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Exercise I

In Nigeria, a three-year-old British girl (reunite) with her parents after being freed by kidnappers
in southern Nigeria who (hold) her for four days.
Margaret Hill's parents, Mike and Oluchi Hill, said she was in good health but "covered in
mosquito bites".

The kidnappers (threaten) to kill the girl unless a ransom (pay) or Briton Mr Hill (take) her place.
Mr Hill, an oil worker, (say) no ransom (pay). He told Sky News that his daughter (return) "in a
little bit of a trance", but soon began coming back to life and talking to her mother. The child
(hold) "in the bush... in some sort of hut", he said. "I don't think she had much to eat because she
is hungry now."

Margaret (snatch) on Thursday morning when gunmen (smash) the window of a car driving her
to school in Port Harcourt as it stood in traffic. The car's driver (stab) as he tried to protect the

Her Nigerian mother, Oluchi Hill, later (say) the abductors (contact) her and (demand) an
unspecified ransom for Margaret's release. The kidnappers (vow) to kill the girl unless her father,
a British expatriate oil worker originally from Murton in County Durham, took her place.

Our correspondent says more than 200 hostages (take) by armed groups in the last 18 months in
Nigeria, but none has ever been killed.

Exercise II
This (happen) about five years ago. I (come) back home from Turkey where I (be) on holiday
with some friends who (rent) a bungalow in the mountains not for from Ankara, the capital.

Anyway, we (sit) on the plane and (just / take) off when there (be) a loud bang from the right
hand side of the plane and I could see a lot of smoke coming from one of the engines. Of
course, everyone (start) looking around but the plane (carry on) flying normally. And then a few
minutes later the pilot (come) on to the PA and said there was a problem with one of the engines
and we’d have to return to the airport.

I felt pretty nervous, I can tell you, but I (try) to concentrate on my book and about ten minutes
later we (land) without any problems. We (have to) wait for about an hour, and then we got back
on the plane. Actually it was a different plane, and I was pretty relieved that it was.

Exercise III
James Bond (need) a drink. The fight in the carpark with the dwarf (make) him thirsty. He
walked quickly along 46th Street in search of an air-conditioned bar where he could get out of
the heat and think.

He (walk) for only a few minutes, when it suddenly (occur) to him that he . (follow) There was
no evidence for it except for a slight itchy feeling on the top of his head. But he had faith in his
sixth sense. It (never / fail) him. He (stop) in front of the shop window he (pass) and (look)
casually back along the street. He (examine) the Swiss watches in the window and then (turn)
and walked on.

After a few yards he turned into a shop doorway where a man (look) at Japanese cameras. As he
did so, something grabbed his right arm and a voice snarled, 'All right, Limey (slang for English
man). Take it easy unless you want lead for lunch.', He (feel) something press into his back just
above his kidneys. Bond (try) to swing his arm to hit whoever it was that (hold) him, but a strong
hand (catch) his fist. An amused voice , (say) "No good, James. The angels have got you."

He turned his head to find himself looking into the grinning hawk-like face of Felix Leiter. A
face he (last/ see) covered in bandages in a hospital bed in Cairo nine months earlier. The face of
the American secret agent with whom he (share) so many adventures.

Exercise IV
The idea of riding a bicycle from Pakistan to China (come) to me one day in the early summer of
2001. I (hike) with friends when someone (mention) the subject of cycling. At that moment I had
a brainwave (sudden idea). Why not ride the Karakoram Highway, the famous mountain road
that runs from Islamabad in Pakistan to Kashgar in China? I (do) this trip once before by bus but
had found it disappointing as you spend most of the time sitting in the bus.

I had never made a long bike trip before but I (be) reasonably fit as I (go) running every day. In
fact I (plan) to take part in a charity walk in Hong Kong later in the year and (train) for three
months already. However, my annual leave was coming up and I wanted to do something

That very same evening I went onto the Internet and read everything I could about the journey
and about long-distance cycle touring. Then I (decide) what kind of bike and equipment to buy
and the route I would take. A week later I (make) most of my preparations.

I (finish) work in the evening on 31 August and immediately (fly) to London. There I (buy) the
bike and made a three-day trip into the countryside to check the equipment and get the feel of
riding a bike with a heavy load. A day later I was on the plane to Pakistan.

I (arrive) in the capital, Islamabad, in the early morning, unpacked my bike and attached the
panniers (baskets of sides of the bike). Then under the curious eyes of other passengers, I (climb)
into the saddle and cycled out of the airport. What a feeling of freedom and excitement as I
turned onto the open road! Over a thousand kilometers of unknown country lay before me and
who knew what adventures!

Exercise V
1. I (be) very disappointed. When I (get) into the room I (find) that all my cake (disappear)
Someone (see) me through the window while I (leave) the room, (realize) that the door was open
and (go) in to eat my cake.
2. OK. I (leave) this job tomorrow. That's decided. Although I (work) here for more than 20
years, there are things you cannot really tolerate. Last week Mr Jones (say) he (call) inspection if
we (keep) on having coffees in the middle of the morning. That's enough, but I (do) something. I
(call) my lawyer friends and (tell)them everything about the case.
3. But they, the managers, are not much better than us. The other day, while Mr Jones (drink) his
coffee, I (see) two of his secretaries go inside the office carrying two huge trays covered with
wrapping paper. I then (discover)they (be) full of pastries like for a birthday party. That's for
sure. While the secretaries (eat) pastries, Mr Jones (drink) one coffee after another.
4. Well, I don't know why I (tell) you all this on the phone, I think it is because I (not feel) too
well today. Maybe I (need) to go for a walk or something. I (know) everything seems a little bit
over the top but this is how things are. I (think) about it yesterday I buy a boat and sail on the
sea. That (do) me good.

Exercise VI
1. I (never/see) a party like that before. When I (get) there there (be) at least five swimming
pools with water in different colours.
2. She (live) here for ages, so she (tell) you the names of all the streets.
3. Many years ago my elder son (tell) me he (be) a whale fisherman when he (grow) up. I (tell)
him that there (be) not many whales when he was old enough.
4. Summer evenings (be) boring during the holidays. While my sister Ann (play) the guitar, my
brother Fred (sleep) siesta.
5. I (fly) to London tomorrow evening so I (bring)you all the records you want.
6 When she (open) her eyes she (say) that she (dream) of somewhere she (be) before.
7. I think I (have) a tortilla sandwich and a salad.
8. (see/you) Mary ? No, not really. We (work) here for the whole morning and I (see) anybody.
9. When the firemen , (arrive)the fire (destroy) most of the house.
10. What (the weather/be) like tomorrow ? We (have) some rain and cold.

Exercise VII
1.We (eat) at a restaurant every night. We (know) the owners
2.I think it (rain) tomorrow. It's very cloudy
3.When they in (go in), all the children up (stand up).
4.As soon as they ( come), we (start) the meeting.
5.When I (be) twenty, I (visit) my American relatives.
6.I (know) her all my life.
7. she ever (ever/take) a photograph of a wild animal ?
8. We (not be) at home when you (call) us last night?
9.He (be) in Brazil for a year now and he (love) it there, he (think) of settling down in Sao Paulo.
10.I (not / recognise) her at first although we (share) a flat for some time in Gandia.
Exercise VIII
1. They (lose) their cat yesterday and (not find) it yet
2. Before I (meet) my friend Bayu, I never (not speak) Indonesian.
3. I can't help you. I have a lot of problems because I (move) to new house right now.
4. A fortune teller told me: "You (be) a very famous opera singer".
5. While I was running (run) in the park, it began (begin) to rain .
6. They will finish (finish) the building in two months.
7. She had left before I gave (give) her the present.
8. I think he (leave) her as soon as he (know) what (happen) to her other boyfriend.
Exercise IX
1. Her plane (not arrive) yet, so we'd better (wait) in the hall or maybe you want (go) into a
2. Please, (not shout) so much in class, I can (hear) you perfectly.
3. While everybody (dance) in the school party, we (talk) outside in the garden.
4. The builders (say) they (build) a park and a swimming pool for the community, but they .(lie)
5. I think if you (wear) nicer clothes and you (feel) better with yourself.
6. Our train (leave) in five minutes, so hurry up or we (be) late.
7. The prices of oil (rise) considerably . The press (announce) it yesterday.
8.We used (live) in a ranch but we (move) to the city three years ago.
9. Please let me (know) when you , (finish) I would like (tell) you a couple of things.
10. Everybody was very hungry and by the time we (get) there the food already .(disappear)
Exercise X
1. Please (not come) to see me before 5, I (sleep) siesta.
2. It (be) the worst storm we ever . (have)
3. It is the first time I here (be), so I (not can) tell you where the station is.
4. The shops already (close) when we (arrive), and we (can) get any food.
5. "The weather (be) very good next weekend", (say) the old man looking at the sky.
6. We (have) a drink outside the Museum when we (hear) the explosion from the fireworks.
7. They (not let) us inside the reception because we (not bring) our night dresses.

8. Where is Jennifer? I think she (do) some yoga in her bedroom. She (practice) since 7 o'clock.
9. My favourite cinema director (make) a film 3 years ago, but this year he (not produce)
10. Nowadays I (think) that (find) a house is the most difficult problem for young people.
Exercise XI
1. you ever (go) to Sevilla? Yes, I (be) there in 1982 with my school.
2. While we (clean) the house, the boys were preparing (prepare) dinner, so everything was (be)
ready in a minute.
3. Italians immigrants (live) in America for a long time. They (arrive) in the 19th century and
many of them (establish) in New York.
4. I (meet) my girlfriend's parents tomorrow evening and I (be) very nervous.
5. It (rain) heavily, so we (not can) go out.
6. Someone already (pick) all the mushrooms in that part of the forest, so we (not find) any.
7. A cat (get) into the room and all the dogs (start) to bark.
8. Oh look, a dog (eat) your lunch, but I think he (not like) the bread in it.
Exercise XII
1. I (still not find) the bag I lost last week.
2. I (stay) in Spain till next Friday.
3. I (stay) at this hotel since April.
4. Peter is not here yet. I (think) he has missed the train.
5. I (think) about her plans and I suppose I know what she is going to do.
6. (your parents arrive) in Rome yet?
7. As it is snowing we (not go) out.
8. Do not disturb him, he (work) hard.
9. (you finish) with this tape you borrowed from me last Monday.
10. You (lie) now! I do not believe any of your words.

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