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Earth's copper resources estimated from tectonic diffusion of porphyry

copper deposits

Article  in  Geology · March 2008

DOI: 10.1130/G24317A.1

55 686

2 authors, including:

Stephen E. Kesler
University of Michigan


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Earth’s copper resources estimated from tectonic
diffusion of porphyry copper deposits
Stephen E. Kesler
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA
Bruce H. Wilkinson
Department of Earth Sciences, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244-1070, USA

Improved estimates of global mineral endowments are relevant to issues ranging from stra-
tegic planning to global geochemical cycling. We have used a time-space model for the tec-
tonic migration of porphyry copper deposits vertically through the crust to calculate Earth’s
endowment of copper in mineral deposits. The model relies only on knowledge of numbers and
ages of porphyry copper deposits, Earth’s most widespread and important source of copper, in
order to estimate numbers of eroded and preserved deposits in the crust. Model results indi-
cate that ~125,895 porphyry copper deposits were formed during Phanerozoic time, that only
~47,789 of these remain at various crustal depths, and that these contain ~1.7 × 1011 tonnes (t)
of copper. Assuming that other types of copper deposits behave similarly in the crust and have
abundances proportional to their current global production yields an estimate of 3 × 1011 t for
total global copper resources at all levels in Earth’s crust. Thus, ~0.25% of the copper in the
crust has been concentrated into deposits through Phanerozoic time, and about two-thirds of
this has been recycled by uplift and erosion. The amount of copper in deposits above 3.3 km,
a likely limit of future mining, could supply current world mine production for 5500 yr, thus
quantifying the highly unusual and nonrenewable nature of mineral deposits.

Keywords: copper, resources, ore deposit, mineral deposit, tectonic, computational model.

INTRODUCTION et al., 2005b). Economic estimates compile pro- of Koons (1989) for reduction of topographic
We report here a new approach for quanti- duction or reserve data from known deposits, relief in convergent margin settings to deter-
fying the mineral endowment of Earth’s crust, which are assumed to be sufficiently numerous mine proportions of eroded, exposed, and hid-
information that is relevant to issues ranging and widespread to provide a representative sam- den intrusion-related deposits.
from economic development and strategic ple of the entire planet (Lasky, 1950; Folinsbee,
planning to chemical differentiation of Earth 1977; Howarth et al., 1980; Cargill et al., 1981; METHOD USED IN THIS STUDY
(Gordon et al., 1984; Mikesell, 1986; Menzie, DeYoung, 1981). One widely used method of The methodology applied in this study uses
1997; Farina, 2006; Tilton, 2003, 2006). Here this type assumes that mineral consumption is the age-frequency distribution of known depos-
we estimate remaining crustal resources of cop- relatively inelastic and changes symmetrically its of a specific type to constrain a steady-state
per, which has increased in price by ~460% through time (Hewett, 1929; Hubbert, 1962; model of vertical tectonic movement of depos-
between 2003 and 2007. Similar price changes Roper, 1978; Bartlett, 2000; Deffeyes, 2005). its through Earth’s crust with time, including
for many mineral commodities, due partly to Although both methods have advantages, the burial and subsidence as well as uplift and
increased demand from newly expanding econ- best results should be obtained from a theoreti- erosion (Wilkinson and Kesler, 2007). Age-
omies, have raised awareness of the limits to our cal framework that extrapolates geologic and frequency data for porphyry copper deposits
mineral supplies and the need for improved esti- economic information from Earth’s surface (as well as many other ore deposit types) define
mates of global mineral endowments. to depth. Development of such a framework log normal distributions in which deposit fre-
requires an understanding of the factors that quency increases abruptly with increasing
METHODS USED FOR ESTIMATING control the number and spatial distribution of age to a modal maximum, and then decreases
GLOBAL MINERAL RESOURCES ore deposits in the crust. Several studies have gradually with greater age. This distribution
Efforts to estimate Earth’s mineral endowment shown that preservation of deposits, not just reflects the fact that ore bodies are emplaced
must extrapolate information on known deposits their formation, plays a key role in this regard. over some restricted range of crustal depths
at and near the surface into less explored and For example, porphyry copper and skarn depos- and then dispersed vertically through the crust
deeper parts of the subsurface. These extrapo- its in the western U.S. occupy regions of shallow as time passes.
lations are commonly based on two types of and intermediate erosion, respectively (Barton Computationally, the model forms a series
information, geologic and economic (Singer et al., 1988). These relations were treated theo- of deposits of a specific type and allows them
and Mosier, 1981; Harris, 1984; McLaren and retically by Veizer et al. (1989), who showed to be displaced upward (uplift) or downward
Skinner, 1987). Geologic estimates compile that global cycling rates (expressed as deposit (burial), or to remain at the same level (stasis),
information from well-explored areas on spe- half-lives) for different types of ore deposits with the passage of each time interval such
cific types of mineral deposits and their geologic range from 1.7 b.y. to 3 m.y., depending on that individual deposits in the series follow
environment, and extrapolate this information depths of crustal emplacement, and by Bar- one of many different possible depth-time
into less explored regions (Singer, 1993; Singer ton (1996), who used a model based on work paths (Fig. 1). The model evaluates numerous

© 2008 The Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
Geology, March
March 2008
2008; v. 36; no. 3; p. 255–258; doi: 10.1130/G24317A.1; 2 figures; 1 table. 255
possible up-stasis-down combinations for a 1 50 m.y.; 2 km 2 200 m.y.; 6 km 3 400 m.y.; 12 km 4 800 m.y.; 20 km
group of deposits until it yields a best model
fit to their age-frequency distribution (Fig. 2). 2
Because the model simulates the migration
of deposits through Earth’s crust with time, it
also provides information on the number and 3
distribution of deposits in the subsurface, the 10

Depth (km)
most important requirement for estimating
global resources. Confirmation of the model is

provided by the fact that it closely reproduces 15 4
known age-frequency patterns for the deposits, 400
and yields erosion (denudation) rates identi-
cal to those estimated for continent-scale ter- 20
rains by numerous other methods (Kesler and 200
Wilkinson, 2006; Wilkinson and Kesler, 2007).


500 400 300 200 100
Porphyry Copper Resources
This approach was used to simulate the num- Figure 1. Time-space trajectories of 231 theoretical Phanerozoic porphyry copper depos-
ber and age-frequency distribution of porphyry its (light gray lines) emplaced at crustal depth of 2 km (arrow) relative to Earth’s surface
(straight heavy line), and tectonically moved (with the same probability) up, horizontally, or
copper deposits, the dominant source of world down by 468 m in age-depth space with each age step of 106 yr. Four paths (with ages and
copper mine production. Recent compilations maximum burial depths) illustrate the range of burial histories. Numbered lines represent
(Singer et al., 2005a; Seedorff et al., 2005) possible paths taken by: (1) Miami-Inspiration in Arizona (Livingston et al., 1968), (2) Gibral-
indicate that most porphyry copper deposits are tar in British Columbia, (Bysouth et al., 1995), and (3) Chapada in Brazil (Richardson et al.,
1986). Others remain in subsurface (e.g., 4) at various depths, including deposits that might
of Phanerozoic age, were emplaced at depths enter mantle through crustal delamination. Inset to lower right shows age frequency distri-
ranging from ~1 to 6 km (averaging 1.9 km), bution of 5000 such deposits (binned over 5 m.y.) that are now exposed at the theoretical
and have an average vertical thickness of Earth surface (straight heavy line). Note that numbers of deposits increase rapidly to modal
~2.0 km. With a few exceptions (Manske and age of ~10 m.y., and then decrease gradually with increasing age.
Paul, 2002), most known deposits are within a
few hundred meters of Earth’s surface and part Deposits/km/m.y.
of their 2 km vertical thickness is at the surface, 50
as defined by the model calculation (Fig. 2). For 2
the initial conditions shown in Table 1 and the
4 5
age-frequency distribution for 509 porphyry
copper deposits (Singer et al., 2005a), our best- 6
fit model result yields 574 exposed deposits 0.5
Depth (km)

with an age-frequency distribution very simi-

lar to that of the known population (Fig. 1); as 10
shown below, the difference between actual and 0.05
predicted number of deposits is insignificant
in relation to the large number of deposits that 14 0.005
formed during Phanerozoic time.
The real contribution of the calculation is
its quantitative estimate of Earth’s subsurface 18 0.0005
deposit endowment. The low modal age of
9 m.y. for porphyry copper deposits (Table 1) 20
8 6 4 2 0.00005
relative to the duration of Phanerozoic time Total Copper Modal age = 9 m.y.
requires that a steady-state Earth formed and Endowment 231 Deposits/m.y. 15
Ex posed

(109 tonnes) Emplacement depth = 1.9 km

destroyed many deposits (e.g., Veizer et al., Emplacement range = 2.0 km 10
Exhumation rate = 271 m/m.y.
1989). The calculation quantifies this and indi- Up-Stasis-Down = 5
cates that Earth formed 125,895 porphyry copper 31%; 38%; 31%

deposits in order for 574 deposits to be at or near 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20
the present surface. Furthermore, only 47,789 Age (m.y.)
deposits (~38% of those that formed during Figure 2. Distribution of porphyry copper deposits in age (X axis)-depth (Y axis) space
Phanerozoic time) remain in the crust, whereas (upper panel) resulting from burial histories such as those taken by deposits in Figure 1.
another 78,106 (~62%) have been removed by Colors are log scaled as number of deposits in a 1 m.y. × 1 km area. Lower panel compares
uplift and erosion (Table 1). The 574 near-surface age-frequency distributions for real deposits (light blue bars) and deposits at model sur-
deposits that formed during Phanerozoic time face (dark blue line). Good agreement between model and observed age frequencies indi-
cates that, over the past 545 m.y., porphyry copper deposits emplaced at crustal depth of
represent 1.2% of the total number of deposits 1.9 ± 1 km formed at rate of ~231 deposits/m.y. (Table 1). Histogram to left (yellow) shows ver-
that remain in the crust. Precambrian porphyry tical distribution of total copper endowments in porphyry copper deposits over 1 km crustal
copper deposits (Burrows and Spooner, 1986; depth intervals; modal depth is ~2.8 km (Table 1).

256 GEOLOGY, March 2008

TABLE 1. MODEL RESULTS FOR PHANEROZOIC low for several reasons. First, volcanogenic rock, and difficult access. Current underground
massive sulfide and sediment-hosted deposits, mining reaches depths of 1.5 km in many areas
Initial conditions
Phanerozoic deposits (discovered) 509
which form in basinal settings where preser- and ~3 km locally. Assuming ~3.3 km as the
Average emplacement depth (km) 1.9 vation is greater, are more abundant in Pre- likely limit of mining in the foreseeable future,
Average vertical extent (km) 2.0 cambrian terrains than porphyry copper deposits our results indicate a recoverable resource of
Age steps (m.y.) 1
(Goodfellow et al., 1993; Franklin et al., 2005). ~8.9 × 1010 t of copper. At current mining rates,
Model results
Exposed deposits 574
Second, increasing copper prices and improved this can supply world copper mine production
Up-stasis-down (%) 31–38–31 technology will convert lower grade deposits for ~5500 yr. Any significant increase in this
Emplacement rate (/m.y.) 231 to ore. The degree to which these factors will number will require advances in deep explora-
Modal age (m.y.) 7
Modal deposit depth (km) 2.81 increase global resources involves the complex tion and mining methods.
Tectonic step (m/m.y.) 468 and still unresolved interplay between extrapo- From a geochemical perspective, we can ask
Exhumation rate (m/m.y.) 271 lation of the Lasky relation (Lasky, 1950; just how efficient Earth is in forming copper
Total deposits 125,895
Eroded deposits 47,789 DeYoung, 1981) and mineral content of ore deposits. Magmas that form porphyry cop-
Extant deposits 78,106 deposits compared to average rocks (Skinner, per deposits are largely partial melts of lower
Estimated copper resources 1976; Singer, 1977). This uncertainty will be crustal rocks (Richards, 2003), and other types
Porphyry copper deposits (tonnes) 1.7 × 1011 compensated for, however, by a third factor; i.e., of copper deposits are derived more directly
All copper deposits (tonnes) 3 × 1011
as more porphyry copper deposits are found at from crustal rocks. For a mass of ~1.52 × 1019 t
Note: Results are calibrated against the data of
Singer et al. (2005a), and all copper deposits are the surface, the model will predict proportion- (Lodders and Fegley, 1998) and an average
based on assumptions outlined in text. ally more in the subsurface. It is unlikely, how- copper content of ~26 ppm (Shaw et al., 1986;
ever, that these factors will increase our estimate Wedepohl, 1995; Rudnick and Fountain, 1995;
of total copper resources by more than 100%. McLennan and Taylor, 1996), the continen-
The only large-scale estimate to which we tal crust contains ~3.9 × 1014 t of copper. Our
Roth et al., 1991) are not sufficiently numerous can compare our result is the assessment by the estimate of 3 × 1011 t of copper in deposits in
to change these totals significantly, making this U.S. Geological Survey of copper resources in the crust is ~0.08% of this amount. If porphyry
result a good estimate of the number of porphyry the U.S. (U.S. Geological Survey National Min- copper deposits remaining in the crust constitute
copper deposits in Earth’s crust. eral Resource Assessment Team, 2000), which ~38% of all that formed during Phanerozoic
Because the calculation is based on random was based on years of geological mapping. time, and if this proportion applies to other types
tectonic dispersion of deposits in the crust, the This study concluded that the total (produced, of copper deposits, then ~0.24% of the copper in
copper content of deposits at the surface (with discovered, and undiscovered) copper endow- the crust has been concentrated into copper
the possible exception of supergene depos- ment for the U.S. is ~6.4 × 108 t to a 1 km depth, deposits during the Phanerozoic, and most of
its) will be representative of deposits in the a reasonable depth to which geological estimates that has been redispersed by uplift and erosion.
subsurface. Metal endowments of all mineral can be extrapolated. Using the distribution of Even with the uncertainties indicated above, this
deposits are highly skewed, with a few large deposits with depth indicated by our calculation quantifies the highly anomalous and nonrenew-
deposits and many small ones, and this is true (Fig. 2) and assuming that Earth’s copper depos- able nature of mineral deposits.
for porphyry copper deposits. In the absence of its are evenly distributed, our model indicates
geological knowledge to the contrary, we have that deposits in the upper kilometer of the U.S. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
We are grateful to D.A. Singer for insightful discus-
made the assumption that the distribution of contain ~7 × 108 t of copper. These estimates are sion of our effort and to Philip Candela, Eric Seedorff,
metal endowments is similar in the known and very similar even if our estimate is doubled. and three additional reviewers for helpful comments.
unknown deposit populations. In the known
population, grade-tonnage data are available SIGNIFICANCE AND RAMIFICATIONS REFERENCES CITED
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