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Classification Summary

For the following, know classification (why), common name, brief description or drawing,
habitat, and place in the food chain (trophic level).

On test, I may have pictures for you to match to names.


I. Kingdom Monera: procaryotic cells, simple and unspecialized; single cells, some in
groups or chains.
A. Bacteria: single cells, in chains or groups; autotrophic and heterotrophic,
aerobic and anaerobic; important as food source and in decomposition.
B. Cyanobacteria: blue-green algae; autotrophic single cells, in chains or
groups, produce some red blooms in sea; phytoplankton.
II. Kingdom Protista: grouping of microscopic and mostly single-celled organisms;
autotrophs (algae) and heterotrophs (protozoa).
A. Phylum Chrysophyta: golden-brown algae; yellow to golden autotrophic
single cells, in groups or chains; contribute to deep-sea sediments;
1. Class Bacillariophyceae: diatoms.[dominate in cool/cold water] [story
about raising them in lab--silica dissolution]
2. Class Chrysophyceae: coccolithophores, silicoflagellates, and other
flagellates. [prefer warm water]
B. Phylum Pyrrophyta: fire algae; single cells with flagella; produce most red
tides; bioluminescence common; usually considered phytoplankton.
1. Class Dinophyceae: dinoflagellates.
C. Phylum Phaeophyta: Brown algae Sargassum maintains a planktonic habit
in the Sargasso Sea
D. Phylum Rhodophyta: Red algae
E. Phylum Protozoa: heterotrophic protists like dinoflagellates radiolarians, and
III. Kingdom Animalia: animals; multicellular heterotrophs with specialized cells,
tissues, and organ systems; zooplankton (holoplankton). For temporary
members of the zooplankton (or meroplankton), see the Meroplankton listed in V.
A. Phylum Coelenterata or Cnidaria: radially symmetrical with tentacles and
stinging cells like Jellyfish including such colonial forms as Portuguese
B. Phylum Ctenophore: comb jellies; translucent; move with cilia; often
C. Phylum Chaetognatha: arrow worms; free swimming, carnivorous worms.
[Some species limited to specific water masses]
D. Phylum Mollusca:
Class Gastropoda Snails Pteropods

E. Phylum Arthropoda: animals with paired, jointed appendages and hard outer
1. Class Crustacea: copepods and euphausiids.
F. Phylum Chordata: animals, including vertebrates, with dorsal nerve cord
and gill slits at some stage in development.
1. Subphylum Urochordata: saclike adults with "tadpole" larvae; salps.

Meroplankton: larval forms from the

I. Kingdom Animalia
A. Phylum Annelida (segmented worms Trochophore),
B. Phylum Mollusca (shellfish and snails [Veliger]),
C. Phylum Arthropoda (crabs [Zoea] and barnacles [Nauplius]),
D. Phylum Echinodermata (starfish [Brachiolaria], brittle star [Ophiopluteus] and
sea urchins), and
E. Phylum Chordata (fish).

Classification Summary
The nekton, all members of the kingdom Animalia, can be classified in the following phyla
and classes.

I. Kingdom Animalia.- animals; multicellular heterotrophs with specialized cells,

tissues, and organ systems.
A. Phylum Mollusca: mollusks.
1. Class Cephalopoda: squid and cuttlefish; the octopus is a member of
the benthos.
B. Phylum Chordata: animals with a dorsal nerve cord and gill slits at some
stage in development.
1. Subphylum Vertebrata: animals with a backbone of bone or cartilage.
a. Class Agnatha: jawless fish; lampreys and hagfish.
b. Class Chondrichthyes: jawed Fish with cartilaginous skeletons;
sharks and rays.
c. Class Osteichthyes : bony fish; all other fish, including
commercial species such as salmon, tuna, herring, and
d. Class Reptilia: air breathers with dry skin and scales; young
develop in self contained eggs; turtles, sea snakes, iguanas,
and crocodiles.
e. Class Aves: endotherms; skin covered with feathers, forelimbs
are wings; embryo enclosed in shell; birds.
f. Class Mammalia: endotherms; body covering of hair; produce
milk; young born live.
(1) Order Cetacea: whales.
(a) Suborder Mysticeti.- baleen whales, including
blue, gray, right, sei, finback, and humpback
(b) Suborder Odonticeti.- toothed whales, including
the killer and sperm whale, the porpoise, and the
(2) Order Carnivora: sea otters, seals, sea lions, and
(3) Order Sirenia: dugongs and manatees.

Classification Summary
Benthic organisms include members of the following kingdoms and phyla.

I. Kingdom Monera: includes the bacteria, an important food source in mud and sand
environments; also cyanobacteria or blue-green algae, especially abundant on coral

II. Kingdom Protista: convenience grouping of microscopic, usually unicellular plants

and animals.

A. Phylum Chrysophyta: golden-brown algae; mainlv planktonic, but benthic

diatoms are abundant.
B. Phylum Protozoa: infauna include many members among sand and mud
particles, including amoeboid and foraminiferan species.

III. Kingdom Plantae: plants; primarily nonmotile, multicellular, photosynthetic


A. Phylum: Chlorophyta: green algae; seaweeds such as Ulva and Codium.

B. Phylum: brown algae; coastal seaweeds, including the large kelps
Nereocystis, Macrocystis and Postelsia. (Sargassum is planktonic in the
Sargasso Sea.)
C. Phylum Rhodophyta: red algae; littoral and sublittoral seaweeds of varied
D. Phylum Tracheophyta: plants with vascular tissue; true roots, stems, and
leaves present.
1. Class Angiospermae : flowering plants; seeds enclosed in fruit;
eelgrass, surf grass, and mangrove trees.

IV. Kingdom Animalia: animals; multicellular heterotrophs with specialized cells, tissues,
and organ systems.

A. Phylum Porifera: sponges; simple, nonmotile Filter-feeders.

B. Phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata): radially symmetric, with tentacles and
stinging cells.
1. Class Anthozoa: sea anemones, corals, and sea fans.
C. Phylum Platyhelminthes: flatworms; free-living and parasitic forms.
D. Phylum Nemertina or Nemertea: ribbon worms.
E. Phylum Aschelminthes: round worms, or nematodes.
F. Phylum Brachiopoda: lampshells.
G. Phylum Annelida: segmented worms.
1. Class Polychaete: free-living marine carnivores, including tube worms,
Nereis and clam worms.
H. Phylum Pogonophora: deep-sea tube-dwelling worms; giant members found
around hot vents on the sea floor.
I. Phylum Mollusca: mollusks.
1. Class Polyplacophora: chitons
2. Class Scaphopoda: tusk shells
3. Class Gastropoda: Single-shelled mollusks; snails, limpets and sea
4. Class Pelecypoda or Bivalvia: bivalved mollusks; clams, mussels,
scallops, and oysters
5. Class Cephalopoda: octopus. The squid is a member of the nekton.
J. Phylum Arthropoda: Animals with paired jointed appendages and outer
1. Class Crustacea: Crabs, shrimp, and barnacles
K. Phylum Echinodermata: all marine, radially symmetric, spiny-skinned animals
with water-vascular systems, including starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars,
and sea cucumbers.
L. Phylum Hemichordata: Acorn worms.
M. Phylum Chordata: animals, including vertebrates, with dorsal nerve cord and
gill slits at some stage in development.
1. Subphylum Urochordata: filter-feeding, saclike adults with "tadpole"
larvae; sea squirt.


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