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2017-18 Recruitment Plan

 Our goal was 20 students per pathway per time session. There are approximately 15 students
per pathway (including English/Math) per session. Total enrollment = 303 students.
 We hoped to have firm enrollment numbers by the end of March. Enrollment numbers were
not solid until well into August 2017. Rutland and Howard were the only schools with projected
enrollment prior to the end of the 2016-17 school year but these rosters also fluctuated once
the school year began.

Recruitment Phases

Phase 1: August - December

 MOWR Night – Bruce presented September 6

 Open House I – September 28
 Establish Recruitment Team – Parents, Teachers, Students and Advisory Board Members
 Updated MOWR Flyers – Flyers updated. CMW producing final products.
 Updated Pathway Informational Sheets – Welch to produce additional pathway info cards,
updates for Banking and Culinary forwarded 11/16.
 Updated HCCA Application. Distribute to counselors – Updated and forwarded to BA and home
school counselors. 2018-19 application needs to be shared on HCCA website.
 Regular and routine counselor contact – Ongoing
 Emails to middle and high school principals, assistant principals and counselors re: invites to
school events – Bruce to email HS APs and counselors re: DE testing/tour dates. Middle school
visits moved to Phase 3 as per BA. 60 STRONG = December 19
 Meetings with outside stakeholders to promote HCCA – Ongoing (Macon Rotary, GeorgiaBEST)
 Open House II – December 12

Phase 2: January - March

 High School Tours – Accuplacer testing to include tour of HCCA, February – April
 Applications keyed into database daily – Ongoing
 Application binders by school created and maintained - Ongoing
 Meetings with outside stakeholders to promote HCCA – Ongoing
 Monthly meetings with counselors – met with counselors during every school tour, they were
provided pizza for lunch
 Open House III – April 26

Phase 3: April – May

 April 16-20 HCCA/CGTC Open House (4/26) invitations sent to students who did not test PR
during tours via mail merge and all calls
 April 23 - May 4 - Bruce Counselor Meetings
 April 26 - CGTC/HCCA Open House
 May 8-10, 2:30-3:30 p.m. – Application Review, See schedule below
Admission “criteria” must be clearly established before May 8

Date Pathway Teacher(s) Team Lead

5/8/18 HC/EMT Durbin Loughran
Cosmetology Walker/Tarte Alston
Culinary (1/2) Hardy/Robinson Bruce
5/9/18 Banking Neil Loughran
Audio Finkelstein Alston
Teaching Burton Bruce
5/10/18 Hospitality Barnes Loughran
Construction Miller Alston
Graphics Welch Bruce

 May 11 - Acceptance letters mailed – Parent/Student orientation date must be established and
included in letters
 May 14-25 (excluding May 15 – HCCA Awards Day) School Visits – Teachers will meet with
accepted students at each high school to discuss expectations.

Phase 4: May - July

 Final numbers – finalize applications and rosters

 Follow up with parents and students throughout the summer with final acceptance letters to
include date for mandatory orientation = Open House I for 2018-19 school year
 Summer sessions

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