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Test Book Stories


1 Vo lum e 01
Issue 0

Star ome to
tup S

Notes from Founders

I remember the exact moment I fell in love with startups and the entrepreneurs behind them.
Sitting in a coffee shop in Phoenix, Arizona, I watched as a new social media site, Tumblr,
launched from thousands of miles away for the first time. It was 2007 and little did I know
that a short time later I’d move to New York City and join the team to help build it.

Startups were nothing new in 2007 but Every startup that launches today has But one thing hasn’t changed. It’s the
there was something that resonated for the benefit of leveraging all of the tremendous passion and personal drive of
me that wasn’t there prior to joining failures, successes and knowledge of entrepreneurs to still turn these ideas into
Tumblr. There was a new admiration that those companies that came before something big. This series is dedicated to
grew beyond the company itself and them. The advancements in AWS have these founders, their stories and the grand
sparked an appreciation for the people reduced the overhead that companies visions they helped turn into a reality. I
who built these companies. These were traditionally needed to build applications hope reading and learning about these
individuals who took a dream and created by eliminating the need to provision data founders encourages you to take your first
it with little more than 0s and 1s. Out of centers and hire massive engineering step towards building the products and
nothing, they built communities, online teams to launch a product. Today, there experiences of tomorrow.
stores and games. These new companies are small teams of two to five people
The future is filled with a world of
changed the way we connect, create, building autonomous vehicles, machine
community, sharing and helping. When
shop and share with individuals around learning driven radiology, drones for
you do take that first step, we’re all here
the globe. commercial construction and more.
to help you along the way.
These technical accomplishments have
been made easier by the democratization
of technology through the millions of
customers building on AWS today. Our
Mackenzie Kosut
goal has always been to put the technical
Global Startup Evangelist, AWS
capabilities of the largest Fortune 500
companies into the hands of every
individual and today you have this at
your fingertips.
The Pioneers
Their path may not have been an easy one. But these tech

vanguards not only paved the way for those who’ve since followed,
they’ve also shown us what can be achieved if you have the vision,
talent and tenacity to take an idea from concept to reality. From Read how two expats’ irritation with
humble beginnings, these leaders have built pioneering global the status quo inspired them to change
brands and taken their organizations to new heights. the way money is transferred between

Notes from Founders: The Pioneers

Find out how a partner in a venture
capital firm is helping innovative tech
startups with advice, support and
investments of up to $5 million. Learn what a forward-
thinking venture capital firm
looks for in the pioneering
startups it supports.

Find out how one man went from
selling encyclopedias door-to-door to
founding a global business that now
serves 70,000 companies.
Discover how a startup that was just
weeks away from going under went
on to raise $131 million in funding.
Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

o n s of

g m il li
Savi n ey
l e m on
ch gu ru w ith on e ey e fir m ly on the
A te
rikus is
future, Estonian-born Taavet Hin
adept at anticipating the needs of
world. One of Sk ype’s first empl
no w th e co -f ou nd er an d ch ai rm an of
Money moving service TransferWise launched on TechCrunch TransferWise – a money transfer

Notes from Founders: TransferWise

that ’s revolutionized the way we
in 2012. It had its first customer just 15 minutes later. money internationally. Taavet liv
es in
d tw o ch ild ren
TransferWise’s unique approach to currency exchange allows Lond on w ith hi s w if e an
and is looking for ways to slow do
it to cut out the expensive middle-man, by storing money in af ter his se ve n- ye ar m ar atho n to th e top.
different currencies all over the world and simply adding to
or withdrawing from each fund. Now available in 40 countries
and sending money to over 70, this London-based startup Taavet Hinrikus
has reformed the outdated model for transferring funds Co-founder of Transfe
rW ise
over international borders and has saved more than 3 million
people a lot of money in the process.
‘Look for a solution to a personal ‘You can either talk about a startup, or
problem and you might find a business’ you can launch it’
I’m Estonian but moved to London in Back in 2011, my friend Kristo Käärmann
2007 to work for Skype. One thing that and I realized that updating this outdated
irritated me straightaway was how difficult approach to global transfers could change
it was to transfer money from Estonia to the world. Our conviction became even
the UK and vice versa. I would stand in stronger when we set up a private transfer
line for what felt like hours, only to be method for our friends and saved them
told it would cost €25 ($30) to wire the thousands of euros. We knew there must
money internationally. I’d then have to be so many other people in our situation. I
wait four or five days for it to arrive – all was quite pragmatic and just got started.
at a time when sending an email was I said to myself that we could either talk
instantaneous. The final straw would come about it, or we could just do it. We chose
when my bank statement would arrive and to do it.
I’d see they’d added their own charges and
used a different exchange rate. Ultimately,
I was losing about 10 percent of my
money each time I did a transfer, which
felt plain wrong.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘Launching a business comes down that comes from solving a problem or

to commitment’ improving people’s lives. Money should
Most people are afraid to take the first never be the driving force. Banks work like
step, but you need to be committed. If you that and the culture there isn’t particularly
think it’s an idea with potential, then leave appealing. At TransferWise, our culture is
your job and get started. Because if you very different – and let me tell you – it’s
keep procrastinating, it’ll never happen. a lot easier to get people out of bed in
We started working on TransferWise in the morning if they know they’re doing
our spare time, but quickly realized we had something useful. Hearing stories about
to quit our jobs. At the time, Kristo was a customers whose lives we’ve impacted

Notes from Founders: TransferWise

consultant at Deloitte and I was working keeps us all going.
on a mobile startup in Switzerland. We
‘I’m lucky enough to live in a city where
both wanted to focus on TransferWise
my company can flourish’
full time, so it was an easy choice. Our
London is a pretty exciting city for
focus was on getting our product ready
startups, especially in financial tech, as
for market, so using a cloud infrastructure
it’s one of the rare places where finance
provider was far more efficient than
and tech really come together. In London,
building our own.
we have a significant population with a
‘You have a better chance of success if background in both, which is amazing.
you’re doing something you believe in’ There’s a whole ecosystem around
I have a background in startups, so it’s a financial tech in London – lawyers, design
world I feel comfortable in. I’m not sure companies, everything. I have to fly
I would have enjoyed a normal office job around the globe for TransferWise, so
after tasting the excitement of building London being an airline hub helps a lot.
something, but I never had the urge to And luckily, it’s also a nice place to live.
launch a startup just for the sake of it.
With TransferWise, I saw an opportunity
to build something that would make the
world a better place, not just further
my career. Everyone has their own
motivations, but you have a better chance
of success if you’re doing something you
really believe in, rather than just because
you like the idea of being an entrepreneur.
‘Changing the world is a far more
powerful motivator than making money’
Find an answer to one of the world’s
problems – something that impacts a
lot of people – and if your solution is 10
times better than anything else on the
market, then eventually it will work. The
motivation to help people really inspired
me in the early years. I believe financial
success happens along the way, but it’s
much less motivating than the thrill

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘I didn’t accept the status-quo as a exists on your smartphone. Who knows team is more important than ego. We’ve ‘In a high-pressured startup
what the next decade will bring? Progress got a long way to go together – there are

Notes from Founders: TransferWise

child, which later gave me a head for environment, everyone occasionally
problem solving’ moves at ultra-high speed in the tech age 3 million people using TransferWise, but needs proper time out’
Coming from Estonia gives me an edge. and the only constant is change. You can’t there are still 7 billion people who don’t. I run to work most days, even in my
I had the same problem as everyone assume anything will be the same in a few busiest periods. That’s essential downtime
‘Choose providers that allow you to
else with an international background: years’ time. If you keep that in mind, you’ll for me, where I can step away from the
be in a good place. be flexible’
I was badly served by banks. Would I minutiae of growing a company and figure
Our vice-president of engineering, Harsh
have known that, if I’d been English? I’m out how we’re tracking against the long-
‘TransferWise grew faster than we Sinha, finds the flexibility and automation
not sure. I also grew up in a Soviet and term view. I’ve also always made time
could have imagined’ support offered by AWS particularly
post-Soviet world, which definitely gave for my family. People underestimate the
In 2011, we were five people. By the end helpful, as it allows our engineering
me an aptitude for fixing things. If our power of holidays – we try to fit them in
of 2012, we were 30 and now we’re 1,000. team to grow at its own speed. AWS’
washing machine or car broke, we couldn’t around business travel, which helps a lot.
We grew much faster than we could ever security groups and VPCs enable us to
buy another one, so I had to learn to be At TransferWise, we’ve just introduced a
have imagined. Once you grow, you can’t have infrastructure that supports flexible
resourceful. That environment makes you paid six-week sabbatical for employees
do anything hands-on, so making sure routing, but has solid access control. As
hustle for solutions and learn not to just who’ve hit four years. Everyone, not just
you have strong teams is crucial. Egos our business expands to more countries
accept the status-quo. founders, gives so much to building the
can be dangerous and this holds true for around the world, we’re planning to
company, so it’s important they have
‘In the tech world, the only constant everyone - from the person on the help leverage AWS’ global infrastructure to
time out.
is change’ desk, all the way up to me and Kristo. Part deploy services instead of having to build
Our relationship with banks is changing of our culture has always been to be very our own.
rapidly. Ten years ago, your bank was a helpful and know the customer is more
bricks and mortar place; now it mainly important than the team and that the

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘There are other things in life than work’ ‘Life comes in phases: there’s a time for ‘Perfectionism never gets you anywhere’ At a glance

I’m no longer CEO. I gave up that role work and a time for family’ I have a poster in my room that says:
last year after seven years of what felt I’ve had a couple of kids and it’s wonderful ‘Done is better than perfect’. It sounds
like running a marathon, in a sprint. We’d to finally have the time to get to know negative, but it’s not at all. When you’re
built a company that was profitable and building a company, the most important Taavet Hinrikus moved from
them. My kids are two and four and were
Estonia to the UK in 2007 to
growing fast and I could see there was born while the business was at its most thing is to just get started, but so many
work for Skype.
a long journey ahead. While seven more frenetic. Five days after my son was born, people have a tendency to lock themselves
years of it would have been amazing, I had to go to Australia for 10 days for in a dark room until their product is He was frustrated with the
there are other things to do in life. The work. That’s not ideal, but I did what I had perfect. That’s the wrong approach, as expense and hassle associated
company is in a great place, so I passed on to do. Luckily, I have a very understanding you need to get your idea out to market with transferring money

Notes from Founders: TransferWise

the CEO job to my co-founder and I’m now family who accepted that my company is to see if it works. An 80 percent job that’s internationally.
chairman, which means I’m still involved, important and that this was a moment in done, is worth far more to the world than So he co-founded TransferWise
but less caught up in the day-to-day time and not forever. a perfect product that’s never completed. with his friend Kristo Käärmann.
running of the company. Over time, you can see where you need to
improve; but in the initial stages, just get It launched on TechCrunch in
it out there. 2012 and had its first customer
within 15 minutes.
AWS’ security groups and VPCs
enable TransferWise to build
infrastructure that supports
flexible routing.
Today, TransferWise has 3
million customers and transfers
money to 70 countries around
the globe.


Founder Stories


Estonian Dance Yrself Happy

Lullaby Clean Pharrell
Arvo Pärt LCD Williams

Spotify account & internet connection required

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

p tive

g dis ru
Ba ck i n s
s t ar tup
Pa uline Roux joined ve ntur e ca pital
r tec h
fund Elaia Partners in 2014, af te
spending almost a decade worki
in investment banking. She’s one
of Elaia Partners was founded in 2002 by Xavier Lazarus and

Notes from Founders: Elaia Partners

rs at th e fir m and lives near
si x pa rtne Philippe Gire. The firm specializes in the digital economy and
Elaia’s headquar ters in Paris.
currently manages more than €250 million ($300 million)
of investments. Partner Pauline Roux manages investments
across a range of startups, including Tinyclues, Criteo,
Pauline Roux Agriconomie and
Partner at Elaia Partn
‘We invest in game-changing ‘We’ll never be the driver of a company,
technology’ but we can help with navigation’
Elaia Partners has a very narrow focus. We’re the person in the passenger seat
We mainly invest in disruptive tech helping to read the map. We’re not the
startups, including software, big data, driver, but we can offer advice. We avoid
AI and complex technology companies telling businesses what they should be
that we feel have the potential to make doing and instead help them understand
a huge difference to the world. We every challenge and figure out how to
invest in pre-seed, seed and Series A overcome obstacles.
fundraising rounds, as well as some very
When you’ve helped 50 or 60 companies
early stage companies such as spin-offs
like we have, you get a lot of experience
from academic research or laboratories.
in different areas. For example, if one of
Typically, we’ll invest from €500,000
our portfolio businesses asked us whether
($600,000) to €4 million ($5 million) as a
they should sell through direct distribution
first ticket, then we’ll support companies
channels or indirect distribution channels,
along the road with reserves that we’ve
we’d be able to advise them. We’re a bit
kept aside for investing in Series A, Series
like a mentor.
B and so on.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘We help startups to turn their tech ‘We invest in less than 0.5 percent of ‘We’re not VIPs’
into sellable products’ the companies that apply to us’ It’s not nice for a management team to

Notes from Founders: Elaia Partners

Founders sometimes need our help to turn We receive around 2000 project be passed around, so we keep things
an innovative technology breakthrough applications each year. We go on to meet as consistent as we can by assigning
into a usable, sellable product. Early stage with around 400 of them, then we carry partners to projects. What we try to tell
companies also often need support to out a much deeper analysis of 30 or so entrepreneurs - and this differentiates
build their team. Disruptive tech companies before choosing a final seven or eight us from other VCs, is that we’re not VIPs.
tend to have a team of really nice tech deals to go for. We narrow down very fast When you’re with Elaia, you become
guys and quiet engineers, but they’re often and we’re super selective, but once we’re part of our family and you can rely on
missing sales and back office staff. at the deeper analysis stage, we choose everybody here.
the senior investor that will be sitting at
We want our partners to be good at
the board of the company if we do end up
everything and to be as much of a
closing the deal.
generalist as possible. It wouldn’t be
good if we were all experts in everything,
because when you’re too experienced, you
have more power to convince people and
we don’t want to drive the direction of the
companies we invest in.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

Notes from Founders: Elaia Partners
‘We’ve been supporting some of our ‘I’m the bad girl of Elaia!’ ‘Work is about more than money’ ‘It’s not all desk work’
clients for a decade’ I used to be an investment banker, so I used to earn much more as an Being an investor is different to how
Most companies we invest in are so new, I’m seen as the bad girl of Elaia! I spent investment banker and worked hard to people imagine. Sure, we help our
they have under €200,000 ($240,000) almost a decade dressing in suits, being get yearly bonuses. Here, I work for my portfolio companies, but we also have to
in revenue a month. It’s fine though, very serious and boring. My experiences portfolio companies to be successful. I raise funds ourselves to invest. We have to
because we need time to help them have taught me a lot though, like how owe it to my startups and my long-term make sure that our partnerships grow and
develop before they’re sold or go up to anticipate later stage challenges bonus builds over the entire portfolio develop and we’re constantly scouting for
for initial public offering. The average and problems so that you don’t make journey. I respect people who work for new companies to invest in.
duration of ownership is six years, but mistakes in the early stages. It’s helpful money, but in my opinion, it’s more
Each partner has a MacBook, a phone and
we’ve been supporting some businesses for companies that are growing super- important to feel fulfilled.
the technology to work from anywhere,
for around 10. We have to think long fast, as they often panic about managing
I want to have an impact on creating and so while we’re based in Paris, we all travel
term, yet we have to be very agile on a their growth. There is absolutely nothing
supporting startups and developing new quite a lot. Most of the companies we
daily basis because the companies are boring in what I do now; my motivation
ideas. My partner makes me feel good invest in go international very quickly, so
changing very fast. comes from seeing new tech and growing
about my job. He’s an entrepreneur with a we travel to their new location to say hello
as an investor. I also get a huge kick
When you’ve been there for a company startup, which reminds me why I do what and have board meetings in their new
when my portfolio companies build great
from the early stage, your interests are I do, because he’s the type of guy I could offices. It’s not dull desk work from the
teams. When people who are employed
very aligned with those of the founders. help to build a successful business. same spot every day, thankfully.
elsewhere decide to give up a great
You understand the challenges they’ve
package and high salary to take the same
faced at each step and know the path
risks that the founders took when they
the business has been on. It means we’re
started the business, it’s a clear indication
better placed to help the founders make
that they believe in the venture and want
good decisions.
to be a part of it. I love that! 7
Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘Think of the funding partnership as ‘When it comes to infrastructure, there’s
a marriage’ no value in doing something twice’
Startups can be tempted to just tell Most of our entrepreneurs need a very
investors what they think they want to robust and scalable infrastructure, so

Notes from Founders: Elaia Partners

hear. That’s not going to work well in the we suggest they go to AWS instead of
long run. The first board meeting after starting everything again on their own
fundraising is known as the ‘Oh, shit!’ from scratch. There’s no value in doing
meeting in the industry, because it’s when something twice; if it exists - which it
the cracks you didn’t see before are often does with services like Amazon Elastic
revealed. Honestly, if you want funding, Compute Cloud, then use it and just build
don’t try to oversell everything in the your own intellectual property on top.
fundraising process. Also, check out your
Each time we start investing in a business,
investor’s references in the same way that
we give them €100,000 ($120,000) of
they check out yours. It’s a partnership
platform credit for AWS. Then, when they
you both need to be happy with. Think of
get more mature, we help them find the
it as a marriage.
best AWS options for AI. These can include
‘If you want funding, you need to stand things like semantic recognition, video
out from the competition’ recognition, image recognition and other
Startups always say that they’re the only stacks they can build intelligence on top of.
ones doing what they’re doing and that
‘Money can help you to succeed, but it
there’s no competition. There will almost
doesn’t guarantee success’
always be competition. In the six-month
Cash might give a business the ability to
period when car-sharing was the current
recruit the right people, to have better
trend, we saw 25 similar projects. We’re
offices and to grow – but it can’t buy
now seeing waves of companies focusing
talent and vision. Having little money isn’t
on AI.
always a bad thing: sometimes the feeling
The more you can differentiate your of having no other option but to succeed
company, the stronger your chances are can lead you to find new solutions.
of convincing an investor that you can do
something different and special.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

At a glance

Elaia Partners was founded in
2002 by Xavier Lazarus and
Philippe Gire.
‘It’s crucial to have a good relationship ‘I’m quite attached to my plant,
The French VC focuses on
between VC and startup’ Henriette’
disruptive tech startups and
Early companies and failing companies In my downtime, I try to spend time away
takes a hands-on approach,

Notes from Founders: Elaia Partners

usually need the most attention from from screens. I do things outside like leveraging its team’s expertise
us. When things aren’t going so well, we walking along the river in Paris, which is and network to support its
don’t just say: ‘Too bad!’ We have to show close to my house, and running or reading. portfolio companies.
confidence and build confidence because It’s interesting that people like Steve Jobs
the managers in a failing company are and Bill Gates raised their children very far It offers new clients €100,000
usually worried, tense and thinking from screens. I like having a normal life ($120,000) of platform credit
they may lose everything. It’s crucial to and sharing things with people, not with for AWS.
have a good relationship at times like a computer. In fact, I sometimes share Elaia Partners co-founded
this, because you need to assess what’s things with my desk plant, Henriette. She’s France Digitale - an
happening, why it’s happening and if we super green and the only plant I’ve ever independent association for VCs
can fix it together. had that’s lasted over six months (I’m very and startups.
proud). Everyone in the office makes fun
Pauline Roux is one of six
of me because I talk to her!
partners at Elaia.
She joined in 2014, after a
decade in investment banking
and also sits on the VC Council
Platform of Invest Europe.


Founder Stories


Muy Tranquilo Hakuna Matata Les Deux

Gramatik from Guitares
The Lion King The Stephane
Wrembel Trio

Spotify account & internet connection required

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

Guidi n g a

w g e n er at i
When software developer Alex Ko
launched his first company back

of sta r tu p s
in 20 04, he had no idea he would
end up becoming an investor in
next generation of innovators an Freigeist Capital’s co-founders, Alex Koch, Frank Thelen and

Notes from Founders: Freigeist Capital

entrepreneurs. As a partner in ve
capita l fir m E4 2, A le x su pp or te d a range Marc Sieberger, are using the money and skills they’ve gained
of German star tups. E42 rebrande building and scaling successful businesses to offer vital
Fr eige is t Capi tal in 20 17 an d no w
specializes in game-changing tech
and support to the German startup scene. Freigeist Capital focuses
ni es . A le x lives in Bonn
co ns um er co m pa on early-stage startups and its current investments include
with his family.
a natural ice-cream brand, a golfing app and an aviation
company. Financial assistance is only a small part of what the
venture capital firm provides; its real USP is the hands-on
Alex Koch support offered to all of its investments.
Co-founder of Freigeis ‘We want to support innovators’ We invested in mytaxi (the German
t Capital
Our goal at Freigeist is to support startups equivalent of Uber) and Wunderlist (a
and give young people the money to be productivity and organizing app), both
able to innovate, realize their ideas and of which we ended up selling on to much
bring those ideas to life. We actively seek larger companies. We also launched a
out investment opportunities. document management system called
Doo, which later morphed into Scanbot.
‘We started off as entrepreneurs’
In 2016, we handed on the day-to-day
Frank, Marc and I first worked together in
running of Scanbot and now mainly
2004 on a photo service company called
focus on supporting startups through
ip.labs. We sold the company to Fujifilm
investment, rather than starting new
in 2007 and invested the money we made
businesses ourselves.
back into the startup scene.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

Notes from Founders: Freigeist Capital
‘We invest in everything from potato ‘We don’t invest in startups if they don’t
chips to microchips’ want to run their servers on AWS’
We have a diverse portfolio with tech I’ve been pretty dependent on AWS
on one side and consumer products on since 2009 for all my own products and
the other. For example, we work with startups, because it has everything I need
Lizza, which makes low-carb pizzas to and it makes things simpler. We don’t
sell from its food truck, online store and see any point in working with startups if
supermarkets. And on the tech side, we they don’t want to use AWS. They’re just
have Lilium Aviation – an unbelievable going to waste time and money on server
startup building electric-powered jets that infrastructure when everything they need
can take off and land vertically. is already established on the AWS cloud.
‘We consider around 15 applications For e-commerce startups, we recommend
a day’ Elastic Load Balancing. We also use
Our CEO, Frank, has been a judge and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud for
investor on ‘Die Höhle der Löwen’ (a servers; Relational Database Service for
German version of ‘Dragons’ Den’ aka the databases; and Amazon S3 for data
‘Shark Tank’) since 2014 and all of the storage. We use caching systems like
investment deals he agrees to in the show ElastiCache; Auto Scaling for growth and
are actually made by Freigeist. We also many more services. For some startups,
receive a lot of applications. Every day, we like data intelligence or AI businesses, we
each take around five applications to have take advantage of some of AWS’s machine
a closer look at and then we’ll discuss the learning services such as AWS Deep
most promising ones together. Learning AMIs.
‘You need a great startup team to
attract an investor’
The three of us work well together
because we have complementary skills
– Frank is responsible for marketing
and networking; Marc does everything
legal and business-related and I’m the
technical guy. So when we’re considering
investing in a startup, we want to see
that the startup team has a good range
of complementary skills and that each
person is fully behind the business.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘If you want investment, you need to ‘Tech startups tend to attract higher ‘It’s not really about the money – ‘We try to make our whole team

Notes from Founders: Freigeist Capital

implement your idea’ investments’ it’s about the skills’ available to startups’
Investors need to see that a startup is The amount we invest depends on the The money we can invest is seed There are no restrictions on who a startup
more than just a PowerPoint presentation topic, the product and the nature of the investment; we can’t invest big money like can contact here throughout their journey;
of an idea. Once a startup shows that startup. Technical startups are likely to US investors. Most of our startups say that they get support from the most relevant
they’ve tried to implement something, get more money, while smaller products the skills we bring into their company are person for their needs. So if the startup
we’ll know that they’re really behind the in the food area tend to need less. Our more important than the money. We work has a technical background and we need
idea – that it’s not just a concept. investment usually starts from €100,000 with our startups every day if needed - to support it with some pieces of software,
($120,000). However, we’ve also invested helping them to write software, get set-up for example, I’ll be the person in charge of
Many of the people who pitch to us
€1 million ($1.2 million) before. It really with AWS and so on. We’re basically part the relationship. Marc will then jump in for
have an idea, but don’t have the team,
depends on the individual deal. of their team. any legal matters. All 10 of our staff share
the money or the knowledge to actually
an open office in Bonn, so when a startup
implement it. For us, this doesn’t work ‘We’ve held some of our investments
needs advice, we can quickly figure out
at all. Lots of people have ideas and lots for a decade’
who’s best placed to help.
of people want to start a company, but People say that it takes investment
you really need to show us that you’re companies around seven years to exit
behind your idea and starting to innovate. or to be completely independent from
Find some people to help you before you the startups they invest in. I’d say that’s
come to us. Then we’ll see you as a serious probably true on average. However, some
founder, not just an ideas guy. of them are done and sold within two
years, while some of them stay in our
portfolio for 10 years.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘It may seem easy, and it is fun, but ‘You need to keep moving your At a glance

being an investor is hard’ business forward’
Sure, we’re independent financially and so I think Steve Jobs had the best advice
we can select the businesses we like and for startups: ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish.’
which investments appear the most fun. Every time a startup sees a potential Alex Koch, Frank Thelen and
But if we invest money in startups, we opportunity or development, they should Marc Sieberger launched their
have to make sure we’re doing a good job grab it. You need to keep innovating; first company together in
for them. One really challenging area right keep on finding ideas and ways to further 2004.
now is hiring, particularly for software your business. This could mean bringing They went on to launch a
companies. Good software engineers are in new staff, installing new software, document management

Notes from Founders: Freigeist Capital

really rare at the moment, so we have to using new technology or creating a buzz system called Doo, and invest
look globally for people. As a CTO, I try on social media. Never stop moving your in several businesses.
to hire the best people for the startup business forward.
because it’s really important that they find In 2011, the trio decided
the best engineers, the best technical guys to focus on investing in
and the best ways to implement ideas. We the startup scene, so they
try to make our startups very attractive to launched Freigeist Capital.
employees by creating a good atmosphere Freigeist offers early-stage
and bringing in new technology. investment to startups
operating in tech or consumer


Founder Stories

Spotify account & internet connection required

am li n i n g t h e

les pr o c e s s
Timo Rein has almost two decade
pe rie nc e in sa le s - fr om th re e months’
or in
selling encyclopedias door-to-do
lif or ni a, to 11 ye ar s as pa rtne r in a
tonia. Surrounded by post-it notes and frustrated with clunky,
sales consultancy in his native Es
Th e la tter po sitio n sa w him ha nd ling expensive software programs, Timo Rein and his colleague

Notes from Founders: Pipedrive

clients such as Coca Cola, PwC an Urmas Purde, decided there had to be a better way.
is sa n. Ti m o co -f ou nd ed sa le s so ftware
in 20 10 an d lives ne ar the
firm Pi pe dr ive
rs in Es to ni a w ith his After teaming up with three developers, they created
fir m ’s he ad qu ar te
wife and three children. sales software system Pipedrive. The idea is simple – one
dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of all sales in the
pipeline, so sales can be tracked from first contact and
negotiation, to done deal.
Timo Rein
Pipedrive’s subscription-based service is now used by
Co-founder of Pipedri
ve 70,000 companies in 170 countries. The company has raised
$30 million from investors and now employs more than
350 people across offices in Estonia, USA, UK and Portugal.
‘My kick-in-the-butt moment’ My ‘kick-in-the-butt moment’ came a
I made the decision to start a business few years later after a chance encounter
when I was in my early 20s. I was thinking with an old friend from my door-to-door
about the best way to go through life selling days. He asked what I was up to
while providing for myself and my family. and when I told him I was a partner in a
When I did the math, I realized it would sales consultancy, he said: ‘I thought you
probably be best to own a company, were a doer, not a consultant.’ I remember
which meant I’d have to start one. It feeling stung. Those words really hit home
took another 15 years before I founded and although it was still another five or
Pipedrive, but the seed had been planted. six years before Pipedrive, when the time
came, I was much more eager to go ahead
than I might otherwise have been.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘I sensed they’d been genetically ‘I thought: ‘I’m the worst. Why am I

modified by the experience’ doing this?’’
While at university, I spent three months That job was a crash-course in
selling encyclopedias door-to-door in understanding human nature because it
California for the Southwestern Company. put you on the doorstep of strangers and
Two of my friends had already done it and you saw everything going on in their lives
I sensed they’d been genetically modified at that particular moment. The biggest
by the experience. They had a kind of calm revelation was a personal one. One of the
and confidence I wanted for myself. main things I discovered was just how big
a difference confidence can make. When

Notes from Founders: Pipedrive

I started out absolutely convinced nobody
someone bought from me, it was such
would buy from me, but was determined
a boost. I’d be practically dancing from
to last through the summer. I made my
house to house for the rest of the day. But
first sale on day three, but when the lady
when nobody showed interest, I’d soon
said: ‘Yes’, I was thinking: ‘Really, are
start thinking: ‘I’m the worst. Why am I
you kidding?’ I started shaking because I
doing this?’ I learnt where my own limits
didn’t even know how to take the credit
were and how to just keep going.
card payment.
I remember that moment so clearly and
overall, the whole three-month experience
is a pleasure to look back on, even though
it was difficult to go through at the time. I
still have a map of Los Gatos in California,
which was where I sold the encyclopedias.
Just looking at the street names brings
back intense memories.
I remember hating Mondays, because any
security or conviction I’d had by the end of
the previous week would have vanished.
You reset the clock every Monday and
started from zero again. Whatever you’d
had going was washed away and you had
to rebuild yourself again.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘I wasn’t doing my job as a father, ‘Raise money when you don’t really ‘What can I do right now?’ ‘I’ve never managed to find a balance

husband and provider’ need it’ Everybody has a different way of trying between hoping for the best and
There was a saying when we sold door- When it comes to business problems, one to rebalance themselves when things go suspecting the worst’
to-door: ‘Everybody thinks of quitting. of our most challenging was four years wrong. The one thing that always helps When it comes to building an organization,
The point is that some people don’t.’ I’ve into Pipedrive, when we were looking for a me is asking myself: ‘So, what am I going mistakes are inevitable. I’ve found reading
never seriously considered giving up on long-term investor. I’d started negotiating to do now?’, because that’s the only thing and hiring people comes with experience,
Pipedrive, but there’ve been moments with various parties, but most seemed too you really have control over. It’s easy to but it’s a process that takes a lifetime
when I’ve struggled to find a solution concerned with short-term gains. think: ‘Everything’s going wrong and to master. I’ve never managed to find a
quickly enough. there’s nothing I can do.’ To snap yourself balance between hoping for the best and
Very early on in the process, we almost
out of it, you have to think: ‘Yes, it’s awful suspecting the worst and I’ve taken too

Notes from Founders: Pipedrive

I’ve found personal challenges hardest to ran out of money and found ourselves
and I hate it, but there must be something long to part ways with people when it’s
deal with. The worst was when I was in unable to follow one of the golden rules of
I can do to alleviate the situation or find not working out.
California on the AngelPad three-month funding, which is: ‘Raise it when you don’t
some kind of short-term solution.’
incubator program, while my wife was really need it.’ When we’re hiring, we try to understand
back in Estonia with our two kids and a bit about what makes a person tick and
The biggest difficulty was maintaining
had just discovered she was pregnant with what motivates them when they make
the confidence and poise needed to meet
a third. decisions. The end goal is simple – we
potential investors. It also created a lot of
want our employees to be who they are,
It was almost winter and the heating at tension with my co-founders and existing
rather than trying to be somebody they’re
our family home had been cut off because investors, because we had to tightly
not to meet a set of expectations.
we hadn’t been able to pay the bill. I had control expenses. Eventually, we found
to figure out from thousands of miles a bridge investor to help us through the
away how to get that heating put back darkest moments and went on to close
on and felt really bad, like I wasn’t doing Series A a few months later.
my job as a father, husband and provider.
Those are the moments which shake you.

‘You should feel that if you don’t do underlying respect for each other. There

this, something will be wrong later in were fiery discussions between two of
your life’ my co-founders and they would fight like
Starting a business is a leap of faith. At crazy over some product questions, but
some point, you feel you’re literally falling that’s what happens when you’re building
so then it becomes about seeing where something everyone’s passionate about.
you land and taking those first steps.
It was a stroke of luck having people
It requires a very strong internal drive and who wanted to work with each other and
motivation, because as soon as you decide towards a goal, so we were willing to work

Notes from Founders: Pipedrive

to impose your will on life, you’re going to through our differences.
be hit with adversity.
To scale up our business, we needed
it be
It’s so much easier to just wander through cloud services. We chose AWS because
life. But once you’ve made the decision to it was well-documented and there were easy
start a business, you’re going to be tested a variety of services. It’s been good for
– whether the product will do what it says DevOps and has allowed us to start small
it will; whether you can get your business and grow big. Using AWS has meant
off the ground and whether you can get shorter development cycles and one of
customers to return. the things we’ve found most useful is its
dynamic infrastructure.
That’s why you should feel that if you
don’t do this, something will be wrong ‘Let it be easy’
later in your life. It’s a case of having to go We all have such busy travel schedules that
through with it because if you don’t, you our executive team jokes our location isn’t
won’t be able to live with not having tried. geographical – it’s a time zone. Sometimes
If you don’t have that compulsion, you’re I go to the office and people ask me: ‘Do
more likely to end up quitting. you know where your desk is?’, because I’m
constantly moving around.
‘Your product needs to really help
people’ I take photos of my wife and kids with
If your business is just about trying to me when I’m traveling. I also carry a piece
make money, I don’t think it’ll work. Your of paper with the words ‘Let it be easy’
product needs to be something solid written on it. It’s taken from Tolly Burkan’s
that really helps people. Then, you need book, ‘Let It Be Easy: 12 Actions to Create
to execute the idea and find the right an Extraordinary Life’, and reminds me
business model, which is not as easy as that things can be done with ease or with
it sounds. You have to understand how extreme tension. I look at those four words
people usually go about buying whatever to help me loosen up during major and
you’re building. Having a business requires seemingly stressful events.
world-class effort on both the product and
the service side. If you’re willing to do that
from the beginning, there’s a good chance
you’ll be successful.
‘We’d fight like crazy over some product
Although we started with five co-founders,
there are three active now because one
left a few years ago and another had a
health condition and had to step back.
Looking back, you couldn’t find five
more different people, but we had an 17
At a glance

Timo Rein started his sales
career selling encyclopedias
Almost two decades later, he
founded Pipedrive with Urmas
Purde, Martin Henk, Martin

Notes from Founders: Pipedrive

Tajur and Ragnar Sass.
Pipedrive makes it easier for
sales professionals to manage
the sales process and offers a
digital platform, as well as
iOS and Android apps.
Pipedrive links with 100+
other software products,
including MailChimp and
Google Calendar.
The firm opened a new data
center in Germany in 2018.


Founder Stories

‘Everybody wants a winning coach’ ‘Music clears my mind’ ‘It’s proven a worthy challenge’
I prefer a physical book to an electronic When I want to clear my head, music has I don’t think my former sales colleague
version because I like to underline stuff. to be one of the best drugs out there and co-founder Urmas or I could ever CONCENTRATE GET PUMPED
Something about that process really because it changes everything instantly. have imagined the scale of the
feels good. Right now, though, I’m in a Music is my coffee because I never organization we’d end up creating with
period where I’m almost allergic to books developed a habit of drinking that stuff. Pipedrive, so in that sense, it’s way
because it feels as though if I get into My early life was all about The Beatles, beyond anything we’d planned. On the
the wrong one, it’ll take me somewhere Bob Dylan, Mike Oldfield; then I moved on other hand, we had a clear vision of what
I don’t want to go. I’m more interested to REM and Nirvana and nowadays, I listen the product experience should be like
Deep Sleep Losing My
in learning about professional sporting more to Teenage Fanclub, War on Drugs, and still have that same vision eight years Solfeggio Religion
coaches where there’s such a lot of Simon & Garfunkel and The National. on. We wanted to build something that’s Frequencies REM
expectation because everybody wants a simple to use and really helps people in 528Hz
winning coach. Seeing how they approach sales. It’s proven a worthy challenge.
the job, deal with wins and losses and Spotify account & internet connection required
grow the team is fascinating.
Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

sen s e of th e
aki n g
It ’s hard to imagine a world witho

ut big

a ta
data; but back in 20 08, few peop

b ig d
le gave

chao s of
it much thought. Felix Van de M
had the vision and foresight to sp
ot an
opportunity. At just 23, he co-fou
one of Belgium’s first data govern

Notes from Founders: Collibra

platforms with Stan Christiaens,
Verhaeghe and Pieter De Leenhe
Getting people within a business to agree on what data er.
Collibra’s headquar ters are in New
means isn’t always easy. Collibra makes sense of the chaos. City, where Felix now lives with hi
s wife
The company was something of a slow-burner, but as ‘big and 10 -month-old baby.
data’ became a buzzword, so did Collibra. Six years after
inception, Collibra raised $131 million in funding. Today, it
operates across North and South America, Europe, Asia and Felix Van de Maele
the Middle East.
Co-founder of Collibra

‘I was inspired by a book’

I was born and raised in Belgium, which
isn’t really known for its entrepreneurial
climate! There aren’t many business role
models and only a very small venture
capital community. A well-known Dutch
expression is: ‘Just be normal.’ Basically,
you’re supposed to do what’s expected ‘We knew from the beginning we were
of you. It’s not like in the United States, going up against the big guys’
where businesses can raise a lot of money The name ‘Collibra’ is down to a
from the start, just go for it and where combination of things. We’re focused on
failing is good because you learned bringing people together to agree on what
something. Belgium has a really risk- data means, which is a social process.
averse culture. That’s where the ‘coll’ part comes from,
as in collaboration. Then the word ‘libra’,
In my early 20s, I read a book about Silicon
like library books, knowledge, equilibrium.
Valley called ‘Founders at Work: Stories
Also, ‘colibri’ means hummingbird and
of Startups’ Early Days’. That book really
we liked that analogy. We knew from
inspired me, and I thought: ‘If people in
the beginning we were going up
Silicon Valley can do it, why not here?
against the big businesses, and we
Why not me?’ And that’s when I
liked the agility and flexibility of a
co-founded Collibra.
hummingbird versus the larger, slower
moving incumbents.
Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘We almost went under’ ‘We didn’t start making real money until
Our story isn’t one of easy success though. six years after Collibra’s inception’
At one point, we only had enough money Entrepreneurship often gets romanticized,
‘When we first started as a group of to keep us going for another two to three but in reality, it’s really, really hard and
twenty-somethings, it was hard to be months. We were in dire need. All of us requires a lot of sacrifices. You have
taken seriously’ founders had already cut our salaries to do it for the right reasons, or else
At first, there were so many people who by half because we didn’t want to fire you’re going to give up. When you start

Notes from Founders: Collibra

told us that our business would never anybody; we needed our engineers. We a company, the odds are against you.
work. We had a lot of cards stacked were bidding on a project against IBM It requires time away from friends and
against us; we were right out of school and and knew that if we didn’t win the family and a lot of hard work.
had zero experience. We needed to have a contract, we could go under. It was a very
Having a successful business sometimes
little arrogance, ignorance and choose to stressful time.
just takes luck. You have to time it right
just not believe the naysayers.
We ended up winning that contract and if you don’t time it right, you have to
We really were doing it for the right because our proposal was cheaper than decide how long you’ll keep going. We
reasons; we felt it was important to give IBM’s by €1000 ($1200). It was an had to wait six years before the timing
companies a way to manage their data. amazing feeling to triumph over such a was right.
In a way, it was a good thing we were large, established company and I know
‘Startups need to focus on their
three or four years early to the market, we wouldn’t be in business today if we
because it gave us the opportunity to hadn’t won.
Ultimately, success means sticking with it,
learn and we didn’t give up. We raised
That was a pivotal moment, but there being customer-focused and thinking big
a little money and focused on our
are so many of those decisions, so many from the beginning. We moved to New
customers, which helped us grow our
pivotal moments when you run a York because most of our clients are in
business slowly, but surely.
business. You don’t necessarily realize it the United States. It was important for us
at the time, but looking back, you wonder to keep on going, to be open-minded and
what might have happened if things had focused on fixing the things that weren’t
gone differently. working. For us, our customer base was
always very important and something we
attribute to our success.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

‘Finding funding in those early days
wasn’t always easy’
In the beginning, nobody wanted to
give us funding. It was very hard and we
were in Belgium, which only has a very
small investment community. We had
everything to prove and no track record.

Notes from Founders: Collibra

But when we started to grow, we had ‘Big data is changing the way
proof from our customers, the numbers companies operate’
and the feedback. Then it became a lot I think we will soon see a shift in
easier and it shifted, and now we have no companies when it comes to big data.
problem with funding. There will soon be entire departments
‘You have to be ready to evolve with dedicated to managing data, just like
your business’ human resources, the IT department,
The initial business plan you start with is marketing, finance, etc.
never the one you’ll end up with. That was Every company is now going through a
certainly the case with us. The software digital disruption and it’s all about data
we initially built has changed and there and machine learning. Everything is
have been numerous small adjustments shifting toward data, so companies have
and calibrations along the way. to spend more money organizing and
We have data protection legislation, processing huge volumes of information.
privacy laws and GDPR now, which just Now everyone uses data in their job and
didn’t exist a few years ago. Collibra helps the result of that is chaos. If you have
organizations meet their requirements, a meeting with five people, you get
address their customers’ concerns and five different reports. You’ll have five
trust their data. different numbers and everyone argues
The market changes and evolves as and discusses whose report is correct.
the world changes, and you have to be It’s a simple question, but not everyone
prepared to adapt your business to meet will agree on what the data means, which
the needs of the market. You have to learn creates uncertainty. There’s a need for
and learn and learn – it never stops. trust surrounding data. We bring control
and order to the chaos so that people can
So many businesses operate on the cloud extract value from their information.
now. AWS has a lot of credibility with our
engineers, so it was the obvious choice
for us.

Transfer Elaia Freigeist Pipedrive Collibra
Partners Capital

At a glance

Felix Van de Maele co-founded
Collibra in 2008, with Stan
Christiaens, Benny Verhaeghe
and Pieter De Leenheer.
As one of Belgium’s first
data governance platforms,

Notes from Founders: Collibra

it took a few years to really
get established.
At one point the business
almost went under, but a
lucrative contract won
against IBM pulled it back
from the brink.
Collibra uses Amazon RDS to
‘My job is different every six months’ ‘I get my best ideas while walking’ ‘I hope my story inspires others’ manage and scale databases
Just as you have to evolve with your I like to walk and when I’m thinking, I need When I first read those Silicon Valley and Amazon CloudWatch
business, you also have to evolve in to move. People see me pacing or walking startup stories, it encouraged me to give it to monitor resources and
your own role. My job as CEO changes around the office and they know I’m a try. Reading those stories was the most applications.
frequently. As long as I feel like I’m doing thinking. In general, when I walk outside valuable, inspiring thing for me.
a good job and the board feels like I’m I get the best ideas, when I can think
That’s why I don’t turn down opportunities
doing a good job, I’ll just keep on doing it. about a subject long and hard.
to speak at conferences or be interviewed
You have to push yourself out of your With all the craziness and chaos at work, for articles or books; I want to give back
comfort zone, which isn’t always easy or I need calmness at home to feel balanced. and tell people about my journey in the
fun, but it is important. You don’t know I love to cook – it distracts me away from hope that it inspires others. FOUNDER STORIES
what’s coming, so you have to be ready to the business and at that moment I’m PLAYLIST
And by no means is my story over. We are
just jump in that black hole and go for it. creating something, working with my
still in the thick of it; still executing our Founder Stories
hands and being creative. I also enjoy
It’s important to keep focus, get everyone business and still learning as we go.
calm, quiet weekends with my friends
on the same page, execute effectively and
and family.
balance new initiatives.
‘I’m a New Yorker now, but there’s one
‘Building a team can be challenging’ CONCENTRATE GET PUMPED CHILL-OUT
thing I miss about Belgium’
The biggest challenge for me as CEO
We still import chocolate from Belgium.
is the people. The people are the most
In my opinion, there is no really good
important thing to get right and the
chocolate here in New York!
hardest thing to get right. If you’re
growing quickly like us, from 300 ‘Books are still important to me’
to 400 people in one year, there are My pictures are digital; my music is digital; In The Alive Airwaves
organizational challenges to deal with. and I read on my Kindle. But there are Waiting Line Pearl Jam Ray
You have to hire the right people and then still some books I keep paper copies of Zero 7 LaMontagne
make sure those people are successful. because they have sentimental value.
That book about Silicon Valley
businesses is still on the bookshelf Spotify account & internet connection required
at my parents’ house in Belgium.
follow the PIONEERS

Notes from Founders: Follow the Pioneers
x elE
Taavet eli Ma
F de
H in ri k Van

Ro line
ux Alex Timo
Koch Rein


TransferWise launched on Venture Capital firm Elaia Venture capital firm Freigeist Pipedrive makes it easier for Felix Van de Maele co-founded
TechCrunch in 2012. Taavet Partners specializes in Capital supports game- sales professionals to manage Collibra in 2008 when he was
Hinrikus and Kristo Käärmann innovative tech startups that changing tech and consumer the sales process. Timo Rein just 23-years-old. Six years later,
started the money moving ‘have the potential to make a companies. Co-founder and co-founded the startup in 2010 the data governance platform
service because they were huge difference to the world’. serial entrepreneur Alex Koch and it’s now used by companies raised $131 million in funding.
frustrated by the inconvenience A typical first investment is has been an AWS customer across the globe. Using AWS It now operates across North
and cost of sending money from between €500,000 ($600,000) since 2009. He will only invest has led to shorter development and South America, Europe, Asia
London to Estonia. TransferWise and €4 million. Partner Pauline in startups that use AWS cycles. Pipedrive offers a digital and the Middle East. Collibra
is now available in 40 countries Roux helps the businesses and recommends AWS Deep platform, as well as iOS and uses Amazon RDS to manage
and sends money to 70. It uses Elaia invests in to get started Learning AMIs, Relational Android apps and links with and scale its databases and
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud on AWS and offers new clients Database Service, ElastiCache more than 100 other software Amazon CloudWatch to monitor
and other services to build AWS credits worth €100,000 and Amazon S3, in particular. products. resources and applications.
infrastructure that supports ($120,000).
flexible routing.

S AWS S o r s tories
Star tu p s b lo g f
d to th e A W S
Hea nce

Notes from Founders: Next Steps

t a k e s m o re ec h n ic a l g u ida
u cc e s s f ul star t up
ad v ic e , in clu ding t
Launchi n g a s e lia ble an d o ns . W h e r ever
fl e x ib le , r sin e ss les s
in g o n t h e most and un iv er s a l b u
than bu il d
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