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tion 1: edd Bice the mea nd analyze the relevance of joining civil services as ing of Public Servic« means to deliver publie service. Answer 1: Public service can be described in {wo ways, as activities and/or class of official forther implies supplying commodity (as electricity or or ser as transportation) tc ‘r all members of acommunity, while latter impli Officials under government employment, especially civil services. General understanding of publie service not only involves helping ‘hose at 7 Foot, such as the poor, underprivileged, elderly, disabled, e: d and the fain, but also striving to make aneffective differsnee hee ehtcee towards betterment of society in our owneapacity One can serve the public while being in any profcic * Keeping one’s conduct right and doin b xample surroundings clean and generating awarene. ng e * Showing empathy towards fellow beings, which is the ¢ tool to Public as per the father of our nation, Mahatma Candh + Being an active member of the civil society. Civil services is one of the most effective channels of ng the public becaus [ne Toles and responsibilities, which revolve around coving, the pu bringing a positive change to their lives, decision making of public policy as well as in the * Civil servants are involve * This they can do in diverse areas such as by effective implementation MGNREGA or giving psychological strength to the citizens through their actions * They also serve the public through their morally upright actions which set examples for the public to follow. [rowever, there are exampies like Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi dedicating his life to the cause of abolition of child labour and thus serving the Public without being a civil servant, Similarly, Dr. Madhav Chavan, founder of the NGO Prat the provision of quality education to theunder Thus, while the role, responsibilities and visibility of a civil servant provides greater poportunities toserve the society, itis not necessary that one will sere the soviety in a better way only after becoming acivil servant. Question Work Culture of any organization is a reflection of the productivity of the organization. Under the same context discuss the key issues plaguing any organization, : Answer 2: An organization's work culture re} organizational members and is resents the collective values, beliefs and principles of a product of multiple factors like histor Y; product, Tatket, technology, strategy, type ofemployces, management stle sed national culture, The components of organizational culture includes 7 : * Vision and Values: While vision articulates a company’s purgosé, values offer a For Buidelines on the behaviours and mind-sets needed te eno” that vision, For example Google's values might bebest aticulatel by oe famous phrase, “Don't be evil.” . + Symbols: They rfl the Philosophies and values, ideals, beliefs and shaved expectations. The emblem or logo of the company. i symbol for the employees and its customers. Se Yepresented as major

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