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John Nielsen 1 and D. F.

Griffin 2

Acoustic Emission of Plain Concrete

REFERENCE: Nielsen, John and Griffin, D. F., "Acoustic Emission Concrete Specimens
of Plain Concrete," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, JTEVA,
Voi. 5, No. 6, Nov. 1977, pp. 476-483. Two concretes were used in this investigation. Concrete A had
a maximum aggregate particle size of 0.75 in. (1.90 cm) and a
ABSTRACT: When a specimen of engineering material is subjected water/cement ratio W / C of 0.549. Concrete B had a maximum
to external loads, stress waves known as acoustic emissions are aggregate particle size of 0.375 in. (0.95 cm) and a W/C of 0.704.
induced. A unique characteristic of many engineering materials Cylinders, 6 in. (15.24 cm) in diameter by 12 in. (30.48 cm) in
that emit acoustical energy is that upon reloading the specimen does
not emit acoustical energy until the magnitude of loading exceeds length, and beams, 6 in. (15.24 cm) in width and depth by 20 in.
the prior maximum loading. This investigation was undertaken to (50.8 cm) in length, were cast from both Concrete A and Con-
determine if this characteristic could be used to disclose the load- crete B. In addition, eight cores from airfield pavements ranging
ing history of plain portland cement concrete. The test results show from 10 to 20 years of age were investigated.
that the unique characteristic is very temporary and therefore cannot
be used to determine the prior maximum loading on a concrete
specimen. Within a matter of hours concrete subjected to loading
within its elastic limit recovers, and acoustical energy may again be Instrumentation
released by reloading.
The instrumentation required to detect and record acoustic
emissions is aptly described in Refs 1 and 2. By means of an x-y-y
KEY WORDS: acoustic properties, concretes, portland cements
recorder and other appropriate instruments, acoustic emissions
The research reported herein was conducted to determine can be related simultaneously to two of the following factors:
if acoustic emission technology could be effectively used to reveal (1) loading on specimen, (2) strain in specimen, and (3) time.
the loading history of plain (no reinforcing steel) portland cement In this investigation an acoustic emission transducer was attached
concrete, that is, could detect previously applied stress levels. to a test specimen and connected to the following equipment:
This investigation, conducted at the Civil Engineering Research (1) Dunegan/Endevco Model 3000 Series System
Facility of the University of New Mexico under the sponsorship (a) acoustic emission preamplifier, Model 801-P
of the Air Force Civil Engineering Center, was a direct outgrowth (b) totalizer (including filters), Model 301
of a study to determine the applicability of acoustic emission (c) reset dock, Model 402
techniques to civil engineering research [•]. (d) audio amplifier, Model 702
When a specimen of engineering material is being strained (2) x-y-y recorder, Hewlett-Packard Model 7046A
by an external load, the specimen may undergo plastic flow,
slippages of adjacent particles of matter (shear strains), crushing If either strain or load is to be recorded, a load cell or extensometer
of particulate matter, and microcracking. Such actions result (or other strain gage), or both, on the specimen are connected
in the generation of stress waves that are usually, but not always, through signal conditioners to the x-y-y plotter.
in the inaudible range, and sophisticated instrumentation is Two different Dunegan/Endevco transducers were used in this
generally required to detect them. These stress waves are known investigation: a Model S 9201 AB 73 with a certified calibration
as acoustic emissions. Although acoustic emission terminology range of 100 to 1000 kHz and a Model S 140 B. Although the
has not been standardized, ASTM has published perhaps the first transducer was considered to have a fiat frequency re-
most generally accepted definitions [2]. sponse, the peak relative response was 200 kHz; the second
A unique characteristic of many engineering materials that transducer had a resonant frequency of 160 kHz. Separate,
emit acoustical energy is the Kaiser eftbct. According to Ref 2 simultaneous plots of acoustic emission (as a function of load)
(p. 337): versus time were essentially similar for both transducers. Thus,
there were no significant differences in their performance. For
The Kaiser effect is the immediately irreversible characteristic of
acoustic emission phenomenon resulting from applied stress. If the either transducer, the instrument settings given in Table 1 ap-
effect is present there is little or no acoustic emission until previously peared to be optimum for both Concrete A and Concrete B.
applied stress levels are exceeded. A transducer was at~xed to the surface of the concrete speci-
men to be tested by a thin film of General Electric Silicone
l Manager, Soils and Pavements Division, Civil Engineering Research Dielectric Compound G-264 and plastic tape. According to C. A.
Facility, University of New Mexico, Campus Post Office, Albuquerque,
N. Mex. 87131. Tatro [2, pp. 84-99] acoustic emission technology deals with
2Consultant to the Civil Engineering Research Facility, 4425 West- dimensional changes and dimensional changes of 10 -12 in. (2.5
mont, Ventura, Calif. 93003. Member of ASTM. x 10-~3 mm) are easily recognizable thresholds. Such changes

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TABLE 1--Optimum instrument settings for both Concrete A and the gain set as low as possible, and (2) that there were no emis-
Concrete B: sions during load/release/load-increase at the seating load (ex-
cept the initial seating load).
Instrument Setting

Acoutic emission in rate/memory Literature Review

Gain, dB 91 (including 40 in the preamplifier) The results of this investigation may be more easily accepted
Filter bandwidth, kHz 100 to 300
Multiplier 10 (1 for pavement cores) and understood with reference to the pertinent findings of other
Reset dock, s t investigators.
Plotter Wells [3] performed some acoustic emission experiments on
Time (x-axis), s/in. (s/ram) so (2) 3-in. (7.62-cm) and 4-in. (10.16-cm) cubical specimens of port-
Acoustic emissions (yl-axis), land cement mortar (cement/sand/water) and on specimens of
V/in. (V/mm) 0.5 (0.02)
Load on specimen ~v2-axis), concrete containing various aggregates with a maximum particle
mV/in. (mV/mm) 50 (2) [10 (0.4) for pavement cores] size of 3/s in. (0.95 cm). He concluded:
Although numerous results have been obtained they are not com-
parable with each other. However, in some eases, there does seem
to be a tendency for a pattern to emerge where a number of small
are six orders of magnitude below the sensitivity threshold of a cubes have been tested. The tendency shows that, in some cubes,
resistance strain gage, Because of the extremely sensitive nature noise emission starts somewhere over 50 percent ultimate strength
of the pickup system, noise attributable to any of the following and increases as the failure load is approached.
sources might be detected: Rusch [4] reported the results of acoustic emission measure-
(1) slippage of transducer on surface of specimen (caused by ments on a concrete prism capped with a thin layer of gypsum.
differential tension in tape on either side of transducer); He made the following observations:
(2) crushing of granules of material at load-testing machine 1. On repeated load/release/load-increase cycles, appreciable
head/specimen interface (seating noise); noise (acoustic emission) was renewed only when the formerly
(3) capping material on ends of concrete cylinders; attained stress maximum was exceeded.
(4) relative movement of transducer and concrete surface 2. Above 70 to 85% of failure load, noises were produced
resulting from strain in the concrete specimen; before the previous maximum load was reached.
(5) relative movement of specimen at areas of contact with 3. There was considerable noise in the vicinity of the failure
testing machine resulting from strain in the specimen; and load and noise continued during the unloading process.
(6) electrical, electronic, and other spurious energy waves in
the vicinity of the transducer. Schickert [5] attempted to relate acoustic emission techniques
to the fracture of concrete cubes. He concluded:
Potential slippage problems were minimized by physically ad-
The method has been effectively applied to analyze the develop-
justing the transducer to its most stable position after the tape
ment of fracture of concrete cubes. However, test results show quite
was applied. Seating noise was compensated for by applying a big variation.
an initial seating load of approximately 10% of the maximum
load to be applied. In load/release/load-increase cycles, the Goodman [6] conducted some experiments on the acoustic
load was released only to the seating load and not to zero. This activity of cylindrical rock samples [2.75 in. (6.98 cm) in dia-
procedure virtually eliminated the seating noise. The capping meter by 5 in. (12.70 cm) in length] in axial compression. The
compound employed was a quick-setting, sulfur-based com- type of rock included Berea sandstone, Boise sandstone, and
pound known as Cylcap®. By comparing the acoustic emissions medium-grained quartz diorite. As rock is a major and integral
from a specimen with lapped ends and those from a similar part of concrete, the results are noteworthy. Goodman reported:
specimen with thin caps of Cylcap, it was concluded that the During its first compression, a rock generates subaudible noise
caps would not disguise the results. After reviewing the results at all stress levels; however. . . . there is a minimum in the audio
of many tests, it was concluded that if there were acoustic emis- pulse rate at stress levels from about 40 to 80 percent of the crushing
sions attributable to (1) and (4) above, they were not of sufficient strength. If the stress is never carried past the point of acceleration
in the rock-noise rate, then in second and later cycles of loading,
magnitude to mask the emissions attributable to strain in the
fewer subaudible pulses are detected. These occur repetitively at
specimen. Electrical interference was a problem on one occasion certain levels of stress during both loading and unloading. On the
when broadcasting from a local radio station was picked up by other hand, should loading be carried appreciably beyond the point
the transducer. Thin blotter paper was ultimately selected as a of accelerated rock-noise activity, then the number of bursts of sonic
bearing material between the concrete specimen and the testing energy remains high and, in fact, may increase in second and later
load cycles.
of jig supports. This material was found to be very effective in
minimizing the abrasive effects at the testing machine head/ Goodman further noted that the recovery of noise-generating
specimen interface. capacity was established for all specimens and that the rest
period between tests required for recovery of 25% of the activity
Test Criteria of the initial tests was 2 h for each of the two types of sandstone
and 9 h for the quartz diorite.
The criteria for determining whether or not testing conditions In general, the literature dealing with acoustic emissions sug-
were satisfactory were these: (1) that the totalizer revealed no gests that the Kaiser effect in engineering materials is perma-
counting at any time with the transducer supported in air and nent. In other words, once a material specimen has been loaded

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to a certain stress level, it will never again generate noise at any Test Results
lesser stress level. However, one notable exception has been
After approximately SO concrete specimens were tested, the re-
pointed out by Jan et al [7]. They discovered that during tensile
sults in general appeared to be inconsistent. For example, some
deformation lead/tin binary alloys of different compositions do
specimens did not exhibit the Kaiser effect; although others did,
not exhibit the Kaiser effect and the pattern of observed acoustic
it was discovered that, upon retesting as a function of time, the
emissions does not reveal the magnitude of previous loadings.
Kaiser effect was temporary rather than permanent.
Isono et al [8] performed some pressure tests on steel pipe. Acoustic emissions were detected in all of the concrete speci-
One specimen left at rest for 34 days at temperatures ranging mens tested, regardless of type of loading. Stronger and more
from 5 to 15°(2 showed slight recovery of the Kaiser effect; one positive emissions were found during the axial compression tests
specimen at rest for 59 days at temperatures ranging f~om 10 to than during either splitting tensile or flexural tests. This might
20°C showed complete recovery. Isono et al also reported on be attributed to the greater stress that could be induced in the
some research by others: Nielsen et al [9] found that the Kaiser compression mode.
effect is recovered a little in some of the testing of model pressure One beam was subjected to 13 000 cycles of loading between
vessels, and Kirby and Bently [10] reported that there exists no 500 to 5000 lb (226 and 2268 kg); one cylinder was subjected to
recovery of the Kaiser effect in mild steel vessels when the vessels 13 000 cycles of loading between 500 to 17 500 lb (226 and 7938
are pressurized 9 to 18 times during five weeks. kg). When the Kaiser effect was tested for, it was impossible to
The word immediately in the definition of the Kaiser effect in detect the previous maximum load that had been applied.
Ref 2 means that a time factor is frequently involved and implies The field cores were probably never subjected to stresses in
that as a function of time, some, if not all, materials recover the excess of 300 psi (2.1 MPa). Of the eight cores tested, only one
Kaiser effect. Clement Tatro, an author of" two articles in Ref 2, specimen showed initial acoustic emissions at a higher stress level
further verified the fact that the Kaiser effect is generally tem- [480 psi (3.3 MPa)]; all the other cores exhibited initial acoustic
porary. 3 He stated that some aluminums can recover within a activity at 48 psi (331 kPa) or less. (This latter value is not con-
few minutes and that the presence or absence of oxides does not sidered realistic for the airfields represented by the field cores.)
influence this recovery unless the coating of oxide is relatively Furthermore, all the cores exhibited the Kaiser effect upon
heavy. Pertinent documentation concerning the time duration of immediate reloading, but after rest periods ranging from 20 min
the Kaiser effect does not appear to be readily available. to 20 h acoustic activity again occurred when the specimens were
After this research was completed, a paper by McCabe et al reloaded; thus, the Kaiser effect was not permanent.
[11] came to the attention of the authors. Their paper contends Figures 1 through 5 show the results of significance for the
that the Kaiser effect is valid in concrete. The present study indi- laboratory concrete in this investigation. These are sample results
cates that the Kaiser effect sometimes does not occur. It does from the testing of approximately 70 specimens. They clearly
appear only for immediate reloading. The effect recovers with show that the Kaiser effect cannot be relied upon as an indicator
rest periods and a repeatable Kaiser effect is then revealed. If the of previous loading history of plain concrete.
Kaiser effect were permanent, it could not be observed on a given Figure 1 shows the results obtained for a Concrete A specimen.
specimen subjected to repeated identical loading cycles. In the lower stages of loading, acoustic emissions do not occur




5,000 3

"c 5,000


3,000 o



0 100 200 300

Time, s
~ 0 500

V i s i b l e Crack

i n Concrete

FIG. 1--Acoustic emissions during step loading to failure without complete disintegra-
tion of Concrete A.

3 Personal communication.

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100 8




0 IV0 ZOO ~00 400 500 600

Time, s

FIG. 2--Acoustic emission versus load for saturated immature Concrete B.

:::: - lO0
- 300

• 700 ~,

:::.: 500

~v i :ii!:


::::;: 300 ,~

;::::: 200

50 lO0 150 200 250 300 350

Time, s

FIG. 3--Emission activity of beam specimen subjected to 13 000 cycles of

load from 500 to 17 500 lb (227 to 7938 kg) before acoustic emission testing.

until the previous load is reached and the Kaiser effect is clearly concrete removed from the fog room and stored in the very low
demonstrated; however, in the upper stages of loading, emissions relative humidity of the open air showed stronger and more in-
occur long before the previous load is reached. In addition, there tense emissions. Unfortunately, there was no control on the mois-
are emissions during unloading at 225 s. This specimen was ture content of the specimens removed from the fog room; there-
loaded to its ultimate strength; however, it did not shatter and fore, it was not possible to relate emission intensity directly to the
the load was reduced before the specimen came apart. The very state of wetness or dryness or to age.
intense emissions during this period are quite evident between Figure 3 presents the results of an acoustic emission test on
375 and 425 s. concrete subjected to cyclic loading. The test specimen was sub-
Figure 2 shows typical low-intensity emissions for saturated jected to 13 000 cycles of load between 500 and 17 500 lb (226
immature (three months old) Concrete B specimens. Generally, and 7938 kg) applied at a rate of 35 cycles/min. Forty minutes

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I ~ : -' ! '""9,000
I0( I ...... '

8c :: " ll!~.Yt[! I~: ~/_ i ~ '

6(_~_ . . . . . i [Ii_L~
iiill lI'lll!
/ :

r- - ~ _/IIII |IiIlll ~ '
4 i II',I|l II I .~_ +.....:.~3,000
+- i II !I l l] III I " ~, i +
' / ~l/lllB I:' . . . .' . . i -~~ 2,000
~ ~'-
M/LLJ ll'll,~ ] I i.:~_~,000
I M:Iil. III~1~ i
;~ ~ I:i ,l"¢tt::itJ I"11 ,+-, ' I i o
0 1O0 200 300 400 500 600
a Time, s

120 I0,000


v~ 80
Ailu(tic Emissions i
i i .
L~ 60 5,000


l O0 200 300 400 500 600
b Time, s

120~ : i:::~: 0,000

-+.-- ,000
- ,ooo

[ ,ooo .~

F ,ooo ==
. ~ 8

60 ,000 o

r~ ,ooo
4 4( i .~


i.~'; ,ooo

l O0 200 300 400 500 600

Time, s

F I G . 4--Recovery of Kaiser effect in Concrete A specimen, a 6-in. (15.24-cm) diameter

by 12-in. (30.48wm) long cylinder; (a) step loading showing Kaiser effect at first loading,"
(b) recovery of Kaiser effect after 68-h rest; and (c) recovery of Kaiser effect after second
rest of 95 h.

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60 5,000

g ,,ooo
"~ 4.0

I 000

iO 200 250 300 350 400 450
Time, s

~ lO,O00

~ 9,000

~ 8,ooo

BO ~ °.ooo



~ 3,000



0 50 lO0 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

b Time, s

FIG. 5--Acoustic emission versus load as a function o f time for a 6-in. (15,24-cm) wide and deep by
20-in. (50.80-cm) long concrete beam; (a) initial load and resulting acoustic emission activity, and (b)
emission activity for same beam after 18-h rest.

elapsed between the time the specimen was removed from the those for a cylinder but the magnitude is much lower. The maxi-
MTS machine and the initial reloading shown in Fig. 3. Note mum load applied was 600C lb (2722 kg) (Fig. 5a); yet, emission
that acoustic emission activity occurs well before the previous activity is indicated at load levels below this value (Fig. 5b). Data
maximum load of 17 500 lb (7938 kg) is reached. of this type serve to further indicate that the Kaiser effect is
Figure 4 shows the initial step loading and unloading of a temporary in concrete; that is, given a rest period the specimens
Concrete A specimen together with the recovery of the Kaiser will again generate noise when tested.
effect after 68 h of rest and after an additional rest period of Figure 6 shows results of an axial compression test on an alumi-
95h, num cylinder (6061-T6). It may be noted in Fig. 6a that the
Figure 5 shows the typical acoustic emission pattern related to Kaiser effect is immediately repeatable; however, the intensity of
load as a function of time for a beam; these results are similar to the acoustic emissions is generally reduced. There is little or no

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Compressive Load, kips (1 kip = 453.6 kg) Compressive Load, kips (1 kip = 453.6 kg)
o ~ ~
o ~ ~
o oo
E~ g ~
~Dt~ v
Acoustic Emissions, Counts/s Acoustic Emissions, Counts/s
~ompressive Load, kips (1 kip = 453.6 kg) Compressive Load, kips (1 kip = 453.6 kg)
~Ng "
Acoustic Emissions, Counts/s Acoustic Emtsst0ns, C0unts/s
IOIIVNTVA3 (]NV 9N11831 .-IO 7 V N E I r l O P ~SIT

further recovery after a rest period of 1.5 h (Fig. 6b) nor after a [5] Schickert, G., "Acoustic Emission Technique Applied to Tests
further rest period of 3.25 h (Fig. 6c). Figure 6d shows almost with Concrete Cubes," in Nouveaux D~v~loppements darts l'Essai
complete recovery after an additional rest period of 19.25 h. Non-D6structif des Mat@riaux Non-Mbtalliques, Vol. 11, Beton-
Nouvelles M~thodes, R~sonance, Ultrasons, Institut Recherche Du
Batiment, INCERC, Bucharest, 1974.
Conclusion [6] Goodman, R. B., "Subaudible Noise During Compression of Rocks,"
Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 74, Pt. 1, April 1963,
As a result of this study, it was concluded that the Kaiser pp. 487-490.
effect is not a reliable indicator of the loading history for plain [71 Jan, C. S., Pond, R. B., Sr., and Green, R. E., Jr., "Acoustic
concrete. Emission During Deformation of Lead-Tin Alloys," Contract No.
F44620-71-C-0062, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arling-
References ton, Va., Dec. 1974.
[8] Isono, E., Udagawa, T., and Ogasawara, M., "Recovery of the
[1] Bickle, L. W. and Smiel, A. J., "Applicability of Acoustic-Emission Kaiser Effect," presented at U.S./Japan Joint Symposium on
Techniques to Civil Engineering Research," Report AFWL-TR-74- Acoustic Emission, Tokyo, July 1972. (English summary and paper
299, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, N. in Japanese with necessary figures and tables received by letter from
Mex., June 1975, E. Isono, dated 2t Oct. 1975. Available upon request from the
[2] Acoustic Emission, STP 505, American Society for Testing and authors.)
Materials, Philadelphia, 1972. [9] Nielsen, A., Latham, F. G., and Kirby, N., "Acoustic Emission
[3] Wells, D., "An Acoustic Apparatus to Record Emissions from Con- from Steel Pressure Vessels," Report 1983(c), United Kingdom
crete Under Strain," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 12, Atomic Energy Authority, Risley, England, April 1970.
May 1970, pp. 80-88. [10] Kirby, H. and Bently, P. G., " A Note on Acoustic Emission Mea-
[4] Rusch, V. H., "Physikalisehe Fragen der Betonprufung," Zement- surements at REML," paper for International Atomic Energy
Kalk-Gips, Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan. 1959, pp. 1-9. Note: There is a Agency, Nov.-Dec. 1971, as cited in RefS.
Cement and Concrete Association Library Translation (No. 80) and [11] McCabe, W., Koerner, R. M., and Loed, A. E., Jr., "Acoustic
a translation by M. Corbin available at Portland Cement Associa- Emission Behavior of Concrete Laboratory Specimens," ACI
Library, Skokie, Ill. Journal, Vol. 73, No. 7, July 1976, pp. 367-371.

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