Pupil Premium Strategy 2018 2019 PDF

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Reviewed 2018 2019 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement Ashton Primary School

1. Summary information
School Ashton Primary School
Academic Year 2018/19 Total PP budget £130,600. Date of most recent PP Review Sep 2018
Total number of pupils 202 Number of pupils eligible for PP 99 Date for next internal review of this strategy July 2019

2. Current attainment
End of Key Stage results July 2018 Pupils eligible for PP (your school) Pupils not eligible for PP

Key Stage 1 ( year 2)

% achieving ARE in reading 60% 85%
% achieving ARE in writing 50% 90%
% achieving ARE in maths 80% 85%
Key Stage 2 (Year 6)
% achieving ARE in reading 59% 85%
% achieving ARE in writing 82% 85%
% achieving ARE in maths 94% 85%

3. Barriers to future attainment

In-school barriers
A. Disadvantaged pupils show poor oracy skills on entry, and low levels of vocabulary throughout school.

B. Parental engagement and support, children have less access to books and reading in the home environment so their vocabulary aquisition and understanding of story structure is

C. Wellbeing – behaviour , emotional barriers

External barriers
D. Low attendance rates. Attendance at the end of July 2018 was 96% Attendance was once again an area for improvement in the Jan 2017 OFSTED

E. The school is in an area of deprivation and embedding a love for reading is a barrier to learning and progress.

4. Desired outcomes
Desired outcomes and how they will be measured Success criteria
A. Early identification and addressing speech and language issues. Support for speech and Language and Speech and Language difficulties will be identified early and addressed,
vocabulary extension throughout school. children’s communication skills will improve – this will be shown in ETFS
data for communication.
All classes using ‘Talk for Writing’ approach to English lessons to
improve vocabulary and spoken/written language.

B. Family support worker and learning mentors will work with children and parents to develop social skills Behaviour of Pupil Premium children will improve
and behaviour.

5. Planned expenditure
Academic year 2018 - 2019
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted
support and support whole school strategies.
i. Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome Chosen action / What is the evidence and How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you
approach rationale for this choice? implemented well? review
Early identification and Create an SEN team Early identification and support should SEN tem will meet on a weekly basis BF SEN team will be
support for children with to include SENCo and enable children to make progress earlier with SEN consultant to review and effective in raising
special educational needs employ HLTA who will plan attainment of children
work together to on SEN register.
identify needs, plan
support, and HLTA to
provide support in
KS1 to help address
issues early
Support from an SEN
consultant to help the
SEN team to identify
children needing
support, give advice
on how to provide
support and give
training to SEN team
Speech and Language and Speech and language Early identification and intervention (Talk Ensure that SEN team meet with Rec BF July 2019
Communication to have issues will be Boost) should lead to improved team in the first half term to identify
improved in Reception data addressed early and communication children needing Speech and
the SEN team will Language support.
work closely with the
Reception class Ensure that SENCo has made
teacher and TA ( who appropriate referrals to speech and
is specialised in Language therapists.
Speech and
Language.)Referrals Staff to attend Talk Boost training,
to be made to Speech and purchase resources
and Language in
Autumn term
School will also invest
training and staffing to
carry out the
Speech, language and All classes to be using Talk 6 is based on Talk for Writing Y6 teacher will attend all training. NM June 2018 – y6
communication to have Talk for Writing principles, and engages children by verbally Cluster moderating and school to LS writing assessments
improved throughout school approach. retelling stories/reports in order to embed an school moderating of work.
and this to be reflected within Y6 teachers to be understanding of the structure of a piece of In house moderating of writing.
children’s writing and use of trained through Talk 6 writing
grammar. training ( provided
through cluster group
and LEA consultants)

Raise attainment in maths Maths Mastery – Ofsted and DFE are promoting maths Join NCTEM maths hub – action plan LRW Termly as part of
investing in training created with hub leader to ensure JC SB
by developing new and resources to
mastery as an effective approach to that the strategy is rolled out over the
provison and also
teaching approaches adopt the maths broadening and deepening chidren’s agreed time scale. as part of
mastery approach to maths skills Identify maths leaders in both key evaluation of
maths. stages, and ensure that time is participation in
Involvement wit invested to enable them to
NCTEM maths hub observe/team teach/visit other Maths Hub
schools and support staff in Ashton.

Total budgeted cost £ 41,000

ii. Targeted support

Desired outcome Chosen What is the evidence and How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you
action/approach rationale for this choice? implemented well? review
To reduce the barriers to Family support work Children have barriers to learning which may Regular half termly monitoring of SB Weekly welfare
learning for pupils from and interventions stem from things outside of school which are children’s progress at pupil progress meetings
vulnerable families preventing on them being unable to meetings with Senior Leaders and
concentrate, or be ready for learning. class teachers.

To support children with Learning Mentor who Support and nuture groups and strategies Monitoring
behaviourandthrough ABC SB Weekly Welfare
emotional and behaviour will support children in help children to settle into learning and to sheets, monitoring
addressing individual
attendance. This includes LK meetings
issues class and with 1;1 remove barriers to learning children’s behaviour
asking parents to attendance parents
interventions on to discuss attendance if it is a
behaviour concern, raise parent awareness of
the importance of good attendance,
Involvement of other Previous interventions from golden hill have and find out if there are any
agencies – Golden helped to prevent permanent exclusions for Analysis
underlyingof reasons
support behind
from Golden Hill
this which SB
Hill Outreach services children who have been at risk and evidence
we can support ofparents
have avoided exclusion
To support PPG pupils with SEN FSW to work with Support through CAF and TAF involves Weekly Welfare meetings-cases Weekly Welfare
and AEN. To support families of families to support signposting and referring to other agencies , discussed and updated. meetings
PPG pupils through CAF through CAF and TAf which is as effective safeguarding strategy.
processes where required. processes

Total budgeted cost £ 58 ,000

iii. Other approaches
Desired outcome Chosen What is the evidence and How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you
action/approach rationale for this choice? implemented well? review
Providing enriching Support through Feedback for these activities from parents Finding will be allocated to support SB After events, parents
opportunities for pupils funding for activities and children has been that the activities these activities. and children will be
throughout school such as : have provided enriching experiences. asked to complete
Young Voices evaluation forms.
Y6 residential
Wider opportunities (

Total budgeted cost £10, 000

Review of Pupil Premium spending 2018-2019 – to be completed July 2019

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