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Ae Amc Standards in Aa LU Ll Health Department Improving Qual salty Of Health Care xs Sarees MNCS HRD Building, Heal hyber Road, Peshawar, Rbyber Pakntnkwa MESSAGE | reatim govemments commitment to qualiy of health care services and take great satisfaction in re-endorsing manuals of standards for primary health care and secondary ‘neath care health fecities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, The Government of Khyber Pakniunkhwa, ‘techs highest priory to the welfare of the commen man and endeavors to take policy inittives to provide better, safe and responsive health service. ‘The governments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is a leader in the county to introduce health equation and quaity management as major tons to improve ts health services bath in publ ‘and private heath sectors. Several important milestones have been achieved by establishing ‘Khyber Pakntunknwa Health Regulatory Authorty anc launching a projet for implementing Standards inthe pubic sector heat faites. Ensuring quaity is our priory and i will remain a central part of our current and future development policies. thas been included in the Comprehensive Development Stralegy ofthe Govt, ofkhyoor Pakntunkewva an sizeabl allocation wile made inthis area, We are of fm Dele that we are steadily moving inthe right detion where our efforts wil bear fruit and ‘30cessto quality heath servicesin an affordable framework, willbecome arly | would aso ike to take this opportunity to acknowledge the etlerts of Seoretary Health and his team particularly HSRU, Health Regulatory Authorty and other pariners tke GIZ, who ‘contributed in developing these standards, SYED ZAHIR ALI SHAH MINISTER OF HEALTH KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA FOREWORD ‘The qualty standards for primary snd secondary heath care fecities are the result of ‘extensive work by the Health Department and Health Regulatory Authority with techrical ‘assistance of G2. The standards are designedto provide benchmarks forsale and ressonabie levels ofheatth care service provision to patients. They provide a framework or the continuous ‘development of quality improvement systems. They not ony provide basis and platform for Improving safety and qually levels by regular self assessments but are also useful tools for ‘exer prformanoe evaluation ‘These standards help health providers to be clear about ther responsbltes for safe outcomes. They also enable patients to be clear about their rights. Exinginig in patent ‘rentation reflects majorand significant shit inthe delvery of health care services ‘These standards wil help in defining minimum quality index and assitin the specifications, ‘monitoring and evaluation ef contracts and performances of NGOs, donors managing pubic healt facies on pubic private parinership basis. There i ahigh evel of ownership of these ‘standards In the health sector and implementation of standards will be sector ound and ven, ‘These manuals of qualiy standards may be considered as lve documents which will be ‘reviewed and updated on requiar bass in order to remain curent and relevant. The health department wil sve to achieveits mission ofproviing safe end better qually healt services, tothe people ofkhyber Pakhtunkhwa, OR. SYED SOHAIL ALTAF SECRETARY HEALTH KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA

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