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Bahasa Inggris



Tahun 2017/2018


Read the text and answer the question!

Toaster is a simple and user-friendly kitchen appliance. First, insert one to two slices of
bread into the toasting slots. Then, press the loading lever down until it latches. The
toaster will heat up automatically and start toasting. Next, adjust the browning control to
brown the toast to your desired taste. To stop toasting press the CANCEL button at
anytime. The loading lever will rise automatically when toasting is finished. This toaster
is equipped with a high lift lever to help with the removal of smaller items. Finally, if the
toast is not brown enough as you desired, you can toast the bread again. Adjust the
browning control to your desired setting and replace the toast. Ensure the toast does not
burn while re-toasting.

12. What is the first step to make toast?

A. Set the level of browning.
B. Press the CANCEL button.
C. Heat the toaster to start toasting.
D. Place the bread into the toasting slots.

Questions 22 to 24 refer to the following text.

Toronto is one of the largest cities in Canada. It is located in the province of Ontario. The
special feature of Toronto is their downtown area that located underground. It covers
about twelve square kilometers with many shops and buildings. There are five major
shopping centers and a convention center with hotels. A subway and underground
passage ways connect these buildings with each other and the street above.

The city’s architectural design is up to date and suit the weather in Toronto since the
temperature fluctuates widely from summer to winter by as much as 40 degrees celcius
within a year. This underground area has also helped to keep business in the city center
instead of moving out to the suburbs, which is happening in many other cities. We think
that makes Toronto a special place.

22. What is the benefit of reading this information for people who visit the city for the first
A. They will know the best season to visit Toronto.
B. The visitor will know the best place to shop.
C. They can navigate the city better with subway.
D. They will know the best feature of Toronto.

23. What so special about Toronto as a city?

A. It has a lot of shops and shopping center.
B. Its city center is located underground.
C. The weather is steady in 40 degrees celcius.
D. Its location is recently moved to the suburbs.

24. “The temperature fluctuates widely from summer to winter”

The underlined word can also be replased by ....
A. brings
B. crashes
C. changes
D. escalates

LINKING-SMK-BIG-KUR2006-SUSULAN-2017-2018 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD

Questions 25 to 27 refer to the following dialog.

Lisa : What do you usually do on your free time, Rian?
Rian : I enjoy cooking differend kinds of food. I love to try new recipes. Sometimes I
browse on the internet for an interesting recipe to try.
Lisa : Will you teach me how to cook sometime? I know nothing about cooking but
Rian : Sure. How about this Saturday? I’ll teach you how to make fruid salad.

25. What are they discusing?

A. Their plan to watch cooking show.
B. How Rian spends his leisure time.
C. The best method to make salad.
D. An appointment for Saturday.

26. What does Rian usualy do on his free time?

A. Eat different kinds of food.
B. Take a special cooking class.
C. Browse the internet.
D. Cook a new recipe.

27. “How about this Saturday? ...

The underlined expression means that ....
A. Rian’s favorite day is Saturday.
B. Rian is going to cook with Lisa on Saturday.
C. Rian is inviting Lisa are on Saturday.
D. Rian is questioning Lisa about something.

Questions 28 to 30 refer to the following dialog.

Tina : I think we should have Ms. Dita answer the reporters’ questions. On our press
conference next week.
Aldo : Absolutely. Even though she’s new to our company but she has manage to
keep our company’s image sharp and clean to the public with her choice of
Tina : Well, that’s her job as a public relations officer. I just hope they set the audio
better than a couple of month ago. The mic is very noisy. It droves me crazy.

28. What are the speakers discussing?

A. How to deal with reporters.
B. How to set up audio system.
C. The new candidate for the company.
D. Dita’s achievement for the company.

29. What do the speakers think about Dita?

A. She is noisy and drives everyone crazy.
B. She performed well in front of the reporters.
C. She can set up the audio perfectly well.
D. She should become a reporter.

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30. “... she has manage to keep our company image sharp and clean...”
The expression means...
A. Dita always use sharp words.
B. Dita is a cleaning service officer.
C. Dita is a very competent staff.
D. Dita wants to be a reporter.

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Read the text and answer the question!


Do you know the history of the house you are considering to buy or sell? Let us do the
research. Find out who the past owners, builders, and architects associated with your
home and where they worked. We will provide you with photographs, maps, and other

For more information or a free estimate, call Thorndike and Company at 312589-9812,
or stop by our offices at 14th street and J. You will learn the histories of many local
homes, from those on K street built during the civil war to the luxury homes that fill up
the entire city block between 8th and 9th avenues.

45. “Let us do the research”

The underlined word refers to ….

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