Pupil Premium Strategy 2017 2018 PDF

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Reviewed 2017 2018 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement Ashton Primary School

1. Summary information
School Ashton Primary School
Academic Year 2017/18 Total PP budget £113, 000. Date of most recent PP Review Sep2017
Total number of pupils 203 Number of pupils eligible for PP 43 Date for next internal review of this strategy July 2018

2. Current attainment
End of Key Stage results July 2017 Pupils eligible for PP (your school) Pupils not eligible for PP

Key Stage 1 ( year 2)

% achieving in reading, writing and maths 63% 81%
% making progress in reading 88% 81%
% making progress in writing 63% 86%
% making progress in maths 74% 86%
Key Stage 2 (Year 6)
% achieving in reading, writing and maths 85% 80%
% making progress in reading 92% 80%
% making progress in writing 85% 80%
% making progress in maths 85% 80%

3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP, including high ability)
In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor oral language skills)
A. Poor oral language. On entry, children’s language and communication skills are below national expectations. A significant number of children require additional support with speech
and language

B. Parental engagement and support

C. Wellbeing – behaviour , emotional barriers

External barriers
D. Low attendance rates. Attendance at the end of July 2017 was 95% Attendance was once again an area for improvement in the Jan 2017 OFSTED
4. Desired outcomes
Desired outcomes and how they will be measured Success criteria
A. Children will be given opportunities to develop speech and language skills through small group work Speech and Language difficulties will be identified early and addressed,
and 1:1 speech and language support. They will extend their vocabulary and improve communication children’s communication skills will improve
skills. Speech and language issues will be dealt with through early identification and intervention.

B. Additional events in school will be planned so that parents are more aware of what their children are Parental support will have increased. This will be reflected in in an
learning, and what the expectations for their child’s age are. Through family support work we will improvement in children’s wellbeing, attendance and attainment.
engage parents more and develop stronger links between home and school. Parents will be sign posted
to other services and the family support worker will support in other areas, eg food and healthy eating.

C. Family support worker and learning mentors will work with children and parents to develop social skills Behaviour of Pupil Premium children will improve
and behaviour.

D. Careful monitoring of attendance will ensure that poor attendance and punctuality improve throughout Attendance amongst Pupil Premium pupils will rise
school. The attendance officer will monitor attendance and liaise with parents, keeping them informed
of how their child’ attendance is and how this impacts upon their behaviour and progress in school.
Regular attendance panel meetings will be held to hold parents accountable for attendance.
5. Planned expenditure
Academic year 2017 - 2018
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted
support and support whole school strategies.
i. Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome Chosen action / What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you
approach for this choice? implemented well? review
To close the gap in attainment Additional classroom From Pupil Progress meetings, children are Monitoring will take place during half SB At the end of each
of Pupil Premium and non- support identified who are not making expected termly pupil progress meetings when half term at pupil
Pupil Premium pupils. progress. the progress of all children will be progress meetings.
Additional classroom support will be considered
allocated to enable small group
To improve outcomes for more Booster classes Pupil Progress meetings, children are Monitoring will take place during half SB At the end of each
able pupils to achieve at GD Interventions identified who are not making expected termly pupil progress meetings when half term at pupil
Additional adult progress, previous data will be considered to the progress of all children will be progress meetings.
support identify children who should be working at considered
More able extra - greater depth.
curricular clubs Additional classroom support will be
allocated to enable small group
Total budgeted cost £ 42,000

ii. Targeted support

Desired outcome Chosen What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you
action/approach for this choice? implemented well? review
To reduce the barriers to Family support work Children have barriers to learning which may Regular half termly monitoring of SB Every pupil progress
learning for pupils from and interventions stem from things outside of school which are children’s progress at pupil progress meeting
vulnerable families preventing on them being unable to meetings with Senior Leaders and
concentrate, or be ready for learning. class teachers.

Continuous monitoring and Total budgeted cost £ 17,000

addressing attendance. This includes
asking parents to attendance parents
iii. Other approaches
to discuss attendance if it is a
Desired outcome Chosen What is the evidence and rationale concern,
How raise
will you parent awareness
ensure it is of Staff lead When will you
the importance of good attendance,
action/approach for this choice? implemented well? review
and find out if there are any
underlying reasons behind this which implementation?
we can support parents with.
To improve emotional Learning Mentor Some children have difficulties managing Monitoring progress at pupil progress SB
wellbeing and behaviour support their emotions and behaviour and this has an meetings ( half termly)
throughout out school so that 1:1 work with children impact on their ability to be ready for work NM
children are ready for learning on behaviour and therefore their progress. Weekly monitoring of whole school
and able to make good programmes/plans behaviour, identifying patterns and LK
progress trends.
Small group work on LM
social skills,
developing emotional

Close monitoring of
behaviour, looking for
patterns, triggers and
providing support and

Total budgeted cost £36, 000

Review of Pupil Premium spending 2017-2018
Closing the gap in attainment between Pupil Premium and Non-Pupil Premium pupils:
The tables below compare attainment at Age Related Expectations of Pupil Premium pupils with Non-Pupil Premium pupils at the end of the year 2017-2018

Data shows that in reading 5 out of the 6 classes Pupil Premium children have achieved more
Read PP Non-PP favourably than Non
Pupil Premium pupils. ing
There has been an increase in achievement of Pupil premium children since the previous year in most ‘17 ‘18 ‘17 ‘18 year groups.
In maths in 4 out of 6 classes Pupil Premium children have achieved more favourably than Non Pupil Premium pupils.
Year x 7/12 x 15/17
1 58% 88%

Year 2/10 6/10 15/20 17/20

20% 60% 75% 85%

Year 11/12 11/1 11/17 14/17

92% 2 65% 82%
3 92%

Year 9/12 8/12 13/18 16/1

75% 67% 72% 8
4 89%

Year 8/16 9/16 7/10 10/1

50% 56% 70% 0
5 100
Writin PP Non-PP %
g Year 8/17 10/1 8/13 11/1
47% 7 62% 3
‘17 ‘18 ‘17 ‘18 6 59% 85%
Year 1 x 7/12 x 14/17
58% 82%

Year 2 5/10 5/10 12/20 18/20

50% 50% 60% 90%

Year 3 9/12 10/12 12/17 13/17

75% 83% 71% 77%
Year 4 5/12 6/12 11/18 13/18
There has been an increase in the number of children achieving at Age Related Expectations in most classes.
42% 50% 61% 72%

Year 5 6/16 7/16 7/10 9/10

38% 44% 70% 90%

Year 6 7/17 14/17 8/13 11/13

42% 82% 62% 85%
Maths PP Non-PP There has been an increase in the number of children achieving at Age Related Expectations in all classes.

‘17 ‘18 ‘17 ‘18

Year x 4/12 x 14/17
1 33% 82%

Year 1/10 8/10 8/20 17/20

2 10% 80% 40% 85%

Year 10/12 11/12 12/17 12/17

3 83% 92% 71% 71%

Year 6/12 7/12 11/18 14/18

4 50% 58% 61% 78%

Year 7/16 10/16 7/10 10/10

5 44% 63% 70% 100%

Year 8/17 16/17 10/13 11/13

6 47% 94% 77% 85% To improve outcomes for more able pupils to achieve at GD
There has been an increase in the number of children achieving Greater Depth throughout school. Children are identified in
all subjects and this is monitored by subject leaders and at half termly Pupil Progress meetings. Booster groups at the end of
key stages have had a focus on Greater Depth.

To reduce the barriers to learning for pupils from vulnerable families

Attendance of Pupil Premium children has improved from 96.2% in 2016/2017 to 96.7% in 2017/2018. Pupil premium spending has enabled an attendance officer to monitor attendance,
and along with the head teacher and chair of governors, to hold half termly attendance panel meetings to offer support to parents whose children’s attendance is below 95%

To improve emotional wellbeing and behaviour throughout out school so that children are ready for learning and able to make good progress
Pupil premium funding has supported the school’s nuture team and enabled a Family Support Worker and a Learning Mentor to work effectively with families. This includes actin as lead
professional for CAF and TAF processes, organising events and support groups, supporting parents and children with attendance, and supporting with behaviour

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