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TOPIC: Morning Circle KLA: English/ General Capabilities

Students Previous Knowledge
Students participate in the daily routine of Morning Circle Time. During Morning Circle Time students share stories and
experiences surrounding a current theme often related to school business or learning.

Learning Intentions
The classroom teacher has raised a concern for students’ behaviour and understanding of respect, therefore, the theme of
the discussion will surround respect and what it means to show respect inside and outside of the classroom.

Learning Outcomes
EN3-1A/ Communicates effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes using increasingly
challenging topics, ideas, issues and language forms and features.

General Capabilities/ Demonstrate ethical understanding and personal and social capabilities.

Teaching Strategy Focus

 Narrative
 Direct Instruction
 Discussion
 Cooperative learning

 Classroom floor
 Sentral application for marking the roll.

Success Criteria and Assessment

Students will be assessed informally as they are monitored by the classroom teacher, facilitating the discussion.

Estimated Time INTRODUCTION Indicate:
5 min Begin lesson with morning circle routine. What the students would be doing
Students are seated on the classroom floor in a
circle. Tell the students a story about the
importance of respect and kindness. Ask each
student to explain the importance of being
respectful and kind to each other.

Mark the role as students are sharing their


15 min BODY Indicate: Indicate:

each distinct step. A new step is required each Each distinct step. A new step is required each
time, students or teachers behave in a different time. Students behave in a different manner. In
manner. In each sequence, indicate teacher each sequence, indicate learning strategies used
skills / strategies used and anticipated student by students and indicate what evidence
actions. demonstrates student learning.
10 min CLOSURE May include: Indicate:
proposed evaluation strategies How students will evaluate their own learning
review / summary of lesson content
feedback to students regarding their efforts in
relation to stated outcomes
forecast future activities / follow-up as

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