Pro Se Litigant - MOHAN A HARIHAR Hammers US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Over Her Refusal To Bring EGREGIOUS Judicial Abuses Before Congress

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---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Mohan Harihar <>

Date: Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 2:06 PM
Subject: REFUSAL to Bring Evidenced Judicial Misconduct Claims Before Congress
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
NewYorkComplaints Dojoig <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>

Dear Senator Warren,

For nearly FOUR (4) years, I have brought to your DIRECT attention (via Email communication and social
media) - EVIDENCED judicial misconduct claims within the US District Court and US Appeals Court (First
Circuit). As you know, I am an ILLEGALLY FORECLOSED HOMEOWNER whose ONLY legal option has
been to fight this battle as a pro se litigant (Nearing Eight (8) years of litigation, including MA State
Courts). You are aware that this federal litigation includes the following complaints:

1. HARIHAR v US BANK et al, Appeal No. 17-1381 (Lower Court Docket No. 15-cv-11880);

2. HARIHAR v THE UNITED STATES, Appeal No. 17-2074 (Lower Court Docket No. 17-cv-11109);

3. HARIHAR v CHIEF JUDGE JEFFREY R. HOWARD, Docket No. 18-cv-11134.

You are aware that with EACH evidenced judicial misconduct claim, I have followed the legal process to
the best of my ability (overview):

1. Filing a judicial misconduct complaint(s);

2. Petitioning the Judicial Council;

3. Informing the Administrative Office of US Courts, specifically - Director James C. Duff;

4. Informing POTUS (as required by Federal law) with regard to evidenced TREASON claims
under ARTICLE III brought against judicial officers who have CONTINUED TO RULE AFTER

5. Informing SCOTUS of the list of EXTRAORDINARY, UNRESOLVED ISSUES (including Treason

claims) impacting my ability to file my Petition for Writ of Certiorari - which SCOTUS has since
You are aware that the referenced federal litigation has resulted in an UNPRECEDENTED FOURTEEN (14)

1. US District Court Judge Allison Dale Burroughs;

2. US District Court Judge Denise J. Casper;

3. US Chief Judge Jeffrey R. Howard (First Circuit) - who continues STILL to rule without
jurisdiction, as recent as 10/5/18 (referencing Appeal No. 17-1381);

4. US First Circuit Judge Juan R. Torruella;

5. US First Circuit Judge William J. Kayatta;

6. US First Circuit Judge David J. Barron;

7. US First Circuit Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson - who continues STILL to rule without jurisdiction,
as recent as 10/5/18 (referencing Appeal No. 17-1381);

8. US First Circuit Judge Kermit V. Lipez - who continues STILL to rule without jurisdiction, as
recent as 10/5/18 (referencing Appeal No. 17-1381);

9. US First Circuit Judge Sandra L. Lynch;

10. US Circuit Judge Norman H. Stahl;

11. US Chief Judge Joseph N. LaPlante (US District Court (NH);

12. US District Court Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. (US District Court (RI);

13. US District Court Judge John David Levy (US District Court (ME); and

14. US District Court Judge William G. Young

You are aware that there have now been a total of EIGHT (8) RECUSALS associated with this litigation,

1. US District Court Judge Allison Dale Burroughs - who recused sua sponte – WITHOUT CAUSE,
just THREE (3) days after being assigned to HARIHAR v THE UNITED STATES (Docket No. 17-cv-
11109); and only AFTER wrongly dismissing HARIHAR v US BANK et al (Docket No. 15-cv-11880)

2. US First Circuit Judge Juan R. Torruella – TWO (2) sua sponte recusals from HARIHAR v US
BANK et al (Appeal No. 17-1381) and most recently from HARIHAR v THE UNITED STATES,
Appeal No. 17-2074;

3. US First Circuit Judge William J. Kayatta - TWO (2) sua sponte recusals from HARIHAR v US
BANK et al (Appeal No. 17-1381) and most recently from HARIHAR v THE UNITED STATES,
Appeal No. 17-2074;

4. US First Circuit Judge David J. Barron - TWO (2) sua sponte recusals from HARIHAR v US BANK
et al (Appeal No. 17-1381) and most recently from HARIHAR v THE UNITED STATES, Appeal No.
17-2074. Please be advised, Judge Barron has also ADMITTED to having a financial relationship
with the Appellee – WELLS FARGO; and

5. US First Circuit Judge Sandra L. Lynch - sua sponte recusal from HARIHAR v US BANK et al
(Appeal No. 17-1381), for reasons unknown.

You are aware that TREASON CLAIMS under ARTICLE III Section 3, have necessarily been Filed against
NINE (9) of these Judicial Officers for Continuing to Rule WITHOUT JURISDICTION:

1. US District Court Judge Allison Dale Burroughs;

2. US District Court Judge Denise J. Casper;

3. US Chief Judge Jeffrey R. Howard (First Circuit);

4. US First Circuit Judge Juan R. Torruella;

5. US First Circuit Judge William J. Kayatta;

6. US First Circuit Judge David J. Barron;

7. US First Circuit Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson;

8. US First Circuit Judge Kermit V. Lipez;

9. US District Court William G. Young.

You are aware that this litigation includes the RECENT ADMISSION OF GUILT by the DEFENDANT -
WELLS FARGO. It remains UNCLEAR, as to WHY a sitting UNITED STATES SENATOR who has established
a reputation for speaking against WALL STREET and BIG BANKS would remain silent here with related
litigation involving such EGREGIOUS JUDICIAL ABUSES in her own state. REPEATED demands to bring
these evidenced judicial abuses before Congress appear to have completely fallen ON DEAF EARS.

So - as this Nation awaits the Senate Vote for the Supreme Court, there is cause to question your
motives and intentions, particularly since one of the accused judicial officers - US District Court Judge
Allison Dale Burroughs came at YOUR RECOMMENDATION. As YOUR constituent, I again respectfully
ask that you bring this matter to the IMMEDIATE attention of Congress. Please be advised, the
referenced federal litigation also includes (but is not limited to) evidenced Economic Espionage claims
under 18 U.S.C. § 1832 and matters perceived to impact National Security. Therefore, copies of this
email communication will necessarily be delivered to the following offices/agencies via email and/or
social media communication:



3. US Office of the Inspector General (OIG) – specifically, IG Michael Horowitz;

4. The Administrative Office of US Courts – specifically, Director James C. Duff;

5. DOJ – specifically, US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions;

6. Governor Charlie Baker (R-MA);

7. Congressional leaders in MA including (but not limited to): (1) US Senator Ed Markey (D-MA)
and (2) US Congresswoman Niki Tsongas (D-MA);

8. House and Senate Judiciary Committees;

9. House Oversight Committee;

10. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

11. Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP);

12. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC);

13. Federal Trade Commission (FTC);

14. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS); and

15. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

A copy of this email communication will additionally be made available to the PUBLIC and to media
sources nationwide, out of continued concerns for MY personal safety and security. If there is a
question regarding ANY portion of this email communication, I am happy to provide additional
supporting information upon request, in a separate hearing and with the presence of an independent
court reporter. I am sincerely grateful for your attention to this very serious matter.


Respectfully submitted,

Mohan A. Harihar
Pro se Litigant/Illegally Foreclosed Homeowner
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
617.921.2526 (Mobile)

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