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Kanook – Tlingit Nation

October 10th, 2010

Creeping closer and closer is the bell-weather on whether or not our sitting President has had a
fairly good first two-years, all indications suggest he and his party are heading towards a cliff just
as his predecessor the “wandering zipper” William Jefferson Clinton experienced in October
1994 – an experience that gave the Republicans control of the House for the first time in 40-
years. In a word Obama and his party have been “lousy” in guiding this country through some
pretty difficult times, falling forward into the same-old, same-old type of government that a
majority of the American electorate voted against in 2008.
Soon after the man from Chicago had his first cup of coffee and a hidden cancer stick in office,
he must has sat down and made up his mind that his popular election was based on his looks and
his two cute children, which might have a smidgen truth riding on it – in doing so he soon fell
into step with two other hangers-on in the congressional crowd, Nancy and Harry who tearfully
whined they way beneath his fresh coat of election paint and began dragging our country away
from it’s “center-right” position far out into left-field – and the game was on!
The voters of America, exercising their right to cast their opinion, voted a mandate to fix the
downward spiral of their pocketbooks value and their overall confidence in their place in the
world. Obama, Nancy and Harry told the voters they really didn’t know what they wanted and
step-smartly in doing the opposite. Over the past two years these three dynamic people have
done more to destroy the American way of life than any spy or foreign arrmy could have done in
100-years – and what hurts is they really think they’re doing a bang-up job and just can’t
understand why the electorate is a little pissed! From what I have witnessed over the past 2-years
neither of the threesome have anything but their own personal history at stake, which in anyone’s
books they have destroyed along with a country that used to be the most respected democracy on
the planet – turning it into another socialist European rag-tag country like France.
Having voted for the half-breed from Chicago I used to hope that one day during the previous
2-years he’d wake up and notice the disaster he was hoisting on the country of my birth, well it
appears he is in a drug-induced state, and can’t wake up because he has blindly followed the left
as they do their damndest to make Stalin’s Russia look like child’s play…In November I see a
change in leadership – in what direction is another thing, I don’t think there will be any cross-the-
aisle glad-handing, if anything there will be a radical swing to the right for another two-years and
again any semblance of anyone being at the wheel of our country will be a pipe-dream that may
never be realized.
In the meantime, as the politico’s stress and argue who has the best plan to save the culture of
North America the powerful mega-elites continue on their merry way stuffing their pockets with
any medium of exchange available just so they can increase their control in the political puppets
spread across the globe. Don’t get me wrong I am not against “Free Enterprise”, in fact it is the
only element of our planet that makes any sense, but what Obama and his gang of far-left do-
gooders have done with their programs has put a big-dent in the concept of capitalism one that
has turned the idea of working hard and advancing in our society into a joke – why should anyone
work if the governments of the world have made sitting on your can and having someone provide
services for nothing a way of life.
I read over news snippets that address this program or that one, whereas most talk of the
increasing deficits and their impact on an ever decreasing employed taxpayer, how anyone in
their non-drug induced mind can see a time in the future where our nation will be able to
breakeven, is beyond me. Some speak to the shaking up and down of our financial markets,
while other point their manicured nails at our failing educational system, and others at the high-
cost of a pound of meat or a loaf of day-old-bread.
We’re in trouble here folks, and hopefully you can see our problems didn’t just appear when
the half-breed took office a couple of years ago, his idiotic moves have just brought our problems
to the surface whereas they have been on a somewhat slow boil for a couple of decades. In
America our at odds two-party system has masked the underlying cause and for sure destroyed
our ability to begin working on a solution or two.
The leaders of the free-world point at the failings of their opposite party members - naturally
being careful not to bring theirs to attention of the voters, while they scurry about lifting a few
dollars from this or that program (taking their percentage) and sending the scraps back home to
some meaningless program to buy some more votes for the future.
While most members (99.999%) have displayed a reluctance to play ball with the members of
the opposite party, it has become apparent during the past two years that the Democrats (bless
their hearts) have given a new meaning to the word “incompetence” – they have dragged it out of
the woods where our past President chopped a cord of wood and pasted in on a LED screen with
a flashing background, they have placed the not-to-be-spoken word in Congress ahead of their
ideological beliefs and their stupidity when in comes to economics 101- and to the exasperation
of their fevered followers, they haven’t got a clue nor to they give a damn, these far-left “things”,
not fair to call them anything with a beating heart, think they’re doing a wonderful job. Get a
grip – they are failing like no other time related to the Democratic party.
Some of you patriots will again vote the party line and it is understandable – albeit neither party
is showing the ability to pull this nation up by the boot-straps, party line followers feel that at
least their party overall is much better than the alternative (in other words the lesser of two evils)
– in my opinion the line-up they are printing on the ballots across the land of the free leaves
nothing to be desired. One side note, the Tea Party candidate in the Grand State of Alaska seems
to have spent more time on and in the welfare system than another other candidate in the States
The left wants to increase taxes, which makes about as much sense as going swimming in the
community pool with 50 pound weights strapped on your feet, while the right wants to give more
tax breaks sitting home reloading the 30 caliber ammunition preparing for a last ditch effort to get
their candidate in D.C.
Over the last few years our Congress (the body of our government that makes our budget,
creates our laws, etc.) has been unable to agree on the slightest constructive act presented, as
example since the Budget Act of 1974, our House of Representatives has not even wrote a
budget, this failure when our nations budget has dropped into the basement with deficits (even
accounting for inflation and currency evaluation) to its lowest in our short 200 year history, might
be the reason they re-modeled the White House this summer – creating a deeper basement! The
world financial markets have lost what little confidence they had in the American dollar, gold has
gone through the roof, and our members run home to buy some more votes ignoring the health
and welfare of the country they represent – with no budget in sight!
After over 20-months of control the Democrats have ignored addressing the tax cuts, any
appropriations bill and running the government operating on a “continuing resolution” as they fly
back home to campaign – while in the background we find a 28% increase in discretionary
spending, this not including the billions we’re dumping in military campaigns in Iraq and
Afghanistan, but wait they did pass a National Healthcare Plan containing 1,000 pages of
ridiculous micro-management concepts that most haven’t read or for those that have don’t
understand – the only ones who understand a portion of the massive screw up are the Insurance
Companies who will realize a 350% increase in their profits due to the benefits of Obama, Nancy
and Harry – thank you very much.
Congress adjourned with the tax status of the country up in the air, come January 1st there could
be an increase in your federal income tax base, the elimination of the breaks giving to the “estate
tax” (from 0% to 55%), a change in the capital gains and dividend status – all taking place before
the ball in Times Square hits the roof in NYC.
What appears as incompetence to others points at “greed” whereas some who are home loading
their 30 caliber rounds are waiting for a sign from someone, anyone in fact, whereas they will pile
into their SUVs, Cadillac’s, high-end Fords and Chevy’s and race down the avenue guns a
blazing eliminating anything or anyone that appears of a socialist persuasion, while the far-left
will piss and moan surrounding a crude oil refinery threatening to blow it to bits if the out-of-
control right makes their wishes known.
I laugh, where Elaine Chao our majestic former Labor Secretary tells anyone who will listen
that our unemployment numbers are a direct reflection of Obama’s cabinet secretaries not ever
holding a regular job – where in God’s green earth do this holy-than-thou people come from –
one moment they’re speaking of too much government and the next telling us that because a few
members of the sitting administration never drove a garbage truck is the reason that our
unemployed citizens of the United States is in reality tickling the hell out of 19%. The blame
game is rampant from both sides of the freeway here folks, we don’t stand a chance – in the end
when the voting booth curtain covers your back and you make a conscious attempt at casting your
wishes – you’d be better off to either write in your own name or simple write “none of the
That is unless you’re part of a group that is in line to receive some special consideration from
our National Treasury – then by all means vote for the short-term gain in your pocketbook during
the mid-term. I laugh!

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