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Re: What does mean by SWAP? Where should we monitor this?

what is
the threshold value for swaps/day? If it is more what will u do?
Answer the accessed data will sit in the buffer.
# 2 If someone is
trying to access the same data, that will
be retrieved fast
from the buffer. If the buffer is full
and some one is
retrieving the data which is not there in
the buffer then
that data will be fetched from DB and
placed in the buffer and the oldest data
in the buffer will be swapped for this.
More number of
swaps means more DB hits. If there are
more Swaps we can
increase the buffer size


Answer Steps for Patching JAVA Stack
Once the required patches files are
downloaded from Service
Market place, then move all the patches
files to global EPS
inbox directory /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in.

Step 1: Start the JSPM tool from

DVEBMGS00\j2ee\JSPM\go.bat .It will
prompt for the JSPM password.

Step 2: Choose the Deployment tab. JSPM

guides you through
the process of applying a support package
stack via a
wizard, which consists of the following
five options:
1.Select Package Type 2.Specify Queue
3.Check Queue 4.Deploy
Queue and 5.Completed.

Step 3: Select Support Package Stack

type(option button).
Support package Stack, Single Support
Package etc..
NWDI controls:(option button)
If your system is not used for NWDI
development, select No
NWDI. And If your system is used for NWDI
select the role of your system by
selecting one of the
following: DEV, CONS, TEST, or PROD.

Step 4:Choose Next.

Support package stacks that are available
for deployment
from the global EPS inbox directory are
displayed in the screen.

Step 5:Click on Next button

JSPM starts the deployment of the
software components that
are part of the selected support package
stack. The status
of all software components changes to

Note: If the support package stack

includes a kernel
upgrade, and if your system is
distributed, during the
deployment you will be first prompted to
stop the central
services instance and any running dialog
instances, and to
choose Next. You will be then prompted to
start the central
services instance and to choose Next.

Step 6: The deployment of the components

of the support
package stack can finish with the one of
the following status:

If the support package stack includes the

JSPM, when it has
been updated, for the update to take
effect, you will be
prompted to restart it. If there are
still components in
status NOT DEPLOYED, JSPM will proceed
with their deployment
when you start it again.

Bear in mind that you must not change the

content of the
global EPS inbox directory before the
deployment has finished.

Step 7: Click Next

If the deployment of the support package
stack has finished
with status DEPLOYED, you can choose New
Deployment or Exit

Re: What are the port nos of Dispatcher,Gateway, Message Server,
Printer in windows,niping,Router ?
Answer check /etc/services file
# 10 (for windows %windir
if your instance no is 00 then search for

sapdp00 --> Dispatcher

sapms00 --> MS port
sapgw00 --> GW port


We can find same using netstat command.

Dispatcher 3200
Gateway 3300
Message Server 3600
Printer in windows 515
niping 3298
Router 3299

Re: why we are creating system land scape in company ? why we can't do
development on prd server? pls tell me detail. its interview question
# 7 Creating Landscape is really important to
keep Production
Box up thus running business smoothly
since According to
Client requirement. Customizing is done
and changes are
tested then are served to Customer. As
per SAP
recommendation, One need to have at least
one Development
server, One test and then production.and
thereafter As per
requirement of customer many other SAP
servers can be absorb
to form a Complete Landscape.

Yes we can do development on Production

server but Your
Business will be at stake since SAP will
not support it and
moreover even a single fault will ruin
entire Business
since you dont have any scope left to
test your program
before taking them Live.

Re: If a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there

is no Background work process available. How u will do?
Answer Using the concept of operation mode you
# 4 can define the
additional background work process by
Tcode RZ04

we can than perform a manual operation

mode switch using
tcode RZ03.Then there is no need to
restart the systen.

Re: after changing some parameters in rz10 and restart, the system
doesn't start up?what to do?
Answer When you make changes in RZ10 and save
# 2 it, before
overwriting the profile files in
folder the system makes a file with
extention .BAK which is
created just before overwriting the
original file.
So incase if you system doesnt comes up
after making
changes in RZ10. Just backup the current
profile files and
then rename the .BAK with the original
file name which will
bring back the old profile status, then
try starting the
SAP system.
As a best practice you should always back
the profile files
before making any changes to it.

sapcar -xvf " in this command what is '-xvf' stands for.

# 1 x- stands for extract
v- stands for Verbose mode,
f- stands for file

Re: What is SAP?

Answer SAP Stands fo System Application Product
# 7 in data processing. SAP
was first started in 1972 in Germany and
in 1973 SAP/R1 was
introduced and in 1992 SAP/R3 was
Developed and so the
password is built in such a manner that
it contained 2
based on the calender and they were as

Full Form of ECC : ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
Central Component

Can anyone tell me what is Server and Instance in sap, what is exact
meaning of that?
Answer Instance could be defined as a
# 4 combination of one or more
process addition with memory allocation.
it might be central
instance, dialog instance or database
instance. each n every
instance have certain number of work
processes with instance
specific memory area.
dispatcher and workprocess could be a
part of instance but
not defined as a complete instance
without memory.

server comes from the logic of parent and

child relationship
in between two applications. one the
parent application is
known as domain server, and others child
applications are
known as clients, and managed from the

wha is the purpose of parameters tab in su01?

Answer The frequently keyd data can be stored by
# 1 using parameter.
for Eg: If you are running Va01,in its
initial screen you
need to put all field value every day
like sale
org, distribution channel, sales area
We can reduce this hectic job by storing
the parameter
value in SU01--> parameter tab for that
particular user.
Enter Pid and value there and save.
from next time onwards if the user hits
Va01 he will get
all the values automatically coming in
initial screen.
similar like "variant".

What are common transport errors?

Answer Return code (4) indicates import ended
with warning.
#3 Ex:
1. Generation of programs and
2. Columns missing and Rows missing.

Return code (8) indicates not imported

ended with error
1. Syntax error.
2. Program generation error.
3. Dictionary activation error.
4. Method execution error.
Return code (12) indicates import is
1. Import is cancelled due to object
2. Objects are not active.
3. Program terminated due to job
“RDDEXECL” is not working.
Return code (16) indicates import is
1. Import cancelled due to system
down while importing.
2. Import cancelled due to user
expires while importing .
3. Import cancelled due to
insufficient roles.

In the real time we are facing only

RC=08.why becase in the
rc=08 the abapers programing some screens
failed for
ex:genaration errors and dictionary

and also cancelled with rc=12.This is

error why becase
tabels missing thats way the requests
cancelled with rc=12

what is the difference between killing a job with core and killing a job
without core......pls
Answer killing a job without core does not
# 2 geneeratee any log file
killing a job with core generates a log
file . The log file
is stored here-----directory location
How to find expensive SQL statement, if found, what should be done?
Answer St04 we can see the Expensive SQL
# 3 statements with the help
of the Cost
sto4 --- Detail Analysis menu ----Oracle
session--- Find
with the help of PID and Explain.

(Performance monitor from ST04)

if we Found Expensive SQL statement

Analyze those Index's

Explain Local Client Copy ?

Answer Create New client with transaction SCC4,
# 1 Log on to your new
client e.g, 200 with user SAP* and
password pass. Choose
transaction SCCL , Select u r source
client e.g, 100. For
the selected profile, choose SAP_USER
choose Enter.

Create and schedule the job in

background, the log is
displayed in SCC3

Difference between mount point and file system

Answer file systems will be created on mount
# 1 point

Explain Parameters for SAP Memory Management?

Answer ztta/roll_first
# 1 Defines the first part of the roll area
that is allocated to
a dialog process.

Defines the total roll area per work

Defines the size of the roll buffer

Defines the size of roll buffer and roll

Defines the fixed size of extended memory

Defines the user quota for extended

Defines the limit for the amount of local
memory allocated
to dialog work process

Defines the limit for the amount of local
memory allocated
to non-dialog work process

Defines the limit for the total amount of
heap memory
allocated to all work processes

Can anyone tell me How to lock a single client from sap level and from
o/s level?How to lock users from o/s level.
Answer Locking a client at OS level :
# 1 tp –locksys sid=<sid> client=<xxx>
Where 'xxx'=client(100)

We have two options to lock a client

One is run Tcode SCC4 and got to the
client which you want
to lock and select the option Locked due
to client copy.

And the other one is Run Tcode SE37 and

run the
report "SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT" press F8 after
that put the
client no. in Client field and again
press F8. The client
will be locked.

In what sequence does a dialog work process allocate the different

memory areas (according to SAP recommendations)?
Answer 1. Roll Memory upto ztta/roll_first
# 1 reached
2. Extended Memory upto
ztta/roll_extension or EM exhausted
3. Remainder of roll area is used
4. Heap Memory upto abap/heap_area_dia or
HM exhausted

who will schedule the background jobs?

Answer user having following Authority can
# 9 schedule backround job
Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation?
Answer Techincially speaking, we can have BW
# 6 system without r/3
implementation. As BW acts as a
repository, it can be
connected to any external legacy or file
system, exracts
data and stores in its repository to
serve reporting needs.

Yes, we can have BW without R/3. The

source system(s) for
BW can be anything, there is no
complusion on BW to use R/3
as one of the source.

How many types of Work Process.and types of roles. how will assign the
role to the user.
Answer Dialog, Background, Update, Spool,
# 1 Enqueue, Message Server
& Gateway are the types of work

Types of Roles - SIngle & Composite.

Assigning ROle to User

Way 1 : - Goto SU01 -> Enter User ID ->
Goto Roles Tab ->
enter the role name.
Way 2 : - Goto PFCG -> Enter Role Name ->
Goto Users Tab ->
Enter User ID.

What is Transport domain and Domain controller?

Answer transport domain contains copy of
# 2 reference configuration.
domain controller contains reference
transport domain consists of all systems
that you plan to
manage using stms. within transport
domain all systems must
have unique system ids and only one of
these systems is
identified as the domain controller
the transport domain controller is the
system where all TMS
configuration settings are maintained.
any changes in to
the configuration settings are
distributed to all systems in
the landscape
a transport group is one or more systems
that share a common
transport directory
Name of the ABAP program to delete background jobs?
# 1 It deletes finished or cancelled jobs

What is the difference Between Role and Profile

Answer Role refers to the collection of
# 2 associated activities as
transactions, reports and so on.
While profile is a set of authorizations
that are valid for
the transactions defined in that role.

Role has various components as MENU of

and USERS who are
assigned to that role.

Roles are otherwise called Activity

Groups or User Role

What is OCS and How to apply OCS Patches ?

Answer OCS stands 4: online correction system.
# 1 Using SPAM you can apply OCS patches.

Why Downtime minimize mode is used while applying SP by SPAM?

Answer To save the system downtime duration, it
# 1 performs all step online and only object
activation is done in downtime.
(Extra -> setting -> tick the downtime
minimized mode)

Post processing step of kernel upgrade ?

Answer We have to execute script to
# 1 set proper permissions.

From RZ11 can we change static parameters ?

Answer No, only dynamic parameters can b changed
# 1 from rz11 and they don’t require restart
for activation. Static parameter can be
changed from rz10 but it needs system
restart to activate those parameter.

Re: How u will assign Logon Groups?where u find logo.ini

Answer SMLG and logon.ini windows folder

Re: what is SAPMNT?

Answer SAPMNT is a directory store SAP profile
# 2 and global parameters.

Re: what is SAPMNT?

Answer SAPMNT is the sharable name of folder
# 3 /usr/sap. IT contains
the global parameters like profiles,
global,exe and local (
specific to instance) parameters like

It also contains the trans directory

which is used by all
the systems in transport group.

Re: who is the owner of system files?

Answer <sid>adm

ABAP Service Pack level can be found in SPAM, but how to find the Java
Stack Level?
Answer if u want to chk java stack level
# 2 go to browser
in the addresbar http://<hostname>:50000
then enter
then click on the "?"
and then choose status
it will give u java stack level

what all checks will you perform when sap is down

Answer Basically we have the following 4 types
# 1 of check
1. Hardware check
2. R/3 check (with application servers)
3. OS check
4. Database check

1. Hardware check
Check console messages
Check hardware components
Check main log files
Start up/shut down log files
Check the disk space

2. R/3 check (with application servers)

Check for problems with PDC file server.
Check processes or services at operating
system level
Check connection with database
Check the buffer size and disk capacity

3. OS check
Check the event viewer

4. Database check
Check database specific error log file
Check database error numbers
Check database alerts.

what all checks will you perform when sap is down

Answer Apart from HW check OS Check DB Check, we
# 3 need to check at
R/3 level with
1. Whether dispatcher is running or not
2. If Dispatcher is not running check
dispatcher with
developer trace to find out what is the
3. Check Dispatcher is running but if
it is not connected
to Messege Server.
4. If everything looks fine, then check
with OS level
services and give a fresh stop/start.

How to apply note in SAP if SNOTE transaction doesn't exists?

Answer Apply manually by reading the correction
# 1 instruction given
in the note.

Which type of Backup and Redo log backup is performed daily? And
which type of Backup and Redo log backup is performed Weekly in the
Answer Daily :online backup of DEV & QAS
# 1 Weekly:offline backup of DEV ,QAS & PRD

What is TMS, TDC, CTS, STMS and difference among them?

Answer TMS --> Transport Management system
STMS is an transaction code for TMS
TDC --> Transport domain controller ,
it acts like cetntal
system to transfer data from one system
to another ,
Normally always Development system will
be configure as TDC

CTS --Change Transport System --This one

will use to release
a transport requests (request number)

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