Story Imam Bushiri

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Author qasidah Burdah is Al-Bushiri (610-695 H / 1213-1296 AD). Sharafuddin full name
Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Zaid Al-Bushiri. In addition to writing Burdah, Al-Bushiri also
wrote several other qashidah. Among them Al-Qashidah Al-Mudhariyah and Al-Qashidah

Al-Bushiri is Berber descent who was born in Dallas, Morocco, and raised in Bushir, Egypt. He pupil
great Sufi Imam Ash-Shadhili and successor named Abul Abbas Al-Mursi, figures Shadhili. In the field
of jurisprudence, Al-Shafi'i school of Bushiri embrace, schools of jurisprudence majority in Egypt.

Once when Al-Bushiri paralytic illness that can not get out of bed. Then he made poetry
praising the Prophet, with the intention of pleading syafa'atnya. In his sleep, he dreams met
the Prophet Muhammad. Prophet wiped the face Al-Bushiri, then he took off his robe and put
it on to the body of Al-Bushiri. When he woke up from his dream, at once he had recovered
from the paralysis.

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