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lation to the increase in suicides cases among children and long-term psychological

impacts on victims. Finally, the state of Massachusetts’ stand on bullying laws is



ey pass through in the process affect them adversely later in life.

All the scholarly materials that were selected are either published books, certified
websites and prestige journals. Moreover, these cover a wide range in terms of years
because bullying is not an issue that began recently but has been there for quite some
good time. It equally bears noting t

ey pass through in the process affect them adversely later in life.

All the scholarly materials that were selected are either published books, certified
websites and prestige journals. Moreover, these cover a wide range in terms of years
because bullying is not an issue that began recently but has been there for quite some
good time. It equally bears noting t

lation to the increase in suicides cases among children and long-term psychological
impacts on victims. Finally, the state of Massachusetts’ stand on bullying laws is


This research paper is an insight into an in-depth analysis of a review of the literature
with respect to bullying and why laws should be passed across the United States on the
same in an effort to cu

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