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Summary Sheet for Assignment 2: Differentiated Learning Experience

Name & Student Number: Chelsea Nisbet

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson or Learning Task: English
Specific Topic of Lesson or Learning Task: Procedural text
Year Level/s: 3

Differentiation Choices
Mark the appropriate box/es

1. For this assignment, I have chosen to design a differentiated:

 Learning Menu or Agenda
 Choice Board
 Summative Assessment Task for Unit of Work
 Lesson with Specific Adjustments for Students with Special Needs
 Series of Tasks for Learning Centres or Stations
 Learning Task or Lesson with Innovative Use of Technology to Support Differentiation

2. My lesson or learning task is differentiated to address differences in student:

 Readiness
 Interest
 Learning profile preferences

This lesson fits within a broader unit on exploring different genre types. Before this particular lesson, students would
have already been introduced to text structure and language features used in narratives and recounts. Therefore,
students will have a sound understanding of how different text types can have a particular structure and language
features (e.g., vocabulary) that shape the purpose of the text. They will also understand how the author/writer of these
text types conveys meaning to the audience through the choice of language used. They will know how to use
comprehension strategies to analysis text and identify important events presented. They will have been exposed to
noun groups and adjectives and how they are used in writing. This learning menu/summative task will span over 2
weeks being the final lessons on procedural writing. Thus, students will also already have a comprehensive
understanding of procedural text in relation to the language features and structure used from exploring various
procedure text types in previous lessons (recipes, game instructions, directions). In this lesson, students will be
presented with the opportunities to apply their knowledge and understanding of language features and structure of
procedural text, and show their ability to interact through written and oral language to develop and create a procedural
text based on their interest.
Learning Objectives
As a result of engaging in the differentiated learning task:
 Students will understand the purpose, structure, language, and audience of a range of procedural texts.
 Students will understand how to construct simple procedural texts using correct vocabulary and structure.

Know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) Be able to (do) (Skills, processes).
 How to write/speak to communicate a  Analyse how text structures and language
message to a particular audience through features work together to meet the purpose of
procedural writing. a text(ACELY1711).
 How to use correctly use the vocabulary to  Recognise specific language features of a
describe a procedure. procedural text (verbs/action/process)
 Procedures are written in present tense and  Use language related to procedural text (verbs)
use action verbs.  Create own procedural text
 plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and
persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control
over text structures and language features and
selecting print, and multimodal elements appropriate
to the audience and purpose (ACELY1682) .
 Be able to edit texts for meaning, appropriate
structure, grammatical choice, and punctuation
 Draw connections between personal experiences at
the worlds of text, and share with others
Essential Questions (These should help students engage with the “big ideas” or understandings)
What is a procedural text used for?
Where do we see procedural texts?
How is procedural text set out?
What language is used in procedural text?

Lesson Sequence
Pre-assessment – Prior to this lesson the teacher would have pre-assess the students’ interest and preferences by
asking serious of questions such as;

How do you like to present your learning? What is your favourite way? (e.g., oral, poster, written, movie etc)

What is your favourite topic/genres of text? (Teacher will introduce a number of topics/genres to vote on, i.e., sport,
art, gaming).


Students will recap on what they have learnt in the previous lessons (i.e., structure and language features, types of
procedural text, and the importance of using specific language/instructions). Lead discussion into talking about
learning intention of next few lessons.

Introduce menu board (appendix 1)

Explain to students that the tasks of the menu board will allow them to apply the knowledge they have been learning
about in relation to procedural writing.

Explain the concept of the learning menu;

- Students have to complete the specified number of dishes from each of courses listed (e.g., entrée, main,


Individual/pair work: students choose required a number of activities from entrée, main and dessert to complete from
learning menu. Students will progress through the activities independently or in pairs if the chosen activity requires
them to. Students will get each activity checked over before moving on to their next course.

Students will continue working on this over the 2 week period.


Students will hand up their summative assessment at the end of the 2 weeks, which will be the learning menu ‘main
course’ activity. The teacher will mark using the assessment rubric (appendix 2)


 Students English books

 Menu board printed for each student
 Craft box
 A4 /A3 paper
 Colour pencils/textas
 Ipads
 Popcorn worksheet (appendix 2)
 Assessment rubric
 Class laptops

This learning experience presented to students is a menu board summative task. It is specifically designed to address
student’s interest and learning profile preferences in relation to procedural writing. It aims to provide students with the
opportunity to apply their knowledge of procedural language and structure (learnt in previous lessons) to improve their
abilities to create their own their own procedural text.

Differentiating in relation to student’s interest and learning profile is quite a difficult task to implement effectively. The
idea is to ‘hook’ students on areas of study that can retain interest as well as provide opportunities for individuals to
discover new interest areas (Sousa & Tomlinson, 2011a; Department of Education & Communities, 2015). According
to Sousa and Tomlinson (2011b), categorising learning into different styles, culture, genders and intelligence
preferences creates meaningful experiences for learners and facilitates learning. A menu board designed like a three-
course restaurant menu (an entrée, a main and a dessert) will be used to determine students’ interest areas and
learning preferences. Like a meal, each course complements and supports the other to achieve the desired outcome.
Students will be able to choose activities that interest them while working towards class learning objectives.
A learning experience pre-assessment will be included at the design stage. This is used to determine students’
interest areas and learning preferences in relation to the procedural text. For example, the teacher will ask prompting
questions like; ‘How do you like to present your learning?’ What’s your favourite way?’ ‘What is your favourite
topic/genres of text?’

Firstly, the entrée course contains three core learning activities which must be completed by students. Activities are
designed to re-familiarise students with the language/structure of the procedural text. Students can also practise and
build vocabulary in the summative task. Whilst students may not be given choice over what they complete in this
course, the activities still allow students to communicate knowledge/understanding through multiple ways (i.e., oral,
written, problem-solving, partner discussion), which is an essential component of learning preference (Sousa &
Tomlinson, 2011b).

Secondly, the main course is the core learning activity of the lesson, which all students must complete in order to
attain the learning objectives. It is differentiated to address all students’ interest and learning profile preferences.
Sousa and Tomlinson (2011) identified that when curriculum content is planned around students’ interest a
relationship is established “between the student's analytical knowledge, understanding, and skills”, which in turn is
linked to motivation levels. In this task, students develop and create their own style of a procedural text based on their
preferred interest and learning style. Students are given 4 learning tasks to construct and present information in their
chosen approach. For example, they may be completing the same task as a classmate but presenting it orally instead
of written. Tomlinson and Imbeau (2010) said that providing flexibility and choice engages the attention, curiosity, and
involvement of each individual. All tasks in the main course are linked to the learning objectives, to help students
further develop knowledge on planning and creating a procedural text thereby increasing their control
over text structures and language features.

Lastly, the dessert course has been designed for students to summarise the procedural language learnt to further
advance knowledge and understanding. Students can select a dessert dish based on their learning profile preference.
Research states that students will bring different learning styles when approaching a task, taking in information,
exploring or expressing content (Tomlinson, & Imbeau, 2010,). Thus, the 3 tasks have been shaped to provide
students with opportunities to engage in visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning. It also allows students to work in
pairs, which has been identified as an effective concluding approach (Sampsel, 2013). The teacher observes their
communication, reflection, and participation to determine if they have understood the concepts taught.

At the completion of the learning menu, student learning will be assessed, when students hand up the procedural text
they have completed in the main course task. An assessment rubric will be used in marking (appendix 3). By checking
students work, the teacher can decide whether further learning is needed in this area before moving onto the next
focus area of the curriculum.

Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority. (2017). Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum: English.
Retrieved from

Department of Education and Communities. (2015). Differentiating according to readiness, interests, learning profiles.
Retrieved from

Sampsel, A. (2013). Finding the Effects of Think-Pair-Share on Student Confidence and Participation.
Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011a). Differentiating in response to student interest. Chapter 7 in Differentiation
and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom (pp. 111-134).
Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press Inc.

Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011b). Differentiating in response to student learning profile. Chapter 8 in
Differentiation and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom (pp. 137-163).
Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press Inc.

Tomlinson, C. A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2010). Leading and managing a differentiated classroom. ASCD
Appendix 1

Complete all task

Verbs & Spices

List 10 action verbs found in procedural texts.

Think and pair-share

Think: 5 words related to direction or location found in procedural texts.
Pair: Share your words with you partner and develop a list of 10 together

Piecing together (appendix 2)

The procedure is incorrect! Surely you know how to make popcorn
Help me by placing the procedure instruction in the correct order so I get eat my popcorn… Yummmmy!

Complete one of the tasks

Recipe book
Bake a booklet. ….Whoops meant MAKE a booklet on how to make a food or drink of your choice ( draw write, use computer
you choice )

Game time
Create a new game using items from the craft box; list the object required and record instructions on how to play it (write,
make a power, oral presentation, video record –your choice!)

Recipe for me
Write a ‘recipe for me on your morning routine
(imagine if someone else was you for a day)

Treasure map
Create your own Pirate treasure Map (draw, build, use the computer –Your choice!)
You must then write instruction fro the pirates to get to the treasure.

Think about what we have learnt in geography about mapping. Your must include Pirates, ship, water , land, mountains, river ,
bridge , tree and a treasure chest.

Complete one of the tasks

Pair work
In pairs, blindfold one person –the other person will direct them to the school canteen using WORDS ONLY. No touching them!

In pairs, head to the basketball courts. One person is the ‘director’ and one person cannot speak. The director needs to make sure
you get across the court safely- watch out for obstacles (teacher will put cones/ mats out on the court which have to be dodged).

In pairs both used an Ipad to each to make a voice recording or picture video of how to get to a location around the school. Don’t
tell each other where you location is. Swap Ipads, your challenge is to find the location your partner is directing you to!
Appendix 2: piecing together (entrée)

Making Microwave Popcorn

Cut out the instructions below and glue them into your book in the correct order – Think

Pour warm popcorn into the bowl

Open the bag carefully so you don’t get burnt!

Push ‘start’ on the microwave

Set the timer

Unwarp the packaging

Place in microwave

Get the bag of popcorn

Wait 4 minutes until popped

Enjoy! Yummy

Appendix 3: Assessment rubric

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