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Mallampati or classification Mallampati score is a scoring system that is used in the medical field of

anesthesiology to determine the level of difficulty and could cause a risk in intubated patients
undergoing surgery. The results determine the level of which is distinguished from I to IV. Class I
indicates a patient's mouth should be easier intubated. The highest level, Class IV addressed directed
to high-risk patients, komplikasi.Klasifikasi Mallampati ditentukanoleh visual observation of
ronggamulut Tests to make up the score Mallampati performed with the patient in an upright sitting
position, with her head held in a neutral position. the patient holds his mouth wide open and tongue
expand, technicians check the visibility of the structure faring.Skor Class I Mallampati given if the
soft palate, tonsils anterior and posterior pila, and the entire uvula "piece of soft tissue that hangs
from atapmulut near the back of the tongue" is easily visible , KelasII score is given if the soft palate,
tonsils, and most of the uvula can be seen. in cases where only the soft palate and uvula basic look,
the patient was given rating III.Skor Class IV Class Mallampati reserved for those cases in which the
soft palate is not visible at all. patients who have the results of Class III or Class IV tends to be
difficult to intubate, and other preparations must be made for an alternative airway management,
such as the use of a respirator mask.

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