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CONTRACTOR will provide doctoral and undergraduate students (STUDENTS) who will provide a variety of clinical psychological
services in either mental health (MH) or sex offender treatment program (SOTP) in accordance with the following specifications.
Quality of service and performance will be measured by reporting, record-keeping, invoicing in accordance with contract
requirements, and by measuring and evaluating evidence provided by the CONTRACTOR and monitoring of the CONTRACTOR’S
compliance with each and every term and condition as defined in Attachments A through C.
UDC is currently seeking two (2) doctoral students and a total of six (6) undergraduate students to perform a variety of clinical
psychological services in either Mental Health (MH) or Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP) for up to 20 hours per week. (The
exact number of students needed may vary from year-to-year.)
A. Student Selection
1. A professor who is a member of the Clinical Psychology Faculty or Counseling Psychology faculty will recommend
students for this program.
2. Students must be approved by the Clinical Services Mental Health Administration or the Institutional
Programming Division Sex Offender Treatment Program Administrator or their designee.
B. Orientation and Training
1. During the first week of employment each student will receive and sign a UDC Code of Conduct.
2. Prior to any contact with inmates, each student will receive eight (8) hours of training. Assigned supervisor is
responsible for providing and documenting completion of this required training.
3. Each student will be required to attend UDC New Hire or Volunteer Training/Civilian Orientation within sixty (60)
days of employment hire date.
C. Job descriptions
A job description will be provided to each student by the assigned supervisor.
D. Duties may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Doctoral Students
a. Doctoral students working in MH will perform psychological assessments, therapy, crisis interventions,
and may perform other duties as assigned.
b. Doctoral students working in SOTP will perform psychological assessments and group psychotherapy
with emphasis on sex offender issues, crisis intervention, and psycho-educational classes. Duties also
include administering and scoring a variety of brief and full scale IQ tests, academic testing, MMPI-2,
projective testing, and other tests that may be deemed appropriate. If student is trained, may conduct
neuropsychological testing. Doctoral students will complete documentation of therapy such as group,
treatment planning, diagnosing, and other documentation as required.
2. Undergraduate Students
a. Undergraduate students working in MH may;
i. Assist with or perform psychological testing, administration, and scoring; and
ii. Perform other duties as assigned.
b. Undergraduate students working in SOTP may;
i. After being trained by a UDC Psychologist, undergraduate may administer a psychological
ii. Conduct a variety of IQ tests such as the K-Bit-2, Shipley, and Reynolds Brief IQ test;
iii. Administer the Slosson Academic testing such as the WRAT-34;
iv. Teach a variety of education classes;
v. Conduct screening for treatment; and
vi. Perform other duties as assigned.
E. Miscellaneous
1. Each student will meet with supervisor to provide feedback on psychological evaluations performed on an as-
needed basis;
2. Each student will submit a timesheet at the end of each state pay period to his or her supervisor.
3. CONTRACTOR will bear sole responsibility to issue funds to students.
4. Research or experiments are not allowed without prior written approval from the UDC Executive Director.
Many of the records to which CONTRACTOR may have access are properly classified as “private,” “controlled” and/or “protected”
under the Utah Governmental Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), Utah Code Annotated § 63G-2-1-1, et seq.
CONTRACTOR is subject to the same restrictions on disclosure of any such records or record series as UDC. CONTRACTOR agrees to
adhere to the following restrictions regarding such records.
A. CONTRACTOR’S use of the record or record series produces a public benefit that outweighs the individual privacy right that
protects the record or record series;
B. CONTRACTOR’S access to the record or record series is necessary for the performance of this contract;
C. The record or record series accessed by CONTRACTOR will only be used for the performance of this contract;
D. The record or record series accessed by CONTRACTOR will not be disclosed to any other person; and
E. The record or record series accessed by the CONTRACTOR will not be used for advertising or solicitation purposes.
Failure to adhere to any and all restrictions set forth above may subject CONTRACTOR and/or its staff to criminal liability pursuant to
Utah Code Annotated § 63G-2-801.
UDC will reimburse CONTRACTOR for intern students at the following rates (not to exceed 20 hours per week per student):
A. Doctoral students at $19.00, per hour, per student; and
B. Undergraduate students at $10.00, per hour, per student.
A. Reimbursement under this contract shall be made on a fee for delivered services, as defined in the contract, not to exceed
the contract limit.
B. All procurements are subject to provisions of the State of Utah, including Utah Procurement Code and State Division of
Purchasing rules.
A. To be paid for services completed under this contract an invoice detailing services shall be submitted to the Utah
Department of Corrections, Attention UDC Finance, 14717 S Minuteman Dr, Draper, Utah 84020-9549 or via email at
B. CONTRACTOR shall bill UDC by the 10th of each month for services delivered during the previous month.
C. Invoicing should begin only after the CONTRACTOR begins providing service, and should continue throughout the contract
term as long as actual services are being rendered.
D. Each invoice must include an invoice date, invoice number, date of service, student’s name, specify whether student is full-
time or part-time; Doctoral or Undergraduate, and hours worked.
E. Each invoice must reference the contract number.

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A. UDC will make payments monthly to CONTRACTOR, for services performed, up to the contract limit. CONTRACTOR shall bill
UDC separately for each month services were performed.
B. Payment must be made with funding allocated for the fiscal year in which the services and/or products were delivered.
Prompt billings for June receipt of products and/or services must be received timely due to fiscal year end. Untimely
submittal of June invoices may result in payment delays.
C. All payments made by UDC to CONTRACTOR shall be made in accordance with the Utah Prompt Payment Act, Utah Code
Annotated, 15-6-1 et. seq., upon receipt of an invoice, unless otherwise provided herein.
All payments by UDC to CONTRACTOR shall be sent to CONTRACTOR’S address as it appears on Page 1, Paragraph 1, entitled
CONTRACTING PARTIES. CONTRACTOR shall notify UDC of change of address within seven (7) working days.
Utah State Prison (USP)
UDC reserves the right to conduct a background check on all persons who enter UDC properties. CONTRACT staff providing
services under this contract will be required to obtain Contractor Identification. Upon signing this contract, and annually
throughout the contract term, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the names of all employees providing on-site services under
this contract. This list will contain names, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers, and social security numbers. If any new
staff begins providing services under this contract, the CONTRACTOR shall submit their name, birth date, driver’s license
number, and social security number to the UDC for screening. UDC retains the discretion to deny participation of any
CONTRACTOR staff based upon criminal background information or convictions. No contracted staff shall be permitted to
work within the bounds and environs of this contract until the background checks have been finalized and approved.
CONTRACTOR agrees that employees entering UDC property will cooperate with all security measures, including, but not
limited to, searches. CONTRACTOR agrees that the use of wireless devices within the Institutional Operations is prohibited
and any such use requires approval by clearance from Security Administrators.
A. CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain for the duration of the contract period all licenses necessary to lawfully perform
the services covered by this contract.
B. CONRACTOR must maintain accreditation through Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
C. CONTRACTOR further agrees to advise UDC immediately in writing of any limitation, cancellation, or other termination of
such license.
A. CONTRACTOR is solely responsible for STUDENTS compliance with all terms and condition of this contract.
B. STUDENTS will be held to the same performance standards as CONTRACTOR.
C. CONTRACTOR maintains sole responsibility for the payment of STUDENTS.
D. CONTRACTOR’s STUDENTS shall not be deemed employees of UDC for purpose of compensation, fringe benefits,
worker’s compensations, unemployment, minimum wage laws, income tax withholding, Social Security, or any
other benefits, wages or rights to which employees of UDC are entitled.
UDC will designate staff to oversee CONTRACTOR performance under this contract, in accordance with Attachment B, paragraph 12.
CONTRACTOR must agree to cooperate with UDC monitoring authority to verify compliance with contract requirements.
CONTRACTOR may be required to provide a “Proposed Corrective Action Plan” to correct deficiencies as noted. The written proposed
correction action place (if needed) should clearly identify the following:
A. A description of the specific problem;
B. What actions are proposed to correct identified problem(s);
C. The CONTRACTOR staff person who will work with UDC to resolve the identified problem(s); and
D. The estimated date for resolution of the identified problem(s).
CONTRACTOR shall, after UDC approval, provide status reports related to correcting the problem(s) to a designated UDC
monitoring authority.

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CONTRACTOR must acknowledge that failure to adequately perform the services as defined will result in corrective action.
Issues of CONTRACTOR non-compliance will be addressed in the following manner:
A. Contract Monitor will inform the CONTRACTOR of the problem, and seek resolution by a mutually agreed upon date.
B. If the issue is not resolved, the Contract Monitor will notify the CONTRACTOR in writing documenting the failure to
resolve by the agreed upon deadline, and send a copy to the Contract Unit.
C. If the CONTRACTOR makes insufficient effort to communicate and resolve the issue, the Contract Monitor will
communicate failure to resolve to the Contract Unit.
D. As a final step, the Contract Unit will issue a letter notifying the CONTRACTOR of the intent to terminate the contract if
the problem is not resolved by a specific deadline. Letter will be sent certified U.S. Postal Service mail requiring a
signed return receipt.

------------------END OF ATTACHMENT C---------------------

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