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Common Core Lesson Planner

Grade Level: Kindergarten Teacher: Miss Ponce

Subject: Counting & Cardinality
Select grade level appropriate standards.
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4: Model with mathematics and CCSS.Math.Practice.MP6: Attention to Precision
1 Count to tell the number of objects.
Common Core CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4
and Content Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
Standard(s) CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4.A: pairing each object with one and only one number name
CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4.B: the last number name said tells the number of objects counted

2 What materials and resources will you and the students need for the lesson?
Materials/ Manipulatives: counters and dice
Resources/ Materials: paper, whiteboard, crayons and number flashcards
Lesson Books: My Counting Book and math work book
Preparation Resources: Kahoot or Quizlet Live.

What should students know and be able to do after the lesson?

3 Students should…
Objective(s)  be able to solve problems arising in everyday life
 able to identify what number corresponds to the group of objects
 analyze basic math equations to draw conclusions
 count objects
 have discussions and communicate about counting and numbers with others

Level 1: Recall Level 2: Skill/Concept

Level 3: Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Thinking

Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

Level 1 of DOK (Recall): Introduce the book My Counting Book. Students will discuss what they see on
the book cover. What do you see on the cover? (Pumpkins, children, birds, houses, trees, sun, adults,
balls and animals).
Level 2 of DOK (Skills and Concepts): Go through each page of the book with students to separate and
categorize each group of objects and count and identify patterns:
Look at the drawing, is it day or night? How do you know? (Sun) How any suns do you see? (1) How
4 many children do you see? (5) What are the children playing with? (balls) How many balls? (2) Where
Webb’s Depth of are the children playing? (town, neighborhood, school) How many houses are there? (3) How many
Knowledge Level trees do you see? (9 oak and 8 pine trees) Do you see animals? (Yes, 10 birds and 7 ducks) How many
adults do you see? (4) How many pumpkins? (6) They will be able to relate the number names and the
number of objects as being the same number. A number chart will be created with the number and
corresponding decimal/s as students read it out loud.
Level 3 of DOK (Strategic Thinking): There are two different types of animals (ducks and birds) and two
types of trees (oak and pine trees). Have students compare the similarities and differences from each
group of trees and animals. Have students count how many of each tree and each animal there are.
Level 4 of DOK (Extended Thinking): In groups of two, students will create their own number and unit
chart. They will trace their own hands on paper with a crayon, number each finger (left to right) and
draw on the correct number of units on each finger. Students will use their tablets to practice the
number names matching or connecting it with the correct number of units.

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

Demonstrating independence Building strong content knowledge
Responding to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
Comprehending as well as critiquing Valuing evidence
Using technology and digital media strategically and capably
Coming to understand other perspectives and cultures

Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

5 Building strong content knowledge: While reading the book, counting the numbers and units chart
College and and creating their own number chart, the students are building strong content knowledge. They are
Career Ready learning how to count and add the similar objects and are also learning new vocabulary words like:
Skills counting, numbers and units.
Comprehending as well as critiquing: They are comprehending why the number name, number and
units are all the same numbers; for example: 4, four, ….
Valuing evidence: By having these three different examples of the same number, this is could also help
as evidence that the same number can be written or represented in different ways.
Demonstrating independence: While students work in groups of 2 to create their unit chart, they are
demonstrating independence as individuals and as a team.
Using technology: Students will be using their tablets to practice, numbers, units and adding by using
Kahoot or Quizlet Live. This way, students can get the extra practice and for me to see which students
are struggling.

Communication Collaboration Critical Thinking Creativity

Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

Communication: While the students go over the book My Counting Book , they are able to ask
questions about what they see; share thoughts on how they are able to distinguish the different types of
animals and tree, children and adults; and share ideas on how they can relate to what they see in the
Collaboration: The students get to collaborate with each other when they are in the group of 2 as they
help each other trace their hands to create a number and unit chart.
21st Century
Skills Critical Thinking: The book illustrates, two different types of animals, trees, and group of people.
Students will have to use critical thinking to separate these different groups and determine how they
are similar and different from each other; for example: birds and ducks both have feathers, wings and
can fly but they are different because ducks swim in water and birds don’t. Students will count out loud
how many ducks and birds there are in total.
Creativity: As students work in groups of two, they will need to number each finger left to right and
draw any shape (dot, star, square, etc.) as the units for each number. They will have to be think of the
three different ways to represent one number (e.g. 3, three, …)
Lesson Delivery
Identify vocabulary and key terms that are important for students to know to understand the lesson:
7  count
Vocabulary/Key  number
Terms  number chart
 units
8 Describe how you will adapt your lesson for the following learners:
Differentiated  English Learners: Make it visual, build more group work, go over vocabulary, make changes to the
Instruction lesson plan in areas that are not as strong or clear
 Special Needs: break down instructions carefully, pre-teach vocabulary and strategies, making the
classroom less distracted, ask these students questions often, encourage them to participate, have
them in the front where I can see them
 Accelerated (Gifted/Talented): Pair them with a special needs student or someone struggling,
allow them to demonstrate out loud to the class, have them chose another student to answer

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

Describe at least TWO different types of formal or informal assessments you will use during your lesson to
9 check for student learning:
Assessments Formative:
 Kahoot for practice quizzes
 Activities, like the one mentioned in the lesson, to assess student understanding
 Standardized Test
 Quizlet Live for graded quizzes at the end of the lesson

10 Prior Knowledge, Context, and Motivation (How will you connect the beginning of the lesson to what
Lesson students already know and/or motivate them to learn about the topic?)
Delivery I would start off the lesson by reviewing the numbers with a song or number video. Students are easily
engaged when there is music involved and when the material has a lot of colorful drawings. I will also
engage students by asking for volunteers and have them point to each number on the board using a
pointer. To the young students, more is better; thus, explaining that there are a lot of a certain object
and having them count out loud will review what they know. Students can also show their fingers up in
the air on the different number numbers.

Describe each step of the lesson

Teacher will… Students will…
 Students will listen to a number song as
 Paly a song reviewing the numbers
they sit in the carpet
 Introduce the number chart that shows  Students will learn what a number char
the decimals as well it and how it looks like
 Show students the different ways to  Students will learn the different ways a
represent a number number is represented
 They will participate on the white board
 Go over the vocabulary: counting, how to demonstrate the different ways
numbers, number chart, units  Students will tell me what objects they
 Go over what units and tens are see on the cover of the book; what is
going on in the book cover?
 Introduce the book My Counting Book  Students will go over each page in the
 Ask students what they see on the book with me and answer questions I
cover ask about what they on each page, how
many of the object do they see, say the
 Go through each page and count the number out loud
number of objects  Students will tell me what they liked
 On each page, have students identify about the book. They will all participate
what the object is, count the number of to give me an answer
objects, show the number with fingers  The students will have to answer my
up in the air, draw out the different questions on how they know there are 2,
ways to represent the number 3, 4 etc objects on each page
 They will have to repeat the number in
 After going over the whole book, ask the different ways I show them. If I say
the students what they liked about the a number out loud, they repeat; if I put
book best my fingers up they will too; If I draw the
 Ask how students can find out the units, they can tell me the number out
number of objects on each page. (they loud or show me with their fingers
might answer: by counting)  The students will be put in groups of 2,
will receive paper and crayons, and help
 Count out loud 1-10 by showing their partner trace their hands
fingers up in the air as students watch  The students will number each finger,
 Pass out the white boards and have left to right
students write the number down as I  Students will be drawing units for each
say a number out loud, then another by finger with their choice of object or

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

just using my finger and another as I shape
draw units  Students will log into Kahoot to take a
 Assign students in groups of 2
 Students will come together again on the
 Tell students that each group will help carpet to listen to the number song again
each other to trace their hand and and go over the vocab, numbers and
number the fingers left to right units
 For each finger, ask students to draw a  Chose a student to participate by using
shape or object on each finger the pointer while the song plays

 I will tell the students log into Kahoot

for a fun quiz
 Play a number song again and have a
student pint out the numbers on the
chart using a pointer

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

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