Letter of Request OCSC Pres

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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP)

August 3, 2018


Obrero Campus Student Council
University of Southeastern Philippines

Internal Vice-President
Obrero Campus Student Council
University of Southeastern Philippines

Mr. President:

I would like to congratulate you personally for having the upper hand of the general elections last school
year 2017-2018. It is a great privilege for us student to have you as our OCSC President and your political
party leading the whole studentry for 3 consecutive years.

I, without the manifestation of guilt of coercion, would like to request the official financial statement of
the Obrero Campus Student Council (OCSC) last school year 2017-2018 for both semesters with the sole
reason of inquiry to see the progress of financial report. This request also a challenge to House of
Representatives’ Council Act No. 3 S. 2018 also known as “An Act Promoting Freedom Of Information In
The University Of Southeastern Philippines-Obrero Campus Student Council By Providing Mandatory
Practices For Transparency Of The Branches And Instrumentalities Of The Student Council And Providing
Regulations With Regards To Acquisition Of Public Records, Providing Penalties And For Other Purposes”

Needless to say, invoking the 2010 Constitution of the Obrero Campus Student Council, with the following
statement to wit:

Article V, Sec. 1, E. Every student shall have the right to have access to all records, similar
items pertaining to official acts documents, books and transactions or decisions of the USEP-OCSC
directly or indirectly affecting him/her.

Rest assured that the inquiry of the financial statement is for personal use only. No records from your
office will be transmitted to another office/person/organization without your recommending approval for
such action.

Respectfully yours



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