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Assalamualikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, 

I hope your Ramadan is going well :)

Anyways, this email is very important. I need the both of you to start whipping out your photoshop skills
and putting them to good use. I need at least FOUR fliers from EACH one of you by no later
than MONDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2010. Now last time, we had issues when it came to deadlines. I really
need you girls to work with me. We're tight on time so I need the fliers ASAP. If something comes up, I
NEED TO KNOW AHEAD OF TIME. Call me if you have to, in case I'm not online. If I don't have a total of
8 fliers by next week, I'll have no choice but to contact the other advertisers from the other MSAs because
they're enthusiastic about helping. Feel free to work together on this, it might be easier for you that way.
Anywhos, here's your challenge. 

1. one of the fliers should be creative and interesting. For example, Stuy had these fliers that

said:  READ ...  this amazing flyer and come to our first MSA meeting.   <-- (you know like the Read in the Name
of your Lord Surah. Iqra..). Sarika, or like Stuy's poster thingys that they were carrying around at MIST.
Be creative, think of something. Ya'll can do it :)
2. This flier should be a general flier, simply promoting our club. nothing too difficult. 
3. This flier should be girly, since the majority of our school is female. Make it cute and attractive. 
4. Make this flier funny. Muslim jokes, Arab jokes, Gyro jokes. Please don't use Borat or anything
offensive lol. 

The fliers don't have to be finalized. I just need a draft of some sort. You can scan me pictures, that's fine
as well. Instead of sending them in all at once, send them to me one at a time as you finish them so that I
can look them over and stuff. 

Hope the rest of your summer goes well! Call me if you need anything!

Mayisha (Mia) Ahsan 
me:  hi
 dancingx3queen25:  (Auto Response) Your IM has been sent to my mobile device. When I receive it, I
will be able to reply. Thanks for your IM! Want your IMs forwarded to your phone? Click here
Whose this?
 me:  hey Anna this is your mentor Safae Bennani, i dont know if you remember me
dancingx3queen25:  Oh hi no i remember u
 me:  how are you?
 dancingx3queen25:  Im fine hbu?
 me:  im good hows the summer did u do anythin interesting
 Sent at 2:56 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Umm well other then goin to dance and preparin for 4 shows lol and goin to
canada for four days it 
me:  hi
 dancingx3queen25:  (Auto Response) Your IM has been sent to my mobile device. When I receive it, I
will be able to reply. Thanks for your IM! Want your IMs forwarded to your phone? Click here
Whose this?
 me:  hey Anna this is your mentor Safae Bennani, i dont know if you remember me
its been a long time
 Sent at 2:53 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Oh hi no i remember u
 me:  how are you?
 dancingx3queen25:  Im fine hbu?
 me:  im good hows the summer did u do anythin interesting
 Sent at 2:56 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Umm well other then goin to dance and preparin for 4 shows lol and goin to
canada for four days it was good lol
 Sent at 2:57 PM on Tuesday
 me:  oo sounds fun, ive never been to canada i might go next year. so did u receive my email?
 dancingx3queen25:  Oh i havent checked yet im away from the computer
 Sent at 2:59 PM on Tuesday
 me:  oh ok its ok i just asked if you have any questions or concerns, i know when i started freshman year
i had some concerns do u have ny questions?
 Sent at 3:01 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Oh no im all good but if i do ill definately ask u
 me:  lol ok dont hesitate to ask . so do u have everythin ready for school or not yet?
 Sent at 3:03 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Yah i got everything set and ill be at orientation comin this thursday
 me:  yup me too, school is almost here can u believe it? summer is too short
 Sent at 3:05 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Yah:( unfortunately but b4 u noe it skewl is ovr again and its summer time again lol
 Sent at 3:07 PM on Tuesday
 me:  lol thats truu so ur really into dancin right?
 Sent at 3:08 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  (1/2) Yah definately i have a trip somewhere here then another one at bengminton
at upstate then boston and florida:) and were thinkin of california and a show
(2/2) in armenia
 Sent at 3:11 PM on Tuesday
dancingx3queen25:  I mean shows not trips lol
 me:  wow so you sound like your really good   you would make a very good addition to the drama
club and all our little shows and preforrmances, r u interested in takin a big part in that.
? question marrk lol
 Sent at 3:15 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Yah sure definately i look foward to that 
 Sent at 3:16 PM on Tuesday
 me:  lol thats cool so what kinda dancing do u do ?
 Sent at 3:20 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Oh i do ballet jazz tap acrobatics pointe ballet modern and armenian and i noe
ballroom really well
 Sent at 3:22 PM on Tuesday
 me:  oh wow thats pretty diverse i wish i knew all that lol
so have you gotten your schedule?
 dancingx3queen25:  Actually no where do u get it?
 Sent at 3:29 PM on Tuesday
 me:  im pretty sue you get it tthe first real day of school
or the orionentati
the orrientation*
 dancingx3queen25:  Yah probably lol
 Sent at 3:32 PM on Tuesday
 me:  but i can tell u the basic options rright now
although i dont garentee that we still have the same classes because we are haing major bugdet cuts
 dancingx3queen25:  Oh thats not good
 Sent at 3:35 PM on Tuesday
me:  oh whopps sorry im back. ok well we tried sending letters to the goverenment and everything but i
dont know what effect that has on the classes but dont worry its not a big deal
 dancingx3queen25:  Yah im sure
 me:  As forr your possible classes if u havent taken the algebrra regents u will take algebra, last year it
was with mms widman
Ms. Widman is a very good teacher or so i heard i took geometry freshmen year
if u have taken algerba regents already then ur gunna have geometry and we have about three teachers
fr that subject
 dancingx3queen25:  Oh okay
 me:  did u take the bio regents already
 Sent at 3:48 PM on Tuesday

 dancingx3queen25:  No i havent i took classes for math but didnt take the regents
 Sent at 3:49 PM on Tuesday
 me:  oo ok so you will have bio as a science subject. When i had bio i had ms shen, and people say shes
hard but all you really need to do is take notes when shes talkin because she doesnt give any notes,
which is a little bit different than most freshmen teachers.
 dancingx3queen25:  (Auto Response) Your IM has been sent to my mobile device. When I receive it, I
will be able to reply. Thanks for your IM! Want your IMs forwarded to your phone? Click here
Sent at 3:52 PM on Tuesday
 dancingx3queen25:  Okay well then hopefully i dont get her unless shes the only teacher for it
 Sent at 3:53 PM on Tuesday
 me:  no therers other teachers for bio
lol dont worrry, and ms shen isnt a bad teacher so youll do fine
as for a language have you filled out any papers statin ur preferance?
 dancingx3queen25:  Oh okay thats good
Yah french
 Sent at 3:57 PM on Tuesday
 me:  oo ok thats cool if ur takin french 1, i heard from some of my friends who took it that its not hard to
do good in it
but of course i guess everythin depends on what teacher you have
just keep the same mindset for every teacher
cuz the mistake a lot of my class did was when they knew they had the "harder" teacher ther were like oh
im doomed so i might as well  not study
which is not true of course because the teachers basically teach the same thing they may just have
differrent teachin sttyles
 Sent at 4:01 PM on Tuesday

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