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Stol) th('teitrs lrtrl lrr.l,y;,.

rt rv,r,; llor,,lirrll.,l)rrr.r,ttrlrrgh,
It'ats sl,r,t'tl lrir l,lilr,
t.i.r'rr 1rrs ,,,,,.,.r"'i ]

lTffff;i.,l1,lo.]:1^: h,e rook_rhe cenrre

srase Frjs ::,,:1".';,ll::,:;:l';l;: i' ; ;''';
,,. ,,,,, rr.t rv.,rr
"'l;),,1,'ii,,,,ri,s .r,,r,rre

i;T#:?i:1:l*::.::"rxi[r,:il+n:::u":':::,,:ii: llt'took
] J

f [
ffi: their
ro give r" J ;
verdjct. " "r"'r'n "v
t oo J il,;,ii, fff ;fi '.:'.H a lorrg, tlct.p 1r11..1111,ur,1
v,,tt .'r.rrr sirr1iirli,':
" r'! \r r"
trr,.,l I
t,, r,.rrr.rirr t.rlr)). I

nearer ro his rnourrr, ff|,|:l:.:]rl l

ro orr-,,r;,,^:,)..:..',in':: "jt
his nrourh .;f::""t":l:?:lf In()trtl), rason
,r,o.t i,.,t,oau;;# the har arla ."
; l' ;::
yl a\{r!rL;';,L,r ei,"-"
: il ili.,",lhir ll l "
his throat.
was a lli,ijil ;I.l,i:,:T
croal<rng sour.rd. IJe:
ror a, his life. rre ,',,,;.i::,;::-:,i:,yh,,
lis rire IJelvo.,t.t nor w:rsre ir
rre had &;;;;;,,;
My name is tason Chan..,
"l'lello. ltll us a bir ab,rr-rt yrr.,.s"ll"
'T;*':'lr: jl'':1.,," "ii;';ii;';;,: the lady judge

." ri r rutt ,uw ol(I

w'ls '1";;;
outsitlc "u'.*n''r
arr or-plr.trr,r13t,,
=Y#f::::lilli::: arn lI was
orcr rt atn.
y-ourrg boy l'lr.rr
w.ts reri
ru y('.lrs.reo. 'r ,,,'i:X t"or o0",.,,
20 I
ffi l?;,]i)v';;
I 3 years old now ,, ".r
r .,ssr,,,,.,,'li':.:l
r,,,,I ;;;; ::J, il il lT: :iff I
"Not e\.rctly.
star-t singing ar rhe
lrarr away''
o.'l rrr\ ornhanage
r'tl'rr(rrrdge rheni,,
l4 years
ycars old,
,r l'r r'Il rilge when
when lI was aboul
olcl. after
Afier lLn,,.
was r.,:..1:'lj]l,'1"',tp['111;1gs abour "You're definitelv
.Ihere be.rren rrP by rhe olcler rhrough to the next
was , .,._r"^ILleJy
pi n a,of ,ir";,.;l childrenlj rourrcl.,,
,1]:T 1',,, ;;', ;,,:'l,l;i lason was overwhelriea." in,r.i"ir'
Iason could no iorrg". control expecrarions. his
himself. Ije had, u""r, a"p.iu"o
Ile tried hard to #n,, "*.,"",1"c1
li[.. Now he
[1 [:: :[;];Il,,t,:, nki*i;; ; J :"L .r.,,,.r *, ii,,i

Narrative Compositions

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