module in less than 3 minutes,” Casson ing business learned how to do this over power levels, they decided it would be O.K.”
said. “No heavy lifting or cranes required.” the last 90 years, Mann explained, and The Armstrong rebuild was a great
everyone is real comfortable with it. opportunity. “We built a system to their
Finding the Solution Now AC has been introduced and it specifications to fit their application, then
To spearhead the AC dragline project, does not work like that anymore. “Instead proceeded to test and install it,” Mann
Flanders recruited and hired Stan Mann, of amps and volts, we’re talking torque and said. “Within two weeks of commissioning,
technical project manager, Flanders, three frequency or speed,” Mann said. “So now they were running it full bore. The main
years ago. He had been working with AC we have to translate all of this knowledge power equipment ran fine. We had some
drives in industrial applications unrelated into what we really want to have when we mechanical issues on start-up with motors
to mining. He views that experience as an are controlling torque and speed instead of and couplings, and encoders (shaft posi-
advantage because he was unbiased when amps and volts. That took a year.” tion sensors).” The normal bugs encoun-
he approached the situation. “We spent a Mann then began the process of deter- tered in a rebuild.
lot of time trying to convert the traditional mining the AC motor requirements. He vis- Cabling was difficult. “The system no
understanding of a DC motor and its rating ited a few draglines. Parke and Casson longer requires single-conductor cables to
and what it does to what an AC motor taught him about draglines. Then Mann the motor,” Mann said. “AC needs a three-
does,” Mann said. “In a way they are the told them this is what AC motors can and phase shielded cable with grounding opti-
same and they are also very different.” cannot do. Then they worked together to mized for VFD applications. These kinds of
He sees the Armstrong retrofit as a suc- figure out the specifications in terms of cable are hard to find at these power lev-
cessful introduction. “This is first AC Newton-meters and RPMs rather than els especially if the mine wants to have

62 E&MJ • MAY 2012


metallic shielding. We used a continuous mand and torque reference. Give me this puts stress of the bearings. This concept
welded aluminum armored cable, but it much torque and don’t exceed this speed. uses the same bearings and frame, and the
could only be purchased with Class B All the intelligence as far as monitoring frame adds a great deal of rigidity.
stranding, which is really stiff, making and interacting with a user comes from the Joe Patterson, director of motor manu-
installation difficult. There is a debate in PLCs. All of the variable intelligence is facturing, Flanders, was responsible for the
the industry right now about metal pushed out to the machine master. The design and fabrication of the drop-in AC
armored cable when it comes to VFD drive is the big power amplifier.” motors. He had to deal with the constraints
applications. Steel armor is the tradition, Everyone knew this technology was around the existing footprint, shaft heights,
but manufacturers are not making them coming, Mann explained, but Flanders couplings, bearings, etc. The biggest chal-
that way anymore. Non-metallic jacketed had the vision to get out in front of it. lenge was to make sure the performance
cable is much more flexible and greatly “Everyone agrees its better,” Mann said. envelope of the AC motors not only mac-
simplifies installation in tight areas. “Power factor control on the front-end is thed, but exceeded the existing DC motors.
“As far as maintenance, an AC motor so much better.” He was able to accomplish this by having a
can have a ground fault or a bad bearing. really good understanding of what the
The drive system could have a component Designing the Drop-in hoist, swing, and drag cycles are for the DC
failure or ground fault anywhere in the Replacement Motor motors. “Simply matching the nameplates
wiring system,” Mann said. “A component The AC motors were designed to “drop-in” is not good enough for a dragline applica-
failure generates an immediate fault with the same configuration as the DC motors. tion,” Joe Patterson said. “You have to
an obvious response. These are easy to On a DC motor, the big heavy fame is part understand the application and the load
troubleshoot and replace and there’s just of the magnetic circuit. Basically, the DC cycle to match it appropriately.”
not that many parts.” motors slide out and the AC motors slide Although the AC dragline retrofit con-
The machine control is based in the in, then the brakes and couplings are reat- cept had been discussed for many years,
PLC control system. “All they have to do is tached with no need to change the gear- the design and manufacture took place in
modify the control algorithm to determine box. When the AC motor is installed, that really short timeframe from start to finish
machine performance,” Mann said. “They frame simply becomes a 1 ½-inch steel (five months). On a normal dragline, he
program the speed and torque reference. housing, holding the motor together. In would have been allowed 10 to 12 months.
They can modify the profile. The drive some applications, the AC motor typically Reinforcing the benefits of AC technol-
product is a dumb machine. All it takes uses the stator for structural support, but ogy, Joe Patterson explained that the mine
from the machine control is a speed com- the deck on a dragline is not solid. That should expect significant efficiency gains.

64 E&MJ • MAY 2012


This drive has 12 modules (left). Each weighs 50 lb and can be changed by one technician with a 3/4-inch wrench.

“We would expect about 12% moving from That was 600% of starting torque and with the first time,” Joe Patterson said. “We did-
motors and generators to variable frequen- a VFD that is not needed so the trailing n’t stray from the path too far, never to the
cy drives,” Joe Patterson said. “As far as cable can be reduced.” point where we couldn’t course correct.”
power consumption, the in rush of power The timeline worried him most about No one had attempted to put an AC
for the synchronous motors is eliminated. the project. “We really had to get it right motor in a DC frame. Airflow around the MAY 2012 • E&MJ 65


motor and cooling was a major concern. able, but Flanders is privately held. The machine. Rather than having a standard
“We had to make sure we were getting Patterson family has been leading the product that we plug into several areas, we
enough air over the right parts,” Joe organization for three generations. have design application-specific solutions.
Patterson said. “AC and DC motors are Allen Patterson, COO, Flanders (and an “As far as the AC dragline, we made the
cooled differently. The armature in DC electrical engineer), has been with Flanders decision to head into that area about three
motor will heat much differently than a for 14 years now. “About 18 months ago, years ago,” Allen Patterson said. “There
rotor, which is the rotating piece on the we reorganized the company into two busi- was not a good drive out there that would
AC motor. On AC motors, it’s more impor- ness units, one that focuses on after-market withstand the rigors.”
tant to cool the stator than the rotor, motor repair and the other is the power sys- Looking down the road, Patterson sees
but you still have to direct some air toward tems business units, which is engineered more possible uses for this technology, such
the rotor.” products and manufactured systems focus- as helper drives and swing motion
He was very pleased with the commis- ing on optimizing assets and improving upgrades. “We can coordinate the drive sys-
sioning process. “When you are doing safety,” Allen Patterson said. “The hope tem so that we can eliminate some for the
something that has never been done was to develop innovative solutions for min- mechanical issues, such as backlash,”
before, you sort of expect a setback, but it ing and heavy industry and to be able to Allen Patterson said. “There are also more
progressed in eight days and that’s about grow our people and business in more spe- opportunities for autonomous applications.”
the same commissioning period for a DC cific areas.” He is the leader of the power The Flanders AC system for dragline
retrofit,” Joe Patterson said. There is system group and was responsible for the mining is step change in technology. DC
always room for improvement, he people working on the Armstrong project. systems are not going to go away anytime
explained, and there are a few accessories Flanders has been serving the mining soon. Anytime a mine relocates a major
that could have been improved upon given business for more than 50 years. They are piece of electrically powered machinery
more time. now seeing more demand from overseas. that is the ideal time to consider an AC
“We primarily started as wound motor retrofit. Why would a mine invest a signifi-
A Commitment to Safety repair services on stripping shovels,” Allen cant amount of money to rebuild aging DC
and Efficiency Patterson said. “Listening to the customer machinery, when it could use that money
Flanders committed to developing and has been the key to our success in mining. for AC technology. In addition to improved
building this system before they had a cus- We also have a good understanding of the safety, the AC presents a respectable pay-
tomer. That’s a gamble that would make application and the duty cycle, and how back with power savings and decreased
many publicly-held companies uncomfort- that affects the mechanical structure of the maintenance costs.

66 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Volvo CE Pursues Advanced Control Systems

to Boost Machine Productivity, Economy
handling material with a load receiver, a load and carry up-
hill cycle onto a conveyor belt in rehandling material and
a short loading cycle loading shot rock onto a load receiver.
All parameters were isolated—except the operator. Data
such as bucket load, vehicle speed, use of accelerator and
brake pedal was recorded along with fuel consumption. From
this data, fuel efficiency in ton/liter and productivity in mt/h
were calculated.
“This study focused on how operator behavior affects the
fuel efficiency and productivity of wheel loaders working in
bucket applications in production chains,” said Frank. “The
results showed an enormous difference between fuel effi-
ciency and productivity between operators of differing expert-
ise. Between the novice and the professional operator, pro-
ductivity increased up to 700% and fuel efficiency increased
by up to 200%. When novice operators are excluded from the
results, there is still an increase of up to 300% in produc-
tivity and 150% in fuel efficiency.”
Eighty operators took part in a study conducted by Volvo CE aimed at identifying devi-
ations in fuel efficiency and productivity attributable to operator skills and behavior.
Each operator performed the same tasks within three different simulated work sites. Increased Machine Intelligence
“The results from this investigation highlight the opportunity
Getting machines to do more while using less fuel are two of to reduce costs through optimized operator behavior,” said
the most important factors on a work site. Once the equip- Frank. “We can see that the operator has a great margin of
ment is selected and the site layout planned, the main vari- influence over the fuel efficiency and productivity of the
able affecting the success of the overall operation is operator machine. If we could raise the efficiency and productivity of
behavior. With the massive difference between an experi- all the operators in this study to the same level as the oper-
enced and novice operator—and an equally massive differ- ator with the best results, it would add up to a big saving for
ence in the cost/benefit ratio—Volvo Construction Equipment our customers.
(Volvo CE) is researching a system which will help less skilled “By developing an advanced control system that assists
operators work as efficiently and productively as the best and the operator, we should be able to decrease human influence
most experienced operators in the industry. and actively help operators work more efficiently without
“The operator has a great influence over a machine’s reducing productivity,” said Frank.
productivity and fuel efficiency,” said Bobbie Frank, alter- “Volvo cabs of the future will assist the operator by pre-
native drivetrain research engineer at Volvo CE. “In the future senting information in heads-up displays and other innova-
we will see advanced systems develop that are less de- tive approaches. Through haptic controls (technology which
pendent on operator skills. Currently this technology is still takes advantage of the sense of touch by applying forces,
in its infancy but there will come a time when Volvo vibrations or motions to the user) we will see the machine
machines actively guide operators, and even control the pri- interacting with the operator and giving feedback.”
mary functions.”
What the Future Holds
Measuring Operator Deviation At Volvo CE, the company’s engineers are looking ahead and
Recently in Eskilstuna, Sweden, 80 operators took part in a developing innovative technology for future machine designs.
Volvo study whose aim was to discover the differences in fuel “This study is only really the beginning of this research and
efficiency and productivity between different operators per- it will be developed further and used in a number of differ-
forming identical tasks in the same Volvo L220F wheel ent ways,” said Frank.
loader. The operators were grouped into four categories— “The next stage is to find—using virtual simulations—the
novice (with two to 10 hours of wheel loader operating expe- optimum way of operating a machine. It will be interesting to
rience), occasional (with machine knowledge but not fre- see how this compares with the top operator from our inves-
quent use), test operators (Volvo employees who operate tigation. There is a lot of potential to develop an advanced
wheel loaders regularly but not professionally) and profes- operator assist system and training tool with these results
sional operators (those who work with wheel loaders on a and, with more data from different machines in other appli-
daily basis). cations, managers could use this information to set the pace
Each operator performed the same tasks in three of production and optimize the overall efficiency of the entire
different simulated work sites: a short loading cycle in re- job site.”

148 E&MJ • MAY 2012


GE Energy Offers Complete AC • Four-quadrant control of all motor functions with active
Power Solution power factor correction.
Surface mine operators are finding it harder to deliver the • An air-cooled drive system designed for minimal mainten-
same amount of minerals in the same time with existing ance with extended filter change intervals.
technologies, according to GE Energy—the ore being uncov- • AFEs and inverters configured as master/slave with an auto-
ered has lower concentrations of minerals as existing sites matic fail-over feature, which allows for reduced-capability
become more mature. As a result, mining companies are operation until maintenance can be scheduled.
increasingly under pressure to find more energy-efficient and • System communication networks that use standard bus
reliable solutions. In response, GE Energy has introduced a protocols.
new alternating current (AC) excavator solution which con- The Active Front End (AFE) in the VFDs provides high
sists of drives, controls and motors designed specifically for energy efficiency with Power Factor management to mini-
challenging surface mine applications and environments. mize line transients and disruptions at the Point of Common
The AC system is a complete motion solution comprising Connection (PCC) to the utility. The inverters are de-
an integrated family of power delivery elements, Variable signed and rated to support the severe duty of excavator
Frequency Drives (VFD), AC motors and controls. Each sys- motor applications.
tem is designed for the specific application using motors of Mining operators look to uptime and cycle time as two
various frame sizes and mounting orientations (horizontal measurements that provide the most meaningful indication
and vertical) and drives tailored to the platform. The system of lower cost per material ton moved ($/mtm). GE said its AC
is designed to use a master PLC to control system functions, excavator solutions, based on an advanced AC drive, control
maintaining commonality of equipment and control algo- and motor system technology, will help deliver the reliability
rithms with existing DC excavator systems. and productivity necessary to help mining operators meet
GE Energy said its newly designed air-cooled AC KD800 their goals.
series motors are mechanically interchangeable with its GE Energy created GE Mining Solutions to collaboratively
existing DC MD800 series Mill Duty motors, down to the develop with mining clients the technologies needed to con-
mounting configurations and shaft heights. This gives tinue their success. GE Mining Solutions is part of GE Global
prospective users the flexibility to select either AC or DC, Industries, GE Energy’s new cross-business that intercon-
whether retrofitting existing excavators or engineering an all nects technologies from across GE Energy’s diverse portfolio
new design. to increase efficiency and results for customers in critical
Main features of the AC system include: business sectors.
• Active front ends capable of regenerative operation from
the interface to the utility.
• Dedicated inverters, sized to motor requirements, control
each of the motors.
• Insulation is designed for 20-year winding life under nor-
mal excavator operation.
• AC systems are designed for higher productivity by provid-
ing higher peak and continuous power ratings.
• Anti-friction bearing life exceeds major excavator overhaul
• Internal shaft grounding brush is field replaceable.
• Field replaceable speed sensors are used to ensure accur-
ate rotor position and rotational direction while providing
precise torque control.
• Bearings and stators are equipped with factory-installed RTDs.
The company said its new family of AC VFDs have been
developed using a modular approach designed to meet cus-
tomer specifications using a common set of modules and
passive components, thus improving availability and reliabil-
ity. The product line features: MAY 2012 • E&MJ 149


ABB’s New-gen Arc Flash Protection System

Designed for Engineered Safety Applications
ABB’s Low Voltage Products division has cuit breakers, overrides the protection
released TVOC-2, a new generation of its delays within the necessary timeframes to
proprietary Arc Guard System that has minimize injuries and equipment damage.
been protecting electrical equipment “ABB has over 35 years of experience
from dangerous electrical arc flashes for detecting arc faults with the predeces-
over 35 years. sors to the TVOC-2,” said Zbytowski.
According to the company, TVOC-2 “While we are proud of that history, we
features numerous upgrades and new weren’t satisfied with only protecting
functions to provide superior arch flash equipment. Our goal, which is now real-
protection, detecting faults in low- and ized, was to gain the TÜV certified SIL-2
medium-voltage switchgear and discon- rating allowing the TVOC-2 to be used in
necting the power provided to the arc engineered safety solutions.”
within 30 to 50 milliseconds, preventing ABB said that, in addition to achiev-
serious injury to personnel and damage ing the functional safety design as
to expensive equipment. Without the Arc TVOC-2 Arc Guard. approved through rigorous third party
Guard System an arc flash will typically testing and certification, the feature
trip a circuit breaker in approximately 1 because most accidents occur with the upgrades of TVOC-2 provide significant
second, enough time for the arc to switchgear door open, and electrical system enhancements, including:
destroy the switchgear and kill or seri- breaker protection is solely based on
ously injure a person. delayed over-current stoppages. The Reliability:
TVOC-2 is now UL listed, and when main cause of arc flashes is human error • Pre-calibrated optical sensors and fiber
installed along with ABB’s Emax circuit and 65% occur when an operator is work- optic point sensors.
breakers, carries a functional safety ing on the switchgear. • Hardware based self-monitoring system
rating of SIL-2 as certified by TÜV The Arc Guard system can detect for critical functions; the software is
Rheinland, an independent global pro- an arc flash in less than 1 millisecond, used only for supervision and informa-
vider of safety analysis. The SIL-2 certifi- and depending on the disconnecting tion processing.
cation, said ABB, confirms the TVOC-2 device, it will typically disconnect the • Wide-ranging input voltage ratings (100
has achieved the standard required to power to the switchgear within 30 to 50 to 240 V AC and 100 to 250 V DC).
protect both humans and equipment. milliseconds. This will not prevent the • Selective tripping of only the affected
“The SIL-2 rating is especially impor- accident, but it will significantly reduce circuit breaker, not all breakers within
tant because it allows the TVOC-2 Arc the damage. a system.
Guard system to be used where an
engineered safety solution is required,” Detection, Recognition, Action Flexibility:
said Steve Zbytowski, product manager The Arc Guard System uses light as the • The HMI can be mounted on the TVOC-
of control gear at ABB. “The rating main condition to instantaneously trip 2 or panel door.
makes the TVOC-2 a unique product in the incoming circuit-breaker, responding • Standard system has 10 sensor inputs,
today’s market.” in milliseconds and overriding slower pro- expandable to 30.
tection elements. The system acts in • The system can be configured accord-
Hotter Than the Sun three phases: ing to specification.
An arc flash is a strong electric current, • Detection—an optical sensor senses
often taking the form of a major explosion, light—an arc flash—inside the equipment; Simplicity:
that passes through air when insulation • Recognition—the arc monitor deter- • User-friendly start-up menu, easy to install.
between electrical conductors is no longer mines the intensity of the light; and • Mounting options on DIN-Rail or direct-
sufficient to contain the voltage within • Action—the TVOC-2 sends a signal to ly on a panel wall.
them, creating a short that allows electric- trip the breaker(s). • Easy to expand as the switchgear grows.
ity to race from conductor-to-conductor. Short circuit protection alone is not
Arc flashes can emit heat up to 35,000°F, enough to provide the necessary response The Arc Guard System is claimed to
four times the surface temperature of the time because power distribution systems be compatible with a wide range of appli-
sun. In the U.S. alone, it is estimated that often include a required selectivity cations, including new or OEM installa-
five to 10 arc flash incidents occur every designed to achieve desired plant effi- tions, as well as older equipment lacking
day, causing one to two daily fatalities. ciencies and ensure power availability. a safety upgrade.
Despite conscientious attempts to This selectivity delays the breakers trip-
design systems that inherently reduce ping in the necessary time. The Arc Guard (See related article, “Minimizing Arc Flash
risk, mechanical measures often fail System, along with properly specified cir- Danger in Mining Operations.” p. 40.)

150 E&MJ • MAY 2012


Northland Finalizes Logistics,

Mill Operational Agreements
Northland Resources, moving toward
planned startup of mining and processing
at its Kaunisvaara magnetite iron ore
property in Sweden, recently issued a flur-
ry of announcements for long-term con-
tracts awarded to several of the project’s
primary vendors and service providers.
In late March, Northland signed a
comprehensive service contract with
Metso involving the company’s process-
ing plant at Kaunisvaara, which will pro-
duce high-quality magnetite concentrate.
The service contract includes staffing
for the commissioning and completion,
performance-guarantee testing, control of
scheduling and quality, inventorying of Construction continued through the winter at Northland Resources’ Tapuli iron ore mine in northern Sweden, as the
spare parts and maintenance of the company moves ahead with a targeted late-2012 startup. (Photo courtesy of Northland Resources)
equipment related to the Kaunisvaara
process plant. between gross weight and relative speed Grieg will operate the Fagernes ter-
Metso will deliver the primary crusher, on the road—which will determine an minal in Narvik, where the iron ore con-
semi-autogenous mills, pumps, other optimum number of daily roundtrips centrate will be transferred from railcars
equipment, material and tools starting combined with the minimum amount of to cape-size vessels for shipment to
the second quarter of 2012 and began to road maintenance. customers. The terminal is expected to
deploy staff to Kaunisvaara at the begin- The operational agreement with Peab, load vessels of up to 180,000 mt.
ning of April 2012. The contract, which which is in effect until the end of 2021, However, use of the Fagernes terminal is
will run for six years, is valued at roughly is valued at approximately $600 million. a temporary solution extending a mini-
$100 million. “Peab has been an active participant mum 10 years, said Northland, and the
Northland, which is less than one year in the Kaunisvaara project, constructing company is in discussions with the
away from starting production at the buildings and infrastructure at the mine Narvik municipality to find a long-term
Tapuli mine in Kaunisvaara, announced in site and at the Port of Narvik. We are terminal solution.
early April that it would sign final agree- therefore pleased to further extend our Northland also noted that Kiruna
ments with logistic specialist companies relationship on this important project Wagon will deliver 150 railcars to be
to manage and develop the logistics solu- for Northland,” said Jan Johansson, used for transporting the iron ore on the
tion between Kaunisvaara and the Port of CEO of Peab. Malmbanan railway; and Northland has
Narvik, Norway. In 2013, 1.3 million mt Peab will also be responsible for the an option to buy 44 to 92 more cars from
of iron ore concentrate is expected to be construction of the entire infrastructure Kiruna Wagon. The railcars will be deliv-
transported from Kaunisvaara to Narvik, at the Fagernes terminal in Narvik. The ered between January 1, 2013, and May
ramping up to full production of more terminal will consist of a quay, a heated 5, 2014.
than 4 million mt by 2015. unloading facility for the railcars, a stor- Northland said these combined
The company said Peab AB will han- age building and a ship loader. In addi- logistical agreements, which are in
dle concentrate transportation by truck tion, Peab is also responsible for con- effect until the end of 2021, have a
from Kaunisvaara to a transload terminal struction of the transload terminal at total value of approximately $900
at Pitkäjärvi, and Savage Services Corp. Pitkäjärvi, where pre-development has million.
will manage rail line service and other already started. The construction agree- Also in April, Northland announced
logistical tasks from Kaunisvaara to ment with Peab is valued at approxi- that Pon Equipment will be responsible
Narvik. Grieg Logistics AS will manage mately $60 million. for maintenance of the Caterpillar equip-
port operation in Narvik. Savage will operate the rail link from ment to be used at the mine.
The company’s concentrate will be the transload terminal at Pitkäjärvi to The agreement with Pon encompasses
transported by truck 150 km on public Narvik. The concentrate will be trans- maintenance, repairs and service on the
roads, before transfer to railcars at ported on the 226-km-long Malmbanan 23 items of equipment that will be deliv-
Pitkäjärvi. The trucks will be allowed to railway. Malmbanan is currently used for ered starting in the second quarter of
carry up to 60 mt at the beginning of pro- iron ore transportation by Swedish iron 2012 through the fourth quarter of
duction, but Northland said the Swedish ore producer LKAB. 2014. The fleet consists of haul trucks,
Transport Administration is expected to Savage also will supply management mining shovels, track dozers, wheel load-
grant dispensation for 90-mt trucks. services for the whole logistics chain, ers and motor graders. The contract will
Northland and STA are currently con- including overall responsibility for coordi- be in effect for five years from
ducting tests using a 90-mt truck to nation and management between Peab, Northland’s acceptance of the first
determine the most efficient balance Savage and Grieg. equipment. MAY 2012 • E&MJ 151


Metso Introduces a New Concept

in Mill Liners
Pneumatic or recoilless hydraulic ham-
mers are not needed to dislodge worn
Megaliners, as gravity alone is general-
ly sufficient.
The Megaliner is suitable for large
AG mills with large trunnions and where
modern liner handlers are available.
Each Megaliner element integrates
multiple lifter and shell plate rows, and
covers an area up to 4 m2 (43 ft2).
The rubber-and-metal composite liner
weighs 30% to 60% less than metallic
liners of a similar size.
Overall, said Metso, installing and
replacing mill liners with the Megaliner
system creates a much safer and less
stressful environment for the liner han-
dler operator and the installation team.

Wear Material Can be Molded

to Suit Any Application
British Columbia, Canada-based Red-
Metso’s Megaliner mill-liner shell element requires fewer attachment points than conventional liners. wood Plastics claims its Redco Epicure
(Cx) offers substantial improvement
Metso Mining and Construction’s new ward, as the threaded portion of the over traditional lining materials such as
Megaliner shell liner has been designed standard hex-head liner bolts is pro- urethane, UHMW, rubber and other
to reduce downtime for large grinding tected from dust, corrosion and general polymers in harsh-wear applications. In
mills to a minimum, employing an mechanical damage. Once loosened, it addition to saving costs through longer
innovative design that allows faster is often possible to remove the liner part life, the company said Redco
replacement. According to the compa- bolts simply by hand-turning them. Epicure (Cx) can be custom molded
ny, it also improves worker safety dur- directly into finished parts, greatly
ing maintenance, as the liners are bolt- reducing labor and material waste asso-
ed into position from the outside of ciated with machining parts from stock
the mill and workers are not required shapes. The company’s mechanical
to stand within the ‘drop-zone’ area of designers will work with customers to
the liners. design components that target the
Mill availability is improved through needs of their unique application.
faster liner replacement. Megaliner, Physical characteristics of Epicure
said Metso, uses larger than average (Cx) include the ability to perform
liners yet these can still be placed with in extreme environments from -60°C
the same 6- to 8-axis liner handlers (-76°F) to 105°C (221°F), premium
commonly used with large AG mills. wear and abrasion resistanance (rein-
Using larger liners means mills require forced with ballistic composite), and
fewer of them and Megaliner also has standard durometer hardness of 85A,
fewer attachment points compared with with custom formulations available in
conventional liners, speeding up instal- other ratings. The material’s standard
lation even further. Liners are easily color is yellow.
and accurately positioned before bolt- Applications include: liners for pipe,
ing with the aid of highly visible, col- pump, chutes and hoppers, impellers,
ored guiding markers. wear pads and bumpers, spouts and
Metso said it designed the system to nozzles, crusher and conveyor parts,
make removal and replacement of liners agitators and mixer paddles, cable
as quick, safe and easy as installation. Workers fasten the liner’s attachment bolts from the guides, screens, filters and classifiers
Bolting and unbolting is straightfor- outside of the mill, improving personal safety. and others.

152 E&MJ • MAY 2012


High-power Separator Rolls RE Rolls are constructed with neo- Effluent Treatment Project
Provide a Purer Product dymium-boron-iron rare earth permanent Advances at Halfmile Mine
Increasingly stringent product specifi- magnets that are claimed to offer at Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies
cations require more efficient separa- least 10 times the attractive force of Canada is currently engaged in a pro-
tion methods, and Eriez claims its Rare conventional magnets. The high-gradient ject for the design and supply of a
Earth (RE) Roll Separators provide peak magnetic circuit includes a variety of 1,000-m3/d effluent treatment plant to
separation efficiency to ensure excep- proprietary items designed to produce a serve Trevali Mining Corp.’s Halfmile
tional product purity. magnetic field in excess of 21,000 zinc-lead-silver-copper mine in New
“Our new and stronger permanent gauss. These highly magnetic rolls are Brunswick. The new zinc-lead-silver-
magnetic separators provide a more capable of recovering weakly magnetic copper mine, situated 60 km south of
efficient alternative for handling a wide particles, and will handle feeds from Bathurst, commenced production earli-
variety of materials that do not respond 0.5-in. (13 mm) to very fine materials. er this year.
well to traditional methods of separa- Eriez RE Rolls are available in 3-, 4- The scope of the fast-track design-
tion,” said Dave Heubel, director of and 6-in. (76. 102 and 152-mm) diam- build effluent treatment project
North American sales. “Our RE Roll eter rolls. Roll widths range from 5 to includes the entire treatment plant as
Separators bring together extraordinary 60 in. (127 to 1,524 mm). A unique well as the construction of the building.
magnetic strength and superior product cantilever design allows quick belt The plant will provide precipitation,
design, enabling this equipment to replacement, requiring only one opera- decantation and filtration, plus pH cor-
meet even the toughest customer chal- tor. The standard belting is Teflon-coat- rection to provide a treated mine efflu-
lenges. These separators are essential ed, graphite-filled Kevlar with thick- ent that meets the Canadian Council of
in response to new advances in materi- nesses of five and 10 mils. Ministers of the Environment (CCME)
als and specifications. Increasingly, The units are available in single-, Water Quality Guidelines for the
there is a demand for higher purity double- and triple-stage versions with Protection of Aquatic Life.
feedstocks.” either non-magnetic or magnetic-rerun. According to Paul Keller, Trevali's
vice president of operations, the plant
incorporates metals precipitation using
ACTIFLO Turbo, a high-rate, small-foot-
print clarification process. The process
uses sand-ballasted settling and a draft
tube reactor that allows for a compact
design with high overflow rates and short
detention times. This design enables the
unit to perform well under dynamically
changing flow rates without impacting
final effluent quality. By combining the
proprietary Hydrex reagent to magne-
sium hydroxide, the solids produced in
the ACTIFLO unit will be larger than
sodium. After clarification, the water
undergoes sand filtration to remove any
remaining solids, followed by pH correc-
tion. Instrumentation and automation
features permit remote monitoring of the
entire water treatment plant.
Trevali has been constructing
Halfmile’s civil works since March
2011, and began production at the
underground operation in January
2012, with a planned production ramp-
up to a rate of 2,000 mt/d.
Trevali has two advanced-stage
polymetallic (zinc-lead-silver-copper)
deposits in Canada and Peru—Halfmile
and Santander, respectively. In Canada,
Trevali owns the Halfmile mine and
Stratmat polymetallic deposit in the
Bathurst Mining Camp of northern New
Brunswick, and the past-producing
Eriez’s Rare Earth Roll Separators use high-performance magnets to recover weakly magnetic mineral particles Ruttan copper-zinc mine in northern
ranging from fines up to 13-mm diameter. Manitoba. MAY 2012 • E&MJ 153


New Hitachi Hydraulic Excavators

for Mining
yd3), and as with the EX5600-6, the
reach of the backhoe front attachment
has been shortened and engine output
boosted to achieve higher productivity
with cycle times equivalent to the previ-
ous version. Radiator and oil cooling per-
formance have been increased through a
changeover to a single 60-in. (1,524-
mm) fan from the previous model’s two
smaller fans. The EX2600-6 also offers
the improved hydraulic pump output per-
formance and improved hydraulic oil cool-
er design included in its larger sibling.
The -6 version also provides a new
EX2600-6 exterior walkway near the right rear and
across the counterweight for easier
access to key areas.

Hoses for Extremely

Cold Environments
Two new hose models from Parker
Hannifin are engineered to work in tem-
peratures as low as -70°F (-57°C)—the
industry’s lowest temperature rating—
while maintaining high performance.
Specifically designed, tested and field-
proven for high-impulse, heavy-duty
applications, Parker’s 472LT and 722LT
hoses are claimed to be ideal for mining,
drilling and construction equipment used
EX5600-6 commonly throughout northern Canada
and the Arctic Circle. The No-Skive, two-
Hitachi recently introduced new versions viding higher hydraulic flow rate at the wire braided 472LT hose is rated for
for two of its mining-class hydraulic exca- same pressure. Other related improve- high-pressure applications that operate
vators—the EX5600-6 and the EX2600- ments include a new design and manufac- at up to 5,800 psi (40 MPa), and uses
6. Both -6 models feature bucket capaci- turing process for the machine’s hydraulic Parker’s standard 43 Series fittings.
ty increases compared with the -5 ver- oil cooler. Fan speed has been increased Parker’s 43 Series fittings are offered in
sions, and also offer claimed productivity to provide additional cooling capacity. The the widest range of end configurations
improvements ranging from 17% in the EX5600-6 is powered by a Cummins available. Rated up to 4,000 psi (28
backhoe version of the EX5600-6 to 12% diesel similar to that used in the -5 ver- MPa), the No-Skive, four-wire spiral
for the shovel version; and from 13% in sion, but with increased horsepower. 722LT is available in a wide range of
the EX2600-6’s backhoe configuration to The basic configuration of the -5’s cab sizes and incorporates a patent-pending
4% for the shovel version. Hitachi said it is retained, but LED lighting has been spiral reinforcement construction that
has shortened the reach of the EX5600-6 adopted for longer life and less heat gen-
backhoe front attachment and boosted eration. Interior features include an air
engine output, resulting in higher produc- suspension seat and low-effort short-throw
tivity with cycle times equivalent to the -5 levers with electric fly-by-wire, along with
version. Front-shovel bucket capacity for optional provisions for extreme operating 472LT
the larger EX5600 has been increased as conditions and optional digital interface
well, from 27 m3 (35.5 yd3) to 28 m3 (38 with major mine management systems.
yd3). In addition, hydraulic pump output Bucket capacity for the EX2600-6
has been increased by 10% through a backhoe version has been increased
change in the pump drive gear ratio, pro- from 15 m3 (19.6 yd3) to 17 m3 (22.2 722LT

154 E&MJ • MAY 2012


provides longer life in heavy-duty appli-

cations compared with standard braided
hose. It also uses Parker’s 43 Series fit-
tings, as well as the 71 Series (for size -
24). These hoses can be crimped using
Parker’s Parkrimp system.

Hand-held Torque Multiplier

Eases Tough Tightening Jobs
According to torque-tool specialist
Mountz, its HG hand torque multiplier is
an ideal tool for extreme applications of
torque to loosen or tighten bolts or nuts,
in environments where air power or elec-
tricity aren’t easily accessible. The com-
pact, versatile torque multiplier applies
precise amounts of torque or power in
nearly any heavy-duty fastening situation,
eliminating requirements for multiple chuckable parts. Work pieces can be clad thickness, and permits the travel carriage
operators and enhancing safety. Forged with stainless steel, Iconel, or other exot- to be disengaged for rapid re-positioning.
parts ensure the HG’s gears can withstand ic metals at a rate of up to 5 lb (2.3 kg)
the highest loads. A shear pin at the input of metal per hour, reducing weld times.
drive protects the HG from overload and The machine rotates the work piece, fea- Level Scanner Copes with
minimizes the chance of operator injury. tures an automated axial feed that uses a Challenging Silo Conditions
Mountz offers various hand torque multi- “step” process for precision bead place- BinMaster Level Controls’ 3DLevel-
plier models with a maximum torque ment and complete weld coverage, offers Scanner HE is designed for use in stor-
capacity up to 36,800 ft-lb. independently adjustable parameters age silos containing challenging materi- that allow the user to control the bead als such as clinker, alumina and fly ash.

System Offers Enhanced

Wear-cladding Capabilities
Climax Portable Machining and Welding
Systems says its AutoClad machine is an
innovative system for cladding the inside
diameter of nozzles, tubes and other cir-
cumferential components for protection
against corrosion from caustic chemicals,
or erosion from slurries. Usually manu-
factured from mild steel, these com-
ponents can be clad with a protective
material such as stainless steel or a nick-
el alloy to provide corrosion resistance.
Although most welding processes leave
voids where corrosion can damage the
base metal, AutoClad provides void-free
welds by combining GMAW welding with
automated axial feed and rotation of MAY 2012 • E&MJ 155


This new version of the 3DLevelScanner uneven and difficult to measure. In prac-
has an operating temperature range of up tice, dependent on the diameter and
to 250°F (120°C) and, according to height of the silo and the desired level of
BinMaster, is ideal for use where there volume accuracy, one or more 3DLevel-
are multiple challenges such as dust or Scanners is mounted on the top of the
high humidity and very large silos where silo in strategic locations determined by
the material surface in the bin may be using advanced proprietary software.
Each dust-penetrating, non-contact sen-
sor sends pulses in a 70° beam angle,
taking multiple measurements from the
material surface and calculating a highly
accurate volume estimate for the con-
tents of the silo. The 3DLevelManager
software reports the lowest and highest loaders, trucks and other equipment.
points detected and the average level Content includes high-resolution images
based upon a weighted average of all of that allow products to be viewed from all
the measurements detected in the bin. angles. In addition, content can be syn- chronized so that it can be accessed
offline, and the app’s GPS function can
Underground Equipment App direct users to the nearest Atlas Copco
Showcases Product Lines office. The app will also feature case sto-
Responding to the growing use of smart ries and a social network news feed.
phones, tablets and other hand-held
devices, Atlas Copco has introduced a
mobile-device app from its Underground Motor Analysis System is
Rock Excavation division. By download- Faster and More Accurate
ing the free app, users gain access to SKF says its new Baker DX static motor
information pertaining to the company’s analyzer models—which help users iden-
range of underground face drilling rigs, tify potential problems with motors and

156 E&MJ • MAY 2012


generators—will replace older-generation

Baker D-series and ST series surge test
analyzers, and perform analysis faster
and more accurately than previous gener-
ation models. The new models now
include low-voltage inductance, imped-
ance, phase angle and capacitance, coil,
and DC step voltage tests in a smaller,
lighter-weight portable unit. Like their
predecessors, these analyzers also con-
duct winding resistance, megohm, DC
HiPot, surge tests and DC bar-to-bar
armature tests. All units come with a
more intuitive, easy-to-navigate touch
screen graphical user interface, and can
be ordered in an array of configurations
that suit the specific needs of a given
customer. DX analyzers can perform
motor tests from 4 to 40 kV (with an
optional Power Pack), and are available
in 4kV, 6kV, 6kV HO (high output), 12kV,
and 12kV HO versions, along with a wide
array of options and accessories to meet operators to change parts more quickly detects a potential problem. The pump is
specific application needs. Such options and efficiently, with the help of a unique, available in six discharge sizes ranging
include coil test, resistance-inductance- tapered impeller shaft, and the pump’s from 80 mm (3 in.) to 300 mm (12 in.),
capacitance test, DC armature test, sim- i-Alert condition monitor uses ITT and in four power frames. Its flow range
ple meg-ohm test, and either single- or proprietary technology to measure extends to 2,950 m3/h (13,000 gal/min),
three-lead configurations. vibration and temperature, and signals and discharge pressures to 85 m (280 ft). users with a blinking red LED when it

Award-winning Slurry Pump

ITT Goulds Pumps announced its XHD
extra heavy-duty lined slurry pump was
recently chosen from among eight
finalists as the “most innovative pump,
pumping system or other pump related
product introduced onto the market
within the last 12 months” by the British
Pump Manufacturers’ Association. Intro-
duced in late 2011, the XHD is designed
to allow mines and related operations to
move heavy slurries with improved
reliability at lower operating cost,
according to ITT Goulds, and its short
bearing housing is easily adaptable to
nearly any existing foundation, so
operators can replace existing slurry
pumps without investing in costly refitting
of pipes, electrical lines and concrete
base structures. Other features include an
adjustable suction seal ring that allows
adjustment while the pump is running,
compensates for wear and maintains
optimum impeller clearance for peak
performance; a split stuffing box that
improves accessibility for easier and
faster packing maintenance; and dual
impeller adjustment for quick, easy
access to perform impeller corrections. A
replaceable wet end cartridge allows MAY 2012 • E&MJ 157




158 E&MJ • MAY 2012


ABB ..................................................................15 Jennings Capital Inc ........................................88

AMC Consultants ............................................138 Komatsu............................................................17
Andina Minerals ..............................................116 L&H Industrial ..................................................45
Apogee Silver Ltd ............................................122 Lagodourado Minerals Ltd ..............................112
AQM Copper Inc ..............................................119 Lake Shore Gold Corp ......................................130
ASGCO ............................................................157 Latin American Minerals Inc ..........................113
Astec Mining ....................................................39 Lithium Americas ............................................126
Atacama Pacific Gold Corp ............................118 Lubriplate Lubricants......................................155
Atlas Copco - Excore ........................................31 Mansour Mining Technologies Inc ..................143
Atlas Copco - T-WiZ ..........................................57 McLanahan Corp ..............................................61
AuRico Gold ....................................................108 Mega Precious Metals Inc ................................72
Baldor Electric Co ............................................11 Metso ..............................................................IBC
BASF................................................................137 MINExpo 2012 ................................................147
BBA ................................................................133 Mining Technologies Int’l Inc (MTI) ................142
BDO ..................................................................96 Ministry of Economic Development (MED) ........49
Bel-Ray ............................................................21 Montero Mining and Exploration......................123
For more information contact: Boart Longyear ................................................BC Nexans ..............................................................37
Norm Rose at C.J. Stafford & Associates ..............................146 Noront..........................................................68-69
(770) 664-0608 or Cadillac Ventures Inc ........................................83 Northern Graphite Corp ....................................92
Tanna Holzer at Carlisle Goldfields ..........................................128 Northern Shield Resources Inc ..........................75
(303) 283-0640 ext. 206 or CMS Cepcor ......................................................63 Northern Superior Resources ............................76
Cummins, Inc......................................................9 P&H Mining Equipment Inc ........................51, 53
Detour Gold ......................................................71 Primero Mining Corp ......................................110
Donner Metals Ltd ..........................................129 Queenston Mining Inc ......................................79
FOR ADVERTISING DRA Americas Inc..............................................87 Rainy River Resources Ltd ................................77
CONTACT YOUR Dumas Mining ................................................144 Rockex Mining Corp ..........................................93
REPRESENTATIVES: Dundee Corp ....................................................94 Rockmore Int’l ................................................149
Dundee Precious Metals Inc ............................107 Sandspring Resources Ltd ..............................115
U.S. & Canada - Victor W. Matteucci Excellon Resources Inc......................................74 Sandvik Mining and Construction ......................3
5931 Christopher Court • Mentor, OH 44060, USA
Flanders ............................................................43 SilverCrest Mines Inc ......................................111
Tel: +1 440-257-7565 • Fax: +1 440-257-6265
FLSmidth Krebs ................................................33 Sparton ............................................................86
FLSmidth Maag Gear ........................................27 Spektra..............................................................91
Germany, Austria & Switzerland - Gerd D. Strasmann Foraco ............................................................135 Spinner II (T.F. Hudgins, Inc) ............................64
Strasmann Media-Promotion GmbH Foth ................................................................139 Sprott Inc ........................................................100
Berghausen 29 • D-42859 Remscheid, Germany Franco-Nevada Corp ......................................102 SRK ................................................................141
Tel: +49 2191 931497 • Fax: +49 2191 931499
Gatewing ..........................................................47 Stans Energy Corp ..........................................124
GMP Securities ..................................................99 Stantec............................................................134
UK, Scandinavia, Europe - Colm Barry Gowest ..............................................................85 Superbolt ........................................................156
Vallgaten 20, 234 32 Lomma, Sweden Gundlach Equipment Corp ..............................157 Target Logistics ................................................13
Tel: +46 (0) 40 414178 • Fax: +46 (0) 40 414178
Guyana Goldfields Inc ....................................114 Teranga Gold Corp ..........................................105
Hägglunds Drives AB (Bosch Rexroth AG) ........25 Transition Metals ..............................................73
Japan - Masao Ishiguro Hallmark Inc ..................................................141 Trelawney Mining and Exploration Inc ..............81
IRM Inc. • 1-5-3-304 Roppongi Highwork Ltd ..................................................145 Twiflex Ltd ......................................................156
Minato City, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan Hilliard Corp......................................................65 U3O8 Corp ......................................................125
Phone: +813 3583-1161 • Fax: +813 3582-2576 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co, Ltd ..........IFC US Silver..........................................................121
Hitachi Mining ..................................................19 Victoria Gold Corp ..........................................106
Rest of World - Peter Johnson HTX Minerals ....................................................73 Volvo Penta ......................................................66
8751 East Hampden Ave., Suite B1 IBK Capital Corp ..............................................97 Wallbridge Mining Co Ltd..................................90
Denver, CO 80231, USA InnovExplo ......................................................140 Weir Minerals (Weir Slurry Group, Inc) ................7
Tel: +1 303-283-0640 • Fax: +1 303-283-0641
Irwin Lowy LLP ................................................101 Xstrata Process Support..................................131
ITT Goulds....................................................22-23 MAY 2012 • E&MJ 159


Searching for Direction

One year ago, Stockholm-based Raw
Materials Group (RMG) forecast that a bas-
Metal price forecasts ($/mt unless otherwise stated)
ket of base metals (copper, nickel, lead 2011 Difference 2012 y-o-y 2013 y-o-y
2011 Forecast (%) Forecast (%) Forecast (%)
and zinc) and precious metals (gold, silver,
platinum and palladium) would continue to Copper 08,810 09,600 -09.0 08,600 0-2.3 08,900 -03.5
recover from the global financial crisis. Zinc 02,190 02,400 -09.6 02,000 0-8.7 02,300 -15.0
They did. Indeed, they reached new highs Nickel 22,838 25,000 -09.5 19,000 -16.8 21,000 -10.5
in 2011, with gold achieving $1,861/oz
Lead 02,395 02,500 -04.4 02,250 0-6.1 02,450 -08.9
(weekly average basis), silver $46/oz and
copper $9,974/metric ton (mt). But what Gold ($/oz) 01,571 01,500 0-4.5 01,775 -13.0 01,825 -02.8
lies ahead? Silver ($/oz) 00,035 00,030 -14.8 00,033 0-6.3 00,030 0-9.1
Concern over debt in Europe and infla- Platinum ($/oz) 01,719 01,850 -07.6 01,700 0-1.1 01,800 -05.9
tion in China will clearly dominate market
Palladium ($/oz) 00,731 00,830 -13.5 00,710 0-2.9 00,750 -05.6
sentiment this year, with a particular im-
Source: Raw Materials Group
pact on the base and precious metal sec-
tors. However, in its annual metal price secondary sources and created a highly 2011, it was expected that delays in high
forecast for 2012, RMG predicts the re- volatile gold market. pressure acid leach would keep the nickel
mainder of the year will see a return of con- RMG believes this uncertainty in the market near balance; as it did.
sumer confidence, and increased demand financial markets is likely to maintain the This year, and over the coming years, this
for commodities. current gold price, and drive it toward (but supply is expected finally to arrive, creating
RMG’s predictions are shown in the unlikely to reach) a weekly average price of a supply surplus which has the possibility of
table above. The forecast, on a yearly aver- $2,000/oz. Down-side pressure from the being exaggerated in the first half year due
age basis, is flat for the majority of the met- strengthening U.S. dollar and improving to the expected ‘soft’ steel industry.
als covered, unlike last year’s predictions. U.S. economic conditions, and less likeli- Nevertheless, RMG expects 2012 to see
The two exceptions are gold (up 13% year- hood of another round of quantitative eas- a new high in the group’s metal price index.
on-year) and nickel (down 12.4% year-on- ing, are likely to reduce market volatility. For 2013, RMG forecasts that the
year). Gold increased 28% year-on-year in This is especially likely if the European largest price movements will be for the
2011, being only outperformed by silver sovereign debt issues and the trend of base metals, particularly zinc. This metal
(up 74%) and palladium (38%). The metal moderating global inflation (the forecast is forecast to average $2,400/mt next year,
continued to reach all-time highs due to includes China controlling inflation within up 14.3% year-on-year. RMG also fore-
the influx of investor interest, investors its economy) are contained. casts that demand will return for platinum
searching for safe havens and the low real For nickel, 2011 saw the metal perform and palladium due to consumer confi-
interest rates. This strong increase in the below expectations (RMG’s forecast was dence returning to the automobile indus-
demand for gold (against fears of contagion 9.5% above the actual price) due to the try, and precious metal traders moving
in Europe), coupled with a flat supply of softer than expected steel industry through away from the forecast flatter gold market
mined gold, required large influxes from the final three quarters of the year. In into the PGMs.

(May 1, 2012)

Precious Metals ($/oz) Base Metals ($/mt) Minor Metals ($/mt) Exchange Rates (U.S.$ Equivalent)

Gold $1,662.20 Aluminum $2,067.00 Molybdenum $31,500 Euro (€) 1.3245

Silver $30.97 Copper $8,528.00 Cobalt $30,800 U.K. (£) 1.6223
Platinum $1,575.00 Lead $2,150.50 Canada ($) 1.0134
Palladium $684.00 Nickel $17,525.00 Iron Ore ($/dmt) Australia ($) 1.0358
Rhodium $1,385.00 Tin $22,725.00 Fe CFR China $145.70 South Africa (Rand) 0.1290
Ruthenium $115.00 Zinc $2,049.00 China (¥) 0.1587

Gold and silver prices provided by KITCO Bullion dealers ( Platinum group metals prices provided by Johnson Matthey (
Non-ferrous base and minor metal prices provided by London Metal Exchange ( Iron ore prices provided by Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMMBIO).
Currency exchange rates were provided by the

160 E&MJ • MAY 2012

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