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Running Text Video (Background)

Around 3 billion people are now working around the world. (

54,820 among of them, are in PLN Group. (PLN Annual Report 2017)

Interview (Darel)

The disruptive era is coming along the way. The HR Industry is reinventing itself. It also changes the
way we manage the organizations. So when talking about the disruptive era, in the eye of HR,
predictive analysis always comes at first.

Running Text Video (Current Situation)

Predictive analysis helps the company cut around 50% of HCMS processes. (IBM)

PLN group approximately issues dozens of Job Posting Application every month.

Interview (Oci)

Overall selection process from posting the vacancy to probation, usually takes 4 months, even more.

Running Text Video (Current Situation)

Potential obscurity in talent management becomes a major challenge in the entire PLN group.

Hierarchical of the administration process leads to unproductivity in HR staff.

Interview (Faza)

At its essence, I-HCMS enables the company to simplify the decision making process. We can select
the best potential leader using as much as 80% less time. Most importantly, the whole process is
fair, quantifiable, transparent and accessible all over the place.

Running Text Video (How)

I-HCMS captured the disorganized data from several HR applications in PLN such as SAP, LMS, AMS,
webmail into a single BIG DATA etc.

This allows I-HCMS to avoid double entry, extraneous paperwork vs. traditional process.

Interview (Oci)

Technology and data are the future. Not only for job posting, but for all human capital management

Running Text Video (How)

I-HCMS works with predictive analytics to analyse each of the workforces’data points

This allows for unprecedented insights over the employees.

Interview (Darel)  (How)

We can centralize recruitment data, medical record, certification and training, learning, psychology
record, experience and social media behaviour for the greatest benefit.

Running Text (How)

I-HCMS can match individual goals and personal interest with the company’s objective; predict
future learning needs, yet career path.

Interview (Oci)  How

We can intentionally simulate the typical characteristics or competence needed, for different types
of positions, different types of expertise to excel in a particular project or organization.

Interview (Faza)  Insight Benefit

Understanding what our employee needs, you cannot do that except you acknowledge what the big
data is doing. So creating an interconnected platform that can harness the exact data in real time,
that’s the actual value I-HCMS is offering to us.

Interview (Darel)  Closing

Working with I-HCMS is helping PLN accelerate our vision to become a world-class company and
ultimately make us a better electricity producer. Big Data and Predictive Analysis are a step forward
for HCMS.

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