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Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
Postharvest Biology and Technology

Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Ranjeet Kumar, PhD

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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Kumar, Ranjeet, 1982-, author

Insect pests of stored grain : biology, behavior, and management strategies / Ranjeet Kumar, PhD.
(Postharvest biology and technology book series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-77188-503-4 (hardcover).--ISBN 978-1-31536-569-5 (PDF)
1. Grain--Storage--Diseases and injuries. 2. Grain--Diseases and pests. 3. Insect pests--Control. I.
Title. II. Series: Postharvest biology and technology book series
SB608.G6K87 2017 633.1’0497 C2017-900751-3 C2017-900752-1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Kumar, Ranjeet, 1982- author.
Title: Insect pests of stored grain : biology, behavior, and management strategies / author: Ranjeet
Kumar, PhD.
Description: Waretown, NJ : Apple Academic Press, 2017. | Includes bibliographical references and
Identifiers: LCCN 2017005613 (print) | LCCN 2017009960 (ebook) | ISBN 9781771885034 (hard-
cover : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781315365695 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Grain--Storage--Diseases and injuries. | Grain--Diseases and pests. | Insect pests--Control.
Classification: LCC SB608.G6 K86 2017 (print) | LCC SB608.G6 (ebook) | DDC 633.1/0468--dc23
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Dedicated to my son ABHINAV with love

Dr. Ranjeet Kumar

Ranjeet Kumar, PhD, is an Assistant Professor
cum Junior Scientist in the Post-Graduate Depart-
ment of Entomology at Bihar Agriculture Univer-
sity, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India. Dr. Kumar
has worked on stored product entomology for
the sustainable and herbal management of stored
grain and seed insect pests, investigating several
herbal fumigants for the sustainable management
of stored grain and seed insect. He has published
several books and a manual on the topic as well as authored over 20 research
papers in national and international journals. He has also published 19
popular articles in magazines and periodicals.
Dr. Kumar is life member or fellow of several scientific committee and
societies. He received an award from an international conference on ento-
mology at Punjabi University in Punjab.
Dr. Ranjeet Kumar earned his PhD (Stored Product Entomology) in 2010
from the G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar,
Uttarakhand, India.

As we know, preserving the quality of fresh produce has long been a challenging
task. In the past, several approaches were in use for the postharvest management
of fresh produce, but due to continuous advancement in technology, the increased
health consciousness of consumers, and environmental concerns, these approaches
have been modified and enhanced to address these issues and concerns.
The Postharvest Biology and Technology series presents edited books that
address many important aspects related to postharvest technology of fresh produce.
The series presents existing and novel management systems that are in use today
or that have great potential to maintain the postharvest quality of fresh produce in
terms of microbiological safety, nutrition, and sensory quality.
The books are aimed at professionals, postharvest scientists, academicians
researching postharvest problems, and graduate-level students. This series is
intended to be a comprehensive venture that provides up-to-date scientific and tech-
nical information focusing on postharvest management for fresh produce.
Books in the series will address the following themes:

• Nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of fresh produce

• Postharvest physiology and biochemistry
• Biotic and abiotic factors affecting maturity and quality
• Preharvest treatments affecting postharvest quality
• Maturity and harvesting issues
• Nondestructive quality assessment
• Physiological and biochemical changes during ripening
• Postharvest treatments and their effects on shelf life and quality
• Postharvest operations such as sorting, grading, ripening, de-greening,
curing etc
• Storage and shelf-life studies
• Packaging, transportation, and marketing
• Vase life improvement of flowers and foliage
• Postharvest management of spice, medicinal, and plantation crops
• Fruit and vegetable processing waste/byproducts: management and
• Postharvest diseases and physiological disorders
• Minimal processing of fruits and vegetables
x About the Book Series: Postharvest Biology and Technology

• Quarantine and phytosanitory treatments for fresh produce

• Conventional and modern breeding approaches to improve the postharvest
• Biotechnological approaches to improve postharvest quality of horticultural

We are seeking editors to edit volumes in different postharvest areas for the
series. Interested editors may also propose other relevant subjects within their field
of expertise, which may not be mentioned in the list above. We can only publish a
limited number of volumes each year, so if you are interested, please email your
proposal at your earliest convenience.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, Ph.D.
Scientist-cum-Assistant Professor | Bihar Agricultural University
Department of Food Science and Technology | Sabour | Bhagalpur | Bihar | INDIA
AAP Acquisitions Editor, Horticultural Science
Founding/Managing Editor, Journal of Postharvest Technology 

Books in the Postharvest Biology and Technology Series:

Postharvest Biology and Technology of Horticultural Crops: Principles and
Practices for Quality Maintenance
Editor: Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops: Practices for Quality
Editor: Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
Ranjeet Kumar, PhD

List of Abbreviations.........................................................................xiii
Preface............................................................................................... xv
Acknowledgments............................................................................. xvii

1. Introduction to Storage Entomology..............................................................1

2. History of Grain or Seed Storage...................................................................9
3. Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/
Seed Insects.....................................................................................................19
4. Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests...........................................61
5. Detection of Infestation in Stored Product..................................................87
6. Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products...........................101
7. Sources and Kind of Infestation................................................................. 117
8. Factors Affecting Infestation of Storage Insects.......................................127
9. Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures.............................139
10. Behavioral Management of Storage Insects..............................................157
11. Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products........171
12. Integrated Management of Storage Insects...............................................257
13. Fumigation of Stored Products...................................................................285
14. Important Mites Associated with Stored Produce and
Their Management.......................................................................................305
15. Important Birds Associated with Stored Grain and
Their Management.......................................................................................315
16. Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and
Their Management.......................................................................................325
17. Important Storage Fungi and Their Management...................................349
18. Stored Grain Insects of Quarantine Importance......................................367
xii Contents

Appendix 1: Calculation of Doses of Insecticides in Stored

Grain Pest Management..............................................................................371

Appendix 2: Records Keeping in Warehouses..................................................375



ACS American Chemical Society

ADI Acceptable daily intake
APC Agricultural Price Commission
APEDA Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export
Development Authority
CA controlled atmosphere
CACP Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices
CNS central nervous system
CT carbon tetrachloride
CWC Central Warehousing Corporation
DIPA destructive insect pest act
DPPQS Directorate of Plant Protection and Storage
EC economic community
EDB ethylene dibromide
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FCI Food Corporation of India
GC gas chromatography
GCMS gas chromatography and mass spectra
GIT gastrointestinal tract effects
IGSI Indian Grain Storage Institute
IGSRTI Indian Grain Storage Research and Training Institute
IOBC International Organization on Biological Control
IPPC International Plant Protection Convention
IR infrared
LC lethal concentration
LD lethal dose
MB methyl bromide
NBARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NCI National Cancer Institute
NCIPM National Center for Integrated Pest Management
NE natural enemies
NIR near infrared
NRI Natural Resource Institute
xiv List of Abbreviations

PFAA Prevention of Food Adulteration Act

PPO Plant Protection Organization
RCA Royal Commission on Agriculture
SGC Save Grain Campaign
SGRL Stored Grain Research Laboratory
SWC State Warehousing Corporation
TC toxic concentration
TD toxic dose
USDA United Nation Department of Agriculture
WCA Warehousing Corporation Act
WDRA Warehouse Development and Regulation Act
WFD World Food Day
WHO World Health Organization

Stored products of agriculture and animal origin are attacked by more than
600 species of beetles, 70 species of moths, and about 355 species of mites,
causing quantitative and qualitative losses. Insect contamination in food
commodities is an important quality control problem of concern at different
storage levels and for food and agricultural industries. According to recent
estimates, about 70–75% of food grain is handled at farmer’s level in India
where we do not have adequate scientific storage facilities and grain-protec-
tion technologies; rest 25–30% of food grain is procured and stored by Food
Corporation of India (FCI), Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), and
State Warehousing Corporation (SWC) who have scientific storage facility.
The surplus food grain and seeds of the nation needs keeping facilities and
care during storage.
Alternative options to traditional management of stored grain insects
pests are being advocated in several countries since last four decades. Inte-
grated pest management, secondary metabolites of plant and their products,
use of bio agents, manipulation of abiotic factors, inert dusts, and applica-
tion of microbial pathogens are recently utilized for sustainable management
of stored grain insects all over the world under different storage conditions.
This book Insect Pests of Stored Grains: Biology, Behavior, and Manage-
ment Strategies covers all the aspects of stored product entomology since the
beginning to the modern era in detail. This book consists of 18 chapters.
Chapter 1 provides an introduction of storage entomology and information
related to one of the important branches of entomology. Chapter 2 describes
the historical aspects of stored products since human civilization and impor-
tant developments in the field of storage entomology for better discussion.
The classification and identification of important stored grain insects are
discussed in Chapter 3 with possible key of identification. Chapter 4 deals
with the major stored product coleopteran and lepidopteran insects infesting
our stored commodities. The storage infestation, either visible or hidden,
and their detection techniques are elaborated in Chapter 5. The estimation
of losses caused by stored grain insect pests on scientific lines is presented
in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 deals with different sources and kinds of infesta-
tion. Chapter 8 discusses the factor responsible for infestability of stored
grain insects. Chapter 9 deals with different structures used for storing
xvi Preface

commodities since the beginning to the modern era. Chapters 10 and 11

elaborate the alternative methods for management of stored grain insects by
utilization of behavior modification techniques or utilization of secondary
metabolites of plants. Chapter 12 discusses the integrated management of
stored grain insects. Fumigation of stored grains for the protection of infes-
tation is one of the important and age-old practices since the beginning to till
date and it is elaborated in Chapter 13. Besides stored grain insects, mites,
birds, rodent, and fungi also affect stored commodities which are thoroughly
discussed in Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17, respectively. Chapter 18 deals with
some major stored grain insects of quarantine importance.
This book will provide comprehensive information in the field of stored
product entomology in order to facilitate sustainable management of insects
and other non-insect pests.
The author would appreciate receiving comments and suggestions from
readers that will be helpful in subsequent editions.
—Ranjeet Kumar

Due to the blessings of my god HANUMAN JI, I am able to complete

this book. I express my heartiest gratitude to god HANUMAN JI for his
continuous blessings for writing this book.
I express my sincere thanks to Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour,
Bhagalpur, India, for providing an opportunity to execute this type of work.
I feel elated to owe my thanks to the founder and former honorable
Vice Chancellor Dr. M. L. Chaudhary and former Dean Agriculture Dr. D.
Roy of Bihar Agricultural University for their constant encouragement and
I am very much grateful to Dr. Washim Siddiqui, Assistant Professor
cum Junior Scientist, Department of Food Science and Technology, Bihar
Agricultural University, Sabour, for his inspiration and consideration of my
project work in a very short time.
I am grateful to Mr. Ashish Kumar, President, Apple Academic Press, to
complete my dream in the form of this book. I am also grateful to Ms. Sandra
Jones Sickels and Mr. Rakesh Kumar of Apple Academic Press for their
constant support and inspiration to publish my book.
I express my sincere thanks to the Food and Agriculture Organization for
providing permission for reproducing some text. I am also thankful to all the
workers associated with the field of stored product entomology. The infor-
mation and resource generated by several publishers are duly acknowledged.
I feel immense pleasure to express my gratitude to my adored parents
Sri Vijay Kumar Keshari and Late Durgawati Keshari for their continuous
inspiration and blessings in my life.
I express my special thanks to my better half and heartiest benevolent
Smt. Vineeta and my son Abhinav for silent prayers, moral support, and
encouragement for the completion of this book.



1.1 Introduction to Storage Entomology....................................................3
1.2 Storage Pests Management Strategies.................................................5
2 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The qualitative or quantitative damage and contamination of stored commod-

ities by insects, mites, rodents, and fungi could be prevented by management
practices with a minimal use of hazardous chemicals and avoiding harmful
chemical residues. This could be termed as stored grain pest management or
storage entomology or management of post harvest losses. Storage of food
grain is indispensable to ensure continuous food supply, but it is not possible
without the use of fumigants. None of the countries of world have any other
viable alternative to protect food grain from infestation of insect pests during
storage which are known to cause 5–20% damage in different countries.
Most of the countries lack adequate scientific storage facilities which are
also dependent on fumigation for protection of grain. Good food is the basic
need to good health, thus demands are being placed on production system
as there is increase in population. Any loss of food due to insect, mites,
and fungi means decrease in the availability of food supply to support good
health of people. Presently, problem of improving the quality of products is
one of the important aspects of food commodities. It is necessary to improve
in both terms of quality and quantity, but to renovate mechanically the range
of commodities, keeping quality with scientific technical achievements and
taking into account the increasing necessity of the country. The processing
of food grains and then their conservation is of vital area of national and
international importance. Fumigation plays a vital role in insect pest
management in stored products. Currently, phosphine and methyl bromide
are the two common fumigants used for stored-product protection world-
wide. Insect resistance to phosphine is a global issue now and control failure
has been reported from several countries. Methyl bromide, a broad spectrum
fumigant, has been declared as an ozone depleting substance and therefore,
is being phased out completely. Now a time has reached when we have to
think whether it is a boon or bane. Scientists all over the world realize that
presently it is impossible to survive without its use, but they also understand
that it is necessary to minimize its use at least at farmers’ level by searching
other viable alternatives. The stored grain insect pests may be managed by
biotechnological intervention being carried out to utilize the gene respon-
sible for protease inhibition and production of secondary metabolites, and
use of antisense RNA technology in combination with gene transfer. Trans-
genic plants may also be used in manipulating enzyme synthesis for protec-
tion of stored products.
Introduction to Storage Entomology 3


India is a developing country with population of 125 crores, green revolu-

tion has increased our production about 230 million tones of food grains.
The introduction of new high yielding variety and use in crop husbandry
resulting increased production and food storage for long period have posed
many problems in storage and increased the importance of prevention of loss
in stored commodities. The directed efforts to preserve produce will solve
problem of feeding of hungry men to a considerable extent. The damage
and contamination by insects, mites, rodents, and fungi could be prevented
by management practices with a minimal use of hazardous chemicals and
avoiding harmful chemical residues. This could be termed as stored grain pest
management or storage entomology or management of post harvest losses.
Storage of food grain is indispensable to ensure continuous food supply,
but it is not possible without the use of fumigants. None of the countries of
world have any other viable alternative to protect food grain from infesta-
tion of insect pests during storage which are known to cause 5–20% damage
in different countries. Most of the countries lack adequate scientific storage
facilities which are also dependent on fumigation for protection of grain. The
situation is very depressing at farmers’ level who store about 70% grain but
are not permitted or equipped to use these chemical fumigants due to legal
restrictions, lack of knowledge, or non-availability of air-tight storage struc-
tures. Stored products of agriculture and animal origin are attacked by more
than 600 species of beetles, 70 species of moths, 140 species of rodents, 15
species of fungi, and about 355 species of mites, causing quantitative and
qualitative losses and insect contamination in food commodities. It is an
important quality control problem of concern at different storage levels and
for food industries (Rajendran, 2002).
There is a wide recognition of the fact that farmers either lack the proper
means of handling, transportation to store the bumper crop. It is recognized
by grain handlers that when grain is left unattended for even a short while,
it is invaded by different types of insects, mites, and fungi. The cool and
temperate climate and lower temperature sometimes incubate the develop-
ment of pest populations. After harvesting, most of the grains contain high
moisture that enhances the potency of infestations. In developing countries
falling in sub-tropical and tropical areas, however, where sanitation stan-
dards are generally very poor, insect population often build up rapidly as
insects are active here in most parts of the years. The development of insect
infestation is a complex process followed by equal interactions of biotic and
abiotic factors. The temperature, moisture, and relative humidity play a vital
4 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

role in determining the storage ability of grain for a length of period. The
introduction of grain market liberalization in many countries has resulted
in a rapid decline or elimination of local marketing organizations. Farmers
now have an opportunity to take advantage of seasonal price but the benefits
can only be achieved if grain is held longer on the farm with no deterioration
in quality. Thus the farmers are advised on the most cost effective type of
storage system and methods of pest management to use.
Good food is the basic need to good health, thus demands are being
placed on production system as there is increase in population. Any loss of
food due to insect, mites, and fungi means decrease in the availability of
food supply to support good health of people. There have been reports on
records on intestinal diseases after eating the food with insect infestation
(Palmer, 1970).
The industrial enterprises, commercial firms, bakeries, and agro based
companies become aware of the need for specialized capable of evaluating
the materials necessary for production. In this relation, a commercial educa-
tion system arose in the country, conditions for the production of high quality
commodities have been established in India. Only recently and state control
of their quality introduced throughout, from producer, distributor, trader
to consumers standardization of quality norms for commodities have been
made the basis of system of standards. These along with advances in science
led to development of science of food commodities as a specific discipline
and turned into a major field of applied science. Further experts in the field
of trade, supply, public relation, technology of different industries, econo-
mists, agronomists, food technology, and many others study commodities
science to varying extents from the view of their consumer value. A research
institute for this purpose first time established at Hapur in the year 1958 to
carry out complete study in the field of storage quality control in India.
At present, problem of improving the quality of products is one of the
important aspects of food commodities. It is necessary to improve in both
terms of quality and quantity, but to renovate mechanically the range of
commodities, keeping quality with scientific technical achievements and
taking into account the increasing necessity of the country. The processing
of food grains and then their conservation is of vital area of national and
international importance. It is well established that it would provide better
utilization of agricultural raw materials which are now either wasted or give
a low return. Further, it would ensure a better nutrition to a mass of popula-
tion, rural or urban, who suffer from malnutrition and protein deficiency. It
has also interesting export possibilities of some of the agricultural produce
of the country for which an export demand already exists.
Introduction to Storage Entomology 5


Research has been conducted on various aspect of stored grain pest manage-
ment like storage structure of different capabilities, application of chemicals
and non chemicals, and manipulation of environmental factors to prevent
the infestation of insects, rodents, mites, and so many microorganisms.
Fumigation plays a vital role in insect pest management in stored products.
Currently, phosphine and methyl bromide are the two common fumigants
used for stored-product protection worldwide. Insect resistance to phosphine
is a global issue now and control failure has been reported from several
countries (Taylor, 1989; Collins et al., 2002). Methyl bromide, a broad spec-
trum fumigant, has been declared as an ozone depleting substance and there-
fore, is being phased out completely. Now a time has reached when we have
to think whether it is a boon or bane. Scientists all over the world realize that
presently it is impossible to survive without its use. But they also understand
that it is necessary to minimize its use at least at farmer’s level by searching
other viable alternatives. In view of the problems with the current fumigants,
there is a global interest in alternative strategies including development of
chemical substitutes, exploitation of controlled atmospheres and integration
of physical methods (MBTOC, 2002). Presently, the use of sulfuryl fluoride,
a structural fumigant for termite and woodborer control, has been expanded
to food commodities and food handling establishment in USA, Canada, and
European countries (Prabhakaran, 2006). New fumigants such as carbonyl
sulfide (Desmarchelier, 1994) and ethane dinitrile (Ryan et al., 2006) and the
old fumigant ethyl formate either alone or mixture with CO2 (Damcevski et
al., 2003) have also been investigated as alternatives for food and non food
commodities. Furthermore, interest has been shown in plant products, that
is, essential oils and their components, fumigant action since it is believed
that natural compounds from plant sources may have the advantage over
traditional fumigants in terms of low mammalian toxicity, rapid degradation,
and local availability. For the last four decades serious attempts are being
made to find its alternative in plant kingdom and hundreds of plants have
been screened to search their fumigation potential. And most interesting so
many plants have been identified which are equipped with fumigant prop-
erties against insect pests of stored grain. Now it has been proved beyond
doubt that under laboratory condition the plant components can suppress
feeding and breeding of stored grain insect or even kill them completely
within a few hours just like chemical fumigants.
In controlling the stored grain insect pests the biotechnological interven-
tion has got good potential. So an extensive research is being carried out
6 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

to utilize the genes responsible for protease inhibition and production of

secondary metabolites, and use of antisense RNA technology in combina-
tion with gene transfer is used for management of stored grain insect pests.
Transgenic plants can thus be used in manipulating enzyme synthesis for
protection of stored products.
With all advantages and disadvantages, essential that if not the mass
population, at least grain handler and those interested should get the know
how about grain preservation, problem, and management practices. As yet,
however, no efforts have so far been made to prepare a comprehensive
text covering, the essential aspect of grain and seed storage with special
emphasis on several types of management strategies of food grain and seeds
into single volumes. This book, therefore, aims to go someway toward filling
the gaps, is based on experiments and practices of farmers with awareness
and development of green pesticides for the sustainable management of store
grain insects, rodents, birds, and microorganisms. I hope this book will arise
an awareness in people involve in grain handling, transportation, and storage
of food grain and seeds, and also helpful for students of post graduate and
doctorate under agricultural university system in India and abroad.


•• fumigants
•• insect infestation
•• protein deficiency
•• food technology
•• mammalian toxicity


Collins, P. J.; Daglish, G. J.; Pavic, H.; Lambkin, T. M.; Kapittke, R. Combating Strong Resis-
tance to Phosphine in Stored Grain Pests in Australia. In Stored Grain in Australia 2000,
Proceeding of the Australian Postharvest Technical Conference, Adelaide, Aug 1–4, 2000;
Wright, E. J., Banks, H. J., Highley, E., Eds.; CSIRIO Stored Grain Research Laboratory:
Canberra, Australia, 2002; pp109–112.
Damcevski, K.; Dojchinov, G.; Haritos, V. S. VAPORMATETM, a Formulation of Ethy Formate
with CO2 for Disinfestations of Grain. In Stored Grain in Australia 2003, Proceedings of
Introduction to Storage Entomology 7

the Australian Postharvest Technical Conference, Canberra, Jun 25–27, 2003; Wright, E.
J.; Webb, M. C.; Highley, E., Eds.; CSIRO Stored Grain Research Laboratory: Canberra,
Australia, 2003;pp 199–204.
Desmarchelier, J. M. Carbonyl Sulphide as a Fumigant for Control of Insects and Mites. In
Stored Product Protection, Proceeding of the Sixth International Working Conference on
Stored product Protection, Canberra, Australia, Apr17–23, 1994, Highley, E.; Wright, E. J.;
Banks, H. J.; Champ, B. R., Eds.; CAB International: Wallingford, UK, 1994; pp 75–81.
MBTOC. Reports of the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee Assessment: UNEP,
Nairobi, Kenya, 2002.
Palmer, E. D. Entomology of Gastrointestinal Tract. A Brief Review. Mil. Med. 1970, 13 (1),
Prabhakaran, S. In Commercial Performance and Global Development Status of Profume
Gas Fumigant, Proceeding of the 9th International Working Conference on Stored Product
Protection, Oct 15–18, 2006; Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brazilian Postharvest Association:
Campinas, Brazil, 2006; pp 635–641.
Rajendran, S. Postharvest Pest Losses. In Encyclopedia of Pest Management; Pimentel, D.,
Ed.; Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, 2002; pp 654–656.
Ryan, R.; Grant, N.; Nicolson, J.; Beven, D.; Harvey, A. SterigasTM and CosmicTM Update
on Proposed New Fumigants, In Proceeding of the 9th International Working Conference
on Stored Product Protection, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Oct 15–18, 2006; Brazilian Postharvest
Association: Campinas, Brazil, 2006; pp 624–629.
Taylor, R. W. D. Phosphine-a Major Fumigant at Risk. Int. Pest Control. 1989, 31, 10–14.




2.1 History of Grain or Seed Storage.......................................................10
2.2 Quick History.....................................................................................17
10 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Since the civilization of agriculture in Mesolithic period, some indications are

there for crop usage, for example mills stores, pestles, and mortars discovered
during the Mount Carmel explorations of 1930. The history of grain and seed
storage indicates that in ancient times, man practiced hunting wild animals.
They further started collecting various foods including seeds of some wild
plants to have a change in the way of life in a settled community. The discov-
eries to grow more crop and store made man to leave nomadic habit and live in
a settled society. The settled life made man to have development of culture and
agriculture as there would have been enough leisure time to think of storage
of food grains and seeds. Cereals have been the most valued crop throughout
all eras and were the first plant types cultivated and easy to store. The crop
storage seems to have begun in 8000 B.C. as per radio carbon dating. The
story of crop conservation and storage is interesting as it moves from the new
Stone Age and Copper Age into Bronze Age and later Iron and Roman Ages.
The grain storage was learnt indigenously at different times, but there has been
a gradual transfer of knowledge from East to West and North to South. The
storage structure constructed for wheat and rice has been observed in the exca-
vations of Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, and Lothal of Indus Valley Civilization.
These structures were dated back to about 2500–2000 B.C. and were made
of sunbaked and fireclay materials. The reference of wheat grains is found
in “Atharvaveda” an Indian holy book dated back to 1500–500 B.C. “Manu
Smriti,” an Indian book can also be quoted as an evidence for the knowledge of
grain storage in India as there is a writing as good seeds in the good field yields
abundant crops. In India, the establishment of warehousing came into being
on the basis of recommendation by Royal Commission of Agriculture in the
year 1928 and was brought to enact legislation for setting up of warehouses in
1944. Earlier to this, the storage of food grain seems to be the hand of farmers,
grain handlers, and marketers. The structures, enclosures, or wrappers used for
storing the food grains or seeds for the safety against any types of losses come
under category of warehouse. The food habits of humans vary from tropical to
sub-tropical; persons living by the costal side and mainly paddy growing area
prefer rice and so it is a staple food for them.


Storage of grains and seeds is a very important part for human health and
better crop growth. Since the civilization of agriculture in Mesolithic period,
History of Grain or Seed Storage 11

some indications are there for crop usage, for example mills stores, pestles,
and mortars discovered during the Mount Carmel explorations of 1930.
Coles (1973) reported that the status of human groups, the organization of
its economy, and the size of population, all depend to a certain extent on its
sources in planned grain and seed utilization and its storage.
The history of grain and seed storage indicates that in ancient times, man
practiced hunting wild animals. They further started collecting various foods
including seeds of some wild plants to have a change in the way of life in a
settled community. Nash (1978) published the knowledge on how to store
crops probably developed before it was discovered, how to cultivate grain
crops. Man could not hunt in rainy season and whatever he could have stored
used during this season. The discoveries to grow more crop and store made
man to leave nomadic habit and live in a settled society. The settled life
made man to have development of culture and agriculture as there would
have been enough leisure time to think of storage of food grains and seeds.
Cereals have been the most valued crop throughout all eras and were the
first plant types cultivated and easy to store. The crop storage seems to have
begun in 8000 B.C. as per radio carbon dating. The story of crop conservation
and storage is an interesting as it moves from the new Stone Age and Copper
Age into Bronze Age and later Iron and Roman Ages. The grain storage was
learnt indigenously at different times, but there has been a gradual transfer
of knowledge from East to West. Nash (1978) gave an account of tome lag
with the advances in the age, the time taken in spread in knowledge is clear
when reference is paused, for example Neolithic (New Stone and Copper
culture in East 7000 B.C., in West Europe 4000 B.C., in France and Britain
3500 B.C.). Bronze culture 3000 B.C. in East and 1000 B.C. in Europe, Iron
age 100 B.C. and West Europe only 700 B.C. thus Iron age culture seems to
have spread more rapidly requiring only 400 years. Storage pits have been
known to be used dating back 4500 B.C. were used for storing of harvested
wild crops in Syria and Israel. It is clear that in the beginning knowledge on
how to store food grain and seeds was minimal and with the development of
settled society knowledge and ability on hoe to store grains and seeds devel-
oped before it was discovered to cultivate and grow crops.
The storage structure constructed for wheat and rice has been observed
in the excavations of Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, and Lothal of Indus Valley
Civilization. These structures were dated back to about 2500–2000 B.C. and
were made of sunbaked and fireclay materials. The reference of wheat grains
is found in “Atharvaveda” an Indian holy book dated back to 1500–500 B.C.
“Manu Smriti,” an Indian book can also be quoted as an evidence for the
knowledge of grain storage in India as there is a writing as good seeds in the
12 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

good field yields abundant crops. The nomadic nature of man, on the other
hand, does not testify the habit of man to store food. Anyhow, whatever may
be the period of start of food grain storage, it is proved that man storing
of food grain were known as used thousands of years ago. It may be that
crop storage which was learnt indigenously in different parts of the world in
different era by the way of survival. Mankind, in the starting storing grain
for himself only, latter for the family and ultimately to a broader prospects.
Due to pressure of huge population there are needs to commercial storage.
The increase in population led to expansion and migration for space which
in turn resulted in fighting for the daily food grain supply. The vagaries of
climate coupled with war resulted in starvation at times. Edouard Saouma,
former Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization, warned in
September 1980, for the adverse sign of food supply chain under strain so
long that it would reach to breaking point. In East Africa, drought and war
resulted in a wide spread famine. Such types of warning have been issued
from time to time by the persons on the whelm of affairs about the shortage
of food supply. Each country has a chain or production system approach,
where in surplus produce is brought to the market and still surplus is main-
tained as a buffer stock. In the beginning, there has been barter system of
fulfilling daily requirements. Latter, a system of transaction with common
standard money came into practice. The value of money fluctuates with the
availability of supply. The broad expansion of production depends upon
an increase in income and investment. Here, one constrained in its ability
to undertake directly or indirectly to promote more investment because of
the certain inflationary impact. A potential cost inflation in the production
sector is being suppressed. Higher cost due to devaluation and the attempt
to restore real income in the face of rising food costs not fully reflects in
produce. The most important, though, is the potential for further demand
which induces increase in food prices. If the deficits widen or credit to grower
grows rapidly to pay for new investment, the associated prices will quickly
be translated into demand for scarce food. Thus, without larger food supplies
any general expansion of demand is bound to raise prices and thereby exac-
erbate an already precarious situation. Man, thus, learnt reserving grain for
dearth periods. Thus the store houses were built of huge capacities even
in earlier days too, to serve during starvation. The evidences of record on
Egyptian monuments expressed that storage structures were made of clay,
stones, and bricks. The Kautilya, famous minister during Maurya region
had written about good store housekeeping and grading grain for quality
standards. The Mauryans were named as promoters to save the grain and
construct the storage structure at home and on ships or boat to developed
History of Grain or Seed Storage 13

trade with neighboring countries far and near. Chhatrapati Shivaji in Maha-
rashtra, Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur are known for the architect comparing to
updated silos. The construction of system of storage had been in practice
as per the necessity and requirement depending upon the existing situation,
for instance, to protect grain stored from ravages of bombing and theft. The
underground storage was designed war. The tunnel type of storage structure
could be seen in Argentina. It would be disgraceful to speak of knowledge
of the person of time and place, if said, that as with advancement of science
and technology, it would be better to spell out that with the need and require-
ment of the facility for storage of food grains the methods and structures
were suited were designed. The production of steel bins were designed but
because of heating and spoilage, concrete bins with inbuilt arrangements
for temperature and humidity recording and treatment management were
designed in some developed nations, whereas, in developing countries the
traditional procedures are still in practice. The huge amount of surplus
production of food grains has brought about revolution in marketing and
international policies and newer mode of storage of food grains and seeds.
The requirement of storage structures depends upon the time and place of
production. At places emergent situations arise at and other places the food
grain supply is surplus to be conserved for long term to come and distribu-
tion is desired at place of requirement of immediate supply. Thus the storage
method employed is dependent upon the surrounding environment of places,
socio-economic conditions of the mass population, state, and country.
The state or nation is responsible for the development of storage facility
as per the production and needs. In India the establishment of warehousing
came into being on the basis of recommendation by Royal Commission of
Agriculture in the year 1928 and was brought to enact legislation for setting
up of warehouses in 1944. Earlier to this, the storage of food grain seems
to be the hand of farmers, grain handlers, and marketers. There have been
several committees appointed and the recommendations of these commit-
tees led to the promotion and development of food grain warehouses such as
Committee of Government of India, 1945 and 1949. And later conferences
and symposiums were held to discuss the development of central and state
level warehousing facilities. These committees were constituted in order to
survey and study the problem of rural socioeconomic conditions and require-
ments of the country. The inadequacy of the storage facilities was consid-
ered to be the gravest economic backwardness of rural mass, particularly the
mass of population directly involved in production.
The structures, enclosures, or wrappers used for storing the food grains
or seeds for the safety against any types of losses come under category of
14 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

warehouse. The food habits of humans varies from tropical to sub-tropical;

persons living by the costal side and mainly paddy growing area prefer rice
and so it is a staple food for them. Cultivators, on the other side where wheat
is main crop, people prefer wheat and gram and less of rice. The pressure
on supply of grain, therefore, differs from place to place. The demand of
food grain due to natural calamities, coupled with growing population in
state and center made government to create a central board. This board
was named as Central Board of National Cooperative Development and
Warehousing Board under the Agriculture Production Corporation Act,
1956. The state government was also developed including public financial
partnership by development of state warehousing scheme. The national
Co-operative Development and Warehousing Board was functionary of
planning, directing, and co-ordinating the movement of grain of All India
Warehousing Corporations and State Warehousing Companies. Thus there
was a National Cooperative Development Board, All India Warehousing
Corporation (Central Warehousing Corporation), State Warehousing Corpo-
ration. The Central Warehousing Corporation came into existence in March
1957. These warehouses were more or less licensed grain storage handler
and their objective was to encourage, establish, and regulate independent
storage facilities as warehouse to reduce storage losses assist orderly market.
The state Warehousing Act and rules framed to provide the license to any
person or organization on making an application satisfying the requirements.
It is compulsory to become a licensed warehousing man for undertaking
business of warehousing for the commodities specified in the act. In India,
most of the states have laws to regulate business of warehousing of stored
commodities. The first law that came into force was the Central Provinces
and Berar Agricultural Warehouse Act, 1947. Letter other state warehouse
acts came into being in different years to come like Madras, 1951; Bihar,
1953; Orissa, 1956; Punjab, 1957; Rajasthan and Hyderabad, 1958; Bombay
and Assam, 1959; Kerala, 1960; Maysore, 1961; Uttar Pradesh and West
Bengal, 1963. The first state warehousing corporation was formed in Bihar
in 1957. Thus there are 26 state warehousing corporations in function of
which some came into being on the acceptability of states. The review of the
warehousing corporation was desired by the Government of India in 1974 in
the contest of Warehousing Corporation Act 1962 and was aimed to suggest
modifications needed. In the year 1976, the Warehousing Corporation Act
1962 was amended to streamline the working of warehouses in regard to
reports, credits, and feed with information about their operations. The Food
Corporation of India is serving as vital area of procurement, distribution,
and movement of stored commodities. It also diversified its activities toward
History of Grain or Seed Storage 15

production of nutritious processed foods like establishment of rice milling,

dal mill, solvent extraction plants, production of protein rich diet for chil-
dren. The Food Corporation of India has established several rice mills in
different part of the country to increase the availability of rice and extract oil
from rice bran.
The reports of various Indian authorities and private entrepreneurs
revealed that building up and maintaining of buffer stock of food grain have
been important in Indian Food Policy which seems to be true with other
nations and at international forum too. From time to time as per need of
the nation at international level, recommendations have been made by the
technical group on buffer stock of food grains. The buffer stock implies
primarily to ensure stability in supplies and price over years. The Govern-
ment of United Arab Republic has also set up mills, when it took over the
rice export trade in 1961. All over the world, efforts are directed to increase
output and reduce losses. In some part of the world where traditional methods
are still in practice, ample improvement in storage, however, can be based
on scientific principles. A simple method of fumigation was introduced in
Ghana. It saved at least 20,000 tons one third of country whole production.
In Tanzania improvement over existing clay structure by plastic sheeting was
more effective. During the World War II, the need of buffer stock of food in
Britain drew attention to import grain from tropics and consider the factors
responsible for deterioration by biotic and abiotic means. Latter, India after
independence faced an intrigue position of food scarcity and imported food
grains from temperature and sub tropical nations under public law (PL 480)
program. It was in 1941 and 1943 that in Britain system of inspectorate
operating under infestation orders, was brought to attention. An enactment
was framed, named as Pest Act 1949, under which grain handlers began to
take steps to eliminate pests. The needs to consider the quality standards
in import were emphasized and survey of British ports for pest infestation
was made. In the year 1951 Pest Infestation Laboratory established liaison
to promote improvement in food and seeds storage and handling. Several
entomologists were studying various aspect of stored product in developing
nations as per their interest. Though the Pest Infestation Laboratory was
established in 1940 under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research,
but with the transfer of this laboratory in 1970 to the Ministry of Agricul-
ture, Fisheries, and Food, it had a wide coverage on the research, inspec-
tion, and advice concerned with the prevention and control of infestation by
insects, mites, and fungi on stored grain and seeds. The importation of food
stuffs into the tropics, on the other hand, accentuated storage, transporta-
tion, and handling problems. Thus need of a estimating losses of produce
16 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

after harvest was felt since no systematic work was undertaken. The impor-
tance of postharvest losses was first focused by the Food and Agricultural
Organization of United Nations conference held in London in 1947, as the
loss figures were quite alarming. The conference recommended the develop-
ment of training facilities on storage methods in by respective countries. The
Department of Food, Government of India was established Grain Storage
and Training Institute in the year 1958 at Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. This institute
has been imparting training in scientific food grain handling, inspection, and
storage. The training courses were organized by USSR and third fellowship
training course in grain storage was furnished in the year 1964, organized
at Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow; all Cereal Research Insti-
tute, Moscow, Institute for the Design of Structures and Facilities for Grain
Industries, Moscow. Thus training and research on storage of food grains
were started in most of the countries of the world. The pest control program
including fumigation of all stored produce was introduced in the year 1957.
A new motion picture “Grain Sampling” was introduced in Grain Division
of Agricultural Marketing Service for use in training of grain inspectors.
The development of storage technique progressed rapidly and farm bins
of different materials were developed. The design and structures made of
varied materials came into being with the availability of local materials,
details of storage bins were discussed in different storage structure chapter-
Most of the farming communities continuing the bulk and bag storage even
till date. Grain storage research continued to be a continuous process and the
advancement in design of storage structure resulted in the development of
cylindrical bins formed as elevators or silos. In the USA, there are two types
of elevators, one known as country elevator and other as terminal elevator.
The country elevators are principally to gather grain from nearby village
to transport into the market. The size of elevators depends upon the size of
farming communities. In India such elevator made of steel was established
in Hapur and Pantnagar. The terminal elevators are located in larger markets
and terminal points where rail transport and shipments are available and
such elevators mostly popular in developed countries. Terminal elevators
are equipped with high capacity equipments for cleaning, drying, and condi-
tioning of grains and seeds.
All such developments aimed to protect food grain and seeds from
losses of different sources, for example insects, mites, rodents, birds, and
fungi. Due to advancement in research our pest management services are
also became advanced toward starting from application of inert dust to
several safer, economic and eco-friendly chemicals. The protection tech-
nology advancement has proven the application of system approaches with
History of Grain or Seed Storage 17

well-programmed protection based on ecological data. The improvement of

storage environment with the prevailing atmosphere has been emphasized.


• Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954

• Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (revised) 1980
• Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices 1985
• Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
• National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 1982
• Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules 1955
• Agricultural Produce Corporation Act (APCA) 1956
• Warehousing Corporation Act (replaced APCA) 1956
• Central Warehousing Corporation 1957
• State Warehousing Corporation 1979
• Save Grain Campaign 1965
• Agricultural Prices Commission 1965
• Grain Storage Research & Training Centre (GOI, Dept. of Food) 1958
• Indian Grain Storage Institute Hapur 1968
• Royal Commission on Agriculture recommended that establishment of
licensed warehouses 1928.
• Reserve Bank of India directed to state government for making the law
of warehouse 1944.
• Government of India constituted Agriculture Finance sub committee
under chairmanship of Pro. D. R. Gadgil for the suggestion on ware-
housing 1944.
• Pro. D. R. Gadgil recommended the establishment of warehouse in
which place where produce must be store, and receipt can be generated
for farmers 1945.
• Government of India constituted a committee for village Banking Inquire
• RBI constituted All India Village Credit Survey Committee for survey of
farm family 1951.
• On the recommendation of All India Village Credit Survey Committee,
Government of India constituted the Agricultural Producer Development
and warehousing Act 1956.
• Warehousing Corporation Act 1962
18 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

• International storage conference 1982 on the completion of 25 years of

Central Warehouse Corporation.
• International storage conference 2007 on the completion of 50 years of
Central Warehouse Corporation.
• Central Railside Warehouse Limited 2007
• Warehousing development and regulatory law 2007
• National conference on warehousing 2008
• Upgradation of Central Warehousing Corporation from article B to article
A 2009, Field Station Ludhiana, Baptla
• Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute Hapur, Field
Station Hyderabad, Ludhiana, Jabalpur, Jorhat, Udaipur
• World Food Day (FAO) (16th October)
• Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy 1943


•• storage structure
•• buffer stock
•• warehousing
•• terminal elevators
•• crop storage


Coles, J. Archeology by Experiment; Hutchinson and Company Limited Publication: London,

1973; p 205.
Nash, M. J. Crop Conservation and Storage in Cool Temperature Climates; Pergamon Press
Publication: New York, NY, 1978; Vol. 12, p 393.



3.1 Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/
Seed Insects........................................................................................20
3.2 Stored-Product Coleoptera.................................................................21
3.3 Identification of Stored-Product Coleoptera with the
Help of Taxonomic Key.....................................................................31
3.4 Stored-Product Lepidoptera...............................................................53
3.5 Identification of Stored-Product Lepidoptera with the
Help of Taxonomic Key.....................................................................55
20 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The correct identification of any insect is the base of successful pest manage-
ment. The protection against insect infesting in food grain and seeds, going
into storage, must be started with the raw commodity and be continued
through processing, packaging, handling, transportation, and storage. The
population of stored grain insect pests directly depends upon climatic condi-
tions like high or low temperature, poor sanitation, relative humidity, and
moisture content of the produce. Insect pest species that rarely damage grain
except by the contamination due to their presence are termed as incidental
pests. Besides insect pests and mite some insects act as predators and para-
sitoids on the insect pests in the stored grain. On the basis of their feeding
behavior these insects may be classified as internal feeders and external
feeders. Internal feeders are those insects which enter into the grain by
making a hole and passing the immature stage inside them, coming out as
adults. The external feeders start the feeding through the tender part of the
grain and seeds like germs while others web the grain kernels together and
larvae feeds inside them. To identify the stored grain insect on the basis
of their marks of identification, taxonomic keys have been prepared and
with the help of these most dominant species may be identified under Indian
situation. The stored commodity deteriorated by insects belongs to order
Lepidoptera (moth) and Coleoptera (beetles and weevils). There are several
keys are available for correct identification of insect pests up to family and
species level.



The correct identification of any insect is the base of successes full pest
management. The protection against insect infesting in food grain and
seeds, going into storage, must be started with the raw commodity and be
continued through processing, packaging, handling, transportation, and
storage. The main objective of such protection is prevention for insect,
dead or alive, present in stored commodities. The first step to achieve the
goal of protection is to identify the insect causing contamination and/or
damage. The population of stored grain insect pests directly depends upon
climatic conditions like high or low temperature, poor sanitation, relative
humidity, and moisture content of the produce. Insect pest species that rarely
damage grain except by the contamination due to their presence are termed
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 21

as incidental pests. Besides insect pests and mite some insects act as preda-
tors and parasitoids on the insect pests in the stored grain. On the basis of
their feeding behavior these insects may be classified as internal feeders and
external feeders. Internal feeders are those insects which enter into the grain
by making a hole and passing the immature stage inside them, coming out
as adults. The external feeders start the feeding through the tender part of
the grain and seeds like germs while others web the grain kernels together
and larvae feeds inside them. To identify the stored grain insect on the basis
of their marks of identification, taxonomic keys have been prepared and
with the help of these most dominant species may be identified under Indian


The stored-product Coleoptera consists of beetles and weevils and respon-

sible for the major damage or contamination of stored produces. Some most
dominant species of stored-product Coleoptera with the family are described


These are small oval or cylindrical beetles with head strongly deflexed


The cigarette beetle is also known as tobacco beetle, is a most destructive

insect of stored tobacco. It is cosmopolitan in nature and found worldwide.
It was reported to found in Egypt more than 3500 years ago (Alfeiri, 1931).
Cigarette beetles infest the cacao, spice, dried fruits, ginger, turmeric, and
processed tobacco. Bry and Lang (1966) reported that cigarette beetle served
the viscose rayon filling yarn in sized mattress ticking and caused consider-
able damage to mattresses in storage. Their larvae may cause 100% damage
to rayon threads used in cotton textile bags in which produced are stored. It
also feeds on wheat flour, cotton bolls, and books. Mossop (1932) reported
that in Southern Rhodesia, the adults live five to six weeks in summer but
22 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

longer in winter. The average life span of female is 18 days while male
requires 20–22 days to complete their life cycle. The adult beetles are small,
stoutly oval, 2–2.5 mm long, light brown yellow in color. The size and color
vary as per food and stores. Elytra smooth, with very short hairs, but without
striae, antennae about half as long as body, 11 segment, 4–10 segment
serrate, generally females are larger than males. The females lay eggs in
folds and crack or crevices of host. The newly hatched larvae are small and
measured about less than 1 mm in length, covered with fine hairs. The body
of larvae is white and scarabaeiform. After four to five molting in 40–45
days the full grown larvae are measured about 1.5–2.0 mm, and then they
construct a smooth cell for pupation. The newly formed pupa is glossy white
in color, then changes into reddish brown in color.  DRUG STORE BEETLE (STEGOBIUM PANICEUM)


The drug store beetles are similar to L. serricorne and they only can be
distinguished by their length. It is 2.5–3.5 mm longer than cigarette beetle.
It generally infests the drug and pharmaceutical, and is found in European
countries. Cittenden (1896); Zacher (1953); Laibach (1960) reported that the
drug store beetles infest almost any dry plant and animal product; however,
it has made spectrum of food stuffs like cured and uncured tobacco, black
and red pepper, drugs, spice, leather, books, and textiles. The life cycle of
this pest is similar to cigarette beetle. The eggs followed by five to six larval
instars, then pupation in cocoon. The total life cycle is completed in 73 days
at 25 ˚C and 70% relative humidity and 231 days at 17 ˚C and 50% relative
humidity; 71 days at 30 ˚C and 90% relative humidity (Lefkovitch, 1967).
Last three segments of antennae form a large loosely segmented club. Elytra
have longitudinal striae.


The body is cylindrical, head ventral to prothorax. Pronotums have rasp-like

teeth or hooks, antennae straight and have a loose three or four segmented
club. Apically elytra are flattened and sloped ventrally more or less steeply
(declivity). Tarsi 5 segmented.
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 23  LESSER GRAIN BORER (RHYZOPERTHA DOMINICA)


R. dominica is first time reported in the year 1972 from the stored speci-
mens from South America and it is also known as Australian wheat weevil.
It is a native of India (Pruthi & Singh, 1950). Besides India it is reported
from different parts of the world like Argentina, USA, South Wales, Okla-
homa, and Kansas. The adult beetles are strong flier and spreads with great
rapidity and often infesting wheat in field (Cotton, 1938; Dean, 1947). These
insects having strong teeth with which it damages not only the sound grain
but also any parts of the storage receptacles and it also bores into leather
and dry fruits. The first stage larvae being straight in shape may bore into
sound grain in latter stage they become curved shape and measured about
3.2 mm in length and 0.8 mm in breadth. It is dark brown to black with
rough body surface. Its head is inverted into a hood like triangular structure
under the thorax, prothorax hood shaped covered with tubercles which are
rather coarse especially in the front. The male and female may be identified
by examining the segment of ventral side of the body. The “V” segment of
sternum is light yellow in female while in male it is brown in color. The
third and fourth sternites are light doted in female but in male they are green
in color. Generally the female lays eggs on the grain near the embryo but
sometimes on surface of bags, walls, and cracks. It can lay eggs even at 8%
moisture content in grain. The adults are 2–3 mm long typical bostrichid.
Pronotum rounded at front with transverse rows of teeth. Tubercles are flat-
tened centrally and posteriorly. Scutellum between pronotum and elytra is
almost square shaped. Elytra have regular row of punctures and short setae
that curve posteriorly. Apically elytra are gentle convex structures. Antennae
have 10 segments with a loose three segment club.  LARGER GRAIN BORER (PROSTEPHANUS TRUNCATUS)


The adults having typical cylindrical bostrichid shape and the body is
3–4.5 mm long. Declivity is flattened and steep, many small tubercles over
surface. The limit of declivity is apically and laterally marked by carina.
Antennae are 10 segmented with a loose three segmented club. Stem of
antennae is slender and clothed with long hairs and the apical club segment
is as wide as, or wider than, preceding segments. Larvae are white and
24 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

parallel-sided with short legs and small head capsule. Thoracic segments are
considerably larger than those of abdomen.


On the basis of food habits the insects of Bruchidae family may be divided
into three groups, one remains in the store for breeding and feeding, second
breeds and feeds in both field and store, and third only causes infestation in
the field only. Raina (1970) reported five species of Callosobruchus from
India, but only three species occur during storage of pulses.  PULSE BEETLE (CALLOSOBRUCHUS CHINENSIS)


Adults have a pair of distinct ridges (inner and outer) on the ventral side of
each hind femur, and each ridge has a tooth near the apical end. The inner
tooth is slender, rather parallel-sided, and equal to (or slightly longer than)
the outer tooth. Antennae pectinate are present in male and serrate in female.
Elytra are pale brown in color with small median dark marks and larger
posterior patches which may merge to make entire posterior part of elytra
dark in color. The side margins of abdomen have distinct patches of coarse
white setae. The host specificity of C. chinensis is restricted mainly, but not
exclusively, to seeds of the legume tree Viciaea. As its common name indi-
cates, these beetles prefer cowpea but it has been reported to feed on several
types of pulses. C. chinensis is primarily a pest of seeds of moong, red gram,
and lentil but occurs in almost all pulses in India. The strains of C. chinensis
from Israel and Japan were reported to have some morphological differences
(Applebaum et al., 1968). The eggs hatch in about 4–5 days, hatching of
eggs may be easily seen under microscope. Raina (1970) reported average
incubation period at 30 ˚C and 70% relative humidity 3–5 days with 98%
hatching. The first instar grub bears a large spine on either side of the first
abdominal segment and two groups of smaller spines dorsally on the tergal
plate of the pronotum (Van Emden, 1946). The grub undergoes four molts
before pupation it chews a circular hole near the seed till only a thin layer of
seed covering is left intact. The grub and pupal periods last for about 18–20
days, generally it remains for four days in pupal stage during summer. The
total life cycle is completed in 22–25 days in winter season while 45–48
days during summer season. Halstead (1973, 1980) reported that insects
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 25

develop in mature and dry seeds and do not require for survival or repro-
duction. Males are strong flier than female. Male lives for seven to ten days
while female live for five to ten days.  PULSE BEETLE (C. MACULATUS) (FABRICIUS)

Adults have a pair of distinct ridges (inner and outer) on the ventral side of
each hind femur, and each ridge has a tooth near the apical end. The inner
tooth is triangular, and equal to (or slightly longer than) the outer tooth. The
antennae of both sexes are slightly serrate. Females often have strong mark-
ings at elytra consisting of two large lateral dark patches mid-way along
the elytra and smaller patches at anterior and posterior ends, leaving a paler
brown crossed shaped area covering the rest. Males are much less distinctly
marked. It infests so many pulses and also develops in those pulses which
inhibit the development of C. chinensis like soybean and French beans.
Howe and Curri (1964) gave an account of the development period of C.
maculatus on more than six foods. The eggs are laid by the female with a
range of 110–160. The highest number of eggs laid on chickpeas was 75
(Sawaf, 1956), where Howe and Curri (1964) noted 116 average number of
eggs. The eggs hatch in about 3–5 days and average grub and pupal period
is about 20–22 days.  PULSE BEETLE C. ANALIS (FABRICIUS)

The antennae of these beetles are filiform type. Coloration and patterning
of both sexes are similar to that of an average female C. maculatus, except
that the pronotum of C. analis is uniformly red-brown (usually black or dark
brown in C. maculatus). In freshly emerged specimens, white setae at the
center of posterior half of each elytron are very conspicuous in C. analis
but inconspicuous in C. maculatus. As in all Callosobruchus species, each
hind femur has a pair of ridges on the ventral edge; in C. analis the outer
ridge bears the usual noticeable blunt tooth, but the inner tooth is usually
much smaller or even absent. The life cycle of this pest has been studied
by Fletcher (1930), mating of female is found to be similar to that of C.
chinensis. The single female lays an average of 75–80 eggs over a period of
nine days. Raina (1970) reported that grub and pupal period was completed
in 25–28 days at 70% relative humidity and 30 ˚C temperature.
26 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


All adults are characterized by a rostrum, which is a forward snout-like

extension of the head and carries the mouth part. The antennae are elbowed

S. oryzae is the one of the destructive pests of stored cereals, throughout the
world. A small weevil is measured about 3 mm in length with head protruded
into a snout-like structure or a distinct beak or proboscis. At the end of this
structure, there is a pair of mandibles. It is generally radish brown in color,
and some time dark brown to black. The both sexes look apparently alike
but when carefully examined, the male can be distinguished from the female
by the rostrum which is shorter and broader in male than in female, well
developed hind-wings are present beneath elytra punctures on pronotum
rounded, the dorsal surface is much more closely punctured in male than
that of female. It has been reported to fly toward wind direction and infest
standing crops up to 2.5 km distance from storage (Khare & Agrawal, 1964).
Both grubs and adults feed voraciously so much so that grain is rendered
unfit for mankind consumption. In India S. oryzae has been reported to
remain in old stores and grain carried by rodents and birds. The females
prefer to lay eggs in the hairy end of the wheat grain, and lay about 300–400
eggs during life time at 14% moisture content and between 25 and 29 ˚C
temperature and 70% relative humidity. The eggs are white, translucent, and
measure 0.7 mm long and 0.3 mm broad, grub hatch in four days (Khare &
Agrawal, 1963) in summer season and 6–9 days in winter season. Grubs are
small, white, fleshy, and legless have brown head and jaws, burrow inside
the seeds or grain and whole developmental stage passed inside them. The
grub passes through several molt at 27–30 ˚C (Howe, 1952) then goes into
pupation. Soderston & Wilbur (1966) reported that at 76% relative humidity
and 27 ˚C temperature weevils complete life cycle in 42–45 days. In India
this insect passes 5–6 generation in a year. Weevils emerged in summer live
for 3–6 weeks, but winter generations live longer. In USA it is reported to
live for five months (Cotton, 1960). One pair of adult weevil may produce
one million adults within three months. The largest damage by weevil is
done between August and November, comparatively less in February and
March, and least in December and January.
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 27  MAIZE WEEVIL (S. ZEAMAIS) (MOTSCHULSKY)

S. zeamais is most serious species of stored seeds and grain worldwide. It can
readily fly from stocks of stored grain to growing maize (Giles, 1968) and at
harvesting time all stages of development of this insect are present. Several
scientists have shown that amongst all the factors affecting the distribution
and number of S. zeamais in maize ears on the growing crop, the proximity
and intensity of a source of infestation, usually cereals in stores, and the
extent of kernel coverage by the husk in the variety grown, appears to be
the most important factor (Mossop, 1940; Floyd et al., 1959; Davies, 1960;
Eden, 1952; Giles & Ashman, 1971). So many fruits and seeds are infested
by this insect and these insects are also collected from habitate of Sitoph-
ilus sp. (Mayne & Donis, 1962), but their most preferred food is maize,
sorghum, and other cereals. S. zeamais and S. oryzae may be distinguished
by aedeagal characters; in S. oryzae the curve of the aedeagus is more or less
uniform to the top whereas in S. zeamais the tip of the aedeagus is distinctly
hooked and tip varies from slight to most pronounce in S. zeamais. It is
absent in S. oryzae and no gradation between the species has been observed
(Proctor, 1971; Kuschel, 1961). The life cycle of S. zeamais is nearly same
as S. oryzae. However, Baker and Mabie (1973) after rearing both species
on Meridio diet reported that the grub period of S. zeamais on an average

S. granarius is similar in appearance to S. oryzae and S. zeamais, but can be

distinguished by the absence of metathoracic flight wings (only small vesti-
gial wings are present) and by the oval shape of punctures on the prothorax.
S. granaries were earlier known as Calandra granaria (L). The archeo-
logical evidences in barley in the Icheti’s tomb under the step pyramid at
Saqqara indicate that it was known during sixth dynasty, about 2300 BC.
It was also recorded from sites of Roman occupation. It was a cereal pest
some 5000 years ago and observed with barley seeds in Egyption tombs
(Solomon, 1965). It is a pest of cereals and has also been reported to infest
shelled acorns (Howe, 1965). S. granaries are one of the oldest known pests
of stored grain and grain products and are almost cosmopolitan in nature,
have been carried by transportation to all parts of the world and in particular
in temperate zone. It does not fly as it has lost the power of flight and is
depend upon the domestic animals for transportation. The elytra are fused and
28 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

reduced to short narrow straps. It is only found in places where either grain
is stored or grain residues are left over as sweeping of stores. S. granaries
are most prominent pests of temperate zone. S. granaries live on an average
for seven to eight months. The females lay eggs in a slit like opening made
in grain and covered with a gelatinous mass like rice weevil, on an average
a single female can lay about 200–300 eggs. Richards (1947) reported that
female weevils lay eggs almost indiscriminately except that they avoid grain
containing large grub so that more than one egg may frequently be found in
a single grain. The eggs hatch within 6–28 days depending upon temperature
and relative humidity, grub passes through several molt than goes for pupa-
tion and only one adult develops inside one grain but occasionally two have
also been reported.


Beetles are generally ovoid but sometimes stoutly oval in shape and vary
in length from 1.5 to 12 mm, usually clothed in hairs or colored scales.
Antennae are relatively short with 10 or 11 segments. A fairly distinct three
segmented antennal club is common. The grubs are characteristically dense

Adults are reddish-brown, with or without darker vague marking, but

the thorax is darker brown. They are oval in shape and vary in size from
2–3 mm, females being somewhat larger than the males. The dorsal surface
is moderately clothed in fine hairs. A median ocellus present between
compound eyes. The number of antennal segment is usually 11 but some
fusion of segments may take place so that there can be as few as nine. The
fairly distinct antennal club consists of 3–5 segments. In the male the apical
segment of the club is much elongated in comparison with that of female.
The antennae fit into ventral grooves in the prothorax. The larvae are typi-
cally very hairy. Spicisetae of various lengths are arranged over the dorsal
surface and a “brush” of long spicisetae on the ninth abdominal segments
project posteriorly like a tail. T. granarium is a major pest of stored grain in
India. The first records were made by Coles in the year 1894. It has several
times been recorded as destructive insect in Europe. It has been introduced
a number of times during transportation of grain (Cotton, 1960). Similarly,
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 29

within the confines of the USA, there are well defined areas in which certain
species floursh in temperature prevailing between 32 and 49  ˚C, whereas
they are of little importance in other insects. T. granarium occurs in India in
Rajasthan, Bundelkhand, and Punjab. It is reported to be a pest of hot arid
regions of our country as well as in world (Burges, 1962). T. granarium is a
native of Ceylon and Malaya. It is one of very few storage insects that can
breed in a hot dry environment, in addition it can survive normal winter
of cool country (Solomon & Adamson, 1955). This beetles slipped into the
USA in 1946 or earlier during World War II.


These beetles are generally parallel-sided and rather short (2–4 mm). Most
species have projections on the prothorax which are in the form of teeth or
swelling at the anterior angle or several teeth along the lateral margin.  SAW GRAIN TOOTH BEETLE (ORYZAEPHILUS MERCATOR


Adults of both species are slender dark brown beetle, 2.5–3.5 mm long.
The antennae are relatively short and clubbed. The prothorax has six
distinct teeth like projections along each side. The length of the temple
(the side of head behind eye) is much shorter in O. mercator than that
in O. surinamensis. The larvae are white, elongate, somewhat flattened,
and about 4–5 mm long when fully grown. It is associated with starchy
food and generally found in warm areas throughout the world. Linnaeus
came across specimens of this insect in Surinam and for that reason he
named it as surinamensis in 1967 (Cotton, 1960). The insect bears six saw
like toothed on the each side of thorax. The merchant beetle, O. mercator
was described in the year 1889. The both insects are cosmopolitan pests
of stored grain and grain products. It is reported to occur in flour mills
and warehouses. It is able to multiply in cool condition but its ability to
overwinter in the fabric of warehouses enables quite large populations to
persist until heating produce provides conditions needed for rapid increases
(Howe, 1956). It never infests the whole grain, as per report of (Freeman
1973) both species occurs in 10% in the farm of England and Wales and 3%
in Scotland. Both the species have wings but they use them rarely or not at
all, spread throughout the tropics and are continually introduced by trade
30 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

into temperate zone. O. mercator is more hygrophilic than its congener

O. surinamensis because former is more vulnerable to low humidities. Its
behavioral avoidance of dryness is more highly developed (Arbogast &
Carlhon, 1972). Generally both the species live from six to ten months, but
they have been found to live three years. The female lays 6–10 eggs per
day and 50–300 eggs in her life span. Grub molts three times then goes for
pupation (Howe, 1956). The total life cycle is completed in 100–150 days
depends upon the environmental conditions.


The adults are 3–10 mm long and usually rather parallel-sided. Antennae
are 11 segmented, are of moderate length, and either are simple in form or
have a more or less distinct club. Tarsi of hind legs have four segments while
those of the front and middle legs have five. The larvae have a characteristic
shape and are generally well sclerotized, often having a distinctly banded
appearance and one or two pointed projections (urogomphi) at the end of


In the year 1797, it was named as T. castaneum Herbst is placed next to

T. confusum on the basis of its extents of damage (Cotton, 1960). All the
species are secondary pests of stored grain, but able to feed on broken grain.
Adults are typically tenebrionid in shape, 2.3–4.4 mm in length and red-
brown in color. The males possess a hairy puncture on the ventral surface
of anterior femur; this puncture is absent in female. The grubs are typi-
cally tenebrionid and possess two upwardly curved urogomphi on the ninth
abdominal segment. The antennae are well developed, the last few segments
being abruptly much larger than the preceding ones, and generally females
are heavier than males. The five species of Tribolium are found fairly
frequently in stored produce and all are easy to culture but two species are
most dominant. The grub is small, worm like, slender, cylindrical, and wiry
in appearance. The body is segmented with fine hairs. The exoskeleton is
soft and whitish. The fully developed grub is 48 cm long and light yellow
in color.
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 31




The keys include the adult Coleoptera commonly found in tropical storage
and also some of those less commonly encountered or only of local impor-
tance. Identification should normally start at couplet 1 below. Where three
or more species of a family are regularly found in tropical storage, a separate
family key is given (Halstead, 1986).


1. - Head (in front of eyes) with a long narrow “snout”; antennae arising
from the sides of this distinctive “snout” which is between 2 and 7
times as long as wide. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….2
- Head never with a distinctive long “snout”. …………………………3
2. - Antennae is elbowed (i.e. bent sharply near the middle) and the first
(basal) antennal segment is very long (usually about half as long
as rest of antenna). Central area of elytra is not strongly convex,
often rather flat, and elytra are usually not much wider than proth
(Follow the key of family)
- Antennae are straight or evenly curved (never bent sharply near
the middle) and the first (basal) antennal segment is not very long.
Elytra are entirely convex and often much wider than prothorax
…………………………………………………………… Apionidae
And if: body is almost black, sometimes with paler greyish-brown
striae; elytra are very strongly convex, twice as wide as base of
prothorax, and with swollen “shoulders” near the front angles; length
3–4 mm (infesting pulses, but not common). ……………….....…….
…...………………………………………………Piezotrachelus sp.
3. - Elytra are extremely short, leaving five, six, or seven abdominal
segments visible from above. (Predatory beetles, usually only present
in very small numbers in stores.)
32 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

- Elytra either completely cover abdomen or, if shortened, only leave one,
two, or three abdominal segments exposed. ……………………….4
4. - Antennae are elbowed, with a distinct angle between the long first
segment (which is about a third of the length of the antenna) and the
remainder of the antenna. Head contains a deep groove on each side,
into which the first antennal segment may be folded. Surface of body
is strongly shining and usually black. Elytra are slightly shortened and
exposing one or two abdominal segments, which are usually shining
and black like the rest of the body (predatory beetles, not common).
- Antennae are rarely elbowed, usually more or less straight or evenly
curved and first antennal segment is usually of normal length (not more
than a quarter of the length of the antenna); if the antennae are elbowed,
with a long first segment, then the body is cylindrical and the elytra
completely cover the abdomen. If one or two abdominal segments are
exposed behind the elytra, then these are not shining black. Without
the above characters combined. …………………………………… 5
5. - With two or three large abdominal segments visible from above.
Antenna with a compact round club is formed of three short wide
segments. (Infesting various commodities, but usually only if
the moisture content is high; more common in initial phase of
storage.)……………. ………………….……… Nitidulidae, in part
- Elytra either completely cover abdomen or expose only one abdom-
inal segment (the pygidium). Antenna is of various forms, rarely
with such a compact round three-segmented club…………………
…………………………………………………..………..……….. 6
6. - Last abdominal segment (the pygidium) is comple1ely exposed behind
the elytra; this segment is either rather small, narrow, triangular, and
more easily seen from slightly behind than from above, or large, rather
wide, steeply (almost vertically) inclined, and sometimes only visible
from behind. Stout, robust beetles that are never dorso-ventrally
- Elytra completely cover the abdomen* (including the pygidium)
……...……..……...……..……...……..……...……..….….….….... 8
7. - Antenna with last (apical) three segments is distinctly thicker than
the other segments (thus forming a long loose antennal club). Body
surface is grayish-brown with small alternating patches of light and
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 33

dark setae, giving a mottled appearance. Elytra contain a number

of shallow rounded bumps (not easily visible but giving an uneven
appearance to the surface). Exposed segment of abdomen is small,
narrowly triangular, and often sloping downward, but rarely almost
vertical. It is having length of 3–4.5 mm. (Mainly infesting coffee and
cocoa, but also found on other commodities, especially cassava and
maize Araecerus fasciculatus,
- Antennal form is various but never with the last three segments
noticeably larger and forming a club. Body colo is various, not often
greyish-brown but if so then other characters are not as described
above. Exposed segment of abdomen is almost vertical; this segment
is usually large (width and length not much less than the width of the
elytra), sometimes smaller, but if smaller then the body length is more
than 5 mm (common major pests either of pulses or of groundnuts).
8. - Prothorax contains a short, narrow apical neck; the back of the head is
thus completely exposed. General body shape shows a slight resem-
blance to an ant……………………………………..……Anthicidae
- Prothorax does not contain an apical neck; the back of the head
thus fits partly into the front of the prothorax (except in abnormally
distended specimens) ……….……..……………...……………..... 9
9. - Coxae of hind legs are large and set at an oblique angle forming
a V-shape which completely divides the first ventral abdominal
segment. Very active fast-moving beetles have long legs; mandibles
are strong and often relatively large; antennae are rather long and
filiform -all segments are oval/oblong shape and of similar size; all
tarsi contain five segments (predatory species, only found in small
numbers). ……….……..…………….……..……………Carabidae
- Coxae of hind legs are either small or large, but if large then never set
at an oblique angle and never completely divide the first abdominal
segment. (General appearance is not usually as above, but if similar
then the antennae are not filiform or some tarsi have less than five
visible segments.) ………………………………………………....10
10. - With a fringe of conspicuous bristly setae along the margins of
the elytra and (usually) at the sides of the prothorax; these setae
are distinctly stiff and blunt, and are conspicuously erect (more or
less perpendicular to the surface). Upper surface of body usually
completely or partly has a metallic shining of bluish or blue- green
34 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

coloration (though other colors may also be present); but if body is

entirely mid-brown then shape is rather cylindrical and the prothorax
has a short (but distinct and narrow) constricted “neck” just in front of
the elytra. Antennae are 11-segmented with the last segments forming
a more or less distinct club.
These are mostly predators, but two species are pests of high-protein
commodities. Cleridae
- Without a conspicuous fringe of bristly erect setae (as described
above). Rarely metallic coloration. If color is mid-brown and shape
cylindrical, then prothorax does not have a narrowly constricted “neck”
just in front of the elytra………………………………………….. 11
11. - Prothorax contains six or more teeth on each lateral margin (but never
with teeth along the anterior margin). If with six teeth each side these
are large and conspicuous; if with more than six teeth (usually 9 or 10)
then these are rather small and indistinct ………………….…...…12
- Prothorax is either without teeth, or with only one or two teeth on each
side (including, often, a tooth or projection on the front angle of the
prothorax), but occasionally with teeth along the anterior margin of the
12. - Prothorax has six large teeth on each side; three are conspicuous
longitudinal ridges on the prothorax. Body is dark brown in color,
rather elongate, and flattened (common pests, especially of cereals and
oilseeds). …………………..…………..Oryzaephilus sp.Silvanidae
- Prothorax contains more than six teeth (usually 9 or 10) which
are rather small; without longitudinal ridges on the prothorax and
have length of 1.7–2.1 mm (associated with moldy commodities;
uncommon).…………………….…Henoticus sp., Cryptophagidae
13. - Prothorax has a deep cavity (visible from above) at each front angle.
Antennae are 10-segmented with the last segment expanded as a large
one-segmented club which, at rest, fits into the deep cavity on the
dorsal front angle of the prothorax. Body is oval, strongly convex,
and brightly shining. These are very small beetles (1.5 mm or less) (
associated with moldy commodities). Murmidius sp., Cerylonidae
- Prothorax does not have deep cavities on the dorsum of the front angles.
If antennal cavities are present, these are on the ventral surface and are
never visible from above. Never with all the above characters in combi-
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 35

14. - Prothorax (from above) has a complete longitudinal carina (sharp

ridge) near each side, more or less parallel to the lateral margin of
the prothorax, thus dividing the prothorax into three areas (one large
median area and two narrow lateral areas) ………………....…….15
- Prothorax (from above) does not have a complete distinct carina on
each side. …………………....…….………………....……...........16
15. - Carinae (ridges) and lateral margins of the prothorax are evenly and
rather strongly curved (prothorax narrower at the front). Body is
convex and conspicuously hairy and having length of 1.5–1.8 mm.
Antennae are between a quarter and a third of the length of the body,
and with a distinct three-segmented club (occasionally found on
moldy commodities; not common).…………..…..Mycetaea hirta,
- Carinae (ridges) and lateral margins of prothorax are rather wider apart
at the front, and carinae are almost straight. Body is very distinctly
flattened and without conspicuous hairs, usually light brown in color.
Prothorax is about as long as wide; elytra are rounded oblong in shape;
head and prothorax are together rather large (often nearly half the
length of the body) and having length less than 3 mm. Antennae are
long (often more than half the length of the body, sometimes nearly
as long as body), and without a club (all segments similar in size
and shape). (Several closely related species, most of which cannot
be distinguished by external examination, including three common
and important pests, and four minor pests, of various commodities.)
…….. ……………………………..…..Cryptolestes sp., Cucujidae
16. - Front part of prothorax usually contains a number of triangular rasp-
like teeth (sometimes also contains similar smaller teeth at the sides
of the prothorax). Body is cylindrical and usually dark-brown. Head
is strongly deflexed (positioned below the front of the prothorax so
that it is almost completely hidden from above)…….................... 17
- Front part of the prothorax never contains rasp-like teeth on its
surface (occasionally with one or two teeth on the side margin of the
prothorax). Body is usually not completely cylindrical, head is rarely
strongly deflexed; never with above characters in combination ….18
17. - Antenna has long first segment (about one-third length of antenna) and
a compact three segmented club (segments of club fitting very closely
together); antenna is often rather elbowed (bent at the outer end of the
first segment) and often with setae of elytra distinctly flattened, broad,
36 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

and scale-like. (Mostly wood-boring species occasionally found in

stores, but one species is a pest of maize in and another attacks coffee
- Antenna does not have conspicuously long first segment; antennae
are usually straight and with a loose three- or four-segmented club
(segments of club are separated by distinct narrow constrictions at
the base of each segment). Setae of elytra are normal, never broad,
and scale-like. (Two major pests of cereals, and several minor pests of
various commodities.) ,……………………………….. Bostrichidae
18. - Prothorax at front angles is slightly or distinctly produced laterally
to form a tooth or a flattened projection or a rounded swelling. Occa-
sionally this tooth or swelling projects slightly forward as well as
laterally (i.e. obliquely antero-laterally), but it never projects directly
forward. Antennae are always with a three-segmented club……….19
- Prothorax at front angles is almost always smoothly rounded or bluntly
angled; if a tooth is present on the front angles, it is clearly pointing
directly forward; never with a laterally or antero-laterally projecting
tooth or swelling. Antennal form is various (sometimes with a three-
segmented club)……………………………………………….…. 20
19. - Prothorax has a tooth near the middle of each side in addition to
the swelling or projection at the front angle. These have length of
1.5–3.5 mm. (Several species, which feed on mold in damp produce;
not common.) Cryptophagus sp., Cryptophagidae
- Prothorax does not have a tooth near the middle of each side, only
with a small or large lateral or antero-lateral tooth at the front angle;
lateral margin of prothorax is either smooth or with minute serrations.
……………………..………………..……………Silvanidae, in part
20. - Antennae are never thickened toward the apex; all antennal segments
are similar in width, sometimes with apical segments slightly
narrower; never with an antennal club. Antennae are long (often more
than half the length of the body). Body is either hairy or shining,
but elytra are always strongly or extremely convex (elytra are curved
underneath at the sides so that their lateral margins are not visible from
above). Prothorax is often slightly constricted posteriorly and legs are
rather long, so that the beetles resemble spiders . (Several species are
usually associated with unhygienic storage, but not common in hot
climates.)………………………………………..……….… Ptinidae
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 37

- Antennae are always with apical segments thickened, often forming a

distinct club. Antennae are of normal length (less than half length of
body). These are not strongly resembling a spider………………..21
21. - Antennae have a distinct compact two-segmented club. Body is
parallel-sided, narrow, and elongate (sometimes very elongate).
Eyes are large and strongly convex. General appearance is distinc-
tive. (Occasionally found in stores, but usually boring in wood.)…
- Antennae have either apical segments gradually thickened or a club,
which is very rarely two-segmented, but if with a two-segmented club
then body is not narrow and parallel-sided. Eyes are usually normal or
small and never very strongly convex. ………………..………….22
22. - Upper surface of body is completely covered with conspicuous
colored scales (white, yellowish, brown, or black) forming a distinct
color pattern; body shape is almost round from above. (Several
species, which feed on materials of animal origin; occasionally found
in unhygienic store) Anthrenus sp., Dermestidae
- Body does not have conspicuous colored scales: occasionally with
colored setae but these are normal (hair-like); body shape is seldom
almost round………………………….…………….…………….. 23
23. - Antenna has an abrupt and very compact three-segmented club which
is very nearly round (never more than 1.5 times as long as wide).
Either with eyes extremely small and inconspicuous, or with middle
two-thirds of antenna very thin (about a quarter of the width of the
club)………………………………….…………….……………... 24
- Antennal form is various, but if antennal club is three-segmented then
this club is never nearly round but is always more than twice as long
as wide………………….…………….…………….……..………25
24. - Eyes are extremely small and inconspicuous (embedded in a small
depression at side of the head); head is small and concealed from
above by the prothorax; prothorax has base constricted slightly
(forming a short wide “neck”) and front three-quarters of prothorax
are almost round in shape. Body is light brown and shining, with a few
short setae (minor pest). ……….Thorictodes heydeni, Dermestidae
- Eyes are normal and conspicuous (never embedded in a small depres-
sion); head is clearly visible from above, never completely hidden
beneath prothorax; shape of prothorax is various but never almost
38 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

round with a basal “neck.” Antenna with middle two-thirds very thin,
approximately a quarter of the width of the club (on damp or moldy
commodities; uncommon).………………………Nitidulidae, in part
25. - Upper surface is distinctly hairy: setae are often quite short but always
rather dense (even if some setae have been rubbed off, patches of
dense setae are still usually visible on some parts of the prothorax or
elytra). ………………………….…………….………………….31
- Upper surface is not distinctly hairy, sometimes rather shining: usually
with a few short setae which are, however, inconspicuous except at
high magnification. 26
26. - Lateral margins of prothorax and elytra are conspicuously projecting
horizontally, forming a wide flange; elytra have very conspicuous
longitudinal carinae (sharp ridges) evenly spaced across each elytron.
Body is distinctly flattened, and having length of 2.7–3.2  mm
(common pest of cereals, especially on paddy rice in Southeast Asia).
………………….……….. Lophocateres pusillus, Lophocateridae
- Lateral margins of prothorax and elytra do not have a wide hori-
zontal flange (but sometimes with a narrow marginal strip); elytra do
not have very conspicuous, evenly spaced carinae (sometimes with
shallow indistinct blunt carinae)……………………….………… 27
27. - Base of prothorax contains a short longitudinal carina on each side,
halfway between the mid-line, and the lateral margins; each carina
is about one-sixth the length of the prothorax and is set in a broad
depression. Body is shining dark brown to reddish-black; these are
4–4.5 mm long (rare and unimportant pest of damaged cereals in
North and South America) ………………Pharaxonotha kirschi,
- Base of prothorax does not contain longitudinal carinae of the type
described above. .............................................................................28
28. - Prothorax is distinctly separated from abdomen by a narrow “neck”
(less than half width of the prothorax) and has distinctive forwardly
projecting front angles. Body is distinctly flattened, shining, dark
brown, or black; length is variable, but usually 7–10 mm. General
appearance is distinctive. Tarsi of all legs are appearing four-
segmented, but actually five-segmented with the first segment
extremely small. (Infesting various commodities, especially cereals
and cereal products; also predatory on other pests; widespread, but
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 39

especially common in Oriental region.) …..Tenebroides mauri-

tanicus, Trogossitid
- Prothorax and general appearance are not as above. Tarsi are either
three-segmented on all legs or visibly five-segmented on the front and
middle legs and four-segmented on the hind legs…………………29
29. - Tarsi of front and middle legs are five-segmented, and of hind legs
are four-segmented; antennae are either with a distinct club of three
or more segments or gradually broadened toward the apex, but if with
a distinct three-segmented club then the elytra are parallel-sided. Side
margin of head is usually expanded as a lateral flange, often partly
dividing each eye …………………………………… Tenebrionidae
- Tarsi of all legs are three-segmented; antenna has a two- or three-
segmented distinct club; elytra are not parallel-sided. ………………30
30. - Dorsal surface is smooth and shining; elytra have only one stria (close
to the suture). (Fungus-feeders; one species occurs frequently on damp
produce in the tropics.) ………Holoparamecus sp., Merophysiidae
- Dorsal surface is sculptured, or strongly punctured, or densely pubes-
cent; never smooth and shining. (Only found on moldy commodities;
uncommon in hot climates.)……………………………Lathridiidae
31. - These are large beetles (5.5–10 mm long). Upper surface of body is
mainly very dark brown, sometimes with distinctly pale areas either at
the sides of the prothorax or at the base of the elytra. (Either infesting
animal products and high-protein plant commodities, or scavenging
in stores of other commodities.) Dermestes sp., Dermestidae
- These are smaller beetles (less than 5.5 mm long).……………….32
32. - Head is dorsally with a small but distinct ocellus positioned on the
mid-line between the eyes. Elytra are never with striae. Dermestidae,
in part
- Head is never with an ocellus. Elytra are either with or without striae
……………..............................................................................….. 33
33. - Head is in normal position, visible from above, at least in part.
Antennal club is rather compact (usually three-segmented but some-
times two-, four-, or five-segmented) and distinctly shorter than the
rest of the antenna ………………………..……………………… 34
- Head is held almost completely under prothorax and not visible from
above. Antennal club is longer than remainder of antenna: club is
40 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

either serrate, with several triangular segments, or composed of three

large elongate segments ………………………………………......35
34. - Tarsi are all five-segmented (recorded in small numbers from various
commodities). ……………………………………...Cryptophilus sp.,
- Tarsi are four-segmented, except front tarsi of males which are three-
segmented. (Usually only found on damp commodities, especially
when moldy.)…………………………...…………Mycetophagidae
And if: Antennal club is three-segmented. Elytra have punctures
and striae usually arranged in distinct longitudinal rows. Without a
distinct deep oval pit on each side of the posterior of the prothorax
(sometimes with a very shallow depression in this position). Body is
evenly colored (usually golden-brown with yellowish-golden hairs),
never with distinct pale patches on elytra, and 2.2–3 mm long.
(Infesting various commodities, usually when these are damp and
infested with other pests.) ……………………Typhaea stercorea
35. - Antenna has segments 4–10 serrate. Elytra do not have striae.
(Infesting a wide variety of commodities, including tobacco.) L.
serricorne, Anobiidae
- Antenna has a large, elongate, three-segmented club. Elytra have
striae. Central area of prothorax is evenly and only slightly convex
(never with a strong central “hump”). (Infesting a wide variety of
commodities in most climates, but not very common in the tropics.):
……………………...……………………S. paniceum, Anobiidae


The body is cylindrical and the head ventral to the prothorax so that it is
not visible from above. Characteristically, the pronotum has rasp-like teeth,
hooks, or horns, the antennae are straight, that is not elbowed, with a loose
three- or four-segmented club. At the posterior of the beetle the elytra are
usually somewhat flattened and sloped more or less steeply downward: this
sloping region is called the declivity. The elytral declivity is frequently deco-
rated with ridges, tubercles, or hooks, all of which are useful recognition
features. The tarsi are all five-segmented.
1. - Posterior tarsus is always shorter than tibia. Anterior region of
pronotum contains several transverse rows of teeth. Never with
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 41

large hooks or horns on the pronotum or elytra. These have length of

2.5–4.5 mm. (Principally storage species.…………Dinoderinae ...2
- Posterior tarsus is never shorter than tibia. Pronotum or elytra are
frequently decorated with large hooks or horns. The length exceeds
4.5 mm. (Mainly wood-boring species, but some pests of dried root
crops.). ……………..…………………………………Bostrichinae
2. - Posterior half of pronotum is with flattened tubercles; elytral are
declivity gently convex and all elytral hairs are distinctly curved.
(Common pest throughout warm and tropical regions; infesting
various commodities, especially whole cereals.)……….R. dominica
- Posterior half of pronotum is without flattened tubercles but with
punctures; declivity strongly convex or flattened and steep and elytral
hairs are all erect or only erect on apical one-third of erytra. ………3
3. - Elytral declivity is steeply sloping but without ridges or ornamen-
tation. Posterior region of pronotum is often with two more-or-
less distinct shallow depressions. Punctures of elytra are irregular,
not arranged in rows. (Common in tropics; frequent pests of felled
bamboo, but occasionally infest maize and dried cassava.)………
Oinoderus sp.
- Elytral declivity is flattened and with pronounced curved ventral-
lateral ridges forming a semicircle when viewed from behind. Poste-
rior of pronotum does not have shallow depressions. Punctures of
elytra are arranged in longitudinal rows. (Found in South and Central
America, East Africa and West Africa as an important or serious pest
of maize and cassava.)…………………..…Prostephanus truncatus


The most valuable feature in the recognition of bruchid species is the

arrangement of teeth and ridges on the hind femur. Many adult bruchids
have a colorful pattern on the elytra; unfortunately, the form of this is rather
variable so that it is usually unreliable for specific identification. However,
certain color characteristics are useful and when examining a specimen it
is essential that it is completely dry as the colors of damp specimens are
distorted or indistinct. It is frequently useful to confirm an identification
by examination of the male genitalia. To do this, first remove the pygidium
(tergum of the last abdominal segment), then carefully lift out the genitalia
42 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

and remove adherent tissue and the “hood-shaped” sclerite that may still be
covering the posterior tip of the genitalia. If cleaning the genitalia proves
difficult treat them in hot 10% aqueous KOH (this is a dangerous caustic
reagent—eyes should be protected) for a few minutes. Finally, place the
genitalia on a slide with a drop of glycerol or water and examine with, pref-
erably, a compound microscope.
1. - Prothorax contains a carina (ridge) and an impressed line (groove)
around much or all of the dorsal margin; hind femur is much broader
than coxa and with a ventral comb of teeth…………Pachymerinae
And if: Carina and impressed line of prothorax are present around the
base and the posterior of the lateral margins but absent in the anterior
third; hind femur has a comb of one long tooth and 8–12 smaller teeth;
elytra have vague uneven pattern of darker coloration. These have
length of 3.5–6.8 mm. (Widespread in the tropics and, in some areas,
a major pest of groundnuts in shell; commonly found infesting tama-
rind pods; a closely related species with pale evenly colored elytra is
associated with senna pods.) ………………...Caryedon serratus
- Prothorax contains a surrounding carina and impressed line; hind
femur is not as above.………………………………………………2
2. - Hind tibia has two long movable spurs (as in Plate 8d) at apex; hind
coxa is twice as broad as femur.……………………..Amblycerinae
And if: Hind tibial spurs are approximately equal in length and red in
color; elytra are only slightly longer than width. Females have black
cutlde and white pubescence; males are uniformly grey-brown. These
have length of 2.0–2.5 mm. (Widespread in tropical and subtropical
regions; major pest of pulses, especially common beans.) …Zabrotes
- Hind tibia has fixed spines or teeth at apex, or without teeth; hind
coxa is less than twice as broad as femur. …………………Bruchinae
3. - Pronotum is broadly transverse (distinctly wider than long) and with a
tooth, sometimes very small, near middle or near front of each lateral
margin. (Usually temperate and subtropical species, but several
species are widely spread by introduction into tropical areas; field
pests of a range of pulses and rarely found on stored pulses)………
- Pronotum does not have lateral teeth and not broadly transverse………4
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 43

4. - Ventral edge of hind femur is concave between two distinct sharp

parallel ridges; These always have a large tooth near the apex of the
outer ridge and usually have a similar tooth on the inner ridge also.
(Infesting pulses, especially cow peas and grams.)…Callosobruchus
sp. .....................................................................................................6
- Ventral edge of hind femur is rather flat between two weak indistinct
ridges; never with a tooth on the outer ridge, often contains one or
more teeth near the apex of the inner ridge…………………………5
5. - Inner ridge of hind femur consists of three or four teeth (one large
tooth and two or three small sharp teeth) near apex; usually mainly
grey and reddish in color. Acanthoscelides sp.
And if: Last (apical) antennal segment is reddish (never dark grey),
first five antennal segments are also reddish, remainder of antenna is
dark grey; abdomen is reddish in color; legs are also reddish except
for ventral part of the hind (and, often, middle) femur, which is black;
pronotum consists of yellowish-brown hairs; elytra have dark brown
and yellowish hairs. These have length of 3–4.5 mm. (distributed
in tropical and subtropical regions; major pest of pulses, especially
common beans……..Acanthoscelides obtectus
- Inner ridge of hind femur either has a single tooth or does not have a
tooth. (Several species; field-to-store pests of pulses.) …Bruchidius
And if: Inner ridge of hind femur has a single tooth; pronotum is
conical with distinct gibbosities (raised bumps) on the basal margin;
antennae are strongly pectinate in male, strongly serrate in female.
(Field-to-store pest of cow peas in West Africa and Sudan; does not
persist in storage.) …………………………Bruchidius atrolineatus
6. - In males whole body is uniformly colored (dark reddish-brown
to black cuticle with pale setae); females are similar but have a
vague whitish pattern of setae on the elytra. These have length of
4.5–5.5 mm. (mainly infesting bambara groundnuts but able to breed
on some other pulses………………………………. C. subinnotatus
- Body has some red or yellowish-red markings (sometimes also with
whitish or yellowish marks); elytra of mature specimens usually
consist of a distinct and contrasting color pattern. These have length
less than 4 mm. …………………………………………………….. 7
44 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

7. - Tooth on inner ridge of hind femur is small (sometimes absent),

usually smaller than tooth on outer ridge; central section of inner
ridge has minute irregular serrations; pronotum is uniformly red-
brown. These have length of 2.5–3.5 mm. (Found in Asia, but not
usually very common; infesting pulses, mostly Vigna spp.)………
Callosobruchus analis
- Inner tooth of hind femur is about as long as or longer than outer
tooth; central section of inner ridge is smooth; pronotum usually
has a distinct pattern of coloration. (Some species are major pests of
pulses.) ;…………………..................................................………. 8
8. - Side margins of most abdominal segments (just below edges of elytra)
consist of small but dense patches of coarse white hairs: these hairs
are usually much coarser and whiter than the normal hairs on the rest
of the ventral surface of the abdomen………………………………9
- Side margins of abdominal segments do not have dense patches of
coarse white hairs: instead with the same fine yellowish or whitish
hairs found over the whole of the ventral surface…………………11
9. - Antenna of males is pectinate and dark in color; pygidium (tergum
of last abdominal segment) has predominantly white or silver hairs.
Male genitalia has parameres rounded at apex and median lobe longer
than parameres; basally with two small sclerotized plates. These have
length of 2.5–3.5 mm. (Major pest of pulses especially cow peas and
grams; originally an Oriental species now widely distributed in trop-
ical and subtropical regions.) ……...C. chinensis
- Antenna of males is serrate (Plate 8e) or strdngly serrate and usually
rather yellowish in color. Pygidium consists of white or yellowish
10. - Dorsally with prominent eyes, width of one eye has at least twice
width of head between eyes; pygidium consists of whitish hairs.
There is pale brown coloration with complex pattern of dark brown
and whitish spots on elytra and prothorax, occasionally females have
black cuticle. Male genitalia is very long and narrow, median lobe
with an acutely pointed apex and two “hand” shaped plates situated
mid-way down the median lobe. (Mainly known as a field or field-to-
store pest of pigeon peas in South Asia.) ………….Callosobruchus
- Dorsally with less prominent eyes, width of one eye is about equal
to width of head between eyes; pygidium has yellowish hairs. Male
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 45

genitalia is relatively short, parameres are very thin and pointed at

apex, and median lobe is shorter than parameres; median lobe basally
has several (six) strongly toothed sclerotized plates. (Found in Africa,
especially in southern and eastern parts; infesting cow peas and
grams.), ………………………………Callosobruchus rhodesianus
11. - Pronotum is dark red to black, usually with a pattern of paler hairs
which often form two white oval spots close together at the middle of
base of the pronotum. Male genitalia may take one of the two forms
illustrated; in both there are two clearly defined longitudinal “streaks”
in the median lobe, composed of small spines. (Major pest in tropical
and subtropical regions; infesting cowpeas, grams, and sometimes
soybeans.)…………………………..…Callosobruchus maculatus
- Pronotum is pale yellowish or reddish brown with dark brown central
spots or lines. Male genitalia contains longitudinal “streaks” in the
median lobe. (Widespread in the tropics; most often found on doli-
chos beans but also infests other pulses.)……….Callosobruchus


The family Curculionidae is the largest in the animal kingdom, comprising

about 50,000 species, but only a few species are encountered in stores and
most are typical, being easily recognized by their long snouts (rostra) and
elbowed antennae. In the tropics, only two species are frequently encoun-
tered: S. oryzae and S. zeamais. These can only be identified with certainty
by examination of their genitalia, which must be dissected out; techniques
for this dissection are described at the end of the key below.
1. - Antennae consist of eight segments; elytra are very slightly shorter
than abdomen so that tip of abdomen is visible from above; snout
(rostrum) elongates about four times as long as wide. These have
length of 2.4–4.5 mm. …………………………..Sitophilus sp. ......2
- Antennae consist of nine segments; elytra completely cover the tip
of abdomen; snout (rostrum) is not very long (only twice as long
as wide). These have length of 2.5–3.5 mm. (Recorded in trop-
ical America and West Indies; minor pest of cereals and ginger.)
…………………………………………………Caulophilus oryzae
2. - Pronotum has elongate oval punctures which are relatively large and
widely spaced; elytra are evenly colored (never with distinct paler
46 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

spots) and with narrow longitudinal grooves (striae) containing fine

punctures. These do not have hind-wings (with very small vestigial
lobes only). (Found in temperate and subtropical areas and in cool
regions in the tropics; major pest of cereals, especially wheat and
barley.) …………………………………………Sitophilus granarius
- Pronotum has round punctures which are relatively small and not widely
spaced (Plate 6b); longitudinal grooves (striae) of elytra have coarse
punctures; ridges (interstices) between striae are usually narrower
than striae. These have fully developed membranous hind-wings.
(Found in tropical and subtropical regions; infesting cereal grains,
rarely spices or pulses.) ………………………………………..…... 3
3. - Pronotum has fine punctures, separated from each other by a distance
at least as great as the diameter of a puncture, area between punctures
is smooth and shining. Elytra are usually uniform dark brown, but
paler areas may be present at both ends of each elytron and these
are sometimes connected by a pale longitudinal band. (Widespread in
tropics; infesting spices but not cereals.) …………………S. linearis
- Pronotum has coarse punctures which are very close together (often
nearly touching), area between punctures is dull and slightly rough-
ened. Elytra often consist of four reddish-yellow spots but these are
not normally joined by longitudinal bands. (Common major pests of
cereals.)…………………………………………………………… 4
4. - In males the surface of the aedeagus is completely smooth and convex.
In females the “prongs” of the V-shaped sclerite are rounded and the gap
between them is narrower than their combined width. (Major primary
pest of cereals in the tropics and subtropics; rarely, strains have been
found, infesting peas and grams.) …………………………S. oryzae
- In males the aedeagus has a central ridge between two longitudinal
depressions. In females the “prongs” of the V-shaped sclerite (Plate
6f) are pointed at the ends and the gap between them is wider than
their combined width. (Major primary pest of cereals in the tropics.)
S. zeamais Motschulsky


1. - Prothorax has base constricted slightly (forming a short wide “neck”)

and anterior three-quarters almost round in shape; eyes are extremely
small and inconspicuous (embedded in a small depression at the side
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 47

of the head); antennal club is three-segmented, very compact, and

almost round in shape; head is small and concealed from above by
the large prothorax; body is light brown and shining, with a few short
setae. (Minor pest of various commodities; not often very common.)
………………………………………………Thorictodes heydeni
- Prothorax is widest across base; eyes are normal; antennal club is
never so compact or round; head is normal and usually at least partly
visible from above; upper surface of body is either distinctly hairy or
covered with colored scales.…………………………………….….2
2. - Head has a small ocellus positioned centrally between the compound
eyes. These have length of 2–5.9 mm.………………………...……7
- Head never has a median ocellus. These have length of 5.5–10 mm.
Dermestes sp. ……………………………………………………...3
3. - Pronotum at sides (and also sometimes in front) has distinct patches
of white or yellowish hairs. Ventral side of abdomen is mainly clothed
with dense white hairs, usually with distinct small patches of black
hairs…………………………………………….………………….. 4
- Pronptum everywhere has dark hairs, never has distinct patches of
pale hairs at the sides. Ventral side of abdomen contains black or
brownish hairs, sometimes has darker patches, but never has dense
white hairs………………………………….……………………… 6
4. - Each elytron has a small but distinct sharp tooth at apex. (Cosmopol-
itan; commonly infesting animal products and scavenging in stores of
plant commodities.) ……….…………………Dermestes maculatus
- Posterior apex of each elytron is rather rounded, never with a sharp
tooth. 5
5. - Abdomen is ventrally with black patches both laterally and at the
posterior tip. Males have a distinct brush of hairs on only the fourth
abdominal sternite (Cosmopolitan; frequently infesting animal prod-
ucts, sometimes found scavenging in stores of plant commodities.)
………………………………………..………Dermestes frischii
- Abdomen is ventrally with black patches laterally but without a black
patch at the posterior tip. Males have a distinct brush of hairs on
both the third and fourth abdominal sternites. (Widespread distribu-
tion, but less common in stored products than preceding species of
this genus; attacks animal products, sometimes found scavenging in
stores of plant products.) …………………....Dermestes carnivorus
48 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

6. - Basal half of each elytron has a large area of pale greyish-brown or

yellowish hairs enclosing three small patches of black hairs; apical
half of elytra is dark brown or black. (Not common in tropics; usually
infesting animal products, sometimes found as a scavenger in stores
of plant commodities.) ………………………..Dermestes lardarius
- Elytra are covered by dark hairs, never with basal half conspicuously
paler than apical half. Ventral side of abdomen is golden-brown and
clearly patterned with darker patches. (Found throughout tropics;
often found on high protein plant commodities (e.g. copra), also on
animal products and scavenging in stores.)…………Dermestes ater
7. - Body is covered with colored scales. Antennae fit into sockets at
front of prothorax. (Several species which feed on material of animal
origin; occasionally found in unhygienic food stores.) Anthrenus sp.
- Body is covered with hairs. ………………………………………...8
8. - Elytra are evenly colored or with a transverse pale band in the basal
third or with two small central white spots, but if evenly colored
or transversely banded then body length is usually 3–6 mm. First
segment of hind tarsus is only half (or less than half) as long as
second segment; antennal club composed of three segments. (Several
species that infest animal products and scavenge in stores of plant
commodities.)………………………………………….Attagenus sp.
- Elytra are either evenly colored or with a complex (sometimes deli-
cate) pattern of coloration (never with two central white spots), but if
evenly colored then body length is less than 3 mm. First segment of
hind tarsus is as long as, or longer than, second segment; antennal club
commonly has four or more segments. (Several species, including one
major and serious pest, that infest various commodities, especially
cereals, cereal products, oilseeds, and oilseed cake.) Trogoderma sp.


1. - Pronotum has six large teeth at each side. …………………………2

- Pronotum never has six large teeth, but has front angles produced
laterally and somewhat anteriorly to form a rounded or indistinct
lateral swelling…………………………………………………….. 3
2. - Temple (side of head immediately behind eye) is relatively long and
distinct, but eyes are rather small; the length of the temple is thus about
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 49

two-thirds the length of the eye. These have length of 2.1–3.2 mm.

(Cosmopolitan; infesting a wide range of commodities, especially
cereal grains and cereal products.) ………………O. surinamensis
- Temple is short and inconspicuous, but eyes are rather large; the length
of the temple is thus less than a third of the length of eye. These have
length of 2.2–3.1 mm. (Cosmopolitan; commonly infesting dried
fruit, oilseeds, and oilseed cake; less common on cereal grains and
cereal products.) ………………………………O. mercator
3. - Pronotum is wider than long, and with side margins distinctly curved
and with minute serrations; front angle of pronotum has a distinct
rounded tooth. These have length of 2–3 mm. (Cosmopolitan;
common on damp produce and in stores where the ambient relative
humidity is generally high.) …………………..Ahasverus advena
- Pronotum is either slightly longer than wide (females) or much longer
than wide (males), and with side margins almost straight and smooth;
front angle of prothorax has a very indistinct lateral swelling. These
have length of 2.5–4 mm. (Widespread; sometimes infesting cereals,
especially maize cobs before harvest and during the initial phase of
storage.) …………………………………….Cathartus quadricollis


About 100 species of tenebrionid have been recorded in association with

stored products. The adults vary considerably in size but those found on
stored produce are generally 3–10 mm long and more or less parallel-sided.
Alphitobius is exceptional in being more oval in shape. The antennae of the
majority of Tenebrionidae have 11 segments, are of moderate length, and
either are simple in form or have a weak club. In most genera, but notably
not in Coelopalorus or Palorus, the compound eyes are partly divided hori-
zontally by a backward projection of the side of the head. In all Tenebrion-
idae the tarsi of the hind legs have four segments whereas those of the front
and middle legs have five segments.
1. - Large parallel-sided beetles (length 12–18 mm). (Usually found on
cereal products; not common in the tropics.) …………Tenebrio sp.
- Smaller beetles (length less than 7 mm). ……………………………2
2. - Head has a conspicuous pair of mandibular horns and a pair of promi-
nent tubercles between the eyes. …………Gnatocerus sp. males ..8
50 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

- Head does not have horns on mandibles. …………………………3

3. - Rather broad beetles: oval in shape with sides of elytra distinctly
rounded. Dark brown or black in color. These have length 4.5–7 mm.
(Usually found on damp or moldy produce.) ………………………4
- Rather narrow beetles: more or less oblong in shape with parallel-
sided elytra. Color is usually mid-brown, reddish-brown, or yellowish-
brown, rarely dark brown. Length is almost always less than 4.5 mm,
rarely 5–6 mm long……………………………………………..…...5
4. - Eye is only partly divided by side margin of head which extends
across a half to two-thirds of the eye, leaving a wide band at the back
of the eye (as wide as three or four eye facets); tibia of front leg is
strongly broadened toward its apex. These have length of 5.5–7 mm.
…...………………………………………….Alphitobius diaperinus
- Eye is nearly completely divided by side margin of head, leaving a
very narrow band at the back of the eye (only as wide as one facet);
tibia of front leg is normal (expanding gradually and evenly toward
its apex). These have length of 4.5–6 mm. …………….A. laevigatus
5. - Eyes are not round but with vertical diameter distinctly greater than
horizontal, and always at least partly divided by expanded side
margins of head. …………………………………….…..………….6
- Eyes are more or less round, and never even partly divided by side
margins of head.…………………………………………………....11
6. - Antennae are shorter than head and with a distinctive compact five-
segmented club, with the final segment conspicuously narrower than
the others. Side margin of head does not extend more than a quarter of
the distance across the eye. These have length of 2.7–3 mm. (Tropical
and subtropical but especially found in the Oriental region; an impor-
tant pest of cereals and cereal products, especially in hot conditions,
30–40 °C.)…………………………………………Latheticus oryzae
- Antennae are distinctly longer than head, and with a compact three-
segmented club, or with a loose four-segmented club, or without a
distinct club but gradually thickened toward apex. Side margin of
head extends a half or more than a half of the distance across the
7. - Prosternal process is distinctly broader at apex than elsewhere. Lateral
regions of elytra consist of shallow longitudinal carinae (ridges) on
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 51

the intervals between the striae; sometimes with similar carinae on

the central area of the elytra………………………Tribolium sp. ...9
- Prosternal process is almost parallel-sided, not distinctly broad-
ened at apex. Elytra have intervals entirely flat, without carinae.
…………………………………………………..Gnatocerus sp. ...8
8. - Males have strongly triangular mandibular horns. Females (without
horns) have widest part of head across side margins in front of eyes.
These have length of 3.5–4.9 mm. (Cosmopolitan; minor pest of
cereals, cereal products, oilseeds, and various other commodities.)
………………………………………………Gnatocerus cornutus
- Males have curved narrow horns. Females (without horns) have head
across back of eyes as wide as or wider than in front of eyes. These
have length of 2.5–4.0 mm. (Minor pest of cereals and cereal products.)
…………………………...…………………...…G. maxillosus
9. - Eyes are ventrally closed together, with the distance between them
about equal to the transverse ventral diameter of an eye. Eye is three
or four facets wide at its narrowest point. Antenna have a distinct
three-segmented club. Body is usually reddish-brown in color. These
have length of 2.3–4.4 mm. (Cosmopolitan, but particularly common
in tropical and subtropical regions; major pest of many commodities,
but especially cereals and cereal products.)…………..T. castaneum
- Eyes are ventrally more widely separated, with the distance between
them about two or three times the transverse ventral diameter of an
eye. Eye is one or two facets wide at its narrowest point. Body is
usually brown or dark brown in color. ………………………….10
10. - Small species (2.6–4.4 mm). Body is usually mid-brown, occasionally
darker. General appearance is as in. (Cosmopolitan, but particularly
common in temperate climates and much less common than T. casta-
neum in most parts of the tropics; important pest of many commodi-
ties, but especially cereals and cereal products.)….…T. confusum
- Larger species, usually more than 5 mm long. Body is very dark
brown or black. (Restricted to cool areas in the tropics, more often
found in warm temperate and subtropical regions, also found in
heated premises in cool temperate regions; minor pest of cereals and
cereal products.) ……………………………………T. destructor
11. - Each elytron has a prominent lateral ridge and almost vertical flat-
tened sides, and pronotum has two longitudinal lateral depressions
52 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

(foveae). Body is strongly shining. These have length of 3.6–4.3 mm.

(Found in India and the Orient, minor pest, infesting a wide range
of commodities especially those with a high moisture content.)
………………………………………….Coelopalorus foveicollis
- Elytra do not have lateral ridges, pronotum with or without
foveae. Body is not strongly shining. The length is not more than
3 mm…………………………………………………… Palorus sp.
12. - Pronotum has a deep longitudinal fovea on each side. These have
length of 2.2–2.9 mm. (Common in cool highland areas in East
Africa; minor pest in farm stores.)……………….Palorus laesicollis
- Pronotum may not have foveae, if present, they will be shallow and
13. - Side of front of head reaches dorsal margin of eye and conceals ante-
rior part of eye from above. These have length of 2.7–3.0 mm. (Found
in tropical and subtropical regions; minor pest of various commodi-
ties, especially cereals and cereal products.)…………P. subdepressus
- Side of front of head does not conceal anterior part of eye from
14. - Side of front of head is produced to form a somewhat triangular
lobe on each side. These have length of 2.1–2.6 mm. (Oriental, but
imported into Africa and West Indies; minor pest of various commod-
ities.) ……………………………………………….P. genalis males
- Side of front of head is different. ………………………………….15
15. - Eyes are very small, length is equal to about half breadth of clypeus,
and sides of pronotum do not have a small projection on basal third.
These have length of 2.4–3.0 mm. (Cosmopolitan; minor pest espe-
cially of cereals and cereal products.)………………...P. ratzeburgii
- Eyes are larger, length is almost equal to breadth of clypeus………16
16. - Lateral margins of pronotum have a small projection (sometimes not
very distinct) near basal third; pronotum is broadest toward apex; sides
of front of head is not thickened. These have length of 2.2–2.8 mm.
(Widespread in Africa, also recorded from South and Southeast Asia;
minor pest of a wide commodities.)………………………..P. ficicol
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 53




S. cerealella is an important and destructive insect of stored grain belonging

to order Lepidoptera. This insect infests our stored produce as well as field
crops. A review of literature revealed, however, that its life cycle has appar-
ently never been worked out in details (Barnes & Grove, 1916; Simmons &
Ellongton, 1933; Crombie, 1943; Back, 1922; Candura, 1926; Back, 1922;
Cotton, 1960). The genus Sitotroga was formerly known as genus Alucito.
The common name of insect obtained because it was found depredating
wheat in the province of Angoumois, France, where it is known to have been
imported into from the USA by early settlers in supplies of wheat brought
in from the old country. In states it was reported as early as1728. The insect
was not described and given a scientific name until 1789 (Cotton, 1941). S.
cerealella is cosmopolitan in distribution and most abundant in throughout
country. It is a strong flier and infests the produce from field to storage.
The sizes of grain play a vital role in infestation of this insect. The bigger
size grain may provide more space for its infestation. The adults having
fore-wings, pale ocherous brown color and often have a small black spot
in the distal half; they have a span of 10–18 mm. The hind-wings have a
long fringe of hairs, longer than half the width of the wing and are sharply
pointed at the tip. The labial palps are long, slender, and sharply pointed. The
larva possesses true legs but the prolegs are greatly reduced and have only
two crochets each. The life cycle of S. cerealella on different hosts has been
studied by the so many workers (King, 1918; Simmons &Ellington, 1933).
The moths feed and breed in threshing yard granaries under waste grain and
near the straw stacks. After mating female starts egg laying in the grove of
grain or nearby area of godown.


E. cautella is known to be one of the destructive insect of stored wheat and

other cereals and fruits and nuts in our country since old age (Cotton, 1960).
54 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

It is imported into Britain on both cargo and ship during transportation of

dried fruits (Prevett, 1968). The common name of insect is the tropical ware-
house moth, the dried currant moth as almond moth. In India recorded from
stored vegetables, rasins, dried fruits, lac, almond, and walnut. Before 1950
the infestation of this insect was not serious but latter it posed a serious
problem to the country. The fore-wings of adult are greyish-brown with an
indistinct pattern. The wing span is 11–20 mm. And both fore- and hind-
wings have broadly rounded tips and only short fringes of hairs. The labial
palps curve upward in the front of head and are rather blunt at the tip.  INDIAN MEAL MOTH (PLODIA INTERPUNCTELLA)


P. interpunctella is a cosmopolitan pest of stored grain and developed success-

fully on the several stored produced (Williams, 1964; Reyes, 1969; Spitler
& Clark, 1970). This insect first described in the year 1827 by Hubner, but
first referred to as the Indian meal moth by Fitch because he found the larvae
feeding on corn meal. P. interpunctella occurs in India, Burma, Srilanka, Paki-
stan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, USA, and African countries. The larvae
of this insect infest the stored grain and foodstuffs, generally all grain, seeds,
and cereal products. The adult of P. interpunctella is small moth 5 to 10 mm
long with the fore-wing is cream colored in the basal two-fifth, while rest of the
wing is copper colored (dark reddish brown) with some dark grey markings.
The wing span is 14–18 mm. And the labial palps point directly forward. The
larvae are yellowish white, pinkish, and sometimes greenish white in color,
depend upon color of host. “Fluttering” during which the wings beat rapidly
as the insect walks and dance is a typical characteristic of this species of moth
during matting. Single female lay eggs about 200 on the food materials, after
hatching young larvae feed on kernels near the surface. The larvae completely
web over the surface by making the surface grains together with silken threads
they may seen webbing over the bag surface or on grain surface. Bell (1975)
studied its developmental period at different temperatures and advocate that at
20 ˚C it took 55 days to emerge as adult moth.  RICE MOTH (CORCYRA CEPHALONICA) (STAINTON)

C. cephalonica is important pest of stored grain with special reference to

stored rice and other grain products (Hodges, 1979). This insect rarely
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 55

found in flour mills but reported to be infesting rice, wheat, maize, and other
cereals (Cotton, 1960). It is reported that this insect originated from India
then spread worldwide through transportation of food materials and finally
became the cosmopolitan insect. The adult moth is nocturnal being most
active during night (Pajni & Gill, 1974), moth rests on shady places in store
with their anterior ends raised and their bodies, therefore, inclined than other
moths of stored grains.
In the adults the hind-wings are pale buff, and the fore-wings are mid-
brown or greyish-brown with thin vague lines of a darker brown along the
wing veins. The fringes of hairs along the wing margins are relatively short
and wing span is usually 15–25 mm. The labial palps point forward or down-
ward; in the female they are long and pointed and in the male they are very
short, blunt, and inconspicuous.




Important identification features for stored-product moths include the shape

of the wings, the wing venation, the shape of the labial palps, and occasion-
ally the coloration. The last feature relates to the presence of colored scales
on the wings. The scales start to falloff soon after emergence and more are
rubbed off when the moth’s wing touches sack fibers, etc: within 2 or 3 days
few, if any, may be left so that a once colorful moth may become dull brown.
Thus, the color characteristics can usually only be judged in fresh specimens
that still have most of their scales in place.
1. - Hind-wings narrows strongly at the tip to form a sharp point, and with
a posterior fringe of long hairs that are more than half as long as the
breadth of the wing. Labial palps are curved upward in front of head,
elongate, and pointed at tips. Coloration is golden or light brown with
a few dark scales. (Common in tropical and subtropical areas; primary
pest of cereals, especially in farm stores and other small-scale storage,
attacking whole or sometimes broken grain.) …..S. cerealella
- Hind-wings are never strongly pointed at tips. If labial palps curve
upward in front of head they are blunted at tips…………………………2
2. - Labial palps are curved strongly upward in front of head, rather
stout and blunt at tips. Fore-wings of fresh specimens are covered
56 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

with brownish-grey scales and with some darker scales forming

and indistinct pattern. (Common in tropical, subtropical, and warm
temperate areas; several species including three important pests.
Infesting whole and broken cereals, cereal flours, and many other
commodities.)………………………………………Ephestia spp.
- Labial palps are either minute (and thus apparently absent) or, if
present, pointing forward or slightly curved downward, never curving
sharply upward in front of head. Fore-wing coloration is different; if
with brownish-grey scales, then without the pattern of darker scales.
………………………………………… ……………………..3
3. - Labial palps are distinct in both male and female. Basal segment of
antenna is similar in shape and size to other antennal segments. Fore-
wings of fresh specimens with basal (inner) third are very pale yellow
and apical (outer) two-thirds are dark reddish brown. (Common in
tropical and subtropical areas; infests whole and broken cereals,
cereal flours, dried fruit, nuts, etc.) ,……………… P. interpunctella
- Labial palps of male are very short and inconspicuous, apparently
absent; palps of Female are very long and conspicuous, being more
than 1.5 times diameter of eye. Basal segment of antenna is broad and
flattened, more than two times breadth of other antennal segments.
Fore-wings of fresh specimens are covered with grayish-brown or
dull brown scales, and sometimes with very thin lines of darker scales
following the pattern of the wing veins. Fresh specimens also have
a prominent forward pointing tuft of long pale scales on the front of
the head. (Common in tropical and subtropical areas; infests cereals
especially if broken or milled, and a wide range of other commodities.)
………………………………………................……C. cephalonica


The larvae of S. cerealella are distinctive and rarely seen (because they are
usually inside cereal grains). The larvae of stored-product Pyralidae have a
pigmented ring encircling the base of the main seta above the spiracle on the
eighth abdominal segment. The difference between the two stored-product
subfamilies of Pyralidae concerns the position of a similar pigmented ring
on the anterior part of the body: in the Galleriinae there is a pigmented ring
on the first abdominal segment, whereas in the Phycitinae a similar ring is
found on the mesothorax (second thoracic segment).
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 57

1. - Abdominal false legs are very short, narrow, and inconspicuous. Body
is distinctly fatter in the middle (Common in tropical and subtropical
areas; primary pest of cereals, infesting whole (or sometimes broken)
grain. Larva tunnels inside individual grain and is rarely seen.)
…………………………………………………………S. cerealella
- False legs are well developed and conspicuous (Plate 4a). Body is
never distinctly fatter in the middle.………………………………..2
2. - All abdominal spiracles with posterior part of rim are thicker than
anterior part. First abdominal segment with the base of the long seta
above the spiracle is surrounded by a complete or incomplete brown
ring that encloses a pale membranous area. Such a ring is absent on
the mesothorax. (Common in tropical and subtropical areas; infests
broken cereals, flours, and many other commodities.) C. cephalonica
- Rim of spiracle is more or less evenly thickened. First abdominal
segment has the long seta above the spiracle arising from either a
brown spot or an unpigmented area. Mesothorax, however, has a
brown or yellowish ring around the base of the long dorso-lateral seta
…………………………………………….............................…... 3
3. - Most setae on the first seven abdominal segments arise from dark
brown spots on the cuticle. Mesothorax and eighth abdominal
segments have brown or black ring around long seta. (Common in
tropical and subtropical areas, and some species also in temperate
zones; infest whole and broken cereals, cereal flours, and many other
commodities. Several closely related species including three important
pests.) ………………………………………….……Ephestia spp.
- All setae on the first seven abdominal segments entirely do not have
pigmented spots at their bases. Body color is yellowish. Mesothorax
and eighth abdominal segment have pale yellow ring around long
seta. (Cosmopolitan in warm climates; infests whole and broken
cereals, cereal flours, dried fruit, nuts, etc.)…………P. interpunctella


•• grub
•• larvae
58 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

•• weevil
•• mesothorax
•• moth
•• elytron


Alfeiri, A. Les Insect de la Tombe de Tautan Khamon. Bull. Soc. Ent. 1931, 115, 188–189.
Applebaum, S. W.; Southgate, B. J.; Podolev, H. The Comparative Morphology Specific
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Bell, C. H. Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Development of Pyralid Moth Pests of
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Bry, R. E.; Lang, J. H. Damage to Mattress Licking by Cigarette Beetle Larvae. J. Ga.
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Burges, H. D. Studies on the Dermestid Beetle Trogoderma granarium Everts П Reactions of
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Candura, G. S. Contributo alla Conoscenza della Vera Tignola del Grano Sitotroga cerealella
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Cittenden, F. H. Insect Affecting Stored Cereal and other Products in Mexico. U. S. Deptt.
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Cotton, R. T. Control of Insects Attacking Grain in Farm Storage; Farmers Bulletin No. 1811;
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Cotton, R. T. Insect Pests of Stored Grain and Grain Products, Identification, Habits and
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Cotton, R. T. Pests of Stored Grain and Grain Products; Burges Pub. Co.: Minneapolis, MN,
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Crombie, A. C. The Development of Angoumois Grain Moth, Sitotroga cerealella Oliv.
Nature. 1943, 152 (3852), 246.
Davies, J. C. Experiments on the Crip Storage of Maize in Uganda. E. Agric. J. 1960, 26,
Classification and Identification of Important Stored Grain/Seed Insects 59

Dean, G. A. Lesser Grain Borer in Wheat in the Field. J. Eco. Ento. 1947, 40 (5), 751.
Eden, W. G. Effect of Husk Cover on Corn on Rice Weevil Damage in Alabama. J. Eco. Ento.
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Fletcher, T. B. Report on Imperical Entomologist; Science Report, Agriculture and Research
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Freeman, J. A. Problems of Infestation by Insects and Mites of Cereals Stored in Western
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Floyd, E. H.; Oliver, A. D.; Powell, J. D. Damage to Corn in Lousiana Caused by Stored
Grain Insects. J. Eco. Ento. 1959, 52 (4), 612–615.
Giles, P. H. Observation in Kenya on the Flight Activity of Stored Product Insects Particularly
Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. J. Stored Prod. Res. 1968, 4, 317–329.
Giles, P. H.; Ashman, F. A Study of Post Harvest Infestation of Maize by Sitophilus zeamais
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Halstead, D. G. H. A Revision of the Genus Oryzaephilus ganglbauer, Including Descriptions
of Related Genera (Coleoptera: Silvanidae). Zool. J. Linnean Soc. 1980, 69, 271–374.
Halstead, D. G. H. A Revision of the Genus Silvanus latreille (s.l.) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae);
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology. 1973, 29 (2), 37–112.
Halstead, D. G. H. Keys for the Identification of Beetles Associated with Stored Products. I
-Introduction and Key to Families. J. Stored Prod. Res. 1986, 22 (4), 163–203.
Hodges, R. J. A Review of the Biology and Control of Rice Moth Corcyra Cephalonica Stant.
(Lepidoptera : Pyralidae). Trop. Stored Prod. Inst. Pub. G. 1979, 20, 125.
Howe, R. W. The Biology of Rice Weevil Caladra oryzae. Ann. Appl. Biol. 1952, 39 (2),
Howe, R. W. The Effect of Temperature and Humidity on the Rate of Increase of an Insect
Population. Ann. Appl. Biol. 1956, 40, 134–151.
Howe, R. W. Sitophilus granaries L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Breeding in Acorns. J.
Stored Prod. Res. 1965, 1, 99–100.
Howe, R. W.; Curri, J. E. Some Laboratory Observations on the Rate of Development,
Mortality and Oviposition of Several Species of Bruchidae Breeding in Stored Pulses. Bull.
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Khare, B. P.; Agrawal, N. S. Effect of Emperature, Relative Humidity, Food Material and
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King, J. L. Notes on the Biology of the Angoumois Grain Moth. J. Econ. Ent. 1918, 11 (1),
Kuschel, G. On Problems of Synonymy in the Sitophilus oryzae L. Complex (Coleoptera:
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60 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

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4.1 Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests...................................62
62 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Stored-product insects are serious pests of dried, stored, durable agricultural

commodities and of many value-added food products and nonfood deriva-
tives of agricultural products worldwide. Stored-product insects can cause
serious post-harvest losses, estimated from up to 10% in developing coun-
tries, but they also contribute to contamination of food products through
the presence of live insects, insect products such as chemical excretions or
silk, dead insects and insect body fragments, general infestation of build-
ings and other storage structures, and accumulation of chemical insecticide
residues in food, as well as human exposure to dangerous chemicals as a
result of pest control efforts against them. On the basis of their feeding
behavior the stored-product insects may be categories as “Internal feeders”
and “External feeders.” The internal feeders are those insects that bore into
grain by making a hole and passing the immature stage inside the grain and
emerged as adult. The external feeders start feeding on tender part of the
grain or processed stored produce, while some insect feeding by making
web on grain.


Stored commodities of agricultural and animal origin are infested by more

than 600 species of beetles, 70 species of moths, and about 355 species
of mites (Rajendran, 2002). Stored grain insect causing contamination in
grain and seeds is also matter of great concern for food and seed indus-
tries. In developed countries there is zero tolerance for insects in food grain
(White, 1995; Pheloung & Macbeth, 2000). According to recent estimates
about 70–75% of food grain is handled at farmer’s level in India where
we do not have adequate scientific storage facilities and grain protection
technologies. Rest 25–30% of food grain is procured and stored by Food
Corporation of India (FCI), Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), and
State Warehousing Corporation (SWC) who have scientific storage facility
(Commodity Online, 2007). In developing countries, food grain production
often fall below demand as a result of post-harvest losses, especially in the
course of storage caused by pests and other factors. In India, major insect
pests of stored grains and seeds are described in Table 4.1. Stored-product
insects are serious pests of dried, stored, durable agricultural commodi-
ties and of many value-added food products and nonfood derivatives of
agricultural products worldwide. Stored-product insects can cause serious
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 63

post-harvest losses, estimated from up to 10% in developing countries, but

they also contribute to contamination of food products through the presence
of live insects, insect products such as chemical excretions or silk, dead
insects and insect body fragments, general infestation of buildings and other
storage structures, and accumulation of chemical insecticide residues in
food, as well as human exposure to dangerous chemicals as a result of pest
control efforts against them.
On the basis of their feeding behavior the stored-product insects may be
categories as “Internal feeders” and “External feeders.” The internal feeders
are those insects that bore into grain by making a hole and passing the imma-
ture stage inside the grain and emerged as adult. The external feeders start
feeding on tender part of the grain or processed stored produce, while some
insect feeding by making web on grain. The most common stored grain
insects (Table 4.1) are described here.




Sitophilus oryzae are probably the most destructive stored grain insects and
distributed throughout the world. It was first seen breeding on rice and hence
named as rice weevil. India is considered to be the native of rice weevil
(Fletcher, 1911; Zacher, 1937). It is a common insect of warm climate and
infests paddy, wheat, maize, and almost all cereals and their products. It was
not known in Europe but it seems that it must have established itself at least
in Southern Europe many years ago. In colonial days this species was not
common in North America and it is until recently become the predominant
stored grain insect in the USA (Cotton, 1960).

Host range

Rice weevil is able to develop on a wide range of cereals and cereal prod-
ucts. Although S. oryzae is primarily a pest of stored products, but it can also
attack on crop at ripening stage under field condition.
TABLE 4.1  List of Common Stored Grain Insects. 64
Common name Scientific name Order Family Damaging stage Preferred host
Rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae L. Coleoptera Curculionidae Grub & adult Wheat, rice, maize
Maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais M. Coleoptera Curculionidae Grub & adult Maize, wheat
Granary weevil Sitophilus granaries L. Coleoptera Curculionidae Grub & adult Wheat, rice, maize
Lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica F. Coleoptera Bostrichidae Grub & adult Wheat, rice
Larger grain borer Prostepohanus truncates H. Coleoptera Bostrichidae Grub & adult Wheat, rice
Cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne F. Coleoptera Anobiidae Grub & adult Stored tobacco
Drug stored beetle Stegobium paniceum L. Coleoptera Anobiidae Grub & adult
Pulse beetle Callasobruchus chinensis L. Coleoptera Bruchidae Grub & adult All pulses
Callasobruchus maculates F. Coleoptera Bruchidae Grub & adult All pulses
Callasobruchus analis F. Coleoptera Bruchidae Grub & adult All pulses
Khapra beetle Trogoderma granarium E. Coleoptera Dermestidae Grub & adult Wheat, rice, maize
Rust red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum H. Coleoptera Tenebrionidae Grub & adult Wheat flour
Grain moth Sitotroga cerealella O. Lepidoptera Gelechiidae Larva Paddy, maize
Rice moth Corcyra cephalonica S. Lepidoptera Pyralidae Larva Rice, wheat, maize
Almond moth Ephestia cautella W. Lepidoptera Pyralidae Larva Almond, cashew nut
Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella H Lepidoptera Pyralidae Larva Cereals and oilseeds
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 65

Primary hosts: Oryza sativa (rice), Manihot esculenta (cassava), Sorghum,

stored products (dried stored products), Triticum aestivum (wheat), Triticum
spelta (spelt), Zea mays (maize).
Secondary hosts: Cicer arietinum (chickpea), Hordeum vulgare (barley),
Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris (lentil), Panicum (millets), Pennisetum glaucum
(pearl millet), Vigna angularis (adzuki bean), Vigna radiata (bean, mung),
Pisum sativum (pea), Secale cereale (rye), Sorghum bicolor (common
sorghum), Triticale, Vicia faba (broad bean), Vigna unguiculata (cowpea).

Nature of damage

The adult and grub feed on grain voraciously so that grain is rendered unfit
for human consumption. In case of severe infestation only pericarp of the
kernel is left behind, while rest of the mass is eaten up. The eggs grub and
pupae are not normally seen because they develop inside the grains. The
grub chews makes irregular holes in the germ and endosperm of the kernel.
Adult emergence holes (about 1.5 mm diameter) with irregular edges are
apparent some weeks after the initial attack. Adults can be found wandering
over the surface of grain.

Life cycle

The adult of S. oryzae (Fig. 4.1) makes small excavation in the soft part of
the grain where they lay eggs (Pruthi & Singh, 1950). The female weevil
makes a slit like opening with her mandibles and rostrum, lays an egg in the
whole and plugs it with secreted material, when egg laying has finished only
a small stopper is visible externally (Richards, 1947). A single female can lay
eggs between 300 and 400 during entire lifetime. Female normally lays only
one egg in one kernel but two or more eggs are also commonly seen. Birch
(Birch, 1945) reported that at 14% moisture content, temperature between
25 and 29 ˚C, and 70–75% relative humidity are most favorable for optimum
egg laying. The eggs are white, translucent in egg plug and measure about
0.7 mm long and 0.3 mm wide, legless grub hatches in four days in summer
and 6–9 days in winter (Khare & Agrawal, 1963). The grub is fleshy and
legless has brown head and jaws, burrow inside the kernels. The grub period
has been reported to 6–25 days (Harein & Soderstron, 1966). The pre-pupal
stage last for one day and pupal stage for 20–25 days; pre-emerged adults
2–3 days and adult lives for 4–5 months. Development from egg to adult
66 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

requires 28–31 days (Soderstron & Wilbur, 1966). This insect passes into
five generations in a year but sometimes may have 7–8 generations depend
upon food and environmental condition. Cotton (Cotton, 1960) reported that
the weevil emerged in summer lives for 3–6 weeks but winter generations
live longer. Adults are usually red-brown, dull with coarse microsculpture.
Scutellum usually with lateral elevations closer together than their length
and evidently more than half as long as scutellum. They have the charac-
teristic rostrum and elbowed antennae of the family Curculionidae. The
antennae have eight segments. There are usually four pale reddish-brown
or orange-brown oval markings on the elytra, but these are often indistinct.
Males with median lobe of edeagus evenly convex dorsally in cross section.
Females with lateral lobes of internal, Y-shaped sclerite broader and rounded
apically, more narrowly separated. The one pair of weevil can produce one
million adults within three months. The severe infestation caused by the
weevil between August and November.

FIGURE 4.1  Adult and grub of Sitophilus oryzae and infested grain by Sitophilus oryzae.  LESSER GRAIN BORER, RHYZOPERTHA DOMINICA



Rhyzopertha dominica is strong flier and also known as Australian wheat

weevil. It was originally described from South America but their native
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 67

place is to be India (Pruthi & Singh, 1950). Besides India R. dominica also
reported from Australia, Argentina, and so many countries. It is also found
in temperate countries, either because of its ability for prolonged flight or as
a result of the international trade in food grain and their products.

Host range

The beetle often found infesting wheat in field, adults and grub of R. domi-
nica feed primarily on stored cereal seed including wheat, maize, rice, oats,
barley, sorghum, and millet. They are also found on a wide variety of food-
stuffs including beans, dried fruits, turmeric, coriander, ginger, cassava
chips, biscuits, and wheat flour. There are several reports of the lesser grain
borer being found in or attacking wood, as is typical of other member of
family Bostrichidae (Surtees, 1964).

Nature of damage

The adult and grub of R. dominica feed on grains from outsides and in
haphazard manner. It is also causing the damage to mature crops in field. It
possesses powerful jaws which used in causing serious damage to the grain.
The grub feed on starchy contents of grain leaving the outer husk only while
beetles destroy whole grain which are reduced to frass and waste flour left
out by adults.

Life cycle

The female of R. dominica (Fig. 4.2) lays eggs on grain near the embryo and
where young grub can easily bore into the grain, sometimes eggs may laid
on the bags, walls and in cracks and crevices. On an average a single female
lays about 300–500 eggs in their entire life- times on wheat in optimum envi-
ronmental conditions that is, 34 ˚C and 14% moisture content and 70% rela-
tive humidity (Birch, 1945). The eggs are pear shaped, glistening white when
freshly laid, but they become pinkishly opaque as the grub develop inside
the eggshell. The eggs hatch in about 5–6 days under normal conditions, but
during spring it take about 7–10 days and in winter it takes longer period to
come out as a first instar grub. Bains (Bains, 1971) reported that temperature
had a linear relationship with the rate of development and at egg stage the
68 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

shortest period at 39 ˚C being 5.55 days and grub developmental period along
with pupal period was shortest 28.31days at 33  ˚C. The first instar grub is
straight and undergoes five molts, the grub presumably has greater difficulty
in feeding on whole grain than in damaged wheat grains (Howe, 1950). The
full-grown grub is dirty white in color with a slight brown head and cured
abdomen and occupied 27–28 days. The pupal stage last for 5–6 days and eggs
to adult it takes 40–41 days (Pruthi & Singh, 1950). Adults are 2–3 mm in
length, reddish-brown and cylindrical. The elytra are parallel-sided, the head
is not visible from above, and the pronotum has rasp-like teeth at the front.

FIGURE 4.2  Adult and grub of Rhyzopertha dominica and infested grain by Rhyzopertha

There are generally 5–7 generations have been reported (Bains, 1971).
In Northern India this insect breeds actively from April to October. The inci-
dence of these pests is expected to be higher in area where the temperature
ranging 27–36 ˚C and relative humidity is not too low 40% (Bains, 1971).  RED RUST FLOUR BEETLE, TRIBOLIUM CASTANEUM



Tribolium castaneum is the most wide spread insect of stored grain and it is
cosmopolitan in nature.
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 69

Host range

The major hosts of T. castaneum include several stored product and processed
stored product but they commonly feed on cereals, millet, wheat bran, flour,
grain spillage, broken grains, grain products, mixed feeds, beans, peas,
lentils, butter beans, alfalfa seed, groundnut seed, flax, flax seed, rubber
seed, cotton seed, cottonseed meal, safflower seed, sunflower seed, soybean
meal, ginger, mustard, chillies, cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa, copra, copra meal,
yams, tapioca, raisins (including sultanas), dried figs, dried fruit, arecanuts,
brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, snuff, derris root, and oilseed cakes.

Nature of damage

T. castaneum does not cause damage to whole grain but mainly feeds on
processed stored products, broken or infested grain by other insects. In
case of severe infestation processed stored products turn grayish yellow
and become moldy which produce foul smell and become unfit for human
consumption. Both adult and worm like grub are responsible for damage and
contamination of the produce.

Life cycle

T. castaneum (Fig. 4.3) start egg laying after 2–3 days of matting. The eggs
are laid singly and freely in flour or among grains, eggs are most sticky when
freshly laid, small particle of dust and flour wrap around it. A single female
can lay on an average 450–500 eggs at 20 ˚C and 70% relative humidity.
Eggs are small, slender, and cylindrical in shape rounded at both ends and
whitish in color. The egg developmental period is 4–12 days at normal condi-
tion (Howe, 1956). The grub is small, worm like, slender, cylindrical, and
wiry in appearance; body bears a number of fine hairs. The well-developed
grub is measured 48 mm long and pale yellow in color, it molt 6–7 times and
larval period is 22–25 days at 30–35 ˚C and 70% relative humidity. Usually
pupation takes place on surface of food is naked white in color but gradu-
ally turns into yellowish color, the dorsal surface having hairs and resem-
bling the grub. The pupal period lasts for about 4–24 days at 35 ˚C and 70%
relative humidity (Howe, 1956). Adults emerge from the pupa within 3–7
days. The adult is 2.3–4.4 mm long, rather flat, oblong, and reddish-brown in
color. The head and upper part of the thorax are covered with minute punc-
tures and the wing covers are ridged lengthwise. The life cycle completed in
70 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

40–110 days depend upon environmental conditions and many generations

completed in a year.

A. Adult of Tribolium castaneum B. Grub of Tribolium castaneum

C. Grain infested by of Tribolium castaneum

FIGURE 4.3  Adult (A) and grub (B) of Tribolium castaneum and infested grain (C) by



Trogoderma granarium is a major pest of stored grain in India. The first time
record was made by Coles in 1894 and it has been recorded as destructive
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 71

insect in Europe. It has been introduced a number of times in shipments of

grain (Cotton, 1960). Similarly, within the confines of the USA, there are
well defined areas in which certain species flourish in temperature prevailing
between 32 and 49 ˚C, where as they are of little importance in others. It is
reported to be pest of hot and arid regions of India and the world (Burges,
1962). T. granarium is a native of Ceylon and Malaya, and able to feed and
breed in hot dry environment in addition it can survive normal winter of
cool countries (Solomon & Adamson, 1955). It has been transported and
established in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe and widely distributed
throughout the world.

Host range

Primary hosts: Arachis hypogaea (groundnut), Gossypium (cotton), H

vulgare (barley), O. sativa (rice), Panicum miliaceum (millet), Sesamum
indicum (sesame), Sorghum, stored products (dried stored products), Trit-
icum (wheat), Z. mays (maize).
Secondary hosts: V. unguiculata (cowpea), C. arietinum (chickpea), Heli-
anthus annuus (sunflower), P. glaucum (pearl millet), S. bicolor (common
sorghum), T. aestivum (wheat), V. faba (broad bean).

Nature of damage

Both adult and grub feed on grain but grub is most destructive. The grub
bore into the stored product usually hollowing out the grain. It is polypha-
gous in nature and can survive in facultative diapauses for a year or longer
in the absence of food.

Life cycle

The adult female of T. granarium (Fig. 4.4) lays eggs singly on grain, a single
female can lay about 125 eggs in her lifetime. In the humid condition the incu-
bation period is 5–9 days. Eggs generally hatch in 5–26 days (Laudani 1961)
depending upon the prevailing temperature and humidity. The grub passed
minimum 5–6 instars, or more instars depend up on duration of development.
The duration of various instars was minimum at 35 ˚C and was prolonged with
the decrease and increase of temperature (Atwal & Bains, 1974). The grub
is brownish white in color, the body covered with bundles of long reddish
72 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

broken hair. The hair are movable erectate on the posterior segments and
forming a sort of tail at the posterior end. Dorsal surface uniformly creamy
white to light brownish yellow or rarely light brown with some grayish
pigmentation on sides of target. The total grub period for female is 26 days
and for male it was 25 days. It has two set of life cycle one known as short
while the other is long life cycle. Laudani (Laudani, 1961) reported that the
eggs of Khapra beetle normally hatch between 5 and 26 days and grub period
takes 27–87 days, pupal period 2–23 days and complete life cycle from egg
to adult stage completed in 33–136 days. In long life cycle grubs enters into
diapauses. The cause of this phenomenon is fully understood but believed to
be due to unfavorable conditions or substances in the frass. After hatching the
grub burrow in their food, feeding until they reach apparent maturity. Thus, if
they have entered diapauses, their behavior pattern changes. They leave the
food in search of a refuge, such as a crevice in a wall, where they cluster in
large numbers in dormant state. In this state their rate of respiration is greatly
reduced. At 30 ˚C and 70% relative humidity, which are good conditions for
grub development, the average grub period of individuals not in diapauses
is 33 days for female and 28 days for males (Burges, 1957). Generally this
species of insect has 12 generations in a year (Khare, 1962).

A. Adult B. Grub C. Infested grain by

Trogoderma granarium
FIGURE 4.4  Adult (A) and grub (B) of Trogoderma granarium and infested grain (C) by



Oryzaephilus surinamensis is a cosmopolitan pest of stored grain and grain

products. It is reported to occur in flour mills and warehouses. It is able
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 73

to multiply rapidly in cool conditions but its ability to overwinter in the

fabric of warehouses enables quite large populations to persist until heating
produce provides conditions needed for rapid increase (Howe, 1956).

Host range

O. surinamensis are typical secondary pests, and does not attack on whole
grain. They infest cereals in stores like oatmeal flour or damage to broken
kernels. Generally the cereals and oilseeds are preferred host of these insects.

Nature of damage

The grub could feed and breed on endosperm part of grain. They frequently
found in processed cereals products and oilseed.

Life cycle

The adult female of O. surinamensis (Fig. 4.5) lays 6–10 eggs per day and
50–300 eggs in entire lifetime. Howe (Howe, 1956) reported the average
number of eggs laid by these insects is 375. The eggs are either laid loosely
in the food medium or deposited in crevices in the grain. Eggs are small
white and slender in shape. The eggs hatch in about 3–5 days at 35–40 ˚C
and 70% relative humidity (Howe, 1956). The grub molt three times but
lower temperature enhance the molting number.

FIGURE 4.5  Grub (A) and adult (B) of Oryzaephilus surinamensis.
74 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies  PULSE BEETLE, CALLOSOBRUCHUS CHINENSIS



Callosobruchus chinensis are important pests of pulses in India but also

occur in tropic and sub tropics. It is known as cowpea weevil in America.
It was first described in China 1758. It is said that from Asian countries it
spread to west to Africa and Mediterranean basin (Caldoron, 1958) and east
to America (Goncalves, 1939).

Host range

The host range of C. chinensis is restricted mainly, but not exclusively, to

seeds of the legume tree Viciaea. As their common name indicates these
beetles prefer cowpea but it has been reported to feed on pea, gram, pigeon
pea, lentil, mung, urd, soybean, and other so many pulses.

Nature of damage

C. chinensis infestation commonly seen in the field, where eggs are laid on
maturing pods of pulses. As the pods dry, the pest’s ability to infest them
decreases (Rahman, 1945), thus dry seeds stored in their pods are quite resis-
tant to attack, whereas the threshed seeds are susceptible to attack throughout
storage. In the early stages of attack the only symptoms are the presence of
eggs cemented to the surface of the seeds or grain. The development occurs
entirely within the seed; the immature stages are not normally seen. The
adults emerge through windows in the grain, leaving round holes that are the
main evidence of damage.

Life cycle

The female of C. chinensis (Fig. 4.6 ) prefers smooth whole seeds for ovipo-
sition, after the eggs are laid female covers it for about few seconds for dry
of eggs. Normally eggs are singly laid on surface, on an average of 63–90
eggs laid by female in entire lifetime. In the field the eggs are laid on green
pods. Freshly laid eggs are translucent, smooth, and shining but become
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 75

light yellow or grayish white in color. Howe and Currie (Howe & Currie,
1964) reported that average number of eggs laid by a female is 45 with a
range of 20–64 depend upon environmental conditions. The average incu-
bation period at 30 ˚C temperature and 70% relative humidity is 3–5 days
and% hatch ranged from 94 to 99 (Raina, 1970). The first instar grub bears a
large spine on either side of the first abdominal segment and two groups of
smaller spines dorsally on the tergal plate of pronotum (Van Emden, 1946).
The grub turns at right angle after boring into seed, and forward horizon-
tally feeding continuously on the cotyledons. The grub passes through four
molts before pupation, grub and pupal period last for about 18–20 days. The
complete development from eggs to adult takes an average of 22–23 days
depend upon food source and environmental condition. The developmental
stage is fast in cowpea and chickpea but slow in garden pea (Srivastava &
Bhatia, 1958). The adults are 2.0–3.5 mm long bearing antennae pectinate in
the male and serrate in the female, elytra are light brown, with small median
dark marks and larger posterior dark patches, which may merge to make
the entire posterior part of the elytra dark in color. The side margins of the
abdomen have distinct patches of coarse white setae. C. chinensis has a pair
of distinct ridges on the ventral side of each hind femur, and each ridge has
a tooth near the apical end. The inner tooth is slender, rather parallel-sided,
and equal to outer tooth.

FIGURE 4.6  Adult (left) and grub of Callosobruchus chinensis.

76 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies  CIGARETTE BEETLE, LASIODERMA SERRICORNE



The Lasioderma serricorne is commonly kwon as tobacco beetle or cigarette

beetle and is most destructive insect of stored tobacco and other products. It
is cosmopolitan in nature and is normally present at all times in one or the
other stage in stores. Alfeiri (Alfeiri, 1931) reported that the L. serricorne
is known to be present in Egypt more than 3500 years ago and was first
recorded as a pest in North Carolina 70 years ago.

Host range

Besides infesting tobacco L. serricorne also infest the several food materials
like ginger, oilseeds, cacao, spice, dry fruits, and other products (Le Cato,
1978). It also feed on wheat flour, cotton bolls, and books.

Nature of damage

The adult bores small round holes through infested commodities which may
be heavily contaminated with dead bodies, frass, and pupal cells. Fine parti-
cles of food, dust, and frass adhere to the minute hairs of the body, often
changing the appearance as per color of food.

Life cycle

The female of L. serricorne (Fig. 4.7) lays eggs in the folds and crevices of
food materials. The egg laying capacity of the female ranging from 18 to 112
(Kurup et al., 1961). The egg is ovoid elliptical, whitish becoming opaque
and dull in color just before hatching. The egg hatch in about 6–10 days
(Bare et al., 1947). Newly hatch grub is less than 1 mm in length and covered
with fine hairs, head is yellowish brown and body semitransparent. It passes
4–5 molt within 40 days to form a cell for resting. They pass the winter in
grub stage in a stage of quiescence. The newly formed pupa is glossy white
but gradually turned to a reddish brown after some times and average pupal
period is about five days. Kurup et al. (Kurup et al., 1961) reported pupal
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 77

period varying 3–13 days. The total life cycle of this insect is shortest in the
months of May and June about 41 days and largest in the months of January
to February about 58 days. They complete six generations in a year under
tropical conditions (Kurup et al., 1961).

FIGURE 4.7  Adult and grub (A), adult (B), and grub (C) of Lasioderma serricorne.




Sitotroga cerealella is an important pest of stored and field grain since

ancient times. This insect obtained its name because it was found depre-
dating wheat in the province of Angoumois, France, where it is known to
have been imported into from the USA by the early settlers in supplies of
wheat brought in from the old country (Cotton, 1941). It is cosmopolitan in
nature, and widely distributed in all over the country.

Host range

S. cerealella is a pest of stored products particularly to cereals but it has also

been found to infest stored spices, bell pepper (Capsicum annuum), cori-
ander (Coriandrum sativum), black pepper (Piper nigrum), ginger (Zingiber
officinale), and turmeric (Curcuma longa).
78 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Nature of damage

It is strong flier and flies to the field at ripening stage of grains and start egg
laying on them. They initially infest the grain at milking stage of crops than
to stored grain. The size and shape of grain play an important role in infes-
tation of this insect. The bigger size of grain with more air space provides
better penetration and infestation at depth. Mahihu (1984) reported that
maize permitted more infestation as compared to wheat and sorghum.

Life cycle

The adult moth of S. cerealella (Fig. 4.8) breeds in grain in threshing yard
granaries near to straw stacks. After matting female laid eggs on the grove of
grain or any place in store, a single female can lay on an average 40 eggs in
range of 100–150 eggs. The eggs are creamy white cylindrical cigar shaped
and hatch within three days at 30 ˚C temperature and 70% relative humidity.
The first instar larvae feed on endosperm and enter into the seed after 5–7
days. The larvae pass through four molts than they spin cocoon inside cut
space by making webbing. Khare and Mills (1968) reported the larval and
pupal period of this insect is 20 and 22 days in wheat respectively. The total
life cycle completed in 30–35 days depend upon environmental conditions.
The adult moth is small, pale brown, 5–7 mm long with wings folded, wing-
span 10–16 mm. The head, thorax and filiform antennae are pale brown in
color; labial palpi are long, slender, sharply pointed and up curved, pale
brown with dark tips, terminal segment longer than second segment. The
forewing is elongate, light brown, or ochreous-brown, with a few black
scales at the base of the dorsum and a concentration of black scales toward
the apex.

FIGURE 4.8  Adult (A), adult with wing span (B), and larva (C) of Sitotroga cerealella.
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 79  RICE MOTH, CORCYRA CEPHALONICA (STAINTON)



Corcyra cephalonica is a major insect of stored grain and grain products

(Hodges, 1979). It is common insect occurs in the humid tropics, especially
in South and South-East Asia. It is a major storage pest in India, Thailand,
Brazil, Ghana, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia where major cereal crops
are rice, maize. It has been reported to breeding on groundnut also (Freeman,

Host range

C. cephalonica is a major insect of cereals, legumes, and their products

but they also infest the stored oil cakes, dry fruits, cocoa, flex seeds, and
processed products.

Nature of damage

The larvae of C. cephalonica cause damage to stored commodities by

moving, feeding, and leaving silken threads. These threads are left over on
the food which latter form dense and tough webbings, larvae may enter into
grain and formed silken galleries, cocoons, frass, frothy mass, and excreta
and feed on starchy content of grain (Pruthi & Singh, 1950).

Life cycle

The adult female of C. cephalonica (Fig. 4.9) starts egg laying just after
matting. A single female lays about 150–160 eggs on walls, on rough
surface, flour stacks in store at 24–32 ˚C and 60% relative humidity (Kamel
& Hassanein, 1967). The eggs hatch in 3–6 days during summer and longer
period during winter. The larva passes through eight molt but up to 16 molt
occurs in both sex of rice moth (Kamel & Hassanein, 1968). They prefer
warm and moderately moist climate, higher humidity and higher temperature
provide faster development of larvae. They are able to develop more rapidly
on wholegrain as compared to flour (Uberoi, 1991). The pupal period lasts
80 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

for 7–10 days and life span of male is larger than female (Ayyar, 1954). The
adult moth is nocturnal and is most active at nightfall. Its flight is rather slow
and clumsy; flight is not powerful but can be sustained. The moths rest away
from draughty places, on shaded store structures or surfaces of bag stacks;
they are thus most commonly found in dark, sheltered corners of a store.

FIGURE 4.9  Adult (A) and larvae (B) of Corcyra cephalonica.  INDIAN MEAL MOTH, PLODIA INTERPUNCTELLA



Plodia interpunctella is a cosmopolitan pest of stored products; they infest

most of the stored commodities. Besides India it is reported from Sri Lanka,
Pakistan, Canada, USA, Bangladesh, and Africa (Spitler & Clark, 1970).

Host range

P. interpunctella infest the several stored grain and processed products, but
they also attack on milled cereal products, nuts, spices, peas, beans, lentils,
chocolate, and other commodities.
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 81

Nature of damage

The larvae of P. interpunctella feed on germ of kernels near the surface.

They completely web over the surface by making the surface grains together
with silken threads and at times they can be seen webbing over the bag
surface in store. It is a surface feeder, restricted to the top 20 cm, in grain
bins and elevators (Bell, 1975).

Life cycle

The adult of P. interpunctella (Fig. 4.10) lays eggs just after matting, single
female lays on an average 200 eggs either single or in group on stored
commodities. The egg hatch within 2–4 days at 20  ˚C and 65% relative
humidity (Bell, 1975). The full-grown larvae are yellowish white in color,
depend upon food materials. Larvae pass through several molt and last larval
skin converted into cocoon and took 55 days at 20  ˚C and 65% relative
humidity, but it take 16–20 days at 30 ˚C (Bell, 1975). The adult moth is
small, 5–10 mm long with wing held close together at resting, the anterior
one third of fore wings is grayish while the outer two third has a coppery
luster so that at resting stage of moth the wings appears to be marked with
a prominent brown band. The hind wings are uniformly silvery grey and
fringed with fine hairs.

FIGURE 4.10  Adult (A) and larvae (B) of Plodia interpunctella.
82 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies  ALMOND MOTH, CADRA CAUTELLA WALKER



Cadra cautella is a serious insect of stored wheat and other cereals products
(Tuli & Mookherjee, 1962). Besides India it is also occurs in Egypt, Purtgal,
and Britain. In temperate countries, it can develop during summer but needs
heated storage to survive the winter.

Host range

C. cautella is a serious insect of several stored commodities, especially

maize, rice, wheat, sorghum, millet, oats, oilseeds, cereal products but also
they infest dried cassava, groundnuts, cocoa beans, dried mango, dates,
nutmeg, mace, cowpeas, and so forth.

Nature of damage

The damage is caused by larvae just after hatching it cut small circular holes
in part of grain and consume at a later stage a large part of food. It start
feeding on germ point, sometimes they eat whole content of grain. In the
infested grain they spun webs and matt grain together and form a silken web
over the top. As a result of feeding by the larvae an appreciable amount of
frass and nibbled grains appear besides the webbed materials.

Life cycle

The adult of C. cautella (Fig. 4.11) starts egg laying after matting. Single
female lays up to 250 eggs at 25  ˚C and 75% relative humidity in entire
lifetimes (Mullen & Arbogast, 1977). The eggs are translucent yellow with a
distinctly sculptured surface pattern. The eggs hatch in about 3–4 days. The
larvae range from 1.5 to 15 mm in length and are light brown in color with
dark brown spots on the cuticle. They have a sparse covering of hair and in
the males the testes can be seen through the cuticle as a dark patch in the
posterior region. The pupae are dark-brown and found within a relatively
Important Stored Grain and Seed Insect Pests 83

light pupal case. The forewings of the adult are greyish-brown with an indis-
tinct pattern. The wing span is 11–20 mm and both fore- and hind-wings
have broadly rounded tips and only short fringes of hairs. Under optimum
conditions, development from egg to adult takes 29–31 days, and the esti-
mated rate of increase is about 50 times per lunar month.The limiting levels
of moisture at 30 °C are 20 and 90% RH and development is only possible
within a range of 15–36 °C. Adult emergence from the cocoon usually occurs
during the late afternoon, and the adults show a marked periodicity in their
flight activity and egg laying, both of which show a major peak at around
dusk and a minor peak just before dawn.

FIGURE 4.11  Adult (A) and larvae (B) of Cadra cautella.


•• stored product Coleoptera

•• stored product Lepidoptera
•• cereals
•• pulses
•• seed insects
84 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


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5.1 Introduction........................................................................................88
5.2 Inspection and Detection Techniques................................................89
5.3 Rapid Detection of Hidden Infestation..............................................92
5.4 Volatile Detection Techniques Based on Headspace Analysis...........94
5.5 Molecular Technique for Detection of Infestation.............................95
88 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Stored product is damaged by several species of insects. It may cause quali-

tative and quantitative losses to grain and seeds, besides causing direct losses
they are responsible for contamination in stored commodities by toxin,
feces, webbing, and body part of insects. This leads to economic losses of
stored products of nation. In order to minimize such types of losses and
improve quality and storability of stored commodities, detection of insects’
infestation is very important. The detection of infestation is most crucial
part of stored product management. The commodities stored for either
domestic utilization needs or commercial utilization needs to take preven-
tive and curative treatments for maintaining standard quality, so there are
needs of correct detection of insect infestation. Generally visual inspection
of storage structure and stored commodities is very popular, and therefore
any results can only be recorded in a descriptive way. So long as the method-
ology remains uniform, direct comparison and therefore useful appraisals of
different situations can be used. For more accurate and quantitative measure-
ments it becomes necessary to sample the grain whereby the results can be
interpreted by physical or chemical methods. There are several techniques
for detection of insect infestation available for commercial or small level
of storage. These techniques are manual sampling, probe and insect traps,
sieving, floatation, X-ray, utilization of specific chemicals for hidden infes-
tation, and Berlese funnels. Molecular techniques are very useful for the
detection of infestation or contamination in stored commodities.


Stored product is damaged by several species of insects. It may cause quali-

tative and quantitative losses to grain and seeds, besides causing direct losses
they are responsible for contamination in stored commodities by toxin, feces,
webbing and body part of insects. This leads to economic losses of stored
products of nation. In order to minimize such types of losses and improve
quality and storability of stored commodities, detection of insects’ infes-
tation are very important. The detection of infestation is most crucial part
of stored product management. The commodities stored either for domestic
or commercial utilization needs to take preventive and curative treatments
for maintaining standard quality, so there are needs of correct detection of
insect infestation. Stored commodities is vulnerable to both types of infesta-
tion either external or internal, the detection of internal infestation is very
Detection of Infestation in Stored Product 89

difficult (Pedersen, 1992). The inspection for insect damaged is expensive

and many of stored grain insects developed inside the grain.


There are several techniques for detection of insect infestation available for
commercial or small level of storage. These techniques are manual sampling,
probe and insect traps, sieving, floatation, X-ray, utilization of specific
chemicals for hidden infestation, and Berlese funnels (Neethirajan et al.,
2007). The application of molecular techniques for detection of insect infes-
tation is reported by Chambers et al. (1998). The measurement of uric acid
content of cereals (Pixton, 1964) is also use in some countries. The detection
of immature stage of insects by X-ray imaging and nuclear infrared reflec-
tance spectroscopy have been extensively studies since this techniques are
rapid and nondestructive and provide accurate results ( Milner et al., 1950;
Karunakaran et al., 2003; Karunakaran et al., 2004; Rajendran & Steve,
2005; Fornal et al., 2007; Neethirajan et al., 2007; Haff & Toyofuku, 2008).
In USA some researcher investigates odor detection techniques for insect
infestation detection, which are very useful tools in terms of costs, sensi-
tivity, and accuracy (Ram et al., 1999).
Generally visual inspection of storage structure and stored commodities
is very popular, and therefore any results can only be recorded in a descrip-
tive way. So long as the methodology remains uniform, direct comparison
and therefore useful appraisals of different situations can be used. For more
accurate and quantitative measurements it becomes necessary to sample
the grain whereby the results can be interpreted by physical or chemical
methods. The following insect infestation techniques are well adopted.


The sampling of stored commodity is very important to detect infestation

of insects. The size and frequency of sampling depends upon nature of
commodities. Sampling is carried out with the objective of assessing the
degree of insect infestation, although all forms of deterioration should be
subsequently identified. Freeman (1948) first developed the need for stan-
dardization of estimates of infestation into defined categories for all insect
species and all stored commodities, and in some cases his estimate have
been modified for the tropics where the degrees of infestation are somewhat
90 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

higher than in Britain (Hall, 1953). The manual sampling also provide living
or dead insects for their correct identification.


This is very common method used for detection of adult insects in any storage
condition. The insect traps and probes are simple in structure and easy in used.
There are so many types of traps developed from Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, India, for detection of stored grain insects and very commonly
used across the country at farmers as well as commercial levels. The commer-
cial available traps for adults of stored grain insects are pitfall and probe trap
and used worldwide (White et al., 1990). The regular inspection and removal
of insects from traps are necessary to maintain storage hygiene. White and
Loschiavo (1988) developed a stacked version of probe trap for monitoring
insect density at different depths of grains. The results provided by different
types of traps are only based on estimation so they are not accurate.


Insect infestation detection by pheromone is potentially useful because they

are involved in chemical communication of stored grain insects. Generally
sex and aggregation pheromones utilized in monitoring and matting disrup-
tion. The pheromone is impregnated in rubber septa so easily used in phero-
mone trap to detect the infestation. Stored grain insects may be detected
with a several types of traps either by attractant or aggregation (Vick et al.,
1990). The pheromone of Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum, and
Trogoderma granarium are commercially available and used worldwide
(Suzuki & Mori, 1983; Cross et al., 1976). The population density indicated
by pheromone trap needs several factors to draw the actual population of
insects. The environmental factor like temperature, rainfall, wind direction,
and seed influence the trap catch.


The adult stored grain insects may trap by light trap. Insects attract to incan-
descent, fluorescent, and ultra violet light so we can use this method of trap-
ping for detection of infestation. The wavelength and strength of light are
crucial factor in trapping.
Detection of Infestation in Stored Product 91


The application of insect feeding sounds for detection of external and internal
stored grain insect infestation without sampling suggested by Neethirajan
et al. (2007). In this method insect can be detected acoustically by ampli-
fication and filtering of their movement and feeding sounds. Hagstrum et
al. (1988) reported that sounds of R. dominica grub can be detected popu-
lation of grub. This method needs quantitative understanding of physical
and biological factors that affect sound production and insect distribution
(Neethirajan et al., 2007). The physical factors may be intensity, dura-
tion, and spectral feathers of sound at the source and distance to receiver
(Beranek, 1988). The biological factors include insect response, unfavorable
environment, and insect inactivity. This method cannot uses in detection of
immature stage and dead insects.


The detection of live insects in commercial grain storage structures, this

method is commonly used. This method is based on repellency against heat,
so it catches free-living adults (Smith, 1977). This method is time taking and
not provide accurate results.


The detection of hidden internal infestation in wheat this method used by

Pearson et al. (2003) and their finding showed that accuracy varied from
87 to 88%. In this method only single kernel is used for weight, moisture
content, diameter, and hardness. This is based on electrical conductance and
compression force. This method is cost expensive and their results are not
much more accurate.


This technique is economical fast and authenticated based on composition of

grains (Kim et al., 2003). This method used for both qualitative and quantita-
tive analysis of grains. It is based on the absorption of electromagnetic wave-
lengths in the range 780–2500 nm. The composition of grain is determined
by traditional spectroscopy. This technique is best for detecting any stage of
92 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

insects by a single kernel (Elizabeth et al., 2002). This method may not detect
all types of infestation and do not differentiate the live and dead insects.


This method is most commonly used for counting the number of insect frag-
ments in sample of flour or ground wheat. This is apparently a promising
technique for measuring of uric acid produced by insect metabolism has
been described by Subrahmanyan et al. (1955) and Venkat et al. (1957).


This technique is very fast and authenticated in detection of insect infestation

in very short time. Karunakaran et al. (2003) reported that identified infested
sample provide image of immature stage of insect with accuracy of 97%. For
this purpose X-ray machine are used and operated at 15 kV capacity, grain
observe this light and produce image of immature stage on soft X-ray. The cost
of X-ray machine is high as compare to other chemical detection methods.


The application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is similar to the X-ray tech-

nique but suffers from the same limitations of time constraints, sampling
efficiency, and relative cost.


The infestation of Sitophilus oryzae, R. dominica, Sitotroga cerealella,

Callosobruchus spp., and Tribolium spp. detected by following staining
methods. Campbell (2004) reported that contamination of stored grain
insects is matter of concern in milling industries.


This is rapid method used for detection of egg plugs of insect with the help
of various dye.
Detection of Infestation in Stored Product 93  ACID FUCHSIN

The egg plugs of rice weevil are stained differently as compared to grain
when treated with acid fuchsin. The stain solution prepare by mixing 10 ml
glacial acetic acid, 190 ml distilled water, and 0.1 g acid fuchsin. Soak ~100
grain in warm water in a beaker. Drain off the water and cover grain with
stain solution for 2–5 min. Drain off stain solution and wash the grain in
water thoroughly to remove the excess stain. Weevil egg plugs are stained
deep cherry red while feeding punctures and mechanical damage stain a
light color under microscope.  GENTIAN VIOLET

In this method prepare 1% gentian violet aqueous stock solution and mix 10
drops of stock solution to 50 ml of 95% ethanol. Soak ~100 grain in warm
water containing a pinch of detergent. Dip the soaked grain in stain solu-
tion for 2 min. Wash the stained grain in water for 5 s. The egg plugs of wet
kernel will appear purple under microscope.  BERBERINE SULFATE

The 20 ppm berberine sulfate solution prepares in water. Soak ~100 grains
in berberine sulfate solution for 1 min. Examine the grain under UV light,
the egg plug will appear as fluorescence intense yellow color in microscope.


This method consists from two solutions of chemicals sodium silicate and
methyl chloroform at different specific gravity. The sodium silicate remains
on the top and healthy grain separated at bottom and infested grain on the


For this purpose prepare 100 ml of 10% sodium hydroxide solution. Stirring
frequently with glass rod, boil ~100 grains in sodium hydroxide solution for
10 min. Drain off sodium hydroxide solution and wash the grain thoroughly
94 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

in water. Examine the semi-transparent grain under microscope the insects

developing inside grain may be seen in semi-transparent grain.


The amino acids of insects react with ninhydrin and give purple spots when
the infested grain with any stage of insect is crushed between coated papers.
For this purpose prepare 0.7% ninhydrin solution in acetone. Treat Whatsman
filter paper No. 1 or 2 in ninhydrine solution and air dry the filter papers.
Place some grain between two treated filter papers and pass through crushing
machine or crush manually. Dry the filter papers in oven at 100 °C. Purple
spots on the filter papers indicate the presence of insect inside the grains.


The detection of insect phenols test based on spectrophotometry analysis

for the concentration of a hydroxyphenol occurring in insect cuticle, which
produces phenolidophenol dyes when chemically treated with 2,6- dichlo-
roquinone chlorimide was proposed. Bailey (1975) stated that the method
showed particular merit based on Food and Drug Administration evalua-
tions, but at that stage required more work to perfect the method.


The quantity of carbon dioxide produced in 24 hours in a representative

sample of wheat can be measured. Generally at 25 °C, 0.3% carbon dioxide
is released from grain with 14% moisture content, it is sign of insect free
grain, if the amount of carbon dioxide increased than insect infestation is




This is a conventional extraction method for analysis of grain odor. This

technique is operated by flushing a stream of air or inert gas to purge
Detection of Infestation in Stored Product 95

volatiles in the headspace, and then an adsorption tube is used to collect

organic compounds carried by gas. The tenax resin is widely used to observe
organic compound as well as aromatic compound from headspace. Besides
it is made of porous polymers which are similar to the packing material
of gas chromatography (GC) (Wampler, 1997). Subsequently the volatile
compounds from dynamic headspace can be directly introduced into the GC
or gas chromotography and mass spectra (GCMS) (Wampler, 1997; Rouseff
& Cadwallader, 2001).


The solid phase micro extraction technique is inexpensive, rapid, and heat
sensitive for detection of insect infestation (Richter & Schellenberg, 2007).
In this method a coated silica fiber fixed on the sample and after some time
the volatile compound absorbed by it. Subsequently, the solid phase micro
extraction needle is removed and inserted into the GC and finally volatile
compound separated by GC or GCMS analysis (Reineccius, 2002; Turner,


This is the newer and excellent approach for grain odor detection. This
technique is widely used in food industries (Rajendran & Steve, 2005).
Electronic nose first used by Persaud and Dodd (1982) for the mimicking
and discrimination of human olfactory system. It is consisted by chemical
sensor to detect odor from infested sample (Persaud & Dodd, 1982; Marti et
al., 2005; Rock et al., 2008). Zhang and Wang (2007) reported that 15% of
insect damage may be detected by electronic nose.


The infestation of stored grain insects can be detected with the help of
molecular tools. The damage caused by Sitophilus granarius, Oryzaephilus
surinamensis, and Cryptolestes ferrugineus has been detected by molecular
techniques (Chambers et al., 1998).
Sample preparation
Antigen release from insect
96 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Homogenization of specific stored grain insects performed by plastic

homogenizer, insects were crushed in 50 µl of phosphate buffered saline for
30 s. The protein concentration of the extract was determined and diluted
into phosphate buffered saline then used in ELISA.

Antigen release from grain

For this purpose 5 g of infested sample of wheat mixed with 1 ml of phos-
phate buffered saline. The sample placed in plastic bag (12 cm × 12.5 cm)
to retain the grain from antigen supernatant and removal of antigen when

The monoclonal antibodies are used for this purpose (Kohler & Milstein,


The microtiter plates coated overnight at 4 °C with 50 µl insect homog-
enates. After incubation, excess antigen was removed from the wells and
the plates were rinsed in three changes of 0.1 phosphate buffered saline and
Tween 20 for 3 min. The plates were incubated for 30 min on a plate shaker
at room temperature with 100 µl per well of phosphate buffered saline,
Tween and 5% Marvel milk powder. The plates rinsed as before and incu-
bated with either tissue culture supernatant. After three more rinses, 50 µl of
second antibody conjugate at 1:1000 dilution in phosphate buffered saline
and Tween added to the wells and the plates were shaken for 45 min at room
temperature, finally after three rinses with phosphate buffered saline and
Tween, 100 µl of alkaline phosphatase substrate was added to each well and
incubated at room temperature in the dark.


The antibody which recognizes antigen bound directly to ELISA plate and
used to trap antigen from solution. The amount of antigen determined by
second antibody with enzyme label. In this method microtiter plates coated
with 100 µl purified mAb diluted in phosphate buffered saline and keep
to incubate at 4 °C overnight. After washing wells incubated with 200 µl
of blocking buffer for 30 min at room temperature on plate shaker, than
Detection of Infestation in Stored Product 97

after washing the wells incubated with 100 µl of insect homogenate or grain
extract for one hour at room temperature on plate shaker.


Western blot chemiluminescent detection system regent and method used in

conjugation with a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane for the detection of
insect infestation.


•• infestation
•• contamination
•• detection technique
•• stored product standardization
•• pheromones


Bailey, S. W. Detection and Management of Contamination. ADAB Int. Training Course in

the Preservation of Stored Cereals. Selected Ref. Papers. 1975, 1, 307–322.
Beranek, L. L. Acoustial Measurements; American Institute of Physics: Woodbury, NY, 1988;
pp 1–7.
Campbell, J. F. Stored Product Insect Management in Flour Mills. Outlooks Pest Manag.
2004, 15, 276–278.
Chambers, J.; Dunn, J. A.; Thind, B. B. A Rapid, Sensitive, User Friendly Method for
Detecting Storage Mites and Insects; HGCA Report No. 208: Sand Hutton,York, April
1998, pp 1–14.
Cross, J. H.; Byler, B. C.; Cassidy, F.; Silverstein, R. M.; Greenblatt, R. E.; Burkholder, W. E.
Porpak-Q Collection of Pheromone Components and Isolation of (Z) and (E)- 14- Methyl-
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6.1 Introduction......................................................................................103
6.2 Estimation of Losses........................................................................104
6.3 Quantitative Losses.......................................................................... 113
Keywords.................................................................................................. 114
References................................................................................................. 115
102 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The losses in stores are seldom a result of a single variable. They are of
multiple factors including losses in weight, quality, and quantity. Each of
these types of losses may have different significances which vary with
people, time, place, and in the face of existing methods and technolo-
gies. The socio-economic realities play an important role in the estimation
of storage losses particularly in developing countries. The estimation of
losses at post harvest levels could vary widely depending upon the tech-
nologies adopted. The losses are assessed with respect to its biological
and economic values. The economic loss refers to changes in values that
may take place as a result of physical alternations of a produce while it
is in threshing, handling, and transportation thereby, resulting into a loss
normally termed as economic loss. From the farmers’ point of view, the
crop when harvested is threshed, handled, stored, and transported, ulti-
mately what one gets is the difference in the quantity harvested and sold,
there might have some loss. The weight loss is evolving degradation of
quantity harvested and ultimately sold by the farmers. Apart from suffering
a quantitative loss, it is possible that grain having been damaged at a micro
level during threshing, handling, and transportation. The losses caused by
immature stages if stored grain insects are most spectacular, and not easily
seen. The estimation of losses is more complex if shrinkage due to loss in
moisture and chemical changes. In seeds man minds the quality of grain
kernel by keeping its germination at national and international standards,
whereas in food man will like to have sound food. Losses in stores may be
by weight and changes in physical state of grain chemical due to biological
activities. The biological activities may be on dry basis and wet basis; wet
basis is due to moisture. Biochemical changes result into increase in fat
acidity, reduction of non-reducing sugar, heating, and loss of nutritional
constituents. In dry form, the moisture increases due to insect, microbial,
or fungal activity, such types of changes occur at latter stage, these all are
termed as quality loss. The deterioration in quality of food grain due to
insect damage is very important from availability of nutritional constitu-
ents as well as human health, while for seed man it is germinability of a
kernel. But both need a grain kernel which is alive as it is easy to keep
alive grain for long compared to dead grain. Dead grain is to be turned to
flour and consumed soon. Food grains also undergo metabolic activities as
other living things and are governed by the presence of moisture, tempera-
ture, insects, and fungi.
Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products 103


The production technology as obvious has long received recognition and

funds but stored grain protection technologies still lack sufficient apprecia-
tion and funds, if not all over the world, at least it is true in developing coun-
tries. Presumably the storage of grain and seeds has not been appreciated,
because the damage done is an insidious nature and is often gone unnoticed
until the commodities are about to be consumed or sold. In stored product
entomology, the information on commodity losses caused during threshing,
handling, transportation, and storage is scanty and scattered. Therefore, this
attempt is to summarize the information on the losses and estimation of
losses from the literature.
The estimation of losses at post harvest levels could vary widely depending
upon the technologies adopted. The losses are assessed with respect to its
biological and economic values. The economic loss refers to changes in
values that may take place as a result of physical alternations of a produce
while it is in threshing, handling, and transportation thereby, resulting into a
loss normally termed as economic loss. From the farmers’ point of view, the
crop when harvested, is threshed, handled, stored, and transported, ultimately
what one gets is the difference in the quantity harvested and sold, there might
have some loss. The weight loss is evolving degradation of quantity harvested
and ultimately sold by the farmers. Apart from suffering a quantitative loss, it
is possible that grain having been damaged at a micro level during threshing,
handling, and transportation. The losses caused by immature stages if stored
grain insects are most spectacular, and not easily seen.
The losses in stores are seldom a result of a single variable. They are
of multiple factors including losses in weight, quality, and quantity. Each
of these types of losses may have different significances which vary with
people, time, place and in the face of existing methods and technologies. The
socio-economic realities play an important role in the estimation of storage
losses particularly in developing countries. Khare et al. (1973) made several
efforts to estimate losses of storage at farmers’ level, where social factors
plays an important role. The storage losses are of a multiple nature and all
the factors cannot be easily combined. A single method can be developed by
taking important basic components and a formula is developed for obtaining
the damage index of different storage commodities. This would indicate
the actual position of a given lot of grain and seeds with regard to various
concepts of losses and prospects of its storage ability.
Storage losses if grouped efforts are made by experienced storage
entomologists, the principal component analysis would be most useful in
104 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

generating hypothesis from exploratory data, it may provide valuable clues

to the pattern of relationship among basic components and other variables
likes moisture, insects, fungi, and others.
Though the nutritional loss is an important aspect, unfortunately evalu-
ation at these levels is difficult. The information of nutritional matters to
provide subjective assessment of difference required is not adequate yet.
This cannot be overcome at the market level. Nevertheless, where nutritional
losses occur an attempt is made to evaluate them.
The losses in storage is almost final and cannot be compensated whereas
growth losses of crops partially or more is compensated by increased yield
from the surviving plants. There are several attempts are made to minimizing
the possibilities of contaminating stored products with insects and this is
accomplished by official inspection of the processing plants and storage
warehouses as well as of the raw of finished products (Randal, 1957).


Losses of stored products are calculated by several methods. A trader repre-

sents the loss as difference in the quantities received and quantities disposed
off. It may also be at different stages, for example during transportation,
loading and unloading, heaping, cleaning, weighment, packaging, and
storage. All these stages give rise to greater losses on account of dampness,
weevils, and other organisms. The estimation of losses is more complex if
shrinkage due to loss in moisture and chemical changes. In seeds man minds
the quality of grain kernel by keeping its germination at national and interna-
tional standards, whereas in food man will like to have sound food. Losses in
stores may be by weight and changes in physical state of grain chemical due
to biological activities. The biological activities may be on dry basis and wet
basis; wet basis is due to moisture. Biochemical changes result into increase
in fat acidity, reduction of non-reducing sugar, heating and loss of nutritional
constituents. In dry form, the moisture increases due to insect, microbial,
or fungal activity, such types of changes occur at latter stage, these all are
termed as quality loss.


First time in 1916 Fletcher reported losses in store up to 33%. Food and
Agricultural Organization (FAO) experts estimated as 10% loss of harvested
Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products 105

crop by biological attack in storage, their earlier publication indicate 5%

loss annually through insect infestation of all harvested cereals, pulses, and
oilseeds. Cotton (1950) reported up to 10% losses in the USA. More than
5% losses of rice, corn, wheat, barley, and sorghum in storage were reported
by Haeussler (1952).


The actual estimate is also termed as macro estimate. Find out of experiments
is conducted and that gives true data of losses under storage. Though infor-
mation at present, is scanty and fragmentary, but still very few is on records.
The worth mentioning papers are of Cotton (1954); Rahman (1944); Parkin
(1956); Hall (1963); Parpia (1967); Pingale (1970); Freeman (1968). Several
scientists reported storage losses from different parts of the world ranging
from 1 to 28% (Harries, 1950; Kockum, 1953; Cockbill, 1953). Sorghum
showed 8% kernel infestation in three months after harvest and about 94%
after nine months in Belgium (Lefevre,1953). Howe (1952) reported that net
loss of 4.5% in 12 months due to insect infestation in Nigeria. Pingale (1954)
reported that insect infestation increased from 2.7 to 48.5%, when wheat was
stored in untreated bags for five months. Argentina has put its wheat losses in
storage as equaling 400 million kilograms, in central Africa, a scientifically
controlled test showed that 50% of sorghum was being lost due to insect
during 12 months of storage. Ramasivan et al. (1986) reported 2.03 to 9.5%
losses under different storage levels, while Willson et al. (1970) accounted
losses for indigenous method of storage from Punjab as related to time-to-
time survey. Kumar and Tiwari (2015) reported 2.7 and 3.4% damage due to
insect infestation after 12 months of storage in natural conditions.
The micro estimate of losses appeared in literature in the year 1941 when
Gay and Ratclife found that adult of Sitophilus oryzae L. consumed in a
week an amount of wheat approximately equal to their own body weight
and Rhyzopertha dominica F. consumed five to six times of their weight.
Crombie(1943) found flour consumed by grub and adult male and female
of saw toothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surnamensis L. as 6.75, 2, and
2.25 mg by Tribolium confusum . Similar estimates were given by Rich-
ards (1947), Hurlocks (1965), and Davies (1960). Hall (1963) accounted
weight loss as 8% in jowar as against 28% kernel damage while 4% in maize
against 16.7% kernel damage. Apparent direct loss in weight due to insect
attack is usually hidden because broken grain, dust, and leaving dead insects
may have been included in weight sold. If the grain is screened as aspirated
106 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

to render it comparable with its original condition the losses would be

revealed. Maize stored in central Africa for 18 months showed an apparent
loss in weight of 3% which increased to 17.6% when dust and insects were
removed (Hurlock, 1967; Rao & Wilbur, 1972).


The deterioration in quality of food grain due to insect damage is very impor-
tant from availability of nutritional constituents as well as human health,
while for seed man it is germinability of a kernel. But both need a grain kernel
which is alive as it is easy to keep alive grain for long compared to dead
grain. Dead grain is to be turned to flour and consumed soon. Food grains
also undergo metabolic activities as other living things and are governed
by the presence of moisture, temperature, insects, and fungi. Increase in fat
acidity and change in non-reducing sugars are two main deteriorating indices
(Anderson & Alcock, 1954). According to a report of National Nutrition
Advisory Committee 1969 in rural areas the food grains are stored in under-
ground structures and above ground structures which are far from ideal, they
are invariably infested by insects and micro organisms causing caloric losses
and production of toxic and foul materials. This not only results in heavy
quantitative and qualitative losses but also presents some form of health
hazards. Fat acidity during storage was considered to be deteriorating the
quality (Fenton & Swanson, 1930; Pomeranz et al., 1956) while finding of
Greer et al. (1954) indicated that the free fat acidity increased up to 70% as
compared to 5 to 10% in freshly milled flour, yet flour retained good packing
quality even long after hydrolysis of fats.
Generally grain and seeds carry spores of storage fungi and a developing
insect infestation will provide both the temperature and moisture to accel-
erate growth of storage fungi. Wheat stored at 14.6–14.8% moisture resulted
in the increase of moisture to 17.6–23.0% due to damage caused by S. oryzae
(Agrawal et al., 1957). Similar increase in moisture content accompanied by
rapid increase in storage fungi of grain infested with weevils was reported
by Christensen and Hodson (1960). On the other hand grain infesting mites
Acarus siro and Tyrophagus castellanii were found in some abundance
in samples of commercially stored wheat, the moisture contents of which
ranged from 13.5 to 15.0%, at this range of moisture so many fungi are
predominated (Griffiths et al., 1959).
The grain and seeds harvested in the field pass through many steps
before reaching to final consumer. These can be headed under post harvest
Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products 107

operations and broadly clubbed for threshing, processing, transportation,

and storage. It is well known that losses and damage to grain take place
in all these steps. The losses can be accessed from the point of view of the
individual and the society, sum of losses encountered by the individual need
not equal the loss to the society as a whole. Further the quantum of loss can
vary widely according to their usages, the grain can be accepted or rejected
as food or feed. While grains which are slightly damaged will be generally
considered totally lost as food to the people who are well off materially.
Such types of grain used for livestock.
The movement of food grain from the grower to his home storage or to
market involves various modes of transport in this process losses of weight
are generally observed. Garg and Agrawal (1966) reported that harvesting
losses were 1–2% and during processing 10%. The qualitative damage caused
by insects is quantified on the basis that each affected grain kernel has on an
average lost half of its value in terms of food quality. However, it is extremely
difficult to assess qualitative losses of food grains amounting from physical,
chemical, biological, and engineering factors which can be subdivided into
losses due to unfavorable temperatures, lack of moisture, or of oxygen content
and damage due to rodents, insects, mites, micro organisms, handling equip-
ments, and storage structures. Qualitative changes in food grains frequently
remain invisible. It is not possible to assess the extent of losses emanating
from changes in the chemical composition of stored food.


It is well known fact that deterioration in grain and its milled products in
storage is accompanied by an increase in acidity. Hydrogen ion concentra-
tion tends to increase with age but because of the buffer action of proteins
and other constituents of grain marked changes in hydrogen ion concen-
tration ordinarily do not occur until deterioration is fairly well advanced.
Titratable acidity tends to increase significantly even in very early stage of
deterioration. The titratable acidity of grain and its milled products may be
determined by following methods.  BESLEY AND BASTON METHOD

The corn meal obtained is digested with 80% alcohol, filtered and diluted the
aliquot of filtrate with water and titrated the acid with standard alkali using
108 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

phenolphthalein as indicator. The results so obtained are expressed as the

number of milliliters of normal potassium hydroxide required to neutralize
the 1000 g of corn.  GREEK OR BALL METHOD

Acidity of flour is determined by extracting the flour with 85% alcohol.

Extract is filtered and filtrate is titrated with alcoholic potash using curcuma
as an indicator. Results are expressed as percent sulfuric acid.  SCHULERUD METHOD

In this method flour is digested with 75% alcohol and filtrate is titrated with
standard alkali using phenolphthalein. Results are expressed as milliliters of
normal alkali required to neutralize the acid with 100 g of flour.  DETERMINATION OF FREE FATTY ACIDS

Fat and free fatty acids are extracted with suitable solvent and determined
the free fatty acid content either of definite weight of extracted material or of
material extracted from definite weight of original grain or flour.
The fat acidity, phosphate acidity, and titratable acidity increased with
the deterioration of wheat in store and that the viability of wheat has direct


The disappearance of non-reducing sugar on corn stored at high moisture

content, non-reducing invertase reducing sugars due to which several molds
develop rapidly at 75% relative humidity (Christensen & Hodson, 1960).
There appears to be good evidence that the activity of enzymes that split
non-reducing sugars is less variable than the activity of fat splitting enzymes
among different kinds of molds. The non-reducing sugar content of corn and
other grains may therefore be a better index of the degree of moldiness and
perhaps of overall deterioration than the fat acidity of grain. Christensen and
Hodson (1960) reported non-reducing sugar of corn dropped from initial
Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products 109

values as high as 174 mg of sugar per 10 g to as zero for badly deteriorated


The following methods are generally used to determine moisture content of

grain or seed.

1. Oven method
2. Air oven method
3. Vacuum oven method
4. Drying with desiccants
5. Toluene distillation method
6. Brown Quvel distillation method
7. Direct heating method
8. Calcium carbide method
9. Dichromate method
10. Method for relative humidity measurement
11. Universal digital moisture meter method

Among all the methods for determination of moisture the oven method
has been well adopted but recently universal digital moisture meter is being
used all over the world.
In oven method the removal of all types of moisture from biological
mass takes place even when finely ground seems to be due to the fact that
water is present in various forms. If the inorganic object such as wet sand is
heated at 100 ˚ C or higher at atmospheric pressure the water loss is quick
and uniform until the object is completely dried. The drying of ground
grain, however, requires a much longer time to remove moisture. The rate
of moisture loss decreases with the presence of drying. The air oven method
is a standard method of Association of Official Analytical Chemists and this
method provides for heating a weight mass of finely ground grain for two
hours at 135 ˚C.
Vacuum oven method for moisture content analysis of grain is based on
drying the ground grain at temperature of 98–100 ˚C in an oven chamber at
25 mm moisture pressure. The heating is progressed up to about five hours
until appreciable further loss of weight does not take place, then final mois-
ture content works out by following formula.
110 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies ONE-STAGE

For samples containing less than 16% moisture, except soybean and rough
rice the moisture content of which is less than 10 and 13%, respectively,
flour and semolina.

1. Take two properly cleaned moisture dishes, dry for 1 h at 130 ºC,
cool in desiccator and obtain tare weight.
2. Grind 30–40 g sample in mill leaving minimum possible amount in
the mill. Mix rapidly with spoon or spatula and transfer immediately
a 2–3 g portion to each of two tared moisture dishes.
3. Cover and weigh dishes immediately and after subtracting tare
weight record weight of the sample.
4. Uncover dishes and place them with cover beneath on shelf of oven.
5. Heat exactly for 60 min at 130 ºC counting the time after oven
recovers its temperature.
6. After one hour heating, remove shelf and dishes from oven, cover
rapidly, and transfer to desiccator as quickly as possible.
7. Weigh dishes after they reach to room temperature.
8. Determine loss of weight as moisture.
9. Calculate the moisture content of grain putting the values in following
Percent moisture = × 100
A = Moisture loss in g

B = Original weight of sample TWO-STAGE

For samples containing 16% or more moisture (10 and 13% for soybean
and rough rice), two-stage procedure should be followed as loss of moisture
during grinding is likely to be excessive.

1. Fill two tared moisture dishes nearly full with representative portion
of unground sample. Cover and weigh dishes. Subtract tare weights
and record weight of sample.
2. Uncover dishes and place them with cover beneath in warm, well-
ventilated place, preferably on top of heated oven protected from
Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products 111

dust, for 14–16 h so that the sample will dry reasonably fast. In all
cases except soybean and rough rice the moisture content must be
reduced to 16% or less (10 and 13% for soybean and rough rice).
3. Cover dishes containing air-dried samples and weigh them soon
after they cool to room temperature. Determine the loss in weight
and record it as moisture loss due to air drying.
4. Using air-dried sample, follow one-stage procedure described above,
starting with the grinding step.
5. Calculate total moisture loss by using following equation :

 EB 
 + C  × 100
D 
Percent moisture =
A = Weight of original sample used for air-drying
B = Weight of sample after drying
C = Moisture loss due to air drying
D = Weight of sub-portion of air-dried sample used in 130 ºC oven
E = Moisture loss due to oven-drying

The brown Duvel Distillation method was developed in 1907 and

utilized in North America. In this method six flasks are heated with sample
containing 100  g and 150  ml non-volatile oil. The flasks are heated to a
temperature of 180 ˚C for wheat and cooled at 160 ˚C. The moisture thus
released is collected in graduated cylinders and reading is taken which is
later converted into moisture percent.
Direct heating is the method observed by the use of special heating
equipment which shortens the time needed as compared to standard air oven
method. The grain mass is heated to a temperature considerably higher than
those employed in usual oven method so far more than 100 ˚C. it is accom-
plished by ordinary electric heating coils, may be by high frequency high
voltage field or radiation from infra red radiators. The time of heating and
temperature required are to be predetermined and tested while using this
Calcium carbide is used for determination of moisture which reacts
completely with water to form Ca (OH)2 and acetylene. This method was
first described by Park 1941 to utilize in determination of moisture content
of plant materials. The moisture content of mass is calculated from weight
112 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

loss due to release of gas. A typical weighing balance is used to find out the
moisture content in terms of percentage, but these methods do not provide
accurate data. The moisture content of grain be kept appropriately low
enough so that relative humidity is considerably below 75% and possibly
below 65%.
The determination of moisture contents in grains helps to have an
advance information on the durability of stored product, high moisture
levels are bound to bring about certain biochemical and nutritive changes in
grain during storage. The biochemical changes in grain take place and carbo-
hydrate at 14% moisture is acted upon by the amylase to turn up to dextrins
and maltose obviously, starch of grain is acted upon amylase. The moisture
increase in grain is responsible for the quantity of soluble carbohydrates in
wheat, this is stored at a particular moisture level and temperatures produced
germ damaged kernel. Wheat stored for eight days at moist levels from 9
to 25% and temperatures from 29 to 50 ˚C produced characteristic increase
of reducing sugars at expense of non-reducing sugar (Linko et al., 1960).
The grain has proteolytic enzyme and organisms associated with grain too
have this enzyme. This enzyme hydrolyzes the proteins into polypeptides
and ultimately to amino acids, though the reaction becomes slow and may
take place only when grain reaches to advance stage of deterioration. The
kjeldahl protein has been demonstrated to be higher in insect infested and
moldy grain (Khare et al., 1972; Daftary et al., 1970).


The fat and oil are changed either by hydrolysis which may result in free
fatty acids, if only flour is kept in storage for short duration, it will give some
soury odor even at minimum moisture content. Grain fats are affected by
lipases which turn to free fatty acids or glycerol with the length of storage.
Fat hydrolysis is faster as compared to carbohydrates and proteins. Khare
(1972) reported that free fatty acid increased in jute bags in which insect
infestation was more while in stores it was less.


The most of cereal grain contains thiamin, niacin, pyridoxin, inositol, biotin
vitamin E, panthothenic acid, and para amino benzoic acid. The reduction in
thiamin content in storage is quite rapid, even place at 12% moisture level.
Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products 113

Further at time, reduction may take place at later stage of storage. If rice is
stored for four years, by first two years there will be no change in thiamin
while in rest period sharp reduction is observed (Fraps & Kemmerer, 1937).


At the time of storage value of free fat acidity is generally 40.33 mg of

KOH/100 g, but this increases as storage duration is increased. The free fat
acidity values varied from 45.22 to 56.66, 59.88 to 72.88, 62.88 to 98.33,
and 68.77 to 110.44 mg of KOH/ 100 g of grains in 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of
storage, respectively (Khare, 1972).


In initial stage of flour contain non-reducing sugar is 82.66 sucrose in

mg/10 g of flour, but value of non-reducing sugar changes as per duration of
storage varies from 77.11 to 89.11, 69.88 to 86.55, 65.56 to 87.55, and 59.22
to 83.77 sucrose in mg/10 g of flour in 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of storage,
respectively (Khare,1972).


Generally in seeds more than 90% germination is well accepted but it can
be reduced due to infestation of insects and other biotic factors, the duration
of storage and condition of store house are directly responsible for losses in
germination percentage (Ramasivan et al., 1968; Khare, 1973; Grish et al.,


The quantitative losses of stored product can be easily observed at farmers’

levels, by calculating the percent infestation and percent weight loss with the
help of following procedures (Adams, 1976).

1. Collect the sample in polyethylene bag.

2. Clean the sample with the help of sieve.
114 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

3. Remove the mechanically damaged grain or broken grain from the

4. Spread the sample on white paper and separate the healthy and bored
or eaten grain.
5. Cut the healthy grain transversely to find out the insect developing
inside it.
6. With the help of forceps take out the insect developing inside grain.
7. With the help of hair brush clean the excreta accumulated in the
feeding gallery.
8. Count the healthy and infested grain separately.
9. Take the weight of healthy and infested grain.

Per cent infestation = × 100
Nu + Nd

Nd = Number of damaged grain

Nu = Number of undamaged grain

Per cent weight loss =

( Wu × Nd ) − ( Wd × Nu ) × 100
Wu ( Nd + Nu )
where Wu = Weight of undamaged (healthy) grain
Wd = Weight of damaged grain
Nu  = Number of undamaged (healthy) grain
Nd = Number of damaged (healthy) grain


•• nutritional loss
•• quantitative loss
•• estimation
•• stored grain
•• non-reducing sugar
Estimation of Losses Due to Insects in Stored Products 115


Adams, J. M. A Guide to the Objective and Reliable Estimation of Food Losses in Small
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Daftary, R. D.; Pomeranz, Y.; Sawer, D. B. Changes in Wheat Flour Damaged by Mold during
Storage. Agric. Food Chem. 1970, 18, 613–616.
Davies, J. C. Experiments on the Crip Storage of Maize in Uganda. East Afr. Agric. J. 1960,
26, 71–77.
Fenton, E. G.; Swanson, C. O. Qualities of Combined Wheat as Affected by Types of Bin,
Moisture, and Temperature Conditions. Cereal Chem. 1930, 7, 428–448.
Fraps, G. S.; Kemmerer, A. R. Losses on Vitamin A and Carotene from Feeds during Storage;
Bulletin No. 557: Taxas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1937.
Freeman, J. A. F A O Agric. Stud. 1968, 2, 15–34.
Garg, O. P.; Agrawal, N. S. Quantitative and Qualitative Losses in the Production of Rice.
Bull. Grain. Tech. 1966, 4, 24–27.
Greer, E. N.; Jones, C. R.; Moran, T. The Quality of Flour Stored for Periods up to 27 Years.
Cereal Chem. 1954, 31, 439–450.
Griffiths, D. A.; Hodson, A. C.; Christensen, C. M. Grain Storage Fungi Associated with
Mites. J. Econ. Entomol. 1959, 52, 514–518.
Grish, G. K.; Birewar, B. R.; Goyal, R. K.; Tomar, R. P. S.; Krishnamurthy, K. Evaluation
of Some Modern Rural Storage Bins for Storage of Wheat; Indian Grain Storage Institute:
Hapur, India, 1974; pp 201–212.
Haeussler, G. J. Losses Caused By Insects. Insects the Year Book of Agriculture; U. S. Depart-
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Harries, D. V. Report Deptt. Agric. Uganda. 1950, 48, 1–5.
Howe, R. W. Miscellaneous Experiments with Grain Weevils. Entomol. Non. Mag. 1952, 88,
Hurlock, E. T. Some Observations on the Amount of Damage Caused by Oryzaephilus suran-
mensis on Wheat. J. Stod. Prod. Res. 1967, 3, 75–78.
Hurlocks, E. T. Some Observations on the Loss in Weight Caused by Sitophilus oryzae to
Wheat under Constant Experimental Conditions. J. Stod. Prod. Res. 1965, 1, 193–195.
116 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Khare, B. P.; Choudhary, R. N.; Singh, K. N.; Senger, C. S. Loss in Protein Due to Insect
Feeding on Maize. Indian J. Ent. 1973, 36 (4), 312–315.
Khare, B. P.; Sengar, C. S.; Singh, K. N.; Agrawal, R. K.; Singh, H. N. Losses in Grain Due
to Insect Feeding Wheat. Indian J. Agric. Res. 1972, 6 (2), 125–133.
Khare, B. P. In Technology of Pest Control and Pollution Problem in Storage Post Harvest
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Kumar, R.; Tiwari, S. N. Fumigant Toxicity of Some Essential Oils Against Insect Pests of
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District Punjab; Staff Document, Ford Foundation: New Delhi, India, 1970; p 39.




Abstract..................................................................................................... 118
7.1 Source and Kind of Infestation........................................................ 118
7.2 Kinds of Infestation.........................................................................123
7.3 Management of Sources and Kind of Infestation............................123
118 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The food of insect is same as that of humans and other animals; insects
came into being earlier than man. Hence, insects started feeding first on
grains. The natural habitats of insects feeding grain must have been field.
Stored product insects congregate in small or large numbers and maintain
grain temperature high enough for winter survival while other survives in
cracks and crevices and dusts or nearby farm buildings. The occurrence and
spread of several insects are directly related to environmental conditions,
but the methods of storage and the risks of cross infestation from imported
commodities are responsible for infestation. Thus, infestation of stored grain
and grain products may be supplemented in many ways. Most infestations
of stored-grain insects originate from immigration of the insects into the
bin from outside. All species of stored-grain insects have numerous food
sources on which they survive when stored products are not available. Other
common sources of stored-grain insects are old grain, grain spills, feeds,
seed, and grain debris. Insects often move to new grain from carryover grain,
from grain not cleaned from “empty” bins, from existing storage buildings,
and from grain debris beneath perforated bin floors. Some stored-grain
insects infest maturing grain in the field.


The insect population is, maintained under adverse conditions until condi-
tions are favorable for spread. Some insects congregate in small or large
numbers and maintain grain temperature high enough for winter survival
while other survive in cracks and crevices and dusts or nearby farm build-
ings. The occurrence and spread of several insects are directly related to
environmental conditions, but the methods of storage and the risks of cross
infestation from imported commodities are responsible for infestation.
Thus infestation of stored grain and grain products may be supplemented
in many ways. Most infestations of stored-grain insects originate from immi-
gration of the insects into the bin from outside. All species of stored-grain
insects have numerous food sources on which they survive when stored
products are not available. Other common sources of stored-grain insects
are old grain, grain spills, feeds, seed, and grain debris. Insects often move to
new grain from carryover grain, from grain not cleaned from “empty” bins,
from existing storage buildings, and from grain debris beneath perforated
Sources and Kind of Infestation 119

bin floors. Some stored-grain insects infest maturing grain in the field. The
sources of infestation are:

A. Field infestation
B. Infestation from already used storage bags
C. Infestation from machineries
D. Infestation from migration
E. Infestation through transportation
F. Infestation from threshing yards
G. Infestation through storage building
H. Infestation through birds’ nests and rodent burrows


The food of insect is same as that of humans and other animals; insects came
into being earlier than man. Hence, insects started feeding first on grains.
The natural habitats of insects feeding grain must have been field. The field
infestation of storage pests like rice weevil, lesser grain borer, angoumois
grain moth, pulse beetle, and potato tuber moth have been reported and all
are found to be primary pests with good mobility of adults. Field infestation
of secondary pests like red flour beetle, cigarette beetle, drug store beetle,
saw toothed beetle, and flat grain beetle are not noticed as they are poor
fliers. The field infestation of grain depends upon various factors, like the
nearby area having godowns, people working in farm area dwell nearby
godowns with grain and grain products, and climatic conditions favorable
for spread and infestation of ripening grain.
The adults of Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus granary, and Sitophilus
zeamais infest the grains either in the field or in the store before harvest
(CABI, 2010). Extent and intensity of field infestation of maize by grain
weevil in the field depend upon the husk covering (Girma et al., 2008). Maize
genotypes with good husk characteristics like extended tip, tight husk, and
flint grains resulted in low number of weevils and damaged ears. Field infes-
tation of corn by rice weevil and angoumois grain moth was reported by
Cotton and Winburn (1941) at Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri of
USA during as early as 1938–1939.
The adults of Rhyzopertha dominica are infesting the grain in field by
eggs laying on the cereal grains. Both grub and adult bore through the grain
usually causing characteristic round tunnels. In later stages of infestation,
these beetles may also hollow out the grains. Pupation usually takes place
120 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

within the eaten grain. The lesser grain borer is primarily a pest of cereal
grains, other seeds, cereal products, and dried cassava.
Callosobruchus spp. are the most common and widespread insect pests
of pulse. They infest both pods in the field and seeds in the storage. They
attack nearly mature and dried pods. Infested stored seeds can be recognized
by the round exit holes and the white cemented eggs on the seed surface
(Minja et al., 1999; Olubayo & Port, 1997).
Prostephanus truncatus is a serious pest of stored maize and dried
cassava roots, and will attack maize on the cob, both before and after harvest
(Saxena, 1995).
Phthorimaea operculella is the most serious pest of potatoes and it
also attacks tobacco, eggplants, and tomatoes. Caterpillars of the potato
tuber moth are feed as leaf miners, causing silver blotches on leaves, and
bore into the petiole or a young shoot or main leaf vein, and later into the
tuber. This causes wilting of plants. When eggs are laid on tubers, cater-
pillars begin feeding on the tubers immediately upon hatching making
long irregular black tunnels, which are filled with excreta (feces), where
disease-causing microorganisms grow. Major damage is caused by cater-
pillars burrowing in the tubers. Infestations start in the field. The pest
is transferred with the harvested tubers to the potato store, where it can
reproduce and infest other tubers. This may lead to total destruction of the
stored produced.
Sitotroga cerealella may also infest the crop in the field before harvesting,
and damage can reach serious levels, before the grains are stored. Female
moths lay ovoid and pinkish eggs at night in clumps on the outside of cereal
grains, in cracks, grooves, or holes made by other insects. Eggs are initially
white turning red near hatching. The eggs which are white when first laid,
soon change to a reddish color and are laid on wheat heads, exposed tips of
corn ears in the field, or in stored grain. The larvae are caterpillars of dirty
white color and about 8 mm long when fully grown. Caterpillars penetrate
into and feed inside whole grains. They prepare a round exit hole for the
month, leaving the outer seed wall only partially cut as a flap over the hole,
resembling a trap door. The adult pushes its way out through this “window”
leaving the trap door hinged to the grain. Infested grains can be recognized
by the presence of these small windows. They are pests of whole cereal
grains like paddy, sorghum, maize, and wheat (Ragumoorthy & Gunathil-
agaraj, 1988).
Sources and Kind of Infestation 121


The most of stored grain insects survive in storage bags and having poten-
tial to re infest the stored commodities in the same bags. In many cases, the
empty bags are thrown into a pile to await the accumulation of enough stores
next time. The infested bags have potential to cause infestation (Cotton et
al., 1960). Most of the flour mills, farmers and bakery industries refilling the
commodities in used bags.


The farm machineries also serve as source of infestation of stored grain

insects. The survival stage of insects may remain inside the post-harvest
machineries. The infestation of Mediterranean flour moth is known to have
carried from one mill to another mill through machineries.


The movement of adult insects from their population territory to other places.
Cotton et al. (1960) reported that in the warmer periods of summer, insects
were in flight during daytime. The flight migration mainly by Indian meal
moth, angoumois grain moth, rice weevil, and red flour beetles are generally
seen under field condition. Rice weevils were found migrating from store to
field through seeds.


The production of grain and seed is aimed to distribute to places required

to feed people and grow the crop where production is insufficient for the
population. This made the geographical distribution of food grain in a nation
having wide climatic variations. The effectiveness of transportation and
distribution of food grain plays an important role in the national economy.
The transportation and distribution systems are different in different coun-
tries; developing countries have their traditional system combined with
some modern technologies. The bullock carts, camel carts and horse, or
other animal driven carts are used to transport grain from threshing yards to
store, and then moved to markets. The absence of such facilities delays the
122 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

transportation and insects already present in cartload get an opportunity to

multiply and take the process of movement to other places. Similarly, trucks
and rail wagons unattended also carry infestation from one place to another.
Pruthi and Singh (1950) reported that railway wagons, lorries, or trucks,
which are used to carry grain, constitute an important source of grain infesta-
tion. The most spectacular introduction among these was the khapra beetle
Trogoderma granarium into most of the countries (Howe, 1962). Freeman
(1974) reported the occurrence of stored grain insects in cargoes and plant or
animal products imported from different countries. Storage mites and insects
from the structures of the ship move with grain products, oilseed, and pulses
(Hurlock, 1963).


Threshing yards play a vital role in post-harvest operations and are the major
source of infestation to grain and seeds. The insects reach the threshing yards
either from empty godowns of the nearby area or from insect inoculums
already present on the threshing yards (Khare & Agrawal, 1964).


The insect lives in cracks and crevices along with residual material lying
loosely in existing storage building. At times, the insects may penetrate into
the structure of building where hidden from sight and inaccessible during
normal cleaning. This residues, thus act as a breeding site for insects. Coombs
and Freeman (1955) and Khare (1963) reported that insects were found in
cracks and crevices, webbing, dusts, and gunny bags used for storage of grain.



Stored grain insect may colonies in the nests of several birds and rodent
burrows, which may be built on or storage structures (Howe, 1962; Khare &
Agrawal, 1964). Rodent burrows had on an average 2.50 kg grain on which
several stored grain insects may survive during adverse period. The impor-
tance of bird nests as sources of infestation of carpet beetles. Stored product
insects from bird nests also observed by the Woodroffe and Southgate (1951).
Sources and Kind of Infestation 123


There are following kinds of infestation of stored grain insects are:


Infestation of stored grain insect on mature crop, which comes to the storage
through post-harvest operations.


In bulk storage, spreading of infestation from top to bottom and vice versa
through gradual migration.


Infestation by stored grain pests which are already present in the storage


The infestation of polyphagous insects from one source to another source.


In order to minimize the infestation of stored grain insects the following

measures should be taken.


After the store has been cleaned completely and all residues of grain
and dusts have been removed, it is good practice to dust the whole store
with diatomite earth, lime, or ashes as a further prevention of problems.
Where larger grain borer has attacked the wood in the construction, the
wood should be treated with any of the approved wood preservatives or
124 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

thoroughly sprayed with kerosene, oil mixture to get rid of any surviving
grain borers.


Always keep the store and its surroundings clean. Before newly harvested
crops are stored, the store should be carefully prepared well ahead of time.
Old stored products should be removed and the room completely cleaned
up. The whole building should be well aired and if possible fumigated or
disinfected. The walls roof and floor should be both watertight and rat proof,
and small holes and cracks, which are potential breeding places for storage
insects, should be sealed.


Site of stores always away from any potential source of infestation. The
grain and tuber moths are good flyers and adults from infested stores often
infest growing crops in the field. Separations of stores from fields may help
to reduce attack. Prevent pest entry by sealing the store with insect-proof
gauze (Golob & Muwalo, 1984).


Removal of infested grains or seeds and pests can also be done by hand,
sieving, winnowing, or moving the grain. When using methods that merely
separate the pests from the stored product ensure that the pests removed
from the produce are killed to avoid reinfestation.


There is a widespread perception that modern, high-yielding varieties

of maize may be more susceptible to storage pests. These varieties often
have open cob husks, allowing insects to easily attack maize in the field,
whereas some of the traditional varieties have closed husks, thus effectively
protecting the crop from insect attack. The same varieties have been observed
with some sorghum varieties. Therefore, the increased yield offered by some
varieties should be weighed against the susceptibility to storage pests, the
Sources and Kind of Infestation 125

expected period of storage, and the price to be expected for grain of a partic-
ular damage level. Efforts are going on to develop high-yielding varieties
with resistance to storage pests.


Care should be taken when cultivating new high yielding and early ripening
varieties, since the harvest may fall in the wetter parts of the year, and this
may create problems of storage. Some storage infest beans and grains in
the field only when the crop is almost dry. Therefore, timely harvest can
ensure that these pests are not carried into the store along with the beans or
grain. Thus, timely harvesting significantly reduced infestation by the bean
bruchid and cowpea bruchids (Olubayo & Port, 1997). As a rule, do not
leave crops in the field when they are ready for harvest, this increases the
chances of infestation by some storage pests.


The regular inspection of store is always preventing the infestation of store

grain insects. Brush stacks of bags with a stick or broom to disturb the resting
moths. Lift bags in order to detect moth cocoons along the line where bags
touch each other. Insects can also be sieved out using a box sieve with a
mesh of 1–2 mm. Identify the insect found in order to perform the correct
treatment. These measures should prevent the breeding of carry-over insects
from former crops.


•• infestation
•• stored grain
•• pest
•• threshing yards
•• post harvest
•• source and kind
126 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


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Coombs, C. W.; Freeman, J. A. The Insect Fauna of Empty Granary. Bull. Ento. Res. 1955,
46 (2), 397–417.
Cotton, R. K.; Winburn, T. F. Field Infestation of Wheat by Insects Attacking it on Farm
Storage. J. Kans. Ent. Soc. 1941, 14 (1), 12–16.
Cotton, R. T.; Walken, H. H.; White, G. D.; Wilbur, D. A. Causes of Outbreak of Stored Grain
Insects; Bulletin No. 416; Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University and U.
S Department of Agriculture Cooperating: Manhattan, USA, 1960; pp 1–34.
Freeman, J. A. Infestation of Stored Food in Temperate Countries with Special Reference to
Great Britain. Outlook Agr. 1974, 8 (1), 34–41.
Girma, D.; Tadele, T.; Abraham, T. Importance of Husk Covering on Field Infestation of
Maize by Sitophilus zeamais Motsch (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) at Bako, West Ethiopia.
Afr. J. Biotechnol. 2008, 7 (20), 3777–3782.
Golob, P.; Muwalo, E. Pirimiphos-Methyl as a Protectant of Stored Maize Cobs in Malawi.
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Howe, R. W. Notes on the Biology of Trogoderma versicolor C. Ento. Month Maga. 1962,
98, 181–184.
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between 1953–1959. Can. Ent. 1963, 95 (12), 1263–1284.
Khare, B. P.; Agrawal, N. S. Rodent and Ant Burrows as a Source of Insect Inoculums in the
Threshing Floors. Indian J. Ent. 1964, 26, 97–102.
Khare, B. P. Insect Fauna of Jobner Godowns and Seasonal Variation in Occurrence. Bull.
Grain Tech. 1963, 1 (4), 83–91.
Minja, E. M.; Shanower, T. G.; Songa, J. M.; Ongaro, J. M.; Kawonga, W. T.; Mviha, P.;
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Pest Management Practices on Pigeon Pea in Farmers' Fields in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania
and Uganda. Afr. Crop Sci. J. 1999, 7 (1), 59–69.
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Methods of Reducing the Field Infestation of Cowpeas by Storage Bruchids in Kenya. J.
Stored Prod. Res. 1997, 33 (4), 271–276.
Pruthi, H. S.; Singh, M. Pests of Stored Grain and their Control. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 1950,
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Ragumoorthy, K. N.; Gunathilagaraj, K. Field Incidence of and Host Resistance to Angoumois
Grain Moth (AGM). Int. Rice Res. Newslett. 1988, 13 (4), 12.
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Woodroffe, G. E.; Southgate, B. J. Bird Nests as Pests a Source of Domestic. Proc. Zool. Soc.
London. 1951, 121(1), 55–62.




8.1 Introduction......................................................................................128
8.2 Effect of Abiotic Factors..................................................................129
8.3 Effects of Biotic Factors..................................................................132
8.4 Toxic Substances..............................................................................136
128 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The infestation of stored grain insects depends upon both biotic and abiotic
factors, but abiotic factors are directly related to storage stability. The
optimum temperature and moisture content required for growth and devel-
opment of stored grain insects. The moisture content considerably affects
pest status, but it is not a factor which can be cost-effectively manipulated,
in most cases, to achieve sufficient control of insect pests. The development
of stored grain insect occurs within a fairly narrow range of 5–10 degrees
around the optimal temperature which, for most storage insects, is in the
region of 30 °C. At temperatures nearer to 20 °C, development and activity
of stored grain insects are slower and population growth may be consider-
ably reduced. Insect populations will certainly not be eliminated at these
temperatures and, while grain may often be held safely in cold storage, any
eventual transfer to warmer conditions will bring about a resurgence of the
suppressed infestation. There is new evidence that insects may adapt to low
oxygen tensions and evolve strains with considerable resistance to sub-
optimal levels even down to about 1%. However, it seems very improbable
that any storage insect would multiply rapidly in such conditions.


The infestation of stored grain insects depends upon both biotic and abiotic
factors, but abiotic factors are directly related to storage stability. The
optimum temperature and moisture content required for growth and devel-
opment of stored grain insects. The moisture content considerably affects
pest status, but it is not a factor which can be cost-effectively manipulated,
in most cases, to achieve sufficient control of insect pests. Cost-effective
drying is greatly reducing the spectrum of pest species. However, it is not
responsible to prevent significant damage by one or more of the major insect
Insect development and population growth rates are directly affected by
temperature, moisture, and relative humidity. Upper limits for development
and survival vary from insect to insect; the grain borers are more resistant
than the grain weevils, but temperatures above 45 °C are eventually fatal to
all storage insects. At 50 °C, most species will die quite quickly, within a
matter of hours, and complete disinfestation of wheat grain can be achieved
rapidly, economically, and without damage to the grain by very short expo-
sures to air heated to 60 °C (Evans, 1948).
Factors Affecting Infestation of Storage Insects 129

The development of stored grain insect occurs within a fairly narrow

range of 5–10 degrees around the optimal temperature which, for most
storage insects, is in the region of 30 °C. At temperatures nearer to 20 °C,
development and activity of stored grain insects are slower and population
growth may be considerably reduced. Insect populations will certainly not
be eliminated at these temperatures and, while grain may often be held safely
in cold storage, any eventual transfer to warmer conditions will bring about
a resurgence of the suppressed infestation. Even in cold storage (at 6–9 °C),
at least some of the important insect pests of stored grain can survive longer
than one year (Wohlgemuth et al., 1976). The traditional concept of airtight
storage as a means of controlling insect infestation depends upon condi-
tions of storage structures. Most storage insects will die when the oxygen in
the storage atmosphere is reduced, by the insects’ respiration, to 2% (Hyde,
1969). There is new evidence that insects may adapt to low oxygen tensions
and evolve strains with considerable resistance to sub-optimal levels even
down to about 1%. However, it seems very improbable that any storage
insect would multiply rapidly in such conditions. The durability of stored
commodities is mostly dependent on the following factors.



If stored grain contains some inert materials or broken grain, it would provide
favorable condition for insect infestation, particularly, development of hot
spot. The broken grain acts as harbor of greater number of mould spore and
storage fungi. This grain tends to saturate inter granular air with humidity
and availability of moisture content increases for insects and storage fungi
(Anonymous, 1957). Before storage, such types of inert materials and broken
grain must be avoided for storage durability (Balasubramani et al., 2003).
The turning of grains either from one bin to another or within bins, can
reduce infestation of grain weevil or check its further development (Joffe &
Nolte, 1957). Bruchid pests of stored pulses may be particularly susceptible
to control by physical turning. In the bean bruchid Acanthoscelides obtectus,
this may be because the hatched first instar larvae require approximately
24-h period to penetrate the bean testa. However, the practicability of these
proposed techniques, for routine use by farmers or traders in developing
countries is yet to be established .
130 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Temperature may affect the stored commodities, if the initial temperature

of freshly harvested grain in storage is equal to or considerably higher than
atmospheric air temperature, or if the temperature reduced rapidly, it may
encourage rapid deterioration of grain. When the difference in temperature
inside and outside bin due to very high temperature during day and low
temperature during night, or any other reason due to difference in tempera-
ture during day and night, it may lead to condensation and moisture migra-
tion. Solar radiation falling due to false location may cause the temperature
of the bin wall to rise considerably above atmospheric temperature. During
winter, center of the bin below upper surface of the grain remains warmer
than the remainder of the bin as convective air currents flow upward through
the center of the bin, whereas during summer, center of the bin near bottom
is coolest as air currents move upward along the warm walls and downward
through the center of the bin.
The saturation of moisture content of air depends on the temperature,
for example, if the temperature is low in atmosphere, then more moisture
content in grains may be absorbed. Increase in temperature leads to increase
in respiration rate resulting in quality deterioration of grains and seeds as
well as germination of seeds.
Temperature during storage may be managed by storage at low moisture
content or selection of suitable method of storage.

• Grain drying
• By selecting proper bin size
• Insulation
• Underground bin
• Selecting proper material for wall and roofing
• Shading
• Grain transfer
• Ventilation
• Cold storage


Increase in moisture reduces bulk density due to which wet grain occu-
pies more storage space. Moisture decides storability as deterioration is
fast at high moisture content—the quantity of water held by grain or seeds.
Factors Affecting Infestation of Storage Insects 131

Moisture content is expressed as mass of water per unit of wet grain (wet
weight basis) or mass of water per unit of dry grain (dry weight basis).
Water may be associated with grain as free water or bound water. The
moisture content held in intergranular space or water molecule observed on
surface of grain is called as absorbed water. The water molecules held by
molecular attraction is known as adsorbed water.
All produce has its own characteristic balance (or equilibrium) between
the moisture it contains and water vapor in the air with which it is in contact.
The moisture content of the air may vary, as well as that of the stored
commodities. The moisture absorbed by the air in the form of water vapor
is referred to as absolute humidity and expressed in g/m3 air. The air is,
however, not able to absorb an unlimited amount of moisture. There is a
maximum amount the atmosphere can absorb at any specific temperature.
If the atmosphere does actually contain this maximum amount, we speak
of saturation and the saturation moisture content of the air. If the absolute
humidity is only half the saturation moisture content, the relative humidity
is 50%; if it is only a quarter of it, the relative humidity is 250% (Cotton,
Relative humidity thus expresses the degree of saturation of the air with
vapor in it. This means that saturation is reached with different amounts of
water vapor at different temperatures. The absolute moisture content of the
air will change, for example, when it rains. There will be more moisture
available for the air to absorb, thus causing a rise in the relative humidity.
On sunny days, the absolute humidity will remain more or less constant.
What will then occur if the temperature fluctuates? If the air gets warmer, its
ability to absorb moisture increases, that is, the saturation moisture content
will be higher. If the amount of moisture in the air remains constant, the
degree of saturation will then drop. If the air gets cooler, its ability to absorb
moisture decreases, that is, the saturation moisture content will be lower. If
the amount of moisture in the air remains constant, the degree of saturation
will go up. This means that on days without rain, the relative humidity is at
its highest in the early morning, and at its lowest shortly after midday when
the temperatures are highest, increasing again toward the evening as the air
cools down.
The moisture content in given relative humidity may have two meanings,
depending on whether the material is adsorbing or desorbing the moisture.
For materials such as cereal grain and their products, the moisture content
in equilibrium with a given relative humidity is higher when the product
is desorbing than when it is adsorbing the moisture. This phenomenon is
known as hysteresis. It may make a difference of as much as 1.5–2.0% in the
132 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

moisture content represented by a particular meaning of equilibrium relative

Moisture will move in a grain bulk of uniform moisture content if temper-
ature gradient exists in the bulk. Thus, a relative humidity gradient exists
parallel to temperature gradient in a grain bulk of uniform moisture content.
Due to increasing temperature and RH, partial pressure and concentration
of water vapor in air increases. Therefore, when a temperature gradient
exists in a grain bulk of uniform moisture content, pressure and concentra-
tion gradient of water vapor exist parallel to temperature gradient causing
water vapor to diffuse from a high-temperature region to a low-temperature
region. This process is known as moisture migration.
Water vapor is also transferred within the bin by convective air currents,
which develop in the grain bulk due to temperature differences throughout
the bin. When air, which is in equilibrium with warm grain passes into
cooler grain, the air gives up both moisture and heat to cooler grain to
come in equilibrium with it. During winter, convective air currents pick up
moisture from warm grain at the center of the bin and deposit it in cooler
grain near the bin surface. During summer, moisture migrates from surface
down into the grain bin. Moisture migration appears to be dependent on
initial moisture content. Moisture migration is slower in small bin than the
larger bins because at most times of the year, difference in temperature
between walls and the center of the bin will be less in small bins because
heat has a shorter flow path from center to the wall in small bin than large
In a mixture of dry and wet kernel, where convective air currents through
the grain were not present, moisture exchange is mainly by vapor diffusion
across the intergranular air space. The rate of moisture migration through
grain is limited by rate of transfer of moisture through inter granular air
because this transfer occurs more slowly than the exchange of moisture
between air and grain. In unaerated grain bins, moisture is transferred more
by convective air currents than by vapor diffusion.


Biotic factors determine the diversity and abundance of stored grain insects.
Biotic factors are numerous, diverse, and in some cases, highly complex.
Only a few of the better-known factors are discussed in this section.
Factors Affecting Infestation of Storage Insects 133


Stored grain insects have different types of damaging natures. The feeding
habit of a species determines its position in food chains that are mainly based
on the food resource of the stored commodity. These chains extend from
the major commodity-feeding pests up to hyperparasites or to pathogens of
predators. The interlinking of such chains forms complex food webs. The
main categories of feeding habits are noted below.
Those species that feed directly on the commodity comprise most of the
pest species, though some of the other feeding types sometimes achieve
pest status. Most commodity-feeders are beetles, but several are moths
whose larvae feed on the commodity. Not all these pests feed in the same
way or are able to attack the same type of food, and these feeding (and
related) differences in behavior affect a pest’s importance in a particular
situation. Many of these differences are at the generic or specific level. In
relation to grains or seeds, however, there is an arbitrary but useful distinc-
tion between two general categories of pests: the so-called primary pests
and secondary pests.
Primary pests are capable of successfully attacking and breeding in
previously undamaged solid grains, for example, whole cereals and pulse
grains. That is, they are capable of penetrating an undamaged seed coat (and
sometimes also a pod or sheath) in order to feed on the embryo, endosperm,
or cotyledons of the seed. Such pests are also sometimes capable of feeding
on other solid but non-granular commodities, for example, dried cassava,
but they are rarely successful on milled or ground commodities.
Secondary pests are not capable of successfully attacking previously
undamaged solid commodities. They can only attack and breed in commodi-
ties that have been previously damaged by some other agency: that is, by (a)
other pests (especially primary pests); (b) bad threshing, drying, handling,
etc.; or (c) intentional processing of the commodity.
Some pests do not fall easily into either category: particularly, those
pests that are just capable of attacking undamaged commodities but develop
much more rapidly if some previous damage is present. In such cases, it is
best to classify these species as secondary pests, partly because they do not
develop successfully on undamaged grains and also because they usually
exhibit other secondary pest characteristics, for example, a wide range of
food preference.
The inclusion of intentional processing in the definition of the damage
required by secondary pests is based on the fact that the pests that breed on
134 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

a processed product are usually the same as those that are secondary pests
on the original (unprocessed) product. However, the definition should not be
carried to illogical extremes. It is useful to distinguish between primary and
secondary pests of cereal grains, but it is inappropriate to refer to a species as
a “secondary pest of flour” because flour, by definition, cannot have primary
On whole undamaged grains, primary pests usually have to attack
the commodity first, before there can be any significant secondary pest
attack. Therefore, on any batch of stored whole grain, there is usually a
succession of pest attack. The first attack is by the primary pests, some of
which may start to damage the grain before harvest. Invasion of secondary
pests follows this, and primary and secondary attack then continues in the
absence of pest control, until the damage is so high that the primary pests
start to die out.
The word “primary” does not mean “more important”: it refers to the
order of succession in the infestation of whole grains. In different situations,
primary and secondary pests differ in their relative importance.


Predators kill and eat other animal species. There are two distinct divisions
of predators: those that are facultative, for example, Tenebroides mauri-
tanicus and Tribolium castaneum, which eat both the stored commodity and
other insects, and those that are obligate, which feed only on other insects
and mites. Obligate predators in stores can be sub-divided into: general
predators, for example, spiders, Carabidae and certain Staphylinidae, that
consume a wide range of prey both within and outside stores; and specific
predators that are adapted to the storage environment and prey on storage
insects and mites, for example, the mite Blattisocius tarsalis, which mainly
eats moth eggs, Thaneroclerus buqueti, which consumes anobiid larvae and
certain Histeridae, which live on the larvae of Lyctidae and Bostrichidae.
Obligate specific predators can cause significant reductions in the rate of
population growth of stored-product pests. Each female B. tarsalis can kill
up to four or five moth eggs a day, and the hemipteran Xylocoris flavipes,
in simulated warehouse conditions, has been found to cause a significant
reduction in numbers of T. castaneum and Oryzaephilus surinamensis. X.
flavipes will also eat other species of beetle and moth larvae, but its effi-
ciency as a predator depends largely on its ability to move through the food
medium. In dense media such as flour, it is ineffective, and in kibbled grains,
Factors Affecting Infestation of Storage Insects 135

it is only partially effective, whereas whole grain with large inter granular
spaces allows efficient predation.


Several species of stored grain insects are cannibalistic. The larvae of primary
pests are often cannibalistic when developing in overcrowded grains and the
adults and large larvae of some Tenebrionidae, especially T. castaneum, are
known to eat the small larvae and pupae of their own kind. Cannibalism can
sometimes have a significant effect on population growth.


A parasite lives in or on the body of another organism, its host. Only the
parasite gains an advantage from this relationship. Stored-product insects
are hosts to several different types of parasites, many of which eventually
cause the death of the host. The most widely known parasites are species of
parasitic wasp (order Hymenoptera). The adult female seeks out the devel-
oping stages of stored-product Coleoptera and Lepidoptera and lays its eggs
in or on the host.
Stored-product insects may also be parasitized by mites. The best-known
parasitic mite species are Pyemotes spp. and Acarophenax tribolii, which
belong to the order Prostigmata. They live on the surface of the insects,
attaching themselves to soft cuticle which they pierce; the body fluids are
then sucked from the insect. Although these parasites may exert consider-
able control on insect populations, a few can also burrow into human skin
and cause great irritation. Consequently, they would not be of practical use
in biological control. These mites can destroy experimental insect cultures.


Certain microorganisms such as the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and the

protozoans Triboliocystis, Mattesia, Nosema, Adelina, etc., are parasites (or,
more strictly, pathogens) of stored-product insects. They are most frequently
encountered in dense populations of insects and may cause high levels of
mortality. None of these organisms is known to infect humans; they offer
potential for use in biological control.
136 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The presence of toxins in the habitat may have serious consequences for
storage arthropods. The toxins may be unnatural, that is, those introduced
by humans, such as contact insecticides and fumigants, or they may occur
naturally. The latter include the quinones produced by adult tenebrionid
beetles; in dense populations, these chemicals reach such high concen-
trations that developmental abnormalities occur in the larvae and pupae.
Lectins and trypsin inhibitors that are found in pulses confer partial or total
protection against infestation by insect pests. Carbon dioxide can also act
as a toxin if it accumulates as a result of poor ventilation or intentional
hermetic storage.
Insecticides and fumigants may completely destroy pest populations or
simply upset the ecological balance. For instance, the use of insecticidal
fogging as a space treatment will kill the flying insects in a store and leave
those in the stack unharmed, while the use of fumigation under gas-tight
sheets will kill all the arthropods in and on the sacks but will leave those
on store structures free to return to the produce once the fumigation sheets
are removed. The survivors may then multiply rapidly, for a period, in the
absence of competition and natural enemies. The presence of strains of
insects resistant to an insecticide or fumigant may result in a predominance
of those strains after pest control treatment. However, the proliferation of the
resistant strains may be slower than expected as their reproductive potential
is often below average.


•• stored grain insects

•• insect infestation
•• storage stability
•• biotic and abiotic factors
•• insect development
Factors Affecting Infestation of Storage Insects 137


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Cereal Research Centre,

Canola Council of Canada, Growing Canola,
Anonymous. Cereal Laboratory Methods. American Association of Cereal Chemists: St.
Paul, Minnesota, 1957; pp 102.
Balasubramani, V.; Mohan, S.; Ragumoorthi, K. N. Storage Entomology - An Introduction.
Department of Agricultural Entomology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University: Coimbatore,
India, 2003; pp 100.
Cotton, R. T. Insect Pests of Stored Grain and Grain Products, Revised Edition. Biotech
Books: Delhi, India, 2013; pp 241.
Evans, J.W. Recent Developments in the Control of Insect Infestation of Stored Wheat in
Australia. In FAO, Preservation of Grains in Storage. FAO Agricultural Studies No. 2.
FAO: Rome, 1948; pp 84–87.
Hyde, M. B. Hazards of Storing High Moisture Grain in Airtight Silos in Tropical Countries.
Trop. Stored Prod. Inf. 1969, 18, 9–12.
Joffe, A.; Nolte, M. C. A. Methyl Bromide Fumigation of Horizontally Stored Bulk Maize. J.
Entomol. Soc. S. Afr. 1957, 20, 144–153.
Wohlgemuth, R.; Drosihn, J.; Ellakwah, F. Tests for Fumigation of Bulk-Loaded Expeller
in Barges Against Khapra Beetle Tronoderma granarium E. Mitt. Biol. Bundesanst. Land
Forstwirtsch. 1976, 173, 1–24.




9.1 Introduction......................................................................................140
9.2 Needs of Storage..............................................................................141
9.3 Storage Structures............................................................................142
140 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Grain and seed storage is an essential component in the marketing and distri-
bution chain, especially in the event of fluctuation of production in one
season. The storage of grain and seeds at farmer, trader, and commercial or at
government levels is very common all over the country. At the farmer level,
storage is normally inter-seasonal and the purpose for food supply throughout
the year to their family and for better price during off season. Traders gener-
ally store the commodities for very short period to meet out the profit quickly.
Commercial storage of grains is provided by government agencies and coop-
erative societies to meet out the food supply requirements throughout the
year in the country; in this process they hold the grain and seeds for longer
period. The problem of storage in the developing countries is more severe
when compared to that in the developed countries. All populations need a
food supply that should be free from insect, birds, rodents, fungi and myco-
toxin, and harmful chemical residues. There are two types of storage needs:
one at the time of harvesting and the other during dearth periods. The need
for storage has always arisen for distributing the food in deficit production
area. In this way, grower, processor, transporters, warehouseman, govern-
ment agencies, and private agencies must cooperate along each other to
comply with these requirements. Food grains undergo a series of operations
such as harvesting, threshing, winnowing, bagging, transportation, storage,
and processing before they reach the consumer, and there are appreciable
losses in crop output at all these stages. The post-harvest losses in India are
estimated to be 12–16 million metric tons of food grains every year.


The storage of grain and seeds has been in practice as a basic need of human
beings for the continuous food supply throughout the year. The problem of
storage of food grain has been increasing fast day by day population increase.
The feeding of world population neither begins nor ends at farmers’ level,
because of the involvement of the whole social and economic structure. The
mission of food security cannot be achieved only by growing more food
grains; the essential part is to save the produce from any type of deterioration
and waste and distribute it effectively among the population. The benefit
of applying storage technology is a necessity to select a proper method of
storage after measuring the condition of grain and seeds, micro environment,
socio-economic status, and availability of the resources.
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 141

During the human civilization, the storing of commodities for further

uses was started at some point. Some of the storage structures are still in
use in several parts of the world like clay pots underground pits mud bins,
bamboo bins, woven basket, etc, to store stocks ranging from a few kilo-
grams to several quintals.
The problem of storage in the developing countries is more severe when
compared to that in the developed countries. All populations need a food
supply that should be free from insect, birds, rodents, fungi and mycotoxins,
and harmful chemical residues. There are two types of storage needs: one
at the time of harvesting and the other during dearth periods. The need for
storage has always arisen for distributing the food in deficit production area.
In this way, grower, processor, transporters, warehouseman, government
agencies, and private agencies must cooperate along each other to comply
with these requirements. Food grains undergo a series of operations such
as harvesting, threshing, winnowing, bagging, transportation, storage, and
processing before they reach the consumer, and there are appreciable losses
in crop output at all these stages. The post-harvest losses in India are esti-
mated to be 12–16 million metric tons of food grains every year. The mone-
tary value of these losses is estimated to be more than Rs. 50,000 crores per
year (Singh, 2010). Ramesh (1999) reported that high wastage and value
loss are due to lack of storage infrastructure at the farm level. The losses
during storage are quantity losses and quality losses. Quantity losses occur
when insects, rodents, mites, and birds consume the grain. Infestation causes
reduced seed germination, increase in moisture and free fatty acid levels,
and decrease in pH and protein contents, etc., resulting in total quality loss.
Quality losses affect the economic value of the food grains, fetching low
prices to farmers (Ipsita et al., 2013). The insect problem in tropics has been
reported to be critical and related to the methods and conditions of storage
structures, the weather, poor sanitation, and economic condition (Khare et
al., 1972). Government of India estimated on an average 10% of storage
losses. Hall (1969) reported that there were enormous losses of food grain in
Africa, Asia, and Latin America.


Grain and seed storage is an essential component in the marketing and

distribution chain, especially in the event of fluctuation of production in one
season. The storage of grain and seeds at farmer, trader, and commercial or
at government levels is very common all over the country (Mushira, 2000).
142 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

At the farmer level, storage is normally inter-seasonal and the purpose for
food supply throughout the year to their family and for better price during
off season. Traders generally store the commodities for very short period
to meet out the profit quickly. Commercial storage of grains is provided by
government agencies and cooperative societies to meet out the food supply
requirements throughout the year in the country; in this process they hold
the grain and seeds for longer period (Hall, 1980). Government’s active
involvement in grain storage, through its own special departments, agen-
cies, or government grain marketing boards, focuses on the intervention in
the staple grain market to balance national supply and demand over a time.
The purposes are to create a national food reserve especially for the urban
population, national food security reserves, stimulation of productivity, and
price stabilization (Proctor, 1994).


The food grains in India are stored at farmer, trader, and commercial levels.
Adequate scientific storage facilities are very few in our country for food
grains and seeds. In India only 30% of the produce is handled by commer-
cial level of storage and rest 70% is handled by the farmers and traders.
Grain storage structures for food grains are used after harvesting of crops
to store grains safely till their consumption or transportation (Tiwari et al.,
2012). The indigenous storage structures do not permit cent percent protec-
tion against deterioration from any types of sources, particularly due to
post-harvest insect pests and grain fungi (Tefera et al., 2011). The storage
structures are classified as follows.


The different storage structures used by farmers depend upon their needs
and locally available materials like bamboos, straw, wood, clay, brick, and

This method is used for very short time storage of food grain, for example
during drying of grain, it is a very common method used at farmer levels just
after harvesting of produce.
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 143  Arial Storage

In some part of country cob of maize or panicle of sorghum or millets are

tied in bundles which are suspended on a tree or on a rope for the purpose
of drying of grains. This method do not provide any types of protection to
grains and only used during drying of produce.  Storage on Ground

This is only a provisional method since grain is exposed to all pests and
animals as well as weather changes; In fact, this used when the producer is
compelled to attend other works or lack transportation facilities.  Open Timber Platform

The grain is stored on platforms in heaps, or in woven baskets or in bags,

for the purpose to dry the produce and deter insects or other pests. The open
timber platform is horizontal and flat or may be conical and up to three
meter in diameter, it provides drying due to their shape. The locally avail-
able timber is used for this purpose. Platforms with roofs (but no walls),
of whatever shape or form, may be regarded as transitional types between
temporary and long-term stores. In Southern Benin, Togo, and Ghana, for
example, maize cobs in their sheaths are laid in layers on circular platforms
with their tips pointing inward.  LONG-TERM STORAGE  Storage Basket Made up from Plant Materials

In humid countries, where grain cannot be dried adequately before storage

and needs to be kept well ventilated during the storage period, traditional
granaries are usually constructed from locally available plant materials, for
example timber and bamboo. This method of storage is not adequate for
protection of insets and rodents.
144 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies  Earthen Pods

These are small capacity containers commonly used for storing seed and
pulse grains. They have a small opening, can be made hermetic, by sealing
the walls inside and out with liquid clay and closing the mouth with stiff
clay, cow dung, or a wooden. If the moisture content of grain is less than
12% this structure may be used for short-term storage of grain. Jars

These are large clay structures whose shape and size vary from place to
place. The upper part is narrow and is closed with a flat stone or a clay lid,
which is sealed in position with clay or other suitable material. Generally it
is kept in house, and serves for storing food grain.  Solid Wall Bins

This type of storage structure is used in African counties, under which it

is possible to reduce the moisture content of the harvested grain to a satis-
factory level. The base of a solid wall bin may be made of timber, earth,
or stone. Generally earth is not recommended because it permits termites
and rodents to enter. The better base is made of stone. Mud or clay silos
are usually round or cylindrical in shape, depending on the materials used.
To give it added strength, certain straw materials such as rice straw may be
mixed with it. The storage capacity of solid wall bins is varying from 150 kg
to 10 tons.  Underground Storage

Underground storage is common in India, Turkey, and Southern Africa, this

method of storage is used in dry regions where the water table does not affect
the commodities. For long-term storage of food grain the size of pits varies
from 100 kg to 200 tons. They are usually cylindrical, spherical, or amphoric
in shape (Gilman & Boxall, 1974).
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 145  ALTERNATIVE STORAGE STRUCTURE AT FARMER LEVEL  Stack of Bags

After the harvesting and threshing so many buying agencies issue empty
sacks of bags to producers so that they may be filled grain on the farm. The
buying agency may collect the bagged grain from the farmers, or the farmers
have to deliver it to the nearest collection point. In either case, the farmers
have to store the sacks of grain for some time before they are sold. During
this period precautions have to be taken to ensure the safety of the grain and
maintain its quality.  Metal or Plastic Bins

Metal or plastic bins are most convenient storage structures at small farmer
level. Bins are often used as storage containers in houses and serve notably
for the storage of stored grain or seeds and pulses. Plastic bins are used after
cutting of upper half portion in order to facilitate loading and unloading. Metal
or plastic bins may be adopted for domestic storage of grains. These structures
provide safety against insects and rodents. However, they should be protected
from direct sunlight and other sources of heat to avoid condensation.  Pusa Bin

The Pusa bin was invented at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New
Delhi. This bin is made of earth or sun-dried bricks. They are rectangular in
shape and have a capacity of 1–4 tons. A typical “Pusa” bin has a foundation
of unburnt bricks, two walls were made, and a layer of polythene line was
sandwiched thereby protecting abrasive damage (Pradhan & Mookherjee,
1969). The “Pusa” bin has been widely adopted in India, and it has been
demonstrated in some African countries. It gives good results when loaded
with well-dried grain.  Burkina Silo

Burkina silo is a small sized storage structure constructed from bricks. The
foundation of burkina silo is made of bricks resting on the ground or on
146 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

concrete pillars. The dome shaped roof is also made of bricks, using special
wooden frames.  Usaid Silo

This silo is same as burkina silo used in Nigeria and other countries, holding
1 ton of maize grain, the silo rests on stone or concrete pillars supporting a
reinforced concrete slab 1.5 m in diameter. The walls are made of bricks and
are plastered inside and out with cement.  Concrete or Cement Silos

This is a permanent structure made up from cement and other materials, very
useful for storing the food grain at domestic level. It provides protection
against rodent and insect infestation.  Ferrocement Bin

This bin was developed in Cameroon in 1977, and tested in a number of

African countries, this bin is similar to the Burkina bin in shape but consists
mainly of chicken wire plastered inside and out with cement mortar. The
capacity of this bin is 1.5–5.0 tons.  Dichter Silo

This is a cylindrical silo developed in Benin, and is constructed with trap-

ezoidal section concrete blocks supported externally by tightened steel
wire. Both internal and external surfaces are plastered with cement, and the
outside is painted with coaltar to provide water-profess.  MODERN STRUCTURES OF GRAIN STORAGE  Temporary Storage Structure

Temporary storage structures are used for storing of huge amount of grain in
short period due to lack of transportation and permanent storage structure.
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 147

This type of structure is not used every year, because it is difficult to main-
tain quality of the stored commodities. Such type of structure is used during
bumper production of produce. There are following types of temporary
storage structures.  Existing Buildings

Existing buildings may be used for temporary storage of grain and seed.
Before storing the food grain make sure the location of building is well
drained. If the building does not have a concrete floor, place the grain on
plastic or wood to prevent moisture moving from the ground to the grain.
Even with a concrete floor, it is advisable to cover the concrete with plastic,
especially if the concrete is cracked. Moisture vapor will move through
concrete and into the grain if the soil below the concrete is wet.  Steel Bin Rings

Round steel bin rings can be conveniently and economically erected to
provide temporary grain storage. Two or three steel rings from round grain
bins can be set on the existing floor.  Round Plywood Bins

Plywood bins, 4 or 8 feet deep and 10–37 feet in diameter, are made up of
attached plywood sheets and 2 × 4 m into a long strip and bending to form a
circle. Fasteners and nails are critical to keep the bin from bursting.  Movable Wood Grain Walls

These are built of plywood and lumber, are self-supporting, and can convert
all or part of a building to grain storage.  Commercially Temporary Grain Storage Structure

Commercially temporary storage structures are used for storing the produce
in a particular region. These units vary in construction, some are using poly-
ethylene sheeting, reinforced-fiber sheeting, wire mesh, wood, or metal
148 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

panels for holding the grains. The costs of repairs, freight, and erection are
high as compared to other structures. Several types of plastic sheeting are
available to be used with grain piled on the ground to prevent rain and wind
loss. Usually the covering will need repair or replacement after one season
of use. Rodents, birds, and chewing insects may damage to such types of
structures.  Bales Bins

Bales bins are formed by large round bales in a circular bin wall. With a five-
foot grain wall depth, there is a force of about 115 kg of force on each foot at
the bottom pushing the bale outward, so they will likely need to be restrained
by wrapping with ware. Plastic along the inside of the bales is recommended
to keep grain from leaking out and to prevent water from entering.  Outside Piles

The grain can be stored outside on the ground, outside pile should be on high
ground and the earth crowned under the pile. Plastic of 6 mm in thickness
should be placed on the ground to avoid ground moisture. Generally plastic
or tarp covering is used to reduce wetting by rain and to minimize damage
by wind and birds. To facilitate drainage from the top surface should be
smooth. The direction of pile should be in North and South to allow the sun
ray to dry off the sloping sides.  Cover on Plinth Storage (Cap)

Cover on plinth storage is an improved arrangement for storing food grains

in the open space. The plinth which is free from rat and damp is used for this
purpose. The grain bags are stacked in a standard size on wooden dunnage.
The stacks are covered with 250 micron low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
sheets from the top and all four sides. Food grains such as wheat, maize,
gram, paddy, and sorghum are generally stored in cover on plinth for 6–12
month periods. It is the most economical storage structure and is being
widely used by the Food Corporation of India (FCI) and other government
agencies for bagged stored commodities.
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 149  Bunker Storage

The word bunker storage is used to describe large bulks of produce stored
on the ground in the open space surrounded by low retaining walls, and
polythene sheets are used to protect from the weather. Bunker storage
is sound, convenient, and low cost method for storing commodities for
medium to long-term storage of grain. Capacities of bunkers vary as per
need, but generally its capacity is a few hundred tons to 20–30 thousand
tons. However, bunker storage is still only recommended in the area where
the harvest period coincides with the dry season of the year, since loading
the grain may take many days during which time the grain is exposed to
several damaging agencies. This method is only recommended for the
storage of well dry grain.  Mobile Silo

Mobile silo are weld mesh walled foldable plastic silos. It is suitable as
medium sized grain storage up to 1000 tons capacity. However, it was
designed for bulk storage but also used for bag storage. Bag or bulk storage
is contained within a vertical wall consisting of units of galvanized weld
mesh bolted together. After loading to a centered peak, the plastic roof-
section is then brought over the grain and the roof is zipped to the wall to
obtain airtight seal. This silo is well equipped with aeration systems, when
not under aeration; the hermetic seal is used to control stored grain insect
inside the silo.  Volcani Cubes

Vocani cubes are frameless flexible storage structures consist of poly vinyl
chloride (PVC). It is suitable for bag storage in small quantities of up to 50
tons of cereal grains, but some companies also been manufactured in sizes
capable of storing grains up to 150 tons. Since the stack itself provides the
mechanical strength of the structure, so no rigid frame is required in this
structure. The liner is made of an upper and a lower section which can be
zipped together to form the airtight seal. These structures are very simple to
150 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies  LONG-TERM STORAGE STRUCTURE Warehouses

The warehouses are very important long-term storage structures for storage
of commodities, protection of produce, in order to continue supply food
materials, and food security in the country. In this system storage commodi-
ties are kept in bags, it may also include materials and equipment required
for the packaging and handling of bagged grain, and pest control operation
in warehouses.  Location and Orientation

Warehouse is a raised commercial storage site with well drainage to ensure
that there is dampness of moisture in the vicinity of stores. Establishment
of warehouse in longitudinal side in the East–West axis provides less sun
radiation on the building or exposed to the main wind direction creates
balanced temperature conditions, thus reducing infestation of stored grain.
Compact soil and well connected to road and railways are prerequisite for
warehouse. Roofing
The roof of warehouse should be properly sealed and well connected from
walls to prevent any types of infestations from insects, rodents, or birds.
Insulation under the roof in case of corrugated iron sheets reduces the effect
of the sun radiation and maintains optimum storage temperature. Flooring
The floor of warehouse must be at a height of 1 m above the ground level with
an isolation to prevent underground moisture. Floor also prevents damage
by vehicles during loading and unloading of trucks. To provide moisture
proof insert polyethylene foil of at least 0.2 mm thickness or a 5 cm layer
of bitumen in the floor and in the first 25 cm of the walls. A smooth surface
without any cracks, crevices, and hole is easy to clean and does not afford
insects any place to hide.
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 151 Walls
The walls of warehouse should be smooth, without any cracks either inside
or outside, to avoid any invasion of insects. All walls may be white, water-
resistant, and plastered from both sides. Doors
In warehouse tight-sealing hinged doors protect from the entry of rodents
from outsides. Sliding doors always leave a gap between door and wall
so they are generally not preferred. Roll-up doors rust and often become
defective when older. Metal doors are most resistant against any damage by
rodents. Wooden doors should be fitted at the bottom with a panel of steel
sheet of half a meter in height.  Ventilation Openings

Control ventilation openings are always set in warehouse for the evacua-
tion of heat from the store and maintain optimum temperature and moisture
level. Ventilation openings should have a size of 0.5 m2/100 m2 storage area
for incoming air in lower ventilation openings and 1.5 m2 /100 m2 storage
area for outgoing air in upper ventilation openings. The lower ventilation
openings should be situated approximately 1.5 m above the floor, the upper
ones approximately 1.5 m below the roof on both sides of the store. Tightly-
sealing ventilation openings permit fumigation activity. Fine wire and iron
grilles must be fitted in the ventilation openings to prevent the entry of
insects, rodents, and birds (FAO, 1994).  Stacking of Bags in Warehouse

Stacking of bags on the floor of warehouse for safe storage of food commod-
ities depends upon the nature of produce. Ears of bags should be pointing
inward the stack in order to prevent grain spilling. Stack the bottom layers
with larger intervals than the top ones in order to enable the stack to slightly
taper. On higher stacks, occasionally leave out some bags in the upper layers
to retain the conical form.
152 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies Pallets
Always use pallets for stacking the bags, place the pallets in such posi-
tions which do not prevent air flow under the stack. The pallets should
be 10 cm high in order to facilitate aeration from below. As an additional
advantage rodent infestation can easily be observed. The overall surface
area of the supporting bars should not be less than approximate height of
pallets.  Size of Stacks

The size of stack directly depends upon the stored commodities, for the more
stability, jute bags should not be stacked any higher than 4 m and plastic
bags not higher than 3 m. Plastic bags are more slippery and the stacks are
thus less stable. When determining the size of stacks, take into account the
store’s capacity, the ratio of its length to its breadth and its height, the posi-
tion of the doors and the size of the fumigation sheets available, under any
circumstances height of stack must be 1 m below the roof in order to provide
space for insect management program.  Positioning of Stacks

All stacks must in the position which is easily accessible from each side in
order to apply insect management operation, surface treatment, and fumiga-
tion. Keep minimum space of 1 m from sidewall and between two stacks.  Marking the Stacks

The identification of sack of an individual stack is marked with numbers or
sign. These markings may be made on the bags, walls, the floor, or the roof
pillars, as long as they are always clearly visible. They must also be entered
on the stack card.  Stack Cards

The most important information should be entered in stack cards and attach
it in a clearly visible position to every stack of bags. The date insect manage-
ment measures also entered in stack card.
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 153  Bulk Storage in Silos

The silos are made up from metal or concrete but plastic silos are also being
used for small scale storage of grains and seeds. The silo system is well
equipped with cleaning and drying equipments.
In Indian conditions the silos are expensive as compared to warehouse,
but their initial cost may be realized after two to three years. In terms of
structural cost per ton of storage, round silos are generally more economical
than rectangular silos. They have fewer joints due to which they can be sealed
more easily to make the structure air-tight and suitable for fumigation. In the
case of flat bottom stores, structural efficiency is also increased by mini-
mizing the height of the structure. Silos are generally used on commercial
scale storage of food grain as well as seeds.

• Advantages of bulk storage

• Low running costs
• Less labor requirements
• Rapid handling
• Rodents proof
• Efficient and effective fumigation operation
• More grain storing capacity on less land
• Complete control of internal environment
• Store the grain for longer periods
• Possibility to store grain after harvesting for short periods.  Metal Silo

Metal silos are often quicker to erect and cost effective as compared to
concrete silos. Steel silos provide excellent storage where grain is dry. Where
grain moisture content is high, there may be a greater likelihood of mois-
ture migration developing due to the heat conductivity of the steel causing
temperature gradients to develop between the inside and outside of the grain
mass. Steel bins are less robust than concrete bins and require careful design.
Welded steel silos will remain gas-tight throughout their lives since they are
not subjected to cracking or differential movements. There are two types of
steel silos are generally in use.
154 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies  Flat Bottom Steel Silo

In India flat bottom silos are established by FCI. The size of flat bottom steel
silo is about 22 feet in diameter and 76 feet in high and at the head of these
silos stands the head house which is 30 feet in diameter and 156 feet high. In
the head house the grain elevators, auxiliary shipping, tanks, grain-cleaners,
automatic weighing machines, and man lift are located.  Hopper Bottom Steel Silo

Hopper bottoms silos are more useful where high throughputs are required.
Such silos are equipped with automatic dry, handling, and storage devices.  Concrete Silo

Concrete silos are most suitable in that area where moisture content of envi-
ronment is very high and risk of corrosion to metal is high. Concrete silos
are usually preferred where bins have to be above 30 m. In concrete silo we
never use CO2 fumigation because they react to concrete.  Plastic Silo

Now a days plastic is most popular, cheaper, and easily available anywhere.
So it is also used for storing food grain and seeds. It is suitable for small-
scale storage of grain. Plastic silos do not use for long-term storage and
chance of rodent infestation is very high.  Cold Rooms for Grain Storage

Many developed countries have the facility for storing food grain and seeds
in fully temperature-controlled room. Such type of storage is very expensive
and not suitable for all types of storage commodities.  Hermetic Storage

The meaning of hermetic storage is making air tight by fusion or sealing.

It is simple and cheap method of storage as compared to other methods of
storage. The application of hermetic storage became popular to protect dry
Methods of Storage and Different Storage Structures 155

and wet grain without use of hazardous chemicals. The basic concept of air
tight storage is the depletion of the oxygen in the air inside the structure to a
level which inactivates the organisms that destroy the grain. The respiratory
process in dry grain and organisms present in structure cannot be ordinarily
distinguished. The moisture and temperature influence the rate of respiration
in grain as well as in damaging organisms. In hermetic storage development
of insects is delayed or completely suppressed.


•• storage structures
•• indigenous
•• modern
•• bins
•• insect problem
•• timber
•• bamboo


Food and Agricultural Organization Technical Bulletin. 1994, 109, 17–20.

Gilman, G. A.; Boxall, R. A. Storage of Food Grains in Traditional Underground Pits. Trop.
Stored Prod. Inf. 1974, 28, 19–38.
Hall, D. W. Food Storage in the Developing Countries. J. R. Soc. Arts. 1969, 117 (5156),
Hall, D. W. Handling and Storage of Food Grains in Tropical and Subtropical Areas; FAO:
Rome, Italy 1980; p 350.
Ipsita, D.; Grish, K.; Narendra, G. S. Microwave Heating as an Alternative Quarantine
Method for Disinfestations of Stored Food Grains. Int. J. Food. Sci. 2013, 2013, 13.
Khare, B. P.; Sengar, C. S.; Singh, K. N.; Agrawal, R. K.; Singh, H. N. Loss in Grain due
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Mushira, M. A. Manual on Grain Management and Equipment Maintenance in Silos; FAO:
Nigeria, 2000; p 42.
Pradhan, S.; Mookherjee, P. B. Pusa Bin for Storage of Grain. In. Council Agric. Res. Tech.
Bull. 1969, 21, 11.
Proctor, D. L. Grain Storage Techniques Evolution and Trends in Developing Countries;
FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 109; FAO: Rome, Italy, 1994; p 154.
156 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Ramesh, A. Priorities and Constraints of Post Harvest Technology in Asia; Japan Interna-
tional Research Center for Agricultural Science: Tokyo, 1999; p 37.
Singh, P. K.; A Decentralized and Holistic Approach for Grain Management in India. Current
Sci. 2010, 9 (9), 1179–1180.
Tefera, T.; Kanampiu, F.; DeGroote, H.; Hellin, J.; Mugo, S.; Kimenju, S.; Beyene, Y.;
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Applications; Academic Press: US, 2012; pp 172–192.



10.1 Introduction....................................................................................158
10.2 Long Range Management Techniques...........................................160
10.3 Short Range Management Techniques...........................................163
10.4 Traps Used in Behavioral Management of Stored Grain Insects...164
158 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


In the early days of development we completely depended upon chemical

insecticides, but they cause resistance, resurgence, and secondary outbreak
of storage insects; besides these insecticides also contaminate the environ-
ment with high residual effect. Scientist from several countries reported the
dangerous effects of methyl bromide and aluminum phosphide on the ozone,
but now days there are many safe, cost-effective methods, which have the
efficiency to manage the storage insects several methods, without the need
to use chemical fumigants. In developed countries, the presence of insects
in food grain or the contamination in any form is a factor for rejection, and
consignments were rejected on this basis. Stored grain insects cause infesta-
tion to the several stored commodities resulting in serious food and mone-
tary losses. The behavior of stored grain insects is associated with food,
mating, egg laying, and defensive mechanism in order to protect themselves
from natural enemies and adverse environmental effects. The behavior of
insect is due to their own needs and host plants upon which they feed. To
minimize the use of insecticides and to maximize the application of eco-
friendly and sustainable approach would be the aims for managing stored
grain insects below economic threshold level. In recent years, this concept
has been gaining good acceptance, with special reference to the application
of semiochemicals.


The infestation of insects to stored commodities has been occurring since

human civilization. As per archaeological reports, there are so many insects
associated with stored produce (Solomon, 1965; Buckland, 1981; Levinson
& Levinson, 1994). There are several methods applied for the manage-
ment of stored grain insects, but nowadays we are in need to save the lives
through safe food and safe environment. In the early days of development
we completely depended upon chemical insecticides, but they cause resis-
tance, resurgence, and secondary outbreak of storage insects; besides these
insecticides also contaminate the environment with high residual effect.
Scientist from several countries reported the dangerous effects of methyl
bromide and aluminum phosphide on the ozone layer (Price, 1994). There
are many safe, cost-effective methods, which have the efficiency to manage
the storage insects several methods, without the need to use chemical fumi-
gants. In developed countries, the presence of insects in food grain or the
Behavioral Management of Storage Insects 159

contamination in any form is a factor for rejection, and consignments were

rejected on this basis (Pinniger et al., 1984). In the UK, the Food Safety Act
was amended that all stores containing grain which might be destined for
human consumption are treated as food premises and subject to inspection
to ensure that food is not contaminated.
Stored grain insects cause infestation to the several stored commodities
resulting in serious food and monetary losses (Ali et al., 2004). The quanti-
tative and qualitative damage to stored grains and grain products from the
insect pests may amount to 20–30% in the tropical zone and 5– 10% in the
temperate zone (Talukder, 2006; Rajendran & Sriranjini, 2008). The produc-
tion of food grain in India has reached 250 million tons in 2010–2011, out
of which nearly 20–25% food grains are infested by stored grain insect
(Rajashekar et al., 2010). Scientists from all over the world are searching
the alternate ways of chemical fumigants for the effective management of
stored grain insects.
The behavior of stored grain insects is associated with food, mating, egg
laying, and defensive mechanism in order to protect themselves from natural
enemies and adverse environmental effects (Cox & Collins, 2002). The
behavior of insect is due to their own needs and host plants upon which they
feed. To minimize the use of insecticides and to maximize the application
of eco-friendly and sustainable approach would be the aims for managing
stored grain insects below economic threshold level. In recent years, this
concept has been gaining good acceptance, with special reference to the
application of semiochemicals. Law & Regnier (1971) first time reported
the term semiochemicals that modified interactions between organisms. The
importance of semiochemicals in pest management program under field
conditions (Phillips, 1997; Jones, 1998; Agelopoulos et al., 1999; Phillips
et al., 2000; Throne et al., 2000; Weaver & Subramanyam, 2000) is greatly
understood, but not so in storage conditions., Many types of traps are used
for monitoring populations of stored product insect populations such as
moth and beetles in warehouses and mills (Burkholder, 1990; Cogan, 1990;
Mullen, 1992; Phillips, 1997; Plarre, 1998).
The technique for management of stored grain through behavioral manip-
ulation using semiochemicals may be classified into two types, according
to their activities: long-range and short-range techniques. In long-range
management technique, these volatile chemicals that act as insect attractants
or repellents are applied at some distance from the source of host that is to be
protected. In short-range management technique, these chemicals which act
as stimulants or deterrents are applied in order to affect feeding of insects.
160 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

The semiochemicals have additional properties to enhance activity of

predators, parasites, and parasitoids of stored grain insects.



Generally, traps are used for mass-trapping; whether insects are captured
in traps or not depends upon the position of traps and population of insects.
Food volatiles are source of lures, some of which have the advantage of
being attractive to the adults and larvae of both sexes of a wide range of
species, although none appear to have been used for mass-trapping programs
for stored grain insects. Wheat germ composed from 15% lipid, in which
60% are triglyceride; unsaturated triglycerides are particularly attractive
and elicit aggregation responses in storage insects such as Sitophilus grana-
rius and Oryziphilus surinamensis (Quartey & Coaker, 1992). If the food
lures used in combination with pheromones may enhance the effective-
ness of mass-trapping for stored grain insects. A combination of three grain
volatiles—valeraldehyde, maltol, and vanillin—and sitophilure was more
attractive to the rice weevil S. oryzae than either the pheromone or the grain
volatile alone. Addition of carob volatiles to the aggregation pheromone 4S,
5R-sitophilure has been shown to be more effective than either carob or
pheromone alone in attracting all three species of Sitophilus. In Kenyan field
trials, traps baited with 4S, 5R-sitophilure and cracked wheat gave higher
catches of S. zeamais and S. oryzae than those baited with pheromone or
cracked wheat alone. Fleurat-Lessard et al. (1986) reported that the mass-
trapping of Plodia interpunctella H. in several years from seed store reduces
the infestation without any application of insecticides. The application of sex
pheromone for the mass-trapping of Lasioderma serricorne F. is not much
effective as compared to sticky trapping (Bauchelos & Levinson, 1993).
A cup of readymade tea or coffee was effective for attracting and
killing the almond moths of Cadra cautella, before egg laying (Temerak,
2010). The number of moths entangled inside spider webs was greater than
those that captured in the tea or coffee solutions. Naturally pheromones
are species specific. So different types of these may be required for stored
grain insect management; however, some pheromone aggregated the other
species (Cox & Collins, 2002), for example, Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus
zeamais, and Sitophilus granaries (Walgenbach et al., 1983); Oryzaephilus
surinamensis, Oryzaephilus Mercator, and Ahasverus advena (Pierce et al.,
Behavioral Management of Storage Insects 161

1991); Rhyzopertha dominica and Prostephanus truncates ( Williams et al.,

1981); and Tribolium castaneum, Tribolium confusum, and Tribolium free-
mani (Suzuki et al., 1987). They produce selective advantage of interspecific
attraction to the emitting species. The stored produce may be attacked by a
multitude of insect species simultaneously and so to be cost-effective any
lure must be attractive to a range of target species (Collins et al., 2008).
The behavioral responses of C. pusillus, O. surinamensis, and P. truncatus
to different doses of carob extract evoked a quick directional response and
induced high attraction to treated pitfall area as compared to untreated


Attracting and killing the stored grain insects are very useful in storage
conditions. Recently, slurry containing pheromone and permethrin has been
applied for managing Cydia pomonella in Switzerland (Charmillot et al.,
2000). The attract and kill technique is used in Indian flour mills for the
management of Efestia kuehniella in combination of pheromone and cyper-
methrin (Trematerra & Capizzi, 1991). In this way, the utilization of semio-
chemicals is likely to reduce the pressure of insecticides and adverse effect
on natural enemies. This technique reduces cost of management of stored
grain insects and may apply in small-scale protection. This technique used
in combination of protozoa Mattesia sp for the management of Trogoderma
glabrum (Burkholder & Boush, 1974). Some vegetable fat pellets with
combination of aggregation pheromone and entomopathogenic fungi Beau-
veria bassiana have been reported to attract and kill the Plodia truncates
(Smith et al., 1999).


This technique disrupts mating and prevents laying of fertile eggs. The
mode of action reported by Cox (2004) involves continuous exposure of
an insect to high concentration of pheromone, antennal receptors, and
habituation of central nervous system. The insect was unable to respond
to a potential mate, as camouflaging of natural pheromone plume from
calling mate disrupted the trail or made a false trail. This technique has
been evaluated against Pectinophora gossypiella by Campion (1989)
and C. pomonella by Howell et al. (1992), which showed a disruption in
162 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

mating, reducing the infestation. Very little work has been reported about
managing the stored grain insect by such techniques. Hodges et al. (1984)
reported the population reduction with mating disruption of E. cautella by
synthetic pheromone in the form of encapsulated formulation. This tech-
nique involves the application of inhibitors; P. interpunctella can inhibit
the male response to female of S. cerealella. Mating inhibitors have been
identified for Stegobium paniceum and L. serricorne (Kodama et al., 1987;
Levinson & Levinson, 1987). Practically, the cost of semiochemicals is
more as compared to chemical.


Several insects produce the chemicals from their odor gland or from body
that repel the other insects (Norris, 1990). The Tribolium species secrete
quinines from special types of glands under overcrowding and scarcity of
food that elicit a reaction in their larvae to disperse (Mondal, 1985; Faus-
tini & Burkholder, 1987; Mondal & Port, 1994). Quinines may be utilized
as repellent in pest management program under storage conditions during
packing of food or seed to minimize insecticide pressure but they are not
successful at commercial storage level. The repellents of plant origins are
recently used in pest management due to their safety and are free from pesti-
cide residues in order to ensure the safety of people, food, environment,
and wildlife. Repellent methyl salicylate has received regulatory approval
in the USA recently for the use in packing (Mullen & Pedersen, 2000). The
essential oil of Mentha arvensis L. showed repellency and toxicity against
T. castaneum and S. oryzae even at low concentration, but its repellency
was more marked toward S. oryzae (Mishra et al., 2012). The highest repel-
lency (93.30%) of T. castaneum occurred at the highest concentration (5.0%
suspension) of acetone extracts from Toona sureni (Blume Merr); while
the lowest (0.0%) repellency occurred at 0.5% suspension after 1 day of
treatment (Parvin et al., 2012). Methanolic plant extracts of Ambrosia tenui-
folia Spreng., Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC, Brassica campestris L., Jaca-
randa mimosifolia D. Don, Matricaria chamomilla L., Schinus molle (L.)
var. areira (L.) DC., Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., Tagetes minuta L., and
Viola arvensis Murray exhibited repellent effectiveness against the red flour
beetle, Tribolium castaneum at 30 minutes which reduces the possibilities
of contamination of grains by the insect pests (Padin et al., 2013). Scientists
from all over the world reported several medicinal and aromatic plants and
Behavioral Management of Storage Insects 163

spices in the form of essential oils, extract, powder, and ash, having great
potential to act as repellents against stored grain insects, their details are
discussed in the next chapter.



Some chemicals are responsible for the inhibition of insect behavior: for
example, feeding, mating, and egg laying. The mandibular gland of E.
kuehniella and P. interpunctella caterpillar secrete semiochemicals which
are deposited on their food and silk (Corbet, 1971). About 25 compounds
have been isolated from this secretion which act as territorial markers to
reduce cannibalism (Mudd, 1981; Kuwahara et al., 1983; Nemoto et al.,
1987). The feeding inhibitor has advantages to break life cycle of any
insects and mating inhibitor suppresses mating and vital eggs production,
while egg-laying inhibitor deters the female from the site of egg depo-
sition. Anderson (1988) reported insects able to produce their own egg-
laying deterrent from the 50 species of hymenoptera, most of them feed
upon crops. Very few works have been reported as production of deterrent
in stored grain insects, female of Acanthoscelides obtectus and Calloso-
bruchus maculatus, (Credland & Wright, 1990), L. serricorne (Imai et al.,
1990), larvae of Oryziphilus surinamensis (Pierce et al., 1990), Ephestia
kuehniella at very high dose levels (Corbet, 1973), and egg-laying deterrent
produce in Sitophilus granaries (Cox et al., 2000). There are so many plants
and their constituents reported to act as deterrents, which are discussed in
next chapter.


For the effectiveness of insecticides or bioagents, some semiochemicals

are used to modified the behavior of feeding and movement. Dawson et al.
(1990) and Hockland et al. (1986) reported that in aphids alarm pheromone
induce the mobility which is helpful in efficacy of insecticides. The appli-
cation of microbial insecticides along with stimulants for management of
stored grain insects is registered in the USA in the form of feeding stimulants
to enhance the activity of microbial insecticides (Cox & Wilkin, 1998).
164 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies



The presence of stored grain insects in any storage structures is detected

only when they are hovering and flying around, by which time enormous
loss and population buildup of insects might have been occurred in the
grain. The timely detection of stored grain insects will help to prevent severe
damage. There are several ready-to-use traps are available for detection of
these insects.

10.4.1  PROBE TRAP

The detection of infestation in bulk and bag storage is very crucial; for this
purpose probe trap is used by keeping them inside the grain surface. Probe
trap is simple to use and provides a mechanism for continuous monitoring of
stored grain insects. Probe trap consists of a main tube, insect trapping tube,
and detachable cone at the bottom of the main tube with equi-spaced perfo-
rations of 2 mm diameter. It is used for the detection of all types of beetle
and weevils infesting the stored produce.


This trap is a modified form of probe trap for collection of pulses beetles. In
this trap, perforations are 3.5 mm in diameter, as the pulse beetles are active
and climb narrow surface, in the bottom of the trap they are captured.


Pitfall traps are generally used to capture the soil inhibiting insects, but it is
practically used in bulk storage condition for the detection of stored grain
insects. This trap captures the crawling insects inside the store.

10.4.4  LIGHT TRAP

The majority of stored grain insects respond to light at wavelengths ranging

from 300 to 700 nm, stored grain insects gave maximum response at 350 nm
Behavioral Management of Storage Insects 165

(ultraviolet rays) and 500–550 nm (green light), according to the behav-

ioral studies reported by Balasubramani et al. (2003). These traps are used
for mass-trapping and population monitoring under bulk and bag storage


For monitoring and mass-trapping of stored product moths, sticky traps are
used in the form of sticky boards and strips. Such types of traps are widely
used in flour mills and processing plants (Cotton, 1960).

10.4.6  BAIT TRAP

Several bait traps are used for the monitoring of stored grain insects inside
the warehouse. The main purpose of this trap is to detect the presence of
insects. Bait traps are also used in the form of perforated cylindrical rod of
20 cm long, with one end opened and other side closed.


•• storage insects
•• attractants
•• mass-trappings
•• repellents
•• deterrents
•• stimulants
•• traps


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11.1 Introduction....................................................................................172
11.2 Utilization of Plant Products..........................................................201
172 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


To find out the alternative of chemical fumigants in the plant kingdom several
plants have been evaluated for their fumigant, repellent, attractant, and deter-
rent potential, and most interestingly, many plants have been identified which
are equipped with fumigant properties against insect pests of stored grains.
Now it has been proved beyond doubt under laboratory conditions the plant
components can suppress feeding and breeding of stored grain insects or
even kill them completely within a few hours just like chemical fumigants.
Essential oil from more than 75 plant species belonging to different fami-
lies, such as Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae (Umbeliferae), Araceae, Asteraceae
(Compositae), Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), Chenopodiaceae, Cupressaceae,
Graminaceae, Lamiaceae (Labiatae), Lauraceae, Liliaceae, Myrtaceae, Pina-
ceae, Rutaceae, and Zingiberaceae have been studied for fumigant toxicity
against insect pests of storage grains. There have been extensive studies on
the utilization of plant extracts, powder, ash, essential oil, sulary, or whole
plant materials for insect management under storage condition, but few are
used on a commercial scale but there are some problems with plant-based
insecticides are lack of consistency, safety concerns, rate of application, and
sometimes odor. The application of plant materials to protect stored products
against insect attack has a long history. Several plant species concerned have
also been used in traditional medicine by local communities and have been
collected from the field or specifically cultivated for these purposes. Leaves,
roots, twigs, ash, essential oils, and flowers have been admixed, as grain
or seed protectants, fumigant, repellent, oviposition deterrent with various
stored products in different parts of the world, particularly in different devel-
oping countries. Many commercially available spices and herbs, turmeric,
basil, marjoram, anise, cumin, and coriander, are for management of stored
grain insects but they are also able to suppress fungal and mite growth under
storage condition.


In India, only aluminum phosphide and methyl bromide are available for
fumigation of food grains. The use of aluminum phosphide is restricted by
law, while methyl bromide needs special infrastructures for its use. Due to
injudicious use, aluminum phosphide is poisoning our environment, causing
many fatal diseases in exposed persons, in addition to facilitating many to
end the life. Its improper use is also developing resistance in the insect pests
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 173

of stored grain, and in many parts of world including India it has become
useless for fumigation. Now a time has reached when we have to think
whether it is a boon or a bane. Scientists all over the world realize that pres-
ently it is impossible to survive without its use. But they also understand that
it is necessary to minimize its use at least at the farmer’s level by searching
for other viable alternatives. For the last four decades, serious attempts
have been made to find its alternative in the plant kingdom and hundreds
of plants have been screened to study their fumigation potential. And most
interestingly, many plants have been identified which are equipped with
fumigant properties against insect pests of stored grain. Now it has been
proved beyond doubt that under laboratory conditions the plant components
can suppress feeding and breeding of stored grain insects or even kill them
completely within a few hours just like chemical fumigants. Essential oil
from more than 75 plant species belonging to different families, such as
Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae (Umbeliferae), Araceae, Asteraceae (Compositae),
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), Chenopodiaceae, Cupressaceae, Graminaceae,
Lamiaceae (Labiatae), Lauraceae, Liliaceae, Myrtaceae, Pinaceae, Ruta-
ceae, and Zingiberaceae have been studied for fumigant toxicity against
insect pests of storage grain (Rajendran & Sriranjini, 2008).
There have been extensive studies on the utilization of plant extracts,
powder, ash, essential oil, sulary, or whole plant materials for insect manage-
ment under storage condition, but few are used on a commercial scale
(Rajendran & Sriranjini, 2008). Farmers often use locally available or natu-
rally occurring plant materials for insect control in developing countries.
The major problems with plant-based insecticides are lack of consistency,
safety concerns, rate of application, and sometimes odor. The application of
plant product for management of stored grain insects was first reported by
Golob and Webley (1980) in the form of bibliography. Grainge and Ahmed
(1988) reported the 2400 plant species which contain the insecticidal activ-
ities against stored grain insects. In addition to bibliography reported by
Golob and Webley (1980), the alternative methods to synthetic insecticides
for management of stored grain insects were reported by Rees et al. (1993)
in the form of a database of 1100 plants; these methods include plant mate-
rials, extract, and essential oils. In some part of the world, vegetable oil and
black pepper are used as grain or seed protectant of beans (Baler & Webster,
1992). In all over the world commercial application of plant extracts as
insecticides began in 1850 with the introduction of nicotine from Nicotiana
tabacum, rotenone from Lonchocarpus sp, derris dust from Derris elliptica,
and pyrethrum from the flower heads of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium,
and many insecticides have been developed from their constituents too.
174 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

It is often falsely assumed that because a plant material is used as a

food flavoring or medicine that extracts from the material will be safe for
human consumption. Various extracts from the neem tree, Azadirachta
indica, collectively referred to as the insecticide Neem, are commer-
cially available botanical insecticides, and local formulations have been
widely used in some parts of the world for stored-product insect manage-
ment (Kaul et al., 1990). However, commercial formulations show only
moderate levels of efficacy (Abate, 2001; Kavallieratos et al., 2007).
Crude pea flour and the protein-rich fraction of field peas, Pisum species,
as well as that of other food legumes (e.g., species of Pissum, Phaseolus,
and Vignia), are toxic and repellent to stored-product insects (Bodnaryk
et al., 1999; Fields, 2006). Direct application of protein-enriched pea
flour to bulk grain at 0.1% by weight resulted in substantial reductions
in stored-product Coleoptera populations (Hou & Field, 2003), and broad
scale application of pea flour to the inside of mills reportedly resulted in
insect control, but such control was not at commercially acceptable levels
like those achieved with synthetic fumigants. Pyrethrum, a commercial
mixture of compounds derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium, is
perhaps the most successful botanical insecticide throughout all modern
pest control, and this is certainly the case for stored products. The active
ingredients from pyrethrum are called pyrethrins. Synergized pyrethrum
commonly contains the synergist piperonyl butoxide, which suppresses
metabolic degradation of pyrethrins in the insect. Synergized pyrethrum
is commonly used as an aerosol in flour mills (Toews et al., 2006) and is
usually combined with another insecticide that has longer residual activity
because the pyrethrum achieves only quick knockdown of insect pests at
best, while the other insecticide with which it is combined provides longer
activity (Arthur, 2008). Organically compliant pyrethrum, which lacks any
synthetic synergist, is extracted from chrysanthemum flowers. Table 11.1
elaborate that the different types of plants and their activity against major
stored grain insect pests. Utilization of locally available plant materials for
protection against stored grain insects will open the door for biopesticides
which is biodegradable, eco-friendly, and sustainable, because they do not
produce any adverse effect on grain or seeds and break down resistency
against chemical insecticides. There are several non-cultivated plants that
have been used traditionally in grain and safe to non-target organisms.
Although commonly regarded as safe, many plants contain secondary
metabolites, which are directly admixed into grain.
TABLE 11.1  Name of the Plant, their Secondary Metabolites and its Activity against Major Stored Grain Insect Pests.
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Acorus calamus Sweet flag Araceae Rhizome Oil, extract Β- asarone, acorin R. dominica, S. oryzae, Fumigant toxicity Chander et al., 1999;
L. Leaves powder C. chinensis Protectant Schmidt et al., 1991
Seed T. castaneum
Seed Powder S. oryzae, Repellant Chellappa & Chelliah,
R. dominica 1976
Rhizome Extract S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigants Kim et al., 2003
Rhizome Oil C. chinensis Repellant Agarwal et al., 1973
Rhizome Oil R. dominica Repellant Agarwal et al., 1973
Rhizome Oil R. dominica Repellant Jilani & Saxena, 1990
Rhizome Oil S. granary Ovipozition Risha et al., 1990
Rhizome Oil S. oryzae Ovipozition Risha et al., 1990
Rhizome Oil S. oryzae Ovipozition Su, 1991
Rhizome Oil T. castaneum Ovipozition Risha et al., 1990
Rhizome Oil C. chinensis Ovipozition Yadav, 1971
Rhizome Oil C. maculatus Protectant Su, 1991
Rhizome Oil C. maculatus Protectant Su, 1991
Rhizome Oil C. chinensis Ovipozition Risha et al., 1990
Rhizome Oil T. castaneum Protectant Su, 1991
Rhizome Oil S. oryzae Protectant Su, 1991
Rhizome Oil C. chinensis Fumigant Bhonde et al., 2001
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 175
TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 176
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Rhizome Powder C. chinensis Protectant Deshpande et al., 2004
Rhizome Powder R. dominica Protectant Jilani, 1984
Rhizome Powder S. oryzae Protectant Jilani, 1984
Rhizome Powder C. chinensis Protectant Khan, 1986
Rhizome Powder C. chinensis Ovipozition Chiranjeevi, 1991
Rhizome Powder C. chinensis Repellant Ignatowicz & Wesolows-
ka, 1996
Rhizome Powder C. chinensis Repellant Trehan &Pingle, 1947
Rhizome Powder C. chinensis Protectant Chander & Ahmed, 1986
Rhizome Powder S. cerealella Protectant Trehan &Pingle, 1947
Rhizome Powder S. granary Protectant Ignatowicz & Wesolows-
ka, 1996
Rhizome Powder S. granary Protectant Paneru et al., 1997
Rhizome Powder S. granary Protectant Paneru et al., 1997
Rhizome Powder S. oryzae Protectant Paneru et al., 1993
Rhizome Powder S. oryzae Repellant Ignatowicz & Wesolows-
ka, 1996
Rhizome Powder S. oryzae Protectant Paneru et al., 1997
Rhizome Powder S. oryzae Protectant Paneru et al., 1997
Rhizome Powder S. oryzae Oviposition Chander et al., 1990
Rhizome Powder T. castaneum Oviposition Chander et al., 1990
Rhizome Powder S. oryzae Oviposition Chander & Ahmed, 1983
Seed Oil T. castaneum Fumigant Srivastava et al., 1965
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Leaves Powder R. dominica Protectant Prakash et al., 1993
Leaves Powder S. cerealella Protectant Prakash et al., 1993
Leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Prakash et al., 1993
Leaves Whole (dried) S. cerealella Protectant Prakash et al., 1983
Leaves Whole (dried) S. oryzae Protectant Prakash et al., 1983
Leaves Whole (dried) R. dominica Protectant Prakash et al., 1983
Leaves Whole (dried) S. oryzae Protectant Prakash et al., 1983
Leaves Whole (dried) R. dominica Protectant Prakash et al., 1983
Leaves Powder S. cerealella Protectant Prakash et al., 1993
Leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Prakash et al., 1993
Leaves Powder R. dominica Protectant Prakash et al., 1993
Leaves Powder R. dominica Protectant Rao & Prakash, 2002
Leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Deka, 2003
Leaves Powder T. granarium Protectant Deka, 2003
Whole plant Extract T. castaneum Protectant Atal et. al., 1978
Azadirachta Neem Meliaceae Leaves Oil, extract Azadirechtinene C. chinensis, T. Repellent Pathak & Krishna, 1991
indica Seed, Bark powder castaneum Raguraman & Singh,
Leaves Extract S. oryzae Oviposition Vishweshwariah et al.,
deterrent 1971
Leaves Extract S. oryzae T. castaneum Repellant Qadri, 1973
Leaves Extract S. oryzae Repellant Qadri & Rao, 1977
Seed Extract S. oryzae Repellant Qadri & Hasan, 1978
Seed Powder C. chinensis Protectant Ohsawa et al., 1990
Seed Powder C. analis Protectant Juneja & Patel, 2002
Seed Powder C. maculatus Protectant Ecija, 2000
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 177
TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 178
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Seed Oil C. chinensis, C. Protectant Doharey et al., 1983
Seed Oil C. maculatus Protectant Doharey et al., 1988
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Reddy et al., 1994
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Choudhary & Pathak,
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Modgil & Mehta, 1997
Seed Oil C. maculatus Protectant Onolememhen &
Oigiangbe, 1991
Seed Oil S. oryzae Protectant Ivbijaro, 1984
Seed Oil S. oryzae Protectant Ivbijaro et al., 1985
Seed Oil S. oryzae Oviposition Salas, 1985
Seed Oil C. maculatus Fumigant Raghvani & Kapadia,
Seed Oil R. dominica Protectant Trivedi, 1987
Seed Oil R. dominica, S. oryzae Protectant Shukla et al., 1992
Seed Oil T. castaneum Protectant Trivedi, 1987
Extract T. castaneum Protectant Liu & Ho,1999
Extract T. castaneum Protectant Sendi et al., 2003
Oil T. castaneum Repellant Sendi et al., 2003
Oil C. maculatus, R. domi- Repellant Agrawal et al., 2001
nica, S. oryzae
Leaves Extract S. oryzae Oviposition Reddy & Singh, 1998
Leaves Extract C. analis, C. chinensis, Oviposition Yadav, 1985
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

C. maculatus deterrent
TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Leaves Extract R. dominica Protectant Sharma et al., 1989
Leaves Extract R. dominica Repellant Suss et al., 1997
Leaves Extract T. castaneum Protectant Rahman et al., 1997
Leaves Extract C. chinensis Protectant Rayasekaran & Kumar-
swami, 1985
Leaves Extract R. dominica, S. oryzae Protectant Dakshinamurthy & Goel,
Leaves Extract C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Yadav & Bhargava, 2002
rent, Protectant
Seed Oil R. dominica Repellant, Ketkar, 1976
Seed Oil C. chinensis Repellant, Rani et al., 2000
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Sunarti, 2003
rent, Protectant
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Ba-Angood &Al-
rent, Protectant Suraidy, 2003
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Ba-Angood & Al-
rent, Protectant Suraidy, 2003
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Boeke et al., 2004b
rent, Protectant
Seed Oil C. maculatus Oviposition deter- Raja & Ignacimuthu,
rent, Protectant 2001
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Ketkar, 1976
rent, Protectant
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Das, 1986
rent, Protectant
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 179
TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 180
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Das & Karim, 1986
rent, Protectant
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Das, 1987
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Choudhary & Pathak,
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Das, 1989
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Jacob & Sheila, 1990
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Reddy et al., 1994
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Reddy et al., 1994
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Haque et al., 2002
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Singh & Sharma, 2003
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Singh & Yadav, 2003
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Ketkar, 1987
Seed Oil C. maculatus Protectant Ketkar, 1987
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition Pathak &Krishna, 1991
Seed Oil C. maculatus Oviposition Raghvani & Kapadia,
deterrent 2003
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Khaire et al., 1992
Seed Oil C. chinensis Repellant Khaire et al., 1992
Seed Oil R. dominica Repellant Kathirvelu & Ezhilku-
mar, 2003
Seed Oil S. cerealella, S. oryzae Protectant Rahman et al., 1997
Seed Oil S. oryzae, S. zeamais Growth inhibitor Zhang & Zhao, 1983
Seed Oil S. oryzae Protectant Dayal et al., 2003
Seed Oil S. granrary Fumigant Tadesse & Basedow,
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Mansour et al., 1997
Seed Oil C. maculatus Protectant Ivbijaro, 1990
Seed Powder R. dominica Protectant Ketkar 1976.
Seed Powder C. analis Protectant Juneja & Patel, 2002
Seed Powder S. zeamais Protectant Tadesse & Basedow,
Flower Powder T. castaneum Protectant Mostafa, 1988
Fruit Powder T. castaneum Protectant Mostafa, 1988
Leaves Dust R. dominica Protectant Kathirvelu & Ezhilku-
mar, 2003
Leaves Powder C. chinensis Protectant Chiranjeevi, 1991
Leaves Powder C. maculatus Protectant Dhakshinamoorthy &
Selvanarayanan, 2002
Leaves Powder C. chinensis Toxicant Singh, 2003
Leaves Powder C. maculatus Protectant Iloba & Ekrakene, 2006
Leaves Powder S. zeamais Protectant Iloba & Ekrakene, 2006
Leaves Powder C. chinensis Protectant Patel & Patel, 2002
Leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Niber, 1994
Leaves Powder C. chinensis Protectant Saradamma et al., 1977
Fruit Extract S. oryzae Protectant Azmi et al., 1993
Seed Extract R. dominica Protectant Chellappa & Chelliah,
Seed Extract S. cerealella Protectant Jotwani & Sircar, 1965
Seed Extract C. chinensis Oviposition Lale & Kabeh, 2004
Leaves Extract R. dominica Oviposition Rahim, 1998
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 181

TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 182
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Leaves Extract S. oryzae Repellant Suss et al., 1997
Seed Cake S. cerealella Protectant Verma et al., 1983
Seed Extract T. castaneum Oviposition Jilani & Malik, 1973
Seed Extract S. oryzae Growth inhibitor Mohapatra et al., 1996
Seed Oil S. oryzae Protectant Sharma, 1999
Seed Oil R. dominica Protectant Jaipal et al., 1984
Seed Oil T. castaneum Repellant Jilani et al., 1988
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition Lale & Kabeh, 2004
Seed Oil C. maculatus Oviposition Lale & Kabeh, 2004
Seed Oil C. maculatus Oviposition Maina & Lale, 2004
Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition Das, 1987
Seed Oil R. dominica Repellant Mohinddin et al., 1993
Seed Oil T. castaneum Repellant Mohinddin et al., 1993
Seed Powder C. chinensis Protectant Deshpande et al., 2004
Seed Powder R. dominica Protectant Sharma et al., 1989
Seed Powder R. dominica Protectant Ketkar, 1976
Seed Powder S. cerealella Protectant Ketkar, 1976
Seed Powder S. oryzae Protectant Ketkar, 1976
Seed Powder S. oryzae Protectant Sharma et al., 1989
Seed Powder C. chinensis Protectant Borikar & Pawar, 1995
Seed Powder C. maculatus Protectant Ecija, 2000
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Seed Powder S. zeamais Oviposition Silva et al., 2003
Seed Powder R. dominica, S. Oviposition Ketkar, 1976
cerealella deterrent
Seed Powder C. chinensis Protectant Chiranjeevi, 1991
Seed Powder R. dominica, S. oryzae, Protectant Deka, 2003
T. granarium
Seed Powder R. dominica Protectant Girish & Jain, 1974
Seed Powder R. dominica, S. oryzae Protectant Jotwani & Sircar, 1965
Fruit Extract S. zeamais Protectant Ho et al., 1997a
Seed Oil S. zeamais, T. casta- Fumigant Xu et al.,1993
neum, R. dominica
Root bark Powder S. oryzae Oviposition Chander & Ahmed, 1983,
deterrent Zhang & Zhao, 1983
Leaves Oil S. oryzae, T. castaneum Fumigant, Mishra et al., 2002;
Repellant Tapondjou et al., 2003
Acacia arabica Babbol Leguminosae Wood Ash C. chinensis Ovipozition Chiranjeevi, 1991
Acacia concinna Shikakai Leguminosae Fruits Extract S. oryzae Repellant Qadri, 1973
Achyranthes Apamarge Amarantha- Leaves Powder C. chinensis Ovipozition Chiranjeevi, 1991
aspera ceae deterrent
Acorus Grassy leaf Aeraceae Rhizome Extract S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Kim et al., 2003
gramineus sweet flag
Adhatoda vasica Malabar nut Acanthaceae Leaves Powder Adhatodine, Callasobruchs chinen- Protactant Saxena et al., 1986
Bark Extract vasicinine sis, T. castaneum
Aegle marmelos Bengal Rutaceae Leaves Powder Aegeline, S. cerealella, R. domi- Protectant Umoetok, 2004
quince marmeline nica, S. oryzae
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 183
TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 184
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Aempfera Kachoura Zingiberaceae Leaves Powder T. castaneum Repellent Gundurao & Majumdar,
galanga 1966
Aframomum Melegueta Zingiberaceae Leaves Powder Paradol S. zeamais, S. Protactant Prakash et al., 1983
melegueta pepper cerealella
Agastache Purple giant Agastache Leaves Oil C. maculatus Fumigant Lognay et al., 2002
scrophulariae- hyssop
Agave Sisal Agavaceae Leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Bin, 2003
Ageratum Goatweed Asteraceae Leaves Oil Extract Chromenes C. chinensis Repellent Deka, 2003
conyzaides ,precocene11
Ageratum Bedding plant Asteraceae Leaves Extract T. castaneum Repellant Qureshi et al., 1988
Ailanthus Tree of Simarouba- Leaves Extract T. castaneum Fumigant Pascual & Robledo, 1998
altissimma heaven ceae
Ajuja iva Ajuva Labiateae Leaves Extract T. castaneum Oviposition Jbilou et al., 2006
Allium sativum Garlic Liliaceae Clove Powder Allicine, diallyl T. castaneum Repellent Ho et al., 1997b
Extract sulphide
Alpinia Snap ginger Zingiberaceae Leaves Oil C. maculatus Oviposition Paranagama et al., 2003
calcarata deterrent
Alpinia galangal Greater Zingiberaceae Leaves Oil Powder Kaempferia, S. oryzae Protactant
galangal Rhizome galangin
Ammi visnaga Tooth-pick Apiaceae Seeds Extract S. graneries Oviposition Abdel-Latif, 2004
plant deterrent
Amomum Large Zingiberaceae Seeds Oil S. oryzae Fumigant Singh et al., 1989
subulatum cardamom
Anacardium Cashew nut Anacardiaceae Leaves, Powder Anacardic acid, C. maculatus Protactant
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

occidentale Shell Extract cardanol

TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Andrographis Creat Acanthaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae Oviposition Prakash et al., 1993
paniculata deterrent
Anethum Dill, Sowa Apiaceae Leaves Extract S. oryzae Repellant Su, 1985a, 1985b; Su,
graveolens 1989
Anethum Dill Apiaceae Seed Powder Limonene, carvone S. oryzae, T. castaneum Repellant
graveolens Extract
Anethum sowa Indian Dill Apiaceae Leaves Extract C. maculatus Oviposition Dwivedi & Sharma, 2003
Annona Bullocks Annonaceae Leaves Powder Anonaine, C. chinensis Deterent
reticulata heart Extract roemerine
Annona Custard Annonaceae Leaves Extract T. castaneum Oviposition Atal et al., 1978
reticulate apple deterrent
Annona Sugar apple Annonaceae Leaves Powder Anonaine, S. zeamais C. Oviposition deter- Haryadi & Yuniarti, 2003
squomosa Seed Extract roemerine maculatus rent Protactant
Arachis Ground nut Leguminasae Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Bhargava & Meena,
hypogaea 2002
Aristolochia Dutchman’s Aristolochia- Leaves Extract T. castaneum Protectant Jbilou et al., 2006 Saxena
baetica pipe ceae Chemosterilant et al., 1979
Artemicia annua Worm wood Asteraceae Leaves Extract C. maculatus, R. Protectant Liu et al., 2006
dominica, S. oryzae S. Fumigant Tripathi et al., 2001
zeamais, T. castaneum
Artemicia argyi Buffelo herb Asteraceae Leaves Extract S. zeamais, T. Protectant Liu et al., 2007
Artemisia Worm wood Compositae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Negahban et al., 2007
sieberi T. castaneum
Artemisia Mug wort Compositae Leaves Oil Cineole T. castaneum Fumigant Wang et al., 2 006
Artemisia Sea Compositae Leaves Oil S. oryzae Fumigant Singh et al., 1989
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 185

maritima wormwood
TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 186
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Bassia latifolia Mahua Sapotaceae Seed Extract R. dominica, S. oryzae Oviposition Bowery et al., 1984
Begonia picta Begonia Begoniaceae Leaves Powder R. dominica, S. oryzae, Protectant Prakash et al., 1982
S. cerealella
Boscia Hemmet Capparaceae Flower Extract C. maculatus, Oviposition deter- Seck et al., 1993
senegalensis S. cerealella s rent, Toxicant
Boscia Seck Capparidaceae Leaves Powder Glucocapparin C. maculates Protactant toxicity
Bougainvillea Bougainvillea Yctaginaceae Flower Extract S. oryzae Toxicant Rao, 1955
Brassica Yellow sarson Crucifereae Seed Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Protectant Ran-Pal et al., 1988;
campestris Sharma et al., 2002
Brassica juncea Mustard Crucifereae Seed Oil C. maculatus, Protectant Doharey et al., 1983;
C. chinensis Das, 1986; Singh &
Yadav, 2003; Kim et al.,
Brassica napus Rape seed Crucifereae Seed Oil C. maculatus, Protectant Sharma & Singh, 1993;
C. chinensis Haque et al., 2002; Ragh-
vani & Kapadia, 2003
Caesalpiniapul Peacock Caesalpini- Flower Extract S. oryzae Protectant Rao, 1955
cherrima aceae
Callicarpa Beauty berry Verbenaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae Fumigant Singh et al., 1989
Callistepus China aster Asteraceae Flower Extract S. oryzae Protectant Rao, 1955
Callotropis Akund fibre Ascelpidaceae Flower Extract S. oryzae Protectant Rao, 1955 and 1957
Callotropis Aak Ascelepiada- Leaves, Powder R. dominica Protectant Diarisso & Pendleton,
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

procera ceae Flower 2005 Sharma, 1985

TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Calophyllum Laurel wood Clusiaceae Leaves Oil Friedelin, S. oryzae Protectant
inophyllgum canophyllol
Canaga odorata Ylang-ylang Annonaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae Fumigant Huang et al., 1999
Cannabis sativa Hemp Cannabida- Leaves Extract S. oryzae Protectant Khare, 1972
Capsicum Pepper Solanaceae Fruit Powder Capsicine, S. oryzae, Protectant Debkirtaniya et al., 1980,
annum Leaves Extract capsaicine S. cerealella Srinivasan and Nadara,
Capsicum Chilli, red Solanaceae Fruit Extract Capsicine T. granarium C. Protectant Al-moajel, 2004
frutescens pepper Powder maculatus
Carica papaya Papaya Caricaceae Leaves Slurry C. maculatus Repellant Boeke et al., 2004b
Carthamum Safflower Compositeae Seed Oil C. maculatus, C. Protectant Doharey et al., 1983
tinctorius chinensis
Carum carvi Caraway Apiaceae Fruit Powder Carvone, saponins S. oryzae, Protactant
Extract R. dominica
Carum Bishop’s Umbelliferae Seed Powder S. oryzae Protectant Chander & Ahmed, 1983
roxburghianum weed
Cassia alata Gua java Caesalpini- Leaves Extract S. cerealella Protectant Srinivasan and Nadara,
aceae 2004
Cassia fistula Golden- Caesalpini- Flower Extract S. oryzae Protectant Rao, 1955 and Prakash et
shower aceae al., 1993
Cassia nigricans Tanner’s Leguminocae Leaves Powder R. dominica Protectant Diarisso & Pendleton,
cassia 2005
Cassia Coffee senna Caesalpini- Leaves Extract T. granarium Oviposition Dwivedi et al., 1998
occidentalis aceae deterrent
Cassia sophera Seena Caesalpini- Leaves Powder, S. oryzae, C. maculatus Protectant, Ovipo- Kestenholz et al., 2007
sophera aceae Extract sition deterrent
Casurina indica Saru Casuarinaceae Wood Ash C. chinensis Oviposition Chiranjeevi, 1991
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 187

TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 188
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Cedrus deodara Himalayan Pinaceae Wood Oil S. oryzae Fumigant Singh et al., 1989 Ragu-
cidar raman & Singh, 1997
Celastrus Bitter tree Celastraceae Seed Oil Powder Maytansine, C. chinensis, S. oryzae Protectant Singh & Sharma, 2003
angulatus celengalin
Centratherum Kalijiri Asteraceae Seed Extract C. chinensis Protectant Ansari et al., 2003
Cestrum Night Solanaceae Leaves Powder S. oryzae, T. castaneum Protectant Tapondjou et al., 2003,
nocturnum Jasmine extract Kemabonta & Okogbue,
Chamaecyparis Hinoki Cupressaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Park et al., 2003
obtusa cypress
Chenopodium Indian Chenepodia- Leaves Powder, Oil Limonene, T. castaneum, R. Anti feedant
ambrosioides wormseed ceae Fruits Extract ascaridol dominica Fumigant toxicity
Chondrilla Skeleton Compositae Leaves Extract T. castaneum Protectant Pascual & Robledo, 1998
juncea weed
Chromolaea Siam weed Asteraceae leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Niber, 1994
Chrysanthemum Pyrethrum Compositae Flower Extract S. oryzae Protectant Rao, 1955
Cichorium Chicory Compositeae Leaves Extract T. castaneum Protectant Pascual & Robledo, 1998
Cinnamomum Sassafras Lauraceae Bark Extract S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Kim et al.,2003
Cinnamomum Cinnamon Lauraceae Leaves Extract Cinnamic aldehyde S. zeamais T. Repellant Ho et al., 1997a Huang
aromaticum Bark castaneum Fumigant & Ho, 1998
Cinnamomum Camphor Lauraceae Leaves Oil Powder S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Huang et al., 1999 Al-
camphora T. castaneum Repellant jabr, 2003
Cinnamomum Chinese Lauraceae Bark Extract Oil S. oryzae Repellant Su, 1985 Kim et al.,2003
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

cassia cinnamon Fumigant

TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Cinnamomum Chinese Lauraceae Bark oil T. castaneum Repellant Xu et al., 1996
micranthum sassafras
Cinnamomum Ceylon Lauraceae leaves Oil S. cerealella C. Fumigant Oviposi- Paranagama et al., 2003
zeylanicum cinnamom maculatus tion deterrent
Cissampelos Pareira brava Menisperma- Leaves Extract Bis S. oryzae Protectant Niber, 1994
awariensis ceae Root Powder benzylisoquinoline
Citrus Lime Rutaceae Peel Oil Powder Limonene C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Bhargava et al., 2003
aurantifolia rent Fumigant
Toxicity Protectant
Citrus Sour orange Limonenae Leaves Oil Limonene S. zeamais T. Fumigant Haubruge et al., 1989
aurantium castaneum
Citrus limon Limon Rutaceae Leaves Powder Limonene, T. castaneum Protectant
Citrus paradisi Grapefruit Rutaceae Peel Oil Powder Limonene S. granaries Fumigant toxicity
Citrus reticulata Mandrin Rutaceae Peel Oil Limonene S. oryzae, R. dominica, Fumigant Kumar, 2015 Kumar,
T. castaneum, S. cere- 2016
alella, C. cephalonica,
C. chinensis
Citrus sinensis Sweet orange Rutaceae Peel Leaves Oil Powder Citracridone, C. maculatus Fumigant Toxicity Don-Pedro, 1996
citbrasine Protectant Lee et al., 2002
Cleome Daziel Capparidaceae Leaves Oil Terpenolene, S. zeamais Repellent
monophylla terpeneol
Clerodendrum Kashmir Verbenaceae Leaves Extract S. cerealella Oviposition El-Lakwah et al., 1997a
inerme bouquet deterrent
Cocholeria Horse raddish Cruciferae Seed Extract S. oryzae, C. chinensis Protectant Kim et al.,2003
Cocos nucifera Coconut Arecaceae Fruit Oil Trimyristin, C. chinensis Protectant Sharma & Singh, 1993
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 189

TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 190
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Coleus Indian borage Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Ethereal C. chinensis Fumigant toxicity
Convolvulus Field bind Convolvula- Leaves Extract Convolvuline T. castaneum S. oryzae Protectant Singh et al., 1976 and
arvensis weed ceae Seed Peterson et al., 1989
Coriandrum Coriander Apiaceae Seed Oil C. maculatus, S. ory- Protectant, Pascual-Villalobos, 2003,
sativum zae, T. castaneum Repellant Su, 1986
Crinum defixum Kerasachottu Amaryllida- Leaves Powder C. chinensis Oviposition Chiranjeevi, 1991
ceae deterrent
Croton Croton Euphorbia- Leaves Extract S. cerealella Protectant Srinivasan & Nadara,
sparsiflorus ceae 2004
Cucumis melo Muskmelon Cucurbitaceae Seed Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Wang et al., 2000
T. castaneum
Cuminum Cumin Apiaceae Seed Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Tunc et al., 2000
cyminum T. castaneum
Curcuma longa Turmeric Zingiberaceae Leaves Oil, Extract Curcumin, C. maculatus, S. oryzae Fumigant Toxicity Tripathi et al., 2002
Rhizome Powder turmerone Protactant
Cymbopogon Lemon grass Graminae Leaves Oil S. cerealella, C. Oviposition deter- Paranagama et al., 2003
citrates maculatus rent Fumigant Gbolade & Adebayo,
Cymbopogon Palmarosa Gramineae Leaves Oil Geraniol C. chinensis Fumigant toxicity
Cymbopogon Citronella Poaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Oviposi- Raja et al., 2001 Ketoh
nardus grass T. castaneum C. tion deterrent et al., 2005 Boeke et al.,
maculatus 2004b
Cymbopogon Camel grass Poaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Ketoh et al., 2005
schocnanthus T. castaneum
Cymbopogon Java Poaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae Fumigant Singh et al., 1989
winterianus citronella
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Delonix regia Gulmohur Leguminosae Flower Extract T. castaneum Oviposition Saxena & Yadav, 1984
Derris elliptica Derris Fabaceae Root Powder C. chinensis S. oryzae Toxicant Fukami et al., 1959;
Protectant Kardinan et al., 1997
Dictamnus Densefruit Rutaceae Root Extract T. castaneum, S. Protectant Liu et al.,2007
dascarpus zeamais
Eclipta alba Eclipta Asteraceae Root Extract S. cerealella Protectant Prakash et al, 1979
Eichhornia Water Pontederia- Leaves Extract C. chinensis S. oryzae, Protectant Jamil et al., 1984
crassipes hyacinth ceae T. castaneum
Elacis Palm Arecaceae Seed Oil C. chinensis S. oryzae, Protectant Jacob & Sheila, 1990;
guineensis R. dominica Ukonronkwo, 1991;
Nualvatna et al., 2000
Elacis African oil Palmaceae Palm Oil Trimyristin, C. chinensis Oviposition
guineensis palm triaurin deterent
Embelia ribes Baberang Myrsinaceae Beery Extract Embelin, quercitol S. Cerealella, Protectant Chander & Ahmed, 1987
S. oryzae, R. dominica,
T. castaneum
Ertyrophleum Ordeal tree Caesalpini- Leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Niber, 1994
suaveolans aceae
Eruca vesicaria Taramira Crucifareae Seed Oil Erueic acid C. chinensis Protectant Ovipo- Doharey et al., 1983,
sition deterrent Singh et al., 1994
Erythrophleum Ordeal tree Caesalpini- Bark Extract Cassaidine S. zeamais Protactant
suaveolens aceae Powder cassaine
Eucalyptus Blakely’s red Myrtaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae Fumigant Lee et al., 2004
blakelyi gum
Eucalyptus Murray gum Myrtaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Tunc et al., 2000 Chairat
camaldulensis T. castaneum et al., 2002
Eucalyptus Murray red Myrtaceae Leaves Oil T. castaneum, S. oryzae Fumigant Sacac & Tunc, 1995
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 191

camaldulensis gum
TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 192
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Eucalyptus Lemon Myrtaceae Leaves Powder Oil Citronellal C. chinensis Oviposition deter- Subramanya et al., 1994
citriodora scented gums rent Fumigant
Eucalyptus Blue gums Myrtaceae Leaves Oil Powder Cineole-β-Phell C. chinensis S. oryzae, Fumigant Pathak & Krishna., 1991
globulus R. dominica, T. Protectant Patel & Patel, 2002; Rao
castaneum & Prakash, 2002
Eucalyptus Alpine snow Myrtaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigant Shukla et al., 2002
pauciflora gums T. castaneum, R.
Eucalyptus Sydney blue Myrtaceae Leaves Oil Powder S. oryzae, R. domi- Fumigant Repel- Tapondjou et al., 2003,
saligna gums nica, T. castaneum C. lant Oviposition 2005, 2007 Nukenine et
chinensis deterrent al., 2007
Eugenia Clove Myrtaceae Leaves Oil Powder C. maculatus Fumigant Rajapakse et al., 2002
caryophyllata Clove Repellant
Eugenia uniflora Surinam Myrtaceae Leaves Oil C. chinensis Fumigant Gbolade & Adebayo,
cherry 1993
Eupatorium Jack in the Asteraceae Leaves Powder S. oryzae, R. dominica, Protectant Deka, 2003
odoratum bush T. castaneum
Evodia Spindle tree Rutaceae Leaves Extract S. zeamais, T. Protectant Liu et al., 2007
rutaecarpa castaneum
Ficus exasperate Pipal Moraceae Leaves Powder C. maculatus Protectant Boeke et al., 2004a
Foeniculum Sweet fennel Umbelliferae Seed Extract S. oryzae, C. Protectant Kim et al., 2003
vulgare cephalonica
Fumaria indica Fumitory Papaveraceae Leaves Powder S. oryzae Protectant Chander & Ahmed, 1983
Ganoderma Reishi Polyporaceae Flower Extract S. oryzae Protectant Rao, 1955,1957
lucidum mushroom
Gardenia Gardenia Rubiaceae Leaves bud Extract S. oryzae Repellant Kestenholz & Stevenson,
fosbergii 1998
Gaultheria Boxberry Ericaceae Leaves Oil Methyl salicylate C. chinensis Fumigant toxicity
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Glycine max Soybean Fabaceae Seed Oil Lipoxy oxides C. chinensis, S. oryzae, Oviposition deter- Singh & Singh, 1989;
R. dominica rent Protectant Das, 1986; Nualvatna
et al., 2000; Kassis &
Shemais, 2002
Gossypium sps Cotton Malvaceae Seed Oil Furfurol, quercetin C. chinensis, S. oryzae, Protectant Sharma & Singh 1993;
R. dominica Rao &Prakash, 2002
Gynandropsis Jakhiya Capparaceae Seed Extract C. cephalonica Protectant Ansari et al., 2003
Helianthus Sun flower Asteraceae Seed Oil Linoleic acid C. chinensis, C. Protectant Doharey et al., 1983
annus maculatus
Helleborus Stinkende Ranuncula- Leaves Extract T. castaneum Protectant Pascual & Robledo, 1998
foetidus Nieswurz ceae
Hibiscus Rose mallow Malvaceae Flower Extract S. oryzae Protectant Rao, 1955,1957
Hyptis spicigera Black sesame Labiatae Leaves Powder R. dominica Protectant Ajayi et al., 1987
Hyptis Pignut Labiatae Leaves Powder Menthol S. oryzae, R. dominica, Oviposition Rao & Prakash, 2002;
suaveolens Seed Extract S. cerealella deterrent Iloba & Ekrakene, 2006;
Powder Protectant Prakash & Rao, 2006
Illium verum Star anise Illiciaceae Leaves Powder Oil S. oryzae, R. dominica, Protectant Xu et al., 1993 Kim et
Seed T. castaneum Fumigant al., 2003
Intsia bijuga Ipil, Merbau Leguminosae Seed Oil T. castaneum Repellant Mohiuddin, 1987
Ipomoea Cairo morn- Convolvula- Leaves Extract C. chinensis Oviposition deter- El-Ghar et al., 1987
palmata ing glory ceae rent Protectant
Itrus sinensis Sweet Orange Rutaceae Peel Powder Oil C. analis Protectant Juneja & Patel, 2002;
Bhargava et al., 2003
Jatropha curcas Physic nut Euphorbia- Fruit Oil Toxalbumin, curcin C. maculates Protectant
Juniperus Cedar wood Coniferae Wood Oil S. oryzae Repellent Sighamony et al., 1986
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 193

TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 194
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Justicia Malabar nut Acanthaceae Leaves Extract T. castaneum Protectant Srivastava & Awasthi,
adhatoda tree 1958
Justicia betonica Squirrel’s tail Acanthaceae Leaves Powder C. cephalonica, S. Oviposition Chander & Ahmed,
oryzae deterrent 1983, 1986
Lantana camara Lantana Verbenaceae Leaves Oil Powder Α-amyrine, S. oryzae, R. dominica, Fumigant Prptec- Kumar & Tiwari, 2015
Extract β-sistosterol T. castaneum tant Repellent Srinivasan &Nadara,
2004; Ba-Angood &
Al-Suraidy, 2003
Laurus nobilis Bay laurel Lauraceae Leaves oil 1,8-cineole, bor- S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Rozman et al., 2006
neol and thymol neum, R. dominica
cineol, sabinene
Lavendula Lavender Lamiaceae Leaves oil 1,8-cineole, bor- S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Rozman et al., 2006
angustifolia neol and thymol neum, R. dominica
Linalyl, linalool
Lawsonia Henna Lythraceae Seed Oil C. chinensis Protectant Singh & Sharma, 2003;
inermis Singh & Yadav, 2003
Ledum palustre Labrador tea Ericaceae Twig Powder C. chinensis, S. oryzae Repellent Ignatowicz &
Wesolowhka, 1996
Lepidium sativa Alfalfa Brassicaceae Leaves Powder T. castaneum Protectant Al-jabr, 2003
Limonia Bergapten Rutaceae Bark Extract Bergapten C. chinensis Oviposition
acidissima deterent
Linum Linseed Linaceae Seed cake Powder Oil S. oryzae Repellent Bowry et al., 1984
Lippia alba Bushy Verbinaceae Leaves Oil Linalool S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Verma et al., 2001
matgrass 1,8-cineole T. castaneum,
R. dominica
Lippia Wild sage Verbenaceae Leaves Powder S. zeamais, R. dominica Repellant Prakash & Rao, 1984;
germinata Nukenine et al., 2007
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Lupinus termis Egyptian Papilionaceae Leaves Powder T. castaneum Repellant Al-jabr, 2003
TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Lycopersicon Tomato Solanaceae Leaves Extract Coumaroylputres- S. oryzae Protactant
esculentum M. cine
Madhuca Indian butter Sapotaceae Seed Oil C. maculatus Protectant Raja & Ignacimuthu,
longifolia tree 2001
Marjorana Syrian Lamiaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Shaaya et al., 1990
syriaca marjoram neum, R. dominica
Melaleuca Scarlet Myrtaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae Fumigants Lee et al., 2004
fulgens Honey Myrtle
Melia azadarach China berry Meliaceae Leaves Powder Azadirechtinene S. zeamais Oviposition Haryadi & Yuniarti, 2003
Mentha arvensis Japenese mint Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Menthol, men- S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Lee et al., 2001 Raja et
thone, menthyl T. castaneum, R. al., 2001
acetate dominica
Mentha citrata Bergamot Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Menthol, menthone S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Singh et al., 1989
mint R. dominica Tripathi et al., 2000
Mentha Horse mint Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Menthol, men- S. oryzae Fumigant Malkani et al., 1990
longifolia thone, piperitone
Mentha piperita Peppermint Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Menthol, men- S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Raja et al., 2001; Lee et
thone, Menthyl R. dominica al., 2002
Mentha spicata Spearmint; Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Carvone S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Tripathi et al., 2000;
Pudina R. dominica Khanuja et al., 2001; Rao
& Prakash, 2002
Mikania cordata Hempvine Compositae Leaves Powder S. cerealella Oviposition Prakash & Rao, 2006
Millettia Mimosa Papilionaceae Leaves Powder C. chinensis Protectant Damte & Chichaybelu,
ferruginea 2002
Momordica Bitter gourd Cucurbitaceae Leaves Powder Charantin, T. castaneum C. Protectant Boeke et al., 2004a
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 195

charantia momordicin maculatus

TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 196
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Monodora Jamaican Annonaceae Seed Powder Linoleic acid, oleic C. maculates Deterrent
myristica nutmeg Extract acid
Murraya Curry leaf Rutaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. chinensis Fumigants Pathak et al., 1997.
koenigii T. castaneum, C. Kumar et al., 2015
cephalonica, S.
cerealella R. dominica
Myristica Nutmeg Myristicaceae Seeds Oil Α-pinene, sabinene S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Huang et al., 1997
fragrans neum, R. dominica
Narcissus tazetta French Amaryllida- Leaves Extract T. castaneum Protectant Liu et al.,2007
daffodil ceae
Nardostachys Indian Valerianaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, R. dominica Fumigants Wang et al., 2000
jatamansi spikenard
Nerium oleander Oleander Apocynaceae Whole plant Powder Cardiac glycosides, C. chinensis Protactant
Nicotiana Tobacco Solanaceae Leaves Powder Nicotine, C. chinensis Protectant Damte & Chichaybelu,
tabacum nornicotine 2002
Nigella sativa Black cumin Ranuncula- Seed Powder Melanthin T. castaneum Protectant Al-jabr, 2003
Ocimum Basil Lamiaceae Leaves Powder R. dominica Protectant Juneja & Patel, 2002
Ocimum Sweet basil Labiatae Leaves Oil Linalool S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Ketoh et al., 2005
bacilicum neum, R. dominica
Ocimum canum Camphor Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Extract Linalool S. oryzae Fumigant toxicity
Ocimum African basil Lamiaceae Leaves Powder Oil S. zeamais Fumigant Ngamo et al., 2001 Iloba
gratissimum Protectant & Ekrakene, 2006
Ocimum kili- Jembere basil Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Camphin S. oryzae, R. dominica Fumigant toxicity
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Ocimum Sacred basil Lamiaceae Leaves Powder C. maculatus Oviposition Rajapakse et al., 2002
sanctum deterrent
Ocimum suave Wild basil Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Eugenol S. zeamais Repellent
Olea europaea Olive tree Oleaceae Fruit Oil Cinchonidine, S. oryzae Contact Toxicity
Oreganum Oregano Lamiaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Tunc et al., 2000
syriacum neum, R. dominica
Origanum Oregano Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Carvacrol, thymol S. oryzae, R. dominica Fumigant toxicity
Oryza sativa Rice Graminae Bran Oil C. chinensis Protectant Singh & Sharma, 2003;
Nualvatna et al., 2000
Peganum Hermala Zygaphyl- Leaves Extract T. castaneum Oviposition Jbilou et al., 2006
harmala laceae deterrent
Pelargonium Geranium Geraniaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, T. castaneum Fumigants Wang et al., 2000
Pimentha Bayrum tree Myrtaceae Leaves Oil T. castaneum Fumigants Lee et al., 2002
Pimpinella Anise Umbelliferae Seed Oil Extract Pinene, S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Tunc & Erler, 2000;
anisum Leaves phellandrene neum, R. dominica Protectant Al-jabr, 2003
Pinus longifoliaChir Pinaceae Exudation Oil S. oryzae Fumigants Singh et al., 1989
Piper aduncum Spikenard Piperaceae Seed Oil S. oryzae Fumigants Estrela et al., 2006
Piper cubeda Java long Piperaceae Fruit Oil, Powder Piperine S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigant toxicity Su, 1990
pepper Extract Protectant
Piper guineense Ashanti Piperaceae Fruit Oil, Powder Piperine, sylvatine S. zeamais, Fumigant toxicity Umoetok, 2004
Black pepper Extract C. maculatus Protectant
Piper Long pepper Piperaceae Seed Oil S. oryzae Fumigants Estrela et al., 2006
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 197

TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 198
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Piper nigrum Black pepper Piperaceae Seed Oil Piperine S. oryzae, R. dominica, Fumigant Kumar & Tiwari 2015,
T. castaneum Repellant Kumar 2016 Tripathi et
al., 1997
Pittosporum Japanese Pittosporaceae Leaves Extract S. oryzae, C. maculatus Protectant Salama et al., 2004
toriba cheesewood
Pogostemon Patchouli Labiatae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, T. casta- Fumigants Wang et al., 2000
patchouli neum, R. dominica
Pongamia Karanj Fabaceae Leaves Oil Karanjin S. oryzae, R. dominica Fumigant Oviposi- Kumarswami, 1985;
glabra (pongamol) T. castaneum tion deterrent Reddy et al, 1994; Negi
Protectant et al, 1997; Singh &
Sharma, 2003
Psidium guajava Guava Myrtaceae Leaves Powder Cineol, tannins S. oryzae Protectant Sharaby, 1989
Psoralea Forsk Fabaceae Seed Extract Oleoresin, C. chinensis Protectant
coylifolia psoraline
Raphanus Radish Brassicaceae Seed Oil Spirobrassinin S. oryzae Fumigant toxicity
Ricinus Castor Euphorbia- Seed Cake Oil Ricinine S. oryzae, R. dominica, Oviposition deter- Verma et al., 1983, Bhar-
communis cease T. castaneum, rent Protectant gava & Meena, 2002;
C. chinensis Singh & Sharma, 2003
Rosemarinus Rosemary Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Camphor, borneol S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Tunc et al., 2000, Isikber
officinalis T. castaneum, R. et al., 2006; Rozman et
dominica al., 2006
Salvia bracteata Salvia Lamiaceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Shakarami et al., 2005
T. castaneum,
R. dominica
Salvia officinalis Salvia Lamiaceae Leaves Oil Linalyl acetae, S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Shaaya et al., 1990
terpinene T. castaneum,
R. dominica
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Sapindus Soap nut Sapindaceae Seed Extract S. cerealella Protectant Srinivasan & Nadara,
emarginatus 2004
TABLE 11.1  (Continued)
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Sassafras Sassafras Lauraceae Leaves Oil S. zeamaize, T. Fumigants Huang et al., 1999
albidum castaneum
Saussurea lappa Costus Asteraceae Rhizome Extract Saussurine T. castaneum Repellent
Sesamum Til Pedaliaceae Seed Oil C. chinensis Oviposition
indicum deterent
Solanum nigrum Wonderberry Solanaceae Leaves Extract Solanine, saponin S. oryzae Contact toxicity
Sophora Henritte’s Fabaceae Seed Extract S. zeamais, Protectant Liu et al.,2007
flavescens T. castaneum
Sphaeranthus Mundi Asteraceae Leaves Extract S. cerealella Protectant Srinivasan & Nadara,
indicus 2004
Steganotaenia Carrot tree Apiaceae Leaves Powder S. zeamais Protectant Nukenine et al., 2007
Stemona Stemona Stemonaceae Leaves Extract S. zeamais, T. Protectant Liu et al.,2007
sessilifolia castaneum
Tagetes erecta Marigold Asteraceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Krishina et al., 2005
T. castaneum,
R. dominica
Tagetes minuta Maxican Asteraceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Krishina et al., 2005
Marigold T. castaneum,
R. dominica
Tagetes patula French Asteraceae Leaves Oil S. oryzae, C. maculatus Fumigants Krishina et al., 2005
Marigold T. castaneum,
R. dominica
Tagetus indica Marigold Asteraceae Leaves Powder C. cephalonica Oviposition Ansari et al., 2003
Extract deterrent
Tephrosia Wild indigo Papilionaceae Leaves Extract S. cerealella Protectant Srinivasan & Nadara,
purpurea 2004
Tetradenia Umuruvumba Lamiaceae Leaves Powder Linalool, S. oryzae, R. dominica Oviposition
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 199

riparia diterpenol deterent

TABLE 11.1  (Continued) 200
Scientific name Vernacular Family Plant part Formulation Major secondary Stored grain pests Type of activity References
name metabolites
Thevetia Kaner, Apocynaceae Seed Extract T. castaneum, C. Protectant Malek et al., 1996;
nereifolia Nerium chinensis Ba-Angood &
Al-Sunaidy, 2003
Thymus vulgaris Garden Lamiaceae Leaves Oil p-cymene, thymol R. dominica Fumigant toxicity Rozman et al., 2006;
L. thyme Shaaya et al., 1990
Tithonia Tree marigold Asteraceae Leaves Extract C. maculatus Protectant Adedire & Akinneye,
diversifolia 2004
Torreya grandis Chinese nut Taxaceae Leaves Extract S. zeamais, T. Protectant Liu et al., 2007
meg castaneum
Trepterygium Thunder Calastraceae Flower Extract S. zeamais, T. Protectant Liu et al., 2007
wilfordii godwine castaneum
Trigonella froe- Fenugreek Fabaceae Seed Oil Powder Trigonelline, R. dominica, T. Repellant Mohiuddin et al., 1993
num-graecum sapogenin castaneum Al-jabr, 2003
Valeriana Valeriana Valerianaceae Leaves Extract T. castaneum Repellant Qureshi et al., 1988
Vitex negundo Lagundi Verbenaceaea Leaves Oil Glucononitol S. cerealella, R. domi- Fumigant Toxicity
nica, S. oryzae
Withania Winter cherry Solanaceae Root Extract Withanine C. chinensis Protactant
Zanthoxylum Tejbal Rutaceae Pericarp Extract Oil Α-phellandrene, T. castaneum S. oryzae Repellent Singh et al., 1989
alatum Leaves linalool Fumigants
Zea mays Maize Gramineae Corn Oil C. chinensis Oviposition
Zingiber Ginger Zingiberaceae Rhizome Powder Oil Zingiberene, C. maculatus, S. oryzae Protactant Fumi- Sunarti, 2003
officinale Leaves zingeiberol T. castaneum gant Repellant
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 201


The application of plant materials to protect stored products against insect

attack has a long history. Several plant species concerned have also been
used in traditional medicine by local communities and have been collected
from the field or specifically cultivated for these purposes. Leaves, roots,
twigs, ash, essential oils, and flowers have been admixed, as grain or seed
protectants, fumigant, repellent, oviposition deterrent with various stored
products in different parts of the world, particularly in different developing
countries. Many commercially available spices and herbs, turmeric, basil,
marjoram, anise, cumin, and coriander, are for management of stored grain
insects but they are also able to fungal growth under storage condition (Hito-
koto et al., 1980). According to a survey in northern, semi-arid regions of
Ghana, only 16 plants were identified as being used as grain protectants
(Brice et al., 1996). Apart from neem, none of the plants featured in the list
of stored-product protectants were used in the Ashanti Region. Two of the
plants, Chamaecrista nigricans and C. kirkii (both known locally as “lodel”),
said to be the most effective, have not been recorded elsewhere, worldwide,
as having this property and, consequently, do not feature in any research
programs devoted to plant protectants of stored products; these particular
plants, like many of the others used in Northern Ghana, are weeds and serve
no other useful purpose. A survey report of plants used as domestic insec-
ticides in the Ashanti Region in Central Ghana indicates that 26 different
plant species were found to be used as grain storage protectants, the most
common being Chromoleana odorata, Azadirachta indica, and Capsicum
annum. (FAO, 1996). It is clear that there is a lack of information concerning
the actual use of plants by farmers at small scale grain protection. If local
production of plant protectants is to be encouraged then it will generate more
information related to unidentified plants also. Several methods have been
applied to determine the effectiveness of plant and plant products for the
management of stored grain insects, but almost all trials were laboratory
based and of short duration. Although laboratory experiments may provide
useful information regarding effectiveness of plant products, there are various
parameters for evaluating plant products as bio pesticides reported from all
over the world. The plant products can be mixed with stored commodities
directly and their contact toxicity can be assessed through progeny produc-
tion and indirectly measuring the percent infestation and percent weight
loss. Laudani and Swank (1954) developed the method for repellency test
of pyrethrum in stored maize. The plant products may be used as extracts
depending on the solubility of the active components. The most common
202 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

solvents are chloroform, petroleum ether, hexane, methanol, ethanol, and

acetone. Essential and vegetable oils may be extracted from appropriate
plant species in the laboratory or alternative commercial preparations may
be examined. Vegetable oils are applied at 5–10 ml/kg commodity although
higher values, in excess of 50 ml/kg, have been recorded (Don-Pedro, 1989).
Extract of plant products applied as antifeedant for management of stored
grain insects.


The essential oils are complex mixture of volatile organic compounds

produced as the secondary metabolites whose functions are other than
nutrition. The essential oils of several botanical origins are known to have
repellent and insecticidal activities against stored grain insects (Tripathi et
al., 2000; Verma et al., 2000). Essential oils are found in glandular hairs or
secretary cavities of plant cell wall and are present as droplets of fluid in the
leaves, stems, bark, flowers, root, and fruits of different plants. Generally the
essential oils are liquid at normal room temperature but it easily transforms
into gaseous form after some time without any degradation.
Plant oils have been reported to possess repellent and insecticidal
(Shaaya et al., 1997; Kostyukovsky et al., 2002; Papachristos & Stamo-
poulos, 2002), nematicidal (Oka et al., 2000), antifungal (Paster et al., 1995),
antibacterial (Matasyoh et al., 2007), virucidal (Schuhmacher et al., 2003),
and antifeedant, reproduction inhibitory activity (Raja et al., 2001; Papa-
christos & Stamopoulos., 2002). Exploration of fumigantional potential of
essential oils may lead to the development of non-synthetic, ecologically
safe, and easily degradable seed as well as grain protactant. Plants contain
many compounds that are responsible for the ovicidal, repellent, antifeedant,
chemosterilant, and toxic effects in insects (Nawrot & Harmatha, 1994;
Isman, 2006). There are many reviews dealing with the use of plant products
against insect pests of stored products (Lale, 1995; Golob & Gudrups, 1999;
Adler et al., 2000; Weaver & Subramanyam, 2000; Isman, 2006), specifi-
cally on essential oils (Saxena & Koul, 1978; Singh & Upadhyay, 1993;
Regnault-Roger, 1997) and on monoterpenoids (Coats et al., 1991). Steam
distillation of aromatic plant yields essential oil, long used as fragrances
and flavorings in the perfume and food industries, respectively, and more
recently for aromatherapy and as herbal medicines (Buckle, 2003; Coppen,
1995; Isman, 2006). The essential oil of a plant may contain hundreds of
different constituents but certain components are present in larger quantities.
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 203

For example, 1,8-cineole is predominant in the essential oil of Eucalyptus

spp., linalool in Ocimum spp., eugenol in clove oil (Syzygium aromaticum),
thymol in garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris), and menthol in various species
of mint (Mentha spp.), limonene in Citrus spp., myrcene in Curcuma longa,
carvone in Caruma carvi, asarone in Acorus calamus, and glucosinolates in
plants belonging to Brassicaceae, cyanohydrins in Manihot esculenta, thio-
sulphinates in Allium spp., methyl salicylate in Securidaca longepeduncu-
lata, and carvacrol as well as β-thujoplicine in T. dolabrata (Isman, 1999;
Rajendran & Sriranjini, 2008). A number of the source plants have been
traditionally used for protection of stored commodities, especially in the
Mediterranean region and in southern Asia, but interest in the essential oils
was renewed with emerging demonstration of their fumigant and contact
toxicity activities to a wide range of pests in the last decade (Isman, 2000).
Gu-Yanfang et al. (1997) reported that Allium Sativum (Garlic) oil showed
88% repellency after 72 h against T. castaneum at 0.2 ml/culture dish. In
another study conducted by Ho et al.(1996), complete mortality of eggs of
T. castaneum was achieved using the filter paper impregnation bioassay at
4.4 mg/cm2. Adults of T. castaneum were more susceptible than S. zeamais
with LD50 value of 1.32 mg/cm² and 7.65 mg/cm², respectively. Eggs laid
on wheat and rice treated with the garlic oil failed to produce F1 progeny at
>2000 ppm in rice for T. castaneum and 5000 ppm in wheat for S. zeamais.
Huang et al. (2000) evaluated garlic oil against S. zeamais and T. castaneum
and reported that of the two major constituents, diallyl trisulfide was more
potent contact toxicant, fumigant, and feeding deterrent than methyl allyl
disulfide. Diallyl trisulfide completely suppressed egg hatching at 0.32 mg/
cm2, larval and adult emergence at 0.08 mg/cm2. The ovicidal activity of
vapor of essential oil of garlic was evaluated against eggs of T. confusum.
The essential oil of garlic showed strong ovicidal activity varying from 42.2
to 100% (Karci & Isikber, 2007).
Essential oil of Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua (Compositae), evalu-
ated by Tripathi et al. (2000) against T. castaneum and C. maculatus at 1%
v/v, was proved adult repellent and the study revealed negative correlation
between larval survival, pupal survival, and adult emergence of T. casta-
neum. Tripathi et al. (2001) observed the effect of oil against T. castaneum.
The major compound of the Artemisia oil is 1,8 cineole. Adults were more
susceptible than larvas. The LC50 value was 108.4 µg/mg body weight (adult)
in contact assay and 1.52 mg/l air for (adult) in fumigant assay. In filter paper
assay this oil at 3.22–16.10 mg/cm2 reduced egg hatchability significantly.
This oil also showed feeding deterrence of 81.9% at 121.9 mg/g food by
adults and 68.8% by larva (Goel et al., 2007). The oil of Artemisia aucheri
204 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

was tested against C. maculatus, T. castaneum, S. oryzae, and S. granaries

for its fumigant toxicity and repellency at various concentrations (0.037,
0.185, 0.370, 0.556, 0.741, and 0.926 micro ml/cm3). The result indicated
that mortality of adult insects increased as the concentration of oil increased
resulting in 84.41, 85.41, 84.70, and 83.04% against C. maculatus, T. casta-
neum, S. oryzae, and S. granaries, respectively. The adults of S. granarus
and C. maculatus were more susceptible to the tested oil (Shakarami et al.,
In laboratory tests, essential oil of Callistemon lancelets was found
effective against C. maculatus. The LC50 was lower and it decreased with
the increase in exposure duration (Mishra et al., 1989). In another study
conducted by Ansari and Mishra (1990) LC50 decreased with the time, being
0.16 and 0.18 ml after 24 and 96 h, respectively.
Lee et al. (2004) evaluated fumigant toxicity of essential oil of C. sieberi
(Myrtaceae) against S. oryzae, T. castaneum, and R. dominica. The oil exhib-
ited potent fumigant toxicity at the LD50 and LD95 of the essential oil against
S. oryzae adults which was between 19.0 and 30.6 and between 43.6 and
56.0 µl/l air, respectively. The oil was also approximately twice as toxic to T.
castaneum and R. dominica at the LD95.
Toxicity, repellency, and oviposition inhibitory activity of essential oil
isolated from commonly used spice Carum copticum (Ajwain) was evalu-
ated against C. chinensis (Upadhyay et al., 2007). It Inhibited oviposition
and resulted in suppression of reproductive potential and showed good
repellent activity and inhibited feeding activity at low concentration. Data
confirmed toxicity with LC<sub>50</sub> value of 1.05 µl. It also inhibited
egg hatching at all concentrations (0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00%)
with minimum LC50 value of 0.156 ± 0.0321 (Bhargava & Meena, 2001).
Complete mortality at concentration higher than 185.2 µl/l was obtained with
C. copticum seed oil and it was observed that S. oryzae was more susceptible
than T. castaneum with LC<sub>50</sub> value of 0.91 µl/l and 33.14 µl/l,
respectively (Sahaf et al., 2007). In another study, Sahaf and Moharramipour
(2009) determined high feeding deterrent activity of the C. copticum seed oil
against T. castaneum at 100–1500 ppm.
An essential oil of Chenopodium ambrosioides (Chenopodium) was
evaluated for its toxicity and repellency to adults of C. maculatus, S. oryzae,
L. serricorne, and T. confusum under laboratory conditions (Su, 1991). The
result indicated that the oil was effective in reducing insect (S. oryzae and C.
maculatus) infestation when applied to wheat or cowpea seed at dosages of
2000 and 1000 ppm, respectively. It was also highly toxic to C. maculatus
and caused 100% mortality at 40 µg/insect and moderately toxic to S. oryzae
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 205

and caused 52.5% mortality and was slightly toxic to T. confusum at 50 µg/
insect. The oil also showed strong insect repellent activity against S. oryzae,
T. castaneum at 300 ppm (Mishra et al., 2002). Leaf oil of C. ambrosioides
was further investigated by Tapondjou et al. (2002) as post-harvest grain
protectant against six stored-product beetles. The result indicated 80–100%
mortality of all the test insects (C. chinensis, A. obtectus, S. granarius, and
Prostephanus truncatus) within 24 h of treatment except C. maculatus and S.
zeamais, where this dosage resulted in 20% and 5% mortality, respectively.
It was further reported to have insecticidal and repellent properties against
C. maculatus and recorded more toxic to insects with DL50 value of 0.17
micro l/g grains in treated cowpea seeds (Tapondjou et al., 2003).
Efficacy of leaf oil of Dalchini, Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Lauraceae)
against the eggs of C. cephalonica was studied by Bhargava and Meena
(2001) at 0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00% concentrations. The oil
resulted in inhibition of egg hatching which increased with the increase in
the concentration of the oil. The minimum LC50 value for cinnamon leaf oil
recorded was 0.3773 ± 0.0368. Paranagama et al. (2003) tested this oil on
stored rice in wooden boxes lined with aluminium foil against S. cerealella
and found that the population of test insect was significantly lower in oil-
treated rice and the milling quality of rice was not affected, but it enhanced
flavor and stickiness of cooked rice. The oil also showed a significant inhi-
bition of oviposition and F1 progeny emergence compared to the control
during no-choice test when tested against C. maculatus on cowpea seed.
Percent of eggs laid was also reported to be zero in samples treated with
160 mg of C. zeylanicum. Further oil obtained from its bark exhibited repel-
lency to C. chinensis (Tiwari et al., 1997).
Don-Pedro (1996) conducted laboratory experiments to investigate
the fumigant toxicity of citrus peel essential oil against C. maculatus or S.
zeamais (>10 ml/kg) and C. maculatus (>20 ml/kg). Reduction in oviposi-
tion and larval emergence through parental adult mortality was recorded,
but no residual activity on the eggs and larvas produced by survivors was
noticed. Lime oil extracted from citrus species (Rutaceae) exhibited potent
fumigant toxicity against T. castaneum with LD50 value of 17.9 µl/l air (Lee et
al., 2002). All the citrus oils were almost completely effective in preventing
the emergence of adults of the F1 progeny when applied at 0.75% against
C. maculatus in cowpea and S. spp. in wheat grain (El-Sayed et al., 1989).
A study was undertaken by (Bhargava et al., 2003) to explore the possi-
bility of some citrus oils, that is, sweet lime (C. aurantiifolia), mandarin (C.
reticulata) and orange (C. sinensis) as grain protectant against C. cepha-
lonica. For this purpose twenty freshly laid eggs (0–24 h old) were treated
206 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

with different concentrations (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 5.0%) of the citrus
oils through dipping method. The result showed that the oils were highly
superior in reducing the adult emergence over the control and reduction in
adult emergence increased with increase in concentration of citrus oil. The
reduction in adult emergence at 1.0 ml/100 g seed was 46.91, 50.79, and
53.76% in mandarin orange and sweet lime oil, respectively, as compared
to the control. Orange (C. sinensis) oil was found to be most potent repel-
lent (89%) against T. castaneum (0.2 ml/culture dish) (Gu-Yanfang et al.,
1997), These oils were also effective against T. castaneum with LC50 value
of 19.47 µl/l (Mohamed & Abdelgaleil, 2008), highly toxic to C. maculatus
(Su, 1972) and to have better fumigation efficacy to S. zeamais at dose of
40 µl/l (Zang et al., 2005). Essential oil of Citrus limon (Lemon) exhibited
potent fumigant toxicity to T. castaneum with LD50 value of 16.2 µl/l air
(Lee et al., 2002).
Tunc et al. (2000) tested fumigant toxicity of essential oil from cumin
(Cuminum cyminum) against eggs of two stored-product insects, T. confusum
and Ephestia kuehniella. It caused 100% mortality of the eggs and also inhib-
ited egg hatching at all concentration tested (0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00, and
2.00%) with minimum LC50 value of 0.2015 ± 0.0393 (Bhargava & Meena,
2001). Cumin oil also showed repellent, oviposition deterrent and develop-
ment inhibitory effect against S. oryzae and T. castaneum (Chaubey, 2007;
Upadhyay et al., 2007; Chaubey, 2008). This oil was reported most active
against A. obtectus with LC<sub>50</sub> value of 28.01  µl/l (Karakoc
et al., 2006). Cumin oil was reported ineffective in fumigant toxicity test
against T. castaneum (Mohiuddin et al., 1987).
Essential oil isolated from commonly used spices, viz., clove (Eugenia
aromaticum) evaluated for insecticidal, oviposition inhibitory, and repellent
activity against pulse beetle, C. chinensis showed good repellent activity at
0.4–4.0 µl/l concentration (Upadhyay et al., 2007).
Huang et al. (1997) investigated antifeedant effects of essential oil
extracted from nutmeg seed (Myristica fragrans) against T. castaneum.
Nutritional studies showed that nutmeg oil significantly (p < 0.05) affected
the growth rate and food consumption of the insect species. At 20ml nutmeg
oil/100ml, the feeding deterrence index of T. castaneum was about 7%.
(Karci & Isikber, 2007) tested the ovicidal activity of vapour of essential oil
from nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) against eggs of T. confusum. Eggs of T.
confusum were exposed to a dose of 100 µ l/l air for a periods of 24, 48, and
72 h. Vapour of nutmeg essential oil exhibited low ovicidal toxicity against
eggs of T. confusum at all exposure times by <20% of corrected mortality.
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 207

Chemical composition and insecticidal properties of the Jatropha curcas

seed oil was investigated by (Adebowale & Adedire, 2006). Anti-oviposition
and ovicidal effects were observed against C. maculatus in cowpea at 0–2%
(v/w) concentration at five days interval. Susceptibility of C. maculatus and
D. basalis to Jatropha seed oil was evaluated under laboratory condition
(Boateng & Kusi, 2008). Eggs and adults both were susceptible. The oil was
ineffective against pupae and had less persistency. (Jadhav & Jadhav, 1984)
concluded from their studies that J. curcas oil at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% (v/w)
inhibited emergence of adult beetles of C. maculatus.
Oil obtained from Spanich flag, Lantana camara (Verbinaceae) was
found to be unsuitable for fumigation purpose on cowpea against C. macu-
latus at 5–50 µl/ 9.9 g (Globade & Adebayo, 1993). In another study its
leaf oil at 0.5–30 µl doses was found effective to cause mortality in adult of
C. maculatus (Adebayo & Globade, 1994). Good insecticidal activity was
displayed by oil against S. oryzae with LC50 value of 29.47 µl/l in the fumi-
gant assay test (Mohamed & Abdelgaleil, 2008).
Bio- efficacy of leaf oil of Curry leaf plant Murraya koenigii (Rutaceae)
was evaluated against C. chinensis (Paranagama et al., 2002). Oil attracted
insects at 25 mg dose and repelled at 300 mg dose in the dual choice repel-
lency test. In both contact ( 0.125 mg/cm2) and fumigant (22.5 mg/ml)
toxicity test 100% mortality was observed with LC<sub>50</sub> value of
0.08 mg/cm² and 22.5 mg/ml, respectivily. (Pathak et al., 1997) investigated
toxicity and repellent activity of Murraya koenigii against C. chinensis in
stored green gram, chickpea at 340 ppm. Oil showed toxic effect and ovicidal
properties. They concluded that the oil can be used for small level protection
of legumes. In another experiment, Paranagama et al. (2002) tested the same
oil at 7.5 ml/l for their toxicity and repellency against C. maculatus in stored
cowpea. The result indicated 100% bruchid mortality, reduced oviposition,
and F1 progeny emergence during fumigant toxicity bioassay while lowest
LC50 value of 0.240 ml/l was revealed during contact toxicity bioassay. Only
7.0% bruchids settled in at the dosage of 160 mg in choice chamber bioassay
for curry leaf oil.
Mohiuddin et al. (1993) evaluated twelve vegetable oils for their toxicity
against T. castaneum and R. dominica for a period of eight weeks. Piper
nigrum oil exhibited the greatest toxicity at 0.25% w/w by surface treatment
of wheat grains. Chaubey (2007) tested essential oil of P. nigrum against
T. castaneum for its repellent, toxic, and developmental inhibitory activi-
ties. The essential oil was found to repel the adults of T. castaneum at 0.2%
concentration (v/v) with LC<sub>50</sub> value of 14.02 for larval stage
and 15.26 µl/l for adults. The oil also caused inhibition of development and
208 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

reduction in oviposition potential of the test insect. Insecticidal, oviposi-

tional, egg hatching and developmental inhibitory activities of the oil against
C. chinensis was also determined (Chaubey, 2008). In another study oil
obtained from P. aduncum (Spikenard pepper) and P. hispidinervum (Long
pepper) belonging to family Piperaceae possessed insecticidal properties
against S. zeamais (Estrela et al., 2006).
Bachrouch et al. (2010) investigated the chemical constituents and fumi-
gant toxicity of Pistacia lentiscus (Anacardiaceae) essential oil against
carob moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae and Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia
kuehniella. Result showed that P. lentiscus essential oil contains terpinene-
4-ol (23.32%), alpha terpineol (7.12%), and beta caryophyllene (22.62%) as
major compounds. Fumigant toxicity test showed that P. lentiscus oil was
more toxic to E. kuehniella (LC50 = 1.84 µl/l, LC95 = 5.14 µl/l) than E. cera-
toniae (LC50 = 3.29 µl/l, LC95 = 14.24 µl/l). The fecundity and hatching rate
of both insects decreased with increase in concentration of exposure time
to the oil. At 136 µl/l air, fecundity and hatching rate were respectively 35
eggs/female and 42.86% for E ceratoniae and 78 eggs/female & 29.49% for
E. kuehniella.
The fumigant toxicity of eucalyptus oil and 1,8-cineol, the major constit-
uents of eucalyptus oil was reported against a Chlorpyrifos-methyl resistant
strain and pure strain of the saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surina-
nensis. The resistante strain showed 1.9 and 2.2 fold higher tolerance against
essential oil and 1,8-cineol in fumigant toxicity, respectively, relative to pure
strain (Lee et al., 2000).
Cosimi et al. (2009) reported that essential oils extracted from Bay Laurel
(Laurus nobilis), Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
and Lavandin (Lavendula hybrida) were tested for repellency against Sitoph-
ilus zeamais, Cryptolestes ferrugineus adults and Tenebrio moliator larvas.
The essential oil of L. nobilis contain limonene followed by linalyl acetate
and gama terpinene. Linalool and linalyl acetate were the main component
of fennel. In filter paper bioassays, essential oil of fennel showed different
activity on S. zeamais after 3 h of exposure. Bergamot oil and lavandin oil
showed highest repellency against S. zeamais, C. ferrugineus and T. malitor
after 24 h of exposure. Triterpenes from Junellia aspera (Verbenaceae) and
chemical derivatives were evaluated for their antifeedant and toxic effects
against adults of S. oryzae. The compounds maslinic acid, daucasterol and 3
beta- hydroxyl-12 alpha bromine oxide showed highest toxic and antifeed-
atnt activities against test insect (Pungitore et al., 2005). Cymol, one of the
major compounds of Eucalyptus saligna and Cupressus sempervirens leaves
oil evaluated against Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium confusum. Filter
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 209

paper bioassay showed that Eucalyptus oil was more toxic than Cupressus
oil to both test insect (LD50 = 0.36 µl/cm2 for S. zeamais and 0.48 µl/cm2
for T. confusum). Both oil considerably reduced the F1 progeny production
and grain weight loss. Moreover, both curd oil extracts produced a stronger
repellent activity against the test insects (Tapondjou et al., 2005).
Liu et al. (2007) evaluated 40 species of Chinese medicinal herbs from
32 different botanical families for their contact, fumigant and feeding
deterent activities against two stored grain coleopterans S. zeamais and T.
castaneum. Thirty Chinese medicinal herbs exhibited insecticidal or feeding
deterent activities against test insects. The oil of Artemisia argyi, Dictamnus
dasycarpus, Evodia rutaecarpa, Lietsea cubeba, Narcissus tazetta var
chinensis, Polygonum aviculare, Rhododendrum molle, Sophora flavescens,
Stemona sessilifolia, Tripteryginni wilfordii, and Torreya grandis were most
effective against both test insects.
The uses of some cooking oils viz., Noug oil, Soybean oil, Sunflower
oil, Corn oil, and Olive oil and the reputedly non toxic botanical “Triplex”
were evaluated against S. zeamais in stored maize grain in local Ethiopian
storage condition. All the cooking oils were toxic to S. zeamais. The oil
treatments showed higher mortality of adult weevils at each sampling period
compared with untreated grains. These oils also reduced the weight loss
and grain damage as compared to untreated grains. The “Triplex” caused
higher mortality in adult weevils, low percent grain damage, and low percent
weight loss (Demissie et al., 2008).
Rajapakse et al. (1997) reported that four vegetable oils corn groundnut,
sunflower and sesame significantly reduced the oviposition of three bruchid
species C. maculatus, C. chinensis and C. rhodesianus at 10 ml/kg and also
reduced the longevity of adults of C. maculatus and C. chinensis at this dose.
Papachristos et al. (2002) evaluated thirteen essential oils Apium grave-
olens, Citrus sinnensis, Eucalyptus globules, Junipers oxycedrus, Laurus
nobilis, Lavandula hybrida, Mentha microphylla, Mentha viridis, Ocimum
basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Pistacia terebinthus, Rosmarinus officinalis,
and Thuja orientalis in their vapor form against Acathoscelides obtectus.
The most of oils showed repellent action, reduced fecundity, decreased egg
hatchability, increased neonate larval mortality and adversely influenced
offspring emergence. Furthermore, some oils were strongly toxic to A.
obtectus. Males appeared more susceptible than females.
The adults of S. zeamais and T. castaneum were equally susceptible to
the contact toxicity of the Cardamom (Ellataria cardamomum) oil at LD50
level with LD50 values of 56 and 52 µg/mg insect respectively. However
S. zeamais was more susceptible than T. castaneum at the LD95 level. For
210 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

fumigant toxicity S. zeamais adults were more than twice as susceptible as

T. castaneum adults at both LD 50 and LD95 levels. Furthermore, 12 days
larvas of T. castaneum were more tolerant than the adults to the contact
toxicity of the oil but 14 and 16 days larvas had the same susceptibility as the
adults, the susceptibility of the larvas to contact toxicity increased with age.
In contrast, all the larvas (12–16 days old) of T. castaneum were much more
tolerant than the adults to the fumigant action, and larvas of different ages
had similar susceptibility. Cardamom oil also decreased the egg hatchability
of T. castaneum at 1.04–2.34 mg/cm concentration and reduced survival
rate but could not show any growth inhibitory or feeding deterrence activity
against either adults or larvas of T. castaneum (Huang et al., 2000).
The fumigant toxicity of essential oil of Cinnamomum vulgare, Cochle-
aria aroracia and Brassica juncea was investigated against L. serricorne.
Results showed that all oils caused 90% mortality at 3.5 mg/cm2. However
cinnamon, horseradish and mustard oil were highly toxic at 0.7 mg/cm2
against the test insects (Kim et al., 2003).
Papachristos and Stamopoulos (2004) reported the fumigant toxicity of
the essential oil of Lavandula hybrida, Rosmarinus officinalis and Euca-
lyptus globlus against eggs of A. obtectus. The essential oil vapors were toxic
to eggs with LC50 values ranging between 1.3 and 35.1 µl/l air depending
upon egg age and the essential oil. In all cases the young eggs (≤3 day old)
were more tolerant to essential oil vapors than older ones (≥ 4  day old).
Apart from the inhibition and hatching, the exposure of eggs to essential oil
vapors significantly increased the subsequent mortality of hatched larvas.
The combined effect of Niger seed oil and Malathion 5% dust was eval-
uated against S. zeamais to determine the minimum effective rates of the
combinations that can provide adequate protection to maize seed against S.
zeamais. Niger seed oil at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100% of the recommended
application rate 5 ml/kg was combined with malathion at the respective rates
of 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 0% of the recommended rate 0.5 g/kg. All combi-
nation provides complete protection to maize seed from the S. zeamais up
to 90 days of treatments. To determine the residual effects of the treatments,
weevil was reintroduced to the grain that had been treated 90 days previously.
In addition to 100% malthion, 10% niger seed oil + 50% malathion and 20%
niger seed oil + 40% malathion were fully effective in controlling S. zeamais
for further 156 days after re- infestation (Yuya et al., 2009).
The essential oil of L. cubeba strongly repelled S. zeamais and T. casta-
neum even at low concentrations, but its repellency was more marked toward
T. castaneum. This oil was also highly effective against both test insects in
fumigant toxicity and contact toxicity study (Waraporn et al., 2009).
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 211

Ilboudo et al. (2010) reported that essential oil of Ocimum americanum

was very toxic against C. maculates adults (LC61 = 2.23 µl/l) while oil from
Hyptis suaveolens, Hyptis spicigera and Lippia multiflora exhibited higher
LC61 values (1.30 µl/l: 5.53 µl/l and 6.44 µl/l, respectively). The persistency
of the biological activities of four oil was variable and that from O. ameri-
canum was most persistent after 14 days of post application.
Yang et al. (2010) evaluated the efficacy of garlic oil applied alone or
with diatomaceous earth (DE) against adult of S. oryzae and T. castaneum.
Combination treatments were significantly more effective than either treat-
ment alone. In addition, the results also showed that the simultaneous appli-
cation of essential oil plus DE significantly reduced the concentration of
essential oil alone required for an effective treatment and the application
rate of DE can be reduced when combined with essential oil. Moreover,
the activity of the combination treatment lasted longer than that of essential
oil alone and the survival of eggs or larvas to adult stage was significantly
inhibited in the combined treatments against both test insects as compared
to essential oil alone.
Raghvani et al. (2003) evaluated eight vegetable oils at 2.5, 5.0, and
10.0 ml/kg against C. maculatus. The neem and coconut oil at 10 ml/kg
seed provided complete control of C. maculatus for six months, followed by
karanj, mustard, and castor oil at 10 ml/kg of seed. Sesamum and groundnut
oil at 10 ml/kg of seed and karanj oil at 5 ml/kg of seed gave more than
94% protection up to four months of storage. The germination of pigeon pea
seeds was not impaired due to different oil treatments.
The biological activities of essential oil of Ocimum basilicum and Salvia
officinalis against S. oryzae indicated that the oil of both plant caused signifi-
cantly mortality, repellency and anti reproduction effects at 2% (Popovic et
al., 2006).
Contact and fumigant toxicity of three essential oils Cardamom (Elle-
teria cardamomum), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum) and Clove
(Syzygium aromaticum) against T. castaneum larvas and adults revealed that
three days old adults and 10 days old larvas were equally susceptible to the
contact toxicity of cinnamon oil with LD50 values of 0.074 and 0.196 mg/
cm2, respectively. Cardamom oil provided more toxicity to 14–18 days old
larvas having LD50 value of 0.10 mg/cm2. In fumigation bioassay cinnamon
oil provided the highest toxic to adult and 10, 14, and 18 days old larvas with
LD50 values of 0.03, 0.05, 0.008, and 0.09 mg/cm2, respectively. In contact
and fumigation toxicity adults and all stage of larvas were more resistant to
clove oil (Mondal et al., 2006).
212 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

The repellent, toxic and inhibitory activities of three common species

Trachyspermum ammi, Anethum gravolens and Nigella sativa spp was inves-
tigated against Tribolium castaneum. All essential oils repelled the adults
of T. castaneum at low concentration. The death of larvas and adults of T.
castaneum was caused by fumigation with these oils. The LD50 of T. ammi,
A. graveolens and N. sativa essential oil against larval and adult stage of the
insect were 11.62, 14.78, and 9.46 µl/l and 13.48, 16.66, and 10. 87 µl/l,
respectively (Caubey, 2007).
Behal (1998) investigated that Acorus calamus (Sweet flag) oil effec-
tively repelled the larvas of C. cephalonica at 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5% concen-
tration. Schmidt et al. (1991) in another experiment tested the efficacy of
rhizome oil of A. calamus against S. granarius, S. oryzae and C. chinensis
and reported progeny reduction by the vapour of oil with not any signifi-
cantly difference noticed in treatment and control in case of T. castaneum.
Essential oil from the leaves of Purple giant hyssop (Agastache scroph-
ulariaefolia) showed fumigant toxicity at 0.8% concentration against C.
maculatus. The active compounds in this oil were limonene, menthone,
isomenthone, and pulegone (Lognay et al., 2002).
Oil of Large cardamom Amomum subulatum (Zingiberaceae) protected
the wheat grain for 30 days at 1000 ppm against S. oryzae (Singh et al.,
Devaraj and Srilatha (1993) reported greatest antifeedent activity of
essential oil of Neem, Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) against C. cepha-
lonica. About 80–100% repellent activity in oil of A. indica against T. casta-
neum and R. dominica was also observed by Mohiuddin et al. (1993). The oil
at 1.0 ml/100 g concentration resulted in longest total life cycle (57.8 days),
highest reduction in adult emergence (85.7%) and egg viability (65.3%),
lowest number of egg/ female, and shortest longevity for males (3.3 days)
and females (4.8 days) against same insect on sorghum (Yadav & Bhar-
gava, 2002). The oil was also reported to have adverse effect on oviposi-
tion of C. chinensis at 0.05–0.03%v/w. Gradual decline in egg laying with
rise in concentration of oil was also noticed by (Ghosal et al., 2008). The
oil was ineffective as fumigant against C. cephalonica since post embry-
onic development and adult emergence was not adversely affected in pres-
ence of volatile substances (Pathak & Krishna, 1991). In chickpea treated
with seed oil, 98.3, 118.7, and 57 eggs/5 female were observed at 3, 2, and
1%, respectively (Raguraman & Singh, 1997). Seed oil was further evalu-
ated by Arivudainambi et al. (2003) for its efficacy against T. granarium at
different concentration (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 ml/l). The observations
revealed 100% mortality at a dose of 20–200 ml in adults and grubs. Not any
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 213

ovicidal activity was found at lower doses. The order of susceptibility was:
adults > grubs > eggs.
Singh et al. (1989) reported that oil of Beauty berry Callicarpa marcro-
phylla (Verbenaceae) was ineffective against S. oryzae at 1000 ppm in
acetone as progeny increased more in treated than control.
Singh et al. (1989) reported that wheat grain treated with essential oil
of Himalayan cidar, Cedrus deodara (Pinaceae) could be protected from
the attack of S. oryzae at 1000 ppm in acetone. Raguraman and Singh
(1997) evaluated wood oil of C. deodara against C. chinensis on chickpea
at different concentration and reported 134.3, 114, and 112.3 eggs/5 female
at 3, 2, and 1% concentration of the oil, respectively.
Park et al. (2003) evaluated the essential oil of Chamaecyparis obtusa
(Hinoki cypress) family Cupressaceae against C. chinensis and S. oryzae.
Filter paper impregnated with leaf oil was used for the study. Bornyl acetate
and alpha-phellandrene caused 97% mortality of C. chinensis at 0.1 mg/cm2
dose while terpetene caused 93% mortality at 0.26 mg/cm2 dose in case of
S. oryzae.
Wanyika et al. (2009) determined the contact toxicity of stabilized natural
pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium) against adults of maize weevils
S. zeamais. Result indicated that the natural pyrethrum extract blended with
cotton seed oil was the most potent toxicant against S. zeamais and this
potency was concentration- time dependent.
Globade & Adebayo (1993) reported that the essential oil of Triffid weed,
Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) was unsuitable for fumigation when
applied at the rate of 5–50 ml/9.9 g of cowpea seed and proved ineffective
against C. maculatus.
Safrole, an effective component of essential oil of Cinnamomum
camphora (Camphor) family Lauraceae showed fumigant toxicity to S.
zeamais and T. castaneum in flour disc test (Huang et al., 1999). In another
experiment the oil was evaluated under laboratory condition against adults
of O. surinamensis and T. castaneum. Five concentrations each of essential
oil (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0%) were tested. Complete mortality of
O. surinamensis was achieved by C. camphora at concentration more than
0.5% (Al- Jabr, 2006). The oil was strong repellent against R. dominica (Al
Jabr, 2006).
Toxicity of Citrus clean (composed of citronella oil, pine oil and natural
oils from lemongrass and marigold) against C. cephalonica was evaluated
by Dwivedi et al. (2000). Oil formulation of Citrus clean inhibited 100%
oviposition and 89.5% mortality of larvas. Its efficacy against C. chinensis
in cowpea reduced the oviposition of pulse beetle and caused 66.65% egg
214 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

mortality and 100% repellent action. It also resulted in 100% eggs mortality
of C. cephalonica at concentrations of 50, 75, and 100%. The lowest concen-
tration, that is, 25% gave 91% mortality (Dwivedi et al., 2000).
Wang et al. (2000) reported high fumigant activity in essential oil of
Muskmelon, Cucumis melo (Cucurbitaceae) against S. zeamais, T. confusum,
L. serricorne and Falsogastrallus sauteri.
Jilani et al. (1988) evaluated oil of Turmeric, Curcuma longa (Zingibera-
ceae) against T. castaneum on rice and concluded that fewer adults settled in
rice grain treated with 100, 500, or 1000 ppm of the oil. Repellency increased
with increasing concentration. About 40–60% repellency was reported by
Mohiuddin et al. (1993) against T. castaneum and R. dominica. Yalaman-
chilli and Punukollu (2000) observed that the oil obtained from the leaves
C. longa could effectively protect the seeds at a low concentration of 2%
(w/w) under the experimental conditions. Turmeric oil was also found effec-
tive in deterring the attack of stored grain pest, C. chinensis on four pulses
and wheat grains. The oil when investigated by Tripathi et al. (2002) proved
effective when applied on rice, wheat, wheat flour to control R. dominica, S.
oryzae and T. castaneum. Oil was much toxic in both contact and fumigant
assay. The adults of R. dominica were highly susceptible in contact action
with LD50 value of 36.71 µg/ml where as S. oryzae adults were susceptible
in fumigant assay with LC50 value of 11.36 mg/l of air. At 5.2 mg/cm2 dose
oviposition and egg hatchability was reduced by 72 and 80% in T. casta-
neum and showed >81% antifeedant activity against R. dominica, S. oryzae
and T. castaneum at 40.5 mg/g food dose. Karci and Isikber (2007) reported
low ovicidal toxicity of turmeric oil to eggs of T. confusum at all exposure
times (24, 48, and 72 h) by <20% of corrected mortality at 100 µl/l air.
Essential oil of Lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus (Poaceae) exhib-
ited fumigant toxicity against C. maculatus, when applied on cowpea at
dose 5–50 µg/9.9 g of seed (Globade & Adebayo, 1993). This oil caused
100% mortality at 0.15 g/l with lowest LC50 value of 0.026 g/l in contact
toxicity bioassay and the number of eggs laid was zero in stored cowpea.
It also reduced oviposition and F1 progeny emergence (Paranagama et al.,
2002). Oil showed a significant inhibition of oviposition and F1 progeny
emergence compared to the control during no-choice tests on stored cowpea
(Paranagama et al., 2003). In another study conducted on S. cerealella on
rice, the population of the test insect was significantly less with lower grain
damage. However, the treatment reduced seed germination and enhanced
flavor and stickiness of cooked rice (Paranagama et al., 2003). Owolabi et
al. (2009) concluded that activity of the lemongrass oil was concentration
dependent and strongly toxic with LD50 value of 0.560 for S. zeamais on
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 215

maize. Chahal et al. (2007) tested the bio-efficacy of lemon grass oil and its
fractions against the adults of T. castaneum at 50–2000 µg/g and reported
very effective at all concentration. Polar fraction was more active than non
polar fraction. Bhargava et al. (2005) investigated effect of essential oil
(C. flexuosus) on food utilization of C. cephalonica on sorghum seeds at
1.0 ml/100 g seeds for 72 h. The essential oils had feeding deterrent activity.
The weight of food ingested and digested as well as the weight gained by the
test insect was reduced when fed on treated seeds. The efficiency of conver-
sion of ingested and digested food to body substances also decreased. Yadav
and Bhargava (2002) tested the oil for its efficacy against C. cephalonica.
The oil had no adverse effect on the germination of sorghum seeds when
treated with 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 ml/100 g concentration. Michaelraj et al. (2006)
evaluated the ovicidal activity of the essential oil on stored maize at 0, 25, 50,
75, 100, 150, 200, or 250 ppm against 0–24 h old eggs of C. cephalonica by
the contact method. The oil was found effective against 10 days old larvas.
It recorded LD<sub>50</sub> value of 0.1033 µl/cm². Maximum inhibition
of hatching was observed at 250 ppm while 96.6% mortality was obtained
at 2.5 ml/kg. Similarly in case of R. dominica lemongrass (C. flexuosus) oil
caused nearly 1/4th mortality at the same dose (Michaelraj et al., 2007). In
case of eggs of C. cephalonica complete inhibition in hatching was obtained
at all the doses of lemongrass (50, 100, and 150 µl) after 48 h of exposure
(Michaelraj et al., 2008). Tewari and Tiwari (2008) evaluated toxicity of
the leaf oil of C. flexuosus to three species of insect pests viz., S. oryzae, T.
castaneum and R. dominica and concluded that only S. oryzae and R. domi-
nica adults were susceptible to the tested oil as it resulted in 90% progeny
inhibition at 0.1–0.4% for R. dominica and 1.0% for S. oryzae. The adults
of T. castaneum were least affected. Effect of C. flexuosus on C. maculatus
was studied by Raja and William (2008) who revealed that highest mortality
and ovicidal activity (92 and 45.25%) was observed at 96 h exposure period.
Saraswathi and Rao (1987) studied the repellent effect of citronella oil
Cymbopogon nardus (Poaceae) against T. castaneum, C. chinensis and P.
americana, under laboratory conditions. Repellency of this oil was noted up
to 52 h after treatment. Lale (1991) determined the bio efficacy of essential
oil on C. maculatus on cowpea and significant mortality was observed in all
bioassay tests. Similarly C. nardus oil was found effective at higher concen-
tration (0.5%) to 10 days old C. cephalonica larvas (Behal, 1998). But Raja
et al. (2001) reported that oil was not much effective in protecting stored
cowpea. On the other hand high dose of oil slightly affected the survival of
the 4th instar or pupa of C. maculatus (Ketoh et al., 2002). Deterrent effect of
essential oil on oviposition and progeny production of the cowpea bruchid,
216 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

C. maculatus was investigated by Paranagama et al. (2003). It showed a

significant inhibition of oviposition and F1 progeny emergence compared
to the control during no-choice tests. With the increasing concentrations of
the oil ranging from 10 to 160 mg the percent of eggs deposited decreased.
The percent of eggs laid was recorded zero in sample treated with 40 mg of
C. nardus. In similar study conducted on S. cerealella, the population of test
insect and percent grain damage was lower in oil-treated rice (Paranagama et
al., 2003). In another experiment it was found that the treated seeds did not
affect reproduction of C. maculatus (Ketoh et al., 2005). Biswas and Biswas
(2005) evaluated C. nardus oil against C. chinensis on gram and concluded
that the oil effectively controlled its population by reducing oviposition rate
at 2.5 and 5.0 ml/kg seeds. It also recorded least seed damage, weight loss
and highest percent seed germination. The oil at same concentration was
found most effective in reducing S. oryzae infestation in rice (Biswas &
Biswas, 2006). In case of S. zeamais the oil proved to be promising material
for prevention of post harvest pests (Nakahara et al., 2006). A combination
of oils of citronella and Vitex negundo at a ratio of 1:1 was evaluated by
Krishnarajah et al. (1985) who reported it most effective by causing knock-
down and inactivation of S. cerealella. Its component p-Cymene was the
most effective terpenes tested in relation to knockdown, inactivation and
mortality while β-pinene was the most effective repellent.
The bio-efficacy of essential oil of Camel grass Cymbopogon schoe-
nanthus (Poaceae) was investigated by Ketoh et al. (2005) to evaluate the
residual effects of essential oil on C. maculatus survival and female repro-
duction and cowpea seed germination. The result indicated that the treated
seeds did not affect reproduction of C. maculatus. Singh et al. (1989) reported
very low grain damage in wheat grain treated with 1000 ppm concentra-
tion of Java citronella Cymbopogon winterianus (Poaceae) under laboratory
conditions. The effect of C. winterianus oil on food utilization of C. cepha-
lonica was studied by Bhargava et al. (2005). The Oil had feeding deterrent
activity on fifth-instar larvas fed on broken sorghum seeds treated with oil
at 1.0 ml/100 g seeds for 72 h. The weight of food ingested and digested as
well as the weight gained by the test insect (fifth instars larvas was reduced.
The oil was also found effective in causing adult mortality of C. chinensis
(Ghosal et al., 2005). The toxicity of vapour of essential oil obtained from C.
winterianus was determined against eggs of T. confusum (Karci & Isikber,
2007). Oil had low ovicidal toxicity to eggs when exposed to a dose of
100 µl/l air at all exposure times (24, 48, and 72 h) by <20% of corrected
mortality. Ghosal et al. (2008) tested the efficacy of non-edible oil (C. winte-
rianus) as seed protectant against adult C. chinensis. Gradual decline in egg
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 217

laying was observed with the rise in concentration (0.05–0.03%v/w). The

oil also proved more effective by causing death of the beetles, and adverse
effect on oviposition. The oil also showed knockdown action against S. cere-
alella (Krishnarajah et al., 1985).
Baskaran and Janarthanan (2000) reported that dust formulation of
Palmarosa, Cymbopogon martinii were more effective than the plant oils
alone against C. chinensis. Less adult emergence (79.0/100 g seed) was
recorded when treated with Palmarosa oil (PO) + Neem oil (NO) + Iluppai
oil (IO) 10% D (1:2:2 v/v/v) at 2%. It further caused reduction in percent
bored grains (12.6%) and wt. loss (5.0%). Palmarosa Oil was less effective
at 10% D (2%). Only 3.0 eggs/50 g was observed for cowpea treated with
Palmarosa Oil + Neem oil 10% D (2%) and 6.5 eggs/ 50 g seeds at 1%,
respectively. Bhargava et al. (2005) evaluated feeding deterrent activity of
C. martinii oil against C. cephalonica in sorghum at 1.0 ml/100 g of seed
and found it effective. There was reduction in the weight of food ingested
and digested and weight gained by the test insect when fed on treated seeds.
The efficiency of conversion of ingested and digested food also decreased.
Essential oil of Blakely’s red gum Eucalyptus blakelyi (Myrtaceae)
was found effective against S. oryzae at 100 µl/l air. The adults were most
susceptible followed by larvas then pupae and eggs (Lee et al., 2004). Oil
of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Murray gum) showed 45% mortality of eggs
of T. confusum and E. kuhniella (Tunc et al., 2000). In another experiment
this oil exhibited fumigant toxicity against T. castaneum, S. zeamais, and
C. maculatus. Active compounds were monoterpenes. The efficacy of wet
season oil was more as compare to dry season oil (Chairat et al., 2002).
Essential oil of E. camaldulensis was also tested to determine its potential
insecticidal activity against S. oryzae and T. castaneum (Mohamed & Abdel-
galeil, 2008). Oil showed highest toxicity against T. castaneum in contact
bioassay test where as good toxicity was exhibited against S. oryzae in fumi-
gation bioassay test. Eucalyptus globulus oil when applied against C. cepha-
lonica adversely affected post-embryonic development and adult emergence
in presence of volatile oil. It also showed detrimental effect on egg hatch-
ability (Pathak & Krishna, 1991). The oil also showed promising toxicant
and repellent when screened against Musca domestica, Stegobium pani-
ceum, S. oryzae, and C. chinensis (Ahmed & Eapen, 1986). Srivastava et al.
(1988) concluded that essential oil of E. globulus at 0.40% can be used for
control of C. chinensis on gram. Toxicity and repellent activity of this essen-
tial oil was studied by Padin et al. (2000) on S. oryzae and T. castaneum who
reported that it had no repellent effect on the test insects. Rao and Prakash
(2002) conducted experiment under controlled condition to determine the
218 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

efficacy of eucalyptus (E. globulus) oil as paddy grain protectant against R.

dominica and concluded that the multiplication of the pest was absolutely
controlled by the oil for 180 days. In an attempt to find natural and cheap
source of paddy grain protectant. Prakash and Rao (2006) evaluated E. glob-
ulus oil against S. cerealella as prophylactic treatment and post-phylactic
treatment under controlled conditions. When admixed with the seed at 0.50
and 1.00% v/w it gave absolute protection up to 90 days against both the
insects. Karci and Isikber (2007) reported low ovicidal toxicity of this oil to
eggs of T. confusum at all exposure times by <20% of corrected mortality
when exposed to a dose of 100 µl/l air 100 µg/l air. The effectiveness of
eucalyptus oil in protecting faba beans against C. chinensis was also studied
by Richa et al. (1993) which showed some effect on oviposition but was
non toxic to adults. Abd-El-Aziz (2001) also investigated persistence of E.
globulus oil against C. maculatus during storage. The oil showed promising
oviposition deterrence and toxic effect and protected cowpea seeds for four
months in addition to impairing the fecundity of the beetles. In further study
the efficacy of E. citridora (Nilgiri) oil on the olfactory response of the larvas
of rice-moth, C. cephalonica was observed by Behal (1998). Eucalyptus
oil was effective at the higher concentrations when 10-day-old larvas were
exposed to 0.1, 0.3, or 0.5% concentrations. The evaluation of insecticidal
activity of E. citridora was carried out by Ngamo et al. (2004) in another
experiment. The oil exhibited significant insecticidal activity on S. zeamais
from the first day of application and after two or four days this activity
decreased. The essential oil of E. citridora was reported to have feeding
deterrent activity to fifth-instar larvas of C. cephalonica which were fed on
broken sorghum seeds treated at the rate 1.0 ml/100 g of seed. Reduction
in the weight of food ingested and digested as well as the weight gained by
the test insect was observed during the experiment (Bhargava et al., 2005).
Eucalyptus citridora oil isolated from the plant was also found repellent
when analyzed and evaluated for its insecticidal activity at doses between
0.063 and 0.503 µl/cm2 against S. zeamais using area preference method
(Nerio et al., 2009). The comparative efficacy of four essential oils against
C. maculatus and S. oryzae was studied by Gakuru and Foua (1995). Not
any effect on S. oryzae was found but it proved potent toxicant against C.
maculatus with LD50 of 1.26 and 1.49 ml in acetone (2% dilution). Coitinho
et al. (2006) conducted experiment to determine the toxicity of the essen-
tial oil of E. citridora to adults of S. zeamais in stored maize grain. The
LC<sub>50</sub>of the oil tested was 44.69 µg/20 g of maize. The effect
of oil obtained from the leaves of Alpine snow gums, Eucalyptus pauciflora
was also assessed. The result revealed mortality of insects in 40–60 min
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 219

after application during contact toxicity test when applied at the rate of 5%
on wheat and groundnut commodity infested by R. dominica, S. oryzae, T.
granarium, C. cephalonica and E. cautella. During fumigant toxicity test
it caused mortality of R. dominica and S. oryzae in 7 h, T. granarium in
5 h and C. cephalonica and E. cautella in 5 h, respectively (Shukla et al.,
2002). The essential oil of Eucalyptus tereticornis had noeffect on S. oryzae
and C. maculatus (Gakuru & Foua, 1995). Bioactivity of the same essential
oil was studied by Hou et al. (2002) against S. oryzae. High fumigant and
antifeedant activity was exhibited to third instar larvas and it caused 100%
mortality of S. zeamais at 0.4%.
Globade & Adebayo (1993) reported that oil of Eugenia uniflora (Surinam
cherry) family Myrtaceae exhibited fumigant toxicity at 5–50 µg/9.9 g of
seed against C. maculatus in stored cowpea. Oil was also effective against
C. chinensis by causing mortality of beetles (Ghosal et al., 2005; Ghosal et
al., 2008).
Essential oil of Evodia rutaecarpa (Rutaceae) was evaluated for fumi-
gant and contact toxicity against S. zeamais and T. castaneum. In fumigant
toxicity assay S. zeamais was less susceptible than T. castaneum where as in
contact toxicity assay S. zeamais adults were more susceptible than T. casta-
neum. In repellency test weaker feeding deterrence was observed against T.
castaneum than S. zeamais (Liu & Ho, 1999).
Ghosal et al. (2008) evaluated the essential oil of Hydnocarpus kurzii
(Chaulmoogra) against the adult of C. chinensis. It was evident that non-
edible oil was more effective to cause death of the beetles. The persistency
of toxicity was longest for 120 days after treatment. It also caused mortality
of adult C. chinensis beetle (Ghosal et al., 2005).
Essential oil of Bay laurel, Laurus nobilis (Lauraceae) was investigated
against R. dominica, S. oryzae and T. castaneum (0.1–100 µl). At lowest
dose the active compound 1,8-cineole, borneol and thymol were highly
effective against S. oryzae. Camphor and linalool gave 100% mortality of
R. dominica and less than 20% mortality at highest dose in case of T. casta-
neum (Rozman et al., 2007). Monoterpenes in essential oil of L. nobilis were
effective against the maize pest, S. zeamais (Rozman et al., 2007). In another
study the oil was found most effective against R. dominica at 1000 ppm
(Shaaya et al., 1991) and vapors of laurel were found to have a low ovicidal
toxicity at exposure times of 24, 48, and 72  h, respectively, by <20% of
corrected mortality (Karci & Isikber, 2007).
Wang et al. (2000) determined the toxicity of geranium oil against museum
insect pests viz., L. serricorne, F. sauteri, S. zeamais and T. confusum. High
fumigation insecticidal activity was exhibited. They also concluded that
220 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

plant essential oils are a promising prospect for development as potential

botanical pesticides. In another experiment conducted by Richa et al. (1993)
geranium oil exhibited greatest insecticidal activity in protecting faba beans
against C. chinensis. In experiment conducted by Michaelraj et al. (2007)
adults of S. oryzae and R. dominica were exposed to essential oil of gera-
nium Geranium viscosissimum in the fumigation chamber. It was observed
that geranium oil caused nearly 1/4th mortality at the same dose. In a similar
study, Michaelraj et al. (2008) reported complete inhibition of hatching of
eggs of C. cephalonica at a dose of 150 µl of geranium after 48 h of expo-
sure. Michaelraj and Sharma (2006) evaluated the toxicity of geranium
essential oil against 10-day-old larvas of C. cephalonica on maize (cv. Basi
local) grain using the film method. It was most effective against 10-day-
old larvas, as it recorded the lowest LD< sub>50</sub> value of 0.0891 µl/
cm2. On treatment of maize grain with different concentration of the oil 95%
mortality with no grain damage was recorded at 2.5 ml/kg grains. Feeding
deterrent activity of geranium Pelargonium graveolens oil at 1.0 ml/100 g
of seed against C. cephalonica on treated sorghum seed was also recorded
(Bhargava et al., 2005).
Essential oil of Bay laurel, Laurus nobilis (Lauraceae) was tested against
R. dominica, S. oryzae and T. castaneum at 0.1–100 µl/720 ml volume. The
active compound 1,8-cineole, borneol and thymol were highly effective
against S. oryzae at lowest dose. Camphor and linalool gave 100% mortality
against R. dominica. Less than 20% mortality at highest dose for T. casta-
neum was observed (Rozman et al., 2006). In another study the oil was found
very effective against R. dominica at 1000 ppm (Shaaya et al., 1990) and it
was toxic to all stages of T. confusum (Isikber et al ., 2006).
Shaaya et al. (1990) investigated the bioefficacy of Lavendula angus-
tifolia (Lavender) essential oil against R. dominica, S. oryzae, O. surina-
mensis and T. castaneum which was found most effective against R. domi-
nica. Kalinovic et al. (1997) studied insecticidal activity of 5 aromatic plants
on wheat grains and Phaseolus vulgaris against S. granarius and Acanthos-
celides obtectus under laboratory condition. Oil extract of L. angustifolia
was recorded most efficient in controlling A. obtectus on P. vulgaris with
no negative effect on seed germination. Maga et al. (2000) in an experi-
ment concluded that 1,8-cineole an active component of oil was respon-
sible for the insecticidal properties against T. castaneum. Novokmet et al.
(2002) evaluated essential oil of L. angustifolia for its insecticidal activity
against two species of storage pests (Plodia interpunctella and T. casta-
neum). The oil was applied at 0.5 and 1 ml/kg on three kinds of bird food.
Under winter storage conditions, 100% mortality of P. interpunctella and
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 221

T. castaneum was observed after 40 and 44 days of exposure, respectively,

in the bird food treated with the essential oil at 1 mg/kg. Under summer
storage conditions, 100% mortality was obtained after 68 days of exposure
to the bird food treated with the same concentration of the essential oil. The
same level of storage insect control at 0.5 ml/kg concentration was obtained
by prolonging the exposure period for 4–8 days. Further study was carried
out by Rozman et al. (2006) to investigate the fumigant toxicity of natu-
rally occurring compounds isolated from essential oil of lavender (L. angus-
tifolia) oil on stored wheat. Insect showed very high susceptibility to the
compound 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) with average mortality of 96.5–100%
when tested at 0.1 µl/720 ml and had no negative effect on dough proper-
ties. These compounds were again evaluated by Rozman et al. (2007) for
fumigant activity against adults of S. oryzae, R. dominica and T. castaneum.
1,8-cineole, borneol and thymol were highly effective against S. oryzae
at lowest dose (0.1 µl/720 ml volume). Camphor and linalool gave 100%
mortality against R. dominica while less than 20% mortality was recorded at
higher dose (100 µl/720 ml volume) against T. castaneum. Monoterpenes in
the essential oils were effective against the maize pest S. zeamais (Rozman
et al., 2007).
Essential oil of Bushy matgrass, Lippia alba (Verbinaceae) was tested
against R. dominica, S. oryzae, T. castaneum and C. maculatus and the oil
was more effective in contact toxicity than fumigant toxicity. The adults
of C. maculatus were more susceptible as compared to other insects in
fumigant toxicity test and showed 50% reduction in oviposition and 70%
reduction in case of C. maculatus and T. castaneum. The major compounds
were linalool 65.2% and 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) 6.6% (Verma et al., 2001).
Insecticidal and oviposition deterrent activity of oil against C. chinensis
on stored cowpeas was also assessed by Dubey et al. (2004). Oil of Lippia
gracilis showed strong insecticidal activity at higher dose. Apart from this,
reduction in the number of eggs laid on the treated seeds was also reported.
In another study conducted by Coitinho et al. (2006) the oil provided highest
control of S. zeamais as LC<sub>50</sub> of the oil tested was 11.45 µl/g
of maize. Pereira et al. (2008) reported absolute mortality of C. maculatus
in cowpea at all concentration (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 µl/20 g) and the
reduction in the number of viable eggs and emerged insects was approxi-
mately 100%. Oil resulted in absolute mortality of the same insect in treated
cowpea at 50 µl/20 g. Apart from this, low residual effect of the tested oil
was noticed (Pereira et al., 2009). Koumaglo et al. (1996) tested the effi-
cacy of geranial and neral, major constituents of Lippia multiflora leaf oil
for protection against C. maculatus. The essential oil exhibited insecticidal
222 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

activity against C. maculatus in a dose-dependent manner. Kouninki et

al. (2007) reported essential oil of Lippia rugosa (Lamiaceae) promising
in contact and inhalation tests because of its efficacy on the life stages of
T. castaneum. The oil was found effective with 100% mortality of larvas.
Ngamo et al. (2004) reported significant insecticidal activity of the oil on
the first day application. Another study showed that oil of Lippia adoensis
(Kosseret) exhibited fumigant toxicity when tested against C. maculatus
in stored cowpea at 5–50 µg/ 9.9 g of seed (Glabode & Adebayo, 1993).
Odeyemi (1993) studied the insecticidal properties of certain indigenous
plant oils against S. zeamais at the rate of doses 0.1, 0.5, 0.7, and 1.0 ml
oil/50 g maize. A reduction in the number of F1 progeny was also observed
following treatments, and this was significant (p < 0.05) for the higher dose
of L. adoensis.
The fumigant toxicity of essential oil extracted from Syrian marjoram,
Marjorana syriaca (Lamiaceae) was evaluated against adults of R. domi-
nica, O. surinamensis, T. castaneum and S. oryzae. The oil was reported
most effective against O. surinamensis (Shaaya et al., 1991).
Lee et al. (2004) studied efficacy of Scarlet Honey Myrtle Melaleuca
fulgens essential oil against S. oryzae at 100 µl/l air. Adults were most
susceptible followed by larvas then pupae and eggs.
Vapour toxicity and repellency of essential oil obtained from Japanese
mint, Mentha arvensis (Lamiaceae) against insect pests (Musca domestica,
Stegobium paniceum S. oryzae and C. chinensis) was reported by (Ahmed
& Eapen, 1986). Oil showed strong toxicity and repellent action against C.
maculatus and T. castaneum (Tripathi et al., 2000) where C. maculatus was
more susceptible than T. castaneum. In protecting stored rice from S. oryzae
oil proved significantly superior over untreated control at 0.5 ml/kg concen-
tration based on cumulative percent mortality of adults (Dayal et al., 2003).
Lee et al. (2001) concluded that M. arvensis oil was very potent fumigant
against S. oryzae with LC50 value of 45.5 µl/l air. Singh et al. (1995) found
this oil as an effective fumigant against S. oryzae at 166 µl/l air with no effect
on percent seed germination and recommended it for seed storage rather
than for food storage in case of sorghum. The oil was effective in preventing
oviposition in red gram at 0.2% concentration against C. cephalonica (18.66
eggs/ adult 90 DAT) and gave complete control of oviposition (Srivastava et
al., 1988). When it was tested for its fumigant properties against C. chinensis
infesting stored pigeon pea, it reduced infestation and seed germination and
had no adverse effect on nutritive value (Srivastava et al., 1989). However,
in another it was very effective against S. oryzae (Ahmed & Eapen, 1986).
Leaf oil of M. arvensis was most effective and recorded 100% mortality of
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 223

test insects when applied at 1–2 g /25 g in rice against S. oryzae (Khajuria
et al., 2003).
Tripathi et al. (2000) investigated the toxicity of essential oil of Bergamot
mint, Mentha citrata (Lamiaceae) against C. maculatus and T. castaneum
and recorded that C. maculatus was more susceptible than T. castaneum.
Singh et al. (1989) tested leaf oil (1000 ppm in acetone) of M. citrata for
reproduction retardant, fumigant toxicity, and grain protection capability
against S. oryzae under laboratory conditions. Oil showed significant fumi-
gant toxicity when applied to stored wheat grain. However, this effect lasted
for only 30 days.
Raja et al. (2001) observed Mentha piperita (Peppermint) oil effective
in protecting cowpea from the attack of C. maculatus. The experiment was
conducted to investigate fumigant toxicity of essential oil of (1000 ppm)
against S. oryzae, R. dominica, O. surinamensis and T. castaneum on wheat
by Shaaya et al. (1990). Oil was observed active against T. castaneum and
1,8-cineole was the active compound. Callosobruchus maculatus was more
susceptible than T. castaneum (Tripathi et al., 2000). Essential oil was
further evaluated for its toxicology and repellent activity against S. oryzae
and T. castaneum by (Padin et al., 2000). No repellent activity was observed.
Potent fumigant toxicity was exhibited against T. castaneum at 25.8 µl/l air
(Lee et al., 2002). The contact toxicity of the peppermint essential oil was
investigated against 10-day-old larvas of C. cephalonica on stored maize
grain using the film method. The level of inhibition of hatching ranged from
25.00 to 89.33%, at 250 ppm being the most effective. The greatest mortality
(100%) with no grain damage was recorded at 2.5 ml/kg (Michaelraj et al.,
2006). Peppermint oil at all the concentrations caused 100% mortality of
adults against S. oryzae with no progeny production and grain damage. In
the case of R. dominica, except at lower doses, 100% mortality was obtained
for peppermint oil (Michaelraj et al., 2007). Complete mortality of adults
of S. oryzae was recorded at 100 and 150 µl/250 ml after 48 h of exposure
where as absolute mortality was observed in R. dominica, at all the doses (50,
100, 150, and 200 µl/250 ml). The adult of C. cephalonica was not sensitive
to peppermint at 5 l/250 ml. In case of 0–24 h old eggs of C. cephalonica,
complete inhibition in hatching was recorded at all the doses of peppermint
(25, 50, 100 and 150 µl) after 48 h of exposure (Michaelraj et al., 2008).
More than 90% mortality was observed against S. cereallela (Klingauf et al.,
1983). The same was reported by essential oil at 100 µl/l air also exhibited
low ovicidal activity against T. confusum (Karci &Isikber, 2007). Activation
of the acetylcholinesterase, glutamic transaminase, and amylase in the body
of oil-treated insect (R. dominica) was also reported (El-Sheikh et al., 2005).
224 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

In a study conducted by Tripathi et al. (2000) an essential oil extracted

from Spearmint, Mentha spicata (Lamiaceae) was found to acted as strong
toxicant, repellent and grain protectant against C. maculatus and T. casta-
neum. Study also revealed that C. maculatus was more susceptible than T.
castaneum. Rao and Prakash (2002) evaluated M. spicata oil as paddy grain
protectant against R. dominica and reached to the conclusion that the adult
emergence was as low as 1.20 and 0.40 at 90 DAT (days after treatment) and
6.00 and 2.60 at 180 DAT at the rates of 0.5 and 1.0%, respectively. The oil
was further evaluated in the laboratory for its effectiveness as a toxiciant and
repellent against adults of O. surinamensis and T. castaneum. Five concen-
trations (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0%) were tested. Complete mortality of
O. surinamensis at 0.5% and T. castaneum at 1.0% was obtained. Tribolium
castaneum was recorded less susceptible as compared to O. surinamensis
(Al-Jabr, 2006). Bioactivity of essential oil of M. spicata against M. sepa-
rata, H. armigera, P. xylostella, and S. zeamais was studied by Hou et al.
(2002). High fumigation effect of oil was the reason for the absolute mortality
of S. zeamais. Its effectiveness against C. maculatus in stored cowpea was
confirmed by Raja et al. (2001). Antimicrobial and insecticidal activity of
the leaf oil of M. spicata was studied against T. castaneum, C .maculatus,
R. dominica, and S. oryzae which was found effective against these insects
(Khanuja et al., 2001). The fumigant toxicity of this essential oil was inves-
tigated against S. zeamais and C. pusillus at concentration 40 µl/l at different
exposure times during which it show better fumigation efficacy (Zang et al.,
2005). The oil also exhibited higher fumigant toxicity and 100% mortality in
24 h against three important stored-product insects, A. obtectus, S. granarius
and S. oryzae, under laboratory conditions (Karakoc et al., 2006).
Oil of Indian spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi (Valerianaceae) was
found to have high fumigation insecticidal activity against the museum pests,
L. serricorne, S. zeamais, T. confusum and F. sauteri (Wang et al., 2000).
Essential oil of O. basilicum was evaluated by Padin et al. (2000) for
their repellent activity against S. oryzae and T. castaneum. They reported
absence of any repellent activity in tested essential oil. On the other hand, the
1,8-cineole, a major component of essential oil of O. kenyense, was found
to have strong repellent action against S. granaries and S. zeamais but was
moderately repellent to T. castaneum and Prostephanus truncatus (Obeng et
al., 1996). In case of C. maculatus this oil showed 80% mortality at 25 µl/
vial in 12 h with LC50 value of 65 µl/g. This oil also gave complete protec-
tion for three months at 400 µl (Keita et al., 2001). The treated seeds did not
affect reproduction of C. maculatus in stored cowpea (Ketoh et al., 2005).
Comparative efficacy of plant essential oil from O. basilicum was evaluated
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 225

against C. maculatus and S. oryzae in the laboratory by Petri dish method.

Not any significant effect was found against S. oryzae. The result exhibited its
potency against C. maculatus with LD50 value of 1.26 and 1.49 µl in acetone
at 2% dilution (Gakuru & Foua, 1995). In another experiment, Dubey et al.
(2004) evaluated the Ocimum oil for its insecticidal and oviposition deter-
rent activity against C. chinensis on stored cowpea at different concentra-
tions (0.1, 1, 10, and 100 µl). The result revealed that the oil exhibited strong
insecticidal activity at higher doses and showed insecticidal activity above
50% even at 10 µl/l and decreased oviposition even at 1 µl/l concentration.
It also reduced the number of eggs laid on the treated seeds. Sweet basil oil
tested against R. dominica, S. oryzae, O. surnamensis and T. castaneum in
stored wheat at 1000 ppm was found most effective against O. surnamensis.
Linalool, alpha-terpineol and carvacrol are active compound of O. bacilicum
(Shaaya et al., 1990). Percent of germination of stored beans was highest
after treatment with the oil (Boeke et al., 2004a, 2004b). Toxic compounds
in essential oil of basil were determined for their insecticidal activity against
S. oryzae, R. dominica and C. pusillus. Methyl eugenol/estragole, estragole
and estragole/linalool chemotypes were three major essential oil profiles
present in the five varieties of O. basilicum analyzed. The abundance of
component had a strong influence on the outcome of the bioassays (Lopez
et al., 2008). A comparative study of the anti-bruchid activity and chemical
composition of the essential oil of a germplasm collection of 18 Ocimum
basilicum accessions was undertaken by Pascual and Ballesta (2003). Some
accessions inhibited the oviposition and other caused mortality. Methyl
chavicol and linalool were the active compound present in the oil. Keita et
al. (2001) performed an experiment to determine the efficacy of African basil
Ocimum gratissimum essential oil obtained by steam distillation as an effec-
tive fumigant and concluded that the oil was responsible for 70% mortality
of C. maculatus at 25 µl/vial dose in 12 h with LC50 value of 116 µl/g and
exhibited a significant effect both on the egg hatching rate and on the emer-
gence of adults. Complete protection for three months at 400 µl was also
achieved. Ngamo et al. (2001) appraised the potential of essential oil of O.
gratissimum to protect stored maize against S. zeamais. The oil caused high
mortality (74%) after four days of treatment. The oil also showed signifi-
cant insecticidal activity on the first day of application (Ngamo et al., 2001).
The same essential oil obtained from the different parts of the plant was
evaluated for its toxicity and repellency against T. castaneum by Androni-
kashvili and Reichmuth (2003). The result indicated that at 60 µl/ml, 76
and 88% mortality was obtained for Og (1) and Og (2) oils, and fecundity
was reduced. Toxicity was positively correlated with the concentration up to
226 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

50–80 µl/ml and negatively with concentration > 80–100µl/ml. Tinkeu et al.

(2004) reported insecticidal activity of oil against S. zeamais. Essential oil of
O. gratissimum recorded higher contact toxicity resulting in 98% mortality
against S. zeamais (Kouninki et al., 2005). It had no contact and ingestion
effect on adults of T. castaneum (Kouninki et al., 2007).
The effect of the essential oil of O. grattissimum against S. zeamais was
evaluated under laboratory condition for repellency, mortality, progeny
emergence, and maize damage. The oil was found to be moderately repel-
lent to the maize weevil and induced high mortality in the weevils. In addi-
tion, grains treated with the essential oil showed significant reduction in
the number of progeny. There was no observable feeding damage on grains
treated with the higher dosage of the essential oil. Thymol (32.7%), para-
cymene (25.4%), gamma -terpinene (10.8%), β-selinene (4.5%), phellan-
drene (3.9%), and β -myrcene (3.1%) were major constituents of essential
oil (Asawalam et al., 2008). A laboratory experiment was conducted by
Ousman et al. (2007) to investigate the insecticidal activities of essential
oil of O. grattissimum (Lamiaceae) leaves against S. zeamais in stored
maize. Results showed significant insect mortality. The oil also revealed
effective insecticidal activity and contact action after 96 h. The mortality
rate increased with increase in the concentration of essential oil. Ogendo
et al. (2008) evaluated the bio-efficacy of O. grattissimum and its major
constituents (β-Z-ocimene and eugenol) for fumigant toxicity and repellent
effect against S. oryzae, T. castaneum, O. surinamensis, R. dominica and C.
chinensis to find potential alternatives to synthetic fumigants in the treat-
ment of durable agricultural product. The fumigant toxicity of oil and two
of its constituents were assessed at four rates (0, 1, 5 and 10 µl/l air) in
space fumigation, whereas repellency of the oil and eugenol in acetone was
evaluated in choice bioassays at five rates (0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 µl oil/2 g
grain). The result indicated that fumigant toxicity and repellency was signifi-
cant (p < 0.0001). At 1 µl/l air the oil caused 98, 99, 100% mortality of R.
dominica, O. surinamensis and C. chinensis, respectively. Eugenol achieved
79, 61, and 100% mortality of the same insects. β -Z - ocimene caused 8, 11,
and 59% mortality of R. dominica, O. surinamensis and C. chinensis. LC50
values of 0.20–14, 0.01–17, and 0.80–23 µl/l air were recorded for O. grat-
tissimum oil, eugenol & β Z - ocimene. The oil was more effective in case of
T. castaneum at 0.05, 1 or 5% (Bhattacharyya & Bordoloi, 1986).
Bekele and Hassanali (2001) reported toxic action of Ocimum kilimand-
scharicum (basil shrub) oil against R. dominica. Leaf oil induced 100%
mortality and caused significant reduction in the number of progeny and
survival rate against S. zeamais, R. dominica and S. cerealella in maize and
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 227

sorghum grain. It showed highest repellent action to S. zeamais when applied

at 0.3 g/250 g of grain (Jembere et al., 1995). Camphor, a major compo-
nent was highly toxic to all the insects (S. granarius, S. zeamais, T. casta-
neum and Prostephanus truncatus). It caused about 93–100% mortality in S.
granarius, S. zeamais and P. truncatus and 70–100% in T. castaneum. The
oil completely inhibited the epergnes of progeny. This oil showed 80–100%
repellency of test insects (Obeng et al., 1998). Leaf oil of Ocimum suave
(Holy basil) was highly repellent and toxic to S. zeamais and induced 100%
mortality in R. dominica. The grain moth S. cerealella was most susceptible
(Bekele et al., 1996). Eugenol, a major component of essential oil of O.
suave was more effective on grain than on filter paper discs when applied
at the rate of 1 µl/kg and also resulted in complete mortality and inhibition
of test insects (S. granarius, S. zeamais, T. castaneum and P. truncatus). It
was also highly repellent to the insects with overall repellency in the range
of 80–100%.
Ovicidal activity of essential oil from oregano Origanum syriacum
(Lamiaceae) was evaluated against two stored-product insects. Oregano
achieved mortalities as high as 77–89% in T. confusum and E. kuehniella,
respectively (Tunc et al., 2000). It was reported most active against O. suri-
namensis when tested for fumigant toxicity (Shaaya et al., 1991).
Lee et al. (2002) reported potent fumigant toxicity of essential oil of
Pimentha racemosa (Myrtaceae) against T. castaneum with LD50 value of
17.8 µl/l air.
Tunc et al. (2000) evaluated the essential oil vapors distilled from Pimpi-
nella anisum (anise) for fumigant toxicity against eggs of two stored-product
insects. It caused 100% mortality of the eggs. The LT99 were 60.9 and 253.0 h
at 98.5 µl anise essential oil/l air for E. kuehniella and T. confusum, respec-
tively. It was also most effective against T. castaneum (Shaaya et al., 1991).
Essential oil of chir Pinus longifolia (Pinaceae) was evaluated by Singh
et al. (1989) for reproduction retardant, fumigant toxicity, and grain protac-
tant against S. oryzae (1000 ppm in acetone) under laboratory conditions in
stored wheat. The result indicated 37.51, 75.21, and 86.82% reduction in the
population of S. oryzae after 30, 60, and 90 days of application, respectively.
Zang et al. (2005) reported better fumigation efficacy of essential oil of P.
tabulaeformis against S. zeamais and C. pusillus at 40 µl/l concentration.
Wang et al. (2000) reported high fumigant activity of essential oil
obtained from the leaves of Patchouli Pogostemon patchouli (Labiaceae)
against L. serricorne, S zeamais, T confusum, and F. sauteri.
Lee et al. (2002) reported that essential oil of Rosemary Rosemarinus
officinalis (Labiaceae) was a potent fumigant against T. castaneum with LD50
228 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

of 7.4 µl/l air. When the oil was tested against E. kuhniella and T .confusum
65% mortality of eggs was observed (Tunc et al., 2000). It was reported toxic
to all stages of T. confusum (Isikber et al., 2006). Treatment of rosemary oil
against R. dominica, S .oryzae and T. castaneum in stored wheat showed that
compound 1,8-cineole, borneol and thymol were highly effective against S.
oryzae at lowest dose. Camphor and linalool gave 100% mortality against R.
dominica while less than 20% mortality was recorded at highest dose for T.
castaneum (Rozman et al., 2006). The oil was found most effective against
R. dominica in stored wheat (Shaaya et al., 1991). It killed the T. castaneum
effectively (Padin et al., 2000).
Shakarami et al. (2004) tested the efficacy of essential oil from the leaves
of Salvia bracteata (Labiaceae) at six concentrations against first instar
larvas, egg hatching, and oviposition rate of C. maculatus. At maximum
concentration (0.56 µl/cm3) the oil caused 91.66% mortality of eggs and
98.33% mortality of first instar larvas, respectively. Essential oil reduced the
oviposition rate of adults significantly. The highest concentration (0.37 µl/
cm3) of essential oil led to 96.78% oviposition deterrence. Shakarami et al.
(2005) tested the oil and reported it to be effective against C. maculatus,
T. castaneum, and S. oryzae and S. granaries. At highest concentration of
0.926 µl/ml, the oil showed 76.52, 75.15, 76.26, and 78.0% mortality of C.
maculatus, T. castaneum, S. oryzae and S. granarius, respectively, with LC50
values of 0.188, 0.293, 0.252, and 0.231 µl/ml, respectively. Oil also showed
significant repellency against test insects. In another experiment, oil of S.
officinalis was found most effective against R. dominica in stored wheat at
1000 ppm (Shaaya et al., 1990).
Huang et al. (1999) reported fumigant toxicity of essential oil of Sassa-
fras Sassafras, albidum (Lauraceae) to S. zeamais and T. castaneum.
Lale and Ajayi (2000) investigated the insecticidal, larvicidal, and antibi-
otic effects of Syzygium aromaticum oil in suppressing infestation of stored
pearl millet. At the rate of 80–100 mg/5 g seed this oil caused complete
suppression of the development of adult and larvas of T. castaneum and 96.3
and 65.7% adult and larval mortality, respectively. Sharma and Meshram
(2006) evaluated essential oil of S. aromaticum against S. oryzae at 10 and
20 µl/l, 500 ppm. The oil caused inhibition of F1 progeny (50.42–72.5%) and
decreased percent weight loss. Absolute protection of wheat from the insect
was achieved at 10 and 20 µl/l. No infestation was noticed at 500 ppm. The
oil was reported to be effective in both contact and fumigant toxicity test
against C. maculatus (Mahfuz & Khalequzzaman, 2007). Eugenol, an active
compound from clove oil significantly reduced longevity( 1+ or –0.0 day),
number of eggs laid (0.0+ or –0.0 eggs) and adult emergence rate( 0.0+ or
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 229

–0.0 adult) of C. maculatus at 5 µl/50 g of seed(v/w) in chickpea (Cicer

arietinum) (Kellouche & Soltani, 2004) . In case of C. chinensis the oil was
effective at higher concentration (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%; Behal, 1998). At 0.00,
0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00% concentration the oil inhibited egg hatching
of C. cephalonica with LC50 value of 0.2602 ± 0.0298 (Bhargava & Meena,
2001). It was significantly superior over the untreated control at 0.5  ml/
kg against S. oryzae (Dayal et al., 2003). In case of cowpea, the oil exhib-
ited significant mortality in bioassay test and no appreciable mortality was
noticed in fumigation test (Lale, 1991). The oil caused complete mortality
of S. oryzae at 25–100 ppm with higher persistence and toxicity which was
lower for R. dominica (Sighamony et al., 1986).
Krishna et al. (2005) investigated efficacy of essential oils obtained from
different species of Marigold Tagetes erecta (Asteraceae) Tagetes minuta
(Maxican Marigold) and Tagetes patula (French Marigold) against S.
oryzae, C. maculatus and T. castaneum at a concentration of 50,000 ppm. In
case of T. erecta, TE genotype 13 was effective toxicant whereas T. minuta,
TM genotype I induced 100% mortality in three insects and in T. patula, TP
genotype II caused 100% mortality of three insects. The efficacy of essential
oils extracted from pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) was evaluated
against adult of S. oryzae and T. castaneum and results indicated that former
was more susceptible than latter. Toxicity increased with the number of days
after application. Repellency was observed to be concentration dependent
with higher concentrations (100, 50, and 25%) showing higher repellency
than lower concentrations (12.5 and 6.25%). A study was carried out to
investigate the insecticidal activity of naturally occurring compounds thymol
and carvacral isolated from essential oils of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) each at
0.1 µl/720 ml on stored wheat against S. granarius. Very high susceptibility
with average mortalities of 96.5–100% with no negative effect on dough
properties was observed (Rozman et al., 2006). The compound 1,8-cineole,
borneol and thymol were highly effective against S. oryzae when applied for
24 h at the lowest dose (0.1 µl/720 ml volume). For R. dominica, camphor,
and linalool were highly effective and produced 100% mortality in the same
conditions (Rozman et al., 2007). The oil was also most effective against
O. surinamensis when assessed against adults of R. dominica, O. surina-
mensis, T. castaneum and S. oryzae for fumigant toxicity (Shaaya et al.,
1991). Reproduction retardant and fumigant properties of the essential oil of
Winged prickly ash Zanthoxylum alatum (Rutaceae) (1000 ppm in acetone)
was studied by Singh et al. (1989) against S. oryzae who reported that oil
was ineffective in preventing wheat grain from damage.
230 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The secondary metabolite of plants is a complex mixture of several chemical

compounds, which is not related to function of photosynthesis, growth or
other aspects of plant physiology. The major secondary metabolites include
alkaloids, terpenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, chromenes, and other minor
chemicals Table 11.2. They can affect insects in several different ways: they
may disrupt major metabolic pathways and cause rapid death, act as attrac-
tants, deterrents, phagostimulants, antifeedants, or modify oviposition. They
may retard or accelerate development or interfere with the life cycle of the
insect in other ways (Bell et al., 1990). Essential oils have the specific mode
of action some of them act as good synergists, but most of essential oils act
as fumigants and affect the respiratory system of stored grain insects.

TABLE 11.2  Chemical Constituents Commonly Known Plants.

S. Commonly known plants Chemical
no. constituents
1 Carum, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Lycopersicon, Acetaldehyde
Mentha, Nicotiana, Pimpinella, Rosmarinus
2 Gossypium spp. Acetic acid
3 Coriandrum, Lycopersicon, Pogostemon Acetone
4 Allium Allicin
5 Mentha, Origanum Amyl alcohol
6 Nicotiana spp. Anabasine
7 Anethum, Ocimum, Pimpinella, Piper Anethole
8 Apium, Piper Apiole scumus
9 Acorus, Piper ssp. Asarone
10 Chenopodium Ascaridole
11 Neem, melia Azadirachtin
12 Canaga, Canangium, Eugenia Benzyl alcohol
13 Angelica, Blumea, Cinnamomum,Citrus, Coriandrum, Borneol
Cymbopogon, Eucalyptus, Lavendula, Myristica, Ocimum,
Rosmarinus, Salvia, Thymus, Valeriana, Zingiber
14 Artemisia, Eucalyptus, Lavendula, Raphanus Butyraldehyde
15 Eucalyptus, Gossypium, Sapindus Butyric acid 
16 Artemisia, Cinnamomum, Croton, Eucalyptus, iso-Butyric acid
Laurus, Lavendula
17 Acorus Calamus oil
18 Rosmarinus, Zingiber d-Camphene
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 231

TABLE 11.2  (Continued)

S. Commonly known plants Chemical
no. constituents
19 Acorus, Alpina, Artemisia, Chenopodium, Chrysanthemum, Camphor
Cinnamomum, Curcuma, Lavendula, Lippia, Ocimum,
Rosmarinus, Salvia
20 Chrysanthemum, Cinnamomum, Cocos, Laurus, Lavendula, Caproic acid 
21 Cinnamomum, Citrus, Cocos, Cymbopogon, Mentha, Myristica Caprylic acid
22 Capsicum Capsaicin
23 Carum Caraway oil 
24 Chenopodium, Citrus, Eucalpyrus, Piper Carene 
25 Anabasis, Carum, Cinnamomum, Mentha, Ocimum, Origanum, Carvacrol
Thymus, Zea
26 Anethum, Carum, Chrysanthemum, Citrus, Cymbppogon, Carvone
Eucalpyrus, Lavendula, Lippia, Mentha, Syzygium
27 Cinnamomum Cassia oil
28 Acorus, Artemisia, Eupatorium, Glycine, Gossypium, Choline
Helianthus, Linum, Olea, Pimpinella, Trigonella, Valeriana
29 Alpina, Artemisia, Blumea, Cinnamomum, Curcuma, Cineole (1–8)
Eucalyptus, Eugenia, Laurus, Lavendula, Lippia, Mentha,
Ocimum, Piper, Psidium, Rosmarinus, Salvia, Syzygium
30 Cassia, Cinnamomum, Lavendula, Pogostemon Cinnamaldehyde
31 Citrus, Cymbopogon, Eucalyptus, Lavendula, Lippia, Ocimum, Citral
Piper, Thymus, Zingiber
32 Cymbopogon Citronella oil 
33 Cinnamomum, Citrus, Cymbopogon, Lippia Citronellol 
34 Syzygium Clove oil
35 Coriandrum Coriander oil  
36 Ageratum, Cinnamomum, Lavendula Coumarin
37 Cuminum Cumene, Cumin oil
38 Cinnamomum, Cuminum, Eucalyptus, Cuminic alcohol
39 Aegele, Artemisia, Cinnamomum, Cuminum, Cuminic aldehyde
ADI 0–0.1 mg Lavendula, Zanthoxylum
40 Curcuma longa Curcumin
41 Aegele, Chenopodium, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Coriandrum, p-Cymene
Croton, Cuminum, Cupressus, Eucalyptus, Eupatorium,
Myristica, Origanum, Pimpinella, Salvia, Thymus
232 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

TABLE 11.2  (Continued)

S. Commonly known plants Chemical
no. constituents
42 Cassia, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Coriandrum, Lavendula Decanal
43 Citrus, Nicotiana Ergosterol
44 Antemisia, Ocimum, Pimpinella Esdragole
45 Citrus, Eucalyptus, Lycopersicon, Mentha, Nicotiana Ethyl alcohol
46 Eucalpyrus Eucalyptol oil
47 Acorus, Ageratum, Alpina, ADI 0.1–2.5 mg/kg Cinnamomum, Eugenol
Citrus, Cymbopogon, Eugenia, Lantana, Laurus, Lavendula,
Myristica, Nicotiana, Ocimum, Pimpinella, Piper, Pogostemon,
48 Canaga, Canangium, Cinnamomum, Myristica iso-Eugenol
48 Artemisia, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Mentha, Formic acid
50 Angelica, Carum, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Cupressus, Furfural
Cymbopogon, Gossypium, Lavendula, Mentha, Myristica,
Syzygium, Zea
51 Gaultheria Gaultheria oil
52 Cinnamomum, Citrus, Eucalyptus, Eugenia, Laurus, Geraniol
Lavendula, Lippia, Myristica, Thymus, Zingiber
53 Gossypium Gossypol
54 Chenopodium, Citrus, Lycopersicon Histamine
55 Ageratum, Allium, Annona, Boscia, Cassia, Chenopodium, Hydrocyanic acid
Cinnamomum, Citrus, Combretum, Crotalaria, Cymbopogon,
Erythrophleum, Eucalyptus, Euphorbia, Gliricidia, Glycine,
Ipomaea, Jatropha, Lantana, Linum, Nerium, Nicotiana,
Ocimum, Piper, Psidium, Ricinus, Tagetes, Tephrosia
56 Cinnamomum, Citrus, Cymbopogon,Eucalyptus, Glycine, Isovaleraldehyde
Lavendula, Mentha, Raphanus
57 Cinnamomum, Citrus, Cocos, Elaois, Laurus Lauric acid
58 Anethum, Apium, Carum, Chenopodium, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Limonene
Coriandrum, Croton, Cuminum, Cymbopogon, Eucalyptus,
Hyptis, Lavendula, Lippia, Mentha, Myristica, Nicotiana,
Ocimum, Origanum, Pimpinella, Piper, Rosmarinus, Salvia,
Syzygium, Valeriana
59 Artemisia, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Coriandrum, g Cymbopogon, Linalool
Eucalyptus, Laurus, Lavendula, Mentha, Myristica, Ocimum,
Origanum, Rosmarinus, Salvia, Syzygium, Thymus, Zingiber
60 Helianthus, Ricinus Menthol
61 Artemisia, Capsicum, Coriandrum, Helianthus, Juniperus, Malic acid
Lycopersicon, Nicotiana, Ricinus
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 233

TABLE 11.2  (Continued)

S. Commonly known plants Chemical
no. constituents
62 Mentha, Thymus Linoleic acid
63 Carum, Gossypium, Lycospericon, Mentha, Syzygium Methanol
64 Cananga, Canangium, Citrus Methyl anthranilate
65 Artemisia, Ocimum, Pimpinella Methyl chavicol
66 Syzygium Methyl eugenol
67 Chenopodium, Erythroxylum, Eugenia, Gaultheria, Myristica, Methyl salicylate
Syzygium, Xanthophyllum
68 Cinnamomum, Citrus, Cocos, Croton, Elaeis, Helianthus, Myristic acid
Myristica, Pimpinella
69 Anethum, Carum, Cinnamomum, Myristica Myristicin
70 Erythroxylum, Nicotiana Nicotine
71 Nicotiana Nornicotine
72 Lycopersicon Noscapine
73 Myristica Nutmeg oil
74 Major component of oilseeds Oleic acid
75 Origanum Origanum oil
76 Allium, Anacardium, Capsicum, Chenopodium, Citrus, Oxalic acid
Coriandrum, Glycine, Ipomaea, Juniperus, Lycopersicon,
Mentha, Momordica, Nicotiana, Raphanus
77 Common in oilseeds, Apium, Gossypium, Ricinus Palmitic acid
78 Mentha spp. Pennyroyal oil
79 Aegele, Anethum, Angelica, Artemisia, Cinnamomum, Phellandrene
Citrus, Coriandrum, Cuminum, Curcuma, Cymbopogon,
Eucalyptus, Lantana, Laurus, Lavendula, Mentha, Pimpinella,
Piper, Zingiber
80 Coriandrum, Cuminum, Eucalyptus, Laurus, Myristica, a-Pinene
Origanum, Pimpinella, Piper, Rosmarinus, Syzygium
81 Widespread, including Cinnamomum, Lavendula, Pimpinella Propionic acid
82 Bystropogon, Mentha, Origanum Pulegone
83 Chrysanthemum spp. Pyrethrum
84 Allium, Citrus, Eucalyptus, Psidium, Raphanus Pyrocatechol
85 Carum Pyrogallol
86 Allium, Euphoria, Euphorbia, Gossypium, Psidium, Quercitin  
Shorea, Zea
87 Cassia, Ricinus Ricinoleic acid
88 Derris, Lonchocarpus, Tephrosia Rotenone
234 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

TABLE 11.2  (Continued)

S. Commonly known plants Chemical
no. constituents
89 Widespread, including Artemisia, Calotropis Rutin
90 Chenopodium, Cinnamomum, Myristica, Safrole
91 Salvia Sage oil
92 Cinnamomum, Gaultheria, Gossypium, Salicylic acid
93 Sapindus, Zanthoxylum Sanguinarine
94 Very widespread, including Acorus, Aegele, Allium, Anabasis, Saponin
Bassia, Cassia, Chenopodium, Citrus, Eucalyptus, Eugenia,
Euphorbia, Glycine, Helianthus, Lippia, Momordica,
Nicotiana, Ocimum, Olea, Raphanus, Ricinus, Salvia,
Sapindus, Thymus
95 Ipomaea Sebacic acid
96 Capsicum, Lycopersicon Solanine
97 Artemisia, Gossypium, Helianthus Succinic acid
98 Widespread, including Acorus, Artemisia, Catharanthus, Tannic acid
Cinnamomum, Coriandrum, Cuminum, Eucalyptus, Eugenia,
Eupatorium, Euphoria, Helianthus, Ipomaea, Lavendula,
Melia, Myristica, Pimpinella, Rosmarinus, Salvia, Syzygium
99 Artemisia, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Cuminum, Cupressus, Terpinen-4-ol
Cymbopogon, Lantana, Laurus, Lippia, Myrisfica, Origanum,
Pimpinella, Rosmarinus, Salvia, Thymus
100 Artemisia, Lavendula, Lippia, Salvia Thujone
101 Thymus Thyme oil
102 Anabasis, Carum, Lavendu/a, Ocimum, Origanum, Thymus Thymol
103 Lycopersicon Tomatine
104 Acorus, Chenopodium, Gossypium, Nicotiana Trimethylamine
105 Glycine, Helianthus, Ipomaea, Linum, Lycopersicon, Nicotiana Tryptothane
106 Curcuma Turmurone
107 Artemisia, Cocos, Thymus Undecanoic acid
108 Cananga, Canangium, Croton, Laurus Lavendula, Mentha, Valeric acid
109 Artemisia, Calotropis, Cinnamomum, Citrus, Croton, Euca- iso-Valeric acid
lyptus, Lavendula, Lippia, Mentha, Nicotiana, Rosmarinus,

Several organic solvents have been used in extraction of plant prod-

ucts However plant extracts are tested for insecticidal or non-insecticidal
Management of Stored Grain and Seed Insects by Plant Products 235

activities. Many of the plants which have been tested are found across a
broad geographical range. It is well established in plant chemistry that
differing climatic, soil and seasonal conditions can affect the type and quan-
tity of the components isolated from extracts. For example, Acorus calamus
is widely distributed in ponds and lakes in Asia, North America, and Europe.
The rhizomes of the plant contains ß-asarone, a compound which shows
toxic and sterilizing effects against insects. Three caryotypes of A. calamus
have been found: the tetraploid caryotype (4n = 48) found in India, East Asia
and Japan contains 70–96% ß-asarone whilst the diploid caryotype (2n = 24)
found in North America and the triploid caryotype (3n = 36) present in
Central Europe contain less than 15% of the active ingredient (Schmidt &
Streloke, 1994).


•• plant products
•• essential oils
•• toxicology
•• storage insecticides
•• secondary metabolites
•• plant extract
•• antifeedant
•• repellant
•• deterent


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12.1 Introduction....................................................................................258
12.2 Sampling and Estimation of Insect Population..............................261
12.3 Components of IPM under Storage Condition...............................262
12.4 Current Status of Integrated Pest Management.............................276
258 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The need of integrated pest management in storage conditions is those that

have led the field since the beginning, and more immediate objectives have
been given impetus by government regulations, public demands, and broader
commercial storage. The main objectives are to store grain and seeds with
minimum impact from insects or from chemical insecticides that may be
used in pest management. Since the beginning of storage to modern era we
are using only two chemical insecticides, for example, methyl bromide and
aluminum phosphide but due to their bad effect methyl bromide has been
banned and aluminum phosphide is restricted in use in most of the countries.
Recently, research on toxic chemical free or integration of all suitable methods
of pest management for stored grain insects are encouraged and supported.
The term integrated pest management is used for flexible and technically
sound approach which specifies the inclusion of scientific and cost-effective
pest management practices and permit judicious and safe use of chemical
insecticides. The most of stored grain insects are reported to developed resis-
tance against traditional insecticides so there are several methods are used for
management of storage insects. Management in the storage environment is
an essential tool in stored grain pest management. It involves, primarily, the
controls on in-store climate and infestation pressure which can be achieved
by technically sound storage structures. Equally important, however, is the
climatic control attainable by scientific management of the commodity to
ensure that the stored grain is itself both dry and cool when loaded or, in
ventilated stores and bins with aeration equipment, that the storage procedure
achieves drying and cooling sufficiently rapidly. In a fully loaded store it is
the stored grain itself which largely determines and stabilizes the temperature
and humidity conditions in the store. Modern practice of pest management
depends upon the concept of economic control thresholds. The economic
justification of control measures, including where necessary the use of chem-
ical pesticides, should take account of all costs and benefits. Many of these
may be assessable only in subjective terms that are greatly dependent upon
local attitudes and sensibilities. However, measurable losses of quantity and
certain quality parameters can be objectively determined.


Green revolution in India, has led to self-sufficiency in food and also surplus
food grain and seed in storage. Post-harvest system in India is poor as compare
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 259

to developed countries. In the storage of grains and seeds, extent of infesta-

tion may be lesser but the economic loss may quite high in terms of quality
and quantities. The need of integrated pest management in storage condi-
tions are those that have led the field since the beginning, and more imme-
diate objectives have been given impetus by government regulations, public
demands, and broader commercial storage. The main objectives are to store
grain and seeds with minimum impact from insects or from chemical insec-
ticides that may be used in pest management. Since the beginning of storage
to modern era we are using only two chemical insecticides, for example,
methyl bromide and aluminum phosphide but due to their bad effect methyl
bromide has been banned and aluminum phosphide is restricted in use in
most of the countries. Recently research on toxic chemical free or integra-
tion of all suitable methods of pest management for stored grain insects
are encouraged and supported. The major problems of stored grains insect
management in the tropics, with particular reference to developing countries,
are reported by Taylor (1992) and Golob and Hodges (1992). They indicate
the crucial importance of effective pest management for a broad range of
storage entrepreneurs, including resource-poor farmers, commercial opera-
tors, and national marketing organizations; and a wide variety of storage
situations in which simple, traditional on-farm systems and large-scale bag-
storage systems predominate. Bulk storage occurs quite commonly for small
bulks, at farm level; but is less common than bag-storage in large-scale
operations except at large grain mills and at commercial storage system.
The term integrated pest management is used for flexible and technically
sound approach is also required. In defining this term it may be considered
necessary (McFarlane, 1989) to specify the inclusion of scientific and cost-
effective pest management practices which permit judicious and safe use of
chemical insecticides. The most of stored grain insects are reported to devel-
oped resistance against traditional insecticides so there are several methods
are used for management of storage insects.
Management of the storage environment is an essential tool in stored
grain pest management. It involves, primarily, the controls on in-store
climate and infestation pressure which can be achieved by technically sound
storage structures. Equally important, however, is the climatic control attain-
able by scientific management of the commodity to ensure that the stored
grain is itself both dry and cool when loaded or, in ventilated stores and
bins with aeration equipment, that the storage procedure achieves drying
and cooling sufficiently rapidly. In a fully loaded store it is the stored grain
itself which largely determines and stabilizes the temperature and humidity
conditions in the store.
260 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

The condition of stored products can also control, to a considerable

extent, the initial insect infestation level in the stored grain. However, in
tropical countries, where preharvest infestation by storage insects is hardly
ever completely preventable, the ideal of loading insect-free grain into the
store is not often attainable. Special facilities to completely disinfest the grain
before loading may not prove cost-effective. The common alternatives, if
early disinfestation is required, are to treat the grain, at intake, with a suitable
admixed insecticide or to disinfest the loaded grain by in-store fumigation.
The quality of grain before storage, play vital role in minimizing infes-
tation of store grain insects, so avoid the intake of heavily infested and
damaged or uncleaned grain and seeds. Even at the small farm level it is
possible to segregate the crop at harvest, especially with maize on the cob
and unthreshed sorghum and millet, selecting relatively undamaged material
with good storage potential and setting aside the more evidently infested or
otherwise damaged material which, if there is no other option, can at least
be consumed first. By such means, the rate of deterioration due to insect
infestation can be reduced.
The integration of all suitable management techniques, within the frame-
work of integrated pest management, has become a focus for research in
stored products work (Evans, 1987). The importance of a multidisciplinary
approach to stored grain research has also been stressed (White, 1992). This is
very valid but it is useful to recall that a great deal of the research done in the
past has been of this nature. It was pointed out (McFarlane, 1981), at a stored
products pest management symposium held in 1978, that the need for an
interdisciplinary approach is generally well known. Entomology, mycology,
chemistry, engineering, and food science are commonly involved, but effec-
tive integration of technical solutions is often lacking; possibly because
some of the more pragmatic disciplines, notably economics, sociology and
business management, are not always sufficiently involved. It is the interface
between the research team and the storage managers, whether these are indi-
vidual farmers or a large storage organization, which may sometimes be the
most crucial barrier to progress of pest management program.
A clear perception of the need for solutions which can be integrated into
the management system, because they meet the business objectives and can
be accommodated within existing management capabilities, is probably
the most important requirement (Hindmarsh & McFarlane, 1983). In this
context it is of some interest, although not very surprising, that a correlation
has been found amongst farmers in India between “grain hoarding capacity”
(which relates to the farmers’ existing business objectives and capabilities)
and the adoption of improved storage practices (Thakre & Bansode, 1990).
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 261

Modern practice of pest management depends upon the concept of

economic control thresholds. An ECT is defined as the level of pest damage
which justifies the cost benefit ratio (Hebblethwaite, 1985). It is always a
variable threshold because the costs and benefits of any action will depend
upon the situation and its circumstances.
The economic justification of control measures, including where neces-
sary the use of chemical pesticides, should take account of all costs and
benefits. Many of these may be assessable only in subjective terms that are
greatly dependent upon local attitudes and sensibilities. However, measur-
able losses of quantity and certain quality parameters can be objectively
determined. A manual of methods for the evaluation of postharvest losses
(Harris & Lindblad, 1978) is available and provides useful information,
subject to a need for modification of some methods in particular circum-
stances. A critical review of the methodology (Boxall, 1986) gives further
guidance based upon experience gained, since 1978, from field work in
many developing countries. Choices among methods, several of which have
become subjects of considerable controversy, should always be made with
due regard to the actual circumstances and the prevailing objective. There
is no single “best method” for all circumstances and, for practical purposes,
operational facility and repeatability are generally more important that fine
precision. From the storekeeper’s viewpoint a demonstrable loss reduction
from, say, 5– 4%, however statistically significant, may be of little or no
practical importance; whereas a reduction from 10 to 5% (or from 2 to 1%
in a sophisticated storage system) may be of considerable interest: provided,
always, that the demonstrated reduction can be achieved in routine practice.


Sampling is an essential part of integrated pest management because it will

provide decision-making capacity in pest management program to take
protection measures only when pest populations reach levels that justify
the cost of remediation. Several techniques have been tested and many are
used under storage condition. The most commonly used manual commercial
method for grain stored in steel bins and grain in transit vehicles is the use of
a grain trier, which is a metal spear up to 4 m in length that can be inserted
into grain to withdraw a sample. Once the grain sample is removed with the
trier, the external-feeding pests in the grain are removed by sieving. Mechan-
ically operated pneumatic grain triers are routinely used to sample grain at
points of sale in commercial transport by truck, rail, or barge. A deep-bin
262 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

probe cup can be used to take samples from deeper in a grain mass (Arbogast
et al., 1997), but this is not usually done because of the difficulty in pushing
the probe into the grain mass. Sieving the sample to remove adult insects
but not for immature stages, which might make up a substantial proportion
of all insects in a grain mass (Perez et al., 2004). The immature stages of
stored grain insects can be detected by various techniques (Throne et al.,
2008), but none of which is practically used at farm storage. Utilization of
digital X-ray technique for detection of immature stages in stored grain is
quite practical at commercial storage. The method is quick, but only a small
sample can be scanned and the equipment is relatively expensive (Throne et
al., 2008). Probe traps have long been used for detection of insects in stored
grain (Philips et al., 2000; White et al., 1990). Conventional probe-pitfall
traps can be used throughout the grain mass (Arbogast et al., 1997), but they
rarely are used in this manner because of the difficulty of pushing them into
the grain mass and need for regular servicing. Insects in concrete silos can
be sampled throughout the grain mass using a vacuum probe sampler (Flinn
et al., 2007). Several automatic grain sampling devices are used in large
terminal and export grain handling facilities to collect samples from flowing
grain at regular time intervals for the purpose of quality grading and insect
sampling (Manis, 1992). The numbers of insects present per sample usually
considered to be absolute estimates of insect population. Relative estimation
of insect populations in stored grain by pheromone traps or light trap and
other insect sampling methods are very popular.


The following components of IPM are commonly used under storage



Temperature management of stored grain and seeds is a best method which

effectively kills the various life stages of insects. Almost all storage insects
cannot be tolerate extreme temperature, for example, heating and cooling,
super heating and super cooling of grains and seeds provide extra protec-
tion without any chemical treatment. The maximum rate of growth and
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 263

reproduction for most storage insects occurs between 25 and 35 °C and is
reduced at temperatures above and below this range, with complete cessa-
tion of development and eventual death at ~12–40 °C (Bartholomaeles et al.,
2005). Use of aeration to cool grain or seeds and reduce insect population
growth rate is generally used in steel bins but is less common in concrete
silos earthen pot and flat storages in the developing country. Aeration can be
useful even for summer harvested crops because grain temperatures can be
reduced 3–4 °C by aeration at night; however, research on summer aeration
for controlling grain insects in the USA has had mixed results (Arthur &
Casada, 2005; Finn et al., 2004). Summer aeration reduced insect popula-
tions in same years, but not in next year’s (Arthur & Casada, 2005). This
may have been due to temperatures at the grain surface, where many insects
occur, being lowered from lethal levels at 40 °C in warm climates to more
favorable levels for insects by summer aeration. Aeration can be effec-
tive for pest management in fall-stored grain and seeds in cool climates.
Aeration is compatible with other management strategies of integrated pest
management. Use of automatic aeration controllers, which turn fans on and
off based on grain and ambient temperatures, can be more efficient than
manual aeration for cooling grain (Arthur et al., 2008). Various forms of
heating have been used to kill insects in bulk grain (Beckett et al., 2007),
such as microwave or infrared radiation. However, the methods have not
been widely used because of the time required to treat large amounts of grain
and seeds. Recent studies show efficacy of infrared catalytic heaters for
disinfestations of rice and wheat (Pan et al., 2008), but again the method is
not well adopted. Heater is effective for disinfestations of empty grain bins
by raising the temperature to 50 °C for 2 h (Tilley et al., 2007); however, the
cost is high as compared to insecticides (Tilley et al., 2007). Heat has long
been used to kill insects in mills (Beckett et al., 2007; Dean, 1913; Mills et
al., 1990). With the impending loss of the fumigant methyl bromide, heat
is gaining popularity as an alternative method of disinfestation. Either the
whole godowns or specific areas may be heated. Generally, the goal is to
raise the temperature of the mill from 50 to 60 °C for 24 h, which can be
effective for insect control (Roesli et al., 2003). A challenge in heat disin-
festation is uniformity of temperature throughout the treated area, which
may be improved with fans. One valid concern with use of heat disinfesta-
tion, which is shared anecdotally among food industry sanitarians, is that
older buildings may be structurally damaged and that some equipment is
heat sensitive (Field, 2002). Although freezing can be effective for insect
control, it is generally not used because of economic conditions. However,
freezing is one of the few options available for disinfestation of durable
264 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

organic commodities, such as grains, and seeds infested with insects. For the
freezing usually 2–3 weeks of storage in commercial freezers is required for
disinfestations (Johnson, 2007; Johnson & Valero, 2003). MOISTURE

Moisture content of stored grain and seeds play a vital role in the develop-
ment and infestation of insects pests. For insect development most favorable
moisture range are 12–15% (How, 1965). Moisture content also affects the
insect survival and reproduction inside the grain as traditional insecticides
whose moisture content is below 9%. If in developing country like India
farmers applied or aware to optimum moisture content of grain and seeds,
they can store commodity for longer periods. Moisture content of stored
commodity is directly correlated with insect growth and development. The
safe moisture content of stored commodity for long-term storage is given in
Table 12.1.

TABLE 12.1  Safe Moisture Content of Different Commodity for Long Term Storage Under
Indian Condition.
Commodity Moisture content
Millets 16
Cowpea 15
Beans 14
Paddy 13
Rice 13
Wheat 13
Maize 13
Coffee bean 13
Sorghum 12
Soybean 09
Groundnut pods 08
Mustard/ rapeseeds 09
Sunflower 08
Sesame 07
Groundnut kernels 07
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 265

TABLE 12.1  (Continued)

Commodity Moisture content
Niger 07
Linseeds 07
Castor 07
Copra 07
Cocoa 07
Safflower 06

Sanitation of stored commodities and storage structure and the effective

exclusion of stored grain insects from them are the keys of preventive
management. For bulk-stored grain it is imperative that newly harvested
commodities to be stored in sanitized bins and never filled grains in those
bins having some older grain or products, because they may act as harbor of
insects. Harvesting equipment, transportation containers, loading areas, and
storage bins need to be sanitized as possible before storage of the commodi-
ties, and sometimes it is prudent to treat the surfaces of inside walls, floors,
and ceilings of such structures and machinery with an insecticide to prevent
previous infestation (Arthur et al., 2009; Reed, 2006). The mechanical and
structural aspects of buildings and bins containing stored products must
be considered during construction and maintenance of such structures. In
food mills and other food-processing facilities it follows that the raw grains,
which may be stored for several months before processing and might harbor
growing stored-product insect populations, be physically located in bins that
are separated from the processing areas and even further separated from
the packaging and finished-product warehouse or loading areas. Light can
attract stored grain insects (Soderstrom, 1970), so it is recommended that
light fixtures not be mounted directly over outside doors but that lighting is
mounted on poles away from, but directly illuminating, warehouse or any
storage structures. Window screens and doors to the outside of buildings,
as well as those between major processing, bulk storage, and warehouse
areas in a building or complex of buildings, need to be in good service to
reduce movement of storage insect. Cleaning in large processing area should
employ careful sweeping and/or vacuum cleaning of food debris for complete
266 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

removal, rather than conducting blow downs of debris in order to concen-

trate it for removal as this can result in spreading dust and food products to
inaccessible areas such as ledges and tops of beams where insects can easily
breed without disturbance. Double-wall construction and suspended ceilings
should be avoided or removed so that hidden infestation in storage structures
can be minimized (Mill et al., 1990). Effective exclusion of stored-product
insects from storage bins, processing plants, and finished food packages
can prevent infestation. Roofs and sidewalls of storage structures should
be sealed to prevent insect entry as well as moisture damage and mold
growth following water dampness. Sealing of warehouse or any structures
is critical for effective fumigants when needed. Proper roof ventilation and
subfloor intake aeration vents are needed for proper temperature and mois-
ture management of grain, but these must be equipped with effective insect
proof screening when in use and sealed when needed for fumigation (Casada
et al., 2001). Packaging materials for food grain and their products at both
wholesale and retail levels of marketing must be resistant to penetration by
stored grain insects (Mullen et al., 2006). Thus, food grains need to be sealed
very well to deter invaders and need to be constructed of durable materials to
resist penetrators. Technology has been developed to impregnate food pack-
aging material with low-risk insecticides (Radwan et al., 1997), and research
has been conducted on insect repellents applied to reduce infestation (Hou et
al., 2004), but commercial adoption of insect-repellent or insecticidal food
packages has not in common use, likely owing to low cost-effectiveness and
low potential for consumer acceptance.  INERT DUSTS

The utilization of inert dusts has several industrial and agricultural uses, and
their important role in insecticide dust diluents and carriers (Ebeling, 1971).
Watkins and Norton (1947) reported a classification of the inert dusts used
as diluents and carriers. Inert dusts are used to control insect pests of field
crops, stored products, and animals (Mel’zina et al., 1982). Inert dusts used
in stored product protection can be categorized into four groups (Banks &
Fields, 1995). The first group consists of clays, sand, paddy husk ash, and
wood ash. This group also includes volcanic ash, which has been shown
to possess insecticidal activities (Edwards & Schwartz, 1981). The second
group consists of a great number of minerals such as dolomite, magnesite,
copper oxychloride, rock phosphate, ground sulfur, calcium hydroxide,
calcium carbonate, and sodium chloride (Golob, 1997). Such types of inert
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 267

dust have been tested in the past, and provide protection against stored grain
insects at minimum quantities, for example, 10 g/kg of grain or seeds. Some
of these minerals extensively used in developing and underdeveloped coun-
tries at small level storage (Golob & Webley, 1980). The third group consists
of dusts that contain silicon dioxide which are light and hygroscopic, and
are produced by drying an aqueous solution of sodium silicate (Quarles,
1992). The fourth group consists of dusts that contain natural silica, such as
diatomaceous earth which are fossilized skeletons of diatoms. Haryadi et al.
(1994) reported that Zeolites similar to that of inert dusts having insecticidal
activities, may used for management of maize weevils, Sitophilus zeamais
M. at 50 g/kg.
Mittal and Wightman (1989) reported that attapulgite dust was effective
against rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica S., red flour beetle, Tribolium casta-
neum H., and Bruchid Caryedon serratus O., when applied at 5 g/kg. Panday
and Verma (1977) tested attapulgite dust as a protectant against the cowpea
weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus F. on black gram at the rate of 10–50 g/
kg and found complete mortality after 48 h of treatment. Swamiappan et al.
(1976) tested cowpeas with activated kaolin at 10 g/kg against the bruchid
Callosobruchus chinensis L., and reported that such dust may protect
cowlea up to 225 days. Permual and Patourel (1992) reported in Guyana,
treated paddy rice with acid-activated kaolin at 7.5 g/kg, found effective
against Cryptolestes pusillus S., sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus
surinamensis L., lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F., rice weevil,
Sitophilus oryzae L. and red flour beetle, T. castaneum H. and they protect
paddy up to 250 days. They found kaolin to be more effective than rice hull
ashes, especially against R. dominica. In underdeveloped countries, research
is underway to replace these traditional dusts with more effective synthetic
silica dusts that work at rates less than 1 g/kg of grain (Golob, 1997).
The application of mineral dusts and salts for controlling stored grain
insects, stored Grain Research laboratory Australia were determining the
effectiveness of calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, rock phosphate, and
zinc oxide and a rate of 10 g/kg and recommended on wheat (Gay, 1947).
The efficacy of dolomite and magnesite as barriers for the control of eight
stored-product insects, including O. surinamensis, S. oryzae, R. dominica,
and Tribolium species, dusts were applied on surface of grain and left undis-
turbed. In Victorian bulk-wheat depots (Wilson, 1945) reported that mineral
dusts on the grain surface as a barrier to control insect infestations, the dusts
were sprinkled on the wheat surface at the rate of 187 g/m2, but at this rate
the infestation of R. dominica was not completely suppressed.
268 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Tricalcium phosphate (TCP) is an inorganic salt that is toxic to stored

grain insects (Davis & Boczek, 1987). TCP suppresses insects when
blended with cereal foods at the rate of 20–30 g/kg of stored grain. TCP in
blended cereals completely suppressed all species of stored grain moths,
except the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Z., and it was
also effective on bean weevils (Davis et al., 1984) infesting navy beans
and cowpeas at the rate of 1–2.5 g/kg, and at these rates progeny produc-
tion was also suppressed. Stored product mites, especially the mold mite,
Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) and the flour/grain mite, Acarus siro
L. are susceptible to TCP at 15–60 g/kg. Typical symptoms on insects and
mites included mortality, increase in developmental time, reduced fecun-
dity, and egg viability. The use of TCP in flour was found to be unaccept-
able because of severe dust problems encountered when handling treated
products (Highland, 1975).
The synthetic silica or silica gels are made up of 99.5% silicon dioxide,
compounds such as tricalcium trisilico phosphates (Singh et al., 1984) and
silica gels (Quarles, 1992a) are examples of synthetic silica. The silicophos-
phates have a bulk density of 140–160 g/L and are effective against stored
grain insects at the rate of 10–15 g/kg of grain (Singh et al., 1984). Silica
gels are dusts that contain extremely small particles (less than three microm-
eters), and they have a bulk density in the range of 72–450 g/L and specific
surface in the range of 200–850 m2/g and fond effective against stored grain
insects as compare to DE dusts (Quarles, 1992). Silica gels used for insect
control are fluffy (have low bulk density), light, and contain extremely small
particles. Therefore, if applied as a dust, the silica gel particles become
suspended in the air for extended periods and may not be deposited on the
intended site. To overcome this problem, silica gels are applied as a liquid
aerosol. The liquid aerosol formulation (Tri-Die PT) consists of 0.3% pyre-
thrins, 3% piperonyl butoxide, 4% silica gel, 5.7% petroleum distillate, and
87% inert ingredients. Several commercial formulations (Dri-Die, Tri-Die,
and Drione) are available for insect control in homes, warehouses, and food
industries. Cotton and Frankenfeld (1949) recommended different rates of a
silica aerogel to control seed wheat and various types of milled cereal prod-
ucts from the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum S. oryzae, Sitophilus
granarius L., and E. kuehniella larvae. The rate (in g/kg) was 0.25 for 12%
wheat and feed in pellet form, 0.5 for 14% wheat, 5 for ground feed, and 10
for bird food (mixture of seeds and finely ground feed). These rates reflect
the performance of the silica gel on these various forms of the food and
feed products. Silica gels appear to be suitable alternatives to protect grain
in countries where access to quality insecticides. Silica gels are now used
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 269

as an admixture with, or to coat, the heavier DE particles. There are pres-

ently two commercial DE formulations, Dryacide and Protect-It, registered
in the USA and elsewhere that contain silica gels. The presence of silica gel
significantly improves DE effectiveness when compared with formulations
containing DE alone.
Admixture of finely ground silica-based dusts for stored grain insect
management is a traditional approach since 1930 and their commercial prod-
ucts “Naaki” in Germany and “Neosyl” in England were marketed for stored
grain insect protection. The recommended rate was 10 g/kg of grain. In these
dusts, quartz was used and Quartz is made up of crystalline silica (Goldsmith
et al., 1997) but presently not in use.
DE (Korunic, 1998) is obtained from the layers of fossilized skeletons
of diatoms, microscopic plants closely related to the brown algae. DE is
commonly known in the USA as Celite, Diatomite, Featherstone, Filter-Cel,
Super-Cel (a processed earth), Tri-O-Lite, and Sil-O-Cel. Living diatoms are
microscopic organisms that occur in salt water, fresh water, stagnant water,
mud, rocks, seaweed, and wherever light and water have co-existed for a
sufficiently long time for their growth to accumulate. There are about 250
genera and 8000 species of diatoms. The living diatoms secrete silica, and
after the diatoms die and decay, only the silica remains. All fossil diatoms
are porous, and it is porosity or specific surface (m2/g) confers their insecti-
cidal activity, Diatoms differ in their shape and size; only 8000 species have
been reported till now (Korunic, 1998). DE is predominantly made up of
amorphous or shapeless silica and contains oxides of aluminum, calcium,
iron, lime, and magnesium, among other elements. Stored grain insects are
the most commonly tested insects with several formulation of DE dusts
(Ebeling, 1971; Golob, 1997; Korunic, 1998).
Commercial DE dusts for use as insecticides, the older Insecto label
recommends treating the top and bottom 10% of the grain as it is loaded
into bins. Treating the entire grain mass affects flowability, test weight, and
makes it difficult to unload the grain from storage structures (Jackson &
Webley, 1994; Korunic et al., 1996). The mixing of DE with water (slurry
application) reduces worker exposure to dust, but diminishes efficacy even
at rates 2–3 times that of the dry dust application (McLaughlin, 1994). They
also reported that with Dryacide, a slurry application of 5 g/m2 resulted in
less than 60% mortality of S. granarius and S. oryzae adults at 25 °C and
56% RH. The commercial formulation of DE “Protect-It” recommends
application of slurries to grain as well as to surface of grain.
Cook and Armitage (1999) reported that the Dryacide dust adhering to
the cuticle forms aggregations that are several micrometers thick to kill the
270 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

insects. The waxes from and within the cuticle are absorbed onto these thick
layers of inert dusts that form on the surface of insects and mites. IRRADIATION

The application of irradiation for the management of stored grain insects

is legally approved in most of the countries. The lower dose of irradiation
completely kills or sterilizes the common stored grain insects or immature
stage of insect invaded inside grains. Moreover, only single radiation expo-
sure of store commodities is sufficient for disinfestations, and this method is
suitable for grain storage at commercial level (Balasubramani et al., 2003).
In this process gamma rays used to dislodge electrons from chemical bonds
in molecules (Halverson et al., 2000), infrared radiation is also applied on
the surface or structure as well as directly to commodities for irradiation
of stored products. The dose of ionizing (Table 12.2) radiation varies from
0.250 to 14 kGy (Kilogrey) for irradiation grain safety (Hallman et al., 2008)
is generally used. The sources of ionizing radiation are from radioisotopes
such as cesium or cobalt, or they are generated like X-ray via an electron
beam (Halverson et al., 2000).

TABLE 12.2  Food Commodity Permitted for Irradiation Under Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act in India.
S. Food commodity Dose of irradiation Purpose
Minimum Maximum
1 Onion 0.03 0.09 Sprout inhibition
2 Potato 0.06 0.15 Sprout inhibition
3 Rice 0.25 1.00 Insect disinfestations
4 Cereal product 0.25 1.00 Insect disinfestations
5 Pulses 0.25 1.00 Insect disinfestations
6 Dried sea food 0.25 1.00 Insect disinfestations
7 Fresh sea food 1.00 3.00 Shelf-life extension
8 Dried fruits 0.25 0.75 Insect disinfestations
9 Mango 0.25 0.75 Quarantine treatment
10 Meat and meat product 2.50 4.00 Pathogen control and shelf-life
11 Spices 6.00 14.0 Microbial decontamination
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 271


The cultural practices for the management of stored grain insects are
different from other insects. The time of harvesting is very crucial and
determining factor of storage durability, so always harvest the fully ripped
crops. (Balasubramani et al., 2003) reported that the spraying of some
systemic insecticides before harvesting is helpful in management of stored
grain insects.


This method prevents the export and import or movement of infected mate-
rials. In India Destructive Insect Pests Act and Plant Quarantine Act are
legally enforced for this purpose.


The utilization of several mechanical devices for management of stored

grain insect is quite common in all over the world. The mechanical method
is helpful in monitoring and mass trapping of stored grain insects. The
Entoleter is used for direct controlling of insect by removing from infested
stored commodities. The most extensively used direct means of mechanical
control are entoleters, which use centrifugal force to impact grain or seeds
containing insects. Entoleters are suitable in all storage structures as well as
processing and flour industries. Entoleter cannot catch in immature stages
of insects. There are several other mechanical devices, for example, probe
trap, pulses beetle trap, light trap, bait trap, sticky trap, pheromone trap, and
TNAU automatic insect removal bins (Balasubramani et al., 2003) are used
for removal of stored grain insects and minimizing storage losses.


The development of resistance variety against stored grain insects is not

success yet. However, vertical resistance was considered as toll for manage-
ment of stored grain insects in integrated program. Chanbang et al. (2008)
reported that integrity of hull is best predictor of rice resistance against
R. dominica F. In maize some phenolic compounds are responsible for
272 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

hardness of kernel, treated as factor of resistance against S. zeamais (Arnson

et al., 1992). The hull hardness and thickness of sorghum seeds considered
as resistant factor against stored grain insects (Throne et al., 2000) but the
mechanism of resistance against stored grain insect is not understood to till
date. The transgenic avidin maize was tested in USA against all major stored
grain insect and found resistant, because avidin kill the insects by seques-
tering the vitamin biotin (Kramer et al., 2000).


The utilization of natural enemies for the management of stored grain

insects are reported by several scientists (Arbogast, 1984; Haines, 1984;
Broer, 1990; Nilakhe & parker, 1990; Brower, 1991; Brower et al., 1996;
Scholler, 1998; Scholler & Flinn, 2000; Scholler & Prozell, 2006; Scholler
et al., 2006) throughout the world but their practical application at commer-
cial level is very limited. The common parasitoids of major stored grain
insects are listed in Table 12.3. In the USA it is legal restriction to add the
parasitoids and predators in bulk storage and food too is enforced by Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). The commercial production of bio control agent in European coun-
tries has setup new industries.
The stored product moths can be easily managed by Trichogramma sp.
(Scholler et al., 2006) reported that the release of T. evanescens W. at the rate
of 25,000 per week and H. hebetor at the rate of 100 per moth found highly
effective against E. kuehniella in bakery industry. The European Cooper-
ation in Science and Technology (COST) in European country evaluated
the huge number of bio control agent against several stored product moth
and beetles (Hansen & Wakefield, 2007) and their report suggested that the
situation in which biological control will most promising, for example, the
treatment of empty storage structure with predatory mites, parasitic wasps
and entomopathogenic fungi for the management of stored product moth,
beetles and mites has been found highly effective. The preventive manage-
ment of stored product insects we can use parasitic wasps, predatory mites,
and Trichogramma spp. to protect grain and processed products.
The effective release of natural enemies is very important step for the
success of biological control program. Because of so many natural enemies
are abundant under storage system. The Habrobracon hebetor is gregarious
ectoparasites of larvae of pyralid moth and Plodia interpunctella H., E.
kuehniella and Cadra cautella under storage condition. The eggs of stored
TABLE 12.3  List of Predators and Parasitoids Used Against Major Stored Grain Pests Under Indian Storage Condition.
S. Name of insects Name of parasitoids Parasitoids feed on Predators Predators feed on
1 Sitophilus oryzae L. Anisopteromalus caladrae Grub, pupae Acaropsellina docta Grub, pupae
Lariophagus distinguendus Grub, pupae
Theocolox elegans Grub, pupae
2 Rhyzopertha dominica F. Anisopteromalus caladrae Grub, pupae Acaropsellina docta Grub, pupae
Cheyletus eruditus Eggs Lyctocoris compestris Eggs, grub
Pxeemotes ventricosus Eggs Tenebroides mauritanicus Eggs
Theocolox elegans Grub, pupae Xylocoris flavipes Grub, pupae, adult
3 Tribolium castaneum H. Acarophenax tribolii Grub, pupae Acaropsellina docta Grub, pupae
Cephalonomica tarsalis Grub Lyctocoris compestris Eggs, pupae
Amphiboles venator Grub, pupae
Blattisocius tarsalis Grub, pupae
Xylocoris flavipes Grub, pupae
4 Trogoderma granarium E. Anisoptromalus calendrae Grub, pupae Acaropsellina docta Eggs
Dinarmus basalis Grub, pupae Amphiboles venator Eggs, grub, pupae,
Holepyris sp. Grub, pupae adult

Pymotes ventricosus Grub, pupae

Synopeas sp. Grub, pupae
5 Callasobruchus chinensis Anisoptromalus calendrae Grub
L. Dinarnus basalis Grub
Hetrospilus prosopidis Grub
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 273

Lariophagus distinguendus Grub

TABLE 12.3  (Continued) 274
S. Name of insects Name of parasitoids Parasitoids feed on Predators Predators feed on
6 Sitotroga cerealella O. Bracon hebetor Larvae Blattisocius tarsalis Eggs
Dibrachys carus Larvae
Mesopolobus sp. Larvae
Pteromalus cerealella Larvae pupae, adult
Pymotes ventricosus Larvae pupae, adult
Trichogramma sp. Eggs
7 Corcyra cephalonica S. Bracon brevicormis Larvae Acaropsellina docta Eggs , larvae
Bracon hebetor Larvae Amphiboles venator Larvae
Trichogramma australicum Larvae Blattisocius keegani Eggs, larvae
Blattisocius tineivorus Eggs, larvae
Sycanus affinis Larvae
8 Ephestia cautella W. Bracon hebetor Larvae Aphibolus venator Larvae, pupae
Trichogramma chilonis Eggs Blattisocius tarsalis Larvae, pupae
Venturia canescens Larvae Xylocoris flavipes Larvae, pupae
9 Plodia interpunctella L. Bracon brevicomis Larvae Mus molossinus Larvae, pupae, adult
Bracon hebetor Larvae oryzaephilus surinamensis Eggs, larvae, pupae
Diadromus pulchellus Larvae Peregrinator biannulipes Larvae, pupae
Dibrachys covus Larvae Tribolium castaneum Eggs, larvae, pupae
Microbracon brevicomis Larvae Xylocoris flavipes Larvae
Trichogramma evanescens Eggs
Trichogramma pretiosum Eggs
Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Venturia canescens Larvae

Integrated Management of Storage Insects 275

product moth parasitized by Trichogramma sp. usually released as pupae

glued to egg cards at the rate of 500 female per card and one card per linear
meter of shelving (Grieshop et al., 2007). Stored product beetles Sitophilus
sp. parasitized by L Lariophagus distinguendus effectively due to their pene-
tration habit (Steidle & scholler, 2001). Recently (Niedermayer & steidle,
2007) reported that the release of Theocolex elegans has been found very
effective against Sitophilus granaries under bulk storage system in Central
In the flour industry the larvae of T. confusum successfully managed by
bio control agent Holepyris silvanidis (Lorenz et al., 2010), and the female of
H. silvanidis easily developed on honey at 25–26 °C and lived up to 51 days
(Frielitz, 2007). This parasitoids are highly effective against T. confusum in
European country.
Pirate warehouse bug Xylocoris flavipes R. is a polyphagous predator of
eggs and immature stage of several stored grain insects and this predatory
bugs suppress the population of T. confusum in small quantity of wheat flour
( Scholler & Prozell, 2010).
The commercial production of natural enemies quoted with above
example is started in several countries, because they are safe, economic
viable, and effective alternative to hazardous chemicals.


The management of stored grain insects by pathogen has been tested and
reported, but very few are effective under storage condition. The laboratory
evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium
anisopliae and bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis either alone or in composition
of inert dusts control the some insect of stored grain. (Abdel, 2002; Kaval-
lieratos, 2006; Throne & Lord, 2004). B. thuringiensis has been registered
for control of stored product Lepidoptera in several countries (Abdel, 2002).
The insecticide Spinosad derived from Saccharopolyspora spinosa regis-
tered in the USA and used at the rate of 1.5 ppm for the management of
stored grain insects (EPA, 2005).


The details of application of plant products for management of stored grain

insects are discussed in Chapter 11.
276 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The details of behavioral methods for management of stored grain insects

are discussed in Chapter 10.


The concepts of genetic control (Wool, 1975) for management of stored

grain insects have developed some extent (Wool et al., 1992) and are not
implausible. However, their efficacy against stored grain insects and cost
of insect control under different storage condition remain undemonstrated
(McFarlane, 1990). The resistant strains of several stored grain insects have
a reduced capacity to cause grain damage, through an impaired population
growth rate. There is no reason to suppose that all resistant biotypes will
be less damaging than their susceptible counterparts but the monitoring of
this capacity. Conversely, it would seem illogical to foster a reversion to
susceptibility in cases where the resistant biotype has a substantially reduced
capacity to cause damage and, therefore, a considerably reduced pest status.


The details of chemical control methods for management of stored gain

insects are discussed in Chapter 13 under fumigation of stored products


The quality assurance and maintenance of stored commodities has tradition-

ally been the responsibility of grain storekeepers in throughout the world.
The IPM under storage condition is practical application of available knowl-
edge which is ecologically, economically, socially, and technically viable
for management of stored grain insects. The Stored Grain Advisor (SGA)
expert system (Flinn & Hagstrum, 1990) can be used as decision making
support system in farm stored grain by inputting grain abiotic and biotic
conditions, then expert system will advise the future of insect infestation in
any storage structure. The systems with potential relevance to grain storage
in the tropics include one, announced by the Australian Centre for Inter-
national Agricultural Research (ACIAR), are provide advice to optimize
Integrated Management of Storage Insects 277

the use of grain protectants, and another, from Natural Research Institute
(NRI), which addresses more generally the application of pest management
program in grain storage. In India Directorate of Plant Protection Quaran-
tine and Storage (DPPQS) Faridabad, National Center of Integrated Pest
Management (NCIPM) New Delhi, and several Agricultural Universities are
responsible for provide the information on IPM under storage condition.


•• IPM storage
•• alternative management
•• biotic and abiotioc
•• entoleter
•• irradiation
•• component of storage IPM


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duction of Susceptible Males. J. Stored Prod. Res.1992, 28(1), 59–65.



13.1 Introduction....................................................................................286
13.2 Classification of Fumigants...........................................................287
13.3 Use of Fumigants...........................................................................294
13.4 Fumigant Application Techniques..................................................295
13.5 Safety Precautions..........................................................................297
286 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The protection of stored commodities is one of the challenging works in all

over the world against stored grain insects. The admixture of chemicals with
grains or seeds and sprays on structure make insect to be killed, whenever
they come in contact with the insecticides; but in case of severe infestation
of stored grain insects, where instant and rapid control becomes necessary,
only fumigants would provide sufficient results. In storage structures, where
insecticides spray cannot reach, fumigants can penetrate and kill the insects.
The term fumigant is derived from fumus or smoke of chemical which at a
required temperature and pressure can exist in the gaseous state in sufficient
concentration to be lethal to a given pest organism. A substance that is volatile
at room temperature is highly preferable as fumigant. The fumigation may
also be defined as application of fumes, perfumes, smokes, or vapors espe-
cially for the purpose of disinfestations under hermitic condition. The killing
action of a fumigant is influenced by its concentration in the atmosphere, the
length of time it stays in the atmosphere, and the temperature and humidity
of the area at the time of fumigation. Fumigants are designed to enter cracks,
crevices, and other areas where insect may occur. The constraints in the use
of fumigants to treat stored products include consideration of the chemical
residues which they may leave in the treated stored products and affect the
quality of grain, germinability, and seedling viability.


The protection of stored commodities is one of the challenging works in all

over the world against stored grain insects. The admixture of chemicals with
grains or seeds and sprays on structure make insect to be killed, whenever
they come in contact with the insecticides; but in case of severe infestation
of stored grain insects, where instant and rapid control becomes necessary,
only fumigants would provide sufficient results. In storage structures, where
insecticides spray cannot reach, fumigants can penetrate and kill the insects.
The term fumigant is derived from fumus or smoke of chemical which at
a required temperature and pressure can exist in the gaseous state in sufficient
concentration to be lethal to a given pest organism. A substance that is vola-
tile at room temperature is highly preferable as fumigant. The fumigation
may also be defined as application of fumes, perfumes, smokes, or vapors
especially for the purpose of disinfestations (Cotton, 2013). The fumes of
sulfur have been utilized since twelfth century B.C. The development of
Fumigation of Stored Products 287

fumigants for insecticidal purposes has taken place during the past 50 years.
The utilization of carbon disulfide as a fumigant was reported in 1854. The
application of hydrocyanic gas as a fumigant for stored grain insects started
in 1986, while chloropicrin use started in 1907 and ethylene oxide and
methyl bromide (MB) were first used in 1932.
The fumes fumigants reach the insect tissues through the process of
respiration. If the insect inhales a toxic gas, this gas is instantly absorbed by
the body cell. These gases enter into some fixed and nonvolatile combina-
tion within insect tissues. The molecules of some fumigants, for example,
carbon dioxide, replace oxygen molecules in the air. The killing action of a
fumigant is influenced by its concentration in the atmosphere, the length of
time it stays in the atmosphere, and the temperature and humidity of the area
at the time of fumigation. Fumigants are designed to enter cracks, crevices,
and other areas where insect may occur. Fumigants must be applied in air-
tight chambers.
The constraints in the use of fumigants to treat stored products include
consideration of the chemical residues which they may leave in the treated
stored products and affect the quality of grain, germinability, and seed-
ling viability. In this regard, phosphine has considerable advantages and is
certainly to be preferred to MB for stored products. Problems can arise from
the visible residues of the metal hydroxide which remain after the decompo-
sition of tablet or pellet formulations. Moreover, these usually contain some
undecomposed phosphide, which can also be found in stored grains.


The fumigants may by classified on the basis of their origin, the first group
is hydrogenated hydrocarbon, for example, carbon tetrachloride and MB.
Second group represents sulfur compounds, for example, carbon di sulphide
and sulfur dioxide. Third group contains cyanides, for example, hydrocy-
anic acid gas (HCN) calacyanide and acrylonitrile. The fourth group consists
of organic acid gases and other, for example, phosphoric, benzene, chlo-
ropicrin, and ethylene dioxide. Three forms of fumigants, gas, liquid, and
solid, have been used since their invention. Gaseous fumigants are chemi-
cals which are gases at normal temperature and pressure, for example, MB,
and HCN. The liquid fumigants are generally a mixture of chemicals that
are liquid, but when comes in to contact with air become gas, for example,
ethylene dichloride. The solid fumigants evolve in to gas upon exposure
to moisture in air, for example, aluminum phosphide. The basic properties
288 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

of chemicals used as fumigants are common and all properties are influ-
enced by each other. The molecular structure is dependent upon the formula-
tion and molecular weight and has relationship with the components in the
molecular weight. The specific gravity is the relationship of the weight of
a material compared to an equal amount of water. The molecules of fumi-
gants, being used in general, are heavier than air. Recently several essential
oils have been reported to act as fumigants against almost all major stored
grain insects. For pest management program under storage condition the
following types of fumigants will be discussed in this chapter.


The insecticidal properties of MB were first reported by Le Goupil 1932 in

France and widely used for plant quarantine purposes. MB has been used
extensively as fumigant for stored products, mills, warehouses, ships, and
railway wagons. It is a colorless liquid and it may be applied by placing cylin-
ders by releasing the gas from near the ceiling through copper pipes from
vacuum fumigation. Its penetration between the bags is rapid and proved
as the best fumigant for air-tight warehouses and storage bins (Majumdar
& Muthu, 1960). This fumigant is non-flammable and non-explosive under
ordinary circumstances and may be used without any special precautions
against fire. MB is odorless at normal fumigation concentration, so it is
packed with a warning gas like chloropicrin. The recommended dose of MB
is 60 g per 20 cubic meters for an exposure period of 24 h.
MB has also been used as a chemosterilant, although it has approximately
one-tenth the activity of ethylene oxide against bacteria and fungi (Bruch,
1961; Richardson & Monro, 1962). MB is also used for the sterilization of
space vehicles in combination with ethylene oxide (Vashkov & Prishchep,
1967). MB has a delayed effect on stored grain insects. It is commonly used
for the fumigation of almost every type of cereal and their processed product,
because it penetrates densely in packed materials, it is especially useful for
the treatment of flours. MB reacts with the protein of wheat (Winteringham
et al., 1955; Slover & Lehmann, 1972), which deteriorates the quality of
wheat. The high-moisture content of wheat and its flour affects the effective-
ness of MB. In West Africa MB are found most suitable for fumigation of
nut under bulk storage system (Hayward, 1954; Halliday & Prevett, 1963).
If the dose of MB is very high they produce foul smell in processed products
and may be hazardous to human health.
Fumigation of Stored Products 289


Carbon tetrachloride was reported as a fumigant in 1908. It is non-flam-

mable and serves to reduce fire hazards of other fumigants. Its action is
slow and has low toxicity to insects due to which high dose and longer dura-
tion are required (Khare, 2006). Generally, it is used with carbon disulfide,
ethylene dichloride. It is less toxic to humans but their continuous use may
affect some non-target organisms. Carbon tetrachloride does not affect the
germination quality and vigor of seeds (Majumder et al., 1961) at the recom-
mended dose, but higher dose may affect the quality of seeds (Roth, 1968).
This fumigant is now listed by some agencies in the category of industrial
substances suspected of carcinogenic potential for humans (ACGIH, 1981).


Carbon disulfide was one of the first fumigants utilized at large scales.
Carbon disulfide was first used in France to save the grape wine industries in
1869, against the grape Phylloxera; at that time this chemical was injected in
the soil to prevent root infestation. Carbon disulfide is formulated in mixture
with non-flammable ingredients for fumigation of grains. This fumigant
is highly effective when compared to carbon tetrachloride for stored grain
insects (Grish, 1966). Due to their mammalian toxicity it is used in food
processing industries. It is commonly used with carbon tetrachloride in the
ratio of 1:4 and this mixture is widely used all over the world. It does not
affect the quality of seeds (Kamel & Shabha, 1958). Carbon disulfide may
react with amino acids and peptide groups of stored commodities (FAO,


Ethylene dichloride is flammable; so it is mixed with some non-flammable

fumigants like carbon tetrachloride in the ratio of 3:1 by volume. Ethylene
dichloride is soluble in fats and hence is not recommended for cereals and
food having high level of oil content, and it is dangerous to human health
in overdose. It has a strong, sickly chloroform-like odor, which helps in
warning effect. High doses of ethylene dichloride are found to cause tumors
effect rats and mice.
290 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


In the bulk storage system, ethylene oxide is commonly used and accepted
as substitute of carbon disulfide for fumigation of grain and seeds. Cotton
and Roark )1928) discovered the insecticidal properties of ethylene oxide. It
is easily handled and does not have any residues in stored grain. To reduce
the flammability it is mixed with carbon dioxide (Hashiguchi et al., 1967) in
the ratio of 1: 9. Ethylene oxide is a colorless, odorless liquid at low temper-
atures, but it can vaporize rapidly at suitable temperature. Despite a general
impression to the contrary, ethylene oxide is poisonous to human beings.
The acute toxic effects of ethylene oxide in humans and animals include
acute respiratory and eye irritation, skin sensitization, vomiting, and diar-
rhea. Skin injury may result from excessive freezing following the spillage
of the chemical. Continuous exposure to even low concentrations may result
in a numbing of the sense of smell.
The chronic effects of ethylene oxide include respiratory irritations and
secondary respiratory infection, anemia, and altered behavior. Although
limited tests on mice have not revealed carcinogenic effects, the alkylating
and mutagenic properties of ethylene oxide are sufficient to cause concern
(Glaser, 1979). Ethylene oxide has been used for over 40 years for both
insecticidal treatments and the sterilization of foodstuffs. A number of inves-
tigations have shown that it will react with food constituents and deteriorate
the quality of food.


The phosphine or hydrogen phosphide (PH3) discovered from Germany

contains calcium phosphide and calcium carbide. Despite the harmful effect
of phosphine, that is, being highly inflammable, it is a safe and so-called
convenient fumigant. Phosphine has a strong typical smell resembling garlic
at concentrations below the danger level. It is one of the most toxic fumigants
to stored grain and grain product insects, mites, and rodents (Khare, 2006).
PH3 is a low-molecular weight, low-boiling point compound that diffuses
rapidly and penetrates deeply into stored products, such as large bulks of
grain or tightly packed materials. Phosphine is very toxic to all forms of
animal life; hence exposure of human beings even to small amounts must be
avoided. It has also an inhibitory effect on insect respiration and is unique
in that it is only toxic to insects in the presence of oxygen—in the absence
of oxygen it is not absorbed and is not toxic to insects (Bond & Dumas,
Fumigation of Stored Products 291

1967; Bond et al., 1969). However, the action of phosphine is potentiated by

carbon dioxide and the exposure time can be reduced when both gases are
present (Kashi & Bond, 1975).
Some stages of insects are considerably more tolerant to phosphine than
others (Bell, 1976; Hole et al., 1976; Nakakita & Winks, 1981). The eggs
and pupae are usually the hardest to kill while larvae and adults are more
susceptible. The tolerance in insects is developed due to long exposure
period of phosphine; the laboratory tolerant strain of stored grain insects is
reported by Howe (1974).
The development of resistance against phosphine can reduce their effective-
ness; the Tribolium castaneum has developed 10 times resistance against these
chemical fumigants in six generations, and the magnitude of resistance is more
in immature stage than in adult stage (Winks, 1974). The resistance correlation
reported by Bell et al. (1977) between adult and egg stages of Rhyzopertha
dominica. Champ and Dyte (1976) reported the evidence of resistance to phos-
phine in insects from several continent of the world, particularly where inad-
equate techniques of fumigation were employed, and they indicated that the
emergence of resistance to fumigants under practical conditions was a matter
of great concern during those times. The resistance against phosphine has been
reported since the start of use, and most of the countries banned this fumigant
or kept under restricted use (Borah & Chalal, 1979; Taylor et al., 1975; Hole,
1981). Several scientists from all over the world reported that phosphine dete-
riorated the quality of seeds in terms of their germination capacity (Lindgren
et al., 1968; Beratlief & Alexandrescu, 1964; Fam et al., 1974). The residues
of phosphine generally occur in three forms: reaction products of formula-
tion, unchanged phosphine absorbed in commodity, and products formed by
chemical combination of phosphine with components of the commodity. The
formulations of aluminum phosphide leave mainly an inert residue of the
metallic hydroxide. In formulations of aluminum phosphide, a small amount
of unreacted material may also remain, and hence some precautions should be
taken to avoid hazards from the unspent formulation. When processed foods
are fumigated, or when space fumigations are carried out, residues from the
formulation should be collected and properly disposed off.
The formulation of phosphine is available in tablets and pellets from
where each tablet weighs 3 g and releases 1 g of phosphine gas. For a
convenience and safety point of view, pellets are sometimes supplied in
predetermined quantities for specific applications. Pellets are prepared in
special prepacks of 165 pellets each for treatments such as railway box-car
fumigations. Similarly, sachets are joined with ropes or “blankets.” In these
prepared packages, the pellets or sachets are separated sufficiently to avoid
292 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

a buildup of excessive heat and concentrations of the gas in small spaces.

Aluminum phosphide is a solid fumigant in compressed tablet or pellets
from which are round dark brown in color. It is composed of 56% W/W
aluminum phosphide and 44% of inert material of which at least 26% is
ammonium carbonate and 4% solid paraffin. The phosphine gas released
from these tablets or pellets on coming in to contact with atmosphere along
with ammonia and carbon dioxide. It is not dissolved in oils and fat and
hence can be used safely on a large range of stored commodities. The bag
formulation is slow in action, so it is used in fumigation program. Phosphine
is used at 1–2 tablets per metric ton of stored grains.


Hydrogen cyanide was one of the important fumigants of the past. It was
first used for treatment of tree against scale insects in California in 1886,
but nowadays it is not in use. Hydrogen cyanide was used for fumigating
dry fruits, grain, and seeds, but it is highly absorbed by many of the stored
commodities and their residual effect is very high. It is a highly toxic insect
fumigant and soluble in water. It affects the germination quality of sorghum
as reported by Lindgren et al. (1955). The penetration of hydrogen cyanide
in bulk storage of sorghum depends upon the temperature, moisture, and
dockage (Kunz et al., 1964).


The chloropicrin was first prepared by Stenhouse in 1848 by adding an

aqueous solution of picric acid to an excess of bleaching powder (Roark,
1934). It has been proved to be a useful fumigant for the grain and milling
industries and used extensively as a grain fumigant either alone or mixed
with carbon tetrachloride. It is a colorless liquid heavier than water and non-
flammable. It is also used as soil fumigant to control some fungi. It is not in
use for fumigation of stored commodities till date.


In India, only aluminum phosphide and MB are available for fumigation of

food grain. The use of aluminum phosphide is restricted by law while MB
Fumigation of Stored Products 293

needs special infrastructures for its use. Due to injudicious use, aluminum
phosphide is poisoning our environment, causing many fatal diseases in
exposed persons and facilitating many fatalities. Its improper use is also
resulting in the developed resistance in the insect pests of stored grain, and
in many parts of world including India it has become useless for fumiga-
tion. Now a time has reached when we have to think whether it is a boon
or a bane. Scientists all over the world realize that presently it is impossible
to survive without its use. But they also understand that it is necessary to
minimize its use at least at the farmer’s level and to search for other viable
alternatives. Over the last four decades, serious attempts have been made
to find its alternative in plant kingdom, and hundreds of plants have been
screened to search for their fumigation potential. And most interestingly,
many plants have been identified which are equipped with fumigant prop-
erties against insect pests of stored grain. Now it has been proved beyond
doubt that under laboratory conditions the plant components can suppress
feeding and breeding of stored grain insect or even kill them completely
within a few hours just like chemical fumigants. Essential oil from more
than 75 plant species belonging to different families, such as Anacardiaceae,
Apiaceae (Umbeliferae), Araceae, Asteraceae (Compositae), Brassicaceae
(Cruciferae), Chenopodiaceae, Cupressaceae, Graminaceae, Lamiaceae
(Labiatae), Lauraceae, Liliaceae, Myrtaceae, Pinaceae, Rutaceae, and
Zingiberaceae have been studied for fumigant toxicity against insect pests
of storage grain (Rajendran et al., 2008).
Plant oils have been reported to possess repellent and insecticidal (Shaaya
et al., 1997; Kostyukovsky et al., 2002; Papachristos & Stamopoulos, 2002),
nematicidal (Oka et al., 2000), antifungal (Paster et al., 1995), antibacte-
rial (Matasyoh et al., 2007), virucidal (Schuhmacher et al., 2003), and anti-
feedant, reproduction inhibitory activity (Raja et al., 2001; Papachristos &
Stamopoulos, 2002). Exploration of fumigantional potential of essential oils
may lead to the development of non-synthetic, ecologically safe and easily
degradable seed as well as grain protactant. Plants contain many compounds
that are responsible for the ovicidal, repellent, antifeedant, chemosterilant,
and toxic effects in insects (Nawrot & Harmatha, 1994; Isman, 2006). There
are many reviews dealing with the use of plant products against insect pests
of stored products (Lale, 1995; Golob & Gudrups, 1999; Adler et al., 2000;
Weaver & Subramanyam, 2000; Isman, 2006), specifically on essential oils
(Saxena & Koul, 1978; Singh & Upadhyay, 1993; Regnault-Roger, 1997) and
on monoterpenoids (Coats et al., 1991). Steam distillation of aromatic plant
yields essential oil, long used as fragrances and flavorings in the perfume
294 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

and food industries, respectively, and more recently for aromatherapy and as
herbal medicines (Buckle, 2003; Coppen, 1995; Isman, 2006).


The fumigation of storage structures is a specialized operation and their

success depends upon the care and expertise with which it is accomplished.
Because of this, fumigation work is highly toxic and dangerous to handle; it
is usually best to have general fumigation work done by professional fumiga-
tors who make a practice of the art and guarantee their work. Fumigants are
toxic gases used for disinfestations of stored commodities in airtight storage
structures. Fumigation structures should certainly be sufficiently gastight for
the gas to penetrate and remain in the commodity for long enough to kill all
stages of the insects present in or amongst the grains.
The purpose of fumigation is thus to obtain more-or-less immediate
disinfestation of the stored commodity and the space enclosing it. Fumi-
gation is the only chemical treatment that can achieve this effect and this
relative immediacy of disinfestation, together with its completeness if done
properly, is the main advantages of this particular chemical control tech-
nique. The major disadvantages are that the treatment confers no residual
protection against reinfestation, once the commodity is again exposed, and
the fact that the most effective fumigants are all highly toxic to humans and
other non-target organisms. The precautions required to ensure the safe use
of fumigants are, necessarily, much more stringent than those required to
ensure the safe use of other insecticides.
The classification of fumigants as discussed above is no longer widely
approved for use on stored commodities due to restrictions placed upon their
use in several countries. Examples are carbon tetrachloride and ethylene
dibromide, both of which are low-volatility fumigants and are recently iden-
tified as health hazardous chemicals. MB and phosphine are now the only
fumigants commercially used worldwide for the protection of stored grain
insects, but MB is considered as a factor for ozone depletion and phosphine
developed resistance in almost all the stored grain insects throughout the
world and both chemicals contaminate the environment and stored commod-
ities. The desirable characteristics of a grain fumigant are highly efficient,
good penetration ability to the stored commodities, toxicity to only the target
insects, and lacking of residual effects (Taylor, 1975). In a controlled atmo-
spheric storage system, carbon dioxide is found highly effective at lower
Fumigation of Stored Products 295

The solid forbmulations of metal phosphides, which are relatively easy to

apply as compared to other liquid fumigants, have become the most popular
and widely used fumigant all over the world. The further prolongation of
recommended exposure periods for phosphine is three days in hot climate.
There have been extensive investigations into the susceptibility of the devel-
opmental stages of stored grain insects (Hole et al., 1976). The pupal stage of
grain weevils was found to be remarkably tolerant but other life stages were
shown to be sufficiently susceptible to permit effective use of phosphine
if the minimum exposure period was extended to four days, at favorable
temperatures, to allow the tolerant pupae to pass into the more susceptible
adult stage.
The development of resistance to phosphine in stored grain insects
constitutes a problem, but does not generally invalidate the use of this fumi-
gant which can still be expected to provide effective control of the major
stored grain insects when treatments are carried out with suitable techniques
(Taylor, 1975). The currently available alternative fumigant, MB, should
prove effective at normal dosage rates whereas effective phosphine treat-
ment would require an extension of the exposure period beyond the normally
practicable limits for sheeted-stack fumigation. Tolerance to phosphine in
the egg stage has also been observed in other insects (Hole et al., 1976; Bell,
1976), but this does not generally persist throughout egg development. 


Fumigation techniques are responsible for the success in protecting the

stored commodities in any types of storage structures.


The free space fumigation of store rather than individual stacks of bagged
grain is not a new technique; it has been practiced regularly for many years
in several countries. The disinfestations of storage structures for the control
of several insects invading the roof, walls, and floors are very effective. It
also prevents the reinfestation of stored grain insects. Taylor (1975) reported
that the repetitive dose of phosphine may induce resistance in stored grain
insects. In several countries, the building is specially designed for space
fumigation (Hayward, 1954). The technique involves application of fumi-
gant in two portions, the second of these is applied 24 or 48 hours after the
296 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

initial application. Using this technique, it is possible to prolong the period

during which insects are exposed to a lethal concentration of fumigant, even
in those storage structures where leakage of gas is taking place (Friesen,


In the developing countries, the fumigation of stored commodities with bag

stack under sheets is very common in use. This technology is relatively basic
and of good standard, recommended for prevention of stored grain insect.
The success of stack fumigation depends upon the sealing of stack, gener-
ally floor sealing; so for this purpose sandsnakes are recommended. Recent
finding suggests that for effective sealing of heavy-duty and less flexible
sheets, such as those of laminated polythene sheets, larger and heavier sand-
snakes are necessary than those commonly used. The width of tubing used
for the larger sandsnakes should be of the order of 150–200 mm. These,
when filled, should provide a contact width on the floor of at least 100 mm.
A disadvantage of this type of sandsnake is the increased weight, which is an
important consideration for stored grain insect control teams with frequent
operations or much travelling to do. The sandsnakes should be provided
for each individual store or store complex to avoid the need for further


An exclusive and patented technique is used for the phosphine gas circu-
lation in storage structures. It is called “Phyto-Explo Fumigation,” which
enables bulk grain to be effectively treated in deep structures using phos-
phine. A shaft is driven into the grain, using compressed air, and is connected
to a piping system which allows air circulation within the grain by means of
a small pump. Fumigant is evolved from a phosphide formulation introduced
into the headspace above the grain and gas is drawn down into the grain by
the circulatory action of the pumping system. This technique permits effec-
tive distribution of fumigant in deep silos and in ships holds, rendering disin-
festation possible without transferring the grain. The same technique can be
used with MB enabling rapid treatment of silos not provided with a perma-
nent circulatory system.
Fumigation of Stored Products 297


The safety precaution is very important during the application of fumigants

under any types of storage structure to save the persons involved in handling,
application, and cleaning of fumigation work. Detailed information on
safety procedures in the use of fumigation published by Food and Agricul-
ture Organization (FAO) (Bond & Morse, 1982; Anon, 1980) is a concern in
the promotion, planning, or implementation of fumigants; measures should
be in sync with the recommended procedures and should ensure that all
appropriate precautions are observed in the situations and circumstances for
which they have responsibility. The safety information related to the use of
fumigants must be read carefully before application.
The tablets and pellets of aluminum or magnesium phosphide may be
dangerous if swallowed by either humans or animals. Most farmers are not
aware of handling and storage of fumigants, but have quite a bit of experi-
ence in handling toxic chemicals; so the fumigants will not be ingested or
swallowed by the farmers or their animals. But the handling of phosphine is
different from other chemicals on the farm and does not follow the common
sense rules of pesticide use. Read the label carefully for more details about
the protective clothing when handling phosphine. Light cotton gloves
and loose-fitting cotton clothing should be worn while fumigating with or
handling phosphine so that no residues will be trapped against the skin and
cause burning. There is more of a chance of having the residual dusts cling
to hands, lips, hair, and clothing. As long as this dust does not become wet,
it will take quite some time for the humidity in the air to cause the reaction
that turns into phosphine gas. Remember that even sweat or dampness in the
clothing caused by sweat can trigger this reaction. The following precau-
tionary measures must be taken:

1. Do not eat, drink, and chew tobacco during fumigation or before

completely washing up and changing clothing after fumigating any
types of storage structures.
2. The protective clothing with phosphine mask must be worn before
starting the fumigation work or handling phosphine.
3. The entire fumigation works should be completed in one session
without any breaks.
4. If conducting fumigation of commercial storage structures or several
bins, the applicator can change the protective clothing and mask at
four-hour intervals.
298 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

5. Phosphide pellets and tablets produce phosphine gas when they are
exposed to moisture in the air; so the applicator must leave the fumi-
gating area before releasing the gas.


The first symptoms of poisoning of phosphine gas are irritation in mucous

membrane especially in the deep lungs and upper airways. Because phos-
phine gas releases highly acidic forms of phosphorus when it contacts deep
lung tissues, it tends to cause pulmonary edema. Once absorbed into the
body, phosphine can damage cell membranes and enzymes that are impor-
tant for respiration and metabolism, while minute quantity of phosphine gas
may cause mild headaches. Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting,
tightness of the chest, breathlessness, soreness or pain in the chest, palpita-
tions, headache, dizziness, staggering, and skin irritation are typical symp-
toms of phosphine poisoning. The exposures to higher concentrations or the
direct ingestion of tablets cause death to humans and other mammals such
as livestock and pets. The symptoms of severe poisoning may occur within
a few hours to several days after poisoning.
In case any symptom of poisoning, one must immediately call the physi-
cian for treatment. Take proper care of victim if the gas or dust from aluminum
phosphide is inhaled: take the exposed person to fresh air, keep warm, and
make sure that the person can breathe freely. If breathing is not proper, give
artificial respiration by mouth-to-mouth or other means of resuscitation. Do
not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Induce vomiting by
touching back of the throat with finger or, if available, provide universal
antidotes with lukewarm water. Change the protective clothing, keep the
victim in well-ventilated area, and wash contaminated skin thoroughly with
soap and water. Sometimes the dust of residue can get in the eyes; in such
cases, flush the eyes with plenty of water.
The following precautions must be taken to avoid the poisoning in any
non-target organisms.

1. Fumigation work must only be performed by a trained expert. For

each fumigation, one person must be responsible as head of the
fumigation team for tasks raning from preparing the fumigation to
the release of the store for general access.
2. Read the instruction manuals carefully and follow the instructions
Fumigation of Stored Products 299

3. Inform all people who work in the store and all those who live in the
vicinity of the store about the forthcoming fumigation.
4. Measure the length, breadth, and height of the stack and calculate the
volume of the stack.
5. Attach warning signs to the stack and to the door of the store and
lock the store after fumigation.
6. Make a regular check of the seals and ensure that no unauthorized
persons enter the store during the entire fumigation period.
7. Only allow the most urgent work to be performed in the warehouse
and take care for proper ventilation when work is taking place.
8. Measure the concentration of the gas from time to time in order to
ensure that there is no danger to staff.
9. Collect the residues of the tablets, pellets, or bags and dispose them


•• fumigation
•• methyl bromide
•• carbon tetrachloride
•• carbon disulphide
•• ethylene dichloride
•• ethylene oxide
•• phosphine
•• hudrogine cyanide
•• chloripicrin new fumigants
•• Fumigation techniques
•• symptoms of poisoning
•• safety precaution


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14.1 Important Mites Associated with Stored Produce..........................306
14.2 Damage Caused by Mites..............................................................307
14.3 Classification and Identification of Important Mites.....................307
14.4 Management of Storage Mites.......................................................314
306 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The storage mites form the largest group of class called Arachnids. Arach-
nids, being small in size, are ecologically important in most terrestrial envi-
ronments. Arachnids were the first arthropods to enter terrestrial habitats
as evident from the oldest fossil of Silurian scorpions by the end of the
Paleozoic. The Acarina are minute arachnids that have adopted along a
number of independent groups and have undergone convergent evolution.
They are distinguished by a body that is usually divided into cephalothorax
and abdomen. The mites are important to human life as they invade grain
and grain products and other stored products. Stored product mites decrease
the germination percentage of cereals and also infest and damage other food
stuffs such as cheese, flour, seed, bulbs, tubers, and dried fruits of all kinds.
Decaying materials and other such items are the main factors for the habi-
tation of these mites. The mites cause direct and indirect damage to stored
grains and their products by raising their moisture contents and generating
sufficient heat for the growth of infectious bacteria and fungi.


The storage mites form the largest group of class called Arachnids. Arach-
nids, being small in size, are ecologically important in most terrestrial envi-
ronments. Arachnids were the first arthropods to enter terrestrial habitats as
evident from the oldest fossil of Silurian scorpions by the end of the Paleo-
zoic. The Acarina are minute arachnids that have adopted along a number
of independent groups and have undergone convergent evolution. They
are distinguished by a body that is usually divided into cephalothorax and
abdomen. The leg consists of four pairs and there are no antennae. The ante-
rior part of the body is known as anterior gnathosoma and posterior one is
termed as ideosoma. They occupy diverse habitats, some live in plant galls,
others in or on birds or mammals, while others contaminate grains and their
products. Some have been found in mosses, surface litter, or upper levels of
the soil, whereas some have adapted aquatic life and live in salt and fresh
water. The class Arachnids and order Acarina represent distinct families; the
larger one is called ticks and the smaller one is known as mites. The mites
are important to human life as they invade grain and grain products and other
stored products.
Important Mites Associated with Stored Produce and Their Management 307


They infest a wide range of hosts and commodities; for example phytophagous
mites cause heavy losses to agricultural crops, vegetables, wild plants, fruits,
and ornamental plants (Evans, 1992), whereas predatory mites feed on harmful
mites and small soft-bodied insects like aphid, whiteflies, scales, and their eggs.
On the other hand, parasitic mites parasitize animals, birds, and human beings
(Srivastava, 1996). Stored grain and stored product mites decrease the germi-
nation percent of cereals (Ashfaq et al., 1996; Zdarkova, 1996) and also infest
and damage other food stuffs such as cheese, flour, seed, bulbs, tubers, and
dried fruits of all kinds. Decaying materials and other such items are the main
factors for the habitation of these mites. The mites cause direct and indirect
damage to stored grains and their products by raising their moisture contents
and generating sufficient heat for the growth of infectious bacteria and fungi.
Mite-infested grains undergo a series of changes in their chemical composition
affecting the germination capacity; flour prepared from contaminated grains
is more acidic and of fusty smell and bitter taste. They contaminate the space
between the grains with their dead bodies, cast skins, and excrement and hinder
the airflow in the stock. Stored fungi and mites frequently cause injury to grains
and contaminate grains and agro-products by allergins and toxins



There are several orders of mites, but only three—Astigmata, Prostigmata,

and Mesostigmata—are commonly found in association with stored prod-
ucts. The names of these orders are derived from the position, when present
of the Astigmata (equivalent to the spiracles of insects). The Prostigmata are
characterized by the position of their pair of stigmata at the front of the body,
but the families in this order are in other ways very variable in size and form.
Many prostigmatan mites are predators or parasites of insects and of other
mites. The Mesostigmata include two noticeably different suborders found
commonly in stores: Gamasina and Uropodina.


Astigmata mites are very small with legs of moderate length; they are whitish,
creamy, or milky translucent in color .The name of the order indicates the
308 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

absence of stigmata: respiration is by diffusion through the whole body

surface. They are important pests of stored produce. The life cycle includes a
protonymph and tritonymph, with an intervening hypopus (deutonymph) in
many species under adverse conditions. Two families, Acaridae and Glycy-
phatidae, are common in tropical storage system.

Family Acaridae
The family Acaridae contains most of the storage mites in tropical storage,
and these are usually the most abundant species in any mite-infested produce.

Acarus siro L.
Acarus siro is prominently seen in floury mass of grain and grain products.
The optimum condition for the threshold of development is between 25 and
27°C and 80 and 90% relative humidity. The total life cycle is completed
in 8-12 days. Acarus siro is able to feed cereal products (especially flour),
cereal grain, cheese, and hay.

Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Troupeau)

Aleuroglyphus ovatus is a cosmopolitan species recorded from a wide variety
of cereal products, cereal grains, and other products. It is a relatively large
mite with a glistening whitish body and reddish brown legs. In the labora-
tory, it has been reared successfully on germ or on various storage fungi. No
hypopal stage has been recorded.

Caloglyphus spp.
Several species of Caloglyphus have been recorded from stored products.
They associated with damp or only partially dried produce. They produce
hypopal under adverse conditions, such as decreased moisture content, and
are then dispersed by insect, to which they attach themselves with suckers.
The common species appear to be almost cosmopolitan, for example,
Hughes (1976) reported C. oudemansi from the UK, Italy, the USSR, India,
Indonesia, and Australia.

Lardoglyphus spp.
The three species of Lardoglyphus associated with stored products, L. konoi,
L. zasheri, and L. angelinae, are pests of food that contains large amounts
of protein, especially animal products, such as dried fish products, bones,
hides, and skins. These mites feed directly on the produce and can increase
to vast numbers, particularly in humid climates. Under adverse conditions,
Important Mites Associated with Stored Produce and Their Management 309

for example, overcrowding, hypopal are formed and these attach themselves
by suckers to the adults and larvae of Dermestes beetles. Lardoglyphus
zacheri has been reported from the UK, Germany, Mexico, South America,
and Australia.

Rhizoglyphus spp.
Rhizolyphus are usually associated with perishable commodities such as
bulbs and fresh root crops, but one species, R. callae (Hughes, 1976), has
been recorded from decaying wheat spillage in the UK, and from damp
cereal spillage in Ethiopia. The mites are large bloated and smooth, and
possess shinning body with brown legs.

Suidasia spp.
The two species of Suidasia associated with stored products, S. nesbitt and S.
pontifica, are the smallest acarid mites commonly found in tropical storage.
The cuticle of both species has a scale-like wrinkled texture, and the form
of the wrinkling is the main character for separation of the species. These
mites are dull colored with tactile setae on legs and ar found damaging wheat
bran and rice. Suidasia pontifica is common and widespread throughout the
tropics of America, Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, and has also
been recorded from temperate countries; it infests a wide variety of produce,
including milled rice, rice bran, maize, cassava, groundnuts, cowpeas, and

Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank)

The cosmopolitan Tyrophagus putrescentiae is the commonest mite pest of
stored food in the tropics and it has been recorded from many stored produce.
Although it is known to feed on storage fungi and to develop rapidly when
preferred fungi present. Like all acarids, it develops more rapidly in higher
humidity but development is very fast at 60% relative humidity and 35–40°C
Other species such as T. tropicus Robertson, T. brevicrinatus Robertson,
T. palmarum Oudemans, and T. perniciosus Zachvatkin are less impor-
tant mites of tropical stored products and are most usually found in small
numbers in mixed populations with Tyrophagus putrescentiae.

Family Glycyphagidae
The family Glycyphagidae consist of a few species that are regularly found
in tropical stored products, but usually in small numbers. These mites feed
310 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

on linseed, tobacco, dried fruits, flour, and other grain and grain products,
while it can also infest the animal products. The development period is
10–12 days at 20–28°C temperature and 80–85% relative humidity.

Glycyphagus spp.
Glycyphagus destructor is a common pest of cereals and several stored prod-
ucts and also occurs in house dust, but it appears to be much more abundant
in temperate rather than tropical climates. It is also a fungus-feeder. It is
cosmopolitan in nature.

Glycyphagus domesticus
Glycyphagus domesticus is a widespread fungus-feeding species found on
many types of stored produce and frequently associated with house dust
where it causes respiratory allergy in humans. It is mainly found in temperate


The Prostigmata contain a stigmata at the front of the body, but their size
varies from family to family. Most of the prostigmatan mites are predators
or parasites of insects and of other mites.

Family Cheyletidae
Cheyletidae family is common in tropical storage condition. The typical life
cycle of prostigmatans includes only two nymphal stages (protonymph and
deutonymph), but in some groups these nymphal stages are missing or occur
within the body of the female.

Cheyletidae spp.
Cheyletidae are predators of mites and insects; so they are considered as
natural enemies of storage pests. They are large and have strong claws at the
tip, and are used to catch and hold the prey, and stylet-like mouthparts.

Cheletomorpha lepidopterorum (Shaw)

Cheletomorpha lepidopterorum are orange in color and having long first
pair of legs. It feeds on acarid mites, and possibly small insect larvae or
nymphs. It has a cosmopolitan distribution but is not very common in
tropical storage.
Important Mites Associated with Stored Produce and Their Management 311

Cheyletus malaccensis
Cheyletus malaccensis is the dominant cheyletid in tropical stores, it preys
on other mites, acarids, and Psocoptera, and it also attacks young larvae or
nymphus of other insects.

Family Cuanxidae
The species of this family are predatory in nature , their body modified as
long palps ending in a small claw grasping their prey.

Cuanxidae setirostris (Hermann)

Cunaxa setirostris regularly observed from stored products. Its red body is
about 0.5 mm long. It has a composition in nature.

Family Pyemotidae
The mites of this family are usually parasites of insects, and two genera,
Pyemotes and Acarophenax, are found in association with storage insects.

Acarophenax spp.
Some Acarophenax spp. is ectoparasites of storage beetles; the most
commonly found species is A. tribolii which is a parasite of Tribolium spp.
The female adults attach themselves by their chelicerae to the soft inter-
segmental membranes of the adult beetles, especially under the elytra and
feed on the beetles’ body fluid.

Pyemotes spp.
Pyemotes are ecto-parasites of beetles and moth, the female Pyemotes feed
on their host by piercing soft parts of cuticle, with their stylet-like chelic-
erae and sucking the body fluid. When present in large numbers, these para-
sites reduce the population growth of their hosts. The young females are
0.2–0.25 mm long and males are small and are usually found attached to the
bodies of gravid females. Development from egg to young adult takes place
entirely within the distended body of the female.
Four species of Pyemotes have been reported to parasitizing storage
pests: P. anobii, P. beckeri, P. herfsi, and P. tritici (Cross & Moser,1975).

Family Tarsonemidae
The mites of this family are the smallest of the mite pests found in stored
produce. They are usually 0.1–0.2 mm long, oval in shape, with a shining
yellowish or colorless cuticle, and rather short legs.
312 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Tarsonemus spp.
Most tarsonemids mites found in storage are Tarsonemus, and they are often
infesting the cereal grain stores, especially on grain dust. Their mouth parts
are piercing and sucking types and they are fungus-feeders.

Family Tydeidae
The members of Tydeidae family that occur in storage are small mites and
they are predators of another mites, especially small acarids.


The mites of this order are often larger by 0.35–1.1 mm in size than other
storage mites, and are relative well-sclerotized with buff, yellowish, or
brownish cuticle. The stigmata are about halfway along the body, lateral to
the bases of the four pair of legs. The life cycle includes only two nymphal
stages (protonymph and deutonymph) between the larva and the adult.
The Mesostigmata is further divided into two sub orders: Gamasina and

Have long legs and palps, and they are usually predators, through a few feed
on the commodity or on fungi. In tropical storage, species of the ascid genus
Blattisocius are the commonest gamasine mites.

Family Ameroseiidae
Kleemannia spp.
Kleemannia plumigera and K. plumosus are fungus-feeders and occur in
moldy produce and residues in storage, but generally found in temperate

Family Ascidae
Blattisocius spp.
Blattisocius mites are predators of insect eggs and larvae of other mites, in
tropical storage. Large populations can occur in the presence of established
populations of their prey, and in certain situations they may cause significant
bio control agent. Haines (1981) reported the potential effect of Blattisocius
Important Mites Associated with Stored Produce and Their Management 313

tarsalis on Ephestia cautella populations. Blattisocius keegani is also often

abundant in tropical stores and is known as a predator of the eggs of several
storage beetles and certain mites (Hughes, 1976).

Family Dermanyssidae
Dermanyssidae family consists of predators, parasites, and fungus-feeders.
Only two species occur in storage, but several species that are parasites of
rats and birds are occasionally found in poor managed stores.

Androlaelaps casalis
Androlaelaps casalis is the only dermanyssid observed in tropical storage.
This cosmopolitan species feeds on a mixed diet of animal and plant mate-
rials and it can survive on wheat. It also preys on another mites, and Tribol-
lium larvae. It requires a high humidity for successful development.

Haemogamasus pontiger
Haemogamasus pontiger is a cosmopolitan predator on other mites and some
insect larvae. Hughes (1976) reported that he found it in store residues and
in cereal grains and other foods, but it may be more common in temperate
stores than in tropical storage system.

Family Macrochelidae
They are more strongly sclerotized than other mites and they are usually
predators of stored grain insect, but some may feed on fungi.  MESOTIGMATA: UROPODINA

The mites of this suborder are often strongly sclerotized and are dark brown
in color. Their legs, which are rather shorter than other mites, can usually be
folded into special cavities of the body. Because of their hardened cuticle
and retractable legs, they are much less affected than other storage mites by
movement of the grain.

Leiodinychus krameri
The Leiodinychus krameri is the common uropodine mite, and large popula-
tions are sometimes found on damp stored produce. They are fungus-feeders
and transmit fungal infestation within the stored produce. They feed on
several cereals, cereal products, and pulses in so many countries.
314 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


There are no any specific management practices of mites under storage

condition, but the following precaution must be taken to prevent the growth
and development of mites.

• Maintain optimum moisture content of stored produce.

• Check the temperature and relative humidity regularly.
• Keep the store clean and dry.
• If needed, fumigate the store with sulfur at 1 kg/ 100 m3 space.


•• storage mites
•• classification
•• astigmata
•• prostigmata
•• mesostigmata


Ashfaq, M.; Ahamad, M. S.; Perveaz, A. Some Studies on Correlation between Mite Popula-
tion and Germination Losses of Stored Wheat. Pak. Entomol. 1996, 18(1–2), 102–103.
Cross, E. A.; Moser, J. C. A New, Dimorphic Species of Pyemotes and a Key to Previously
Described Forms (Acarina: Tarsonemoidea). Ann. Entomol. Soci. Am. 1975, 68, 723–732.
Evans, G. O.; Principles of Acarology; CAB International: Wallingford, UK, 1992; p 252 .
Haines, C. P. Insects and Arachnids from Stored Products: A Report on Specimens Received
by the Tropical Stored Products Centre. Rep. Trop. Prod. Inst. 1981, 54, 73.
Hughes, A. M. The Mites of Stored Food and Houses; 2nd Edition, Technical Bulletin No. 9;
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: London, 1976;Vol. 4, p 400.
Srivastava, K. P. A Textbook of Applied Entomology; Kalyani Publication: New Delhi, India,
1996; Vol. 2, p 507.
Zdarkova, E. The Effect of Mites on Germination of Seed. Ochrana-rostlin. 1996, 32(3),




15.1 Introduction....................................................................................316
15.2 Problems of Birds..........................................................................317
15.3 Population Estimation of Birds......................................................317
15.4 Collection of Birds.........................................................................319
15.5 Classification of Birds....................................................................320
15.6 Integrated Management of Birds...................................................322
316 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The post-harvest losses due to birds are a great matter of concern all over
the world. Generally, the problem of birds starts from field when crops reach
maturity stage; they also damage stored commodities in warehouse or in
any storage structures. Bird population affects our economy and health.
Among the vertebrate pests, only birds have feathers and they belong to
class Avis of phylum chordate. Birds are highly specialized having 28,500
species and sub species. The feet and beaks of birds are highly modified to
feed on different types of commodities. A number of grain-eating birds have
become important pests of stored products in many countries. Several birds,
for example, Passer domesticus, Passer montanus, Acridotheres tristis,
Streptopelia species, Corvus splendens, and Columba livia are associated
to crop at ripening stage and to drying and threshing floors at harvest time.
Some have developed a close association with the more permanent sources
of cereals and cereal products and have become a problem in warehouse and
other storage structures. The contribution of birds in post-harvest losses is
very few due to their geographical distribution and several types of traps and
other alternative ways must be applied for the management of birds under
storage condition.


The post-harvest losses due to birds are a great matter of concern all over
the world. Generally, the problem of birds starts from field when crops reach
maturity stage; they also damage stored commodities in warehouse or in
any storage structures. Bird population affects our economics and health.
Among the vertebrate pests, only birds have feathers and they belong to
class Avis of phylum Chordate. Birds are highly specialized having 28,500
species and sub species. The feet and beaks of birds are highly modified to
feed on different types of commodities. A number of grain-eating birds have
become important pests of stored products in many countries. Several birds,
for example, Passer domesticus, P. montanus, Acridotheres tristis, Strepto-
pelia species, Corvus splendens, and Columba livia are associated to crop at
ripening stage and to drying and threshing floors at harvest time. Some have
developed a close association with the more permanent sources of cereals
and cereal products and have become a problem in warehouse and other
storage structures. The magnitude of losses caused by birds is very less as
compared to that by rodent and other vertebrate pests; they consume about
Important Birds Associated with Stored Grain and Their Management 317

244 g grain per day per yard (Garg et al., 1966). Libay et al. (1983) reported
that losses as feed to European sparrows, P. montanus, at farms of Philip-
pines is about 147–177 g per day per farm.


The bird population spreads at different geographic regions. The bird popu-
lations inside a store pose some major problems such as:

1. Birds may settle on top of stacks and peck holes in woven sacks in
order to reach the food inside. This can cause spillage and in extreme
cases, collapse of the stack.
2. Many species of birds roost inside warehouse unless access is
completely restricted.
3. Birds dropping may reduce the quality of stored commodities.
4. Besides the direct losses, they also act as carrier of several mite
5. The nesting materials of birds act as harborage and site for breeding
of some stored grain insects.
6. The grains damaged by birds are most susceptible for infection of
several storage fungi, and they also carry spore of fungi.


The size of population can be estimated on the basis of their nasality,

mortality, immigration, and emigration. These four factors may be put into
the following formula to work out population of birds.

Ni + 1 + Ni + (B − D) + I − E

Ni + 1 Population at time initial + 1 (Estimation)
Ni Population at time initial
B Nasality
D Mortality
I Immigrants
E Emigrants
318 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The estimation of bird population size or density is widely used in bird infes-
tation, because it allows to measure changes in population and their impact
on losses (Lambert, 1993). Sometimes, assessment of non-isolated popula-
tion of birds is viable (Githiru & Lens, 2006).
The following two types of population estimator of birds are commonly
in use:

A. Measurement of relative density

The magnitudes of bird population can be measured on the basis of
dropping, nests, and quantity of grain consumed by the birds. The rela-
tive estimation is measured in determinate units which allows compari-
sons in time and space, and is useful for studying the activity patterns of
birds. This type of estimate is obtained by catch per unit time or effort
and use of several types of bird traps. Relative population is influenced
by various factors, for example, behavior of birds, level of activity, effi-
ciency of trap, level of activity, and response of particular sex.

B. Measurements of absolute density

The total number of birds per unit area represents the absolute popu-
lation density, and such types of population estimates are helpful in
preparation of life table, population dynamics. The population density
also indicates the relationship between the level of bird population and
resultant damage to the host, and this can be helpful in understanding
any change in populations. The absolute population can be estimated by
following methods.

1. Visual counting of birds or counting by previous census of birds.

2. Sampling of small proportion of the population to estimate the total
3. Capture marking and recapture methods allow estimation of density,
nasality and mortality; when distance between recaptures are known,
movement and home range may be determined. The population can
be estimated by using following formula.
P = N × M / R
P = Population of birds
Important Birds Associated with Stored Grain and Their Management 319

N = Total number of capture birds

M = Number of marked individuals released
R = Number of marked individuals recapture

The population estimation by this method has some assumptions.

i) Marked and unmarked animals are caught at the same rate (equal
probability of capture).
ii) Marked and unmarked animals are subject to the same mortality
iii) Marks are not lost or overlooked.


1. Several types of collection nets are used to capture birds. Mist nets—
fine silk or nylon net with 3–4 inch mesh, 7 feet wide, and 18–38 feet
long—with a taut frame of stout twine crossed by horizontal braces
called “shelfatrings” are used. A bird striking the net from either side
carries the net beyond the shelfatrings and hangs in the pocket of the
net. A net is properly hung, with four shelves at about 6 feet height.
Mist nets are effective during calm day against a dark background in
the birds roosting area, of warehouse, however, this net is also effec-
tive under field condition. The captured birds are removed immedi-
ately to maintain hygiene.
2. The modified Australian crow trap is a large cage made of mesh wire
with wooden frames measuring 1–2 m wide × 2 m long × 2 m height.
The midsection of the truncated V-shaped cage top is provided with
slots through which birds can enter. This trap is self-operating and so
must contain food, water, and some of the captured birds as a decoy.
3. The funnel-shaped bird trap made of bamboo sticks or coconut
midribs used to catch brooding birds called Kaliked are used in
several countries. The trap is fitted into the mouth of the nest and
another entrance is opened for the opposite end of the nest. The bird
is trapped as it seeks its way out after incubating the eggs. A trap
could only catch one bird.
4. The manually operated net trap composed of two rectangular nets
each measuring 1–2 m × 2 m is called Korag. The widths are framed
by light poles and the lengths by nylon stings. The nets are set flat on
320 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

the ground, parallel to each other 3 m apart such that when activated,
they close in perfectly.


Generally, the major bird pests belong to the genera Lonchura and family
Estrildidae. The classification and marks of identification of different birds
associated with stored grains are discussed in this section.


The domestic or wild pigeon developed from the rock doves of Europe
and Asia was introduced into the USA in 1606, as a domestic bird. Rock
doves originally nested in caves, holes, and under overhanging rocks on
cliffs, so their descendants comfortably adapt to our window ledges, attics,
roofs, eaves, steeples, and other components of our structures. Eight to 12
days after mating, they lay 1–2 eggs. Pigeons are used for several scientific
researches on heart disease in humans. Pigeon farming for meat is a common
practice in some parts of the country. DAMAGE

Pigeons are the most serious problematic bird pest associated with stored
grains, buildings, and statues.
Besides feeding on seed or grains, they also feed on garbage, fruit, spilled
grains, and insects. Pigeon droppings accelerate the deterioration of grain
quality, buildings, and statues. HABITS

Pigeons are gregarious in nature, and feeding, roosting, and loafing sites are
usually separate. Roosting sites are typically protected from the elements
and are used for nesting, congregating at night, and shelter during rain.
Pigeons prefer flat, level surfaces for landing, resting, and feeding.
Important Birds Associated with Stored Grain and Their Management 321

Generally, pigeon feeding sites include parks, warehouse and other

storage structures, squares, food loading docks, garbage areas, railroad
sidings, mature crops, and wherever people eat or feed them outdoors.
The male pigeons are sexually mature after 3–4 months, while females
after six months of birth. Pigeons usually mate for life unless separated
by death or accident. After pairing and mating, nest construction begins.
Pigeons make nest on a small twigs, straw, and debris in which they make
a slight depression but sometimes nests are located in protected openings in
or on warehouse and other storage structures. Eight to 10 days after matting,
a single female lays one or two creamy white eggs, but sometimes three or
more eggs are found in a single nest. After hatching, female pigeon nourish
the young ones by providing predigested food and after 10 days, they feed
on the whole grain. They started flying after 35–40 days. Pigeons nest during
all seasons when conditions are unfavorable. City pigeons generally remain
in one area for several years.


The house sparrow introduced from England, also called as English sparrow,
are nowadays common all over the world. It prefers farm buildings and
houses. Due to environmental pollution, these birds virtually disappeared or
their numbers fell dramatically. The house sparrow is a brown, chunky bird
and their male has distinctive black bib or throat, white cheeks, a chestnut
mantle around an ash-gray crown, and chestnut upper wing covers. The
female and young birds have a gray breast, light eye stripe, and a streaked
back. They are social birds frequently heard singing, and seen eating and
flying together in flocks. DAMAGE

House sparrows are aggressive and social birds; young birds can move out
of an area to establish new territories. Sparrows are very closely associ-
ated with human activity, and will not hesitate to set up nests in high traffic
areas, for example, warehouses and farms. House sparrows feed preferen-
tially on grain. They will also feed on seedlings, buds, flowers, fruits, seeds,
322 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

and garbage. During the breeding season, they feed mostly insects to their
nestlings. They have been called sputzies, aggressive opportunists, animated
manure machines, rank hoodlums, impudent parasites, and other unprint-
able terms of disrespect. Their droppings contaminate stored grain and bulk
food. Droppings and feathers can make hazardous, unsanitary, and smelly
wastes inside and outside of buildings, on sidewalks, and under roosting
sites. Besides feeding on food grain, they also feed on pecking at rigid foam
and fiberglass. HABIT

House sparrows are prolific breeders and have 2–7 broods for an average
of three broods per season with 3–8 eggs per brood or clutch. Breeding can
occur throughout the year, but is most active from March to August. Eggs
are hatched after two weeks of laying.


The effective bird management may be achieved by holistic approaches

of all suitable techniques, which do not infringe any rules and regulations
related to wildlife. The primary objective of bird control in storage should
be to prevent or reduce grain losses and not to merely kill animals. Effective
bird-proofing of stores is strongly recommended for use in the first instance.
Sanitation, elimination of harborage, proper stock and warehouse mainte-
nance and removal of bird nests should be standard practices. Quick turn-
over of stocks also reduces the exposure time of grain to the pests. However,
the following techniques should be applied to minimize birds’ infestation
under storage condition.

1. Before applying any practice of bird management, survey and

inspection of storage structure must be completed for types of birds
and their infestation. To constantly watch on activities of birds,
survey must be conducted at early in the morning, midday, and in
the evening.
2. The modification of habitat for long-term management of birds; this
will helpful in nesting of birds and overcoming food scarcity.
3. The utilization of some exclusion, for example, netting of ventilator
to check entry of birds in warehouse.
Important Birds Associated with Stored Grain and Their Management 323

4. The collection and destruction of eggs or adult birds at regular

5. Using the bird trap.
6. The utilization of stickers.
7. Shooting of birds is helpful to prevent the infestation.
8. Making noise by mechanical means or ultrasonic devices may keep
the birds away from stored products.
9. The bigger predatory birds prey the smaller birds in nature, so
allowing such birds to minimize the losses.
10. Repellents like methiocarb minimize birds from feeding on the
11. The application of avicide (chemical that kills the birds) as a last
resort in bird management program is very common in some parts of
the country. If the infestation is very high and not manageable by any
alternative method, then poison bait can be used. Poison bait should
be used very carefully, for example, pigeons prefer peas, wheat, and
cracked or whole maize; sparrows prefer small grains such as rice,
so mix the avicide in their preferred food. Pre-baiting for 3–4 days
increases the chances of success.


•• post-harvest losses
•• stored commodities
•• bird population
•• vertebrate pests
•• grain-eating birds
•• birds contamination


Garg, S. S. L.; Singh, J.; Prakash, V. Losses of Wheat in Thrashing Yards Due to Birds and
Rodents. Bull. Grain Tech. 1966, 4 (2), 94–96.
Githiru, M.; Lens, L. Demography of an Afrotropical Passerine in a Highly Fragmented
Landscape. Anim. Conserv. 2006, 9, 21–27.
324 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Lambert, F. R. Trade, Status and Management of Three Parrots in the North Moluccas, Indo-
nesia: White Cockatoo Cacatua alba, Chattering Lory, Lorius garrulus and Eos squamata.
Bird Conserv.Int. 1993, 3, 145–168.
Libay, J. L.; Fiedler, L. A.; Bruggers, R. L. In Feed Losses to European Tree Sparrows
(Passer montanus) at Duck Farms in the Philippines, Proceedings of the Ninth Bird
Control Seminar, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, Oct 4–6, 1983;
pp 135–142.



16.1 Important Rodents in Warehouses or Godowns and
Their Management.........................................................................326
16.2 Economic Importance of Rats........................................................327
16.3 Habit and Habitate.........................................................................329
16.4 Signs and Symptoms of Rodent Infestation...................................330
16.5 Important Rat Species Associated with Stored Product.................331
16.6 Bionomics and Behavior of Rats...................................................334
16.7 Management of Rodents................................................................336

Portions of this chapter have been modified from Grain storage techniques: Evolution and trends in
developing countries, FAO AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BULLETIN No. 109, D. L. Proctor, ed. http:// Used with permission of FAO.
326 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Rodentia is the largest order of mammals containing about 35 families

and 350 genera, and more than 50% populations of this order are rodents.
Rodents are the most notorious animal of stored commodities, they are not
only eat the stored produce but also destroy the warehouses and godowns.
The population of rodents was reported to be around 3000 million which is
regularly increasing. The rats are found in every portion of land throughout
the world and are known as polyestrous animals. Of all the animals that live
with man, the rat was proved to be most hostile and important. The presence
of rats posed great problems to mankind for food and health and in terms
of money costs sizeable amount. They have been with human dwelling
rather; mankind has brought rats for many thousands of years ago. The
losses caused by rats varying from crop to crop, variety, location of ware-
houses and stores, rat species, duration and method of storage, and climate.
The estimation of losses may vary from person to person, place to place,
year to year depending upon the methodology opt by person and other vari-
ables that may interact. In India, there are various estimates on records
but mostly, these are based on assumptions. An organized first effort was
made by Indian Council of Agricultural Research in the year 1959 to deter-
mine losses in different crops at different parts of the country. The report
indicate that at Kanpur only Kharif crop damage from growth to maturity
was 7.1–21.5% loss to paddy tillers while in wheat and barley it was 11%.
At Ludhiana, the actual loss in yield of wheat crop was 4.1%, groundnut
25.8%. In Andhra Pradesh only coconut losses were 16.0%. At Chennai,
losses in paddy were 24.1%.



Rodents are the most notorious animal of stored commodities, they are not
only eat the stored produce but also destroy the warehouses and godowns.
The population of rodents was reported to be around 3000 million which is
regularly increasing. The rats are found in every portion of land throughout
the world and are known as polyestrous animals. Of all the animals that live
with man, the rat was proved to be most hostile and important. The pres-
ence of rats posed great problems to mankind for food and health and in
terms of money costs sizeable amount. They have been with human dwelling
rather, mankind has brought rats for many thousands of years ago. The paleo
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 327

entomologist observed the bones along with relics from men of Stone Age.
The detrimental habit of rats to belonging of mankind is known since long
as in Vedas. The rat menace has been observed since times immemorial,
and consequent efforts to combat by legendary pied piper and medieval rat
catchers with all their skill and secret formulae. Deoras (1963) tried to esti-
mate the occurrence of rat population by making catch release and catch of
rats in special traps. These rats were captured at Javki and sex ratio varied
from 0.45 to 1.2 and Javki with 42 times catches sex ratio was 0.46, where,
in Butcher Island it was highest 1.2. The rats are omnivorous but prefer-
ence or aversion may be varied from species to species, for example annual
mortality being given as 95/m3 of the home range being 200 feet in diameter
of the diet being grainivorous.


The losses caused by rats vary from crop to crop, variety, location of ware-
houses and stores, rat species, duration and method of storage, and climate
(Gratz, 1990). A report of Jackson and Meehan (Jackson, 1977; Meehan,
1984), some examples based on surveys are given below which indicate the
huge economical losses that have been found and can generally be expected.
Samples conducted in small warehouses in the Philippines indicated losses
of 40–210 kg of grain in each (Rubio, 1971; Agnon, 1981 as cited in Benigno
& Sanchez, 1984); at that time this was equivalent to about US $ 80 for each
unit. Interviewing farmers in Bangladesh on rodent damage inside houses
provided an estimated loss equivalent to US $ 29.50 for a six-month period
(Bruggers, 1983). Mian (Mian et al., 1984) also reported that, on average,
households were each infested by about eight mice and two rats. At 10.5
million households the annual losses are estimated at US $ 620 million for
the entire country in houses only. Higher estimates were found by Krish-
namurthy et al. (Krishnamurthy et al., 1967) in a similar study in India. In
large grain stores the situation may be even worse. For example, Frantz
(Frantz, 1975) estimated that each godown in Kolkata had, on average, a
population of about 200 Bandicoot rats. At an estimated 50 g of produce one
rat can destroy in one night. To these food losses, costs for cleaning produce,
the losses due to damaged packaging (Meehan, 1984) as well as structural
damage have to be added. It is impossible to put an exact estimate on these
losses, but it is obvious that the damage caused by rodents is enormous.
In the USA the annual loses by rodents is estimated at US $ 900 million
(Clinton, 1969 as quoted in Meehan, 1984), while the annual cost of rodent
328 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

control is estimated at US $ 100 million (Brooks, 1973 as quoted in Meehan,

1984). Sumangil (Sumangil, 1990) reported losses of rice in the Philippines
were reduced from US $ 36 million to US $ 3.5 million with the advent of
organized rat control programs.
In Bangladesh two national strategic multi-media rodent control
campaigns were organized and analyzed in detail, Net profits were calcu-
lated at US $ 800,000 for each campaign, based on a single crop and season
(Adhikarya & Posamentier, 1987). Calculated benefits would be a multiple
of this amount, if all crops could have been surveyed and the reduction in
structural damage and human suffering could be quantified. Further field
studies in the same country have shown clearly that losses can be reduced by
40–60% at farmers level also (Posamentier, 1989).
The estimation of losses may varying from person to person, place to
place, year to year depending upon the methodology opt by person and other
variables that may interact. In India, there are various estimates on records
but mostly, these are based on assumptions. An organized first efforts was
made by Indian Council of Agricultural Research in the year 1959 to deter-
mine losses in different crops at different parts of the country. The report
indicate that at Kanpur only Kharif crop damage from growth to maturity
was 7.1–21.5% loss to paddy tillars while in wheat and barley it was 11%. At
Ludhiana, the actual loss in yield of wheat crop was 4.1%, groundnut 25.8%.
In Andhra Pradesh only Coconut losses were 16.0%. At Chennai, losses in
paddy were 24.1%. Gupta (Gupta et al., 1960) reported that incidence of rats
and loss to sugarcane yield and sugar recovery was on an average 7 million
in all Uttar Pradesh annually. Krishnamurthy et al. (Krishnamurthy et al.,
1967) made estimates of Hapur area and reported that losses due to rats
ranged from 1.36 to 3.59 tons annually in four villages only. A committee
on storage losses of foodgrains during post-harvest handling was appointed
by government of India, their report gave an estimated loss of 9.33% out of
which rodents take a toll of 2.5%. Rats also serve as a reservoir of Typhus,
in Bombay 70 cases were reported to be due to endemic typhus (Savoor et
al., 1948) a committee on rat control of Bombay in 1958 reported 20,000
cases of rat bites admitted in hospital in Bombay town. The tapeworm of
genus Hymenolepis are common intestinal parasites of rat, mice, and human,
it is reported that if feces of rat containing eggs of these parasites reach the
stomach of man, not only infection may be caused, but hepatic cysticer-
cosis may also develop (Srivastava, 1968). Dubock and Richards (Dubock,
1984; Richards, 1988) reported rodent control in urban and rural situations,
including warehouses, in various Asian and Central American countries.
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 329

The cost-benefit ratios ranged from 1:2 to 1:30. Hernandez & Drummond
(Hernandez & Drummond, 1984) found that in Cuban warehouses the loss
of 1% of the amount available to human consumption could be readily
preventable by standard control techniques. Rodents consume and damage
human foods in the field as well as in warehouse. Besides their direct damage
to the produce they also contaminate the produce by urine and droppings
and degrade the quality of produce. Due to their gnawing and burrowing
habit they also destroy many articles (packaging, clothes, and furniture) and
storage structures (floors, buildings, bridges, etc.). They are responsible for
transmitting several dangerous human diseases.


The habit and habitate of rats are varying from species to species but as
mammals, the characters exhibit similarity with that of man. Man is respon-
sive to their environment and rat population to tend to increase to the
carrying capacity of their locations. The rat populations flourish when plenty
of food, water, and nesting sites are present and the natural parasites and
predators are limited. As per their habit they named as field rats, commensal
rats, domestic rats, and wild rats. The field rats are those which feed on crops
in field and grazing pastures, their damage may occurs at any crop season
but mostly before the harvest. The field rat population density varies with
the soil condition and rat species, the maximum density spreading on the
entire field has been observed in semi-arid zone. The rats are seen confined
to raized bunds only such rats with close association with man are termed
as commensal rats. Domestic rats live with man and feed man’s belongings,
and these rats are most commonly found in houses granaries and are abun-
dant in almost all the part of the country. The wild rats are heavier than these
two types of rats and they prefer open area for surviving.
Rodentia is the largest order of mammals containing about 35 families
and 350 genera, and more than 50% populations of this order are rodents.
Anderson and Jones (Anderson & Jones, 1967) reported the more than 4000
species of mammals, of which about 1700 are rodents. Of the rodents the
Family Muridae contains the most species, and of the genera the genus
Rattus, Out of the 1700 rodent species about 150 species have been consider
as a pest at some locality to some crop at some time or another.
330 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The following characteristics may indicate in signs or presence rodent

Live animals
Rodents are mainly active at night. If animals are nonetheless seen during
the daytime, this is a sign of an already advanced stage of infestation.

The shape, size, and appearance of droppings can provide information as
to the species of rodent and the degree of infestation. The droppings of
Norway rats are around 20 mm in length and are found along their runs.
The droppings of black rats are around 15 mm long and are shaped like a
banana. Mouse droppings are between 3 and 8 mm in length and irregular
in shape.

Runs and tracks

Runs, such as those of Norway rats, are to be found along the foot of walls,
fences, or across rubble. They virtually never cross open areas of land, but
always pass through overgrown territory, often being concealed by long
grass. Runs inside buildings can be recognized by the fact that they are free
of dust. The animal’s fur coming into contact with the wall leaves dark,
greasy stains. Even black rats, which do not have any fixed runs, can leave
similar greasy stains at points which they pass regularly, for example when
climbing over roof beams.

Footprints and tail marks

Rats and mice leave footprints and tail marks in the dust. If you suspect there
might be rodent infestation, scatter some sort of powder (talcum powder,
flour) on the floor at several places in the store and later check for traces.
The size of the back feet serves as an indication of the species of rodent,
back feet larger than 30 mm: black rat, Norway rat, bandicoot rat, back feet
smaller than 30 mm: house mouse, multi-mammate rat, Pacific rat.

Tell-tale damage
Rats leave relatively large fragments of grain they have nibbled at (gnaw
marks). They generally only eat the embryo of maize. Sharp and small left-
overs are typical for mice. Rodent attack can further be detected by damaged
sacks where grain is spilled and scattered. Small heaps of grain beneath
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 331

bag stacks are a clear sign. These should be checked for using a torch on
regular controls. Attention should be paid to damaged doors, cables, and
other material.

Burrows and nests

Depending on their habits, rodents either build nests inside the store in
corners as well as in the roof area or build burrows outside the store. Rat
holes have a diameter of between 6 and 8 cm, whereas mice holes are around
2 cm in diameter. These holes can be found particularly in overgrown areas
or close to the foundations of a store.

Urine traces are fluorescent in ultraviolet light. Where available, ultraviolet
lamps can be used to look for traces of urine.



Posamentier (Posamentier, 1989) reported the following rat species associ-

ated with store and most prevalent in Asian country as well as the world
and other species may enter buildings occasionally, but they are of locally


This rat is also known as grey, house, sewer, Norway, or wharf rat, this
species is cosmopolitan in nature, but thought to have originated in Asia.
It has spread gradually around the entire world during the last two centu-
ries through international trade and human settlement (Meehan, 1984). Its
range is limited to coastal areas especially in ports. In many Asian coun-
tries it is displaced by Bandicota bengalensis (Deoras & Pradhan, 1975),
and it is probable that populations of Rattus norvegicus in these areas are
replenished only by new arrivals from outside. Generally it is brown-gray
dorsally and light-gray ventrally, the tail is bi-colored, and the feet are white.
The length is 180–250 mm and a fully-grown adult may weigh up to 400 g,
although heavier individuals have been recorded (Niethammer, 1981). The
tail is shorter than the body length. The ears are thick, opaque, and short with
fine hairs, while the snout is characteristically blunt. It is the most important
332 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

species in Europe, because it lives in close proximity to man and has often
been responsible for transmitting diseases to man.


This rat also known as black, roof, fruit, rice field, or Alexandrine rat and
cosmopolitan in nature found in all over the world, this species originated
in South East Asia (Meehan, 1984). In the same country the coloration
may range from almost black to red brown dorsally and dark grey to white
ventrally. The body length is 150 to 220 mm and the fully-grown adult weight
is 150–250 g (Niethammer, 1981). The tail is longer than the body length.
The ears are thin, translucent, relatively large, and hairless, while the snout
is comparatively pointed. Beside damage in store Rattus rattus has become a
field pest in many countries and, because of its good climbing ability, infests
fruit orchards besides entering buildings. This species was responsible for
carrying the fleas which spread the plague in the human.


This mouse is also cosmopolitan in nature, and originated from Central Asia
on the Iranian–Russian border (Schwartz & Schwartz, 1943). It is now the
most widespread rat species in the world (Meehan, 1984). The color varia-
tions are very common in M. musculus, the fur dorsally is usually brown to
brownish grey, and grey ventrally. The body length is 70–110 mm, and a
well-developed adult weighs 15–30 g. The tail is about as long as the body
length. The ears are quite large in relation to the rest of the body, while the
feet are comparatively small and the snout pointed. The M. musculus is a
good climber and lives in social groups. This is a serious pest of stored grain
but also infesting the fields’ crops and natural vegetation.


Rattus exulans is also known as the Polynesian rat and relatively small in size.
It is colored gray-brown dorsally and light grey ventrally. The body length is
110–130 mm, and a well-developed adult may weigh up to 45 g. The tail is
longer than the body length (Niethammer, 1981). It is common throughout
the Pacific islands ranging westward to western Bangladesh (Poche, 1980).
Due to its excellent climbing ability it is also infest the coconut trees.
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 333


This is a common species in Asian country, which ranges from Pakistan east-
wards. It seems to be replacing R. rattus and R. norvegicus in India (Prakash,
1975) and probably other Asian mainland countries also. The fur is dark to
light brown dorsally, occasionally blackish, and light to dark grey ventrally.
The body length is around 250 mm, and the uniformly dark tail is shorter
than the body length. In addition to consuming or spoiling much stored
produce, the lesser bandicoot rat is a very active burrower and is respon-
sible for much structural damage to the storage buildings as well. It is also a
very good swimmer able to live in deep water rice fields, where it can cause
much damage to the crop. In Bangladesh and Burma it is the most important
rodent species in both store and field. B. bengalensis is very aggressive even
against individuals of the same species (Posamentier, 1989). This species is
very susceptible to most rodenticides (Brooks et al., 1980; Poche et al., 1979).


The body color is light brownish or sandy on the upper surface and darker
with light haired in the lower side. The tail is longer than body length, eyes
are comparatively large. It mainly feed on grains, succulent stems, leaves,
roots, fruits, and grasses. More than one rat is usually found in one burrow
(Meehan, 1984). It is very poor in swimming; it makes burrow in the dry
land near the field, river bands.


Mastomys natalensis is economically the most important rodent pest in

Africa, and a true indigenous commensal (Fiedler, 1988). In many areas,
it may be replaced by the much larger R. rattus. The fur is soft, brownish
on the back and grayish ventrally. The body length is up to 150 mm, and
the well-developed adult weight is 50–100 g. The tail, which is uniformly
dark, is about the same length of the body. Most distinctively, the female
has up to 24 nipples on her belly while other rat species rarely have more
than 10 nipples and the reproductive potential is very high, particularly since
this species lives in large social groups. Consequently, very large population
explosions occur from time to time, and they causing huge losses to stored
334 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Acomys cahirinus occurs from Mauritania to Pakistan and is usually found

in semi-desert, rocky country, dry woodland, thorn scrub, and savannah
(Greaves, 1989). However it has become commensal in some places,
replacing M. musculus, causing damage to stored grain and domestic prem-
ises. The commensal form is nearly black with a grey belly. The body length
is 60–120 mm, and the tail much shorter than body. Apparently A. cahirinus
has an unusual resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides.


All rat species are polyoestrous and polytocous, a female can produce
a regular succession of litters at short intervals for several months under
favorable conditions. The minimum gestation period of most of species is
normally around three weeks. The rats multiply fast as pair of rats multiplies
into 60 in a year. A female rat may have up to five litters in her lifetime, R.
norvegicus and R. rattus averaging seven or eight young in each litter. The
M. natalensis rat can have up to 20 young in a litter. A female bandicoot rat
may share a burrow with a weaned litter, have a litter suckling and be preg-
nant all at the same time. The house mouse can have a new litter every four
weeks (Meehan, 1984).
Rats have well developed senses of smell and touch, but poorly devel-
oped eyesight. They have excellent light sensitivity but poor acuity and
are color blind (Meehan, 1984). This allows poison baits to be colored, for
safety reasons, without modifying their acceptability by the target species.
They possess a good sense of hearing including frequencies in the ultrasonic
range up to 100 Khz. This has led to the development of ultrasonic deterrent
devices, of variable effectiveness. R. rattus and R. exulans are very good
climbers, R. norvegicus is less climbers. However, all are able to use very
small openings for their size or move up cracks and pipes to gain access
to buildings. They are also good swimmers and readily take to the water.
They are also good jumpers: R. norvegicus can jump vertically 77 cm and
horizontally more than 120 cm, house mice can jump to a height of 24 cm
(Meehan, 1984).
The burrowing behavior of rats (especially the bandicoot rats, R. norveg-
icus and the multimammate rat) is a particular nuisance to store owners
in tropical countries. Floors subside, easing the entry of other individuals,
providing hiding places, causing a loss of stored produce and even leading
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 335

to a partial collapse of buildings. Rodents make burrows to breed in, for

storing large amounts of food, and for protection against predation and
extreme climatic conditions. In the case of bandicoot rats these burrow
systems may be 100 cm deep and very extensive. Rats are omnivorous, an
additional reason why they are successful mammals. In spite of this there
may be some preferences in the field if a choice is available. Overall, rats
and mice in the wild will take a balanced diet. The amount of food taken
may also vary. Under laboratory conditions, rodents have been observed to
consume about 10% of their body weight per day (Chitty, 1954; Meehan,
1984; Spillet, 1968; Brooks et al., 1981; Posamentier & Alam, 1981). Enclo-
sure studies indicate that under near field conditions the amount consumed
or destroyed is about five times the amount eaten in the laboratory (Haque
et al., 1980), although the proportion actually consumed is uncertain. What
is certain, however, is that the actual losses caused are a multiple of their
dietary requirements. Most rats return to a fixed place of feeding. House
mice on the other hand are haphazard, inquisitive feeders (Crowcroft, 1966).
Most of the rats start damage during the hours of darkness, which is also
when they do most of their feeding. There are two peaks of activity, the major
peak occurring just after sunset and a minor peak just before sunrise. This
has been observed for M. musculus (Dewsbury, 1980), R. rattus (Barnett
et al., 1975), R. norvegicus (Calhoun, 1962), and B. bengalensis (Parrack,
1966). When they are hungry, or under crowded conditions, they may also
be active during daylight hours.
It is probably their ability to rapidly adapt their behavior to new or
changing situations, above all else, that has caused some rodent species to
become major pests. This is most apparent in their reaction to “new objects”
placed in their environment by man. R. norvegicus is naturally very suspi-
cious and tends to avoid any object that is new to it. It may take several
days before an individual will enter a trap or take bait. Even then, if the new
object appears to be food, only a small amount is taken. If the food contains
an acute poison causing symptoms after a short while, rats may not touch the
bait again. R. rattus behaves similarly but not to the same extent, while M.
musculus tends to explore rather than avoid new objects.
Several rats are characteristically mobile and able to disperse rapidly.
This allows them to move quickly into and take advantage of new areas
with favorable conditions (Fiedler, 1988; Meehan, 1984). However once
individuals have established a burrow, they will not move very far, as long
as conditions remain favorable. The bandicoot rats, and others, will move
from surrounding fields into villages at harvest time that is when fields
suddenly no longer provide enough food (Posamentier, 1989). In built up
336 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

areas containing food stores B. bengalensis moves within an area 30–146 m

in diameter (Spillet, 1968; Chakraborty, 1975; Frantz, 1984), depending on
the location of the warehouses, when they are emptied, structural conditions,
and the availability of water.


The management of rodent population, the environmental condition of

inhabiting area, availability of food material and habitate play pivotal role.
The migration of rats from one place to other is also important to be born in
mind while planning to manage rat population. Sustained efforts are made
to control rats in the field but the again appeared as migrated from other
sources. A considerable portion of rat population from the operational field
appeared to have been migrated to the bunds at the little distance from the
farm. These rats continue to revisit the farm and cause damage whenever
they found in the farm field and same pattern is observed in food grain
storing sits. Thus, to manage rat population in field and warehouse is only
the cooperative efforts that would provide some benefits and by adopting an
individual practice. The cooperative efforts made by farmers, grain handlers,
and the Government agencies will not provide protection unless a sched-
uled programming is done with a system approach. It should thus occupy
a key position in operational plan for agricultural production and protec-
tion. The first step in rodent management program is to have knowledge of
the biology and behavior of their population which is known as the basic
technique that must be match to the characteristic of each species and peak
period of activity. The method of calculating peak period varying place to
place, However the population fluctuation data is important for the success
and scheduling of management program. There are several techniques and
methods of management of rodent populations depending upon the situation
of the infestation are described here.


The area is made rat-free due to good management measures, rats from
near-by areas will migrate into it. It is therefore more efficient if management
program are conducted in several adjacent areas simultaneously. In the case
of a village all households should be motivated and organized to manage rats
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 337

at the same time. In the case of stores, large and small, surrounding areas
including other stores should also be disinfested. This means that all the
storekeepers or managers involved should coordinate and synchronize their
rodent management activities for maximum effect.

Important step of rodent management program is monitoring. Usually it
means surveillance for the presence of rodents. However, it should also mean
looking for features in the environment which would encourage rodents to
migrate into it. Monitoring should be organized regularly or may be once a
week to analyze the situation. The monitoring should include the following

- What species of rodent are causing damage to the produce?

- What is the approximate degree of infestation (loss estimation)?
- What is the extent of the infestation? If necessary, work must be
performed in conjunction with neighbors.
- Where exactly are the rodents particularly active?
- Where are the runs, burrows, and nests?
- In what condition are the store and the surroundings?
- Conditions immediately outside the building with respect to poten-
tial infestation points.
- Recommendations for improvement, such as repairs to structures, or
further action required.

Management of a rodent infestation is need for continuous monitoring

even after a successful management program (Kaukeinen, 1984).

Rodents require food and shelter. Therefore, it is most important to reduce
the availability of food and shelter, which determine of successes of manage-
ment program. In the case of warehouse the most effective method of rodent
prevention is the improvement of sanitation inside or outside them. Primarily
this means sweeping the store and keeping both it and the surrounding area
free from any objects such as empty containers, idle equipment, or discarded
building materials, which could provide nesting for rodents. In a tidy store
any infestation will be noticed at a very early stage, so the management prac-
tice will more effective. With reduced access to food and no places to hide,
rats will not survive, that is live and breeds, inside the building. Management
338 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

practice should take the life history and behavior of species present around
stores (Colvin, 1990). Rats avoid clear spaces; therefore, by keeping a strip
of two or more meters around a building clear of vegetation will reduce the
chance of rats’ infestation.
The above suggestions are enough to eliminate serious problems with
rats and mice in stores where large quantities of food grains are stored. Rats
feel uneasy if their “paths” and “markings” are removed or cleaned daily
by sweeping. They will not feel secure enough to remain in a warehouse
and damage stored product in the search of food. If they do, the damage is
minimal and immediately noticeable.

Rat Proofing
The rat proofing of stores solving at least 50% of problem along with sani-
tation. A very intensive and careful drive has to be made to educate the
objects and make them appreciate the magnitude of the position and follow
the cooperative management program. Proofing is necessary to restrict
access by rats; this is accomplished by proofing buildings or keeping food
in rat proof containers. Hard metal strips should be fitted to the bottom
edges of all wooden doors and their frames, and vulnerable windows should
be protected with tight wire netting screens in hard metal frames. Steel rat
guards fitted to drainpipes and other attachments to the building should be
at least 1 m above ground level. Door hinges and similar fittings should be
so placed or protected that rats cannot use them for climbing. Floors and
walls should be kept in good repair. New holes dug by rats should be filled
in immediately, with Reinforce Concrete Cement. The important point is
that repairs should be carried out as soon as the damage is noticed, which
should be within a few hours of it being done if the building is inspected
daily. Although rats are active mainly after dark, they will move about
during day as well when there is no human activity. Therefore doors of
stores should stay tightly shut during the day as well, when the store is not
in use (Jenson, 1965).

Cats can make a contribution toward rodent control. If the population of rats
and mice is low cats directly control by feeding on them. It is their presence,
which keeps most rats and mice away. It should be mentioned, however,
that cats themselves may become a hygiene problem in stores if care is not
taken, for example providing sand-boxes as cat cloak-room (Prakash, 1990;
Wood, 1984).
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 339

The use of traps is only worthwhile if the degree of infestation is low. Often
local traps are available and in some cultures people are very good at using
them. They should be placed where rats move regularly. If placed along a
wall, the trap should be perpendicular to it and the treadle with the bait should
face the wall. There are different kinds of traps. Sticky or glue traps are
another way of catching rats and mice (Prakash, 1990; Meehan, 1984). They
are boards made of wood, hard, or cardboard covered with very sticky mate-
rial. There are different types of glue available and they should be checked
for suitability (stickiness, and usability in humid or dusty conditions).


The use of rodenticides is only effective under good storage conditions and
in particular good storage hygiene. Before the application of rodenticides,
all preventive measures must be taken to ensure that no reinfestation takes
There are two groups of rodenticides:

1. Acute poisons
2. Chronic poisons

Acute poisons are used only in the case of high rodent population with
the aim of reducing the degree of infestation to a low level within a short
period. Subsequently, chronic poisons or other methods must be used for
further control.

1. Acute Poisons
Zinc phosphide is the most common acute poison in use all over the world.
It is comparatively cheap and has a good and fast effect if applied correctly.
Zinc phosphide is mixed in bait in a concentration of 2.5%.

Application of acute poisons

When applying Zinc phosphide, follow all safety measures and proceed as

- Draw up a sketch of the area and of the store and mark the settings
of the bait.
340 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

- Make sure you have an adequate amount of receptacles (bait boxes).

- Make sufficient amounts of untainted bait for prebaiting.
- Fill the receptacles or bait boxes with untainted bait and set them out
at the planned points. Offer it until it is fully accepted.
- Control the bait daily and refill if necessary.
- If the bait has not been accepted after a number of days, change the
food base or the bait positions.
- Replace all untainted baits with poisoned ones at the same time.
- For preparing poisoned bait mix zinc phosphide with freshly broken
grain or meal at a ratio of 1:39, that is, each kilogram of poisoned
bait will consist of: 975 g best quality grain + 25 g zinc phosphide
before mixing, add ~1% edible oil in order to prevent dust devel-
oping (Never mix water with zinc phosphide).
- Attach warning signs to the doors of the store and at the entrance to
the property drawing attention to the control campaign in progress,
the poison used and the dangers involved, and lock the stores.

Control the baits daily.

- Note on the control sheet how much bait has been eaten.
- Refill any bait which has been eaten and stop the campaign after five
days at the latest, as bait aversion will occur.
- Collect all receptacles (bait boxes).
- Thoroughly clean all materials which have come into contact with
the bait and store them in a safe place.
- Burn or bury any dead bodies of rodents found.
- Further measures continue the control campaign using chronic
poisons or by putting out traps.

Chronic Poisons
Chronic rodenticides have a delayed action. The rodents will die without
feeling pain. They will thus not become suspicious of the poisoned bait
and no bait aversion will ensue. Therefore, prebaiting is not necessary.
Poisoned animals normally die in their nests or hiding places. The bodies
of dead rodents are therefore not usually found during the course of
Most of the chronic poisons are anticoagulants which prevent any clot-
ting of the blood. Animals that have been poisoned will die from internal
bleeding. There are two different groups of these poisons:
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 341

“First generation” anticoagulants

These are rodenticides which only lead to death after repeated ingestion
(up to seven times). They are referred to as “first generation” anticoagu-
lants because they were the first to come on the market. They include the
following products:

Active ingredient Most common trade names

Warfarin Warfarin
Difacinon Ramik, Difacin
Chlorfacinon Caid, Raviac, Quick
Coumatetralyl Racumin
Coumachlor Tomarin
Coumafuryl Fumarin

“Second generation” anticoagulants

These are rodenticides which kill the animals after a single ingestion. These
products are thus also categorized as “acute poisons with delayed effect.”
They include the following products:

Active ingredient Most common brand names

Brodifacoum Talon, Klerat, Ratak Super
Difenacoum Ratak
Bromadiolon* Rodine, Mak
Flocoumafen Storm
*Bromadiolon is particularly used against mice.

Application of chronic poisons

When applying chronic poisons attention has to be paid to the safety
measures proceed as follows:

- Draw up a sketch of the store and its surrounding area and mark the
settings of the bait.
- Make sure you have an adequate amount of bait stations.
342 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

- Make a sufficient amount of poisoned bait if there is no ready-to-use

baits available.
Example for the preparation of bait:
Eighteen parts (900 g) of broken grain (premium quality)
One part (50 g) of poison
One part (50 g) of salt or sugar
- Set out the bait stations at the predetermined points.
- Fill the bait stations with the required amount of bait.
- Attach warning signs to the doors of the store and at the entrance for
drawing attention to the control campaign in progress, the poison
used and the dangers involved.
- Control the bait stations every 2–3 days.
- Note on the control sheet how much bait has been eaten at each bait
station at every inspection.
- Refill any bait which has been eaten.
- If the bait is not accepted change the food base or the bait positions.
- Stop the campaign if it is seen on 2–3 inspections in succession that
the bait is no longer eaten.
- Collect all bait stations or prefabricated baits which have been set
- Thoroughly clean all materials which have come into contact with
the bait and store them in a safe place.

The control of rodents by fumigation can be very effective, but it may be
expensive and dangerous. It should be remembered though that the gas
must have access to burrows, if these are present in the warehouse. That
is the burrows should be open and the fumigant used must be heavier than
air. If the species concerned makes burrows which are easy to spot (e.g.
R. norvegicus, B. bengalensis they can be fumigated directly. The simplest
method is to use a powder which releases hydrogen cyanide, or aluminum
phosphide tablets which release phosphine when placed into the burrows.
The gases are generated when the powder or tablets come into contact with
moisture in the soil. Alternatively, methyl bromide gas may be pumped into
the burrow system. As soon as the fumigant has been applied all burrows
must be closed, by filling the entrance holes with soil. However, fumigants
cannot be used in loose or sandy soils as too much gas escapes, and the
treatment may not be effective. Occasionally, rats have been known to block
Important Rodents in Warehouse or Godown and Their Management 343

tunnels and prevent complete distribution of the gas, so that some individ-
uals survive. Fumigation gases used for rodent control are also dangerous to
man and other animals. Therefore, strict safety precautions must be observed
(Meehan, 1984).


Rodenticides, whether chronic or acute, are poisons and should be treated

as such and at all times. Some may be more toxic to humans or non-target
animals than others; some non-targets may be less affected by certain roden-
ticides than others. Nevertheless, it is important that safety procedures are
rigidly enforced wherever they are used (Meehan, 1984).
Standard safety measures should be taken when handling rodenticides:

• Ensure that children and pets cannot come into contact with any bait
that has been set out.
• Warn all people working on and living around the treated area.
• Attach warning signs to the doors of the stores and at the entrance
to the property in order to draw attention to the rodent control
• Always wear rubber gloves when working with rodenticides.
• Clearly mark bait boxes and stations with the words: “Danger”
• Inform a doctor about the active ingredients used and provide him
with a label or information sheet from the product to enable assis-
tance in the case of poisoning.
• The following applies when using zinc phosphide:
• Always wear a breathing mask with a P3 particle filter.
• Ensure that zinc phosphide does not come into contact with any mois-
ture, as a
• Poisonous gas (phosphine) will be produced.
• Wearing protective clothing during operations.
• Not eating, drinking, or smoking during operations.
• Not breathing in dust during operations (wear dust mask).
• Keeping baits out of reach of others, especially children and domestic
• Thoroughly washing the skin, clothing, and equipment after
344 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The first-aid measures listed for insecticides also apply for rodenticides.
Attention should be paid to the following:
Chronic rodenticides: This group of poisons is regarded as having a
relatively low toxicity. No symptoms or damage will normally result from
a single ingestion. Nevertheless, always consult a doctor on suspicion of
poisoning. Anemia and shock may occur with repeated ingestion of chronic
poison within short time. Vitamin K1 (5–10 mg) can be administered as an
antidote. A blood transfusion is necessary in serious cases of poisoning.
Zinc phosphide: Anyone suffering from zinc phosphide poisoning must
be taken to the nearest hospital immediately. Symptoms of poisoning are
catarrh of the throat, bronchitis and possibly pneumonoedema, and with
serious poisoning sickness, vomiting (smell of carbide), diarrhea, and distur-
bance of consciousness and cramps. The person affected should be made to
vomit immediately by sticking your fingers deep into his mouth. Potassium
permanganate solution (0.1%) as well as activated carbon should then be


•• rodents
•• warehouse
•• rats and mics infestation
•• rat species
•• mammalian pests


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17.1 Important Storage Fungi and Their Management..........................350
17.2 Favorable Condition for Infection of Fungi Under
Storage Condition..........................................................................354
17.3 Losses Caused by Fungi in Storage...............................................357
17.4 Penicillium.....................................................................................359
17.5 Mycotoxin......................................................................................360
17.6 Management of Storage Fungi.......................................................362
350 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


The storage fungi include above all species of Aspergillus and Penicillium.
All storage fungi have the ability to grow in equilibrium with 70–90 % rela-
tive humidity, but some fungi require higher osmotic pressure to grow like
Aspergillus balophilicus. Most of the infecting bodies of fungi occur in or
on the surface of grain, seed, and godowns. Among the 70,000 described
species of fungi, very few are associated with stored grains and seeds. Once
the grain is placed into a storage facility, a succession of new microbial
species begins to grow, without intervention, microbial respiration will
increase temperature and moisture, providing optimum growth conditions
for several fungal species. Storage duration may vary from six (usually for
maize, soybean, and sunflower) up to 20 months or longer if the seeds are
to be carried over. Longevity of seed in storage is influenced by the stored
seed quality as well as stored conditions. Irrespective of initial seed quality,
unfavorable storage conditions, particularly air temperature and air relative
humidity, contribute to accelerating seed deterioration in storage. Hence, it
is difficult to assess the effective storage period because the storability of the
seed is a function of initial seed quality and the storage conditions. Damage
caused by fungi is often detected at advanced stage. They are major causes
of spoilage in humid climate where it ranks second to insects. Fungi do not
only cause direct losses but also threaten the health of both man and animals
by producing toxins, called mycotoxins, which are contaminating food and
feed and not fit for human consumptions. Storage fungi require a relative
humidity of at least 65% which is equivalent to an equilibrium moisture
content of 13% in cereal grain. They grow at temperatures of between 10
and 40 °C. Major group of fungi is devoid of the green pigment chlorophyll,
including in it are the edible fungi, molds, rust, and smut yeast. They seem
to have evolved at a very early stage of existence from algae which lost their
pigment and came to obtain food in peculiar ways.


The storage structures are limited in microbial species because of good

human efforts in order to maintain grain quality. Among the 70,000
described species of fungi, very few are associated with stored grains and
seeds. Once the grain is placed into a storage facility a succession of new
microbial species begins to grow, without intervention, microbial respira-
tion will increase temperature and moisture, providing optimum growth
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 351

conditions for several fungal species. Storage duration may vary from 6
(usually for maize, soybean, and sunflower) up to 20 months or longer if the
seeds are to be carried over. Longevity of seed in storage is influenced by the
stored seed quality as well as stored conditions. Irrespective of initial seed
quality, unfavorable storage conditions, particularly air temperature and air
relative humidity, contribute to accelerating seed deterioration in storage.
Hence, it is difficult to assess the effective storage period because the stor-
ability of the seed is a function of initial seed quality and the storage condi-
tions (Heatherly & Elmore, 2004). During storage, seed quality can remain
at the initial level or decline to a level that may make the seed unaccept-
able for planting purpose what is related to many determinants: environ-
mental conditions during seed production, pests, diseases, seed oil content,
seed moisture content, mechanical damages of seed in processing, storage
longevity, package, pesticides, air temperature and relative air humidity in
storage, and biochemical injury of seed tissue (Simic et al., 2004; Guberac
et al., 2003; Heatherly & Elmore, 2004).
Damage caused by fungi is often detected at advanced stage. They are
major causes of spoilage in humid climate where it ranks second to insects.
Fungi do not only cause direct losses but also threaten the health of both man
and animals by producing toxins, called mycotoxins, which are contami-
nating food and feed and not fit for human consumptions. Storage fungi
require a relative humidity of at least 65% which is equivalent to an equilib-
rium moisture content of 13% in cereal grain. They grow at temperatures of
between 10 and 40 °C. Major group of fungi is devoid of the green pigment
chlorophyll, including in it are the edible fungi, molds, rust, and smut yeast.
They seem to have evolved at a very early stage of existence from algae
which lost their pigment and came to obtain food in peculiar ways. Stored
grain and seeds are subject to infection by several fungi. These fungi are
classified into three groups:


The storage fungi include above all species of Aspergillus and Penicillium.
All storage fungi have the ability to grow in equilibrium with 70–90 % rela-
tive humidity, but some fungi require higher osmotic pressure to grow like
Aspergillus balophilicus. Most of the infecting bodies of fungi occur in or on
the surface of grain, seed, and godowns. The molds have been accepted in
the tropics just as one of the routines. Tuite and Christensen (1957) reported
that inoculum of storage fungi was uncommon in the air in country elevators
352 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

and in the air in a terminal elevator. There is no mystery as to where these

molds come from the primary source of inoculums is moldy material within
the store itself. Majumder et al. (1966) recognized that the parasitic fungi
may be carried internally in the tissues of the kernel.  MAJOR ASPERGILLUS SPECIES

Out of 80 species reported by Raper and Fennell (1965) only 26 species

are most prominent under storage condition (Table 17.1). The two species,
A. restrictus and A. glauceus, are responsible to causing serious losses. In
grains where moisture content is in equilibrium or less than 78 to 80%, these
fungi can grow in lots with moisture content higher than this.

TABLE 17.1  List of Major Aspergillus Species Associated with Stored Grains.
S. no Aspergillus species
1 A. glausus
2 A. amsetelodami
3 A. chevalieri
4 A. echinulatus
5 A. repens
6 A. ruber
7 A. candidus
8 A. clavatus
9 A. giganteus
10 A. flavus
11 A. oryzae
12 A. tamari
13 A. flavipes
14 A. fumigates
15 A. nidulans
16 A. ochraceous
17 A. alliaccus
18 A. ochraceous
19 A. sulphureus
20 A. resrictus
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 353

TABLE 17.1 (Continued)
S. no Aspergillus species
21 A. conicus
22 A. terreus
23 A. versicolor
24 A. sydowi
25 A. wentii
26 A. terricola

A. restrictus causes grain discoloration in wheat which is termed as sick

wheat and blue eye in corn. It develops at 14–15% moisture but does not
heat the grains. It also indicates its presence by resulting musty odor and
another mold.
A. glaucus is the most dominant groups of mold that invades corn, wheat,
sorghum, and soybean at 12–15 % moisture content. In the early stage these
fungi are not easily detectable by the eye. It was observed that grain got
wetted due to rains, get invaded by this group of fungi (Khare, 1962). It kills
and discolors the grain and seeds at high moisture level in store. It does not
result increase in temperature but may cause increase in moisture in grain in
which it is growing.
A. candidus causes the discoloration of grains very fast, resulting heating
and decay of the grains and seeds. After infection, grains become unfit for
animal consumptions.
A. flavus causes rapid heating in the grain resulting decay and discolor-
ation of seeds and grains.
A. ochraceous is black-greenish, black-brownish, black, purplish black,
and radiate.
A. niger is varying in color from dark to light brown, conidiophores are
smooth and causes extensive losses to stored grain or seeds.
A. ustus has conidial heads appearing radiate when young but becoming
broadly to irregularly columnar at maturity, persistently white or assuming
avillaneous to vinaceous buff shades.


The field fungi require high moisture content to grow, a moisture content
in equilibrium with relative humidity of 90–100 %, which in cereal grains
354 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

means a moisture content of 22–33%, wet weight basis or 30–33% on a

dry weight basis. These fungi do not continue to grow after harvest. The
major species of field fungi are Helminthosporium, Alternaria, Cladospo-
rium, and Fussarium. The field fungi may survive for many years in grain
(Christensen, 1963), but die very fast in grains held at moisture contents in
equilibrium with relative humidity of 70–75%.
Helminthosporium species found in 5–10% of wheat and oats, although
100% infection by this pathogen is easily, like barley, is among highest
susceptibility ranges.
Cladosporium species occurs in 5–20% of wheat and barley.
Epicoccum, Nigrospora, and Popularia also infect seed or grains near
to maturity. Most of the field fungi belong to deutromycotina. Mostly field
fungi produce dark color spores and these are seed-born pathogens.


Every species of fungus has its own optimum climatic requirements. Infesta-
tion with certain species of fungi may already occur in the grain which leads
to a considerable reduction of the grains’ storage periods. After infection
of storage fungi or field fungi, grains or seeds may be infected by Mucor,
Absidia, and Rhizopus species in advance stage. They require a temperature
range of 3–60 °C and 80–90% relative humidity; they are therefore, not the
initiators of cereals deterioration in storage. Pelhate (1968) isolated Neuros-
pora sitaphila and Sordaria fimicola from the stored grains.



The major factors that determine the infection of fungi under storage condi-
tion and cause the damage to grain and seeds are:

Moisture content of grain

Moisture content below 13.5% in cereal seeds such as wheat, barley, rice,
corn, and sorghum and below 12.5% in soybean prevents invasion by storage
fungi regardless of how long the grains are stored. As the moisture content
rises above these levels, invasion by storage fungi increases with tempera-
ture and time. It is also important to be aware that there is variation in mois-
ture content through a grain mass. Storage fungi will grow where moisture is
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 355

suitable and not according to the average moisture content of the grain mass.
These moisture content limits for safe storage imply that nowhere in the bulk
of grain is the moisture content higher than that specified. The development
of all types of microbes is retarded when the moisture content drops below
13%. The limiting moisture contents of seeds may differ based on host plant
species and fungal species.

If the temperature is between 40 and 50 °C, storage fungi grow very slowly
(Table 17.2). At 80 to 90 °C, they grow much more rapidly. The fungal
pathogens such as Botrytis spp., Penicillium spp., and Rhizopus spp. could
develop only very slowly at low temperatures. The spore germination and
growth of R. stolonifer are entirely inhibited at temperatures below 7.5 °C
(Dasgupta & Mandal, 1989). The temperatures optimal for Monilinia fruc-
tigena infecting apple and A. niger infecting mango were 23 to 25 °C and
30 °C, respectively (Xu et al., 2001).

TABLE 17.2  Temperature Required for Growth of Important Storage Fungi.

Fungus Temperature °C
Optimum Minimum Maximum
A. resrictus 30–35 5–10 40–50
A. glausus 30–35 0–5 40–45
A. candidus 45–50 10–15 50–55
A. flavus 40–45 10–15 45–50
Penicillium spp. 20–25 −5 to 9 −35 to 40
Absidia, mucor and rhhizosphere – −3 60

Damage grain and foreign material

Damage grains are more likely to be contaminated with storage fungi going
into storage and more likely to be invaded once they are in storage than
sound kernels. Foreign material may restrict air movement through the grain
mass leading to temperature and moisture problems which may favor storage
mold development.

Storage site
Grain invaded by storage fungi, even if not detected in ordinary inspection,
is partly deteriorated and is a much poorer storage risk than grain free of
356 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

storage fungi and otherwise sound. Grain moderately invaded by storage

fungi develops damage at lower moisture content, at a lower temperature,
and in a shorter time than does grain free or almost free of storage fungi.

Storage period
Grain that is to be stored for only a few weeks before it is processed can be
stored safely with a higher moisture content and more extensive invasion by
storage fungi and can be kept at a higher temperature than grain that is to be
stored for months or years.

Population of insect and mite infestation

Insects and mites may carry fungal spores on their bodies thus introducing
storage fungi into the grain mass. Insect and mite activity in a grain mass
tends to lead to an increase in both temperature and moisture content of the
grain surrounding the insect infestation. In these “hot spots” conditions may
be favorable for mold growth.

Sites of Storage Fungi in the Seeds and grains

The longevity of storage fungi is markedly affected by the location of the
fungi in or on the seeds. The organisms that are deep-seated are protected
by the seed tissues for a longer time, whereas the organisms present on the
seed surface are eliminated soon. There are very few seed-borne biotro-
phic fungal pathogens, such as downy mildew pathogens present on mature
seeds (Sackston, 1981). Differential survival of the two forms of inoculum,
that are superficial conidia and internal mycelium, for short and longer
periods has been demonstrated in the case of Alternaria brassicola. A
linear relationship between the population of conidia produced on the seed
surface of cabbage and the internal inoculum was observed by Maude and
Humpherson (1980).

Previous Infestation/Infection
Seeds already infected under field conditions or prior to storage may deterio-
rate faster, since the storage fungi can continue to invade the seed tissues for
longer periods when such seeds are stored at lower moisture and temperature
conditions, favoring rapid development of storage fungi. Seed spoilage under
such conditions may be at a faster rate as in corn (maize) seeds infected by
A. flavus (Qasem & Christensen, 1960).
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 357


The following types of losses are caused by fungi under storage environment

Both storage and field fungi may cause discoloration of whole seed or a
portion of it, particularly the embryo. Christensen et al. (1964) reported
the kernels from more than hundred lots of 100% damaged corn obtained
from USA. Grain inspection office found that the embryos of all damaged
kernels were decayed to some extent by fungi. Wheat in storage develops
dark brown to black color after infection of fungi; these discolored lines are
high in fatty acids and also very friable.

There are two types of heating observed in storage, first is dry grain heating
or heating caused by infestation of insects. Second is wet grain heating
caused by fungi and other microorganisms which occur in grain with mois-
ture content more than 15% and grain temperature as high as 60–70 °C.

Decay is the last stage of spoilage caused by the fungi, when the organism
involved is detectable by the unaided eye and sense. Decayed grains are not
fit for human as well as animal consumptions.

Loss in germination
Storage fungi may affect the quality and percentage of germination. Several
times seeds are completely losses their vigor and not fit for next cropping.
The extent of reduction is influenced by moisture content, temperature, and
period of storage, long term storage gives an opportunity to invade seed
embryos preferentially, resulting in significant or even total loss of germi-
nation. Fungal proliferation may lead to a rapid decrease in seed viability.
The germination of safflower seeds significantly decreased with increasing
moisture content and length of storage when infected by Penicillium chrys-
ogenum (Hasan, 2000).

Production of Mycotoxin
Several fungi produce mycotoxins in the grains and stored products
(Table 17.3).
358 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

TABLE 17.3  Mycotoxin Produced by Important Storage Fungi.

Fungi Mycotoxin Stored product
A. flavus Aflatoxin Wheat, rice, maize, sorghum,
oats, rye, barley
Cladyopus purpurea Erogotamine Rye, gram, bajra
Cladyopus microcephala
Fusarium species Tearalenose Maize
A. ochraceous Ochratoxin Maize, wheat, oats
P. viridicatum
P. viridicatum Citrinin Barley, oats
A. glausus
A. versicolor Sterigmatocystin Wheat
A. nidulans
A. glausus Patulin Barley, wheat
P. viridicatum
P. urticae
A. glausus Penicillic acid Maize
P. viridicatum
P. islandicum Luteoskyrin, stadrybotryotoxin Rice
P. toxicarium Citreoviridin Rice

Lipid degradation
Lipids used as energy reserves during seed germination. They may be
degraded endogenously and also through pathogen activity, by both oxida-
tion and hydrolysis, involving lipoxygenases and lipases. It is indicated by
increased fatty acid contents. High levels of activities of amylase, cellulase,
lipase, and protease detected in these fungi might have had a role in seed
deterioration (Table 17.4).

TABLE 17.4  Lipid Degradation by Important Storage Fungi.

Crop Pathogen Changes
Safflower P. chrysogenum Increase in free fatty acid, storage at 10°C
A. flavus and A. niger. Increase in free fatty acid contents at 25°C
Soybean Diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae Higher oil and free fatty acid contents
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 359


Penicillium are generally most dominant in temperate climate, they produce

more spores as compare to Aspergillus species. Very low moisture required
for growth of Penicillium like 17–19% in maize and wheat 17–20% in
sorghum and 16–18% in soybean. Penicillium kills and discolors germs and
whole seeds, they cause mustiness and caking in grain and seeds. It causes
blue eye diseases in maize at moisture content 18.5% and low temperature.
Penicillium causes hemorrhagic syndrome in duck and an occasionally serve
disease of turkey poultry involving liver lesions, are suspected to be due to
consumption of feed heavily involved by certain species. (Raper & Thom,
1949) reported 137 species of Penicillium out of which 66 species has been
found in stored grain product (Table 17.5).

TABLE 17.5  List of Major Penicillium Species Associated with Stored Grains.
S. no Penicillium species
1 P. adametzi
2 P. citresvivide
3 P. decumbens
4 P. frequencies
5 P. multicolour
6 P. purpurrescens
7 P. spinulosum
8 P. thomii
9 P. capsulantum
10 P. charlesii
11 P. cyarlesii
12 P. cyaneum
13 P. velutinum
14 P. waksmani
15 P. albidum
16 P. canescens
17 P. coralligerum
18 P. janthinellum
19 P. jenseni
20 P. kapuscinskii
21 P. nigricans
360 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

TABLE 17.5  (Continued)

S. no Penicillium species
22 P. pulvillorum
23 P. raciborskii
24 P. ralfsii
25 P. soppi
26 P. atramentosum
27 P. chrysogenum
28 P. citrinum
29 P. corylophilum
30 P. notatum
31 P. oxalicum
32 P. roguefotri
33 P. steckii
34 P. stoloniferum
35 P. comeberti
36 P. corybiferum
37 P. crustosium
38 P. expansum
39 P. granilatum
40 P. orchraceum
41 P. visidicatum
42 P. avellaneum
43 P. funiculosum
44 P. piceum
45 P. rubrum
46 P. variabile
47 P. vennriculatum
48 P. wortmamai


Mycotoxin is derived from the Greek word Mycos-meaning fungus and the
Latin word toxicum, which means poison. Mycotoxins are secondary metab-
olites of moulds, contaminating a wide range of crop plants and fruits before
or after harvest and are toxic on consumption by animals, including human
beings. The acute and chronic impact of mycotoxins on human and animal
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 361

health is proven scientifically. Mycotoxin contamination is recognized as an

unavoidable risk because the formation of fungal toxins is weather depen-
dent and effective prevention is impossible.
According to the FAO, more than 25% of the world's agricultural produc-
tion is contaminated with mycotoxins. This equates to economic losses
estimated at $923 million annually in the US grain industry alone. Most
countries have adopted regulations to limit exposure to mycotoxins, having
strong impact on food and animal crop trade. The presence of mycotoxins is
unavoidable and therefore testing of raw materials and products is required
to keep our food and feed safe.
Mycotoxins are metabolic substances which are produced by various fungi
under certain conditions and remain in the stored produce as residues. They
are highly poisonous to both humans and animals, if eaten; they lead to illness
known as mycotoxicoses. The best-known mycotoxins are Aflatoxin, which
are produced by A.s flavus, Ochratoxin, Patulin and Citrin. Among the fungi
colonizing seeds, species of Aspergillus, Fusarium, Alternaria and Penicil-
lium have been shown to produce mycotoxins, affecting the quality of foods
and feeds. A. flavus and A. parasiticus produce aflatoxins in seeds of many
crops such as: corn (maize) (Cortes et al., 2000); peanut (groundnut) (Diener
et al., 1987); mustard (Bilgrami et al., 1992); and rice and wheat (Tsai &Yu,
1999). Another mycotoxin, fumonisins, produced by Fusarium in corn has
been detected. Several fungi (Fusarium spp., Cephalosporium sp., Trichot-
hecium sp., Phomopsis sp.) produce a group of toxic compounds designated
and corn grains invaded by F. graminearum contain DON, NIV, and their
ester zearalenone (ZEA) (Ngoko et al., 2001). High concentrations of DON,
15-acetyl DON, and zearalenone were detected in barley seeds inoculated
with F. graminearum, whereas barley seeds inoculated with F. poae had low
concentrations of DON. Mycotoxins are highly stable and cannot be destroyed
by boiling, pressing, or processing. This means that infested produce has to be
destroyed. The problem cannot be dealt with by mixing contaminated produce
with healthy grain or by feeding it to animals, as the toxins will be accumu-
lated in their body and later consumed by people in form of milk or meat.
This danger is reflected in the laws of a number of countries concerning
the maximum residue limits (MRL) of dangerous substances in foodstuffs.
As an example, the maximum residue limits of Malathion and Aflatoxin B1
are shown in mg per kg of grain: Malathion 10 mg/kg and Aflatoxin B1
0.005 mg/kg This means that the maximum residue limit of Aflatoxin B1 is
2000 times less than that of Malathion.
The optimum climatic conditions for the growth of fungi and the
formation of mycotoxins are often not identical and dependent on various
362 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

unidentified factors. Therefore, mycotoxin contamination can only be stated

with certainty by means of laboratory examinations.



To ensuring a safe final product is prevention. Some seeds are contaminated

with mycotoxins in the field. If the infection occurs in the field, as in the
case of wheat, barley, and corn, the fungal pathogens (Fusarium spp.) will
continue to develop during postharvest stages and storage. Mycotoxins, such
as fumonisin B1, are invariably produced. Drying the seeds to a safe water
activity level is one of the most effective measures that can be applied. By
reducing moisture levels to 14% for maize and 9.5% for groundnuts at 20 °C,
it is possible to reduce the growth of A. flavus (Wareing, 1999). Insect infes-
tation of seeds results in greater level of damaged kernels, favoring higher
incidence of A. flavus and A. parasiticus. Hence, management of insect and
mite infestation may help to prevent proliferation of Aspergillus spp. and
aflatoxin production.


Timeliness, clean-up, and drying to maintain safe moisture levels are impor-
tant during harvesting. As crops left on the field for longer periods show
higher levels of mycotoxin contamination, it is essential to harvest the crops
at the right time, followed by adequate drying. For mycotoxin decontamina-
tion, biological methods have been explored. The possibility of degrading
aflatoxins using certain fungi which produce peroxidases was reported by
(Lopez-Garcia & Park, 1998). Among the several chemicals evaluated for
their ability to inactivate and reduce the hazard of selected mycotoxins,
ammoniation has been shown to be the most effective process. Aflatoxin
contamination in maize, peanuts, and cotton could be significantly reduced
by an ammoniation process (Lopez-Garcia & Park, 1998). Because of the
unpredictable and heterogeneous nature of mycotoxins production and
contamination, it may not be possible to achieve 100% destruction of all
mycotoxins in all food systems. However, it is considered that the use of
a HACCP-based hurdle system, in which contamination is monitored and
controlled throughout production and postproduction operations, may be
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 363

effective. The development of suitable integrated mycotoxin management

systems may control at various points from the field to the consumer (Lopez-
Garcia et al., 2004).


Harvest as soon as the moisture content allows for minimum grain damage.
Adjust the harvesting equipment for minimum kernel or seed damage
and maximum cleaning.
Clean all grain harvesting and handling equipment thoroughly before
beginning to harvest. Clean bins or storage facilities thoroughly to remove
dirt, dust and other foreign material, crop debris, chaff and grain debris.
Clean grain going into storage to remove light weight and broken kernels
or seeds as well as foreign material and fines.
Moisture content is by far the most important factor affecting the growth
of fungi in stored grain. After harvest, grain should be dried to safe moisture
contents as quickly as possible.
Aerate grain to safe and equalized temperatures through the grain mass.
Protect grain from insect and mite damage.
Check stored grain on a regular basis and aerate as needed to maintain
low moisture and proper temperature.
High moisture corn can be protected from storage molds with propionic
acid or other organic acids sold under various trade names. It is important to
follow label directions on rate and application methods. Grain treated with
propionic acid can only be used for animal feed and it is not permitted in
commercial grain channels.


•• storage fungi
•• field fungi
•• advance decay fungi
•• Penicillium
•• mycotoxin
•• fungal infection in stored products
364 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


Bilgrami, K. S.; Choudhary, A. K.; Ranjan, K. S. Aflatoxin Contamination in Field Mustard

(Brassica juncea) Cultivars. Mycotoxin Res. 1992, 8, 21.
Christensen, J. J. Corn Smut Caused by Ustilago Maydis. Monograph No. 2. Am. Phytopath.
Soc. 1963, 2, 41.
Christensen, C. M. Effect of Moisture Content and Length of Storage Period on Germination
Percentage of Seed Corn, Wheat and Barley Free of Storage Fungi. Phytopathol, 1964, 54,
Cortes, N. de A.; Cassetari Neto, D.; Correa, B. Occurrence of Aflatoxins in Maize Produced
by Traditional Cultivation Methods in Agricultural Communities in the State of Marto
Grosso. Higiene Alimentar. 2000, 14, 16–26.
Dasgupta, M. K.; Mandal, N. C. Postharvest Pathology of Perishables; Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi, India, 1989; p 156.
Diener, U. L.; Cole, R. J.; Sanders, T. H.; Payne, G. A.; Lee, L. S.; Klich, M. A. Epidemiology
of Aflatoxin Formation by Asperigllus flavus. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 1987, 25, 249.
Guberac, V.; Maric, S.; Lalic, A.; Drezner, G.; Zdunic, Z. Hermetically Sealed Storage of
Cereal Seeds and its Influence on Vigour and Germination. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 2003, 189,
Hasan, H. A. H. Fungal Association and Deterioration of Oil-Type Safflower (Carthamus
tinctorius) Seed During Storage. Czech Mycol. 2000, 52, 125–137.
Heatherly, L. G.; Elmore, R. W. Managing Inputs for Peak Production. In Soybeans: Improve-
ment, Production and Uses; Boerma H. R., Specht, J. E., Eds.; 3rd Edition, Agronomy
N-16, ASA, CSSA, SSSA: Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2004; pp 451–536.
Khare, B. P. Ecological Studies of Some Stored Grain Insect Pests Sitophilus oryzae L. and
Rhyzopertha dominica F. Ph.D. Thesis, Agra University: UP, India, 1962; p 214.
Lopez, G. R.; Park, D. L. Effectiveness of Postharvest Procedures in Management of Myco-
toxin Hazards. In Mycotoxins in Agriculture and Food Safety; Bhatnagar, D., Sinha, S.,
Eds.; Marcel Dekker: New York, NY, 1998; pp 407–433.
Lopez, G. R.; Park, D. L.; Phillips, T. D. Integrated Mycotoxin Management Systems. Internet
Resources: File: 11A: Mycotoxin Management Systems Food, Nutrition And Agriculture.
Available at 2004.
Majumder, S. K.; Bano. A.; Vinugopal, J. S. Processing in Food Grains to Induce Immu-
nity to Insect Attack; Central Food Technological Research Institute: Mysore, India, 1966;
Maude, R. B.; Humpherson , J. M. Studies on the Seed Borne Phases of Dark Leaf Spot
(Alternaria brassicola) and Grey Leaf Spot (Alternaria brassicae) of Brassicas. Ann. Appl.
Biol.. 1980, 95, 311–319.
Ngoko, Z.; Marasas, W. F. O.; Rheeder, J. P.; Shephard, G. S.; Wingfield, M. J.; Cardwell,
K. F. Fungal Infection and Mycotoxin Contamination of Maize in the Humid Forest and
Western Highlands of Cameroon. Phytoparasitica. 2001, 29, 352–360.
Pelhate, J. Besoinsen cau Chez Moissisures des Grains. Mycopath Mycol. Appl. 1968, 36,
Qasem, S. A.; Christensen, C. M. Effect of Moisture Content and Temperature on Invasion in
Stored Corn by Aspergillus flavus. Phytopathology. 1960, 50, 703.
Raper, K. B.; Fennel, D. The Genus Aspergillus Baltimore. Williams & Wilkins Co: Balti-
more, MD, 1965; p 686.
Important Storage Fungi and Their Management 365

Raper, K. B.; Thom, C. A Manual of Penicillia; Williams & Wilkins Co.: Baltimore, MD,
1949; p 326.
Sackston, W. E. Downy Mildew of Sunflower. In The Downy Mildews; Spencer, D. M., Ed.;
Academic Press: London, UK, 1981; pp 545–575.
Simic, B.; Popovic, S.; Tucak, M. Influence of Corn (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines Seed
Processing on their Damage. Plant, Soil Environ. 2004, 50, 157–161.
Tsai, G. J.; Yu, S. C. Detecting Aspergillus parasiticus in Cereals by an Enzyme Linked
Immunosorbent Assay. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 1999, 50, 181–189.
Tuite, J. F.; Christensen, C. M. Grain Storage Studies 23rd Time of Invasion of Wheat Seed by
Various Species of Aspergillus Responsible for Deterioration of Stored Grain and Source of
Innoculum of these Fungi. Phytopathol. 1957, 47, 265–268.
Wareing, P. The Application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
Approach to the Control of Mycotoxins in Foods and Feeds; Postharvest convention, 1999;
Cranfield University: Bedford, UK, 1999.
Xu, X. M.; Guerin, L.; Robinson, J. D. Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on
Conidial Germination and Viability. Colonization and Sporulation of Monilinia fructigena.
Plant Pathol. 2001, 50, 561–568.




18.1 Introduction......................................................................................368
18.2 Granary Weevil Sitophilus granaries...............................................368
18.3 Maize Weevil Sitophilus zeamais....................................................369
18.4 Khapra Beetle Trogoderma Sp.........................................................369
18.5 Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncates....................................369
18.6 Pulses Beetle Acanthoscelides obtectus...........................................369
18.7 Coffee Berry Borer Hypothenemus hampei.....................................369
368 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


India enforced Destructive Insect Pests Act in 1914 to check the introduc-
tion and spread of exotic pests. This regulatory measure strictly prohibits
the spread of infected or infested materials from other country or within
the country. To significantly enforce this law, International Plant Protection
Convention has been established for phytosanitary measures. The Govern-
ment of India notified the Plant Quarantine Order 2003 for phytosanitary
measures, and this order is based on pest risk analysis. Sitophilus granaries,
Sitophilus zeamais, Trogoderma sp., Prostephanus truncates, Acanthosce-
lides obtectus, and Hypothenemus hampei are introduced due to export and
import of stored commodities like rice, wheat, maize, gram, barley, berry,
and vegetative propagative materials from several countries.


India enforced Destructive Insect Pests Act in 1914 to check the introduc-
tion and spread of exotic pests. This regulatory measure strictly prohibits
the spread of infected or infested materials from other country or within
the country. To significantly enforce this law, International Plant Protection
Convention has been established for phytosanitary measures. The Govern-
ment of India notified the Plant Quarantine Order 2003 for phytosanitary
measures, and this order is based on pest risk analysis. More than 700 plant
pests have been identified including 190 insects and other species like
bacteria, fungi, nematodes, viruses, and weeds (Narayansamy, 2009).
The flowing are the stored grain insects of quarantine importance in India.


The export and import of stored commodities like rice, wheat, maize, and
barley must be free from this insect. In India, monitoring, supervision,
and testing of paddy seeds against this insect are conducted by National
Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, and Indian Institute of Rice
Research, Hyderabad, who follow the hot water treatment of paddy seeds.
The consignment of wheat and rice for the purpose of consumption should
be free from this insect as per phytosanitary certificate issued by the compo-
nent authorities (PQR, 2003).
Stored Grain Insects of Quarantine Importance 369


For the export and import of maize, the seeds must be free from Sitophilus
zeamais and fumigated proper fumigants as per the protocol of quarantine
department and same rules follow for consumption purpose of maize (CPC,


The import of oat grain or seeds from Australia must contain phytosani-
tary certificate and should be free from Trogoderma sp. In special circum-
stances, the consignment must be fumigated with appropriate fumigants
(PQR, 2003).


The export and import of maize must be free from infestation of Prostephanus
truncates and the same should be followed for the purpose of their consump-
tion with special declaration of phytosanitary measures (PQR, 2003).


The import of beans either for seed or for consumption purpose must be
free from infestation of Acanthoscelides obtectus, with required certificate
of phytosanitary measures (CPC, 2003).


The coffee seeds or vegetative propagating materials are not imported from
Africa and South America due to Hypothenemus hampei in India (PQR,
370 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies


•• quarantine
•• stored grain insects
•• exotic insects
•• granary weevil
•• maize weevil
•• khapra beetle
•• larger grain borer
•• pulses beetle
•• coffee berry borer


CPC. Crop Protection Compendium. Common Wealth Agriculture Bureau International:

London, 2003.
Narayansamy, P.; Mohan, S.; and Awaknavar, J. S. In Pest Management in Stored Grains,
Proceedings National Symposium Entitled Towards Pest Free Grains and Seeds in Storage,
Mar 26–27, 2007; Department of Entomology, Annamalai University: Tamil Nadu, India,
Satish Serial Publishing House: New Delhi, India, 2009, p 272.
PQR. Plant Quarantine (Regulation of import in India). Ministry of Agriculture Government
of India: New Delhi, India, 2003.


Calculating the dosage for surface treatment using dust


Recommended application rates are given in g/m2 (= g commercial product/

m2 surface area).
Details required for calculation:

a. Surface area to be treated in m2

b. Recommended application rate of insecticide in g/m2

Amount of dust formulation required = recommended application

rate × surface area.

Calculating the dosage for surface treatment using EC and WP


Details required for calculation:

a. Amount of spray mixture for surface treatment
b. Amount of insecticide required for the spray mixture

a.  Amount of spray mixture for surface treatment

Details required for calculation:

i. Surface area to be treated (in m2 )

ii. Recommended application rate of spray mixture (in l/100 m2 )
372 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

The following amounts are recommended for surface treatment;

Smooth walls :  3–5 l/100 m2

Rough walls :  6–8 l/100 m2
Jute bag :  8–10 l/100 m2
Plastic bag :  3–5 l/100 m2

Amount of spray mixture = recommended application rate × actual

surface area to be treated.

b.  Amount of insecticide required for the spray mixture

1. Recommended application rate is given in ml/l (EC) or g/l (WP)
(= ml or g of commercial product/l of spray mixture)
Details required for calculation:

i. Amount of spray mixture (in l)

ii. Recommended application rate of insecticide (in ml/l for EC or g/l
for WP formulation)

Amount of insecticide required = recommended application rate of insec-

ticide × amount of spray mixture

2. Recommended application rate is given in % (= % of active ingre-

dient in spray mixture)
Details required for calculation:

i. Amount of spray mixture required (in l)

ii. Active ingredient content of insecticide (in %) (% a.i. in formulation)
iii. Recommended application rate of the insecticide (in %) (a.i. %

Amount of formulation required =(a.i. % required × volume of spray

required)/% a.i. in formulation
Calculation of Doses of Insecticides in Stored Grain Pest Management 373

Calculating the dosage for fogging

The dosage of a fogging concentrate depends on the volume of the free space
in the store which may be calculated by deducting the volume of the stack
from the total volume of the store. The recommended application rate of
ready-to-use fog formulation is expressed in ml/100 m3.


1.  Store journal

The store journal contains a record of all procedures carried out in the
store, such as incoming and outgoing produce, results of inspections, treat-
ments, etc. Entries should be made daily and after any activities have been
performed. The store journal consists of two tables: balance sheet and control

Balance sheet
The balance sheet contains all information on movements of the stored
produce, the place of origin or destination, the stack number (or lot number
in the case of seed), and reference to the relevant documents like invoices
or receipts. These must be filed chronologically. The storekeeper confirms
every procedure with his signature.

Control sheet
The control sheet contains information on all activities in the store, such
as inspections and their results, treatments, cleaning and ventilation, any
repairs, and weather data. An additional quality control book is required for
seed stores in which the results of the laboratory tests which form a part of
the essential internal quality maintenance program are recorded.
The store journal should be firmly bound and the pages numbered. The
first part should consist of the balance sheets and the thicker rear part should
consist of the control sheets. A separate journal should be kept for each store
and should remain in the store.
376 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

2.  Stock sheets

In storage centers and in seed stores, store book-keeping is composed of

journals from the individual stores or lots, making it very time-consuming
to calculate the actual amounts of produce present in the stores. In such
cases it is practical to keep stock sheets. A stock sheet shows the current
overall stock of the storage center at any one time on a single page. The
stock sheet is divided up according to the type of produce and, in the case
of seed, according to type, category, and state of processing. Entries should
consist of the date of any movement, the new overall total stock, and the
reference to the store where the movement has taken place. This enables the
details of the procedure to be checked in the balance sheets of the relevant
store. Stock sheets are also kept in the form of a firmly bound book.

3.  Stack cards

Every stack is given a stack card placed where it is clearly visible. This
serves to identify the stack and the produce and contains details on inspec-
tions and pest control measures performed.

4.  Monthly report

The storekeeper's monthly report serves to inform superiors on amounts of

produce and its state, on the storage conditions as well as on activities and
any problems in the store. These reports should also be referred to on the
inspections of the store regularly done by the superior.



Commodity…………………………………. Warehouse…………………......……………...

Date In (t) Out (t) Balance No. of In/out Origin Document Signature
(t) bags stack no. destination no.

Controls Treatment Aeration Climate Sign.

Date Commodity Stack MC Insect Other Kind of Chemical Result Cleaning/ Vents Temp. rh
no. % infesta- observa- Treat- used/rate repair manipulated
tion tion ment time
Records Keeping in Warehouses 377
378 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies



Date Store no. Balance (t)


Food Corporation of India
Warehouse no./name……………………………………..........................................................
Stack no……………………………..…… Commodity……………....………….…………..
Lot no………………………..…………… Variety…………………………..……..………..

Date In (ton) Out (ton) Balance (ton) No. of bags Signature


Seed Corporation of India
Warehouse no./name……………………………………..........................................................
Lot no…………………………….…… Raw seed…………………..........................……….
Commodity…………………………… Pre-cleaned seed…………………............................
Origin…………………………………. Processed seed
Variety…………………………………Treated with…………………………........................

Date In (ton) Out (ton) Balance (ton) No. of Bags Signature

Records Keeping in Warehouses 379

Back of Stack Card

Stack dimension
Length…………….....…m Amount of water needed for surface treatment……............…l
Width………………......m Amount of chemical (EC/WP) /liter water……………
Height……………….....m Number of tablets needed for fumigation……………............
Surface area………........m

Volume …………….......m3

Date of Moisture Insect Date of Kind of Chemical Rate of Remark Signa-

inspection content infestation treatment treatment used application ture

Location: Name of store: Capacity in ton
Products stored: Amount stored in ton
1. Condition of warehouse surrounding YES NO
Is the surrounding of the warehouse free from

a) Accumulation of grains, old bags, junk, and trash?

b) Weeds, tall grass, and bushes?
c) Evidence of rodents?
d) Standing water?

Condition of warehouse exterior

a) Is the roof intact?

b) Is the water drainage intact?
c) Are the walls without holes or cracks?
d) Do the doors close hermetiqually?
e) Are the ventilation openings protected against the penetration of
insects, rodents, and birds?

Condition of warehouse interior

a) Are the walls, the floor, and the roof undamaged?

b) Is the floor and the roof clean?
380 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

c) Is the floor free of spilled grain, dirt, and trash?

d) Do the ventilation openings function properly?
e) Is the store free of residues of former treatments (empty phosphine
tubes, phosphine residues, rodent baits, etc.)?

Storage practices

a) Are all empty bags stored on pallets?

b) Are all stacks at least 1 m apart?
c) Are insecticides, fertilizer, and other products stored separately from
the grain?
d) Are all bags in the stacks without holes?
e) Are all stacks built in a safe way?
f) Are stack cards in use for all stacks?
g) Are the stock journals kept up to date?

Presence of pests

a) Is the store free of flying insects?

b) Are the walls free of crawling insects, larvae, and pupae?
c) Are the bags free of crawling insects, larvae, and pupae?
d) Is the store free of evidence of rodents?
e) Is the store free of evidence of birds?

Pest control

a) Has any pest control treatment been done shortly before or during
the inspection?
b) If so, what kind of treatment?
c) Which pesticide has been applied?
d) In case, bait stations against rodents are in use, are they furnished
with fresh baits?

Active ingredient Chemical in a pesticide formulation that controls the pest(s).

Ambient Surrounding air and its properties, temperature and humidity.
Anticoagulant Substances that kill by preventing normal blood clotting and causing
internal hemorrhaging.
Asci Sac-like cell of hyphae in which meiosis occurs and which contains ascospores.
Ascospore Specialized haploid cell produced during meiosis.
Asexual Not involving union of sex cells. Usually vegetative reproduction in plants
and asexual spore production in fungi.
Atomized To reduce to tiny particles or a fine spray.
Avicides Pesticide used to control or repel birds.
Basidiospores A sexual fungal spore of fungi in the division Basidiomycetes which
includes mushrooms, puffballs, smuts, and rusts. Basidiospores are usually borne on
a microscopic basidium or stalk.
Bunt Fungal disease of small grains. Bunt affects plants by destroying the contents
of the infected seed kernels and replaces them with spores of the fungus.
Bushel A unit of volume that is 2152.42 cubic inches. Also denotes 60 pounds of
Bushel 1.2444 cubic feet or 149 eight-ounce cups.
Cadaver Dead body.
Cereal Crops A grass plant such as wheat, oats, or corn, the starchy grains of which
are used as food.
cfm/bu Cubic feet per minute per bushel.
Chlamydiosis A rare infectious disease that causes pneumonia in humans. The
illness is caused by a chlamydia, which is a type of intracellular parasite closely
related to bacteria. Also known as Parrot fever.
Chlorotic Lacking chlorophyll. Yellowing of plant leaves.
Codex Maximum Residue Limits Following the application of a pesticide product,
trace residues may be present at harvest on agricultural commodities, such as fruits,
vegetables, or cereal grains or in processed commodities, such as fruit juices,
vegetable oils, and flours. Thus, government regulatory authorities have estab-
lished maximum residue limits (MRLs) or tolerances as a check for compliance
382 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

with national good agricultural practices (GAP) and to facilitate international trade.
MRLs are referred to as “tolerances”, and in general the two terms are synonymous.
On the international level, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has sought to estab-
lish a globally applicable listing of harmonized MRLs to support international trade.
Thus, many countries refer to Codex MRLs when considering regulatory and trade
aspects of pesticide residues.
Coleoptera An order of insects that includes the beetles. Beetles constitute the
largest and most diverse order of insects on earth, making up about 30% of all
Coleoptile Sheath covering the growing shoot of a young plant seedling. As growth
continues, the coleoptile ruptures to expose the first leaf.
Commodity A product that can be used for commerce and includes agricultural
products such as grain, livestock, etc.
Conidiophore A specialized hypha on which one or more conidia are produced.
Conidium (Conidia pl.) An asexual spore.
Detritus Parts of dead organisms and cast-off fragments and wastes of living
Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) Fossilized skeletons of one-celled organisms called
diatoms. When soft-bodied insects come in contact, D.E. causes massive loss of
body fluids and death. When the dust is eaten by insects, the D.E. inhibits breathing,
digestion, and reproduction. Because it kills by mechanical action rather than
poison, insects do not usually develop resistance.
Diluent Substance that is added to a pesticide formulation to dilute its concentra-
tion. Usually water.
Encephalitis An inflammation (irritation and swelling with presence of extra
immune cells) of the brain, usually caused by infections.
Exuviae Cast-off skins or coverings of various organisms such as insects.
Filamentous Thread-like.
Formulation The manner in which a pesticide is prepared for practical use and
usually contains the active ingredients (a.i.) and inert or other ingredients.
Frass Debris and fecal matter produced by insects.
Gastroenteritis Inflammation or irritation of the stomach and/or intestine.
Genus A grouping of organisms that usually contains a group of closely related
Glume Small leaf-like structure found at the base of grass spikelets.
Grain Protectant Usually a liquid insecticide applied directly to grain.
Glossary 383

Hantavirus A type of virus carried by rodents causing severe respiratory infections

in humans and, in some cases, hemorrhaging, kidney disease, and death.
Haploid Having one set of chromosomes.
Harborage A place of refuge or shelter.
Hardware Cloth A metal fabric also known as wire cloth; the mesh openings are
larger than window screening, but smaller than fencing.
HEPA High efficiency particulate air filters that have been tested to assure removal
of 99.9% of particles that are 0.3 microns (μm) in size.
Histoplasmosis A disease caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum; may
infect lungs, skin, mucous membranes, bones, skin, and eyes.
Host A plant that is invaded by a pathogen and from which the pathogen obtains its
Hundredweight (cwt) One hundred pounds, usually of seed. C is Roman for 100.
Wt means weight.
Hydathode Gland occurring on the leaf edges of many plants and secretes water.
Inert Ingredients That part of a pesticide formulation that has non-pesticidal quali-
ties. Inert ingredients usually aid in storage and application.
Infection peg A very fine hypha that is thrust through the cuticle or epidermis of a
plant host cell.
Inoculant The pathogen or its parts that causes infection. Also refers to beneficial
nitrogen-fixing bacterium that is applied to legume seeds to produce nodulation.
Inoculation Arrival or transfer of a pathogen onto a host.
Insectivorous Eats insects.
LD 50 A single dose of a material expected to kill 50% of a group of test animals.
The LD50 dose is usually expressed as milligrams or grams of material per kilogram
of animal body weight (mg/kg or g/kg). The material may be administered by mouth
or applied to the skin. The lower the LD50, the more toxic a compound.
Lepidoptera An order of insects that includes moths and butterflies.
Lesions A localized area of discolored, diseased tissue.
Meisosis A special process of cell division during which spores are produced.
Meiosis involves the reduction by half in the amount of genetic material.
Meningitis An infection which causes inflammation of the membranes covering the
brain and spinal cord.
mm Millimeter. One millimeter is 1,000th of a meter or 1/25th of an inch.
Mode-of-action The way in which a pesticide affects a pest at the cellular level.
384 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Montreal Protocol The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone
Layer is an international agreement designed to protect the stratospheric ozone
layer. The treaty was originally signed in 1987 and substantially amended in 1990
and 1992. The Montreal Protocol stipulates that the production and consumption
of compounds that deplete ozone in the stratosphere are to be phased out by 2005.
Mosaics Symptoms of certain viral diseases characterized by intermingled patches
of normal and light green or yellowish color.
Mycelium The combined mass of microscopic thread-like strands (hyphae) that
makes up the body of fungi and produces vegetative spores.
Mycotoxins Toxic substances produced by fungi or molds on agricultural crops that
may cause sickness in animals or humans that eat feed or food made from contami-
nated crops.
Necrosis Describes the condition of being dead or discolored.
Necrotic Dead and discolored.
New Castle Disease A highly contagious virus disease of domestic poultry and wild
birds characterized by gastro-intestinal, respiratory, and nervous signs.
NIOSH National Institute of Safety and Health.
Nodulation Creation of nodes (swelling or bumps) on legume roots by nitrogen-
fixing bacteria.
Non-systemic Does not move within a plant or animal. Usually affects on the part
that it touches.
Ovule A structure found in plants that contains an egg cell and develops into a seed
after fertilization.
Pericarp Seed wall which develops from the mature ovary wall.
Pesticide A chemical substance (e.g., an insecticide or fungicide) that kills, controls,
or repels harmful organisms and is used to control pests, such as insects, weeds,
microorganisms, rodents, birds, etc.
Pheromone A chemical released by an insect or other animal through which it
communicates with another individual of the same species through a sense of smell.
Phytoplasmas Smallest bacteria-like microorganisms. Formerly called myco-
plasma-like organisms. They differ from bacteria by lack of a solid wall.
Pistil The flask-shaped female reproductive unit of a flower that is composed of the
ovary, style, and stigma.
Postemergent Usually refers to herbicides applied after weeds have emerged from
the soil and generally act through the foliage of the plant.
Preemergent Usually refers to herbicides applied to the soil and are absorbed by the
seed or by the roots or stems of tiny seedlings before the plants emerge from the soil.
Glossary 385

ppm Parts per million.

Pycnidia Asexual, flask-shaped fruiting bodies lined inside with conidiophores that
produce conidia.
Race A genetically and often geographically distinct mating group with a species.
Also a group of pathogens that infect a given set of plant varieties.
Rachis The central axis of a grain spike, flower cluster, or compound leaf.
Restricted-Use-Pesticide A pesticide that can be sold to or used by only certified
(licensed) applicators.
Rodenticides Pesticides used to control rodents.
Root Rots Softening, discoloration, and often disintegration of succulent root tissue
as the result of fungal or bacterial infection.
Rusts A disease giving a “rusty” appearance to a plant and caused by one of the rust
Salmonellosis An infection caused by Salmonella bacteria and commonly mani-
fested by diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
Saprophyte An organism that uses dead organic matter for food.
Sclerotium A compact mass of hyphae with or without host tissue, usually with a
darkened outer shell, and capable of surviving under unfavorable environmental
Seed Rots Softening, discoloration, and often disintegration of seed tissue as the
result of fungal or bacterial infection.
Slurry A suspension formed when a quantity of powder is mixed into a liquid
in which the solid is only slightly soluble (or not soluble). Fungicides and some
insecticides are applied to seeds as slurries to produce thick coating and reduce
Smuts A disease caused by the smut fungi (Ustilaginales). Smuts are characterized
by masses of dark, powdery spores.
Snap Trap Usually a common mousetrap. A piece of equipment used to quickly trap
or catch mice and is usually composed of three parts: base, trigger, and the spring-
loaded snap.
Spores The reproductive unit of fungi consisting of one or more cells.
Sporulating Producing spores.
Stigma The upper part of the pistil of a flower on which pollen is deposited.
Stomata A microscopic pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor
can pass. The exchange of air and transpiration of water are regulated by the two
cells (called guard cells) on either side of a stomate.
386 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Systemic Absorbed and translocated throughout a plant or animal. Systemic fungi-

cides are absorbed by the plant, then translocated throughout its tissues. They can be
applied after an infection occurs and still have a benefical impact.
Tampico A tough vegetable fiber used as a substitute for bristles in making brushes.
Teliospore A thick-walled spore characteristic of the rust and smut fungi.
Thermal Inertia The tendency of an object with large quantities of heavy materials
to remain at the same temperature or to fluctuate only very slowly.
Thermocouple A thermoelectric device used to measure temperatures accurately,
especially one consisting of two dissimilar metals joined so that a potential differ-
ence generated between the points of contact is a measure of the temperature differ-
ence between the points.
Tillering Producing a shoot, especially one that sprouts from the base of a grass.
Toxoplasmosis An infection with the protozoan intracellular parasite Toxoplasma
Translocated Movement of a substance within a plant or animal.
Vector Animal capable of transmitting a pathogen.
Volatile The term given to a substance that is easily converted to the gas state.
Volunteer Plants Plants outside of a defined row and are usually produced from
“leftover” seed from the previous growing season. Plant arising from seed dispersed
from a previous crop.
Webbing A network of threads spun by certain insect larvae.
West Nile virus (WNV) West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and causes an
illness that ranges from mild to severe. Mild, flu-like illness is often called West Nile
fever. More severe forms of disease, which can be life-threatening, may be called
West Nile encephalitis or West Nile meningitis, depending on where it spreads.

A parasitism, 135
Abiotic factors effect pathogen, 135
moisture, 130–132 predation, 134–135
physical quality of grain, 129
classification of
temperature, 130
house sparrow, 321–322
Acanthoscelides sp., 43
pigeons, 320–321
Acoustical methods, 91
Ahasverus advena, 49 integrated management, 322–323
A. laevigatus, 50 population estimation of, 317
Alphitobius diaperinus, 50 collection, 319–320
Alternative storage structure at farmer types, 318–319
level. See also Storage structures problems of, 317
burkina silo, 145–146 Bostrichidae, 36
concrete or cement silos, 146 Bostrichinae, 41
Bruchidae, 33
dichter silo, 146
Bruchidius sp., 43
ferrocement bin, 146 Bruchinae, 42
metal or plastic bins, 145 Bruchus, 42
Pusa bin, 145 Bunker storage, 149
stack of bags, 145
usaid silo, 146 C
Amblycerinae, 42 Callosobruchus, 43
Anthicidae, 33 Callosobruchus analis, 44
Anthrenus sp., 37, 48 Callosobruchus haseoli, 45
Apionidae, 31 Callosobruchus maculatus, 45
Araecerus fasciculatus, 33 Callosobruchus rhodesianus, 44–45
Arial storage, 143 Callosobruchus sp., 24
Attagenus sp., 48 Callosobruchus theobromae, 44
Attract and kill techniques, 161. See also Carabidae, 33
Long range management techniques Carbon dioxide determination method,
Attractants and mass-trapping, 160–161 94. See also Rapid detection of hidden
B Carbonyl sulfide, 5
Bait traps, 165 Caryedon serratus, 42
Bales bins, 148 Cathartus quadricollis, 49
Berlese funnel methods, 91. See also Caulophilus oryzae, 45
Inspection and detection techniques Central Provinces and Berar Agricultural
Biotic factors effect, 132 Warehouse Act, 1947, 14
cannibalism, 135 Cereals, 10
insect feeding and food webs, 133–134
388 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

Chemical constituents commonly known Elytra smooth, 22–23

plants, 230–234 Ephestia sp., 56
Cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne), Ethane dinitrile, 5
21–22 Ethyl formate, 5
Cleridae, 34 External feeders, 62
Coelopalorus foveicollis, 52
Coffee berry borer Hypothenemus F
hampei, 369 Floatation method, 93. See also Rapid
Commercially temporary grain storage detection of hidden infestation
structure, 147–148 Food and Agricultural Organization of
Cover on plinth storage (Cap), 148 United Nations conference, 16
Cryptolestes sp., Cucujidae, 35 Fumigants, 2
Cryptophagus sp., Cryptophagidae, 36 application techniques
Cryptophilus sp., Languriidae, 40 gas circulation, 296
Curculionidae, 31 stack fumigation, 296
store fumigation, 295–296
D classification, 288
Department of Scientific and Industrial carbon disulfide, 289
Research, 15 carbon tetrachloride, 289
Dermestes ater, 48 chloropicrin, 292
Dermestes carnivorus, 47 ethylene dichloride, 289
Dermestes frischii, 47 ethylene oxide, 290
Dermestes lardarius, 48 hydrogen cyanide, 292
Dermestes maculatus, 47 methyl bromide, 288
Dermestes sp., Dermestidae, 39 new fumigants, 292–294
Dinoderinae, 40–41 phosphine, 290–292
Dosage for surface treatment use of, 294–295
for fogging, 373 Fungi
using dust formulations, 371 losses caused by
using EC and WP formulations, decay, 357
371–372 discoloration, 357
Double antibody sandwich, 96–97. See heating, 357
also Molecular technique for detection lipid degradation, 358
of infestation loss in germination, 357
Drug store beetle (Stegobium paniceum), production of mycotoxin, 357
22 under storage condition, favorable
Dynamic headspace extraction, 94–95. condition for infection
See also Volatile detection techniques damage grain and foreign material,
based on headspace analysis 355
moisture content of grain, 354–355
E population of insect and mite infesta-
tion, 356
Electrical conductance, 91. See also
previous infestation/infection, 356
Inspection and detection techniques
sites of storage fungi in seeds and
Electronic nose, 95. See also Volatile grains, 356
detection techniques based on head- storage period, 356
space analysis storage site, 355–356
Index 389

temperature, 355 through birds’ nests and rodent bur-

rows, 122
G through storage building, 122
Gas circulation, 296 through transportation, 121–122
Gelatinization method, 93–94. See also Insect phenol, 94. See also Rapid detec-
Rapid detection of hidden infestation tion of hidden infestation
Gnatocerus sp., 49, 51 Insect pheromones, 90. See also Inspec-
Good food, 2–3 tion and detection techniques
Grain or seed storage, history, 10 Insect population, sampling and estima-
tion, 261–262
in ancient times, 11–18
Insect repellents, 162–163
Grain protection, 2
Insect resistance, 2
Grain Sampling, 16
Insect traps and probes, 90. See also
Grain Storage and Training Institute, 16
Inspection and detection techniques
Granary weevil (S. granarius), 27–28,
Inspection and detection techniques
acoustical methods, 91
H berlese funnel methods, 91
electrical conductance, 91
Henoticus sp., Cryptophagidae, 34
Histeridae, 31 insect pheromones, 90
Holoparamecus sp., Merophysiidae, 39 insect traps and probes, 90
light trap, 90
I manual sampling, 89–90
Indian Food Policy, 15 near infrared reflectance spectroscopy,
Indirect elisa, 96. See also Molecular 91–92
technique for detection of infestation nuclear magnetic resonance, 92
Infestation uric acid detection in cereals, 92
kinds, 123 X-ray detection technique, 92
cross, 123 Integrated pest management, current
horizontal, 123 status, 276–277
latent, 123 Internal feeders, 62
vertical, 123 IPM under storage condition, components
management of sources and kind behavioral methods, 276
choice of variety, 124–125 biological methods, 272, 275
choosing harvest time, 125 chemical methods, 276
inspecting store, 125 cultural methods, 271
sorting and cleaning produce, 124
genetical methods, 276
storage hygiene, 124
store disinfection, 123–124 host plant resistance, 271–272
store location, 124 legislative methods, 271
source, 118 mechanical methods, 271
from already used storage bags, 121 microbial methods, 275
field, 119–120 physical method
from machineries, 121 inert dusts, 266–270
from migration, 121 irradiation, 270
from threshing yards, 122 moisture, 264–265
sanitation and exclusion, 265–266
temperature, 262–264
390 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

plant products, 275 schulerud method, 108

intellectual estimates, 104–105
K non-reducing sugars, 113
Khapra beetle (T. granarium), 28–29, 369 qualitative losses, 106–107
vitamin changes, 112–113
L L. serricorne, Anobiidae, 40
Larger grain borer (Prostephanus trun- Lyctidae, 37
catus), 23–24, 369
Latheticus oryzae, 50 M
Lathridiidae, 39 Maize weevil (S. zeamais), 27, 369
Lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha domi- Manual sampling, 89–90. See also
nica), 23 Inspection and detection techniques
Light trap, 90, 164–165. See also Inspec- Manu Smriti, 10
tion and detection techniques Mating disruption techniques, 161–162
Long range management techniques Methyl bromide, 2
attract and kill techniques, 161 Mites
attractants and mass-trapping, 160–161 associated with stored produce, 306
insect repellents, 162–163 classification and identification
mating disruption techniques, 161–162 astigmata, 307–310
Long-term storage. See also Storage Mesostigmata, 312–313
structures Prostigmata, 310–312
earthen pods, 144 damage caused by, 307
hermetic storage, 154–155 management of storage, 314
jars, 144 Mobile silo, 149
solid wall bins, 144 Modern structures of grain storage
storage basket made up from plant existing buildings, 147
materials, 143 round plywood bins, 147
underground storage, 144 steel bin rings, 147
warehouses, 150–151 temporary storage structures, 146–147
Lophocateres pusillus, Lophocateridae, Molecular technique for detection of
38 infestation, 95
Losses estimation double antibody sandwich, 96–97
determination of moisture content, 109 indirect elisa, 96
one-stage, 110 Western blot, 97
two-stage, 110–112 Mount Carmel explorations of 1930, 10
disappearance of non-reducing sugar, Movable wood grain walls, 147
108–109 Murmidius sp., Cerylonidae, 34
experimental estimate, 105–106 Mycetaea hirta, Endomychidae, 35
Mycetophagidae, 40
fat changes, 112
Mycotoxin, 360–362
free fat acidity, 113
in germination percentage, 113 N
index of deterioration
Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy,
Besley and Baston method, 107–108
91–92. See also Inspection and detec-
determination of free fatty acids, 108
tion techniques
Greek or ball method, 108
Index 391

Ninhydrin method, 94. See also Rapid staining method, 92

detection of hidden infestation acid fuchsin, 93
Nitidulidae, 31, 38 berberine sulfate, 93
Nuclear magnetic resonance, 92. See also gentian violet, 93
Inspection and detection techniques Rats
bionomics and behavior, 334–336
O economic importance, 327–329
Oinoderus sp., 41 habit and habitate, 329
O. mercator, 49 species associated with stored product
Open timber platform, 143 bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis,
Oryzaephilus sp.Silvanidae, 34 333
O. surinamensis, 48–49 brown rat, Rattus norvegicus,
P egyptian spiny mouse, Acomys cahi-
Pachymerinae, 42 rinus, 334
Palorus sp., 52 house mouse, Mus musculus, 332
house rat, Rattus rattus, 332
Penicillium, 359
Indian gerbil, Tatera indica, 333
Pest Act 1949, 15
multimammate rat, Mastomys
Pest Infestation Laboratory, 15
natalensis, 333
Pharaxonotha kirschi, Languriidae, 38
pacific rat, Rattus exulans, 332
Phosphine, 5
R. dominica, 41
Phyto-explo fumigation, 296
Records keeping in warehouses
Piezotrachelus sp., 31
Pitfall traps, 164 checklist, 379–380
Plant products utilization, 201 control sheet, 377
essential oils as storage insecticides, monthly report, 376
202–229 stack card, 376, 378–379
Predators and parasitoids, 273–274 stock sheets, 376, 378
Probe trap, 164 store journal, 375–376
Prostephanus truncatus, 41 Rice weevil (S. oryzae), 26
Ptinidae, 36 Rodents
Pulse beetle (C. chinensis), 24–25, 369 first-aid measures in case of poisoning,
Pulses beetle trap, 164 344
Q chemical management, 339–343
Quantitative losses, 113–114 non-chemical management, 336–339
safety measures, 343
R signs and symptoms, infestation
Rapid detection of hidden infestation burrows and nests, 331
droppings, 330
carbon dioxide determination method,
footprints and tail marks, 330
live animals, 330
floatation method, 93 runs and tracks, 330
gelatinization method, 93–94 tell-tale damage, 330–331
insect phenol, 94 urine, 331
ninhydrin method, 94
392 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

in warehouses/godowns and their burkina silo, 145–146

management, 326–327 concrete or cement silos, 146
Royal Commission of Agriculture, 10 dichter silo, 146
Rust-red flour beetle (T. castaneum), 30 ferrocement bin, 146
metal or plastic bins, 145
S Pusa bin, 145
stack of bags, 145
Safety precaution, 297
usaid silo, 146
symptoms of poisoning, 298–299
arial storage, 143
Saw grain tooth beetle (O. mercator),
bales bins, 148
Scarabaeiform, 22 bunker storage, 149
S. cerealella, 55 commercially temporary grain storage
Scolytidae, 35–36 structure, 147–148
Seed storage needs, 141–142 cover on plinth storage (Cap), 148
Short range management techniques indigenous storage structure
deterrents, 163 temporary storage, 142
stimulants, 163 long-term storage
Silvanidae, 36 bulk storage in silos, 153–154
Sitophilus granarius, 45–46 cold rooms for grain storage, 154
Sitophilus sp., 45 earthen pods, 144
Solid phase micro extraction, 95. See also hermetic storage, 154–155
Volatile detection techniques based on jars, 144
headspace analysis solid wall bins, 144
S. paniceum, Anobiidae, 40 stacking of bags in warehouse,
Stack fumigation, 296 151–152
Staining method, 92. See also Rapid storage basket made up from plant
detection of hidden infestation materials, 143
acid fuchsin, 93 underground storage, 144
warehouses, 150–151
berberine sulfate, 93
mobile silo, 149
gentian violet, 93
Staphylinidae, 31 modern structures of grain storage
existing buildings, 147
Sticky traps, 165
round plywood bins, 147
Storage entomology, 3–4
steel bin rings, 147
Storage fungi
temporary storage structures,
management of 146–147
curative management, 362–363
movable wood grain walls, 147
preventive management, 362
tips for, 363 open timber platform, 143
and their management, 350 storage on ground, 143
advance decay fungi, 354 vocani cubes, 149
Aspergillus and Penicillium, 351–353 Stored grain
field fungi, 353–354 insect pests, 175–200
Storage pests management strategies, 5–6 and seed insect pests
Storage structures stored product Coleoptera, 63–77
alternative storage structure at farmer stored product Lepidoptera, 77–83
Index 393

seed insects, classification and identifi- lesser grain borer, 23

cation, 20–21 family Bruchidae
Stored product Coleoptera pulse beetle (C. analis), 25
cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne pulse beetle (C. chinensis), 24–25
distribution, 76 pulse beetle (C. maculatus), 25
host range, 76 family Curculionidae
life cycle, 76–77 granary weevil (S. granarius), 27–28
nature of damage, 76 maize weevil (S. zeamais), 27
khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium rice weevil (S. oryzae), 26
distribution, 70–71 family Dermestidae
host range, 71 khapra beetle (T. granarium), 28–29
life cycle, 71–72 family Silvanidae
nature of damage, 71 saw grain tooth beetle (O. mercator),
lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha 29–30
dominica saw grain tooth beetle (O. surinamen-
distribution, 66–67 sis), 29–30
host range, 67 family Tenebrionidae
life cycle, 67–68 rust-red flour beetle (T. castaneum),
nature of damage, 67 30
pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis identification of
distribution, 74 general key to families and distinc-
host range, 74 tive species, 31–40
life cycle, 74–75 key of Bostrichidae, 40–41
nature of damage, 74 key of Bruchidae, 41–45
red rust flour beetle, Tribolium key of Curculionidae, 45–46
castaneum key of Dermestidae, 46–48
distribution, 68 key of Silvanidae, 48–49
host range, 69 key of Tenebrionidae, 49–52
life cycle, 69–70 keys to adult, 31
nature of damage, 69 Stored product Lepidoptera
rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae almond moth, Cadra cautella
distribution, 63 distribution, 82
host range, 63, 65 host range, 82
life cycle, 65–66 life cycle, 82–83
nature of damage, 65 nature of damage, 82
saw toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga
surinamensis cerealella
distribution, 72–73 distribution, 77
host range, 73 host range, 77
life cycle, 73 life cycle, 78
nature of damage, 73 nature of damage, 78
Stored-product Coleoptera Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella
family Anobiidae distribution, 80
cigarette beetle, 21–22 host range, 80
drug store beetles, 22 life cycle, 81
family Bostrichidae, 22 nature of damage, 81
larger grain borer, 23–24 rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica
394 Insect Pests of Stored Grain: Biology, Behavior, and Management Strategies

distribution, 79 pitfall traps, 164

host range, 79 probe trap, 164
life cycle, 79–80 pulses beetle trap, 164
nature of damage, 79 sticky traps, 165
Stored-product Lepidoptera Tribolium sp., 50–51
family Gelechiidae Trogoderma sp., 48
angoumois grain moth (Sitotroga Typhaea stercorea, 40
cerealella), 53
family pyralidae U
almond moth (Ephestia (CADRA)
Uric acid detection in cereals, 92.
cautella), 53–54
See also Inspection and detection
Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunc-
tella), 54
rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica),
identification of Vocani cubes, 149
key to adults, 55–56 Volatile detection techniques based on
key to larvae, 56–57 headspace analysis
Store fumigation, 295–296 dynamic headspace extraction, 94–95
Sulfuryl fluoride, 5 electronic nose, 95
solid phase micro extraction, 95
Tenebrionidae, 39 W
Tenebrio sp., 49 Warehousing Corporation Act 1962, 14
Tenebroides mauritanicus, Trogossitid, Western blot, 97. See also Molecular
38–39 technique for detection of infestation
Thorictodes heydeni, 47
Thorictodes heydeni, Dermestidae, 37 X
Toxicology of plant materials, 230, X-Ray detection technique, 92. See also
234–235 Inspection and detection techniques
Toxic substances, 136
Traps used in behavioral management of Z
stored grain insects
bait traps, 165 Zabrotes subfasciatus, 42
light trap, 164–165

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