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Multiple Choice Questions:

The range of the normal distribution is:

a) 0 to n
b) 0 to ∞
c) -1 to +1
d) -∞ to +∞***

Which of the following is true for the normal curve?

a) Symmetrical
b) Unimodel
c) Bell-shaped
d) All of the above**

The parameters of the normal distribution are:

a) m and s 2
b) m and s **
c) np and nq
d) n and p

IQ test scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. An
individual's IQ score is found to be 110. Find the z-score corresponding to this value.
a) -1.33
b) 1.33
c) -0.67
d) 0.67**

If value of x for normal distribution is 35, mean of normal distribution is 65 and standard
deviation is 25 then standardized random variable is

a) -1.5
b) -1.2**
c) -1.7
d) 4

If z-score of normal distribution is 2.5, mean of distribution is 45 and standard deviation of

normal distribution is 3 then value of x for a normal distribution is

a) 97.5
b) 47.5
c) 52.5**
d) 67.5
Let X∼N (3, 22). What does this tell us about the distribution of X?

a) X is binomial with n=3 and p=2.

b) X is normal with mean 3 and variance 4.**
c) X is normal with mean 3 and variance 2.
d) X is binomial with mean 3 and variance 9.

X is a random normal variable, with mean μ and variance σ2. The “standardized form” of X is
X -m
Z= . What are the mean and variance, respectively, of Z?

a) 0, 1**
b) 2, 1
c) 1, 0
d) 2, 0

Let X∼N (5, 32). Which of the following is a standard normal variable?
X -5
a) Z =
X -3
b) Z =
X -5
c) Z = **
X -3
d) Z =

The normal distribution is a _____ distribution.

a) Discrete
b) Continuous**
c) Positively Skewed
d) Rectangular

2 marks Question
Let the random variable Z have the standard normal distribution. Find P (0≤Z≤1.20).

P(0≤Z≤1.20) = P(Z≤1.20) – P(Z≤0)

= 0.3849 – 0 = 0.3849.

Let the random variable Z have the standard normal distribution. Find P (Z≤ -2.15).

P(Z≤ -2.15) = P(-∞<Z<0) – P(-2.15<Z<0)

= 0.5 – 0.4842 = 0.0158.

Let the random variable Z have the standard normal distribution. Find P (-1.65≤Z≤0).

P (0.6≤Z≤1.67) = P(Z≤1.67) – P(Z≤0.6)

= 0.4525 – 0.2257 = 0.2268.

Let the random variable Z have the standard normal distribution. Find P (Z≥1.96).

P(Z≥1.96) = P(0<Z<∞) – P(0<Z<1.96)

= 0.5 – 0.4750 = 0.025.

3 marks Question

A random variable X is normally distributed with µ = 50 and s 2 = 25. Find the probability that it
will lie between 0 and 40.

0 - 50 X - m 40 - 50
P( < < )
P(0<X<40) = 5 s 5
= P (-10 < Z < -2)

= P(-10<Z<0) – P(-2<Z<0)

= 0.5 – 0.4772 = 0.0228.

A random variable X is normally distributed with µ = 50 and s 2 = 25. Find the probability that it
will lie between 55 and 100.

55 - 50 X - m 100 - 50
P( < < )
P(55<X<100) = 5 s 5
= P (1 < Z < 10)

= P(0<Z<10) – P(0<Z<1)
= 0.5 – 0.3413 = 0.1587.

A random variable X is normally distributed with µ = 50 and s 2 = 25. Find the probability that it
will be larger than 54.

X - m 54 - 50
P( > )
P(X>54) = s 5
= P (Z > 0.8)

= P(0<Z<∞) – P(0<Z<0.8)

= 0.5 – 0.2881 = 0.2119.

A random variable X is normally distributed with µ = 50 and s 2 = 25. Find the probability that it
will be smaller than 57.

X - m 57 - 50
P( < )
P(X<57) = s 5
= P (Z < 1.40)

= P(-∞<Z<0) + P(0<Z<1.40)

= 0.5 + 0.4192 = 0.9192.

5 marks Question

The scores made by candidates in a certain test are normally distributed with mean 500 and
standard deviation 100:

a) What is the percent of the candidates received scores greater than 700.
b) What is the percent of the candidates received scores less than 400.



X - m 700 - 500
P( > )
P(X>700) = s 100
= P (Z > 2)

= P(0<Z<∞) – P(0<Z<2)

= 0.5 – 0.4772 = 0.0228.


X - m 400 - 500
P( < )
P(X<400) = s 100
= P (Z < -1)

= P(-∞<Z<0) – P(-1<Z<0)

= 0.5 – 0.3413 = 0.1587.

A soft drink machine is regulated so that it discharges an average of 200 milliliters per cup. If the
amount of drink is normally distributed with a standard deviation equal to 15 milliliters,

a) What fraction of the cups will contain more than 240 milliliters?
b) What is the probability that a cup contains between 191 and 209 milliliters?



X - m 240 - 200
P( > )
P(X>240) = s 15
= P (Z > 2.67)

= P(0<Z<∞) – P(0<Z<2.67)

= 0.5 – 0.4962 = 0.0038.


191 - 200 X - m 209 - 200

P( < < )
P(191<X<209) = 15 s 15
= P (-0.6 < Z < 0.6)

= P(Z<-0.6) + P(Z<0.6)

= 0.2257 + 0.2257 = 0.4514.

A random sample of 1,000 iron rods are tested for their length and it is found that the mean and
the standard deviation are 14.40 meters and 2.50 meters respectively. If the lengths of the rods
are normally distributed, then find,

a) What are the chances that any rod will be between 12 and 16 meters?
b) What are the chances that any rod selected at random will be 15 meters length or above?


12 - 14.40 X - m 16 - 14.40
P( < < )
P(12<X<16) = 2.50 s 2.50
= P(-0.96 < Z < 0.64)

= P(Z<-0.96) + P(Z<0.64)

= 0.3315 + 0.2380 = 0.5695.


X - m 15 - 14.40
P( > )
P(X>15) = s 2.50
= P (Z > 0.24)

= P(0<Z<∞) – P(0<Z<0.24)

= 0.5 – 0.0948 = 0.4052.

Scores on a certain nation-wide college entrance examination follow a normal distribution with a
mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100. Find the probability that a student will score

a) Less than 250.

b) Between 325 and 675.


X - m 250 - 500
P( < )
P(X<250) = s 100
= P (Z < -2.5)
= P(-∞<Z<0) – P(-2.5<Z<0)
= 0.5 – 0.4938 = 0.0062.

325 - 500 X - m 675 - 500

P( < < )
P(325<X<675) = 100 s 100
= P (-1.75 < Z < 1.75)

= P(Z<-1.75) + P(Z<1.75)

= 0.4599 + 0.4599 = 0.9198.

Questions and Solution

1 Marks

If value of x for normal distribution is 35, mean of normal distribution is 65 and standard
deviation is 25 then standardized random variable is

A. −1.5
B. −1.2

C. −1.7

D. −4

Normal distribution is also classified as

A. Gaussian distribution
B. Poisson distribution

C. Bernoulli's distribution

D. weighted average distribution

The range of normal distribution is:

A. 0 to n
B. 0 to ∞
C. -1 to +1
D. -∞ to +∞

In normal distribution:

A. Mean = Median = Mode

B. Mean < Median < Mode
C. Mean> Median > Mode
D. Mean≠Median≠Mode

Which of the following is true for the normal curve:

A. Symmetrical
B. Unimodel
C. Bell-shaped
D. All of the above

The parameters of the normal distribution are:

A. µ and σ2
B. µ and σ
C. np and nq
D. n and p

The shape of the normal curve depends upon the value of:

A. Standard deviation
B. Q1
C. Mean deviation
D. Quartile deviation

The normal distribution is a proper probability distribution of a continuous random variable, the
total area under the curve f(x) is:

A. Equal to one
B. Less than one
C. More than one
D. Between -1 and +1

In a normal curve, the highest point on the curve occurs at the mean, µ, which is also the:

A. Median and mode

B. Geometric mean and harmonic mean
C. Lower and upper quartiles
D. Variance and standard deviation

The normal curve is symmetrical and for symmetrical distribution, the values of all odd order
moments about mean will always be:

A. 1
B. 0.5
C. 0.25
D. 0

2 Marks:

1. X is a normally normally distributed variable with mean μ = 30 and standard deviation σ

= 4. Find P(x < 40)

Solution: For x = 40, the z-value z = (40 - 30) / 4 = 2.5

Hence P(x < 40) = P(z < 2.5) = [area to the left of 2.5] = 0.9938

2. X is a normally normally distributed variable with mean μ = 30 and standard deviation σ

= 4. Find P(x > 21)

Solution: For x = 21, z = (21 - 30) / 4 = -2.25

Hence P(x > 21) = P(z > -2.25) = [total area] - [area to the left of -2.25]
= 1 - 0.0122 = 0.9878

3. X is a normally normally distributed variable with mean μ = 30 and standard deviation σ

= 4. Find P(30 < x < 35)

Solution: For x = 30 , z = (30 - 30) / 4 = 0 and for x = 35, z = (35 - 30) / 4 = 1.25
Hence P(30 < x < 35) = P(0 < z < 1.25) = [area to the left of z = 1.25] - [area to
the left of 0]

= 0.8944 - 0.5 = 0.3944

4. The random variable X is normally distributed with mean 80 and standard

deviation 12.

1) What is the probability that a value of X chosen at random will be between 65

and 95?

2) What is the probability that a value of X chosen at random will be less than

Solution: 1) P(65 < x < 95) =.7888 2) P(x < 74) =.3085.
3 Marks:

1. A radar unit is used to measure speeds of cars on a motorway. The speeds are normally
distributed with a mean of 90 km/hr and a standard deviation of 10 km/hr. What is the
probability that a car picked at random is travelling at more than 100 km/hr?

Solution: Let x be the random variable that represents the speed of cars. x has μ
= 90 and σ = 10. We have to find the probability that x is higher than 100 or P(x >
For x = 100 , z = (100 - 90) / 10 = 1

P(x > 90) = P(z >, 1) = [total area] - [area to the left of z = 1]

= 1 - 0.8413 = 0.1587

The probability that a car selected at a random has a speed greater than 100
km/hr is equal to 0.1587

2. For a certain type of computers, the length of time between charges of the battery is
normally distributed with a mean of 50 hours and a standard deviation of 15 hours. John
owns one of these computers and wants to know the probability that the length of time
will be between 50 and 70 hours.

Solution: Let x be the random variable that represents the length of time. It has
a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 15. We have to find the probability that
x is between 50 and 70 or P( 50< x < 70)

For x = 50 , z = (50 - 50) / 15 = 0

For x = 70 , z = (70 - 50) / 15 = 1.33 (rounded to 2 decimal places)

P( 50< x < 70) = P( 0< z < 1.33) = [area to the left of z = 1.33] - [area to the left of
z = 0]

= 0.9082 - 0.5 = 0.4082

The probability that John's computer has a length of time between 50 and 70
hours is equal to 0.4082

3. The lengths of similar components produced by a company are approximated by a

normal distribution model with a mean of 5 cm and a standard deviation of 0.02 cm. If a
component is chosen at random

a) What is the probability that the length of this component is between 4.98 and 5.02

b) What is the probability that the length of this component is between 4.96 and 5.04

a) P (4.98 < x < 5.02) = P(-1 < z < 1)

= 0.6826

b) P(4.96 < x < 5.04) = P(-2 < z < 2)

= 0.9544

4. The length of life of an instrument produced by a machine has a normal distribution with
a mean of 12 months and standard deviation of 2 months. Find the probability that an
instrument produced by this machine will last

a) Less than 7 months.

b) Between 7 and 12 months.


a) P(x < 19.5) = P(z < -0.25)

= 0.4013

b) P(20 < x < 22) = P(0 < z < 1)

= 0.3413

5 Marks

Q1: A large group of students took a test in Physics and the final grades have a mean of 70 and
a standard deviation of 10. If we can approximate the distribution of these grades by a normal
distribution, what percent of the students

a) Scored higher than 80?

b) Should pass the test (grades≥60)?

c) Should fail the test (grades<60)?


1. a) For x = 80, z = 1

Area to the right (higher than) z = 1 is equal to 0.1586 = 15.87% scored more
than 80.
b) For x = 60, z = -1

Area to the right of z = -1 is equal to 0.8413 = 84.13% should pass the test.

c) 100% - 84.13% = 15.87% should fail the test.

Q2. The annual salaries of employees in a large company are approximately normally
distributed with a mean of $50,000 and a standard deviation of $20,000.

a) What percent of people earn less than $40,000?

b) What percent of people earn between $45,000 and $65,000?

c) What percent of people earn more than $70,000?


a) For x = 40000, z = -0.5

Area to the left (less than) of z = -0.5 is equal to 0.3085 = 30.85% earn less than

b) For x = 45000 , z = -0.25 and for x = 65000, z = 0.75

Area between z = -0.25 and z = 0.75 is equal to 0.3720 = 37.20 earn between
$45,000 and $65,000.

c)For x = 70000, z = 1

Area to the right (higher) of z = 1 is equal to 0.1586 = 15.86% earn more than

Q3: The scores on a placement test have a mound-shaped distribution with mean 400
and standard deviation 45.
1) What percentage of people taking this exam will have scores of 310 or greater?
2) What percentage of the people taking this test will have scores between 445 and


1) P(x > 310) = .9772 97.72 % of the people taking this test will have scores of
310 or greater.
2) P(445 < x < 490) = .1359 13.59 % of the people taking this test will have scores
between 445 and 490.

Q4: Company X knows that mean of earnings of firms in their industry is $200,000 and needs to

know the probability that in a given quarter the earnings of the company be less than $100,000,

P(X < 100,000) with an industry standard deviation of $80,000.


 Determine mean m, and the standard deviation, s m=$200,000, s=$80,000

 Define event of interest: P(X < 100,000)
 Convert the normal distribution to the standard normal distribution using

Z = 100,000 - 200,000 = -1.25


So, P(X< 100,000) is the same as saying P(Z< -1.25)

Apply the formula. =NORMSDIST(-1.25) = 0.1056 (Can also use Normal Table)

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