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Sheeton- primera clase

Bill: Hey, this is Bill. I'm sorry I'm not in. Just leave a message.


Verbos irregulares

Hey Bill. This is Hank. I'm just calling to let you know that I'll be a little late
to the game tomorrow night. I have to work a few extra hours to finish a
report. I should wrap things upsometime between seven and eight
though. Oh, then I'm planning ondropping by Lisa's house for about an
hour since she's been sick recently. And, uh, one more thing. I'll swing
by my house to pick up some food for the game. See you then.

Present Traducción Past Past Participle

have (jáav) tener had (jáad) had (jáad)
know (nóu) saber, conocer knew (niú) known (nóun)
leave (líiv) irse, dejar, marcharse left (left) left (left)
let (let) dejar, permitir let (let) let (let)
ring (ring) sonar, llamar por teléfono rang (raang) rung (rang)

see (síi) ver saw (so) seen (síin)

swing (suíng) balancear, mecer, colgar swung (suáng) swung (suáng)
1. I should wrap things upDebería terminar todas las cosas
2. I'll swing by my houseMe daré una vuelta por casa
3. I'm just calling to let you knowSólo te estoy llamando para avisarte
4. I'm not inNo estoy en casa

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