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Polynomial/functions problems from St.



1. A positive integer
√ n is called Olympic, if there exists a quadratic trinomial with integer coeffecients f (x)
satisfying f (f ( n)) = 0. Determine, with proof, the largest Olympic number not exceeding 2015.

2. Is there a quadratic trinomial f (x) with integer coefficients such that f (f ( 2)) = 0 ?


3. f (x) is square polynomial and a 6= b such that f (a) = b, f (b) = a. Prove that there is not other pair (c, d) that
f (c) = d, f (d) = c.


4. Find the minimum positive noninteger root of sin x = sin⌊x⌋.


5. a, b, c are reals, such that every pair of equations ofx3 − ax2 + b = 0, x3 − bx2 + x = 0, x3 − cx2 + a = 0 has
common root. Prove a = b = c

3 2 3
x − ax + b = 0

6. x3 − bx2 + c3 = 0 Prove that system hasn‘t solutions if a, b, c are different.

 3 2 3
x − cx + a = 0

7. Find all integer b such that [x2 ] − 2012x + b = 0 has odd number of roots.


8. f (x), g(x) - two square trinomials and a, b, c, d - some reals. f (a) = 2, f (b) = 3, f (c) = 7, f (d) = 10 and
g(a) = 16, g(b) = 15, g(c) = 11 Find g(d)


9. f (x) is square trinomial. Is it always possible to find polynomial g(x) with fourth degree, such that f (g(x)) = 0
has not roots?

10. a is irrational , but a and a3 − 6a are roots of square polynomial with integer coefficients.Find a.


11. f (x) = ax2 + bx + c; a, b, c are reals. M = {f (2n)|n is integer}, N = {f (2n + 1)|n is integer} Prove that M = N
or M ∩ N = Ø

12. f (x), g(x), h(x) are square trinomials with discriminant, that equals 2. And f (x) + g(x), f (x) + h(x), g(x) + h(x)
are square trinomials with discriminant, that equals 1. Prove,that f (x) + g(x) + h(x) has not roots.

13. Discriminants of square trinomials f (x), g(x), h(x), f (x) + g(x), f (x) + h(x), g(x) + h(x) equals 1. Prove that
f (x) + h(x) + g(x) ≡ 0.


14. The quadratic function f (x) = ax2 + bx + c with real coefficients has the property that if we replace any one of
its coefficients with a 1, then the resulting quadratic function has at least one real root. Prove that for the original
function f , there is some real number x for which f (x) is negative.

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