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1a. What factors led to the development of Indian Ocean trade. 4S

b. How did the trade affect the people of the coast?

2a. Describe the movement and settlement of Western Bantu in E.Africa. 4W

b. How did the migration affect the people of East Africa?

3a. How were the Bachwezi organized between 1350 and 1500A.D? 4B

b. What were their contribution to the history of the interlacustrine region?

4a. How did the Portuguese administer the East African Coast? 4C

b. Why were they successful in defeating the coastal people?

5a. Describe the organisation of Pre-colonial trade. 4E

b. What factors led to the decline of this trade?

6a. What were the causes of religious wars in Uganda between 1880-1900? 4N

b. What were the effects of thses conflicts on the people of East Africa?

7a. Describe the migration and settlement of the Ngoni into East Africa. 4S

b. Why were the Ngoni successful in conquering Southern Tanganyika?


How did the Ngoni migration affect the people of East Africa?

8a.What factors led to the construction of the Uganda Railway? 4W

b. Explain its contribution to the development of East Africa.

9a.Why was the 1900 Buganda agreement signed? 4B

b. What were the terms of this agreement?

10a.Why were white settlers interested in Kenya? 4C

b. Describe the role played by white settlers in economic development of Kenya.

11a.Describe the organization of Abushiri resistance 4E


b. Why did the Abushiri resistance fail?

12a. Explain the causes of chief Mkwawas resistance against the Germans. 4N

b. What were the effects of this resistance?

13a. How did the British apply the system of indirect rule in Uganda? 4S.

b.What problems did they face during the administration?

14a.Why did European powers scramble for territories in East Africa? 4W

b.What methods did they use to gain control of these territories?


What were the effects of the scramble and partition of East Africa?.

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