Cagayan State University

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Carig, Tuguegarao City

Bachelor of Physical Education

Major in School Physical Education

Detailed Lesson plan in Physical Education

I. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. describe the biomechanics of the three basic skills of playing football;
B. demonstrate the biomechanics of the three basic skills of playing football; and
C. cite the importance of playing soccer applying the biomechanics of the sports.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: The three Basic Skills of Football
B. References:
C. Materials: Video clip, pictures

III. Procedure:
A. Motivaton:
A video clip of the football game
in UAAP will be shown to students.
What sports is shown in the video
The sports shown in the video is
Based on the video clip, what
are the different moves of the players that
you saw in the video?
The different moves that were
shown by the players in the video clip are
kicking, dribbling and heading.
What do you call these moves in
Kicking, dribbling and heading are
the 3 basic skills in football.
B. Presentation:
The three basic skills in football
which include kicking, dribbling and
heading are necessary in playing the
game to help players gain a score to win
the game.
C. Lesson Proper:
The teacher will show a picture of
a player who is kicking a ball.
What does the player do with the
ball as shown in the picture?
The player is kicking the ball?
Based on the picture, what foot is
used by the player to kick the ball?
The player is using his right foot in
kicking the ball?
If the player is kicking the ball
with his right foot, what is the position of his
left foot?
The left foot of the player is bent
at an angle.
What do you think is the reason
for having his left foot bend at an angle?
The left foot is bent at an angle to
gain force in order to have a stronger kick
of the ball.
How about the position of the
hand during kicking, who can describe the
position of the hand of the player?
The player is kicking the ball using
his right foot with a bent left foot, the hand
of the player is lifted.
What do you think is the reason
for this position of the hand of the player?
This should be the position of the
hand of the player to achieve equilibrium
in his body position.
Based on your answers, what do
you call the proper positioning of the body
parts that are used to execute properly
kicking of the ball in football?
The proper position of the body
parts to execute the proper kicking of the
ball in football is called biomechanics of
kicking the ball in football.
The teacher will show a video
clip showing the biomechanics of kicking
the ball in football.
Who among you can now
demonstrate to the class the
biomechanics of kicking the ball in
Students will be called by the
teacher to demonstrate the biomechanics
of kicking the ball in football with the
supervision of the teacher.
To clearly understand the
biomechanics of dribbling and heading in
football, the class will be divided into 5
1. Pre – Activity
The teacher will give the
mechanics of the activity. Video clips on
dribbling and heading in football will be
given to the different groups to watch and
analyzed. After watching, the students will
be called to demonstrate on the
biomechanics of dribbling and heading in
2. Activity Proper
The students will watch carefully
the video and analyze the different
positions of the body during dribbling and
heading the ball in football
3. Post Activity
Selected members of the group
will demonstrate the biomechanics of
dribbling and heading the ball in football
Based on the demonstrations of
your classmate, who can tell the class the
biomechanics of dribbling in football?
The biomechanics of dribbling the
ball in football includes the use of both
feet to kick the ball ever so lightly without
losing control at a comfortable speed of
the player. He should always remember
the he should touch the ball with the inside
of his shoes for the most part for better
How about the biomechanics in
heading the ball in football?
In heading the ball in football, the
player needs to move into the line of the
ball when the ball is up in the air. He must
position himself close to where he thinks it
is going to end up so he is right on the ball
when heading it and can get a good
D. Generalization:
Using a graphic organizer, who
Dribbling Kicking
can present the 3 basic skills in football?

Basic skills in


E. Application:
Do you think that playing football
with proper biomechanics is important?
Who can cite some of the
importance of playing soccer with the
correct biomechanics?
1. Playing soccer helps maintain fitness of
the body.
1. 2. To help every player avoid experiencing
2. injuries when playing football.
IV. Evaluation/Assessment:
The teacher will call on students to demonstrate the different skills in football.
Scoring of the performance of the students will be based on a designed rubric.
V. Assignment/Agreement:
A. Topic: Volleyball
B. Guide Questions:
1. What is volleyball?
2. What are the different equipment that are used in volleyball?
3. What are the different skills in volleyball?
4. What are the basic descriptions of the different skills in volleyball?

Prepared by: Presented to:


BPE – SPE IV Student Professor

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