1.5 Activity Sheet

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Name ______Ryan Hui_(1-2)__________

1.5 Activity Sheet

Answer the following questions in the space provided.

1) What is the relationship between software and hardware?

The software is the set of instructions that controls the hardware.

2) What is a program?

A program is a complete set of instructions with a specific purpose.

3) Give 3 examples of programs.

 Microsoft Office
 Adobe Suite
 Google Chrome

4) What do computer programmers do?

They create computer programs.

5) What are the 3 levels of computer software?

 Application Software
 Operating System
 System Software

6) What is the main purpose of system software?

System software controls the hardware and tells it how to function.

7) What is the main purpose of an Operating System?

It controls the interaction among various computer units.

8) Give 2 examples of operating systems.

 Windows
 MacOS (Formerly known as OS X)

9) What are application programs?

It consists of programs we use every day.

10) Give two examples of application programs.

 File Explorer
 OneDrive

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