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A Viscosity Function for Viscoplastic Liquids

Article · January 2004

4 428

2 authors:

Paulo R. De Souza Mendes Eduardo S. S. Dutra

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.


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Applied Rheology Vol.14/6.qxd 27.12.2004 8:33 Uhr Seite 296

Viscosity Function for Yield-Stress Liquids

Paulo R. Souza Mendes* and Eduardo S. S. Dutra

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pontifícia Universidade Católica - RJ Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225
Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brazil

Fax: x55.11.3114.1165
Received: 15.5.2004, Final version: 20.9.2004

A viscosity function for highly-shear-thinning or yield-stress liquids such as pastes and slurries is proposed. This
function is continuous and presents a low shear-rate viscosity plateau, followed by a sharp viscosity drop at a
threshold shear stress value (yield stress), and a subsequent power-law region. The equation was fitted to data
for Carbopol aqueous solutions at two different concentrations, a drilling fluid, an water/oil emulsion, a com-
mercial mayonnaise, and a paper coating formulation. The quality of the fittings was generally good.

Eine Viskositätsfunktion für stark scherverdünnende Flüssigkeiten oder Flüssigkeiten mit Fliessgrenze wie Pas-
ten und Schlämme wird vorgeschlagen. Diese Funktion ist stetig und besitzt bei kleinen Scherraten ein Viskosität-
splateau, an das sich ein abrupter Viskositätsabfall bei einem Grenzwert der Schubspannung (Fliessgrenze)
anschliesst, und von einem nachfolgenden Potenzgesetzbereich abgeschlossen wird. Die Gleichung wurde an
Daten von wässrigen Carbopollösungen, Bohrlochspühlung, Wasser/Öl Emulsion, kommerziell vertriebener
Mayonnaise und einer Formulierung für Papierbeschichtung gefittet. Die Qualität der Fits war allgemein gut.

Une fonction pour décrire la viscosité est proposée pour des fluides fortement rhéo-fluidifiant ou à seuil de con-
trainte d’écoulement comme des boues et des pâtes. Cette fonction est continue et caractérisée par un plateau
aux taux de cisaillements faibles, suivi d’une abrupte diminution de la viscosité au seuil de contrainte d’é-
coulement et un régime final en loi de puissance. La fonction est appliquée aux solutions aqueuses de Carbopol
à deux concentrations, à un fluide de forage, une émulsion eau/huile, une mayonnaise commerciale et à une
formulation pour le revêtement du papier. La qualité de la description est généralement très bonne.

Key words: Viscosity function, viscoplastic liquid, yield stress measurement

Viscoplastic or yield-stress liquids are materials liquids. A few examples of viscoplastic liquids
that have an yield stress below which they are: cement slurries, drilling muds and heavy oils
behave as a high viscosity liquid, and above in the petroleum industry; mayonnaise, butter,
which they behave as a shear-thinning liquid. At creams, pastes and many dairy products in the
the yield stress, an often dramatic drop of the vis- food and cosmetics industries; clay, mud and
cosity level is observed. other concentrated suspensions in nature.
Most of the viscoplastic materials that With the technological advancement in
appear in processes of interest are viscoplastic rheometry, high (but finite) Newtonian viscosity

© Appl. Rheol. 14 (2004) 296-302

Applied Rheology
296 Volume 14 · Issue 6
Applied Rheology Vol.14/6.qxd 27.12.2004 8:33 Uhr Seite 297

Figure 1: The qualitative

behavior of the Carreau and
Cross functions for
viscoplastic liquids.

plateaus at low shear rates have been observed in

most viscoplastic materials of interest. A compre-
hensive discussion on this subject is found in [2].




η = η∞ +
1 + ( λγ )
Perhaps the viscosity function that is the most
often employed to fit viscosity data of viscoplas- and the Carreau model (e.g. [5])
tic materials is the Herschel-Bulkley viscosity η0 − η∞
function [5]. The shear stress corresponding to η = η∞ + 1−n
this function is given by ⎡ 1 + ( λγ. )2 ⎤ 2
⎣ ⎦ (4)

⎪⎧τ = τ o + K γ if τ > o where h ∫ t/g· is the viscosity function, and l is a
⎨. curve-fitting parameter with dimension of time.
⎪⎩γ = 0 otherwise
(1) The two viscosity functions above are common-
where t is the shear stress, t0 is the yield stress, ly used for pseudoplastic liquids with a zero-
g· is the shear rate, K is the consistency index, and shear-rate plateau, h0, a power-law region that
n is the behavior (or power-law) index. When n = begins at g· > 1⁄l and an infinite-shear-rate
1, it reduces to the traditional Bingham plastic plateau, h0. In the limit of a very steep power-law
function region (n ô 0), these two equations yield the
behavior illustrated in Fig. 1. Beyond the yield
stress there is just the infinite-shear-rate
⎧⎪τ = τ o + µpγ if τ > τ o plateau, because the capability of mimicking a
⎨. power-law behavior is used to obtain the viscos-
⎪⎩γ = 0 otherwise
(2) ity drop at the yield stress.
A regularized Bingham function was
where mp is the plastic viscosity. Both equations proposed by Papanastasiou [7] for usage in finite-
predict an infinite viscosity in the limit of zero shear element flow simulations, namely,
rate. This behavior is not compatible with the con-
servation equations that govern many complex
flows [6]. Moreover, the prediction of an infinite ( .
τ = 1 − exp( −aγ ) τ 0 + µ pγ
vicosity yields rather poor curve fittings to data per-
taining to viscoplastic liquids. One alternative where a is the regularizing parameter. As a ô
when the low shear rate range is not of interest is •, Papanastasiou's function approaches the
to discard the data in the plateau region, but then Bingham function, with the important advan-
the dilemma of which data points to exclude comes tage of holding uniformly in yielded and unyield-
into play. The quality of the fitting and, more impor- ed regions. The usual extension of Papanasta-
tantly, the value obtained for t0 are typically siou's idea for shear-thinning viscoplastic liquids,
strongly affected by this subjective decision. It is that is, viscoplastic liquids that shear-thin at
rather frustrating to observe such an arbitrariness shear stresses larger than the yield stress, is the
in determining a parameter such as t0, which has following modified Papanastasiou function:
a clear physical meaning. Possible choices when no
shear-thinning is observed beyond the yield stress
are the Cross model (e.g. [3]) ( .
τ = 1 − exp( −aγ ) τ 0 + K γ n

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Figure 2 (left):
The qualitative behavior of
the modified Papanastasiou
viscosity function and of the
modified bi-viscosity

Figure 3 (right): Shear stress

as a function of shear rate
as predicted by Eq. 8.

As a ô •, the modified Papanastasiou’s This function is plotted in Fig. 3 for illustration

function approaches the Herschel-Bulkley func- purposes. The physical meaning of the parame-
tion. The shear stress as given by Eq. 6 results in ters that appear in Eq. 8, namely, h0, t0, K, n are
the viscosity function plotted in Fig. 2 as a also illustrated in this figure.
function of the shear stress. This figure illustrates The zero-shear rate viscosity is just equal
that the modified Papanastasiou function is to the ratio t/g· provided t is smaller enough than
unable to predict a finite viscosity plateau in the t0 to ensure that g· is within the zero-shear rate
limit of zero shear rate for shear-thinning plateau region. The yield stress becomes evident
viscoplastic liquids. in the t â g· plot, because of the plateau that
An interesting alternative that has a occurs at t0. The behavior index n is the slope of
more suitable qualitative behavior for viscoplas- the power-law region in the log-log plot of t â g· .
tic liquids is the so-called modified bi-viscosity The intercept of the extrapolated power-law-region
function [4] [10], which equation for shear stress straight line with the vertical line at g· =1 s-1 occurs
is given by at t=K. This information can be used to generate
good initial guesses for the curve-fitting para-
. . .
⎧⎪τ + K γ n if γ 0 γ meter values in least-squares fitting procedures.
τ =⎨ 0 . In Fig. 4 we can observe the qualitative
⎪⎩η0γ otherwise
(7) behavior of the viscosity function corresponding
to Eq. 8. The zero-shear rate plateau is followed by
where g· 0 = t0/(h0 - Kg0n-1) > t0/h0 is a sharp drop at t = t0, and then it follows a power-
the yield shear rate, usually very low. Figure 2 law region. This behavior is quite similar to the one
shows the plot of the corresponding viscosity presented by the bi-viscosity function (Fig. 2),
function as a function of the shear stress. This vis- except that there is no discontinuity in the curve
cosity function involves two different expres- derivative at t = t0. A good feature of Eq. 8 is that
sions, each one applicable to a different shear- it predicts a viscosity function such that
rate range. These ranges are delimited by the
yield shear rate, which is to be determined in the
curve-fitting procedure itself. These characteris-
η ( 0) = lim
( 1 − exp( −η γ / τ ))
0 0
(τ .
+ Kγ n )
tics, together with its discontinuous derivative . .
γ →0 γ 0

(Fig. 2), cause severe practical problems that typ-

(η / τ 0 )exp( −η0γ / τ 0 )
ically prevent good-quality fittings of Eq. 7 to vis-
cosity data of viscoplastic liquids.
= lim
γ →0

(τ 0
+ K γ n = η0

in contrast to the modified Papanastasiou func-

2.2 THE PROPOSED VISCOSITY FUNCTION tion, which predicts an unbounded viscosity
function in the limit of zero shear rate (see
We now propose and briefly discuss the proper- Fig. 2).
ties of the following function: Often the data do not present a viscosi-
ty drop as sharp as predicted by Eq. 8. For these
cases, the exact yield stress value is not so evi-
( .
τ = 1 − exp( −η0γ / τ 0 ) τ 0 + K γ n
) (8) dent, and one possible procedure to decrease

Applied Rheology
298 Volume 14 · Issue 6
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Figure 4 (left above):

Viscosity as a function of
shear stress for the function
given by Eq. 8.

Figure 5 (right above):

Derivative of the logarithm
of the shear stress with
respect to the logarithm of
the shear rate as a function
of shear stress, for the
function given by Eq. 8.

Figure 6 (left below): Flow

curve of a Carbopol 0.12%
wt aqueous solution.

Figure 7 (right below):

Derivative of the logarithm
of the shear stress with
respect to the logarithm of
the shear rate as a function
of shear stress, for the data
presented in Figure 6.

subjectivity is to define t0 as the shear stress cor- that the derivative given by Eq. 10 when t is given
responding to the minimum derivative of the by Eq. 8 tends to 1 at low shear rates (or shear
logarithm of the shear stress with respect to the stresses), is minimum at the yield stress, and
logarithm of the shear rate, as illustrated in tends to the behavior index n in the power-law
Fig. 5. This derivative for a given set of data can region, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
be easily evaluated by central differences and
then plotted as a function of t:
. .
d lnτ γ i +1 2 dτ γ i +1 2 ⎡ τ (γ. i +1 ) − τ (γ. i ) ⎤
. = . ⎢ . . ⎥
d lnγ τ i +1 2 dγ τ i +1 2 ⎢⎣ γ i +1 − γ i ⎥⎦ We now illustrate with the aid of Figs. 6, 8, 10, 12,
i +1 2 i +1 2
(10) 14, and 16 the fitting capability of Eq. 8 to data of
a few viscoplastic liquids that appear in industrial
where applications. It is worth emphasizing that the goal
here is not to discuss measurement techniques or
1 . .
γ i + 1 2 = (γ i + γ i + 1 )
the rheological behavior of these materials, but
rather to demonstrate the general fitting capabil-
τ i +1 2 = ⎡⎣τ (γ i ) + τ+ (γ i )⎤⎦
. . ity of Eq. 8 to viscoplastic liquid data. All data pre-
2 (11) sented in this paper were obtained with the aid of
a commercial rotational rheometer (ARES, Rheo-
and t(g· i) is the measured shear stress at g· = g· i, metric Scientific). The tests were conducted in
while g· i = 1, 2, ..., m is the monotonically increas- strain-rate-controlled mode. The geometry
ing series of m shear rate values at which mea- employed was a home-made roughened-surface
surements were made. It is not difficult to see Couette geometry to avoid slip effects [1-3, 8, 9].

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Volume 14 · Issue 6 299
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Figure 8 (left above):

Flow curve of a Carbopol
0.20% wt aqueous solution.

Figure 9 (right above):

Derivative of the logarithm
of the shear stress with
respect to the logarithm of
the shear rate as a function
of shear stress, for the data
presented in Figure 8.

Figure 10 (left middle):

Flow curve of a drilling mud.

Figure 11 (right middle):

Derivative of the logarithm
of the shear stress with
respect to the logarithm of
the shear rate as a function
of shear stress, for the data
presented in Figure 10.

Figure 12 (left below):

Flow curve of an oil/water
emulsion with surfactant.

Figure 13 (right below):

Derivative of the logarithm
of the shear stress with
respect to the logarithm of
the shear rate as a function
of shear stress, for the data
presented in Figure 12.

In these figures we can observe that the parameter values obtained in the curve-fitting
fittings are generally of good quality, because the procedure depend strongly on the choice of the
qualitative behavior of Eq. 8 throughout the data to be discarded.
whole range of shear rate is essentially the same The procedure for evaluating the yield
as the one of the data. Therefore, there is no need stress t0 described in Sec. 2.2 was applied to the
to discard data pertaining to the low-shear-rate data shown in Figs. 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16. The cor-
range, which is undesirable because often the responding plots of the derivative of the loga-

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Figure 14 (left above):

Flow curve of mayonnaise.

Figure 15 (right above):

Derivative of the logarithm
of the shear stress with
respect to the logarithm of
the shear rate as a function
of shear stress, for the data
presented in Figure 14.

Figure 16 (left below):

Flow curve of a paper
coating formulation.

Figure 17 (right below):

Derivative of the logarithm
of the shear stress with
respect to the logarithm of
the shear rate as a function
of shear stress, for the data
presented in Figure 16.

rithm of the shear stress with respect to the log- tions and curve-fitting procedures. Its qualitative
arithm of the shear rate as a function of shear behavior is the same as the one observed for
stress are shown in Figs. 7, 9, 11, 13 , 15, and 17, most viscoplastic liquids of interest, i.e. a high-
respectively. These plots illustrate, for different viscosity plateau at low shear rates, followed by
materials, the success of the method for obtain- a sharp drop of the viscosity level, and then a
ing an unambiguous value for the yield stress. In power-law region. A simple method to deter-
some cases the t â g· plot presents some waviness, mine the yield stress is also proposed, which is
which leads to more than one local minimum of independent of the viscosity model chosen.
the derivative dlnt/dlng· , as seen in Figs. 9, 11, and
13. In these cases the lowest stress at which a min-
imum occurs should be taken as the yield stress. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
It is interesting that this first minimum was the
lowest for all viscoplastic materials examined in This research was possible due to the financial
this research. Lastly, it is worth commenting the support of Petrobras, the Brazilian Petroleum
remarkable agreement between the t0 values Company, FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Pro-
obtained in the two different ways, namely, via jetos), and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desen-
curve fitting and via the derivative method. volvimento Científico e Tecnológico).


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