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Two laws conflicting applying to one greater sense are laws without sense

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, friends, my colleagues in the negative side, esteemed opponents in
the affirmative side, teachers, judges, countrymen; an enlightening morning to all of you!

The proposal to establish the national identification system is indeed a bold move worth of consideration
and of course, a welcome discourse for free thinking men and for those who really love their country. But
the question to ponder: is such move necessary? Clearly it is not. We, the team senior high school
department, strongly believe that such a move is neither necessary nor benefecial nor practicable,
especially so, it is not necessary. How can i say this? Two reasons my dear.

First, the proposed change is already found in the current system.

THE fundamental goal of the house bill 917 otherwise known as the filipino identification system is to is
to address the bureaucracy, red tape, and wasted time involved in procuring and releasing each different
form of identification which is hereby stated in the bill 'economically inefficient for both the government
and its citizens'. However, there is a law provided to address the complicated and time consuming
procedures that the citizens faces in transacting with different philippine government system. The R.A
9484, commonly known as the anti red tape law seeks to establish effective procedure aimed at the
prevention of greed and corruption and a programs for the adoption of simplified procedures. This law is
to reduce red tape and expedite transactions in the government.We don't need to take such drastic measure
in order to change, with the current system that we have, we can surely promote a just and dynamic order
all that we need is an enlightened citizenry and a tighter implementation and practice of this law.

Second, it does not address the problem being stated in the bill.

pursuant to section 2 or the declaration of policy and objective, it was stated that the unified identification
system shall be established to avert fraudulent transactions. this is the decade old problem in our country.
the duplicitous act or corruption. Among of the entire countries in the world, Philippines is one of the
only 9 countries where the national identity card is not being issued by an official authority. however,
there is an remarkable study being conducted by the transparency international, an org which publish the
corruption perception index annually which sends a seemingly apparent message. Out of almost 271
countries, Denmark rate as the least corrupted country, followed by New Zealand, Canada rating 9th and
United Kingdom at 10th.take note that this four countries were among of the 9 countries in the world
which doesnt legalize the the national id system.We can adress the problem with curruption in the current
system that we have. we do not see in the proposed change any tangible answers to these pressing
concerns. this will just further muddle the issue and this move, it doesn not provide a clearer answer to the
pressing concern of our nation.

What is glaringly obvious is that the key to our country's development is already found in our present
constitution. Establishing the unified id system is not the answer, it’s just a matter of implementation

Based on the foregoing arguments that i have presented, ladies and gentlemen, we oppose to establish the
national identification system. Proving my case, i rest my case.

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