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7, JULY 2010 1527

Impact of Scaling on Neutron-Induced Soft Error in

SRAMs From a 250 nm to a 22 nm Design Rule
Eishi Ibe, Fellow, IEEE, Hitoshi Taniguchi, Yasuo Yahagi, Ken-ichi Shimbo, and Tadanobu Toba

Abstract—Trends in terrestrial neutron-induced soft-error in In addition, MCU can be a threat in mission-critical systems
SRAMs from a 250 nm to a 22 nm process are reviewed and with an extreme number of logic devices that are mainly pro-
predicted using the Monte-Carlo simulator CORIMS, which is tected by spatial or time redundancies. Typically redundancy
validated to have less than 20% variations from experimental
soft-error data on 180–130 nm SRAMs in a wide variety of neutron circuits such as triple module redundancy (TMR) [11], dupli-
fields like field tests at low and high altitudes and accelerator tests cation [12], replication [13], and redundant-nodes latches/FFs
in LANSCE, TSL, and CYRIC. The following results are obtained: [14]–[18] like the dual interlocked storage cell (DICE) [19]
1) Soft-error rates per device in SRAMs will increase x6-7 from cannot be effective when relevant nodes are corrupted simulta-
130 nm to 22 nm process; 2) As SRAM is scaled down to a smaller neously by an MCU [20], [21]. Since such redundancy systems
size, soft-error rate is dominated more significantly by low-energy
neutrons (< 10 MeV); and 3) The area affected by one nuclear in electronic systems are strictly relevant to the international
reaction spreads over 1 M bits and bit multiplicity of multi-cell standard IEC61508 [22] that defines the functional safety of
upset become as high as 100 bits and more. electrical/electronic/programmable electric safety related sys-
Index Terms—Bit multiplicity, cosmic ray impact simulator tems, protection technologies against MCUs may have to be
(CORIMS), multi-cell upset (MCU), multi-node upset (MNU), consistent with the scope of the standard.
scaling, single event upset (SEU), static random access memories Historically MCUs are understood as taking place as a
(SRAMs). result of the collection of charges produced by secondary
ions from nuclear spallation reaction in a device. As de-
I. I NTRODUCTION vice scaling down proceeds, novel MCU modes are being
reported as “charge sharing among memory storage nodes in
S CALING down of semiconductor devices to sub-100 nm
technology encounters a wide variety of technical chal-
lenges like Vth variation [1], negative bias temperature insta-
the vicinity [8], [23] or bipolar effects in p-well [9], [24],
[25]. Ibe et al. have proposed multi-coupled bipolar interac-
bility (NBTI) [2], short-channel effect [3], gate leakage [4], tion (MCBI) for one of the bipolar MCU mechanisms that is
and so on. Terrestrial neutron-induced single event upset (SEU) regarded as a parasitic thyristor effect triggered by a single
is one key issue that can be a major setback in scaling. In event snapback (SES) in the p-well and causes MCU mul-
particular, “multi-cell upsets (MCUs),” which are defined as tiplicity of more than 10 bits [9]. It is also reported that
simultaneous errors in more than one memory cell induced MCU physical address pattern differs depending on written
by a single event, have been under close scrutiny [5]–[9]. The data patterns typically between the groups ALLX (All “1”
concept of the MCU, therefore, contains both upsets that can or All “0”) and Checkerboard (CB or its complement CBc).
be corrected by error detection/correction code (EDAC/ECC) In this paper, the statistics in SEUs and MCUs in static
as well as those which cannot. The latter is called “multiple random access memories (SRAMs) are predicted down to
bit upset” or “multi-bit upset” (MBU) of memory cells in the 22 nm process by using the Monte-Carlo simulator CORIMS
same word, and can lead, for example, to hang-ups of computer [26]. In the present paper, the bipolar effects may be much
systems. Though MBUs can be avoided by a combination of more fatal in practical applications but are not included into
ECC and the interleaving technique [9], MCUs that can be the physical model in CORIMS because of their complexity.
corrected by EDAC/ECC can still be problematic in high- The effects of the bipolar actions will be modeled and reported
performance devices such as contents addressable memories elsewhere.
(CAMs) [10] used in network processors and routers. In the In Section II, the physical model, major algorithms, and
case of system design, it is therefore very important to evaluate statistical parameters are reviewed. In Section III, simulation
MCUs as well as soft-error rates (SERs) of the device in results are presented and discussed in conjunction with impacts
design phase. on logic devices. Section IV concludes the insights from the
simulation results.
Manuscript received October 20, 2009; revised March 18, 2010; accepted
March 24, 2010. Date of publication May 20, 2010; date of current version II. M ODEL D ESCRIPTION
June 23, 2010. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor G.-T. Jeong.
The authors are with the Production Engineering Research Labora- A. Overall Microscopic Soft-Error Model
tory, Hitachi, Ltd., Yokohama 244-0817, Japan (e-mail: hidefumi.ibe.hf@;;; Fig. 1 depicts a schematic of a microscopic soft-error model; for a SRAM cell, which has two n+ nodes in the p-well and two
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at p+ storage nodes in the n-well. Two sets of adjacent n+ and p+
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2010.2047907 nodes correspond to two potential states: “high” or “low.” The

0018-9383/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


Fig. 2. Neutron energy spectrum at sea level in New York City under medium
Fig. 1. Macroscopic mechanism of neutron-induced soft-error in static ran-
solar activity [32].
dom access memory (SRAM). Physical sequences proceeds from  1 to  5 .

memory data “1” or “0” is assigned to the side (right or left) that
has high potential. Once a ballistic neutron penetrates into the
SRAM, nuclear spallation reaction may take place between the
neutron and the nucleus (mostly Si) in the device. As a prompt
reaction, nucleons (protons and neutrons) collide with each
other in the nucleus. Some of the nucleons may escape from the
nucleus when they have enough kinetic energies. This process
is called Intra-Nuclear Cascade (INC) [27]. After this prompt
process, light nuclei may be “evaporated” from the residual
excited nucleus [28]. As a consequence nucleons, light nuclei,
and the residual nucleus run inside the SRAM cell producing
electron-hole pairs along with the ion track. Energy necessary
to produce one pair of electron and hole is 3.6 eV in Si. When
one of such secondary ions hit the storage nodes, some of
the charges are collected to the storage node mainly through
the funneling effect [29] and the drift/diffusion process. If the Fig. 3. Calculated energy spectra of secondary ions produced in Si substrate
at sea level in New York City.
amount of the charges exceeds the critical charge that can flip
the logical state of the SRAM, a soft-error takes place in the
SRAM. energy, and direction of each secondary ion produced in a
spallation reaction are thus determined and reaction locations
are randomly set in the device model.
B. Nuclear Spallation Reaction Models The accuracy of the nuclear reaction model is validated
Monte-Carlo single event CORIMS [26] is equipped with though the comparison of nuclear reaction data of high-energy
numerical solutions for nuclear spallation reactions of silicon, proton and aluminum [31]. SER in the device under any neutron
ion track analysis in an infinite layout of memory cells in a spectra can be simulated. In the case of a simulation at a
semiconductor device, and charge collection to the diffusion specific location at ground level on Earth, the terrestrial neutron
layer of the device. The model of the nuclear spallation re- spectrum at the location is corrected in accordance with the
action is based on the intra-nuclear cascade (INC) model and geomagnetic latitude and the altitude based on the standard
the evaporation model by Weisskopf and Ewing [28]. The neutron spectrum at sea level in New York City as shown in
INC model is applied to the prompt collision process, where Fig. 2 [32].
many-body collisions among nucleons (neutron and proton) are Fig. 3 shows an example of outputs from CORIMS for the
treated numerically as cascades of relativistic binary collisions energy spectra of secondary ions produced directly from Si
between two nucleons in the target nucleus. The evaporation substrate with the neutron spectrum in Fig. 2. It is noteworthy
model of light particles from excited nucleus is also applied for that:
a delayed nuclear reaction process, where nucleons (n and p), (i) light particles such as proton and helium (or alpha parti-
deuterons (2 H or D), tritons (3 H or T), helium, and residual cle) have high production rates and high energies up to a
nucleus are released into the substrate. The inverse reaction few hundreds to 1000 MeV; while
cross section necessary for the determination of an evaporation (ii) heavier particles such as Mg and Al also have relatively
channel (a set of evaporated light particle and residual nucleus) high production rates but do not have high energies with
is calculated based on the GEM model [30]. Nucleus type, maximum energies 10–100 MeV.

Fig. 4. Calculated charge production density of electron-hole pairs in Si


Fig. 6. Simplified structure of the CMOS SRAM unit cell for the single event
simulator CORIMS. (a) Top view. (b) A-A’ cross section.

in a lateral direction and wells line up across the word lines,

charge collection in the lateral direction is tightly limited in
the present device. Bits in a word are aligned along a word
line so that MBUs in this device are tightly limited eventually.
When an ion passes through the depletion layer under the
storage node, the funneling model is applied to calculate the
charge collected to the storage node. When the ion passes
Fig. 5. Calculated ranges of ions in Si substrate. through the p-n junction in the bottom of the p-well, funneling
also takes place so that the charge deposited in the p-well is
C. Charge Deposition Model distributed to the storage node and the p-substrate below the
p-well. The funneling effect becomes larger when the ion track
Fig. 4 shows thr calculated charge deposition density for the
runs along with the p-well (BL direction) because there is less
relevant ions based on the SRIM tables [33].
probability that the ion will pass through the other p-n junction
It is also important to take note of the following:
in the p-well. A drift-diffusion layer with a thickness 100 nm is
(i) The charge production density by proton and alpha assumed to be located under the storage node. When an ion
becomes lower when the energy is higher beyond passes through only the drift-diffusion layer, the amount of
0.1–1 MeV. This implies that protons and alpha particles charges in the layer is assumed to be collected to the storage
with high energy demonstrated in Fig. 3 do not have high node. The charge deposited inside the storage node and oxide
contributions to soft-error in SRAMs. is assumed to recombine and not to contribute to soft-error.
(ii) The charge production density by heavier ions becomes Any 3-D device model, including SRAMs, can be constructed
larger when the ion energies increase in the relevant automatically from the device layout data in GDS2 files [34] by
energy range as shown in Fig. 3. using a specially designed tool. Ion tracks though components
Fig. 5 shows the average range of ions as a function of kinetic in a device are analyzed with the help of computer geometry
energy also based on the SRIM tables. techniques in CORIMS.
It can be seen that
(i) light particles have as long ranges as 10–100 mm in Si
E. Charge Collection Model
substrate in the relevant energy range in Fig. 3; while
(ii) heavier particles have much shorter ranges of 1–100 μm. As indicated in Fig. 1, the funneling model proposed by
Hu et al. is applied [29] when the secondary ion penetrates into
the depletion layers under the p+ and n+ storage nodes. No
D. SRAM Device Model
charge collection is assumed to take place when the secondary
The model layout of the MOSFET SRAM cell is illustrated ion penetrates into the STIs, into the storage nodes themselves,
in Fig. 6. Since the active regions are isolated by STI oxide and into the upper regions (5 μm thickness Si layer is given in z

plus direction but not shown in Fig. 6) where the recombination

of electrons and holes is dominant.
The funneling length xc , within which the deposited charge
is collected to the storage node from the bottom of the storage
node, is expressed as follows:
μn W
xc = 1 + (1)
μe | cos ω|
μn is the mobility of the hole;
μe is the mobility of the electron;
W is the thickness of the depletion layer, and (μm);
ω is the zenith angle.
When the secondary ion penetrates two p-n junctions at the
bottom of the n+ diffusion layer and at the wall of the p-well,
the funneling grows toward both p-n junctions and it is assumed
that eventually only half of the deposited charge is collected to
the n+ node. Fig. 7. DCS method which enables simulation in an infinite memory cell
Equation (1) gives a very large maximum funneling length matrix array.
when ω approaches π/2. A more realistic picture is that the
When an ion crosses a memory cell matrix along the line
ratio of collected charge to the n+ node would be decreased
A-B-C-D, the track of the ion may be traced as long as the ion
as the distance from the n+ node becomes longer along with
has a possibility to hit the sensitive components. This method
the funneling path due to recombination effect of electrons and
requires a cell matrix that is wide enough compared to the
holes. Assuming that such decrease is an exponential function,
ion range. The proposed method does not need an actual cell
the following equation is given to correct the collected charge
matrix. Instead, it utilizes only one physical cell model. When
Qcollect :
  an ion reaches the boundary at B, for example, the track is
xc virtually shifted to B -C by using a shift in the Y -coordinates
Qcollect = Qall exp − (2)
Lmax and the physical address of Y direction Yad is incremented by
1 bit. Similarly when the actual ion crosses C-D, the virtual
where track is shifted to C -D and the physical addresses of X and Y
Qall all deposited charge in the funneling length xc cal- direction are incremented by 1 bit from the original address. In
culated from (1); this way, any ion track can be traced until it stops, regardless
Lmax effective maximum funneling length (assumed to be of the length of the ion’s range. In the present device, the
4 μm to give better fit to experimental data). condition of data “1” or “0” corresponds to the position (left or
Together with the funneling model, a drift-diffusion model is right) of the “high” node in one bit of SRAM and the layout of
also applied when the secondary ion does not penetrate the n+ the SRAM is in symmetry to its center. Also all “1” and all “0”
node but passes very close to the n+ node. The drift diffusion have the same feature and susceptibility to neutron impacts.
box, with a thickness of 0.1 μm, is assumed below the n+ node. To save the area penalty, some nodes connected to Vdd or Vss
All deposited charge is assumed to be collected to the n+ node. are commonly shared between adjacent bits. In this case, the
As for the p+ node in the n-well, only the charge in the bit layout is folded symmetrically along the boundary between
depletion layer is assumed to be collected to the node. Neither the two bits. This technique is sometimes called “mirroring.”
funneling nor drift diffusion effect is not applied to pMOSFET The DCS method implemented in CORIMS is applicable in this
because of the low mobility of the holes. type of mirroring.
The physical device model may be too simplified com- Any cyclic data pattern in a rectangular zone can be imple-
pared to full TCAD models [5], [9], but such simplification mented in CORIMS. The basic idea is illustrated in Fig. 8. Once
is unavoidable for Monte-Carlo simulations, where more many the data “1” or “0” pattern is set in a unit rectangular zone, the
nuclear reactions are incorporated in order to obtain satisfactory units are close-packed infinitely in the WL and BL directions.
statistics. Interleaving effects with any bit layout in the same word can
also be analyzed with CORIMS, which is desirable for ECC
F. Cell Matrix Model design.
Naturally a model with a fixed number of physical cell
models may be applied to investigate MCU effects [35], [36]. G. MCU Classification
Such a method, however, has an inherent limitation on the
memory and speed of the simulations. As proposed in the MCBI experimental analyses [9], the fol-
We have developed a dynamic cell-shift (DCS) method to lowing MCU classification rules are also applied in CORIMS.
overcome such limitations. 1) MCU pattern is classified into three basic categories like
Fig. 7 shows the basic idea of the DCS method. a single line along BL (category “b”), a single line along


Fig. 8. Data pattern implementation in CORIMS. (a) Prepare a unit data

pattern matrix. (b) Spread the unit data pattern matrices onto the device.

H. Recycle Simulation Method

In extreme cases, CPU time may exceed several days. This
makes parametric survey study difficult in a wide scope. To
cope with this problem, CORIMS saves the virtual single events
with extremely low critical charge with certain input conditions
and reruns later to recycle them for parametric survey on the
effects of different critical charge, data pattern, and interleaving
within one hour CPU time.

I. Roadmap
Table I summarizes the typical roadmap parameters in
20–130 nm SRAM, assumed based on ITRS2007 [37]. Lateral
2-D scaling is assumed to reduce the area by a factor of 2
by each generation. Depth profile is assumed to be constant
due to something lacking in the roadmap information and
also because of the difficulty in making a shallow profile. As
Fig. 9. Examples of MCU categories and codes. parasitic capacitance is basically in proportion to a device area,
critical charge is also assumed to decrease by a factor of 2
WL (category “w”), and cluster (an MCU that has two by each generation. Although reduction in the supply voltage
or more bits along with both BL and WL directions; Vdd is preferable for reducing power consumption, it is actually
category “c”). being limited in order to ensure enough margin from the upper
2) MCU code that can be almost uniquely relevant to a bound of Vth variation [1] and therefore assumed to be constant.
physical address pattern in an MCU is given as: The critical charge will decrease more rapidly if the Vdd is
reduced by generation, leading to an increase in SER.
C_N1 _N2 _N3 _N4 _P

where J. Validation of SRAM Model

C category (b/w/c); SRAM models in CORIMS have been validated to have less
N1 MCU size(= N3 × N4 ) than 20% variations from experimental data of 250–130 nm
N2 bit multiplicity in an MCU; SRAMs in a wide variety of neutron fields like field tests [38]
N3 width in the BL direction (bits); and accelerator tests in LANSCE [39], TSL [40], CYRIC [41],
N4 width in the WL direction (bits); and FNL [42]. Figs. 10 and 11 demonstrate such examples
P parity (A1: initial data in an MCU bits are all “1”; A0: of justification of 130 and 180 nm SRAM simulations with
initial data are all “0”; MX: initial data are a mixture measured data in quasi-monoenergetic neutron facilities and
of “0” and “1.” three locations with different altitudes in Japan [38].
Fig. 9 depicts examples of MCU categories and codes. An
MCU code can be almost uniquely assigned to a specific error III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
bit pattern as long as the MCU size is not too large. MCU
A. Overall Trends
categories or codes can be very effective hints to identify the
underlying mechanism. As for MCBI, all “high”(data “1”) Major simulation results are summarized in Tables II and III
nodes in the vicinity of the MCBI in the p-well fail so that very for the data pattern of CB and all “1,” respectively. The
specific error bit patterns appear depending on the data pattern maximum MCU size expands to the order of as many as
(A) FF or (B) CB as illustrated in Fig. 9. a million bits with the maximum MCU multiplicity of over


Fig. 10. Comparison of measured and simulated SER in 130 and 180 nm
SRAM with quasi-monoenergetic neutron facilities [26].

Fig. 11. Comparison of measured and simulated SER in 180 nm SRAM at

three different locations in Japan [26]. Fig. 12. Predicted trends in SER in SRAM.


100 bits in 22–32 nm generations. The ratio of MCU to SEU

will increase up to as high 50%.
It is noteworthy that the maximum MCU size and multiplic-
ity are statistically very rare, showing only rough trends with
Fig. 13. Predicted trends in MCU in SRAM.
Typical trends for SER/device and SER/Mbit are plotted for late 1980s [43]. SERs in SRAMs decrease mildly from
the data patterns CB and FF in Fig. 12. Trends in MCU ratio 130 nm down to 22 nm. The decrease is also quite
and the maximum MCU multiplicity are also plotted in Fig. 13 consistent with the recent experimental data [44].
for the data patterns CB and FF. It is seen that: (ii) Although SER/Mbit decreases beyond 130 nm,
(i) SER/Mbit increases drastically from 250 nm to 180 nm. SER/device increases by a factor of as much as 6 to 7 both
This is quite consistent with the observation that SER for CB and all “1” due to an intense increase in density.
in 4 Mbit SRAM increases drastically beyond that in (iii) MCU ratio and multiplicity increase exponentially as
DRAMs, whose SER have been problematic until the scaling proceeds.


(iv) There are only minor differences between CB and FF smaller and the memory cells are more tightly packed in
data patterns. the smaller generations. The directional effects become
Table IV summarizes the trends in MCU categories for data weak for smaller generations since the contribution from
patterns (a) CB and (b) FF. Typical MCU codes and the number charge collection by the directional funneling effects
of unique codes are also shown in the table. The figures in become smaller.
the cells are the ratio to the total MCUs in percentage. Most
When MCU bits align along with a single word line, multi-bit
MCU error patterns for MCU codes are shown in Fig. 9. Some
upset (MBU), which corrupts error correction by ECC and thus
substantial differences can be seen between the data patterns:
corrupts the reliability of electronic systems, may take place.
(i) The ratios of the category W (on single WL) for CB Such alignment can take place in the MCU categories (W) and
patterns are higher than those for FF patterns by a factor (C). Table V summarizes the ratio of such alignment in MCU to
of about 2. This is due to the two “high” nodes located in the total SEU. In Table V, “Total” includes both the categories
the same p-well of two adjacent bits in the WL direction (W) and (C), and the ratios are shown for bit widths of 2, 3,
for CB patterns so that two adjacent bits in WL direction 4–8, and more than 8 bits in the (W) MCUs. It is seen that
are easily corrupted. This is also seen in the ratios of the almost all word line alignments take place in the category (W)
MCU code W_2_2_1_2_any parity. MCUs, and the bit widths for almost all (W) MCUs are less
(ii) The ratios of the code C_4_2_2_2_A1 for FF patterns are than 8 bits. This means that an ECC with an 8-bit interleave can
substantially higher than those for CB patterns. eliminate MBUs with only a slight risk in 22 and 32 nm design
(iii) The differences between the ratios of categories seem to rules. Results for AllX are not shown here because they are
be clear for larger generations (180 and 130 nm). This similar to those for CB.
has been clearly observed in our former work for 180 nm The fact that MCU ratio drastically increases as scaling
SRAMs [45]. The differences are getting unclear for proceeds means that multi-node upset (MNU), in which mul-
smaller generations. The reason for this, perhaps, is that tiple logical nodes of sequential or combinational logic devices
SRAM cells are easily corrupted by the charge deposited are corrupted, must increase as well. This may cause serious
only in the depletion layer as the critical charge becomes effects in the reliability design of logic devices since MNUs


Fig. 15. Total charge deposition spectra for 22 nm and 130 nm SRAMs.

Fig. 14. Charge deposition density spectrum.

would make error detection impossible. This would make the

redundancy SER mitigation techniques extremely vulnerable
to MNU.

B. Charge Deposition Density for Secondary Ions

The frequencies of charge deposition density per unit track
length at the boundary of the storage node by secondary ions
are shown in Fig. 14 for proton, alpha particle, heavier particles
(atomic number is 10 or more), and total particles. Basically
there are no differences in the shape of spectra with generation Fig. 16. Distribution of distances of failed bits from nuclear reaction
with the maximum deposition density of about 110 fC/μm.
This means that any device which can tolerate the density of
110 fC/μm can be perfectly soft-error immune. Heavy ions 10 fC improves the susceptibility by one order of magnitude for
cause high-density (10–110 fC/μm) charge deposition, but each step for 22 nm SRAM since protons and alpha particles
their frequencies are relatively low. Lighter particles (proton play a major role when the critical charge is relatively low.
and alpha particle) play major roles for the deposition density The range in the collected charge becomes lower as scaling
below 10 fC/μm. proceeds.

C. Total Charge Collected to Storage Node

D. Distance Distribution of Failed Bits
Fig. 15 shows the spectra of the total charge collected to the
storage nodes for 22 nm and 130 nm SRAMs. When the col- Fig. 16 summarizes the distance distributions of failed bits
lected charge exceeds the critical charge, SER takes places. In from nuclear reaction locations. It is seen that:
contrast to the charge deposition density, there are differences (i) The maximum distance becomes longer as scaling pro-
among different generations. The maximum collected charge ceeds, causing a decrease in the critical charge. As the
decreases from 130 nm SRAM (36 fC) to 22 nm SRAM (20 fC), critical charge decreases, the contribution of light particle
though the difference may not be that significant (16 fC). increases, resulting in lon ager distance of failed bits.
By contrast, the soft-error susceptibility improves only (ii) The minimum distance becomes shorter as scaling pro-
slightly when the critical charge increases from 5 fC to 10 fC for ceeds. This is simply understood by the fact that the
130 nm, but the change in the critical charge of 1 → 2 → 4 → distance can be shortened due to SRAM size shrinkage.

Fig. 17. Failed bit map for each generation with CB pattern. Fig. 19. Changes in an MCU cross section in SRAM with scaling.

Fig. 20. Changes in the SBU cross section with scaling and neutron energy.
Fig. 18. Changes in an SEU cross section in SRAM with scaling.
than 10 MeV [46]–[48]. This implies that two essential changes
may be needed in the standard methods, including JESD89A,
E. Failed Bit Map (FBM)
to estimate SER from accelerator-based testing. These two
Fig. 17 shows the distribution of total failed bits in the BL changes are the following:
(perpendicular axis) and WL (vertical axis) address space when 1) Include the contribution of neutrons with energy lower
about 58 000 nuclear reactions take place in the four bits near than 10 MeV to avoid large errors in SER estimation
the origin for the data pattern CB. It is seen that the area when the spallation neutron sources are us.
densely affected drastically increases from 130 nm (about 50 × 2) Modify the ordinary excitation function with the saturated
50 bits) to 22 nm (about 500 × 500). The automatic MCU cross section to have a sharp peak at low neutron energy
classification tool MUCEAC has been introduced to make the when the (quasi-) monoenergetic neutron sources are
statistic calculations from a number of MCUs and demon- used.
strated for mainly 130 nm SRAM test results [9]. The ex- By contrast, there are no essential changes in the MCU cross
tremely widened range of FBMs, however, would make the section shapes. This can be attributed to the relatively low
statistic calculations for MCU in neutron accelerated testing for contributions of lighter particles to the MCU. The sharp peak,
45–22 nm SRAM very painful or almost impossible unless an meanwhile, is understood to originate from single bit upset
ultra-high-speed automatic classification tool is developed. (SBU), as shown in Fig. 20. The cross section curve for SBU
can be obtained by subtracting the MCU cross section in Fig. 16
from the SEU cross section in Fig. 14.
F. Energy Dependency of SEU/MCU Cross Section
SEU and MCU cross sections for each generation are shown
G. Trends in MCU Ratio
as a function of neutron energy in Figs. 18 and 19, respectively.
As scaling proceeds, the contribution of neutrons with energy Fig. 21 shows the trends in MCU ratio to the total SEU.
lower than 10 MeV drastically increases due to an increase The ratio generally increases as neutron energy increases and
in the contribution of lighter particles as the scaling proceeds. scaling proceeds. When the neutron energy increases, heavy
Recent experimental results with low-energy protons showed ions with higher energy are produced, flipping multiple memory
quite consistent trends with the predicted trends, where an SEU cells. If the memory cells are packed more densely, the number
cross section has a sharp peak for protons with energies lower of flipped MCU bits is naturally increased. The maximum ratio

The bipolar effects, which are not implemented in CORIMS

at present, are somewhat in the tradeoff relationship with the
charge collection mode. When the operation voltage is reduced,
the bipolar mode would decrease. When the p-well’s size is
shrunk, the charge collection mode would be minor, but the
bipolar mode would be activated due to the shrinkage of the
distance of the p-n junctions. Even when the bipolar effects are
implemented in the CORIMS model, the total trends may not
differ that significantly. This point will be more clearly shown
in future works.

J. Insights in the Impact on Logic Devices and

Approaches for Mitigation Design

Fig. 21. Changes in MCU ratio with scaling and neutron energy.
It is reported by several researchers that SER in logic devices
will have serious impacts on components, including the PLL
[49], clock line [8] or global control line (SET/RESET) [50] in
electronic systems. As mentioned before, MNU is apparently a
major setback in reliability design of logic devices and systems,
in particular, with redundancy cells and modules.
In order to establish any valid countermeasures for logic
systems, the following approaches should first be established
(i) Techniques to identify vulnerable components. Neutron
irradiation tests in system or component level [51], [52]
would be useful. Identification of vulnerable parts can
also be done by using high-energy ion beams [53].
Broad-beam neutron irradiation facilities such as FNL,
ANITA [54], and TRIUMF [55] can be utilized for such
system/component-level tests.
Fig. 22. Changes in MCU multiplicity distributions with scaling.
(ii) Techniques to quantify the vulnerability in gate (flip
flops, latches, AND, NAND, NOR, OR, etc.) level. Gate
exceeds 0.5 for 22 nm SRAM, indicating that the impact of
chain irradiation tests [56], [57] would be useful. Simu-
MCU and MNU has become more serious.
lation and design tools like CORIMS, in which realistic
device structures are implemented, can also be applied.
H. Trends in MCU Multiplicity Distribution With this kind of knowledge, intrinsic immune devices or
Fig. 22 shows the changes in MCU multiplicity distributions. more effective redundancy techniques with low power and costs
It is seen that the multiplicity shifts to a larger number of bits have to be established before 32–22 nm eras.
as scaling proceeds. The ratios of SBU and lower multiplic-
ity MCUs reduce correspondingly. As mentioned before, the IV. C ONCLUSION
maximum multiplicity is well beyond tens of bits when scaling
proceeds beyond 32 nm. Trends in terrestrial neutron-induced soft-errors in SRAMs
down to 22 nm process are predicted by using the Monte-
Carlo simulator CORIMS, which is validated to have less than
I. Validity of Simulated Results 20% variations from experimental data in a wide variety of
In the present model, the depth profile of impurities and the neutron fields like the low- and high-altitude field tests and the
maximum funneling length are fixed for all generations. But in accelerator tests in LANSCE, TSL, and CYRIC.
reality the depth profile will be shallower. The funneling length The following results are obtained:
will also be shorter as the concentration of impurities become 1) Soft-error rates per device in SRAMs will increase x6-7
higher. These effects would work for suppressing SER. On the from 130 nm to 22 nm process.
other hand, the operation voltage may be reduced in reality as 2) As SRAM is scaled down to a smaller size, SEU is dom-
scaling proceeds. This works for worsening SER. inated more significantly by low energy neutrons (< 10
Changes in the material in the device would make wider MeV). The MCU, however, does not change drastically.
variations in the prediction. If the high-k material is used for 3) The area affected by one nuclear reaction spreads well
gate oxides like HfO, the critical charge is increased to result beyond 1 M bits area and the multiplicity of multi-cell
in lower SER. Meanwhile if the low-k material is used for upset become as high as 100 bits and more.
interlayer oxide, parasitic capacitance is reduced to result in The discussions are extended to the MNUs of logic devices/
lower critical charge and higher SER. systems and countermeasures to them.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT [22] Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic

Safety-Related Systems, IEC61508, 1998.
We would like to thank Profs. Emeritus T. Nakamura and [23] N. Seifert, “Soft error rates of hardened sequentials utilizing local re-
M. Baba of Tohoku University for helpful discussions and for dundancy,” in Proc. IOLTS, Rhodes, Greece, Jul. 6–9, 2008, pp. 49–52,
No. S1.3.
their support for the database on nuclear reactions. [24] O. A. Amusan, L. W. Massengill, B. L. Bhuva, P. R. Fleming, and
M. L. Alles, “Charge collection and sharing in a 130 nm CMOS tech-
nology,” in Proc. NSREC, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, Jul. 17–21, 2006,
No. C-3.
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No. W-4. diagnosis technology and terrestrial neutron-induce
[47] B. D. Sierawski, J. A. Pellish, R. A. Reed, R. D. Schrimpf, soft-error. His major theme is simulation of SER
K. M. Warren, R. A. Weller, M. H. Mendenhal, A. D. Tipton, M. A. in SoCs.
Xapsos, R. C. Baumann, X. Deng, M. J. Campola, M. R. Friendlich,
H. S. Kim, A. M. Phan, and C. M. Seidleck, “Impact of low-energy proton
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P. E. Dodd, M. R. Friendlich, A. D. Phan, C. M. Seidleck, M. R.
Shaneyfelt, and M. A. Xapsos, “Single-event upsets and multiple-bit
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[49] T. D. Loveless, L. W. Massengil, B. L. Bhuva, W. T. Holman, R. A. Reed,
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[50] M. Cabanas-Holmen, E. Cannon, A. Kleinosowski, J. Killens, J. Ballast, Yasuo Yahagi received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
and J. Socha, “Clock and reset transients in a 90 nm RHBD single-core from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in
tilera processor,” in Proc. NSREC, Quebec, QC, Canada, Jul. 20–24, 2009, 1991 and 1993, respectively and the Ph.D. degree
No. PG-3. in quantum science and engineering from Tohoku
[51] L. Borucki, G. Schindlbeck, and C. Slayman, “Comparison of accelerated University, Sendai, Japan, in 2005.
DRAM soft error rates measured at component and system level,” in He joined Hitachi, Ltd., Yokohama, Japan, in
Proc. IRPS, Phoenix, AZ, Apr. 27–May, 1, 2008, pp. 482–487, No. 5A.4. 1993. He was a Visiting Lecturer at Tokyo Institute
[52] A. V. Prokofiev, J. Blomgren, M. Majerle, R. Nolte, S. Rottger, S. P. Platt, of Technology from 2004 to 2005. He has carried
C. X. Xiao, and A. N. Smirnov, “Characterization of the ANITA neutron out systematic experimental works to establish test-
Source for Accelerated SEE Testing at The Svedberg Laboratory,” in ing standards and validate simulation results by us-
Proc. IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, Quebec City, QC, Canada, ing worldwide accelerater facilities. He contributed
Jul. 20–24, 2009, pp. 166–173. to establishing the Japanese standard of testing methods of environmen-
[53] D. G. Mavis, P. H. Eaton, and M. D. Sibley, “SEE characterization tal radiation-induced soft-error, EDR-4705, published in 2005 by the Japan
and mitigation in ultra-deep submicron technologies,” in Proc. ICICDT, Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association. His current
Austin, TX, May 18–20, 2009, pp. 105–112. research activity is devoted to the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
[54] A. V. Prokofiev, J. Blomgren, M. Majerle, R. Nolte, S. Rottger, S. P. Platt, He is currently a Senior Researcher in the Production Engineering Research
and A. N. Smirnov, “Characterization of the ANITA neutron source for Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
accelerated SEE testing at the Svedberg laboratory,” in Proc. NSREC,
Quebec, QC, Canada, Jul. 20–24, 2009, No. W-25.
[55] E. W. Blackmore, “Development of a large area neutron beam for system
testing at TRIUMF,” in Proc. IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop,
Quebec, QC, Canada, Jul. 20–24, 2009, pp. 157–160.
[56] E. H. Cannon and M. Cabanas-Holmen, “Heavy ion and high energy
proton-induced single event transients in 90 nm inverter, NAND and NOR
gates,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 3511–3518, Dec. 2009.
[57] T. Makino, D. Kobayashi, K. Hirose, D. Takahashi, S. Ishii, M. Kusano,
S. Onoda, T. Hirao, and T. Ohshima, “Soft-error rate in a logic LSI
estimated from SET pulse-width measurements,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Ken-ichi Shimbo is currently a Researcher in
vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 3180–3184, Dec. 2009. the Production Engineering Research Laboratory,
Hitachi, Ltd., Yokohama, Japan. He studies fault
diagnosis technology and terrestrial neutron-
induce soft-error analysis in FPGAs and network

Eishi Ibe (M’99–SM’06–F’08) received the B.S. de-

gree in physics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan,
in 1975, and the Ph.D. degree in nuclear engineering
from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1985.
He joined the Atomic Energy Research Labora-
tory, Hitachi, Ltd., Yokohama, Japan, in 1975. He
is currently a Chief Researcher in the Production
Engineering Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. He
was a Research Fellow of the California Institute of
Technology from 1986 to 1987. He has contributed
to a number of IEEE Journals and conferences as a
Tadanobu Toba is currently a Senior Researcher
program committee member or as a reviewer and/or an author in the fields of
neutron-induced error. He has authored more than 50 international technical in the Production Engineering Research Labora-
tory, Hitachi, Ltd., Yokohama, Japan. He studies
papers and presentations, including 17 in the field of terrestrial neutron-induced
fault diagnosis technology and terrestrial neutron-
soft-error of semiconductor devices.
induce soft-error analysis. He belongs to the Insti-
Dr. Ibe was a member of the advisory committee of the MIT nuclear reactor
laboratory from 1990 to 1993. He is the Asia/Pacific Chair of the JESD89 Task tute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers (IEICE).
Group by which new standard testing methods on neutron-induced soft-error of
semiconductor devices are issued based on international consensus. In 2008 he
was elected as an IEEE Fellow for contributions to neutron-induced soft-error
analysis for semiconductor memory devices.

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