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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Friday | October 5, 2018

Fire destroys warehouse at TrimJoist factory

Firefighters still battling Volunteer firefighters from Lown-
des County Fire Services, districts
flames as of press time 1 and 3, responded to the scene at
about 3 a.m. after neighbors reported
Lowndes County volunteer
firefighters responded to
this morning hearing an explosion at the factory,
Lowndes County Fire Coordinator
flames at the TrimJoist
factory on Highway 182
By Isabelle Altman Neal Austin said. As of press time early this morning after
and Mary Pollitz today, firefighters were still battling neighbors reported hear-; flames at the scene. ing an explosion at the
Firefighters from Columbus Fire business. The factory’s
A warehouse was destroyed and a warehouse was destroyed
and Rescue aided in the response.
in the ensuing blaze and
maintenance building damaged in a By the time first responders ar- responders were still bat-
fire that broke out early this morning rived at the scene, the fire was fully tling flames as of press
at the TrimJoist factory on Highway involved, Austin said. The fire began time this morning.
182 East near Columbus. See Fire, 6A Courtesy photo/Neal Austin/Lowndes County Volunteer Fire Services

Caledonia Days
Going to Disney World offers more
events, high-
profile concerts
Festival committee
takes measures to
raise more money after
losing CVB funding
By Slim Smith

Although she is in
just her second year
as Caledonia Days
chairman, Aman-
da Boltwood knows
every year has its
unique challenges
and opportunities.
This year, they are
bigger than usual on
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Ethan Marsh, 7, sits with his parents, Chris and Janet Marsh, during a pep rally at the Heritage High School gym both fronts.
Thursday afternoon to celebrate the school’s senior class project — a fundraiser to provide Ethan with a trip to Caledonia Days
Disney World next fall through Make-A-Wish of Mississippi. events will be held
Oct. 18-20 at Ola J.

Heritage seniors helping fulfill New Hope child’s wish Pickett Park and
Caledonia Elementa-
ry School. Wiggins
By Slim Smith pep rally, no one knew how the announced their choice for a senior “It’s never the guest of honor, 7-year-old Ethan project — funding an all-expenses same from one year to the next,”
Marsh, would handle it. paid trip for the Marshes to Disney Boltwood said. “There are always a

hen the senior class “He’s not real good with loud World through a partnership with few new wrinkles.”
at Heritage Academy noises,” said his father, Chris Make-A-Wish of Mississippi. The biggest unexpected wrinkle
learned the identity of this year came in July when the Co-
Marsh, as he and his wife, Janet,
the child who was going to be the lumbus-Lowndes Convention and
centerpiece of their community
and Ethan waited in the lobby Make-A-Wish Visitors Bureau board voted to end
outside the gym for the event to The Make-A-Wish Foundation
service project last week, its mem- its funding of area festivals in the
begin. “We’ll see.” is a nonprofit that arranges expe-
bers decided to have a pep rally to wake of the expiration of the coun-
Equipped with noise-canceling riences described as “wishes” to ty’s 2-percent restaurant sales tax.
mark the occasion. headphones, Ethan sat silently, but children, ages 2 to 17, who have For Caledonia Days, the decision
But Thursday afternoon, just happily, through the 30-minute pep been diagnosed with critical ill- was an $8,000 hit to its budget.
moments before the start of the rally as the Heritage senior class See Make-A-Wish, 6A “It was a set-back, no doubt about
it,” Boltwood said. “We were expect-
See Caledonia Days, 6A

Breast cancer awareness Month

An advocate for being proactive

Havard uses cancer battle, past mistakes and there
were four of
Robyn Havard
was diag-
to push message of preventative care us mothers nosed with
breast cancer
sitting there. in 2007.
By Alex Holloway She always expected heart One of them
Since beating
disease to be her primary had had a cancer, she’s
concern and was so unwor- mammogram used her
Robyn Havard was sure experiences
she’d never get breast ried about cancer she said and we were
she ignored advice to get discussing,” she said. “One to encourage
cancer. others to take
As far as she knew in mammograms. of them said, ‘You know, preventative
2007, she had no family “I remember sitting they say one in four women care seriously.
history of breast cancer. at a Little League game See Havard, 6A Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 In a 2000 presidential debate, Saturday meetings
George W. Bush accused Al Gore of Oct. 9: Planning
■ Book signing: Ray B. Rogers holds a book
justifying his economic policies with and Zoning Com-
what kind of math? signing for his book “Depression Baby” from 1-3
mission, 5:30
2 Who was the first man to appear on p.m. at the Book Mart & Cafe, 120 E. Main St.,
p.m., City Hall
the cover of “Vogue” in 1992? Starkville.
Oct. 9: Starkville
3 Which is not a layer of Earth’s
atmosphere —the bathysphere, meso- Oktibbeha Con-
Wiley Basham
First grade, Caledonia
sphere or stratosphere? Sunday solidated School
4 What tennis star was stabbed in the ■ Octoberfest for the Arts: This family-friendly District Board

91 Low 68
back at a match in 1993? fundraiser from 1-6 p.m. includes live music, sea- of Trustees, 6
High 5 Who, according to legend, was ad- sonal beer samplings and art, hosted at Zachary’s, p.m., Greensboro
Mostly sunny
vised to stick to truck driving, because 205 Fifth St. N., downtown Columbus, to benefit Center
he’d never make it as a singer? the Columbus Arts Council. $10 cash. Colin Krieg- Oct. 12: Board
Full forecast on Answers, 7B
page 2A. er, 662-329-7653. of Aldermen work
■ Special Mother Goose Story Hour: Three-to- session, 1:15
Inside five-year-old children are invited to this event from
3-4:30 p.m. at the Stephen D. Lee Home, 316
p.m., City Hall
Oct. 15: Board of
Classifieds 7B Obituaries 5A Seventh St. N., Columbus. Stories will be read Supervisors, 5:30
Comics 5B Opinions 4A on the original Story Hour rug made volunteers in Annie Danner enjoys p.m., Oktibbeha
Crossword 6B Religion 6A Columbus in the 1970s. Lemonade and cookies meeting people at the County Court-
Dear Abby 5B served. Eulalie Davis, farmers’ market. house


2A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “This is pretty much how we planned it. I’m not totally sure
what a perfect game on defense looks like, but that was close.”
28 year prison sentence caps East Mississippi Community College defensive coordinator Cliff
Collins after a 34-6 victory against No. 2 Northwest Mississippi
long downfall for ‘Suge’ Knight C.C. on Thursday night. Story, 1B.

Sentencing ended Knight clipped Sloan with

a nearly four-year
his pickup truck, seriously
injuring him, before speed-
ing through the parking lot
court saga and running over Carter A group of about 75 Columbus residents participated in a silent march Thursday evening to protest the han-
dling of the Tronox/Kerr-McGee settlement. The residents, some of whom carrying signs that read, “Stop Get-
and fleeing.
for 53-year-old While Carter’s relatives ting Rich Off Money That Don’t Belong To You,” and “Creosote Killed And Made Us Sick, Not You,” residents
feel that the settlement money due to residents impacted by the contamination has been withheld or provided
said they hoped Knight’s
By ANDREW DALTON lengthy sentence will bring at unfairly low amounts as others — especially attorneys involved in the complicated legal processes of the case
AP Entertainment Writer
them peace, many had no — have profited beyond what is due to them. The march covered about five blocks along 14th Avenue North,
kind words for the Death adjacent to the site of the old creosote plant. The plant closed in 2003 and a trust has been established to clean
LOS ANGELES — Mar- up the contaminated site.
Row Records co-founder,
ion “Suge” Knight was
whom they criticized for
sentenced Thursday to 28
showing a complete lack of
years in prison for mowing remorse.
down and killing a Comp- Carter’s daughter Crys-
ton businessman in a case tal called Knight a “low-life
that completed the former thug,” “career criminal”
rap music mogul’s down- and “a disgusting, selfish
fall from his heyday as one disgrace to the human spe-
of the biggest — and most cies.
feared — names in the mu- “I ask that you sentence
sic industry. this unrepentant, remorse-
Knight, 53, will now like- less, cold, callous menace
ly live out most, if not the to society to the maximum
rest, of his life in a Califor- of 28 years,” she told a
nia prison. He showed no judge.
emotion in court Thursday Before Thursday’s hear-
as relatives of Terry Car- ing, Knight had already
ter, the man he killed, de- agreed to his lengthy prison
scribed their loved one as term by pleading no contest
a devoted family man and to voluntary manslaughter
peacemaker. and avoiding a trial on mur-
Carter was killed af- der and attempted murder
ter Knight and one of his charges that could have
longtime rivals, Cle “Bone” resulted in a life sentence
Sloan, started fighting if he was convicted. The
outside a Compton burg- sentencing ended a nearly
er stand in January 2015. four-year court saga that in-
Knight was upset about his cluded frequent outbursts
portrayal in an N.W.A. biop- by Knight, 53, who also col-
ic, “Straight Outta Comp- lapsed in court during one
ton,” which Sloan was appearance and shuffled
serving as a consultant on. his defense team 16 times. Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff
Scherrell Sturdivant carries her sign beside Marty Turner during the silent march protesting Kerr-McGee on
14th Avenue in Columbus Thursday afternoon.
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SUBSCRIPTIONS Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff

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POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 Community members march in protest against Kerr-McGee on 14th Avenue in Columbus Thursday evening.



Partly cloudy, warm and Mostly sunny, very Mostly sunny, very Partly sunny with a Chance for a couple of
humid warm and humid warm and humid shower or t-storm showers
68° 90° 68° 89° 69° 88° 71° 85° 71°
Columbus Thursday
Thursday 91° 67°
Normal 81° 56°
Record 93° (1954) 33° (1974)
Thursday 0.00
Month to date 0.00
Normal month to date 0.52
Year to date 48.02
Normal year to date 42.04
In feet as of Flood 24-hr.
7 a.m. Thu. Stage Stage Chng.
Amory 20 11.73 -0.02
Bigbee 14 4.25 -0.41 Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Columbus 15 4.61 -0.10 Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Jetstream
Fulton 20 9.14 -0.22 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
Tupelo 21 1.74 -0.14 SAT SUN SAT SUN
In feet as of 24-hr.
7 a.m. Thu. Capacity Level Chng. Boston 63/54/s 75/60/pc Orlando 89/71/t 89/74/t
Chicago 72/59/t 68/61/t Philadelphia 73/60/c 80/66/pc
Aberdeen Dam 188 163.36 +0.07 Dallas 86/73/t 84/72/t Phoenix 87/65/pc 77/61/sh
Stennis Dam 166 136.84 +0.07 Honolulu 87/75/pc 87/77/pc Raleigh 81/67/pc 84/65/pc
Bevill Dam 136 136.49 +0.17 Jacksonville 89/69/pc 87/73/t Salt Lake City 56/41/sh 56/42/r
Memphis 89/73/s 89/71/pc Seattle 61/45/pc 61/51/c
SOLUNAR TABLE Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
fish and game.
Major Minor Major Minor SUN AND MOON MOON PHASES
Fri. 10:20a 4:07a 10:47p 4:34p FRI SAT NEW FIRST FULL LAST
Sat. 11:08a 4:55a 11:34p 5:21p Sunrise 6:51 a.m. 6:52 a.m.
Sunset 6:33 p.m. 6:32 p.m.
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise 2:47 a.m. 3:55 a.m.
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2018 Moonset 4:40 p.m. 5:21 p.m. Oct 8 Oct 16 Oct 24 Oct 31


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In Mississippi, 3 funerals in 2 days for slain law officers

‘In every corner of this state, there are Mississippians praying for you’ stood up for his beliefs.
“The uniform gave him au-
Marquis Flowers, 25, shot the
two Brookhaven officers. Flow-
Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves thority, but not courage,” Stan- ers had a series of previous fel-
ton said, according to the North- ony convictions and was free on
By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS 35, were gunned down while “In every corner of this
and ROGELIO V. SOLIS east Mississippi Daily Journal . bail at the time of the shooting.
responding to reports of shots state, there are Mississippi-
The Associated Press “He was always going to stand He has been hospitalized and
fired at a home in Brookhaven, ans praying for you,” Lt. Gov.
up for what he believed.” has not been charged, and it’s
which is about 60 miles south of Tate Reeves told Moak’s family
BROOKHAVEN — Mourn- Republican Gov. Phil Bry- not clear whether he is repre-
the state capital of Jackson. during the service. ant, who started his own career sented by an attorney. Police
ers gathered in two Mississippi “Even when he was mortally Outside the church, offi-
communities Thursday at fu- as a deputy sheriff, attended have questioned others, but
wounded, he did not think of cers saluted as Moak’s casket, Smith’s funeral in Corinth. it’s unclear if they will pursue
nerals for two law enforcement himself,” Collins said of Moak. draped in an American flag,
officers who were shot to death, “Josh was your brother. Now charges against anyone else.
“He went toward officer James was put into a hearse. you have a sister to watch and In the trooper’s death, Troy
a day after services were held White and he was pulling him The other funeral Thursday protect,” Bryant said. “We must Anthony Eaton, 43, of Rienzi,
for another slain officer. out of the line of fire to safety. was in the northern Mississippi honor this loss by always being Mississippi, surrendered to
In the southern Mississippi And with his final breath, he city of Corinth, for slain High- there for her and the children.” authorities Sunday. Eaton was
city of Brookhaven, the police called, ‘Brookhaven, I’m going way Patrol Cpl. Kenneth “Josh” The deaths in Mississippi charged Monday with capital
chief said a mortally wounded down.’ There is no love greater Smith, 32, of Walnut. He was happened within days of other murder in Smith’s death and ag-
officer called out with his dying than to give your life for anoth- shot to death while off duty ear- violence against law enforce- gravated assault in the shooting
breath: “Brookhaven, I’m going er.” ly Sunday, dying in an isolated ment officers. Seven officers in of Rickie Dale Vick, 38, of Mich-
down.” Hundreds of people, includ- area near the Hatchie River, South Carolina were shot, one igan City, Mississippi. Vick sur-
Chief Kenneth Collins spoke ing many law enforcement southeast of Walnut. of them fatally, on Wednesday vived.
at the funeral of Cpl. Zach officers in uniform, packed Highway Patrol Cpl. Gary in a confrontation with a man Eaton made an initial court
Moak, 31, who was one of two Brookhaven’s Easthaven Bap- Stanton, who went through who authorities said held chil- appearance Monday. Outside
on-duty officers slain early tist Church for Moak’s funeral trooper training with Smith dren hostage as he fired on of- a courthouse in Ashland, he
Saturday in the city of 12,000. Thursday and for White’s on more than a decade ago, said ficers. yelled to WTVA-TV that the
Moak and officer James White, Wednesday. Smith was a brave man who In Mississippi, police say shooting was in “self-defense.”

4 Louisiana men indicted for prison bribery in Mississippi

Indictments are a long-delayed continuation of the ing sheriffs and to secure
commissary contracts
world as an architect but
branched out into other
talked to Epps in October
2014, in hopes of winning
corruption investigation surrounding former Mississippi selling goods to inmates services and once was an contracts for phone and
in regional jails overseen owner of a large private commissary services.
Corrections Commissioner Christopher Epps by the state. prison company. At the time, Epps was al-
Indicted on conspiracy The four are scheduled ready cooperating with
By JEFF AMY The September indict- serving a nearly 20-year and bribery charges are to be arraigned Oct. 16 in the FBI. Private vendors
The Associated Press ments, unsealed Thursday sentence after he admit- 70-year-old Michael LeB- Jackson. Each faces up to sell phone calls and goods
in Jackson, are a long-de- ted taking more than $1.4 lanc Sr. of Baton Rouge, 15 years in prison. It wasn’t to prisoners, often under
layed continuation of the million in bribes from pri- 40-year-old Michael immediately clear who contracts that provide le-
Louisiana men have
been indicted on charges corruption investigation vate contractors. LeBlanc Jr. of Prairiev- their lawyers are. Phone gal payments to jail and
that they tried to bribe a surrounding former Mis- The indictment also al- ille, 59-year-old Tawasky calls to LeBlanc business- prison operators.
Mississippi sheriff with sissippi Corrections Com- leges the men paid Epps Ventroy of Opelousas and es weren’t immediately re- Epps had a history of
$2,000 in casino chips to missioner Christopher $2,000 and promised him 50-year-old Jacque Jones turned Thursday. pushing particular ven-
give them lucrative jail Epps. He’s currently in a more in the future to se- of LaPlace. The elder LeB- Federal prosecutors dors, some of whom were
contracts. federal prison in Texas, cure his help in influenc- lanc started in the prison say the elder LeBlanc in turn paying him bribes.

Around the state

Police: Mississippi violations of rules of the Yazoo County Sheriff sissippi’s outlook as stable.
Supplemental Nutrition Jacob Sheriff tells WLBT-
officer killed knife- Assistance Program. The TV that the robbery hap- 2 horses killed, driver
wielding man state administers the fed- pened around 12:30 a.m.
injured after crash in
GREENVILLE — A eral program. Wednesday.
Mississippi police depart- The charge says Sad- Money was taken from Mississippi
ment says one of its offi- dler extorted money in the woman, but she wasn’t BAY ST. LOUIS —
cers has shot and killed a 2014 and 2015 from store hurt. The Mississippi Highway
man who was reported to owners charged with The sheriff says his of- Patrol says two horses
have stabbed a relative in criminal violations. fice is investigating how a have died after a vehicle
the neck. He faces up to 20 years man wearing a scarf over crashed into them on a
The Delta Dem- in prison. Saddler would his face was able to come road.
ocrat-Times reports be required to pay restitu- through the front door of MHP spokesman
25-year-old Arthur Harbi- tion, if convicted, and pros- the Yazoo City office. Chase Elkins says the
son was shot Wednesday ecutors demand he forfeit The incident comes car was traveling north
night by a Greenville po- any gains. less than a month after a Thursday morning when
lice officer, whose name man entered the Clarks- it crashed into the two
has not been released. Mississippi House dale Police Department horses in the road. News
Assistant Police Chief and attacked an on-duty
Michael Merchant says Speaker forms human dispatcher demanding the
outlets report the crash in
the officer was responding trafficking panel return of property. The
Hancock County caused
the vehicle to go off road
to a disturbance when Har- JACKSON — A panel dispatcher was left with
bison ran into a field, then created by Mississippi facial fractures, bleeding and then hit a power pole.
turned around and moved House Speaker Philip on the brain and a broken Both horses were
toward the officer while Gunn is looking for ways arm. killed. Elkins says the ve-
holding a knife. That’s to reduce human traffick- A man was arrested in hicle’s driver was airlifted
when the officer shot him. ing in the state. the unrelated Clarksdale to University Medical Cen-
The officer was not in- The Clarion Ledger re- incident. ter in New Orleans with
jured. ported the Speaker’s Com- serious injuries.
Merchant says the mission on Public Policy Second credit rater
stabbed person survived. conducted a session enti-
Harbison was white. tled “Mississippi: A Road improves view of
The race of the officer was Block to Human Traffick- Mississippi finances
not immediately available. ing” on Wednesday in JACKSON — A second
The Mississippi Bureau Jackson. of the nation’s three main
of Investigation is look- More than 100 nation- credit rating agencies is
ing into the case. That’s al, state and local experts feeling a little more con-
standard practice for fatal and advocates including fident about Mississippi’s
shootings by police in the law enforcement and law- state government financial
state. makers took part in the picture.
session. Moody’s Investors
Gunn said he hopes Service on Wednesday
Food stamp fraud the panel can make rec- removed its negative out-
investigator charged ommendations for legal look on Mississippi’s debt,
with extorting stores improvements before law- instead raising the out-
JACKSON — A for- makers meet in January. look to stable. Last month,
mer Mississippi food Gunn said the prob- Standard & Poor’s Finan-
stamp fraud investigator lem exists in Jackson and cial Services, also raised
is charged with extorting elsewhere in the state and its outlook from negative
money from convenience he hopes to find way to to stable.
store owners who violated rescue people trapped in Mississippi remains
regulations. those operations. rated Aa2 by Moody’s and
The criminal charge Mississippi’s Inter- has equivalent ratings
against 52-year-old Frank states 10 and 55 make it from the other two main
Saddler of Ridgeland was easy for victims of human credit agencies.
filed Thursday in federal trafficking to be moved Credit ratings can influ-
court in Jackson. through, into and out of ence how much the state
It’s unclear if Saddler the state. has to pay in interest on
has a lawyer and no court its debt, but the financial
appearance is scheduled. advantage of a higher rat-
Defendants sometime
Mississippi sheriff’s ing has been narrowing
plead guilty without being dispatcher robbed while recently.
indicted under a plea bar- on duty Both Moody’s and S&P
gain. YAZOO CITY — A say improving state reve-
Prosecutors say Sad- female 911 dispatcher in nue sparked the revisions.
dler was a Mississippi the Mississippi Delta was Moody’s also cites an up-
Department of Human robbed at gunpoint inside coming deposit into the
Services branch director, a sheriff’s office while she state savings account.
investigating criminal was on duty. Fitch already rated Mis-
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


State-wide poll gives insight into coming elections

Millsaps Col- narrowly failed to most recently last week when by NBC, Hyde-Smith and Espy going to happen.
lege, in cooperation unseat Cochran in he held a rally in Southhaven are tied with 25 percent, but As for next year, when state-
with Chism Strate- a bitter campaign to support Hyde-Smith, whom McDaniel is within striking wide offices are elected, the
gies, released the in 2014; nor Demo- he endorsed earlier this year. distance at 19 percent. poll continues to show encour-
finds from its latest crat Mike Espy, the But the results of the Mill- The message: Don’t count aging news for the only Dem-
quarterly poll of former Secretary of saps poll suggest that Trump’s McDaniel out just yet. ocrat to hold state-wide office.
Mississippi voters Agriculture in the support in Mississippi has If the poll is potentially bad As it has in all of its previous
this week and the Clinton Administra- eroded, somewhat. news for Hyde-Smith, it also polls, the Millsaps/Chism
results show some tion, were on any Trump’s approval rating has some potential bad news poll shows strong approval of
intriguing views as poll questions. in Mississippi is 51%, with for Espy as well. Attorney General Jim Hood
Mississippians go Even so, there 43% disapproving of him. In According to the poll, only while less than glowing sup-
to vote next month were a couple of Mississippi, that number is 50% of Mississippi voters are port for Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves,
and next year. Slim Smith poll questions that alarming and it calls into ques- enthusiastic about voting in Hood’s presumed opponent in
While the poll might give a hint as tion Hyde-Smith’s “all-in” iden- the upcoming November mid- the governor’s race.
did not ask voters for their to what voters may do. tification with the President, term elections while 43% are Hood has an approval rate
preferences for the two US This is especially true if not in the Nov. 6 election, in either somewhat enthusiastic of 50 percent, with just a 27
Senator seats that will be for Hyde-Smith, who has so what will almost certainly be or not enthusiastic at all. For percent disapproval rate.
decided on Nov. 6, the atti- thoroughly hitched her star a run-off, most likely against a Democrat to win state-wide, Meanwhile, Reeves approval
tudes reflected in the poll do to Donald Trump that she can Espy. high turn-out is essential, rate is just 37 percent with a
shed some possible insight scarcely utter a sentence with- McDaniel, whose desire especially among black voters, disapproval rate of 32 percent.
into those races, especially in out invoking the president’s for the Trump endorsement who generally vote in smaller Whether the poll results
the three-way competition to name. has been almost palpable, may numbers than whites. turn out to be accurate indica-
fill the unexpired term of Sen. In the 2016 Presidential see a silver lining in the poll The exception to that was tors of what will happen this
Than Cochran. race, Trump captured 58 results. With just half of the in 2008 and 2012 when black November or next November,
Neither Cindy-Hyde Smith, percent of the vote in Missis- voters support Trump, not hav- voters turned out to vote for they are worth noting.
appointed this spring to hold sippi. Perceived as a Trump ing that endorsement may not Barack Obama. Will those vot- Slim Smith is a columnist
Cochran’s seat until the Nov. stronghold, the President be as damaging as previously ers turn out for another black and feature writer for The
6 election; nor Tea Party Re- visited Mississippi during the thought. candidate in Espy? The poll Dispatch. His email address is
publican Chris McDaniel, who campaign and twice since, In another poll conducted numbers don’t suggest that’s


If some skank
In light of recent
news of a national war
between the sexes,
I’m going to tell you
a little story I think
explains everything.
I tended bar for
a while. That’s no
surprise. Young
working-class men
who need money and
don’t want to join the
military often end up Marc Dion
behind the bar.
The place where
I worked was small, dark inside, and not very
clean. It was friendly though, and I didn’t make
any judgments about how much you drank or
how early in the day you started.
We served a lot of cheap draft beer. We Kavanaugh
didn’t have a blender. We didn’t take credit
cards. We didn’t have a jukebox, because the
owner hated music. We didn’t serve food. In
the men’s room, we had a machine that dis-
We are all deplorables now
pensed cheap cologne, and a condom machine. Four days after he correct, even if they were 1 nominee Clarence Thomas, and
In the ladies’ room, we had a machine that described Christine Bla- politically incorrect. Trump nominee Brett Kavanaugh,
dispensed cheap perfume, and a condom sey Ford, the accuser of This was not a “job in- the last three all judges on the
machine. Judge Brett Kavanaugh, terview” for Kavanaugh. nation’s second-highest court, the
I shoved glasses of beer across the bar, and as a “very credible wit- In a job interview, District of Columbia Circuit Court of
men drank the beer. When I looked down the ness,” President Donald half the members of the Appeals?
length of the bar, I didn’t see people. What I Trump could no longer hiring committee are not Is it a coincidence that all four
saw was glasses and money. I filled the glasses, contain his feelings or so instantly hostile to an were Republican appointees, all four
and I picked up the money, and that was the constrain his instincts. applicant that they will were judicial conservatives, and all
job. With the fate of his conspire to criminalize four were gutted on the grounds of
About two weeks into working there, I was Supreme Court nominee and crush him to the philosophy or character?
standing behind the bar on a dark winter after- in the balance, Trump let point of wounding his Is it a coincidence that Nixon in
noon, lining up the two brands of vodka we sold his “Make America Great Patrick Buchanan family and ruining his Watergate, Reagan in the Iran-Contra
in alphabetical order, when the owner, who was Again” rally attendees in reputation. affair, and now Trump in Russiagate,
in the place to see if he could catch me steal- Mississippi know what he When Sen. Lindsey were all targets of partisan cam-
ing, called me down to the end of the bar. really thought of Ford’s testimony. Graham charged the Democratic paigns to impeach and remove them
“I forgot tell you there’s no condoms in the “’Thirty-six years ago this hap- minority with such collusion, he was from office?
condom machine in the girl’s room,” he said. pened. I had one beer.’ ‘Right?’ ‘I had dead on. This was a neo-Bolshevik Consider what happened to decent
“Did it run out?” I asked. one beer.’ ‘Well, you think it was (one show trial where the defendant was Gerald Ford who came into the oval
“Nah, I never put no condoms in the girl’s beer)?’ ‘Nope, it was one beer.’ ‘Oh, presumed guilty and due process office in 1974, preaching “the politics
room,” the owner said. good. How did you get home?’” meant digging up dirt from his school of compromise and consensus.”
“Guys, they go in, they put a half-a-buck in ‘I don’t remember.’ ‘How did you days to smear and break him. To bring the country together
the machine, they don’t get no condom, they get there?’ ‘I don’t remember.’ ‘Where Our cultural elites have declared after Watergate, Ford pardoned
come out and ask the bartender for their mon- is the place?’ ‘I don’t remember.’ ‘How Trump a poltroon for daring to mock President Nixon. For that act of mag-
ey back,” he said. many years ago was it?’ ‘I don’t know. Ford’s story of what happened 36 nanimity, he was torn to pieces by a
“Women, they go in there, they put money in I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t years ago. Yet, these same elites Beltway elite that had been denied its
the machine, they don’t get no condom, they’re know.’” reacted with delight at Matt Damon’s anticipated pleasure of seeing Nixon
too embarrassed to complain. The condom By now the Mississippi MAGA “SNL” depiction of Kavanaugh’s prosecuted, convicted and sentenced
machine in the girl’s room’s been empty for 25 crowd was cheering and laughing. angry and agonized appearance, just to prison.
years. Pure profit.” Trump went on: “’What neigh- 48 hours before. Trump is president because he
“They never complain?” I asked. borhood was it in?’ ‘I don’t know.’ Is it not hypocritical to laugh gets it. He understands what this
“Look, if some skank complains, give her ‘Where’s the house?’ ‘I don’t know.’ uproariously at a comedic depiction Beltway elite are all about — the
the half-a-buck,” he said. “Don’t worry, though. ‘Upstairs, downstairs, where was of Kavanaugh’s anguish, while de- discrediting of his victory as a prod-
It ain’t gonna happen.” it?’ ‘I don’t know. But I had one beer. manding quiet respect for the highly uct of criminal collusion with Russia
It didn’t, not during the year I worked in That’s the only thing I remember.’” suspect and uncorroborated story of and his resignation or removal in
that place. During that year, I broke up quite a Since that day three years ago Ford? disgrace. And the “base” that comes
few fights, cut myself more than once slicing when he came down the escalator Ford was handled by the judiciary to these rallies to cheer him on, they
limes, threw out several prostitutes, caught a at Trump Tower to talk of “rapists” committee with the delicacy of a get it, too.
young guy snorting coke in the men’s room crossing the U.S. border from Mexi- Faberge egg, said Kellyanne Conway, Since Reagan’s time, there are
and helped a few customers drink themselves co, few Trump remarks have ignited while Kavanaugh was subjected to few conservatives who have not been
out of marriages and jobs. But no woman ever greater outrage. a hostile interrogation by Senate called one or more of the names in
asked me for the half-a-buck. Commentators have declared Democrats. Hillary Clinton’s litany of devils, her
Almost everything you need to know about themselves horrified and sickened In our widening and deepening “basket of deplorables” — racist,
men and women in America is in that story that a president would so mock cultural-civil war, the Kavanaugh sexist, homophobic, xenophobic,
somewhere, and so is a bunch of stuff you need the testimony of a victim of sexual nomination will be seen as a land- Islamophobic, bigoted, irredeemable.
to know about capitalism. assault. mark battle. And Trump’s instincts, The battle over Kavanaugh’s
If some woman had asked me for the half-a- The Republican senators who will to treat his Democratic assailants as nomination, and the disparagement
buck back, I would have given it to her. likely cast the decisive votes on Ka- ideological enemies, with whom he of the Republicans who have stood
“Don’t put the money in again,” I would have vanaugh’s confirmation — Jeff Flake, is in mortal struggle, will be seen as strongest by the judge, seems to have
told her. “It must be out. I’ll tell the owner.” Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski — correct. awakened even the most congenial to
The perfume machine was never empty. they all decried Trump’s mimicry. Consider. In the last half-century, the new political reality.
Because the perfume machine is never empty. Yet, in tossing out the “Catechism which Supreme Court nominees were We are all deplorables now.
Marc Dion, a nationally syndicated colum- of Political Correctness” and treat- the most maligned and savaged? Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally
nist, is a reporter and columnist for The Herald ing the character assassination of Were they not Nixon nominee syndicated columnist, was a senior
News, the daily newspaper of his hometown, Fall Kavanaugh as what it was, a rotten Clement Haynsworth, chief judge advisor to presidents Richard Nixon,
River, Massachusetts. For more on Dion, go to go conspiracy to destroy and defeat his of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. His
to nominee, Trump’s instincts were Reagan nominee Robert Bork, Bush website is
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Jewel Dean Jackson. Miller of Birmingham, Selvie, Felicia Selvie, funeral her husband, Michael
OBITUARY POLICY He attended Sulligent Alabama and Willie Erica Martin and Callie home. L. McGhee of Co-
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
High School and Bevill Miller of Providence, Mae Davis; sisters, Lee-Sykes lumbus; son, Devoris
service times, are provided State Community Col- Rhode Island; 37 Helen Brooks, Annie Funeral O’Neal of Columbus;
free of charge. Extended obit- lege. He was an Army grandchildren; and 12 Sue Selvie, Dorothy Home is in sisters, Diane O’Neal
uaries with a photograph, de- National Guard veter- great-grandchildren. Selvie, Alberta Selvie, charge of and Brenda Martin,
tailed biographical information an and was formerly Pallbearers will be Lisa Selvie and Johnnie arrange- both of Columbus and
and other details families may employed with WEJ Timothy Lowery, Jovon- Stallings; and brothers, ments. McGhee Patsy A. O’Neal of
wish to include, are available Trucking and Monroe tate Lowery, Damion Jessie Selvie, J.T. Selvie Huntsville, Alabama;
for a fee. Obituaries must be Mrs.
County Landfill. Pope, Quentell Lowery, and Henry Young.
submitted through funeral
He is survived by his McGhee was born brothers, Bobby C.
homes unless the deceased’s George Lowery and
wife, Earline Hulsey of Robert Lowery. March 29, 1960, in Co- O’Neal, AlFonso O’Ne-
body has been donated to
science. If the deceased’s Greenwood Springs;
Cheryl McGhee lumbus, to the late Earl al, Michael O’Neal and
COLUMBUS — O’Neal and Annie Will Reginald O’Neal, all of
body was donated to science, sons, Ricky Hulsey of Maggie Cureton
the family must provide official Greenwood Springs and Cheryl Denise O’Neal O’Neal. Columbus.
COLUMBUS — McGhee, 58, died in
proof of death. Please submit
Donal Wayne Hulsey of She is survived by See Obituaries, 7A
all obituaries on the form Maggie Cureton, 70, Atlanta, Georgia.
provided by The Commercial
Sulligent; brother, Larry died Sept. 25, 2018.
Hulsey of Sulligent; Services will be at I don’t want flowers at my funeral. I want
Dispatch. Free notices must Ser- 2:30 p.m. Saturday at
be submitted to the newspa-
per no later than 3 p.m. the
sisters, Opal Stripling
of Water Valley and
vices will
be at 11
Lee-Sykes Funeral Animal Shelter Donations!
day prior for publication Tues- Mary Ann Pennington Home Chapel. Burial If you want it done your way, you need to call us.
day through Friday; no later
a.m. Satur- will follow at Union
of Tuscaloosa; eight day at Zion
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the
grandchildren; and four Cemetery. Visitation
Sunday edition; and no later Gate M.B.
great-grandchildren. will be from noon-6
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Church.
Pallbearers were p.m. Friday at the
edition. Incomplete notices Burial will
must be received no later than Qwade Murff, Sean follow at Cureton
7:30 a.m. for the Monday Guyton, Luke Hulsey, Friendship When Caring Counts...
through Friday editions. Paid Colton Guyton, Nathan Cemetery. Visitation Lowndes Funeral Home and Crematory
notices must be finalized by 3
Zaragosa and Jack will be from noon-6 (662) 328-1808
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Monday through Thursday; and
Dillard. p.m. Friday at Lee-
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Sykes Funeral Home.
and Monday publication. For Cecilia Rice Lee-Sykes Funeral
more information, call 662- COLUMBUS — Ce- Home is in charge of
cilia Lemon-Rice, 60, arrangements.
died Oct. 2, 2018. Ms. Cureton was
Michaela Davis Celebra- born May 12, 1948, in
COLUMBUS — Mi- tion of Life Columbus, to the late
chaela Dionne Davis, services Ben Ctorn and Annie
17, died Sept. 27, 2018, will be Lou Jones. She was
at Baptist at 1 p.m. formerly employed with
Memorial Saturday Humboldt Products and
Hospi- at United as a cook with Jones
tal-Golden Christian Restaurant.
Triangle. Baptist Rice
She is survived by
Services Church. her sons, Leb Cureton
will be at Burial will follow at and Leonard Cureton,
11 a.m. Memorial Gardens both of Columbus;
Saturday at Davis Cemetery. Westhaven brother, Freddie Lee
Caledonia Memorial Funeral Jones of St. Louis, Mis-
High School with R.J. Home is in charge of souri; 11 grandchildren;
Matthews officiating. arrangements. and 12 great-grandchil-
Burial will follow at Me- She was preceded in dren.
morial Gardens Ceme- death by her parents,
tery. Visitation will be Booker and Sylvia
from 3-8 p.m. Friday at Lemon; and sister, Nina Frank Selvie
Carter’s Funeral Ser- Lemon. COLUMBUS —
vices. Carter’s Funeral She is survived by Frank J. Selvie, 71, died
Services is in charge of her sisters, Valeska Sept. 30, 2018, in Bir-
arrangements. Buie of Des Moines, mingham,
Miss Davis was Iowa and Kervia Diggs Alabama.
born Aug. 16, 2001, in of Mount Juliet, Tennes- Services
Columbus, to Michael see. will be at
Davis Sr. and LaShon- 11 a.m.

Daniel Gentry
Saturday at
dra Dionne Chamber- Bertha Lowery East Sand
lain. She was a student COLUMBUS — Ber-
at Caledonia High tha Lee Lowery, 82, Creek Selvie John Daniel Gentry, 34,
School and a member died Sept. 30, 2018, in M.B.
passed away Sunday, Sep-
of the color guard at Columbus. Church in
tember 30, 2018, in Mountain
Columbus High School. Services Starkville. Burial will
Home, Arkansas.
She was a member of will be at follow at the church
Services will be held Sat-
Kingdom Vision Inter- 11 a.m. cemetery. Visitation
urday, October 6, 2018, at 2:00
national Church and Saturday at will be from 2-6 p.m. p.m. at Shaeffer’s Chapel Unit-
dance leader for the Christ De- Friday at West Memo- ed Methodist Church with Rev.
children’s ministries. liverance rial Funeral Home. Curtis Bray officiating. Burial
In addition to her Center West Memorial Funeral will follow at Shaeffer’s Chapel
parents, she is survived with the Lowery Home is in charge of Cemetery. Visitation will be held Friday, October
by her siblings, Jalyn Rev. Joe arrangements. 5, 2018, at Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home
Gordon, Jeffery Gor- Eggleston officiating. He is survived by his & Crematory, College St. location from 5:00 p.m.
don, Michael Davis Jr., Burial will follow at wife, Catherine Selvie; to 9:00 p.m.
Michael Johnson and Oakland M.B. Church sons, Alonzo Selvie Sr. Daniel was born on Monday, August 6, 1984,
Damian Johnson, all Cemetery. Visitation and Marcus Selvie Sr.; in Columbus, MS, to David Ricky and Amanda
of Columbus, Tami- will be from noon-6 daughters, Franverlena Perkins Gentry. He was a 2003 graduate of Co-
la Smith of Atlanta, p.m. Friday at Carter’s lumbus High and was employed as an entry end

Linda Norris Simons

Georgia and Antonia Funeral Services. Car- operator on the push-pull pickle line for Steel Dy-
Johnson of Arlington, ter’s Funeral Services namics. He was a member of Shaeffer’s Chapel
Texas. is in charge of arrange- United Methodist Church.
Pallbearers will ments. It is with great sadness that the family of Linda Daniel married the love of his life, Ashley, on
be Jeffery Gordon, Mrs. Lowery was Norris Simons announces her sudden passing on May 22, 2010. Together they have 3 children:
Michael Davis Jr., born Aug. 18, 1936, in Sunday, September 30, 2018, at the age of 71. Eden Claire, John Paul and Cooper Dale Gentry.
Trayshun Tate, Anto- Noxubee County, to the Linda will be lovingly remembered by her It’s common knowledge that Daniel was a jack of
nio Johnson, Damian late George and Eddie husband of 23 years, Robert, and her daughter, all trades, who sported a constant smile and was
Johnson and Michael Miller. Angela Walker. Linda will also be remembered friends with everyone. Daniel loved a good bon-
Johnson. In addition to her with deepest affection by her grandsons, Alan fire, woodworking, smoking food for his friends
parents, she was pre- Taylor (Amy) and William Bunton (Bobbye), and family, hunting, fishing, riding four wheelers
Donald Hulsey ceded in death by her along with her brother, James Norris (Becky) and doing tractor work. He was a comedian who
GREENWOOD son, Ernest Lowery; and sister, Patricia Garber (Michael). loved making people laugh, helping anyone in
SPRINGS — Donald daughter, Bernice Low- Linda was preceded in death by her husband, need and adored his children and Ashley beyond
Lee Hulsey, 72, died ery Pope; and brother, Donald Stone, and her parents, Eldridge and words.
Oct. 2, 2018, near Aber- George Miller; and Elna Norris. Daniel was loved by many, adored by all who
deen. sisters, Ida Woods and Born in Caledonia, MS, on July 31, 1947, knew him and will be missed to the moon and
Services were at 2 Margaret Miller. Linda moved frequently in her childhood due back.
p.m. Thursday at Otts She is survived to her father’s military career. She met her first In addition to his parents, Daniel is survived
Funeral Home with by her husband, T.C. husband while attending Valdosta State Teachers’ by his wife, Ashley Sullivan Gentry of Colum-
Charles Flippo and Jim Lowery of Colum- College. After her parents retired to Caledonia, bus, MS; daughter, Eden Claire; sons, John Paul
Northington officiat- bus; children, Patrica Linda and her family relocated to Columbus. She and Cooper Dale; brother, James Dennis Gentry
ing. Burial followed Knight of Baytown, completed her degree in education at Mississippi (Christina); mother-in-law, Linda Champion Sul-
at Pickle Cemetery. Texas, Maggie Sykes of State College for Women ( now MUW). livan; brother-in-law, Justin Sullivan; nephews,
Visitation was from Long Island, New York; She was an educator in the Columbus Public William, Wyatt, Milo and Jackson Gentry; and a
6-8 p.m. Wednesday Eddie Lowery of Tupe- School System for over 30 years. Linda began her host of aunts, uncles, and cousins.
at the funeral home. lo, Dorothy Frierson, teaching career at Hughes Elementary School. Pallbearers will be Joe Elinburg, Lee Elin-
Otts Funeral Home was Tommy Lowery, D.L. Her last years of teaching were at Hunt Middle burg, Curtis Godfrey, Lance Hearn, Chad Dees,
in charge of arrange- Lowery, Jerry Lowery School. After gaining professional experience, Dusty Kesler, Lamar Hodges, Keegan Hays and
ments. and Frederick Low- she frequently served as a supervising teacher for Andrew Hagood. Honorary pallbearers will be
Mr. Hulsey was born ery, all of Columbus; student teachers from MUW. Linda was beloved Justin Sullivan, Nathan Mordecai, Jordan Mor-
Dec. 18, 1945, in Lamar siblings, Laura Brown by her students. She was the quintessential decai, David Plant, Steven Plant, Wesley Cham-
County, Alabama, to and Georgia Rogers, teacher, working long hours and often providing pion, John Taylor Champion, Robert Champion,
the late Guy Hulsey and both of Columbus, J.C. materials from her own resources for those Bobby Champion, The Steel Dynamics family
students lacking supplies. and extended cousins.
Even in death, Linda sought to extend

Log on.
In lieu of flowers and in honor of Daniel’s
educational opportunities for students. She brother-in-law, Justin Dale Sullivan, memorials
donated her body to medical research. Her may be made to Huntingtons Disease Society of
family is holding a private memorial to celebrate America (HDSA) online at
her life.
Memorial donations to honor Linda’s life
may be made to the 529 college savings plan
for her beloved great-granddaughter, Chloe
Nicole Bunton, at Mississippi Affordable College Sign the online guest book at
Savings, P.O. Box 44038, Jacksonville, FL 32231.
Paid Obituary 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
6A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
nesses. With chapters in every their medical conditions, the
state and 50 counties, the children Make-A-Wish work
organization grants 300,000 with are accustomed to being
“wishes” each year. told, “No, you can’t.”
In Mississippi, Ethan will If you were to crystallize
be one of about 100 kids whose what Make-A-Wish does for
wishes are granted each year, the kids, she said, it is through
thanks to the 28 Heritage providing a different answer.
seniors who chose it as their “We at Make-A-Wish like to
senior class community ser- say yes,” Craig said. “Yes, you
vice project when the school can go and meet Julio Jones of
year began in August. the Atlanta Falcons. Yes, you
“We had several options to can go to Hawaii and swim
chose from for our project,” with the dolphins. Yes, you can
Student Government President have a swimming pool in your
Gigi Fields said. “We felt that back yard, Yes, you can meet
Make-A-Wish was the best an actor in Hollywood.
wish for our class because we “That’s what we do,” she
wanted a project that had a per- added. “We give them hope,
sonal connection to our school strength and joy. Not just
and our community.” the wish kid, but their entire
After choosing Make a family.”
Wish, the seniors turned to
Stacy Craig, the state’s Make- ‘A marvelous charity’
A-Wish coordinator, to find a One of those families also
candidate. participated in Thursday’s pep
Craig said there are cur- rally at Heritage.
rently 185 Mississippi children Dr. John King, a Columbus
on the state’s Make-A-Wish cardiologist, spoke about his
waiting list. family’s experience with Make- Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Mississippi State University quarterback Nick Fitzgerald shakes hands with Ethan Marsh, 7, and pres-
A-Wish. His 6-year-old daugh- ents him with an autographed helmet as part of a special pep rally at Heritage High School. The pep
An obvious choice ter, Elizabeth, was granted her rally was held to commemorate the school’s senior class project, which will raise funds to send Ethan
Ethan, whose family lives wish in 2016 as she battled leu- to Disney World through the Make-A-Wish of Mississippi program. Fitzgerald paid a surprise visit to
in New Hope, was an obvious kemia. Thursday, cancer-free Ethan at the end of the pep rally.
choice since the Heritage stu- Elizabeth joined the Heritage
dents wanted to help someone cheerleaders in cheering at the money raised with help Make- “They had asked me earlier “I’d like to be involved with
locally. pep rally. A-Wish fund other wishes. this week who Ethan’s favorite many more things like this,”
Born with a congenital “This is a marvelous char- football player was,” he said. Fitzgerald said. “I think a lot of
heart defect, Ethan has had ity,” John King said. “This is A special guest “That’s all they said, but I
thought something was up.”
people take for granted waking
two open-heart surgeries in his the human aspect of treating Thursday’s pep rally was a up healthy every day. This
short life and will likely need somebody that has a terrible scripted event — the school Indeed, as Ethan’s parent reminds you that things could
more, his father said. He was illness or a terrible condition. even had a printed itinerary. dutifully shouted, “Hail State,” be a lot worse. For a child like
also born with a hypo-plastic It’s the fun part. They’re going But there was one departure MSU quarterback Nick Fitz- that to have to go thorough
kidney, which means he is to do fun things with this mon- from the script. gerald strode across the gym
something like this, it’s heart-
essentially living with one ey. It’s nice to be able to give Near the end, Lynne Snead, floor, giving the family a hug
breaking. I’m glad Make-A-
kidney. He is also autistic and a gift that you know is going a math teacher and senior and presenting Ethan with an
Wish is going to be able to help
does not speak. to go to something that’s good project sponsor at Heritage, autographed MSU helmet.
“Ethan can’t go to the him out.”
Despite those health issues, and fun. It’s something we can asked the Marshes to yell
Ethan seems determined to be all be proud of.” games, but he does watch the The Marshes will make
“Hail State” as a special guest
a “regular kid,” his father said. Students initially set a goal walked into the gym. games on TV,” Chris Marsh their all-expense-paid trip to
“He goes to school and can of $10,000 for Ethan — the av- Chris Marsh, who had worn said. “When he sees Nick, he Disney World next November.
do most of the things other erage amount required to grant a Mississippi State t-shirt and points to the TV. He knows “There wasn’t any question
kids do, only he needs constant a wish — but has since raised it ball cap to the rally, said his who he is.” what his wish would be,” Janet
adult supervision,” he said. to $50,000. They have already choice of apparel was not coin- Fitzgerald was clearly Marsh said. “He loves Mickey
Craig said that because of raised $7,000. The surplus cidental. moved by the event. Mouse.”

Continued from Page 1A
in the warehouse behind the Austin said they won’t start
main factory where the busi- looking into the cause of the
ness’ products were being fire until later today. He added
stored and moved to a nearby firefighters will monitor the
maintenance building. Fire- warehouse wreckage for the
fighters extinguished the fire next couple of days to make Local firefighters
at the maintenance building sure the fire doesn’t spread. maintain a fire
and contained the flames to TrimJoist is a Colum- at TrimJoist on
the warehouse area. bus-based company that de- Highway 182
There were no injuries re- signs and produces wooden near Columbus.
ported in the incident. Austin floor trusses. According to The fire started
said no one was in the factory the Secretary of State’s web- at about 3 a.m.
at the time the fire began. site, the president and direc- and is current-
ly contained.
Austin also said firefight- tor of TrimJoist is Barry San-
Firefighters will
ers don’t know what caused ford. continue to mon-
the reported explosion or the The Dispatch could not itor the fire for
fire. Authorities have called reach Sanford or other fac- the next couple
investigators from the State tory management by press days.
Fire Marshal’s Office, but time. Mary Pollitz/Dispatch Staff

Continued from Page 1A
will have breast cancer.’ “She’s a pretty strong- that room and sit there “I don’t have any about planning things out. preventative care.
I remember sitting there willed person,” Eddie and smile and act like all daughters, but it’s given “If I want to go to the “A lot of cancers now
thinking ‘I wonder which said. “We kept a positive was good in the world so my nieces the ability to go beach, I go to the beach,” are not death sentences,
one of them it will be.’ It attitude and were deter- his world would not be and get that testing done,” she said. “If I want to visit unless you let them get to
was just so not something mined to beat it. Basically, rocked that particular she said. “That way they the mountains, I visit the that point,” Robyn said. “I
I was going to have. It all I was there for was day.” can be more proactive, mountains. If I want to felt really foolish. I think
wasn’t going to be me, and positive support. I did ev- Robyn takes preventa- instead of reactive like visit an aunt, I go visit her. back now and I laugh, but
it turned out to be me.” erything I could to keep it tive care much more seri- their aunt was. ... If the … Now it’s not uncom- really, truly, it would have
Havard was diagnosed positive and give her that ously now. Since her diag- knowledge of what I went mon for me to wake up on made such a difference
in August 2007, shortly support because she was nosis, she said, research through helps my nieces, Monday morning, and my in my battle if I had found
before turning 44 years going through a pretty has pointed to a possible then I’m grateful for the husband and I decide we out early.
old, with stage three rough time.” link between aunts and ability to, in some way, want to go to a concert on “To those women
breast cancer. By that Eleven years later, nieces for developing help them.” Friday night in Colorado. sitting out there thinking
time, the cancer — which Robyn is a survivor. The breast cancer. Robyn said We get in the car and go.” they don’t have time — I
she said was an aggres- diagnosis, she learned, she’s had aunts and cous- ‘You’re not promised Eddie said that’s been was busy,” she added.
sive form of breast cancer was a lesson that some- ins diagnosed with breast tomorrow’ a good lesson for both of “That was one of the
— had already spread to times things aren’t always cancer since she learned Robyn’s journey wasn’t them. reasons I didn’t go. I made
her lymph nodes. as bad as you think. she had it. easy, but it’s shaped the “You’re not promised the comment that I didn’t
Eddie Havard, Robyn’s “I found out that I had She’s also encouraged way she views the world tomorrow,” Eddie said. have time to have breast
husband, said there was breast cancer at about 2 her nieces to be more now. “We realize that now. So cancer or to do anything
“a lot of crying” when o’ clock in the afternoon proactive in taking DNA She said she’s much if we decide we want to do about it if I do. That was
Robyn was diagnosed. on the day for orientation testing to see if they’re more willing to do the something, we do our best dumb. Because let me tell
But, he said, they worked for my oldest son’s high genetically predisposed things she wants to do to go ahead and do it.” you, time will stop and
together to stay positive school senior year,” she toward getting breast now, where before she Robyn has now become you will time to take care
as she fought the disease. said. “So I had to go into cancer. was more meticulous a strong advocate for of what you need to.”

Caledonia Days
Continued from Page 1A
ing the get that money process,” Wiggins said. dered tickets, $20 at the concert, which begins at to be a real plus,” Wiggins and arts/crafts vendors
and had made our plans “I think the last check we gate. 7 p.m. said. “I think there are this year, an increase of
around that. So that’s got from (the CVB) was The decision to charge “It was a big step we 2,000 tickets available, and about 25 over last year.
something we’ve had to $2,500. The idea for the for the concert was not took this year,“ Boltwood we’re already close to sell- “It’s an event that con-
work around.” funding that it was always only an effort to offset the said. “It’s not cheap to get ing half of those through tinues to grow, mainly
Boltwood said her com- supposed to be something cost of the concert, but people like Rodney Atkins online sales.” through the work of all the
mittee added sponsors that helped festivals and to raise the quality of the and Hudson Moore, but There are two more people who volunteer and
and picked up a $1,500 events get up and running concert. this is a direction I’ve al- new additions to this the people of Caledonia,”
grant from the Mississip- until they could be self-suf- This year’s concert will ways wanted to go in.” year’s festival. On Thurs- Boltwood said. “Last year,
pi Development Authority ficient. I think we’re get- be headlined by chart-top- Wiggins said he’s en- day evening, the first Miss we estimated that 10,000
to offset some of that lost ting pretty close to that ping country artists Rod- couraged by the online Caledonia Days Pageant people came the Caledo-
revenue. with Caledonia Days.” ney Atkins, who won Top ticket sales and believes will be held at Caledonia nia Days. The town’s pop-
Caledonia Mayor Mitch Another move to offset New Male Vocalist at the the high-profile artists will Elementary School, and a ulation is just 1,100, so that
Wiggins said the town the loss CVB funding rep- Academy of Country Mu- attract more out-of-town 5K Color Run will make its tells you how much sup-
contributes $15,000 annu- resents one of the biggest sic Awards in 2006 and has visitors. debut Saturday morning port we’ve had.”
ally to the event. changes in the event’s 16- produced six No. 1 singles. “Initially, when we first at the park. For more information
“To be honest, the mon- year history. For the first Hudson Moore, tabbed as began thinking about Boltwood said vendor on Caledonia Days and to
ey we have been receiving time, the Friday night one of “10 Country Artists selling tickets, there was applications are still being purchase concert tickets,
from the CVB has been concert will be a ticketed to Watch” by Rolling Stone some push-back, but I accepted. She expects to go to www.caledoniadays.
in sort of a step-down event — $15 for pre-or- magazine, will open the think it’s going to turn out have as many as 170 food
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 7A

Continued from Page 5A

Ned Coleman cemetery. Visitation will Willie Evans Jerriel White

COLUMBUS — Ned be from 1-5 p.m. Friday WEST POINT — WILMINGTON,
“Papa” Coleman, 71, at Century Hairston Willie Ann Evans, 68, Del. — Jerriel Tyshone
died Sept. 26, 2018, in Funeral Home. Century died Sept. 28, 2018, at White, 37, died Sept. 29,
Columbus. Hairston Funeral Home North Mississippi Medi- 2018, at his residence.
Services is in charge of arrange- cal Center in Tupelo. Services will be at
will be at 2 ments. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at
p.m. Satur- Mrs. Moore was 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Northside Christian
day at Oak born March 5, 1935, in Mt. Pisgah Waverly Church with Mark
Grove M.B. Columbus, to the late Jones Jr. officiating.
M.B. Church with the
Church L.T. and Daisy Buchan- Burial will follow at Mt.
Rev. Bobby Bowen
with an. Zion Church Ceme-
officiating. Burial will
the Rev. Coleman She is survived by tery. Visitation will be
follow at Greenwood
Therman her sons, Joe Buchanan from 3-6 p.m. Friday at
Cemetery. Visitation
Cunningham Sr. offici- of Starkville, Andrew, Carter’s Mortuary Ser-
will be from 3-6 p.m.
ating. Burial will follow Sammie, Jessie and vices Chapel. Carter’s
Friday at Carter’s Mor-
at the church ceme- Johnny Buchanan, all Mortuary Services is
tuary Services Chapel.
tery. Visitation will be of Columbus and James in charge of arrange-
Buchanan of Jackson; Carter’s Mortuary
from 3-8 p.m. Friday at Services is in charge of ments.
Carter’s Funeral Ser- daughters, Emma Petty Mr. White was born
of Columbus and Rosie arrangements.
vices. Carter’s Funeral Mrs. Evans was born May 31, 1981, in West
Services is in charge of Collie of Southaven, Point, to Sammie L.
Lena Thomas of Tam- May 18, 1950, in Loui-
arrangements. siana, to the late Willie White Jr. and Mary D.
MR. Coleman was pa, Florida and Collie White. He was formerly
Buchanan of Vernon, Cox and Alma Cox.
born Nov. 17, 1946, in In addition to her employed as a construc-
Columbus, to the late Alabama; and a host of tion worker.
grandchildren. parents, she was pre-
Eddie and Edith Cole- ceded in death by her In addition to his
man. He was formerly parents, he is survived
husband, Willie Lee
employed as a steel Charles Tillman Evans; brothers, Jessie
by his wife, Phyllis
worker with Electric COLUMBUS — White of Wilming-
Cox, Thomas Cox and
Steel. Charles Anthony Till- ton; son, Jarmarkus
Johnny Earl Cox; and
In addition to his par- man, 46, died Sept. 28, Randle of West Point;
sisters, Mattie Brown,
ents, he was preceded 2018, at the University stepsons, Zierre and
Velma Riddle and Lizzie Pierre McManus, both
in death by his siblings, of Alabama
John Coleman, Charles Poe. of Wilmington; daugh-
Coleman, Willie Cole- She is survived ters, Destiny White of
man, Emmitt Coleman, by her daughters, West Point, Zaria White
in Bir-
Wiley Coleman, George mingham, Roberta Evans and of Macon and Tange-
Coleman, Raymond Alabama. Tarsha Evans; broth- la White of Atlanta;
Coleman and Ann Services er, Robert Cox; seven stepdaughter, Ciera
Mosby. will be at 2 grandchildren; and 10 Miller of Wilmington;
He is survived by his p.m. Satur-
Tillman great-grandchildren. brothers, Enos Davis
daughter, Tanya Cole- day at Mt. of Jacksonville, Florida
man-Randolph of India- Ary M.B. Church with Barry Bounds and Travis White of
napolis, Indiana; sons, the Rev. Erick Logan COLUMBUS — Bar- Rock Hill, South Caroli-
Alex Stowe and Keith officiating. Burial will ry Bounds, 55, died Oct. na; and sisters, Shelon
Price, both of Indianap- follow at Sturdivant 4, 2018, at his residence. Washington of Stone
olis, Indiana and Ned Cemetery. Visitation Arrangements are Mountain, Georgia and
Dairus Coleman of Co- will be from noon-6 incomplete and will be Ashley Matthews of
lumbus; siblings, Dock p.m. Friday at Carter’s announced by Lowndes West Point.
Coleman of Columbus, Funeral Services. Car- Funeral Home. See Obituaries, 8A
Robert Coleman of In- ter’s Funeral Services
dianapolis, Indiana and is in charge of arrange-
Ellen Coleman McNair ments.
of Harvey, Louisiana; Mr. Tillman was
seven grandchildren; born Jan. 22, 1972, in
and three great-grand- West Point, to Emma
children. Tillman and the late
Pallbearers will be Charles L. Tillman.
Roger Gourd, Dock He was a graduate of
Selvie, Fredrick Selvie, Caledonia High School
Kevin Selvie, Johnny was formerly employed
Cockrell and Branch as a grounds keeper
Coleman. with the City of Colum-
bus and the Columbus
Willie Moore School System He was
COLUMBUS — Wil- a member of Mt. Ary
lie B. Buchanan Moore, M.B. Church.
83, died Sept. 28, 2018, In addition to his
at Baptist mother, he is survived
Memorial by his stepchildren,
Hospi- Adrienne Summerville,
tal-Golden Mariah Harris Shinn
Triangle. and Tyrone Tillman, all
Services of Columbus.
will be at Pallbearers will be
11 a.m. Cameron Peters, Deon-
Send in your News About Town event.
Saturday at drey Alexander, Deon-
Greater Mt. dra Tillman, Maurice email:
Olive M.B. Church with Lower, Rico Tillman, Subject: NATS
the Rev. Donal Henry McCoy Floyd, Ernest
officiating. Burial will Logan and Edward
follow at the church Logan.
8A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 7A

Walter Kyles Jr. Mr. Braddock was Noxubee County, to the was a member of The
COLUMBUS — Wal- born in 1974, in Deer late Ella Williams and Church of Jesus Christ
ter James Kyles Jr. 56, Park, Washington, to Robert Moore. He was The Upper Room of
died Sept. 29, 2018, in Shirley Catlett and the formerly employed with Apostolic Faith.
Columbus. late John Braddock. He Griffin Wheel Steel Mill In addition to her
Services was a 1993 graduate of and Cook County Hos- parents, she was
will be Heritage Academy and pital and was a member preceded in death by
at 3 p.m. attended Mississippi of New Zion Baptist her brothers, Charles
Sunday at State University. He Church. Brinkley and Amos
Shiloh Full was formerly employed He is survived by Stuckey Sr.; and sisters,
Gospel as District Sales Man- his daughters, Diana Clemmie T. Smith and
M.B. ager in Texas and Williams of Chicago, Georgia Mae Stewart.
Church. Kyles Jr. Arkansas with Outdoor Illinois and Greorgie She is survived by
Burial Technologies and as Williams of Forest her son, Joey Winford
will follow at Sandfield Mid-Continent Sales Park, Illinois. of Columbus; sister,
Cemetery. Visitation Manager with Covia Pallbearers will Louise Richardson of
will be from noon-6 (Fairmount-Santrol). be Leon Skinner, Joe Grand Rapids, Mich-
p.m. Saturday at Car- He was a member of Rupert, Tony Hibbler, igan; and one grand-
ter’s Funeral Services. First Southern Baptist Larry Lockett, James child.
Carter’s Funeral Church in Bryant. Henry Stewart and
Services is in charge of In addition to his Kevin Lockett. Ruth Secrist
arrangements. father, he was preceded ABERDEEN — Ruth
in death by his son,
Mr. Kyles was born
William Braddock.
William Fendley Secrist, 93, died Oct. 3,
Sept. 14, 1962, in COLUMBUS — Wil- 2018, at her residence.
Columbus, to Beatrice In addition to his Services will be Sat-
liam Fendley, 75, died
Thompson and the late mother, he is survived urday at Tisdale-Lann
Oct. 5, 2018, at Missis-
Walter Kyles Sr. He was by his wife, Braley; Memorial Funeral
sippi Veterans Home in
a 1980 graduate of Cald- daughter, Addison; Home with Eldon Potts
stepmother, Olivia Oxford.
well High School and Arrangements are officiating. Visitation
was formerly employed Braddock; and brother, will be from 4-7 p.m.
Marcus Braddock. incomplete and will be
with Airline Manufac- announced by Memori- Friday at Tisdale-Lann
turing Company and Memorials may be Memorial Funeral
made to “While We’re al Gunter Peel Funeral
as a carpenter with Home and Crematory, Home. Tisdale-Lann
Bostick Construction Waiting”, P.O. Box Memorial Funeral
22823, Hot Springs, AR College Street location.
Company. Home is in charge of
In addition to his 71903. arrangements.
mother, he is survived Maria Winford Mrs. Secrist was
by his daughter, Acia Luscious Williams COLUMBUS — Ma- born Oct. 30, 1924, in
Rice of Columbus; MACON — Luscious ria Winford, 69, died Greene County, Ohio,
siblings, Deforest L. Williams, 75, died Sept. 29, 2018. to the late Jessee and
Kyles, Franciose Kyles, Sept. 30, 2018, at Bap- Services Lillian Bobbitt. She
Vernessa Miller, Sherry tist Memo- will be at was a 1942 graduate of
Taylor and Gwen Tay- rial Hospi- 2:30 p.m. Cedarville schools. She
lor, all of Columbus, Ar- tal-Golden Saturday was a member of First
tega Kyles of Birming- Triangle. at The Christian Church.
ham, Alabama, Darnell Services Church In addition to her
Kyles of Madison, will be at of Jesus parents, she was pre-
Alabama, Johnny Kyles 11 a.m. Christ ceded in death by her
of Memphis, Tennes- Saturday at The Upper brothers, Howard and
see, Anthony Randle of New Zion Williams Room with Wendell Bobbitt; and
Bellville, Illinois, Leo Baptist the Rev. Earnest Jones sister, Dorthea Kelble.
Bailey of Detroit, Mich- Church in Macon with officiating. Burial will She is survived by
igan and Marvin Kyles the Rev. Stephen Sykes follow at Sandfield Cem- her husband, Bob Se-
of Hattiesburg; and one officiating. Burial will etery. Visitation will be crist; daughter, Angela
grandchild. follow at the church from noon-6 p.m. Friday Hughes of Aberdeen;
Pallbearers will be cemetery. Visitation at Lee-Sykes Funeral and two grandchildren.
Courtney Beckwith, will be Friday at Lee- Home. Lee-Sykes Fu- Memorials may be
Philanders Harris, Sykes Funeral and one neral Home is in charge made to the Alzhei-
Dominique Hughes, hour prior to services of arrangements. mer’s Association, P.O.
Lemetrice Hughes, Saturday at the church. Ms. Winford was Box 803638, Chicago,
Artega Kyles Jr. and Lee-Sykes Funeral born June 6, 1949, to IL 60680.
Deforest Kyles Jr. Home is in charge of the late George and
arrangements. Martha Stuckey. She
Jason Braddock Mr. Williams was was formerly employed
BRYANT, Ark. — Ja- born Oct. 15, 1942, in as a beautician and
son Forrest Braddock,
43, died Sept. 30, 2018.
vices were
at First
Dial and
Dudley Fu- Braddock
neral Home
of Bryant was in charge
of arrangements.

Suspect in
shooting of 7
officers bragged
about gun skills
The Associated Press

The Vietnam veteran and
disbarred lawyer accused
of shooting seven law en-
forcement officers, kill-
ing one, bragged online
about his marksmanship
and love for the “smell of
gunpowder” in the years
before the deadly standoff,
records and social media
posts unearthed Thursday
Frederick Hopkins
lost his law license in the
1980s for mishandling
money and faced several
minor criminal charges
in recent years, including
disorderly conduct in 2014.
It was around the time of
his disbarment that he got
serious about amateur tar-
get-shooting, according to
the records and posts.
More details also
emerged about the two-
hour standoff in which
authorities say Hopkins’
gunfire prevented officers
from rescuing comrades
who lay bleeding on the
ground. The slain officer,
a 30-year veteran, was
tearfully described as the
“epitome of a community
police officer” by his chief.
Sports Heritage Academy Loses in North State Title Match
Adam Minichino



No. 1 Lions earn

statement win

SENATOBIA — Everitt Cunningham and

Terence Cherry played football together at West
Point High School.
Their one-year gap in age as teammates on
the East Mississippi
Community College No. 1 EMCC 34,
football team has put
the defensive linemen
No. 2 Northwest 6
into a teacher-student
type scenario.
On Thursday night at Bobby Franklin Field,
No. 1 EMCC turned in 10 sacks in a 34-6 victo-
ry against No. 2 Northwest Mississippi C.C. in
a Mississippi Association of Community and
Junior Colleges (MACJC) North Division match-
up before a standing-room only crowd at Bobby
Franklin Field.
Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch
Cunningham was in on three of the first five,
TOP: Heritage Academy’s Haley Barker gets tripped by a Bayou Academy player in their Mississippi Association
of Independent Schools (MAIS) Division III North State title match at the downtown Columbus Soccer Complex. while Cherry got in on No. 9.
Barker scored on a penalty kick, but the Lady Patriots lost 2-1. BOTTOM, LEFT: Heritage Academy’s Sarah Curtis See EMCC, 5B
battles for possession of the ball, while Lily Linton (BOTTOM, RIGHT) takes a shot in the first half.
Game 7
n No. 18 Holmes Community College,
2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13 (WGTC-FM 92.7,
WZKR-FM 103.3, WFCA-FM 107.9; Video stream at

n more emcc-Northwest Mississippi c.c.: No. 1
East Mississippi C.C.’s defense delivered a
dominating effort in a showdown between the top
two teams in the NJCAA national rankings. Page 4B

Goodmans have
vested interest in
By Bret t Hudson

STARKVILLE — Tony and Missy Goodman

met as students at Auburn and
raised triplets in Mississippi.
“The kids grew up with Auburn
PREP GIRLS SOCCER in their blood, I guess you could
say, whether they liked it or not,”

Columbus faces test Harrison wants his Tony Goodman said.

triplets are

vs. No. 2 Horn Lake Patriots to stay loose

Conference West Goodman
Division schools. One is at
Auburn. One will compete against the Tigers on
Saturday as a member of the Mississippi State
By Scot t Walters football team.
By Adam Minichino
Scott Goodman, the only boy of the trio, is
MSU’s kickoff specialist. If the coin toss goes
While first-year Columbus High School football
The Heritage Academy football team’s confi- See GOODMANS, 6B
coach Eric Rice hasn’t been a part of the last two dence continues to grow.
Columbus-Horn Lake games, he knows what to That’s a good sign for third-year head coach Sean
expect. Harrison because the Patriots are moving into the
After a few minutes of watching film, it’s obvious stretch run of a regular season schedule that will
the Eagles like to run the ball early and often. help determine if they are able to accomplish all of
The Columbus High front four will face one of its the goals on the check list that rests against a far
stiffest tests at 7 p.m. Friday when the Falcons and wall in the team’s field house.
Eagles play in a Mississippi High School Activities “The past two weeks we have gotten back to go-
Association (MHSAA) Class 6A, Region 1 game in ing out there and having fun,” Harrison said. “There
Horn Lake. are plenty of mistakes on film, but none of those are
“They run the ball and they run it with authori- effort mistakes, so that is what I have been proud of
ty,” Rice said. “That’s the identity of the team. They the last two weeks.”
know what they are doing.” Kelvin “K.J.” Smith had 31 carries for 235 yards
Horn Lake (6-0, 2-0 region) is ranked No. 2 in the and four touchdowns to lead Heritage Academy to a
state by Southern Elite Sports Network and The As- 41-20 victory against Leake Academy last Friday in
sociated Press this week. Madden.
It is unchartered territory for the Eagles. Carter Putt was 12-for-19 for 216 yards and two
In 2016, then-sophomore Tyler Grim out dueled touchdowns to help the Patriots improve to 5-2 and

Scores / Schedule / On Air

All Games at 7 p.m. / Follow all the action on The Dispatch’s Twitter handle — @cdispatchsports
Mississippi State Athletic Media Relations
Thursday’s Games TOday’s Games n Pontotoc at Amory
Scott Goodman is the Mississippi State football
Alabama n Columbus at Horn Lake (Broadcast on WAFM-FM 95.7 will start at
team’s kickoff specialist. His sister, Sydney, is a
Brewer 18, Ardmore 17 (Broadcast on WMSV-FM 91.1 will start at 6:30 p.m. with coaches show) student at Auburn, while his other sister, Jaime,
Escambia Aca. 47, Hooper Aca. 14 6:30 p.m.) n East Webster at Calhoun City is a student at Ole Miss.
Excel 42, St. Michael Catholic 2 NOTE: For updates on the game, follow n Winston Academy at Heritage Academy
NOTE: For updates on the game, follow
Helena 28, Chelsea 21
Linden 52, Holy Spirit 14
Scott Walters on Twitter @dispatchscott
David Miller on Twitter @DispatchDave Game 6
n New Hope at Kosciusko n Canton Academy at Starkville Academy n Auburn, 6:30 p.m. Saturday (ESPN2;
Mountain Brook 21, Oak Mountain 0 n Caledonia at Mooreville (Broadcast on WLZA-FM 96.1 will start WKBB-FM 100.9, WFCA-FM 107.9).
Parker 48, Fairfield 14 n Nanih Waiya at West Lowndes at 6:30 p.m.; Streaming on Mississippi
Prattville 35, Lee-Montgomery 22 n Greenville at Starkville
Ramsay 42, Woodlawn 6
(Broadcast on WKBB-FM 100.9 will start
Supertalk at
NOTE: For updates on the game, follow
Woodville 35, Valley Head 6 n MORE NO. 8 AUBURN-MSU: Mississippi State will
at 6:45 p.m.) Amber Dodd on Twitter @amberdodd97
Mississippi n Oak Hill Academy at Central Holmes face another tough defense when it takes on No. 8
NOTE: For updates on the game, follow Auburn. Page 2B
Baldwyn 21, Bruce 13 n North Sunflower at Hebron Christian
Biggersville 38, Potts Camp 0 Brett Hudson on Twitter @Brett_Hudson
n Lake Cormorant at West Point n Aliceville at Winston County
Calhoun City 35, East Webster 6
(Broadcast Streaming on Mississippi
n Holt at Gordo Follow MSU on podcast
Choctaw County 26, Aberdeen 18 n Carbon Hill at Lamar County
Supertalk at n The Dispatch and WCBI have come together to
Clinton 35, Murrah 12 (Broadcast on WVSA-FM 100.7) launch the Straight Sippin’ podcast. The Dispatch’s
Lafayette 35, Lewisburg 6 NOTE: For updates on the game, follow n Pickens County at South Lamar Brett Hudson will join Tom Eble and Courtney Robb
Laurel 49, Wingfield 6 Will Nations on Twitter @NationsSports (Broadcast on WJEC-FM 106.5) twice a week during football season, Wednesday and
North Pontotoc 28, Kossuth 13 n Noxubee County at Louisville n Southeastern at Sulligent Sunday, to preview and to recap the Mississippi State
Oxford 21, DeSoto Central 17 NOTE: For updates on the game, follow n Pickens Academy at Chambers and Ole Miss football. Follow Brett Hudson on Twitter,
Okolona 46, Tupelo Christian 20 Adam Minichino on Twitter n East Memorial (Alabama) at @Brett_Hudson, to get the latest episode. The podcast
South Panola 35, Hernando 10 @ctsportseditor Victory Christian, 7:30 p.m. will be on iTunes and Google Play soon.
2B FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 The Dispatch •

college football Is Estate or

No. 8 Auburn has one of nation’s top defenses Long Term Care
Planning Necessary
By Bret t Hudson Allen) have been very good play- hind MSU in tackles for a loss with ers,” Moorhead said. 44, which is tied for eighth in the to Protect Your
STARKVILLE — Mississippi
The Kentucky and Florida de-
fenses that held MSU to 13 com-
nation. It has 15 sacks, which is tied
for second in the SEC and tied for
Family’s Future?
State football coach Joe Moorhead bined points are among the top five
knows the statistics. 15th in the nation. • Do you have a Will, Power of Attorney, and Advanced Health Care
passing defenses and total defenses A lot of that is credit to a defen- Directive?
No. 8 Auburn enters its game in the conference by yards allowed
against MSU at 6:30 p.m. Saturday sive front Auburn coach Gus Mal- • Are you certain that your assets will be distributed according to your
per game. Kentucky and Florida wishes at your death?
(ESPN2) at David Wade Stadium zahn called “the strength of our
are second and fifth in yards al- • Are you confused by the ever changing estate and gift tax laws?
ranked third in the nation in scor- lowed per play. Those numbers are team” at SEC Media Days. Defen- • Are you worried that one day you may not be able to care for yourself
ing defense (12.6 points per game), good enough to crack the top 25 na- sive tackle Derrick Brown and de- or make the necessary decisions to remain independent and in your
fifth on third down (25.32 percent tionally. fensive end Big Kat Bryant are tied own home?
conversion percentage allowed), While MSU has failed to gain for the team lead in sacks with two. At Dunn & Hemphill, we can create a plan tailored to fit you
and tied for seventh with 11 turn- 205 yards of offense in back-to-back Nick Coe, the edge presence on the and your family’s needs. Contact us at (662) 327-4211 to
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Those numbers should look fa- the defenses at Kentucky and Flor- with five-and-a-half tackles for a
miliar because they’re pretty sim-
ilar to what MSU (3-2, 0-2 South-
ida also have been good against
other teams. Kentucky held South
“Just from a talent standpoint,
Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
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Defenses like that could help ex- Florida has held three of its five Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
at least as talented or more talent-
plain why the Bulldogs have strug- opponents to a passer rating below W. David Dunn | Christopher D. Hemphill
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won’t get a break against the Tigers “I think they’ve played like we ex- Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
Auburn joins Kentucky and Flor- *Background information available upon request.
pected them to play. They’re stop-

© The Dispatch
(4-1, 1-1). ida in the top 10 in the nation in Providing Our Clients Expertise With
“I think the interior and the core scoring defense. ping the run and they’re disrupting
Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
of our line has performed a little bit “They play a mix of one- and two- things, so I think they’re off to a
better in pass protection, and some high man and zone coverages, and good start.”
of that is relative to the players that on third down they do a great job of Follow Dispatch sports writer
we’ve seen, 99 for Florida (Jachai pressuring,” Moorhead said. Brett Hudson on Twitter @Brett_
Polite) and 41 for Kentucky (Josh Auburn is second in the SEC be- Hudson

Continued from Page 1B
the right way, he could her choices to Ole Miss for kindergarten. He re- individuals.”
open the game by kicking and Southern Mississip- calls squeezing himself However, their tight
off to his sister Sydney’s pi. Tony remembers her into a tiny elementary bond shows when they
school. His other sister, visiting Ole Miss during school desk and opening come together. The sis-
Jaime, who is at Ole Miss, her senior year of high a folder to realize he only ters already had made
could be watching at 6:30 school, seeing older had one set of papers and their college decisions
p.m. Saturday (ESPN2) friends, finding a sorority that he needed three. He when Scott signed with
when the Goodman fami- she liked (Delta Gamma), then put the plan in mo- MSU in February. They
ly comes together for the and coming to appreciate tion. wore maroon to school
game between No. 8 Au- the law program. “I want them separated that day for the pictures.
burn (4-1, 1-1 SEC) and Scott, the middle trip- in classes. I’d like for them Sydney’s closest
MSU (3-2, 0-2). let, wanted to kick in his to be raised as individu- friends at Auburn know
“As close as they are, home state and in the als,” Tony Goodman told
about Scott and the mean-
they also like being sep- SEC. The preferred walk- the principal. “The girls
ing of this game.
arate, I think, to where on offer he received in dressed alike sometimes
“They’re all excited,”
they’re not grouped with December was a big de- and we have pictures here
Sydney said. “They know
their brother and sister or velopment. The scholar- and there of the three of
two sisters,” Tony Good- ship offer that followed in them in the same or sim- how close we are even
man said. “I really think February made it easy for ilar outfits, but we wanted though we’ve been split
they like being away, be- him to become a Bulldog. them to be separated — up and stuff. I have a few
ing apart, and the whole Auburn’s pharmacy pro- which made it a little dif- friends that are going.”
triplet thing doesn’t nec- gram played a big role in ficult on us with teachers On Saturday, Sydney
essarily come up any- Sydney’s decision to go to and homework and all — Goodman will be there
more.” school on the Plains. but we wanted them not to for her brother — even if
Scott remembers Jai- All three are thriving. be known as the triplets, she’s wearing orange and
me, the oldest by one Tony Goodman remem- not to be grouped as the blue.
minute, wanting to go to bers planting the seeds triplets so they could have Follow Dispatch sports
school in the state of Mis- for their independence their own way and their writer Brett Hudson on
sissippi and narrowing when he signed them up own friends, be known as Twitter @Brett_Hudson

Patriots Columbus
Continued from Page 1B Continued from Page 1B
1-0 in the district. helps, he said, when you’re then-senior Kylin Hill as Rice said. “When we have
Heritage Academy will a bruising north-south run- Horn Lake stunned Co- scoring chances in the red
try to build on that victory at ner who makes it tough on lumbus 44-35. That was zone, we have to convert.
7 p.m. Friday when it plays would-be tacklers. considered an outlier for We have done a better job of
host to Winston Academy Harrison also praised the upstart program. moving the ball here the last
(2-5, 0-2) in another Class the efforts of senior Noel Grim ran for 285 yards couple of weeks. We simply
AAA, District 2 game. Fisher. He said Fisher had and four touchdowns in the have to complete our scoring
“I was proud of the kids a couple of big catches and win. A year later, he ran for opportunities.”
for executing the game plan had an interception, pass 250 yards and two touch- Behind a pair of two-touch-
to run the football and then breakups, and tackles from downs in a 28-2 victory at down rushing performances
run it some more,” Harri- his safety position to help Columbus. from junior Devarkas Ram-
son said. “I just felt like we solidify the secondary. The good news is Grim sey, Columbus topped 300
a clear advantage up front. Through seven games, has transferred to a high yards against Vicksburg and
I am really proud of those Heritage Academy (261 school in Tennessee. The DeSoto Central. Columbus
guys for going ahead and points) is ahead of its scor- bad news is Horn Lake has gained 144 yards vs. Tupe-
taking advantage of that. ing pace from the last two seen 15 players combine for lo. The step back on offense
“K.J. continues his role. seasons. A year ago, the 1,514 rushing yards and 25 came as a shock to Rice and
It has been fun to watch Patriots scored 202 points touchdowns. Senior quar- his coaches.
K.J. If you go from week in their first seven games terback Raydarius Jones has “It was one of our best de-
one to week seven, it is re- en route to a total of 313. thrown for 705 yards and six fensive efforts of the season,
markable how much faster In 2016, Harrison’s first as touchdowns for an offense so it was a shame to play that
he has gotten.” head coach at the school, that is averaging slightly bet- well on that side of the ball
Harrison attributes the Patriots scored 258 ter than 45 points per game. and not get a win,” Rice said.
Smith’s success to his los- points in their first seven A track meet won’t be in “To the kids’ credit, they con-
ing 10 pounds since the games. They went on to the best interest of Colum- tinue to play hard and contin-
start of the season. He also score 35 points or more four bus (0-6, 0-2). The Falcons ue to do everything we ask. It
feels Smith is more com- more times in a 10-3 season were shut out for the first can be difficult when you ha-
fortable in the offense and that helped them finish with time this season last week in ven’t had that breakthrough
know what he needs to do what is believed to be a pro- a 14-0 home loss to Tupelo. yet. It’s make the sacrifice
to be successful. It also gram-record 486 points. “It’s all about finishing,” that much more difficult.”
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 3B


Major League Baseball
Caledonia High School volleyball team beats Pontotoc
The Caledonia High School volleyball team swept Pontotoc 3-0 on
Schedule 1B
Prep Football

College Football
No. 19 Vanderbilt Playoffs
Tuesday, Oct. 2
Colorado 2, Chicago 1, 13 innings
Wednesday, Oct. 3
New York 7, Oakland 2

edges No. 25 MSU

Thursday night. Set scores were 25-11, 25-4, 25-12.
The victory pushed Caledonia to 26-8 and 7-0 in the district. Saturday’s Matches DIVISION SERIES
Ansley Brown had five digs, Lizzie Truelock had seven kills, (Best-of-five; x-if necessary)
Alabama at Arkansas, 11 a.m. American League
Kennedy Lambert had seven kills, three aces, and one block, Maddy All Games on TBS
Suggs had eight digs, Camryn Johnson had 23 assists, and Tori Brooks Louisiana-Monroe at Ole Miss, 3 p.m. Boston vs. New York
Today’s Game
had eight kills and four aces. Auburn at Mississippi State, 6 or 6:30 p.m. New York (Happ 17-6) at Boston (Sale 12-4),
From Special Reports 6:32 p.m.
College Cross Country Saturday’s Game
New York (Tanaka 12-6) at Boston (Price
New Hope High School volleyball team loses to South Saturday’s Meet NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Raegan Kelly’s goal in 16-7), 7:15 p.m.
Monday’s Game

Lamar Mississippi University for Women at Mississippi the 76th minute lifted the No. 19 Vanderbilt wom- Boston (Porcello 17-7) at New York, TBA
x-Tuesday’s Game
The New Hope High School volleyball team lost to South Lamar College Watson Ford Invitational en’s soccer team to a 1-0 victory against No. 25 Boston at New York
x-Thursday, Oct. 11
Mississippi State in a Southeastern Conference
3-0 on Thursday night. Set scores were 25-25, 25-17, 25-6.
Maci Coleman had two kills and 10 digs, Sydney Cox had one Men’s College Golf match.
New York at Boston
Houston vs. Cleveland
Today’s Game
block, one kill, one ace, and four digs, Micaela Hudgins had one ace, Sunday’s Match Cleveland (Kluber 20-7) at Houston (Verlander
MSU (8-3-1, 1-3-1 SEC) blocked the initial 16-9), 1:05 p.m.
one block, and seven kills, Kensley Woolbright had 15 digs, Brianna Ole Miss at Franklin American Intercollegiate Saturday’s Game
Terry had 11 digs and one ace, Alyssa Smith had one assist, Annie service on goal, but the deflection Cleveland (Carrasco 17-10) at Houston (Cole
(Nashville, Tennessee)
Woolbright had one ace and one dig, Taylor Mitchell had two digs, Roundup went to Kelley, who headed the 15-5), 3:37 p.m.
Monday’s Game
one kill, and one block, Rebecca Box had one kill and three digs, and Women’s College Golf ball into the left side of the net be- Houston (Keuchel 12-11) at Cleveland
(Clevinger 13-8), TBA
Sydney Magers had one dig, three kills, and two blocks. Today’s Match tween two defenders. The win lift- x-Tuesday’s Game
Houston at Cleveland
Ole Miss at Ron Moore Intercollegiate (Highlands ed Vanderbilt to 12-1 and 5-0 in the league. x-Thursday, Oct. 11
Cleveland at Houston
Mississippi State Ranch, Colorado) “We were outplayed,” MSU coach Tom Anag-
nost said. “The better team won. We didn’t de-
National League
FS1 and MLB Network
Saturday’s Match Milwaukee 1, Colorado 0
Volleyball team will play host to No. 18 Kentucky Ole Miss at Ron Moore Intercollegiate (Highlands serve to get anything out of the game. I’m dis- Thursday’s Game
Milwaukee 3, Colorado 2, 10 innings
STARKVILLE — The Mississippi Stat volleyball team will play host
to No. 18 Kentucky at 7 p.m. Friday (SEC Network+) at the Newell-Gris- Ranch, Colorado) appointed. This is our worst performance of the Today’s Game
Colorado (Anderson 7-9) at Milwaukee (Chacin
som Building. Sunday’s Match year.” 15-8), 3:15 p.m. (FS1)
Sunday’s Game
MSU (5-11, 1-2 Southeastern Conference) is coming off a 3-2 Ole Miss at Ron Moore Intercollegiate (Highlands MSU had its best chance to score in the final Milwaukee at Colorado, 3:37 p.m.
(MLB Network)
victory against Auburn. Ranch, Colorado) 30 seconds, when redshirt sophomore Olivia Her- x-Monday’s Game
“We are looking forward to another SEC match on our home court,” Milwaukee at Colorado, 8:40 p.m.
nandez headed a clearance from the goalkeeper
MSU coach Julie Darty said. “We have had the opportunity to get some
good rest and recovery, but also get back in the gym and work since
Men’s College Soccer and sent it ahead to junior MaKayla Waldner.
x-Wednesday’s Game
Colorado at Milwaukee, 3:35 p.m.
Los Angeles 1, Atlanta 0
our last match. I feel like the team is pretty focused and realistic about
Sunday’s Match Waldner would have been clear for a one-on-one Thursday’s Game
Los Angeles 6, Atlanta 0
where we are. We are willing to put in the work to keep taking steps in LaGrange College at Mississippi University for with the Commodore keeper, but she was called Today’s Game
Atlanta (Sanchez 7-6) at Los Angeles (Kershaw
the right direction.” Women, Noon offsides. 9-5), 8:37 p.m. (FS1)
n Women’s tennis team will continue at SMU Invite: At Dallas, Sunday’s Game
four women’s tennis players will represent MSU this weekend at the Women’s College Soccer In the 81st minute, MSU took a free kick from Los Angeles (Buehler 8-5) at Atlanta,
7:07 p.m. (FS1)
SMU Invite. Today’s Match 30 yards out, but senior Brooke McKee’s shot x-Monday’s Game
Los Angeles at Atlanta, 3:30 p.m.
The tournament, hosted by SMU, will include Abilene Christian, Charlotte at Southern Mississippi, 4 p.m. went to the left of the post. x-Wednesday’s Game
Austin Peay State, Central Arkansas, Central Oklahoma, Georgia Atlanta at Los Angeles, 7:07 p.m.
Sunday’s Matches Vanderbilt had a 15-7 edge in shots. MSU had
State, Houston, Middle Tennessee State, Northwestern State, Texas
A&M-Corpus Christi, and UT-Arlington. Alabama at Mississippi State, 1 p.m. only one shot on goal. Basketball
Senior Janina Braun, junior Sara Lizariturry, and newcomers Arkansas at Ole Miss, 2 p.m. The loss marks the first time since 2015 MSU NBA Preseason
Wednesday’s Games
Tamara Racine and Meredith Roberts will take the court. Action will LaGrange College at Mississippi University for has been shut out in three-consecutive matches. New York 107, Brooklyn 102
commence with doubles starting at 11 a.m. on Friday. Women, 2 p.m. MSU will play host to Alabama at 1 p.m. Sun- Detroit 97, Oklahoma City 91
Milwaukee 116, Chicago 82
n Borges, Oradini post victories at ITA All-American: At Tulsa,
day (SEC Network+). Phoenix 91, New Zealand Breakers 86
Oklahoma, Nuno Borges and Giovanni Oradini had great starts Thurs-
day in the singles main draw of the ITA All-American Championships.
Men’s College Tennis n Missouri 2, Ole Miss 1: At Columbia, Missouri, Julissa Cisneros had
L.A. Clippers 128, Minnesota 101
Thursday’s Games

The top-seeded and second-ranked Borges started off the day

Today’s Matches two goals, including the game-winner in the 85th minute, to lift the Tigers Indiana 110, Houston 100
L.A. Lakers 128, Sacramento 123
ITA All-American Championships (Tulsa, Oklahoma) (5-6-2, 2-2-1) past the Rebels (8-5-1, 2-2-1) at Audrey J. Walton Stadium. Today’s Games
with a 6-3, 6-4 triumph over Ohio State’s 51st-ranked John McNally. Ole Miss had a 9-1 edge in shots in the first 45 minutes, but Cisneros Philadelphia vs. Dallas at Shanghai, 6:30 a.m.
Borges’ victory sets up a top-30 showdown against UCLA’s 28th- Saturday’s Matches scored her first collegiate goal off assists by Sarah Luebbert and Anna Frick.
Flamengo Flamengo at Orlando, 6 p.m.
Melbourne United at Toronto, 6 p.m.
ranked Keegan Smith on Friday in the second round. The two-time ITA All-American Championships (Tulsa, Oklahoma) Ole Miss tied the match in the 47th-minute. Haleigh Stackpole found Ella Miami at Washington, 6 p.m.
All-American senior Borges defeated Smith in a three-set thriller in the New Orleans at New York, 6:30 p.m.
first round of the 2018 NCAA Singles Championship in Winston-Salem, Women’s College Tennis Frischknecht’s head with the delivery off a corner kick that allowed the senior
to head in her third goal of the season.
Atlanta at Memphis, 7 p.m.
Oklahoma City at Minnesota, 7 p.m.
North Carolina, in May. Today’s Matches Ole Miss goalkeeper Marnie Merritt made all six of her saves in the sec-
Detroit at San Antonio, 7:30 p.m.
Adelaide 36ers at Utah, 8 p.m.
The fifth-ranked and third-seeded Oradini rallied past No. 45 ITA All-American Championships (Los Angeles, ond half. Perth Wildcats at Denver, 8 p.m.
Stefan Milicevic of Minnesota. After dropping the first set 6-3, Oradini California) Ole Miss will play host to Arkansas at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Ole Miss
Portland at Phoenix, 9 p.m.
Sacramento vs. Golden State at Seattle,
stormed back to take the second 6-3 and force a third set. In the third,
Saturday’s Matches Soccer Stadium. Washington, 9:30 p.m.
Oradini dominated to take a 6-1 decision. On Friday, Oradini is set to n In related news, Ole Miss has been named a recipient of the United
Saturday’s Games
face Stanford’s 48th-ranked Axel Geller, who took a straight-set deci- ITA All-American Championships (Los Angeles, Boston at Cleveland, 6:30 p.m.
California) Soccer Coaches Academic Team Award for an eighth-consecutive year. The Indiana at Memphis, 7 p.m.
sion against Texas No. 54 Christian Sigsgaard in his first-round outing. honor is for the 2017-18 academic year.
L.A. Clippers vs. L.A. Lakers at Anaheim,
California, 9 p.m.
MSU’s 43rd-ranked senior Strahinja Rakic lost to Ohio State’s 17th-
ranked JJ Wolf, a 9-16 seed, 6-1, 6-2 victory. Rakic will take the court in College Swimming and Diving The laurel is bestowed upon all teams across all levels of the NCAA
who possess a cumulative team grade-point average of 3.00 or higher. With
Sunday’s Games
Atlanta vs. Oklahoma City at Tulsa, Oklahoma,
2 p.m.
the singles consolation draw that begins Friday. Today’s Meet an SEC-best 3.67 team GPA, the Rebels rank eighth in Division I and 15th Houston at San Antonio, 3 p.m.
In MSU’s first doubles match of the day, the seventh-ranked tan- West Florida at Alabama in the NCAA.
Milwaukee at Minnesota, 7 p.m.
Utah at Portland, 8 p.m.
dem of Niclas Braun and Oradini battled back to force a third-set match
tiebreaker after dropping a tough 6-4 decision in the first frame to BYU’s College Volleyball. The Rebels registered 14 4.00 GPAs in 2017-18, seven in the fall semes-
ter and an additional seven in the spring. Football
Sean Hill and Jeffrey Hsu. In the second, the Bulldog pair took a 6-3 Today’s Matches A total of 774 soccer teams (289 men, 485 women) were recognized as
decision to set up the 10-point super-tiebreaker. In the breaker, BYU got Charlotte at Southern Miss, 6 p.m.
USC Team Academic Award honorees. Of that total, 192 schools had both Thursday’s Game
out to a quick 7-2 lead before Braun and Oradini battled back to make it Ole Miss at Arkansas, 6 p.m. their men’s and women’s programs recognized. New England 38, Indianapolis 24
8-4. The Cougar pair held tough and thwarted the Bulldogs’ rally to take Sunday’s Games
Kentucky at Mississippi State, 7 p.m. n Alabama 4, Kentucky 3: At Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Sophomore Miami at Cincinnati, Noon
a 6-4, 3-6, 1-0 (4) victory. Casey Wertz scored the game-winning goal in the 54th minute to push N.Y. Giants at Carolina, Noon
The top-ranked duo of Borges and Rakic lost to Cal’s Jacob Saturday’s Match Denver at N.Y. Jets, Noon
Mississippi University for Women at Centenary the Crimson Tide (7-6-1, 1-4) past the Wildcats (4-10, 0-5) at the Alabama Jacksonville at Kansas City, Noon
Brumm and Yuta Kikuchi 6-3, 4-6, 1-0 (5). Soccer Complex. Green Bay at Detroit, Noon
n Softball team announces fall schedule: At Starkville, the (Louisiana), 2 p.m. Baltimore at Cleveland, Noon
“I thought we did a great job of finding our target forwards today,” Ala- Atlanta at Pittsburgh, Noon
softball team will play eight games, including three doubleheaders at Sunday’s Matches bama coach Wes Hart said. “Some of our shots fell today and some of those Tennessee at Buffalo, Noon
Nusz Park, in its fall schedule, which was released Thursday. Mississippi State at Tennessee, 12:30 p.m. same shots we took last week and the week before didn’t fall for us, but today
Oakland at L.A. Chargers, 3:05 p.m.
Minnesota at Philadelphia, 3:25 p.m.
“We are ready to get back on the field and see what this team of Rice at Southern Miss, 1 p.m. they fell. I’m certainly happy anytime we can score four goals in a league Arizona at San Francisco, 3:25 p.m.
returners and newcomers can do,” MSU associate head coach Saman- L.A. Rams at Seattle, 3:25 p.m.
LSU at Ole Miss, 1:30 p.m. game, and we doubled our production for the past four games. We will take Dallas at Houston, 7:20 p.m.
tha Ricketts. “We are excited to travel to Birmingham and Troy for our Alabama at Auburn, 1:30 p.m. that as a positive and hopefully that will build confidence and we can carry Open: Tampa Bay, Chicago
two ovarian cancer awareness games in honor of Alex Wilcox. We will Monday’s Game
that into Mississippi State.” Washington at New Orleans, 7:15 p.m.
be auctioning off the teal uniforms worn by Mississippi State, UAH, and
Troy with all proceeds going to the ovarian cancer foundation chosen by
the Wilcox family. Please make plans to join us in Alex’s home state as
we continue to raise awareness and support this cause.”
MSU will open its fall season on Friday, Oct. 19, in Birmingham,
on the air
Alabama, against Alabama at Huntsville. First pitch is set for 7 p.m. and Today 7:30 p.m. — 2018 CONCACAF Women’s
Championship, Group Stage, Group B:
6:30 p.m. — Nebraska at Wisconsin, Big
features a sibling rivalry as the Chargers are coached by Stuedeman’s AUTO RACING Ten Network
older sister Les Stuedeman. MSU will continue its road slate at 8 p.m. Canada vs. Jamaica, at Edinburg, Texas, 7 p.m. — Notre Dame at Virginia Tech,
Friday, Oct. 26 at Troy with a battle against the Trojans. 10 a.m. — NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup
Series, Delaware 400, practice, at Dover, FS1 WKDH-WTVA
Both road contests will be ovarian cancer awareness games to
continue to spread the legacy and the lasting memory of Alex Wilcox. Delaware, NBC Sports Network WOMEN’S COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL 9 p.m. — Colorado State at San Jose
UAH and Troy will join the Bulldogs by wearing special teal uniforms, 11 a.m. — NASCAR, Xfinity Series race, 6 p.m. — Texas A&M at Florida, SEC State, CBS Sports Network
which will be auctioned off following the games. All process will be practice, at Dover, Delaware, NBC Sports Network 9 p.m. — California at Arizona, FS1
donated to an ovarian cancer foundation chosen by the Wilcox family.
The first of three doubleheaders at Nusz Park will be Sunday,
Network Saturday 9:30 p.m. — Utah at Stanford, ESPN
Oct. 28, when MSU plays host to Itawamba Community College, the 4:30 p.m. — NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup AUTO RACING 9:30 p.m. — Fresno State at Nevada,
reigning Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges Series, Delaware 400, qualifying, at Dover, 10 a.m. — NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup ESPNU
(MACJC) regular-season champions, at 2 p.m. MSU will return to Nusz Delaware (same-day tape), NBC Sports Series, Delaware 400, practice, at Dover, DRAG RACING
on Friday, Nov. 9, to play two games against Mississippi College. The Network Delaware, CNBC 4:30 p.m. — NHRA, AAA Texas FallNationals,
action will start at 5 p.m. 9:55 p.m. — Formula One, Honda qualifying, at Ennis, Texas, FS2
11:30 a.m. — NASCAR, Xfinity Series race,
MSU will wrap up its fall slate at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, with a Japanese Grand Prix, practice, at Suzuka,
doubleheader against Pensacola State College. qualifying, at Dover, Delaware, NBC Sports GOLF
MSU will hold its first practice of the fall at 9 a.m. Sunday at Nusz Japan, ESPNEWS Network 7 a.m. — European PGA Tour, Alfred Dunhill
Park. 12:55 a.m. (Saturday) — Formula One, 12:30 p.m. — NASCAR, Monster Energy Links Championship, third round, at St.
Honda Japanese Grand Prix, qualifying, at Cup Series, Delaware 400, final practice, at Andrews, Scotland, TGC
Ole Miss Suzuka, Japan, ESPN2
Dover, Delaware, NBC Sports Network 4:30 p.m. — PGA Tour, Safeway Open,
Women’s golf team will play in Ron Moore Women’s 2 p.m. — NASCAR, Xfinity Series race, at third round, at Napa, California, TGC
5 p.m. — Dartmouth at Yale, ESPNU 8 p.m. — LPGA Tour, UL International
Dover, Delaware, NBC Sports Network
Intercollegiate 6 p.m. — Georgia Tech at Louisville, ESPN
12:05 a.m. (Sunday) — Formula One, Crown, final round, at Incheon, South
HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. — Competing in their second tourna- 6:30 p.m. — Middle Tennessee at
ment of the 2018 fall season, the Ole Miss women’s golf team will play in Honda Japanese Grand Prix, at Suzuka, Korea, TGC
Marshall, CBS Sports Network
the Ron Moore Women’s Intercollegiate this weekend. Japan, ESPN2 2 a.m. (Sunday) — Asia-Pacific Amateur
8 p.m. — Utah at BYU, ESPN2
The three-day event at Highlands Ranch Golf Course will feature a COLLEGE FOOTBALL Championship, final round, at Singapore
course that plays at 6,513 yards and par 72. Teams will play 18 holes on DRAG RACING
11 a.m. — Maryland at Michigan, WKDH-WTVA (same-day tape), ESPN2
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 12:30 a.m. (Saturday) — NHRA, AAA Tex-
as FallNationals, qualifying, at Ennis, Texas 11 a.m. — Illinois at Rutgers, Big Ten HORSE RACING
The field features Denver, Cal Poly, Central Arkansas, Colorado
State, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, Northern Colorado, Tulsa, UC (same-day tape), FS1 Network 3:30 p.m. — Breeders’ Cup Challenge
Davis, Idaho, Kansas, UTSA, Washington State, and Wyoming. GOLF 11 a.m. — Buffalo at Central Michigan, Series, Shadwell Turf Mile Stakes and
Ole Miss coach Kory Henkes is sending five Rebels to compete CBS Sports Network Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity, at Lexington,
4:30 p.m. — PGA Tour, Safeway Open,
at the event, including Julia Johnson, Conner Beth Ball, Pi-Lillebi 11 a.m. — Alabama at Arkansas, ESPN Kentucky, WTVA
Hermansson, Ellen Hutchinson-Kay and Martina Flori. second round, at Napa, California, TGC
“The team has put in a lot of work since our last tournament and 8 p.m. — LPGA Tour, UL International 11 a.m. — Kansas at West Virginia, ESPN2 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL
they are eager to play again this week,” Henkes said. “Highlands Ranch Crown, third round, at Incheon, South 11 a.m. — Tulane at Cincinnati, ESPNU 4 or 7:30 p.m. — American League Division
is a course several of the girls have played before and feel comfortable Korea, TGC 11 a.m. — East Carolina at Temple, ESPNEWS Series, Game 2, AL Wild Card winner at
with the layout and their ability to play some great golf.” 2 a.m. (Saturday) — Asia-Pacific Amateur 11 a.m. — Oklahoma vs. Texas, at Dallas, Boston, TBS
Julia Johnson and Conner Beth Ball will lead the Rebels. The duo WLOV 4 or 7:30 p.m. — American League Division
Championship, third round, at Singapore
earned All-Southeastern Conference honors last season.
Ellen Hutchinson-Kay returns to the lineup after making her (same-day tape), ESPN2 11 a.m. — Northwestern at Michigan Series, Game 2, Cleveland at Houston, TBS
collegiate debut three weeks ago at the Mercedes-Benz Intercollegiate MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL State, FS1 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS
where she finished 77-73-72--222 in a tie for 23rd. Junior Pi-Lillebi 1 p.m. — American League Division Series, 11 a.m. — Missouri at South Carolina, SEC 7 p.m. — UFC 229, prelims, at Las Vegas,
Hermansson is making her 2018-19 debut after competing in all 12 Game 1, Cleveland at Houston, TBS Network FS1
tournaments as a sophomore with a 75.2 stroke average. 3 p.m. — National League Division Series, 2:30 p.m. — Clemson at Wake Forest, NBA
Last time at the event, the Rebels finished seventh with an 877 in
Game 2, Colorado at Milwaukee, FS1 ESPN, 6:30 a.m. — Preseason, Boston at
2016. Pi-Lillebi Hermansson and Martina Flori tied for 24th and 41st,
respectively. 6:30 p.m. — American League Division 2:30 p.m. — Florida State at Miami, Cleveland, NBA TV
n Ten Rebels receive NFCA Easton Scholar Athlete Series, Game 1, New York Yankees at WKDH-WTVA 7 p.m. — Preseason, Indiana at Memphis,
recognition: At Oxford, On Wednesday, the NFCA released the Boston, TBS 2:30 p.m. — Iowa at Minnesota, Big Ten Fox Sports Southeast
recipients of the Easton Scholar-Athlete Award, with 10 Rebels among 8:30 p.m. — National League Division Series, Network 9 p.m. — Preseason, L.A. Clippers at L.A.
the 6,280 players honored across all levels of collegiate softball. Game 2, Atlanta at Los Angeles Dodgers, FS1
To qualify, a student-athlete must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2:30 p.m. — LSU at Florida, WCBI Lakers, NBA TV
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS 2:30 p.m. — Navy at Air Force, CBS Sports RUGBY
3.50 or greater during the academic year.
Among Ole Miss’ honorees were graduated players Elisha Jahnke 9 p.m. — Professional Fighters League,
Network 11 a.m. — English Premiership,
and Paige McKinney, seniors Kylan Becker and Izzy Werdann and playoffs, at New Orleans, NBC Sports
2:30 p.m. — Iowa State at Oklahoma Northampton vs. Leicester, NBC Sports
freshmen Anna Borgen, Abbey Latham, Ally Mena, Jessica Puk, Network
Amanda Roth and Ava Tillmann. State, ESPN2 Network
2:30 p.m. — San Diego State at Boise 1:30 p.m. — English Premiership,
7 p.m. — Preseason, Atlanta at Memphis,
Alabama Fox Sports Southeast State, ESPNU Harlequins vs. Saracens, WTVA
2:30 p.m. — Kansas State at Baylor, FS1 SOCCER
Men’s tennis team’s Osama moves to Round of 32 in 9:30 p.m. — Preseason, Sacramento at
3 p.m. — Louisiana-Monroe at Ole Miss, 8:20 a.m. — Bundesliga, Borussia
Golden State, ESPN
ITA All-American Championships SOCCER SEC Network Dortmund vs. Augsburg, FS2
TULSA, Okla. — No. 3 Mazen Osama won his first singles match
1:20 p.m. — Bundesliga, Werder Bremen 6 p.m. — Connecticut at Memphis, CBS 9 a.m. — Premier League, teams TBA, NBC
in the main draw of the Saint Francis Health System Intercollegiate Ten-
nis Association (ITA) Men’s All-American Championships on Thursday vs. Wolfsburg, FS2 Sports Network Sports Network
at the Michael D. Case Center. 2 p.m. — Premier League, Brighton & Cove 6 p.m. — SMU at UCF, ESPNU 11:20 a.m. — Bundesliga, Bayern Munich
Osama defeated No. 32 Nicolas Moreno de Alboran (UCSB), 6-3, Albion vs. West Ham, NBC Sports Network 6 p.m. — Kentucky at Texas A&M, ESPN vs. Borussia Moenchengladbach, FS2
6-3, to move on to the Round of 32. With the win, the No. 2 seed in the 6:30 p.m. — Auburn at Mississippi State, 11:30 a.m. — Premier League, Manchester
5 p.m. — 2018 CONCACAF Women’s
tournament will take on No. 91 Bar Botzer (Wake Forest) Friday at a
time to be announced. Osama and junior Edson Ortiz, the nation’s No. 9 Championship, Group Stage, Group B: ESPN2 United vs. Newcastle, WTVA
team, lost to No. 40 Daniel Cukierman/Tanner Smith (USC), 6-7(4), 7-5, Costa Rica vs. Cuba, at Edinburg, Texas, 6:30 p.m. — Vanderbilt at Georgia, SEC 9 p.m. — Liga MX, Tijuana vs. Queretaro,
1-0 (10-7) on Thursday night. FS2 Network FS2
— From Special Reports
4B FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 The Dispatch •

No. 1 EMCC’s defense delivers dominating performance in showdown
BY SCOTT WALTERS doubt about it. The guys may lines in the country. We are No. “This is a much better feeling. Way, way have given that extra minute 1 for a reason.”
SENATOBIA — There was better. This was total domination. They got here or there to make sure last
year didn’t repeat itself.
Cunningham said film study
led him to believe Northwest
still time for reflection Thurs-
day night after the No. 1 East us good last year. Twice. That’s not what we “The only thing I knew for
sure when we left the locker
Mississippi C.C. was a little
slower along the line and in
Mississippi Community Col-
lege football team routed No.
are supposed to do.” room was we were going to play
for 60 minutes.”
the backfield compared to last
season. The Rangers played
2 Northwest Mississippi C.C. Kitchen said the EMCC without Kevin Perkins, its top
East Mississippi sophomore defensive back JaQuez Akins,
34-6 in Mississippi Association a former standout at Starkville High School coaching staff reminded the returning rusher from last sea-
of Community and Junior Col- players Northwest Mississippi son, who missed the game due
leges (MACJC) North Division C.C. had what many considered to injury.
game at Bobby Franklin Field. on the same field. In that win, gained 98 yards (1.4 per play). the best offensive line in the “We felt we could get in the
Last season, Northwest Mis- Northwest Mississippi C.C. The Rangers turned the ball league. The Lions’ front four backfield and dominate,” Cun-
sissippi C.C. ran 88 plays in a racked up 566 yards on 88 plays. over four times and punted 12 took that as a personal chal- ningham said. “That was the
loss to EMCC in the MACJC “This is a much better feel- times. Northwest was 4-for-19 lenge. plan from the start of the game.”
State championship game. ing,” EMCC sophomore defen- on third down. The lone score With Cunningham (three) A week ago, EMCC beat
EMCC then-freshman defen- sive back JaQuez Akins said. was a punt return touchdown. and Sci Martin Jr. (two) leading then-No. 20 East Central C.C.
sive lineman Eriq Kitchen was “Way, way better. This was total Last season, EMCC was cruis- the way, EMCC was credited 24-21 in Decatur. It was the first
on the field for most of those domination. They got us good ing with a 6-0 mark before it lost with 10 sacks. The Lions had 17 time since 2016 EMCC won a
plays. last year. Twice. That’s not what to Northwest Mississippi C.C. tackles for loss. Kitchens had regular-season game by three
Even though EMCC won we are supposed to do. This was There was no chance the defense three-and-a-half of those, while points or less.
67-66 in double overtime, the different. This was domination. would let that happen again. Cunningham had three. “We grew up a lot that game,”
defense felt less than overjoyed This was imposing our will. It “I’m not going to say we Entering the game, the Li- Akins said. “They really chal-
after allowing 644 yards. feels great. took them lightly (a year ago) ons had 20 sacks and 57 tackles lenged us. The defense learned
“It was just disgusting,” “Last time here, we won a because that wasn’t the case,” for loss. you have to play for 60 minutes.
Kitchen said. “After a while, I championship. This time, we EMCC sophomore defensive “We took the challenge per- This game, we were going to
quit looking at the scoreboard. didn’t win anything other than lineman Everitt Cunningham sonally,” Kitchen said. “Don’t give that maximum effort. That
They kept putting points up and just a game. However, I have to said. “When you play North- get me wrong. We respect was missing in a few spots last
our emotions kept going down.” say I feel much better.” west, the antenna is always go- (Northwest) a lot, and still do. week. This was the No. 1 team
The win came slightly more EMCC held a third opponent ing to be high. This is a difficult However, that got kind of old in playing like the No. 1 team.”
than a month after Northwest below 200 yards and a second place to play and win. This year, practice. We wanted to come Follow Dispatch sports
Mississippi C.C. had earned a opponent below 100 yards. the antenna was a little bit high- out and show we can compete writer Scott Walters on Twitter
61-38 regular-season victory Northwest ran 69 plays and er because of last season. No with one of the best offensive @dispatchscott

Stephens moves to
7-0 in 1-vs.2 games
EMCC doesn’t face either team in
SENATOBIA — Just the regular season.
call him “Big Game If two North Division teams meet in
the state title game, the North Division
regular-season champion will be play
The No. 1 East Missis- host to the game.
sippi Community College In the North Division, Itawamba C.C.
football team defeated No. (3-1) is second in the North, while North-
2 Northwest Mississippi west Mississippi C.C. (2-1) is third. Those
C.C. 34-6 in Mississippi teams play each other Oct. 25 in Fulton.
Association of Commu- This and that
nity and Junior Colleges EMCC is 6-0 for the sixth time in Ste-
phens’ 11 seasons as coach in Scooba
(MACJC) North Division
… Last year’s team also started 6-0 be-
play Thursday night at fore losing at Northwest Mississippi C.C.
Bobby Franklin Field. … After scoring 50 or more points in four-
With the win, 11th- straight games, the Lions have been held
year EMCC coach Buddy well under that mark (24 against East
Stephens moved to 7-0 in Central C.C. and 34 against Northwest
Mississippi C.C. ) in the last two games
games matching the top
… The Lions scored on special teams
two teams in the Nation- (punt block return) and defense (inter-
al Junior College Athlet- ception) to give them six non-offensive
ic Association (NJCA A) touchdowns.
rankings. Around the state
EMCC has beaten Mis- Clark Mills’ 51-yard touchdown pass
sissippi Gulf Coast C.C. to De’Sean Dinkins in the fourth quarter
twice and now Northwest provided the winning margin Thursday
in regular-season play. In night to lift the Itawamba Community
national championship College football team to a 37-34 victory
bowl games, No. 1 EMCC against No. 18 Holmes C.C. in Goodman.
has twice defeated the The touchdown pass was one of
No. 2 team and twice up- three on the night for Mills, who helped lift
set the No. 1 team as the ICC to 4-2 and 3-1 in the Mississippi As-
No. 2 team. sociation of Community and Junior Col-
The highest-ranked leges (MACJC) North Division. Holmes
team to beat EMCC with C.C. slipped to 3-3 and 1-2.
Stephens at the helm was Mills also hit former Caledonia High
No. 4 Copiah-Lincoln C.C. School standout Jamel Thomas with an
during the 2016 regular 8-yard touchdown pass and Austin Wat-
season. kins with a 13-yard scoring pass.
Northwest Mississip- Hiram Wadlington added a 1-yard
pi C.C. leads the all-time scoring run. Qua Tucker had a 15-yard
series with EMCC 41-25- touchdown run.
1. However, Stephens has Jesse Wilson had three touchdown
led the Lions to victories passes for Holmes C.C. Dylan Kelly had
in 11 of 13 series meet- a 69-yard touchdown catch and a 99-
ings. yard touchdown run.
The victory moves ICC will travel to Moorhead on Sat-
EMCC to 6-0 and 3-0 in urday, Oct. 13, to face Mississippi Delta
North Division play. The C.C. Kickoff is set for 2:30 p.m.
Lions can wrap up a ninth n Chance Lovertich threw six
North Division crown by touchdowns passes to lead Mississippi
winning two of the final Gulf Coast C.C. to a 56-7 victory against
three games in the regu- Southwest Mississippi C.C. in Summit.
lar season. Mississippi Gulf Coast C.C. (4-2, 1-2
EMCC has defeated South) held Southwest Mississippi C.C.
three ranked opponents to less than 200 yards and piled up 514
yards, and the offense benefited from a
this season. The victory
couple of Bears turnover forced by the
comes on the heels of a
stingy defense.
50-0 victory against then-
Lovertich, who played his prep ball
No. 13 Hinds C.C. and a
at Jackson Prep, was 26-for-31 for 394
24-21 victory last week at
then-No. 20 East Central
Southwest (1-5, 0-4) had106 rushing
yards with its triple-option attack.
Local connection
n Kalyn Grandberry had 20 carries
Former West Point High School
for 173 yards and two touchdowns to lead
standout Chris Calvert leads the North-
No. 7 Jones County J.C. to a 48-7 victory
west Mississippi C.C. rushing attack.
against Pearl River C.C. in Poplarville.
Calvert ran 13 times for 43 yards Thurs-
Grandberry also caught four passes
day, and has scored seven of the team’s
for 66 yards and another score to post
16 rushing touchdowns.
239 yards of total offense. Quarterback
Northwest Mississippi C.C. played
Stetson Bennett was 12-for-19 for 178
without Kevin Perkins, its top returning
yards and three scores for JCJC (5-1,
rusher from last season, who missed the
4-0 South).
game due to injury. JCJC held Pearl River C.C. to 122
Former Columbus High School yards of offense — 2 yards in the second
standout Chris Taylor punted 11 times half — and nine first downs.
for a 37.1-yard average. He had a long The loss dropped Pearl River C.C. to
of 45 yards. 0-6 and 0-4.
Home-field advantage n In other action, Copiah-Lincoln
The South Division champion will C.C. beat East Central C.C. 42-17 and
play host to the MACJC State champion-
ship game. Mississippi Delta defeated Northeast
Entering the final three weeks of the Mississippi C.C. 41-11.
regular season, Jones County Junior Hinds C.C. will play at 2:30 p.m. Sat-
College (4-0) and Copiah-Lincoln C.C.
urday at Coahoma C.C.
(3-0) are the leaders in the division. The
head-to-head meeting will be Oct. 20 in Follow Dispatch sports writer Scott
Ellisville. Walters on Twitter @dispatchscott
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 5B

EMCC No. 1 East Miss. Comm. Coll 34,

No. 2 Northwest Mississippi C.C. 6
East Mississippi C.C. 13 7 7 7 — 34
Continued from Page 1B Northwest Mississippi C.C. 6000—6
First Quarter
After Cherry’s sack, the de- A year ago, Northwest Mis- The guys were ready to go.” offense, and this is not where we EM — Deon McIntosh 3 run (Josh Smith kick).
fense hustled back to the bench sissippi C.C. scored 127 points Michigan State transfer quar- need to be at the end. However, a EM — Braden Boykin punt block recovery (kick failed).
NM — Braden Smith 46 punt return (run failed).
area on EMCC’s sideline. While against EMCC in two meetings. terback Messiah deWeaver was gutsy effort against a great foot- Second Quarter
EM — McIntosh 9 run (Smith kick).
awaiting instruction, Cherry With the win, EMCC moved 20-for-30 for 169 yards in his third ball team.” Third Quarter
broke into a dance routine that into the driver’s seat for a ninth start of the season for the Lions. Northwest Mississippi C.C. EM — Messiah deWeaver 15 pass to Dontario
Drummond (Smith kick).
took him from one side of his North Division championship in He threw three interceptions. How- answered with Braden Smith’s Fourth Quarter
EM — JaQuez Akins 79 INT return (Smith kick).
teammates to the other. coach Buddy Stephens’ 11 sea- ever, the ground game picked up 46-yard punt return for a touch-
“We told him no dancing until sons at the school. The Lions also the slack, as Notre Dame transfer down in the final minutes of the Team Statistics
he got a sack,” said Cunningham, strengthened their hold on the Deon McIntosh rushed for 106 first quarter. First Downs 20 9
a sophomore. “He earned it.” nation’s top spot in the rankings yards and two scores. Other than a stirring halftime Rushes-Yards 46-200 32-(-20)
Passing Yards 169 118
On this night, there was for a seventh-straight week. EMCC struck quickly with show, that was it for the home Comp.-Att.-Int. 20-30-3 15-37-2
Return Yards 174 170
plenty of sacking and plenty of EMCC won for the 11th time a four-play, 61-yard drive on its team. Fumbles-Lost 1-0 3-2
reasons to dance, too. EMCC, in the last 13 meetings against second possession. McIntosh “We got punched in the mouth Penalties 9-82 1-2

which was playing without start- one of the state’s bluebloods. felt the early pressure to deliver last year here,” said EMCC soph- Individual Statistics
ing quarterback Vijay Miller and After the game, Stephens was and responded by breaking two omore defensive back JaQuez RUSHING: East Mississippi C.C. — Deon McIntosh 17-
106, Keon Moore 11-52, TyQuan Ulmer 8-52, Messiah
played most of the game without so overcome by emotion he yield- tackles for a 36-yard run. He then Akins, who had a 79-yard inter- deWeaver 8-25, Team 2-(-35); Northwest Mississippi
C.C. — Chris Calvert 13-43, Urriah Shephard 1-5,
two offensive linemen, did most ed the stage to offensive coordi- scored on a 3-yard run. ception return touchdown to Jaxton Carter 2-4, Robert Wilcke 3-1, Team 3-(-13),
of the damage with arguably its nator David Boykin and defen- EMCC then scored on a punt finish the scoring. “Regardless Jacob Free 10-(-60).
PASSING: East Mississippi C.C. — Messiah deWeav-
best game in four seasons. sive coordinator Cliff Collins. block for a third-straight game. Ja- of who won the game, we knew er 20-30-169-3; Northwest Mississippi C.C. — Jacob
EMCC (6-0, 3-0) held North- “This is pretty much how we cob Anderson had the block, while we were going to come out Free 13-34-111-1, Robert Wilcke 2-3-7-1.
RECEIVING: East Mississippi C.C. — Dontario Drum-
west (5-1, 2-1) to 98 yards of offense planned it,” Collins said. “I’m not Braden Boykin made the recovery and punch first. Turns out, we mond 9-115, Kalem Reddix 6-18, Rashad Eades 1-16,
DJ Clayton 1-13, Jason Brownlee 1-6, Keon Moore
and forced four turnovers. With 10 totally sure what a perfect game in the end zone for a 13-0 lead. punched all night. I like that.” 1-4, Deon McIntosh 1-(-3); Northwest Mississippi C.C.
minutes left in the fourth quarter, on defense looks like, but that “Being 6-0 is great,” coach Follow Dispatch sports — Braden Smith 5-26, Demarcus Jones 3-34, Urriah
Shephard 2-14, Maurice Toney 1-19, Jaxton Carson
Northwest Mississippi C.C. had was close. Just an incredible buy- Boykin said. “We wanted so start writer Scott Walters on Twitter @ 1-17, JaVonta Payton 1-7, Monterio Hunt 1-2, Chris
Calvert 1-(-1).
run 56 offensive plays for 56 yards. in during the meetings this week. fast. A lot of things to clean up on dispatchscott

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: unless and until swap scorecards and keep
My mother she regains her score for each other. Howev-
insists on senses and er, if that doesn’t do the trick,
telling my three apologizes to all stop playing with those who
youngest children of you. cheat.
that my husband DEAR ABBY: DEAR ABBY: Yesterday,
is not their fa- I belong to a I took my computer to an
ther. The oldest women’s golfing electronics store to be fixed.
girl is the spitting group. The mis- The tech who helped me had
image of him, sion of the club a ton of dirt under his nails. I
and she’s upset is to play golf was grossed out seeing him
about it. Mom and have fun. with those filthy nails type on
ZITS also calls me ter- We have tourna- my computer keys. Should I
rible names. She ments, prizes, have said something to him
keeps saying it and awards are or his supervisor? How can
will add years to given for the they allow someone with his
my life if I divorce best scores. hygiene problem to be in a
him and makes
Dear Abby The problem: position that requires contact
appointments Several of the with the public? — GROSSED
with divorce lawyers “for” me, ladies are “allergic” to count- OUT IN OHIO
which I am charged for. My ing their scores correctly. We DEAR GROSSED OUT: A
husband and I have a limited have given them counting quiet word with the supervisor
income and can’t move away beads to help them “remem- would have been the way to
because our jobs are here. ber” their score. They have handle it. And while you were
How can I convince our kids played with board members at the store, you could have
my husband is their father? who asked them to count asked for sanitary wipes to
— TRYING TO PROVE IT their scores out loud each clean your keyboard. (They
GARFIELD DEAR TRYING: A way to time they hit the ball and to probably had some behind
do that would be to explain state their scores after the the counter.) Using a soft
to your children that your last putt. There have also tissue dipped in alcohol once
mother has severe emotional been conversations with the you returned home would
problems and isn’t in her right golf pro about the impor- also kill germs, as long as
mind when she says those tance of keeping accurate you’re careful the tissue isn’t
things. (From what you have scores. Yet, the inaccurate so saturated that liquid drips
written, it appears to be true.) counting persists and denial beneath the keys.
You do not have to move away reigns. Members are upset Dear Abby is written by
to distance yourself from because these ladies often Abigail Van Buren, also known
this toxic, troubled woman. “win” tournaments. What to as Jeanne Phillips, and was
Stop communicating with her. do? — PROUD OF MY HIGH founded by her mother,
Block her phone number, if HANDICAP Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear
you must, and do not allow DEAR PROUD: You might Abby at or
her to have contact with be able to curb the cheating P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,
CANDORVILLE any members of your family if you suggest club members CA 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. for you. right thing is to be the right
5). Most measures of joy, TAURUS (April 20-May 20). thing. You may need to sort
well-being and effort are inter- Don’t underestimate the power through some feelings and
nal. Only you know what’s worth of feeling liked. Even people get clarity. It will step up your
it and what’s not. It’s your year who profess not to care if oth- conversational game.
to trust your own assessments ers like them or not may in fact LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The
and do what makes you happy. very much appreciate a sign of competitor with nothing to lose
Highlights this solar return your acceptance. will surpass the one who has to
include an extremely satisfying GEMINI (May 21-June 21). make a strategic choice about
vacation, a new way to enjoy Should you stick with what what to risk -- an important
your family and a metal of some you know, or make a switch consideration in today’s pro-
BABY BLUES kind. Cancer and Sagittarius to the new way? That’s the ceedings.
adore you. Your lucky numbers juncture you’ll come to today VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
are: 7, 40, 38, 22 and 18. and both paths have pros and It’s the little ways a person
ARIES (March 21-April 19). cons. Truthful testimonials and shows you that he or she is pay-
You are gracious and social recommendations will help you ing attention that will go straight
even when you don’t feel like decide. to your heart and turn someone
dealing with people. Somehow CANCER (June 22-July into your favorite in an instant.
doing it anyway just puts you 22). Since what you say always LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
right in the mood, and as a di- reflects what’s going on inside The best way is not to compare
rect result, good things happen you, the easiest way to say the yourself to anyone. But since
that’s also a very unrealistic ex-
pectation of yourself today, then
at least compare yourself to an
example that is both attainable
and worthy of you.
21). How can you make things
clearer to the most amount of
people with the least amount
of cost, trouble or time? The
answer may be in a sign. A
message built for all to read
saves you having to whisper to
each person.
21). You’re always training
people. Each interaction is a
training. It never ends. Give a
thought to what you’re teaching
as you go about your day,
MALLARD FILLMORE specifically, how you’re teaching
people to treat you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’re handling a lot of
responsibility today but you also
needn’t take it so seriously.
Keep your perspective and your
humor and you’ll stay relaxed
enough to handle anything that
comes up.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Set an expectation early
on about what you’d like to see
happen. Otherwise, no one
knows will know quite what to
FAMILY CIRCUS do you’ll wind up with all the
frustrations of a cat-herder.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’ll have the pleasure
of getting to know someone
through teamwork on a project.
It’s the best way to learn what
people are all about, and it
will be a very accurate picture
of what future work and play
together will be like.

Vertical takeoff
6B FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 The Dispatch •

Religious briefs
Church, 2008 7th Ave. N., to WTWG, radio 1050 AM for
Coats 4 Kids hosts the Interdenominational
Grief Support Group Perfecting the Saints Broad-
The Social Service Min- The Oil of Joy for Grief
Alliance of Ministers City and cast, Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.
istry of New Bell Zion U.M. and Mourning offers a grief
County Revival Services 7
Church, 3743 Hwy 25 South support group at 6 p.m.
in Starkville, hosts a “Coats
p.m. nightly Oct. 9-11. The
public is invited to attend. For
every second Thursday of the Women Prayer,
4 Kids” Coat Giveaway from
more information, call 662-
month at United Christian Worship Service
10 a.m.-noon Oct. 6. For more Baptist Church, 232 Yorkville Church of the Eternal
information, call Sis. Alberta Road East. “Making your Word, 106 22nd St. S., holds
Hendrix, 662-312-5201. grieving journey easier.” For a prayer and worship service
Prayer Breakfast more information, call 662- every Thursday from 5-6 p.m.
Gospel Singing St. Matthew M.B. Church,
1213 Island Road, hosts a
327-0604 or e-mail united- Call Marie Nabors, 662-549-
McBee Baptist Church, 4322 or 662-329-1234, for
Prayer Breakfast at 8 a.m.
2846 Hwy. 50 E., hosts a prayer requests.
Gospel Singing Program at 6
Oct. 13. Guest speaker will
be Sis. Eddie Mae Hill of
After School Meal
p.m. Oct. 6. Special guest will
be Endless Highway and Joy-
Southside M.B. Church. The Program Prayer Ministry
public is invited to attend. Project Southside, Inc. New Beginning Everlasting
landers from Dyer, Tennessee. and the Dept. of Education Outreach Ministry invites the
A love offering will be taken.
For more information, call Laymen’s Day Service will have a At Risk After
School Meal Program from
public to call in with their
prayer requests at 662-327- Yesterday’sANSWER
662-549-6254. The Northeast Mississippi
Baptist State Convention
3:30-5:45 p.m. Monday-Fri- 9843. Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
2 8 7 5 3 9 1 6 4
day at Southside Church placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
Homecoming Program hosts a Laymen’s Day Service
Gym, 100 Nashville Ferry
Praise and Worship a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 1 5 9 8 6 4 2 7 3

2018 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Crawford U.M. Church, at 10 .m. Oct. 13 at St. Paul
Road East. For more informa- agiven
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 6 3 4 1 7 2 5 8 9
694 Main Street in Crawford, M.B. Church, 392 Cairo Loop
tion, call 662-328-0356. Service given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
hosts its Annual Homecoming in Ecru. All men and boys Sulfur Springs MB Church is
5 9 6 2 8 3 7 4 1
are encourage to attend. For 1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
7 1 3 6 4 5 9 2 8
Program at 11 a.m. Oct. 7.
Special guest will be the Rev. more information, call Orland Fellowship Dinner, holds a praise and worship
service the last Friday of
9 ineach
the empty
that each
row, each
row, each 4 2 8 9 1 7 6 3 5
column and each 3x3 box
Howard Tucker. Lunch will be Trainer, 662-769-0071 or Youth Service each month at 7 p.m. For column
containsand theeach
same3x3 box
number 3 6 2 4 5 1 8 9 7
served. The public is invited to Pleasant Ridge Faith Cen- information, call Pastor Henry contains the same number
only once. The difficulty
ter, 923 Ridge Road, Colum- only once. The difficulty 8 4 1 7 9 6 3 5 2
attend. Mosley, 662-328-1035. level increases from
Pastor Anniversary bus, hosts a fellowship dinner level increases from
Monday to Sunday.
Monday to Sunday.
9 7 5 3 2 8 4 1 6
and youth service every third
Anniversary Program Prayer Service
Difficulty Level 10/04
Oak Grove M.B. Church,
1165 Taylor Thurston Road, Sunday.
Piney Grove U.M. Church, Church of the Eternal
102 Fernbank Road in Steens, hosts its Pastor Therman
Word, 106 22nd. St. S., Co-
hosts its 190th Anniversary Cunningham Sr. and First Prayer for Youth lumbus, holds prayer service
celebration, reception and Lady Melodie Cunningham’s Every second and third
Thursday nights 5-6 p.m. Con-
open house at 2 p.m. Oct. 7. 34th Anniversary at 10 a.m. Saturday, Pleasant Ridge
tact Marie Nabors, 662-549-
For more information, call Mar- & 3 p.m. Oct. 14. Guest Faith Center hosts a prayer
4322. Church service times:
garet Sharp, 662-327-1389. speakers will be Min. Ramirez for the youth from 2-3 p.m.
Sunday school 10 a.m.;
Ivy and the Rev. Dr. Lee
Sunday worship 11:15 a.m.;
Pastor Appreciation Brand of Beth-el Missionary
Baptist Church in Starkville.
Celebrate Recovery Tuesday Bible study 7 p.m.
Calvary Church, 514 Lehm-
Program The public is invited to berg Road, and Meadowview
For information, call Pastor
Armstrong M.B. Church, District Elder Lou Nabors,
attend. For more information, Church, 300 Linden Circle
1707 Yorkville Road East, call 662-798-0179. 662-329-1234.
in Starkville, host Celebrate
hosts its 25th Pastor’s Ap-
Recovery at 6 p.m. every Sun-
preciation Program for Pastor
Usher Ministry day at Calvary and at 6 p.m. Fitness
William Vaughn and Sis. Gail
Vaughn at 11 a.m. Oct. 7. Program every Tuesday at Meadowview Transformations
Friendship M.B. Church, Church. Get help, healing and The Transformational
Guest speaker will be the
1107 12th Ave. S., hosts support for any habit, hurt or Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
Rev. Carlton Jones of Union
its Annual Usher Ministry hang-up using the Christ-cen- Road, hosts boxing lessons
Hopewell Baptist Church. The
Program at 2:30 p.m. Oct. tered 12 steps. Mondays and Wednesday
public is invited to attend.
14. Guest speaker will be the from 5-7 p.m., weight-loss

Church Anniversary Rev. Fred Carter of new Hope Prayer, Free Coffee boot camp Tuesdays and
M.B. Church in Woodland. The Mount Zion Missionary Thursdays 5-7 p.m. and both
Stephen Chapel Baptist on Saturdays 9-11 a.m.
public is invited to attend. Baptist Church, 2221 14th
Church, 2008 7th Ave. N.,
Ave. N., hosts free coffee and
hosts its 133rd Church Anni-
versary Program at 3 p.m. Oct. Homecoming Program a prayer community outreach Youth Fellowship
Maben Church of God, service from 8-9 a.m. every The Transformational
7. Guest speaker will be the
3965 Crowley Dr., hosts its fifth Saturday. For informa- Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
Rev. Therman Cunningham of
Homecoming Program at 10 tion, contact Jesse Slater, Road, hosts Youth Fellowship
Oak Grove M.B. Church. The
a.m. Oct. 14. Special guest 662-328-4979. from 7-8:30 p.m. every Tues-
public is invited to attend.
will be The Revelations from day. Games, prayer, service,
Church Anniversary/ Brandon and the Rev. Ronnie Radio Program food, & more. Transportation
Clark. A meal will follow. The Apostles Patrick Perkins available. For information, call
Homecoming public is invited to attend. invites the public to tune in Iris Roberson, 662-295-7456.
Concord Independent
Methodist Church, 1235
Concord Road, hots its 10th
Church Anniversary/Home-
coming Program at 3 p.m.
Oct. 7. Guest speaker will be
the Rev. Freddrick Harrison
of Brownridge M.B. Church
in Crawford. The public is
invited to attend. For more
information, call Pastor Robert
Hamilton, 662-497-4019.
Deacon Ordination 1 Brain part
Program 5 Insect organ
9 “The Tempest”
Canaan M.B. Church, 2425
Bell Ave., hosts a Deacon Or- sprite
11 Met work
dination Program for Fredrick
13 Bridge sus-
Sparks at 3 p.m. Oct. 7. The pender
public is invited to attend. 14 Species divisions
15 Wing
Church Anniversary/ 16 Made billions
18 Fast pitches
Homecoming 20 Stage prompt
Prairie Chapel M.B. 21 Juvenile
Church, on Primose Road, 22 Nursery group
hosts its 243rd Church 23 Jupiter or Mars
Anniversary/Homecoming 24 Luggage add-on
Celebration Program at 2 p.m. 25 Much of history
Oct. 7. Guest speaker will be 27 Comes down in
Min. Melvin Smith from Bran- buckets
are taken concern
don. The public is invited to 29 S&L offering
3 Academic press 26 Singer Franklin
30 Doorways
attend. For more information, worker 27 Campaign pro
32 Gator or gecko
call 662-497-6150 or 662- 4 Snaky fish 28 Coat part
34 Architect I.M.
327-3177. 5 Assignments 30 Commie backer
35 Hawke of film
6 Mimic 31 Alarm sound
36 Broadway
7 Dictionary writer 33 Follow
Fall Revival Services worker
8 Like fabric in a 37 Make darts, say
Truevine Baptist Church, 38 Arab leader
quilting kit
1471 Artesia Road, hosts its 39 Tick off
10 Map key
Fall Revival Services 7 p.m. 40 Singer Guthrie
12 Fire product
41 Small songbird
nightly Oct. 8-10. Different 17 Assn.
speaker nightly. The public is 19 Pairs
invited to attend. 22 Lacking slack
1 Oxford features
24 Shredded
2 How some drugs
25 Electrician’s
Revival Services
Stephen Chapel M.B.

Send in
your church event!


Religious brief

Log cabin
The Dispatch •
Counties, Mississippi to
define a consolidated Friday, OCTOBER 5, 2018 7B
gas pool and to modern-
ize the Special Field
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Rules, and 0010
Legal Notices for other re- Stump Removal 1790 General Help Wanted 3200 Garage Sales: East 4510 Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 Houses For Rent: Other 7180
lief as set forth in the
COURT OF LOWNDES COURT OF LOWNDES immediate openings for 7a-until. Furniture, 1 & 2 BR near hospital. appliances, washer &
COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI The Petition in this mat- full–time METAL BUILD- Christmas, Fall, Hal- $550-600/mo. Military dryer, 2 car garage,
ter is on file and of re- ING ERECTORS in the loween, h/h items, pic- discount offered, pet storage, deck, no pets.
IN THE MATTER OF THE IN RE: THE ESTATE OF cord in the office of the Millport, Alabama area. tures, kitchen items, area, pet friendly, and App., ref., & lease reqd.
ESTATE OF IVORY MOR- GARY RICHARDS HURT, Mississippi State Oil Excellent pay and bene- tools, gun items, & furnished corporate Close to Columbus,
RIS, DECEASED DECEASED and Gas Board and may fit package is offered! If much much more! apartments available. Starkville, & West Point.
there be examined. ALLSTUMP GRINDING you are interested in ON SITE SECURITY. ON Water, garbage, & lawn
CAUSE NO. 2015-0250 RHONDA COOPER SERVICE speaking with us, SITE MAINTENANCE. ON maintenance included. EURIAL Opportunity to
HURT, EXECUTRIX The Amended Petition please apply online at Greater Mt. Zion SITE MANAGEMENT. 24- $600/mo. $500 dep.
GET 'ER DONE! Church. 5114 Hwy 182 own your own home and

SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- will be heard by said We can grind all your https://www.baldwin- HOUR CAMERA SUR- 662-242-2923.
E. Sat. 7a-12p. Lots of be a landlord in a Great
TION CAUSE NO. 2018-0207- Board at 10:00 o’clock stumps. Hard to reach or VEILLANCE. Benji @ Location! $115,000
C a.m., on the 21st day of contact Robert Vance at ladies, men, & kids 662-386-4446 STEENS: QUIET Living,
places, blown over clothes, purses, h/h & custom home, big mas- Live in established mo-
THE STATE OF MISSIS- November, 2018, at roots, hillsides, back- (501) 414-4340. Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm.
ter BR, 1 reg. BR, 1 big bile home park and let
Suite E, Jackson, Mis-
yards, pastures. Free
estimates. You find it, PRICE PEST CONTROL
is looking to hire a New
kitchen items, & much
more. Hurry!
Sat/Sun by appt only.
BA, walk in closet,
CH&A, 20x20 covered
the News
your tenants make your
mortgage payments!
TO: All Unknown Heirs- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI sissippi, 39202, at we'll grind it! 1BR UPSTAIRS Apt.
Park in New Hope (East
at-Law of Rickie Morris, COUNTY OF LOWNDES which time and place Technician ASAP. Must MULTI FAMILY yard sale $450/mth rent & dep patio, 2 car garage,
deceased and you may appear and have good social skills O'leary Lane. Sat. 10/6 req. Convenient to town 20x30 bonus room, Ap- Columbus Recycle location) cur-
contest said matter. and be self motivated. 7a-1p. Too much list! & CAFB. No hud. No pls Furnished. $750/ rently has 10 lots, with
Any Unknown Persons Letters Testamentary
In Interest have been granted and Tree Services 1860 No exp. req. Benefits Come & be surprised. pets. 662-328-2340. mo + $600 damage
dep. New Hope School
options to expand. 6.3
acres. One 3/2 all-elec-
issued to the under- If you intend to contest available. Serious in-
Marco D. Morris
3193 North Linden
signed upon the Estate the docket or request a
of Gary Richards Hurt, continuance, you must
A&T Tree Service
Bucket truck & stump
quiries. Call Brad Price
@ 662-251-6463.
Garage Sales: North 4520 Apts For Rent: South 7040 NewspapeR
District. 662-574-9472. tric remodeled Mobile
Home w/new Central
removal. Free est. SALE. 14TH Ave. N. H/A currently rented,
Road Deceased, by the Chan- notify the Board and the Serving Columbus (Across from Wells
storage building, and
Flint, MI 48504 cery Court of Lowndes Petitioner’s representat- THE DISPATCH Very nice 1BR & 2BR
since 1987. Senior is looking for an Cleaners) Sat. 7a-until. one 37’ 5th wheel
County, Mississippi on ive of your intention in apartments available.
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ ADVERTISING SALES camper for rent, 3
Gregory S. Morris the 3rd day of October, writing by not later than 242-0324/241-4447 1393 JESS Lyons Rd. Lease & deposit re-
empty spaces – one of
Carson City Correction- 2018. This is to give no- 5:00 o’clock p.m. on REPRESENTATIVE. (Across from Ridgeland quired. Call 662-364-
"We'll go out on a limb The ideal candidate is a which could
Investment hold8550
Property your
al Facility tice to all persons hav- Tuesday, the 13th day for you!" Superette) Sat. 7a-3p. 1610. WATERFRONT 2BR/1BA own mobile home – and
20274 Boyer Road ing claims against said of November, 2018, be- motivated self-starter Cabinets, vanities,
with excellent commu- in Hamilton. Direct ac- 5 lots currently rented.
Carson City, MI 48811 estate to probate and ing seven (7) days prior sinks, furn., clothes, Apts For Rent: West 7050 cess to the TENN-TOM. Pictures and video avail-
register same with the to the date stated VICKERS TREE nication and organiza- light fixtures, toys, etc. Community boat ramp.

above for the hearing. SERVICE, LLC tional skills, a strong able for serious inquir-
Darlene Griffin Williams Chancery Clerk of Large deck overlooking ies. Owners willing to
6022 Arbor Cove Lowndes County, Mis- Failure to so notify the Tree trimming and re- work ethic and the abil- 4494 RIDGE Road.
moval. Fully insured. water. Updated home finance with 20% down

Little Rock, AR 72209 sissippi, within 90 Board and the Petition- ity to relate to a wide Fri. 7a-6p, Sat. 7a-12p.
Free estimates. range of people. Sales 1200 sqft. CH/A. for 12 years and no
(ninety) days from the er shall be a waiver of Furn., clocks, sewing $700/mo + $700 dep. early payout penalty.
You have been made a date of the first publica- your right to contest or Call Curt 662-418-0889 experience is preferred, machines, plants, etc. Call 662-425-0250 for
defendant in the Peti- tion. A failure to so pro- request continuance.
above the rest”
but not required. Full-
time position includes 711 19TH Ave N. Sat. Apartments more info.
Septic and treatment
systems newly renov-
& Houses
tion for Adjudication of bate and register said ated and pumped, con-
Heirs-at-Law filed by the claim will forever bar the You are advised that insurance benefits, 7a.- until. Designer
competitive pay, paid shoes, handbags, Mobile Homes for Rent 7250 venient to everything –
Clerical & Office 3050
Administratrix on May
11, 2017, seeking to
same. the Board may adopt or-
ders concerning a peti- personal leave and op- clothes, odds & ends. 1 Bedrooms grocery store, clinics,
125 BECK Dr.
determine the heirs-at- This the 3rd day of Oc- tion which may differ LOCAL, FAST-paced, pro- portunity for advance-
ment. Come join our
Lots of $1 items.
Everything must go.
2 Bedroooms Located off Old 82 E.
pharmacy, YMCA, Lake
Lowndes State Park.
fessional company is
law of Ivory Morris, de-
ceased. Other than you,
tober, 2018. from the relief reques-
ted by the petitioner looking for a Bookkeep- creative, award-winning 3 Bedrooms 1.5BR/1BA. $450/mo. Call/text for more info,
$450 dep. No pets. No Pam, 601-310-3528.
ing Assistant to help in staff. Hand deliver re- BIG GARAGE sale. 611
the only other inter- Rhonda Cooper Hurt and the Board will enter
ested parties in this ac- Executrix of the Estate such order or orders, as handling day-to-day ac- sume to Beth Proffitt at Plain St Fri. & Sat. 7a-
until. Behind Burger
Furnished & HUD. 662-574-7614.
Lots & Acreage 8600
tion are Karen Annette of Gary Richards Hurt, in its judgment may be
appropriate in accord-
counting and finance
516 Main Street,
Columbus or email to King on North side. Unfurnished NICE 3BR/2BA MH in
North Columbus. Close
Morris, Marco D. Morris, Deceased FALL SPECIAL
Gregory S. Morris, Dar- ance with the evidence
presented. Responsibilities include SAT. 7A-1p. 1323 15th 1, 2, & 3 Baths to schools & CAFB.
$455/mo + $455 dep.
1.95 acre lots.
lene Griffin Williams, Prepared by: St. N. Fall & winter
Barbara Cunningham, Jeffrey J. Turnage, Esq. Posting daily receipts Medical / Dental 3300 clothes, shoes, h/h Lease, Deposit 662-308-7781 or 601-
Good/bad credit.
10% down, as low as
Bobby G. Johnson, all (MSB#9447) DATED this the 3rd day
of October, 2018.
and electronic funds
transfers, processing HELP WANTED
items & more. & Credit Check 940-1397. $299/mo. Eaton Land.
unknown heirs-at-law of Mitchell McNutt & 662-361-7711
Ivory Morris, deceased, Sams, PA credit card payments, Garage Sales: New Hope 4530 RENT A fully equipped
and any unknown per- 215 5th Street North STATE OIL AND GAS reconciling bank state- CARE CENTER OF camper w/utilities & TWO ELM Lake residen-
sons in interest. P.O. Box 1366 BOARD OF ments and credit card ABERDEEN 1059 NEW Hope Rd. cable from $145/wk - tial lots for sale. One lot
Columbus, MS 39703- MISSISSIPPI statements as well as Fri. & Sat. 7a-5p. ast. $535/month. Colum- in Cork Village border-
You are summoned to 1366 filing and processing FULL TIME LPN 7A-3P tables, bikes, fishing Apts For Rent: Other 7080 bus & County School ing #9 fairway. Ready to
appear and represent Telephone: 662-328- By: /s/ Jesse S. New outgoing mail. FULL TIME LPN gear, lamps and more. locations. 662-242- build on. $27000 OBO.
your interests against 2316 Jesse S. New EVENING SHIFT 1 & 2 BR Apts for Rent. 7653 or 601-940-1397. One large lot overlook-
said Petition before the Executive Director Required Skills include FULL TIME CNA 6A-2P 106 YORKVILLE Rd. Fri. Military & 6th Ave N.
9a-until. Sat 8a-until. ing #17 green. Ready to
Honorable Kenneth M. PUBLISH: 10/5, 10/12, accounts payable and FULL TIME CNA CH&A and Owner pays Commercial Property 8050 build on. $28.000 OBO.
Burns, Chancellor of the & 10/19/2018 Petitioner’s Counsel: receivable, general EVENING SHIFT Patio set, h/h items, water. $350 per month,
furniture, & mattress. 662-889-3103.
14th Chancery District ledger and balance PRN (as needed) deposit required. FOR LEASE. Convenient
at 9:00 A. M. on the William F. Blair sheet working know- LPN/CNA's 662-352-4776. store. Black Creek Wanted To Buy 8850
14th day of November BEFORE THE STATE OIL BLAIR & BONDURANT, ledge; experience with Apply in person at Garage Sales: Caledonia 4540 Community on Military
2018, at the Oktibbeha AND GAS BOARD OF P.A. data entry, record keep- 505 Jackson St. DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA, Rd. & Blackcreek Rd. FORD 3910, 3930,
MISSISSIPPI Post Office Box 321423 ing and computer opera- Aberdeen IN-DOOR Yard Sale. CH&A, 1 story, W/D, Ideal location. 1100
County Courthouse, in 4630 or 5030 diesel.
Jackson, MS 39232 tions EOE Caledonia United Pente- historic district, 1 block sq. ft. shelving space,
Starkville, Mississippi, Must be rock solid &
RE: PETITION OF PITTS (601) 992-4477 - Tele- costal Church Gym from downtown, $575/ 200 sq. ft. grocery
and in case of your fail- still looking good. 662-
OIL MISSISSIPPI LLC TO phone Must be proficient with Truck Driving 3700 5850 Cal-Kolola Road mo. + $575 dep. NO store space & 155 sq.
ure to appear your in- 328-5248. Lv msg &
Thur - Fri - Sat,
terest in this matter will AMEND THE SPECIAL Microsoft Excel, have PETS. 662-574-8789. ft. cooler space. phone # if I am out.
FIELD RULES FOR THE good customer rela- CLASS A CDL Driver Oct 4, 5 & 6, 7a-Noon. Peaceful & Quiet area. 662-242-6439 or
not be considered.
CORINNE FIELD TO PUBLISH: 10/5/2018 tions skills and ability to with Truck & Lowboy 662-570-3340. Autos For Sale 9150
You are not required to COMBINE POOL DEFINI- multi task. Trailer experience to Garage Sales: Starkville 4550 FIRST FULL MONTH
file an answer or other TIONS TO FORM A CON-
Building & Remodeling 1120 load, haul, & unload RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed- WAREHOUSE SPACE for 2002 VOLVO S80 T6, 4
pleading, but you may SOLIDATED GAS POOL Competitive salary, re- heavy construction 10613 MS Hwy 12 W. room Apts/Townhomes. rent @ 1120 Hwy 69 S. door sedan. Good AC,
AND ADOPT SPACING 1/2 mile on right past 5,000sqft, heated &
do so if you desire.
RULES FOR THE COM- CJ'S ROOFING & HOME tirement and health- equipment. Overnight
Dollar General in Long
Stove & refrigerator.
cooled. 662-386-2746.
Michelin radials.
REMODELING. Roofing care benefits available. travel required. Only $335-$600 Monthly. $3950. 662-889-8914.
BINED GAS POOL IN qualified applicants with View. Fri & Sat. Credit check & deposit. Houses For Sale: Northside
Issued under my hand (Shingles or Metal) & Something for everyone. Coleman Realty,
and the seal of said THE CORINNE FIELD, Please forward your re- clean MVR, current 2012 GREY Honda
Roof Repairs, Concrete 8150
Court, this the 2nd day MONROE, CLAY AND Pressure Washing, Car- sume to Accounting Di- medical examiner’s cer- Garage Sales: Other 4560
662-329-2323. Accord. Leather heated
of October 2018. LOWNDES COUNTIES, vision, P.O. Box 7648, tificate and no acci- seats, super clean,
MISSISSIPPI pentry & Handyman 2 OR 3BR, brick home, exc. cond. 130,000
Work. Veteran & Senior Columbus, MS 39705 dents need apply. Fax
CHANCERY CLERK DOCKET NO. Discounts! 662-397-
General Help Wanted 3200
resume to 662-492-
4490 or email to
8a-4p. 2019 Strawberry COLEMAN window a/c, gas heat,
fenced yard. Close to
miles. $11,500 OBO.
Call 662-352-9318.
414-2018-D 0800, FREE ESTIMATE.
jm.sitemasters St. Antiques, h/h, & RENTALS shopping! $575/mo +
PUBLIC NOTICE SUGGS CONSTRUCTION MAN: 10 years heavy Ave. N. 662-352-4776.
Building, remodeling, Antiques 4060 General Merchandise 4600 1 BEDROOM
(SEAL) field experience, med.
BY: /s/ Shantrell W. To all owners and per- metal roofing, painting to large earthwork, HOTSPRING JETSETTER 2 BEDROOMS RARE IN TIMBER COVE:
sons interested in the & all home repairs. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY ONE LEVEL, 2 CAR GAR-
Granderson, D.C.
following described land 662-242-3471
water, sewer, storm
drain and asphalt pav- buffet & china cabinet.
Hot Tub. Orig price 3 BEDROOMS AGE + SUNROOM. 47
$7000, asking $2500. 2015 CHEVROLET Equi-
in Monroe, Clay and ing projects - local. Re- Excellent condition. Sweet Gum Ln. 1,874+
PUBLISH: 10/5, 10/12, nox, tan, 1 owner, 89k
heater & system work LEASE, sqft. Move In Ready!
© The Dispatch

& 10/19/2018 Lowndes Counties, Mis- sponsible for site super- $500. 662-605-0187. mi, mostly highway.
sissippi, to-wit: Tom Hatcher, LLC perfectly! Small leak, $158,000. For show-
Custom Construction, vision, manage cost, Farm Equipment & Supplies not using due to health. DEPOSIT ings, 662-352-1382.
Bluetooth, backup cam-
Restoration, Remodel- capable of getting top 662-327-3518. era, cloth seats, 25.8
MONROE COUNTY ing, Repair, Insurance production and perform- 4420 AND Houses For Sale: Caledonia MPG average of life of
claims. 662-364-1769. ance from site person- MILLERMATIC 180 wire vehicle. Clean & excel-
TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, Licensed & Bonded nel, and take a project 2016 JOHN Deere welder. New in box. Alu- CREDIT CHECK 8450 lent condition.
RANGE 8 EAST from start up through 5100E Tractor, 210 minum spool, CO2 Asking $13,495.
Fractional Section 31: 3BR/2BA 158 Bethle-
South Half Childcare 1180
completion meeting
deadlines. Fax resume
hours. $46,500.
Also, 2016 15ft
bottle. $1200 firm. Text
only. 662-386-2915. 662-329-2323 hem Rd. 1,523 sq. ft.

to 662-492-4490 or Kubota Bush hog avail. $129,900. Call 662- Campers & RVs 9300
email to jm.sitemasters 205-329-1790.
RANGE 7 EAST Look No Further!! Qual- for Humanity ReStore 2411 HWY 45 N
DEREK SHERROD Section 35: Entire ity Childcare Services COMPACT TRACTOR resale warehouse will 3BR/2BA brick home on TOMBIGBEE RV Park,
PLAINTIFF Section 36: Entire Are Available For The be open Saturday, Octo- COLUMBUS, MS 1.6 acres, apx 1500sqft located on Wilkins Wise
Golden Triangle Area!! CONTRACTOR SEEKING Massey Ferguson 1225. with 1BR/1BA rental Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
600 hours. 3 cylinder, ber 8, from 8-11 AM.
VS. TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, Call 662.343.8386 or experienced carpenter
Located at 1632 Rock- Commercial Property For unit currently rented for Hookups available.
662.813.3672. with lots of experience. diesel, Automatic, $250/mo. Fenced back- $300/mo. 662-328-
RANGE 8 EAST Please call: power steering. hill Road in Starkville. 8655 or 662-574-7879.
ANABEL MOLOY AN- Fractional Section 5: En- Serious Inquiries Only, Come by for bargains on Rent 7100 yard & newly updated.
GUIT SHERROD DE- 662-570-9464 for info. 662-327-5785.
Fractional Section 6: En-
Please!! furniture, appliances,
light fixtures, bath fix- COMMERCIAL PROPER-
$110,000. Call
662-574-0082. Five Questions:
THE COMMERCIAL Dis- Furniture 4480 TIES/Retail/Office
tire General Services 1360 tures, building materi-
CAUSE NO. 2018-0600 Section 7: Entire patch is seeking a Spaces starting @ Investment Property 8550
als, and more.
mechanically-minded in- HUGE THOMASVILLE
1 Fuzzy
$285/mo. Downtown &
Fractional Section 8: En- MUSIC THEORY LES- China Cabinet. Gor- East Columbus loca-
SUMMONS tire SONS dividual to work in its Wanted To Buy 4780 FANTASTIC ENTREPREN-
(By Publication) pressroom. Applicants geous! $450.00. tions. 662-435-4188.
Fractional Section 9: En- $25 per hour 662-425-1661 or EURIAL Opportunity to
tire Chords, Scales, Modes must be comfortable WANTED- LOOKING to own your own home and
2 Richard
THE STATE OF MISSIS- working around heavy buy 2BR/1BA house. OFFICE SPACE: 2,000 be a landlord in a Great
Fractional Section 17: & more! Call Jimbo @ square feet. 294
SIPPI Entire 662-364-1687 machinery, adhering to Prefer brick w/ small Location! $115,000
Garage Sales: Southside 4505
tight deadlines and yard. Move in ready. Chubby Dr. Flexible leas- Live in established mo-
Fractional Section 18: If no answer leave ing terms. Available
TO: ANABEL MOLOY AN- Entire voicemail or text. must have an eye for Loan approved. Call Bob bile home park and let
504 5TH Street South. now. 662-328-8254.
GUIT SHERROD detail & quality. Flexible at 662-361-0514. your tenants make your
Sat. 10/6 8a-5p. An-
Whose whereabouts are TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, hours are a must. Email mortgage payments!
tiques, china, (2) floor Houses For Rent: Northside
3 Bathy-
unknown NEED A Privacy Fence? resume to Free Pets 5100 Park in New Hope (East
RANGE 7 EAST Call me! Build or assist! air conditioners. See
after diligent search and Section 1: Entire pictures on Facebook 7110 Columbus location) cur-
inquiry 662-549-7167 or drop resumes off at FREE TO good home! rently has 10 lots, with
Section 2: Entire Call or Text. @apaintedladyofcolum-
Section 11: Entire 516 Main St, Small Corgi mix. Sup- 1706 RIDGE Rd. Like options to expand. 6.3
bus. No early birds.
You have been made a Section 12: Entire Columbus, MS 39701. plies incl (house, food, new, 3BR/2BA. New ap- acres. One 3/2 all-elec-
Defendant in the suit Section 13: Entire RETAINER WALL, drive- No phone calls please. CHURCH/BAKE Sale. A leash). Sweet & good pl, 22 ac w/ pond, tric remodeled Mobile
4 Monica
filed in this Court by with kids. Barks occa- woods & wildlife. Close Home w/new Central
Derek Sherrod, Plaintiff,
Section 14: Entire way, foundation, con- ESTIMATOR WANTED Prepared Table Ministry, to CAFB. $1100/mo or H/A currently rented,
crete, masonry restora- for a specialty con- 1201 College St. 10/6 sionally. 662-364-6625.
seeking divorce. TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, tion, remodeling, base- 6:30a-1p. Kitchenware, possible Rent to Own. storage building, and
struction company in JACK RUSSELL Fiest Military discount avail- one 37’ 5th wheel
You are required to mail Fractional Section 11.
ment foundation, re- Columbus. Responsib- pictures, baked goods, mixed/blue heeler. able. 662-418-8077. camper for rent, 3
or hand deliver a writ-
pairs, small dump truck ilities include working shoes, clothing (MWC, Male. 3 months. empty spaces – one of
Entire hauling (5-6 yd) load & with General Contract- all sizes) furn. etc.
5 Elvis Presley
ten response to the Fractional Section 12. demolition/lot cleaning. 662-605-0187. ALL BRICK 3BR/2BA which could hold your
Complaint filed in this ors & Subcontractors, RAIN OR shine. 2-Fam- house for rent. Big yard. own mobile home – and
Entire Burr Masonry performing take offs,
action to Lisa L. Meggs, Section 13: Entire 662-242-0259. ily Sale. 808 4th Ave. S. Pets 5150 Carport. W/D hookup. 5 lots currently rented.
Attorney for Plaintiff, preparation of bids, Sat. 7a-11a. Lawn furn., Nice neighborhood. Pictures and video avail-
Fractional Section 14: job management of
whose address is 92 bike, carpet, rugs, LAB PUPPIES, 4 mos $780 per month. 70 W able for serious inquir-
Entire WORK WANTED: field employees,
Windsong Cove, Colum- Fractional Section 22: gently used designer old. $25 each, covers Thomas Dr. 3 min from ies. Owners willing to
bus, MS, 39705. Licensed & Bonded-car- scheduling, procuring handbags, shoes, small shots. Call or text CAFB. 504-813-1200. finance with 20% down
Entire pentry, painting, & de- materials & timeline furn., washer and dryer, 662-435-2069. for 12 years and no
Fractional Section 23: molition. Landscaping, management of
Your response must be Entire sofa, lamps, Christmas Houses For Rent: Caledonia early payout penalty.
mailed or delivered not Section 24: Entire gutters cleaned, bush projects. Require- AKC GERMAN Shep-
decor, much more. herd puppies. Exc. ped. 7160 Septic and treatment
later than thirty days hogging, clean-up work, ments include com- systems newly renov-
after the 20th day of pressure washing, mov- puter skills, strong Blk, blk/silv & blk/red.
TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, communication, fol- Garage Sales: East 4510 Vet checked, w/s. Tak- 3BR/2BA, 811 Main St. ated and pumped, con-
September, 2018, ing help & furniture CH/A, appl incl. $850/ venient to everything –
RANGE 18 WEST repair. 662-242-3608 low-through, & people 2-FAMILY Sale. 110 ing deposits.
which is the date of the Section 19. Entire mo + $850 dep w/ 1 grocery store, clinics,
first publication of this skills. Must be ex- 662-213-4609
Brown St. Fri. 10/5 year lease. No pets. pharmacy, YMCA, Lake
summons. If your re- tremely reliable, 12p-5p & Sat. 10/6 8a-
CLAY COUNTY Housekeeping 1380 timely, organized, & Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 662-329-2917 or Lowndes State Park.
sponse is not so mailed 12p. Plus sizes (new), 662-574-9708. Call/text for more info,
or delivered, judgment HUDSON CLEANING detail oriented with washer (like new), tools, Pam, 601-310-3528.
TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, positive attitude & 2BR/1BA, renovated w/
by default will be RANGE 8 EAST SERVICE. Commercial jewelry, etc. Houses For Rent: Other 7180
character. Back- Central heat and air,
entered against you for Fractional Section 19: or Residential. Free
ground in construc- new appliances, floor-
Even if you
the relief demanded in Entire Quotes! Cleaning level 408 SPRINGDALE Dr. TWO PROPERTIES, COL:
tion supervision pre- Sat. 10/6 6a-1p. Audi- ing, etc. Available soon.
the petition. Fractional Section 20: options. Refs available. 2BR/1BA, 7th St.S. @
ferred but not re- Taking applications
You must also file the
Fractional Section 30:
quired. Salaried posi-
ovisuals, dvds, jewelry,
kichenware, decorative now. $450/Mth. 15th Ave.S. $500/mo.
$500 dep. Nice home,
don’t get out much
NO HUD. Call Long &
these days, you can
original of your Re- tion with benefits & items for the house,
Entire Lawn Care / Landscaping vehicle furnished. Long, 662-328-0770. quiet area. WD hookup.
sponse with the Clerk of yard tools, misc. items. 2BR/1BA, 12th Ave.N.
this Court within a reas- TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH,
onable time afterward.
1470 Email resume to
job101@ 607 CYPRESS St. Sat.
1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- @ 15th St.N. $575/mo. still “go shopping” in the
ments & townhouses. $575 dep. Nice home,
Classifieds. You can find
RANGE 7 EAST JESSE & BEVERLY'S 6:30a-until. Furniture,
Section 23: Entire LAWN SERVICE. Mow- Call for more info. quiet area. WD hookup.
Issued under my hand appliances, & clothes in
exactly what you’ve
Section 24: Entire ing, cleanup, landscap- HELP WANTED – EXPER- all sizes. Shop & save! 662-328-8254. 713-291-0996.
and seal of said Court, Fractional Section 25: IENCED HEAVY EQUIP-
this 6th day of Septem- Entire ing, sodding, & tree cut-
Apts For Rent: Other 7080
ber, 2018. ting. 356-6525. MENT OPERATORS
609 N. Gaywood St.
7-11am. Baby items,
been looking for.
LOWNDES COUNTY PROJECT. MUST BE clothes, shoes, elec-
tronics & more!
Find someone to mow the lawn
BY: Shantrell W.
Section 13: Entire
Phone: 662-549-1878 EXCAVATORS. Fax re-
Landscaping, Property sume to 662-492-4490 7a-1p. H/h items, Men/
806 REMUNDA Dr. Sat. •
Granderson, D.C. Fractional Section 22: Clean Up, Plant Care, or email to jm.sitemast women/plus sz/chil- Find someone to clean the house
PUBLISH: 9/21, 9/28, Fractional Section 23:
Bush Hogging,
Herbicide Spraying dren clothes & shoes. •
10/5 & 10/12/2018 Entire General Help Wanted 3200 Find that special recliner
Fractional Section 24:
Painting & Papering 1620 •
Section 25: Northwest CLIFF'S PAINTING. Cliff Buy a computer system
Quarter and East Half
Fractional Section 26:
Baswell. Free estim-
ates. Interior/Exterior •
Northeast Quarter work. 30 years experi- Buy a used car
ence. Many references.
662-327-9079. •
The Town of Artesia has RANGE 18 WEST 662-386-0006. Buy that rare coin
for your collection
declared a white 98 Section 19: Entire
Ford Crown Victoria with Section 20: West Half
. . . and lots more
Section 29: West Half SULLIVAN'S PAINT
a 350 engine surplus SERVICE

The CommerCial
and will start taking Section 30: Entire
Certified in lead
sealed bids on Monday removal. Offering spe-
September 24, 2018 - TAKE NOTICE that Pitts cial prices on interior &
October 8, 2018. It will Oil Mississippi LLC has

exterior painting, pres-
be sold as is. The bids filed a Petition with the sure washing & sheet
will be opened on Tues- Mississippi State Oil rock repairs.
day, October 9, 2018 at and Gas Board under Free Estimates
10:30 AM and will be the above docket re- Call 435-6528
awarded to the highest questing an amend-
bid. If you have any
questions please feel
ment to the Special
Field Rules for the Sitting With The Sick / Elderly 516 Main St.
free to call 662-272- Corinne Field, Monroe,
5104 or 662-435-2414. Clay and Lowndes
1780 Columbus, MS 39701

Counties, Mississippi to NEED SOMEONE to care
PUBLISH: 9/23, 9/24, define a consolidated for your loved one?
9/25, 9/26, 9/27, gas pool and to modern- Years of experience.
9/28, 9/30, 10/1, ize the Special Field Great References. Call
10/2, 10/3, 10/4, &
Rules, and for other re- Betty, 662-251-6680.
lief as set forth in the Very good at what I do!
8B FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2018 The Dispatch •

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