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T h e I n f l u e n c e of E n v i r o n m e n t a l F a c t o r s o n t h e

Respiration of Plant-parasitic Nematodes 1


Abstract: Respiration o f selected n e m a t o d e species w a s m e a s u r e d relative to COx level, t e m p e r a t u r e ,

o s m o t i c pressure, h u m i d i t y , glucose utilization a n d h i g h ionic c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of s o d i u m a n d p o t a s s i u m .
In general, respiration w a s s t i m u l a t e d m o s t by the d o m i n a n t e n v i r o n m e n t a l f a c t o r s at levels n e a r those
expected in the n e m a t o d e ' s " n a t u r a l " habitat. Soil-inhabiting n e m a t o d e s utilized O.., m o s t rapidly with
h i g h ( 1 - 2 % ) CO~ w h e r e a s a foliar n e m a t o d e (Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi) did so with 0 . 0 3 % CO._,, the
c o n c e n t r a t i o n typically f o u n d in air. T e m p e r a t u r e o p t i m a for respiration c o r r e s p o n d e d closely to t h o s e
for o t h e r activities. Ditylenchus dipsaci a n d Pratylenchus penetrans adults a n d Anguina tritici a n d A.
agrostis second-stage larvae respired within the r a n g e of o s m o t i c p r e s s u r e s f r o m 0 to 44.8 a r m a n d
respiration of their d r o u g h t - r e s i s t a n t stages w a s s t i m u l a t e d by increasing o s m o t i c p r e s s u r e w h i c h a c c o m -
panies the o n s e t of d r o u g h t . R e h y d r a t i o n of A. tritici a n d A. agrostis larvae with R H as low as 5%
s t i m u l a t e d m e a s u r a b l e respiration. G l u c o s e utilization f r o m liquid m e d i u m by A. tritici larvae or A.
ritzembosi w a s n o t detectable. S u p p l e m e n t a l N a ÷ s t i m u l a t e d respiration o f Anguina tritici, K* did not.
Key Words: Respiration, T e m p e r a t u r e , CO~ c o n c e n t r a t i o n , O s m o t i c c o n c e n t r a t i o n , Relative h u m i d i t y ,
Ionic c o m p o s i t i o n , Anguina tritici, Anguina agrostis, Pratylenchus penetrans, Ditylenchus dipsaci, Aphe-
lenchoides ritzemabosi.

Plant-parasitic nematodes appear to be Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi are known to

well adapted for surviving extremes of tem- survive desiccation for many years (27).
perature, moisture stress and carbon dioxide Little is known, however, regarding the exact
concentration. The present study attempts degree of desiccation and the corresponding
to define the limits of these adaptations in levels of metabolic activity of the desiccated
terms of respiratory activity. Respiratory stages of these nematodes. Wallace and
physiology of nematodes parasitic on animals Greet (28) reported the resistance of Tylen-
has been extensively investigated (5, 18, 25), chorhynchus icarus to desiccation is accom-
whereas only a few studies have been made panied by increased respiratory activity.
on the respiration of freeliving nematodes. Respiration rates of several species of plant-
Overgaard-Nielsen (13) was first to use the parasitic nematodes have been shown to be
Cartesian diver technique to measure the rate higher in air (0.03% COe) than in either a
of respiration of several kinds of soil-borne CO2-free atmosphere or in higher concentra-
nematodes. Santmeyer (20) showed candi- tions of CO~ (19). Carbon dioxide has been
date nematicides can be screened in the lab- proposed as one of the factors which attract
oratory by measuring their effect on the res- plant-parasitic nematodes to roots in soil (7).
piration rate of Panagrellus redivivus. The respiratory rates of some free-living
Tolerance to desiccation varies greatly in nematodes have been recorded at different
different plant-parasitic nematode species temperatures by Overgaard-Nielsen (13) and
(23, 27). Second stage larvae of Anguina Santmeyer (20).
tritici and .4. agrostis, fourth stage larvae
of Ditylenchus dipsaci and the adults of M A T E R I A L S AND M E T H O D S

Received for publication 22 August 1969.

Second stage (L2) larvae of A nguina tritici
~From a Ph.D. thesis submitted to the University of (Steinbuch) Chitwood, were obtained from
Massachusetts by the senior author. ten-year-old wheat galls and from one-year-
Department of Plant Pathology, University of Massachu-
selts Amherst, Mass., U.S.A. Senior author now at De- old galls harvested in 1965. L2 larvae of
partment of Biology, Russell Sage College, Troy, New
York, U.S.A. A nguina agrostis (Steinbuch) Filipjev, were
278 Journal o[ Nematology, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1970

TABLE 1. Oxygen consumption of dry larvae of

,4nguina tritici from one-year-old wheat galls
during the fifth hour of exposure to different ~ ,,Old galls
relative humidities at 25 C.
...... anew galls- open system
Respiration ~.,, closed system
RH (%) nl O e t / z g / h r
z~ "%
,~& •
5 0.009
50 0.028
1.600 o
¢,. 2 ',, :, / \
95 (24 hr) -t- 5 (5 hr) 0.021

o" \\
obtained from bent grass seed galls harvested u
\ "X *
in 1965. Adults of Pratylenchus penetrans I
(Cobb) Chitwood and Oteifa, Ditylenchus
dipsaci (Kiihn) Filipjev, and Aphelenchoides
ritzemabosi (Schwartz) Steiner, were obtained
from monoxenic cultures maintained on al-
falfa callus tissue growing in nutrient agar (9).
2'4 4'8 7"2 9'6
Wheat galls were surface sterilized in 2.5%
Hours after hydration
sodium hypochlorite for 5 min and bent grass
galls for 1-2 min and then rinsed several
FIG. 1. Respiratory rates of second stage larvae
times with sterile distilled water. Galls were of Anguina tritici after removal from one-year-old
opened in sterile distilled water and the lar- galls and placement in water. In a closed system,
vae obtained treated with 0.05% ( w / v ) di- the same respirometer vessel was used for 72 hours,
in an open system, a new vessel was prepared each
hydrostreptomycin sulfate and 0.05% ( w / v ) day. Each point is the mean of three determina-
neomycin sulfate for 5 min with a final rinse tions. Rates for new galls are significantly different
in sterile distilled water. Nematodes were at 24 and 48 hours.
aseptically extracted from callus tissue dur-
ing the 20 hr immediately preceding respira- was shaken at 95 strokes per min with a
tion measurements. stroke length of 4.5 cm. Except where other-
Respiration was measured by three meth- wise stated, all measurements were made at
ods: the Cartesian diver technique, the War- 22 -+- 0.01 C.
burg direct method, and Gilson's differential Nematodes, glassware and media were
method. aseptic at the beginning of each experiment.
For most experiments, a Cartesian diver A blank containing the same medium from
microrespirometer was used similar in design which nematodes had been removed, was run
to that of Halter and Linderstrom-Lang (6). with each experiment. Gas consumption in
Divers having a total volume ranging 8-15 these occurred only very rarely, and when it
/~1 were constructed from pyrex glass capil- did the experiment was discarded. Contami-
laries. Five to ten nematodes were placed in nation was also detected by directly plating
0.5 to 1.00 ~1 of medium in the bulb of each the nematode suspension liquid on potato
diver and the neck seals were added. dextrose agar at 35 C. If more than 50 colo-
With the Warburg and Gilson respiro- nies per ml of medium were counted after
meters, 7-ml flasks were used. Each flask 48 hr incubation, the experiment was dis-
received 8,000 to 180,000 nematodes and carded.

"FABLE 2. Respiration rates of L.., larvae of A.

lritici from wheat galls from May 1965 harvest
six hours after hydration.

Measured Respiration
(mo/yr) nl 02//zg/hr

July, 1965 2.929

August, 1965 1.484
February, 1966 1.221
March, 1966 1.031
July, 1966 0.882

Rate of respiration has been expressed as

nl oxygen//~g dry weight/hr. Dry weight was
determined for each species both as suggested
by Roberts (16) and by Myers and Krusberg
A.tritici A.agrosti$ D. dipsa¢i Rpenetrars Ticarus
(12). For each dry weight determination,
1,000 to 15,000 nematodes were used and
FIG. 2. Respiratory rates of plant-parasitic nem-
each was repeated five times. atodes in urea solutions. Each value is the mean of
10 determinations. Crosses over bars indicate sig-
RESULTS nificant differences between adjacent bars (x = .05
level, xx ----.01 level). Values for Ty/enchorhynchus
REHVDRATtON: TO study the influence of icarus calculated from Wallace and Greet, 1964.
humidity alone on respiration, A . tritici lar-
vae taken directly from galls were placed after removal of larvae from galls. The most
inside the divers and the concentration of rapid decrease was noted when larvae were
sodium hydroxide in the neck seal of the placed in Cartesian divers and respiratory
diver was changed to produce the desired measurements were made for 72 hr without
relative humidity (10). changing the neck seals during this period.
Respiration of L2 larvae of A . tritici was Such an arrangement may be called a "closed
measurable in relative humidities as low as system." On the other hand, if divers were
5% but below 95% RH, 02 consumption was emptied daily and reloaded with new larvae
very low (Table 1). During the first six hr from the original population stored in water
after larvae were exposed to 95% RH, the (to provide an "open system"), a different
rate of oxygen consumption gradually in- response was obtained (Fig. 1) and the res-
creased. The initial rate of respiration of A. piratory rate did not fall as rapidly.
tritici larvae from ten-year-old wheat galls Larvae from old galls became motile
was lower than that from one-year-old galls about 60 hr after being placed in water,
(Fig. 1 ). whereas larvae from one-year-old wheat galls
When A. tritici larvae from old galls were were active in 4-6 hr. The rate of respira-
placed in water, their rate of respiration rose tion of L2 larvae of A . tritici recovered from
for 72 hr and then decreased (Fig. 1). The one-year-old galls decreased sharply during
rate of respiration of larvae from one-year- the first few months after harvest and then
old wheat galls was highest 6 hr after hydra- declined more gradually (Table 2). The time
tion after which it dropped rapidly (Fig. 1). required for these larvae to resume activity
With the methods used, respiration measure- after hydration gradually increased during
ments could not be made earlier than 6 hr the year following harvest.
280 Journal o/ Nematology, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1970

TABLE 3. I n f l u e n c e of o s m o t i c p r e s s u r e on o x y g e n
c o n s u m p t i o n of n e m a t o d e s ( n l / v g / h r ) .

Respiration 14
t oxygen consumption)
Solution 2.24 atm 22.4 atm 12~ t
Anguina tritici (from one-year-old galls, hydrated 6 hr) ,°i1
Urea 1.710 a ~ 1.168 b
D-Mannitol 1.684 a
Sodium chloride 1.810 a 1.429 a
4- o
Potassium chloride 1.020 b 0.390 c
A. agrostis (from one-year-old galls, hydrated 6 hr) i
Urea 2.112 a 2.140 a
Sodium chloride 2.740 b 2.840 b 1 2 4 6 8 I0
Ditj,lenchus dipsaci Days ofter removal from c u l t u r e
Urea 6.309 a 4.500 b
Pratylenchtcs penetrans FIG. 3. T h e effect o f s t o r a g e in a e r a t e d di s t i l l e d
w a t e r on r e s p i r a t i o n o f Pratylenchus penetrans.
Urea 5.690 a 3.809 c
E a c h p o i n t is the m e a n of t h r e e d e t e r m i n a t i o n s .
D-Mannitol 5.121 b
1 For each species, values followed by the same letter do
not differ significantly at the 5% level. solutions were significantly less than in iso-
tonically comparable urea or sodium chloride
O S M O T I C PRESSURE AND I O N I C C O M P O S I - solutions. In 0.5M KCI, the rate of respira-
TION OF MEDIUM: To study the effect tion was only 27% of the rate attained in an
of osmotic pressure on respiration, 0 . 0 I M , isotonic NaCI solution (Table 3).
0.1 M, 1.0M and 2.0M urea and D-mannitol N U T R I E N T S AND STARVATION: Three at-
solutions were used to produce osmotic pres- tempts were made to determine whether the
sures of approximately 0.224, 2.24, 22.4 and addition of glucose to the medium from the
44.8 atm, respectively. NaC1 and KCI solu- side arm of the Warburg flask would in-
tions were used to study the osmotic effect crease the rate of respiration of L2 larvae of
and also the influence of sodium and potas- A. tritici from one-year-old wheat galls. A
sium ions on respiration. single similar attempt was made with adults
The rate of respiration of D. dipsaci adults of A. ritzemabosi. No respiration increase
and A. tritici and ,4. agrostis larvae increased was detected for either of these two species
as the osmotic pressure of the medium was after the addition of 0.1 mg/ml glucose.
raised from zero to 2.24 atm. The highest The respiratory rate of P. penetrans adults
rate of respiration for P. penetrans was at an dropped sharply for 20 hr after their removal
osmotic pressure 0.224 atm (Fig. 2). Osmotic from culture, reaching 50% of the original
regulation at 2.24 atm with D-mannitol in rate after 15 hr. Forty-eight hr after removal
place of urea yielded the same respiration re- of nematodes from culture, respiration was
sponse data with P. penetrans and L., larvae nearly constant at ~ the original rate (Fig. 3).
of A. tritici (Table 3). The respiratory rate of Tylenchorhynchus
Sodium chloride osmo-regulation (2.24 claytoni (Steiner) decreased similarly over a
atm and 22.4 atm) increased. The rates of period of 5 days after removal from culture.
respiration of L._, larvae of A. tritici and A. CARBON DIOXIDE: To study the effect of
agrostis were the same in isotonic (2.24 o r carbon dioxide concentration on respiration,
22.4 atm) sodium chloride or urea solutions; Krebs' carbon dioxide buffer ( 8 ) , bubbled
but those of A. tritici in potassium chloride overnight with the desired CO._,concentration,


24 II
,,A. r l t z e m o b o s i

• A.triti " '

= 7

-~12 6

.~ 5

0.1 0.5 1.0

% corbon dioxide

FIG. 4. The influence of CO._,concentration on

respiration of nematodes. Each point is the mean
2.0 ~


of four determinations.

was used in place of the sodium hydroxide

seal in the neck of the Cartesian diver.
The rate of respiration of A. ritzemabosi
5 I0 15 22 30 35
and P. penetrans was higher in air (0.03%
Temperature in o C
CO.,) than in the total absence of CO., in the
gaseous phase. The Qo._, of D. dipsaci de- FIG. 5. The influence of temperature on respira-
tion of nematodes. Each point is the mean of four
creased as the CO,, concentration was in- determinations.
creased from 0.03 to 0.1% and the respiratory
rates of P. penetrans and A. ritzemabosi
dropped significantly. The respiratory rate DISCUSSION
of D. dipsaci rose more than 6-fold when the Respiratory rates of the selected plant-
CO,, concentration was increased from 0.5 parasitic nematodes studied fell within the
to 1.0%. An increase of CO._, concentration range of Qo._, values known for nematodes
from 1 to 2% decreased the respiratory rate parasitic in animals; however, it must be kept
of D. dipsaci and A. ritzemabosi, but not of in mind that respiratory rates for animal-
P. penetrans (Fig. 4). parasitic nematodes are usually measured at
All three species were actively motile dur- 37 C and those of plant-parasitic nematodes
ing eight hr exposure to CO., concentration in the present studies were determined at
from 0.03 to 2.0%. 22 C.
EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE RATE Plant-parasitic nematodes may often be
OF RESPIRATION: The rate of respiration exposed to greater ranges of temperature,
of adults of P. penetrans and A. ritzemabosi carbon dioxide concentration, osmotic pres-
and L,, larvae of A. tritici and A. agrostb sure, and moisture than are most animal-
increased as the temperature was raised from parasitic nematodes. Osmotic pressure of a
l 0 to 35 C. The rate of respiration of D. tomato root may vary from 5 to 16 atm (22).
dipxaci remained high even at 5 C, but de- Osmotic pressure and CO., concentration in
creased sharply as temperature was raised soil may change sharply after a rain or as a
above 22 C. The respiratory rates of other result of drought. It is probable that each
species were not detectable at 5 C (Fig. 5). nematode species has developed tolerances
282 Journal of Nematology, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1970

to different degrees of environmental stress. ground parts of plants, where CO2 concen-
Plant-parasitic nematodes pass at least part trations are closer to that of the atmosphere.
of their life cycle in soil, where they live in Adults of P. penetrans and D. dipsaci
water films surrounding soil particles (27). and second stage larvae of A. tritici and A.
Carbon dioxide produced as a result of respi- agrostis respire within a range of osmotic
piration diffuses out of water films slowly. pressures from 0 to 44.8 atm. P. penetrans,
Moreover, CO2 is readily soluble in water, a typical plant-parasitic nematode, respires
resulting in a high concentration of CO., in maximally at 0.224 atm osmotic pressure,
the soil environment to which soil-borne which is close to the range of optimum
nematodes appear to be adapted. osmotic pressure for some of the animal-
Respiration of plant-parasitic nematodes parasitic nematodes (22). The tolerance
is reduced in the absence of carbon dioxide. range of P. penetrans is wide on either side
The rate of oxygen consumption of plant- of 0.224 atm. Even at 2.24 atm its rate of
parasitic nematodes tends to decrease after respiration is higher than in distilled water.
about 5 hr storage inside Cartesian divers The high respiratory rate of plant-parasitic
with a potassium hydroxide neck seal (2). A nematodes over a wide range of osmotic stress
relatively low rate of respiration of A. tritici suggests there may be an osmoregulatory
larvae, when measured by using the same mechanism (15). The presence of such a
divers without changing the neck seals dur- mechanism in Heterodera and Meloidogyne
ing a 72-hr period (closed system, Fig. 1) has been suggested by Dropkin (4).
and may be due to total absence of CO,, in- Second stage larvae of A. tritici and A.
side the divers for long periods. A similar agrostis and pre-adults of D. dipsaci are well
inhibition of respiration in P. penetrans in adapted to resist drying and the increased
the absence of CO2 was reported by Rohde respiration of these nematodes at 2.24 to
(19). Such a decline in the respiratory rate 44.8 atm osmotic pressure may reflect extra
cannot be explained on the basis of a drop in work necessary to retain or replace water.
02 tension within the respiration vessel. In At the stage when the surrounding medium
the present studies the oxygen tension inside as well as the tissues of the nematodes are
the Cartesian divers did not fall more than dried up, osmotic stress is probably no longer
10% in 6 hr. The oxygen tension in divers a problem for drought-resistant nematodes in
with COo buffer was even lower, and yet the absence of free water. Nematodes in a
nematodes in these divers respired at a higher state of anhydrobiosis, such as A. tritici and
rate. A. agrostis in galls have a measurable respi-
P. penetrans passes its life cycle in soil or ration, but is not possible to say how much
in root lesions only a few cells deep. The oxygen intake was due to the plant tissue
lesions are invaded by soil microorganisms so also present.
that CO2 concentration in the environment The increase in rate of respiration of A.
of these nematodes is likely to be high, and tritici larvae during increase in relative hu-
the nematode appears to be stimulated by midity from five to 95 percent is not loga-
these high concentrations. Fleshy tissues in- rithmic, as has been reported for the drought-
vaded by D. dipsaci are the site of hydrolytic resistant tardigrade, Macrobiotus hufelandi
enzyme activity and are high in CO2. On the (14). The respiration rate of A. tritici larvae
other hand, respiration of A. ritzemabosi is remains very low in humidities below 95%
highest in air, suggesting an adaptation con- RH. When desiccated larvae of A. tritici are
ditioned by its life in leaves and other above- exposed to a given humidity, there is a linear
E N V I R O N M E N T AND N E M A T O D E R E S P I R A T I O N ° Bhatt, R o h d e 283

rise in the rate of respiration (Table 1). This ions. A 0.5 M potassium chloride solution
might arise because, as the moisture pene- inhibits respiration. In this respect A. tritici
trated the mass of larvae, more and more lar- larvae resemble Litomosoides carinii (3) and
vae began to respire, or because the metabolic differ from the larvae of Eustrongyloides
rate of individual larvae increased as their ignotus (24).
tissues absorbed more water. The rate of most biological processes,
A. tritici larvae from old galls take longer including respiration, increases with an in-
(72 hr) to reach the level of highest metabolic crease in temperature, reaching a maximum,
activity than do larvae from one-year galls beyond which the rate of activity tends to
(approximately 6 hr). This might be be- decline. The temperature vs. respiratory rate
cause the former are more dehydrated during curves (Fig. 7) for several plant-parasitic
storage inside the wheat galls. The initial nematodes show that the optimum tempera-
high rate of respiration after hydration of ture for respiration varies with the species.
larvae might indicate an oxygen debt, which The temperature optima for respiration are
could be expected in close-packed, desiccated very near those for other activities such as
storage conditions. motility, infectivity, and reproduction of a
A fall in the rate of respiration of A. tritici given nematode species. The optimum tem-
larvae, after an initial rise, may be due to perature range for motility and reproduction
either starvation or aging, whose effects on of D. dipsaci is 15-20 C ( 1, 21, 26) which
Q(,,_, are difficult to separate (23). Similarly, coincides with the temperature at which the
aging and starvation may be responsible for rate of respiration is maximum. Adaptation
the fall in the respiration rate of P. penetrans of this nematode to low temperature is shown
and T. claytoni stored in distilled water. Fall in its high rate of respiration at 5 C. A.
in the rate of respiration of P. penetrans ritzemabosi is found in temperate climates
stored in distilled water after removal from (29) and its highest rate of respiration was in
culture follows the pattern o b t a i n e d by the range of 30 to 35 C. The highest rate of
Rohde (19) for this nematode after removal respiration of P. penetrans occurred at 35 C,
from soil. The rates of respiration of some which coincides with the optimum soil tem-
free-living soil nematodes (Dorylaimus ob- perature for activity of a related species, P.
tusicaudatus, Mononchus papillatus, Plectus minyus (11 ).
granulosus, Pontonema vulgare) have been Temperature not only has a direct bear-
reported, however, to remain stationary over ing on the rate of biological processes, but
a seven day period following extraction of the influences other environmental factors as
nematodes from the soil (13). well. Solubility of CO,, in water decreases
No stimulation of respiration of adults of with increase in temperature. On the other
A. ritzemabosi or second stage larvae of A. hand, CO., concentration in soil may increase
tritici resulted from addition of glucose to the at higher temperatures because of higher
medium. Plant-parasitic nematodes normally microbial activity. In soil, higher tempera-
feed by piercing cell walls with the stylet. tures may result in a long term rise in osmotic
Possibly these nematodes are unable to ingest pressure, due to increased evaporation of
exogenous glucose without tactile stimulation water. Osmotic pressure inside plants tends
as is required by some animal-parasitic nem- to drop slightly with a rise in temperature.
atodes (17). Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi inside above-
Potassium ions do not stimulate respira- ground parts of plants exposed to sunlight,
tion of L~ larvae of A. tritici as do sodium lives in an environment of high temperature
284 Journal o/ Nematology, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1970

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