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Grace Times

Vol. XXII/02 Grace Bible Church, C 930, Sector B Mahanagar, Lucknow, India October 2018

Dear Church family,

Jesus often used parables to teach some im-
Pulpit Calendar portant lessons to his disciples and also the
October 2018 people. In the parable of the persistent wid-
ow in Luke 18:1-8, Jesus is teaching his disciples the
Check-in 15 minutes before service significance of praying constantly. Jesus gives a con-
Morning Services at 9.30 trasting picture of a human judge and God as judge.
07 Holy Communion Pastor J T Raja The human judge is shown as someone who is not
14 Pastor Ashish H Khan religious and neither humane. It is the duty of a
21 Pastor J T Raja judge to give justice to the people. But often it does
28 Pastor Ashish H Khan not happen. One such victim was a widow who kept
seeking justice from this judge. A widow at that
Allipur Grace Bible Church services at 10
time was someone who was weak financially and
07 Bro. Shyam Babu oppressed by the society. The judge did not pay any
14 Pastor J T Raja
attention to this widow’s concerns. But this widow
21 Holy Communion Pastor Ashish H Khan
28 Bro. Joshua Rout kept bothering him persistently for justice and final-
ly the judge decided to do the needful just to get rid
of her.

Sunday School Jesus then contrasted the act of this judge

Will be held during with that of God. Jesus raised a very crucial ques-
worship services tion about justice. If a human judge, who is not fol-
lowing the ways of God, and as a result does not
care about people, can give justice, then how much
Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. more will God do justice to his people? God, who is
11 Jaisy and Bijoy’s Home holy and is full of love for His creation will certainly
25 Dr. Susheela’s Home hear the prayers of his people. Of course, He may
not give justice in the way we would like. But at the
right time and in the right measure God always acts
upon the cries of his people.

Thursdays at 6.30 p.m. Throughout the Bible we read that God has always
04 The Prakashs Home responded to cries of justice. Have you been treat-
18 The Antins Home ed unjustly by anyone? Are you expecting that hu-
man institutions will provide you with justice? Trust
in the lord. He is patient and will comfort you in
your predicament.
at the Sanctuary However, a question remains…will Jesus
on Saturday,20th at 5.30 p.m. find faithful trustworthy followers when he comes?
There is need to continually be in fellowship with
God through prayer and He will surely take care of
all our concerns. Like the persistent widow, we too
“We need never shout across the spaces
need to not give up on God. If a corrupt human
to an absent God. He is nearer than our
being can give justice, why not God?
own soul, closer than our most secret
thoughts” In His service,
A.W. Tozer Ashish
Income September 30 2018

Jan - Sept 2017 Sept 2018 Jan - Sept 2018 Budget 2018 projection

General Offerings 1,57,575 31,460 2,34,596 3,20,000 3,12,000

Donations 11,600 300 65,900 40,000 erratic
Pledged Giving 3,73,900 63,150 4,38,990 5,00,000 5,85,000

2nd Mile Pledges 1,06,605 20,400 1,16,600 1,65,000 1,55,000

Lent/Christmas offer. 24,200 50,000 Erratic
Church Scooter sale
Designated collections
Sunday School 18,770 3.045 19,106 erratic
Grace Church in Village 5,000 500 4,500 25,000 Erratic
Medical Aid Fund

GRAND TOTAL 6,97,650 1,18,855 8,79,692 11,00,000 10,52,000

Dr. Susheela returned safely from Oman after

visiting her daughter and family.
Fizza Phillips visited her family.
Akansha and Pastor Ashish H Khan
celebrated their first wedding anniversary.
Ravi Modwell was suffering from acute
Birthdays in October
Bijoy, John Jo, Anita Singh, Nalin Philip, 03 Manohar Lugun
Shalini Mirza, Vijay Verma and Madhu 05 Arunima Verma
Verma were down with viral fever. 10 Muanding Guite
Rachel Guite had a heat boil on her face. 10 Della Singh
12 Manjulla Phillips
Fizza Philip was suffering from Sinus problem. 17 Poonam Modwell
Arjun Philip was unwell. 22 Simon Wilson
24 Nalin Phillips
Manohar Antin had tooth problem and high 26 Lydia Van Oss
B.P. 27 Jaisymol Bijoy
Pushpa Singh was suffering from ear infection.
Olvyn Paul met with an accident and had
bruises. For Pastoral Care contact

Kelsey and Lydia Tanner were down with cold Rev. J T Raja 995 639 9835
Rev. Ashish H. Khan 964 843 1177
and fever.
Nalin Phillips lost his cousin Pramod.

Manohar Antin lost his sister in law.

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