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Juan Luis Gómez González

Centro de Astrobiologı́a (CAB)

European Space Agency Centre (ESAC)
Móvil: (+34) 608 218 819
Camino Bajo del Castillo, s/n
Urbanización Villafranca del Castillo
Villanueva de la Cañada, E-28692 Madrid

Current Position
“Esteban Terradas 2015/2017” internship, currently under 1 year contract extension. Project TS
11/15; Exoplanetary and planetary atmospheres numerical modelling. Project development takes place
at “Centro de Astrobiologı́a”, CAB facilities located in the European Space Agency Centre,
ESAC, Madrid. Supervisor Professor Rafael Rodrigo Montero.

Academic Background
M.Sc. Physics of Complex Systems, University of Balearic Islands, 2014 - 2016. Average score 8.46
out of 10.
B.Sc. Physics. Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics specialisation. University of Sevilla, 2009 -
2013. Average score 7.84 out of 10. Ranking 5o best academic record from graduating class (out of 24

Grants and acknowledgements

Internship training program “Esteban Terradas” project TS 11/15, Exoplanetary and planetary
atmospheres numerical modelling. “Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial”, INTA. Open
call to Spanish citizens holding a Bachelor’s Degree. 2 years contract starting October 2015. Now under
1 year extension until October 2018. It was granted on a competitive basis. Web address from “State’s
Oficial Bulletin”, BOE, call information.

Postgraduate internship to conduct M.Sc. studies granted by Institute for Cross-Disciplinary

Physics and Complex Systems, IFISC, for the purpose of enrolling the official Spanish M.Sc.
Physics of Complex Systems, University of Balearic Islands, academic course 2014-2015. Open
call to non-resident in Balearic Islands holding a Science Bachelor’s Degree. A total of 3 grants were
awarded out of 16 applicants on a competitive basis. It consisted in 6000 euros for life expenses plus
registration and administrative fees.

Previous scientific experience

Research, development and Master’s Thesis defense in the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary
Physics and Complex Systems, IFISC. Master’s Thesis titled Noise Effects in Kerr Frequency
Combs. Supervisor: Profesor Damià Gomila, IFISC. Palma de Mallorca. Academic course 2015-2016.
Research, development and Bachelor’s Thesis defense in the “Centro Nacional de Aceler-
adores”, CNA, Bachelor’s Thesis titled Characterization of fast ion losses in fusion reactors produced
by resonant magnetic perturbations. Supervisors: Profesor Manuel Garcı́a Muñoz and Profesor Javier
Garcı́a López. CNA. Sevilla. Academic course 2012-2013.
Juan Luis Gómez González 2

Auxiliar assistant in Nuclear Magnetic Laboratory facilities in the “Centro de Investigación,

Tecnologı́a e Innovación de la Universidad de Sevilla”, CITIUS. Sevilla, summer 2013.

Habilidades y Competencias
Partial differential equations numerical solutions using finite volume methods. Discretization
following transformation into high number of unknowns ordinary differential equation systems.
ODEPACK set of routines knowledge. These are written in FORTRAN and are designed to integrate
with adaptive time step numerical solutions of ordinary differential equation systems.
Stochastic partial differential equation numerical solutions by means of pseudo-spectral methods.
Stochastic numerical methods. Programming and generation of random number distributions.
Main programming languages are FORTRAN and Python. Usage of other programming languages and
tools with different level of knowledge are IDL, GNUplot, LATEX, Blender, Bash, Matlab, Microsoft
Office, Excel. Linux user.

Attendance and congress contributions, courses, scientific stays

Summer School Alpbach 2018. In the course of 2 weeks a selected group of 60 students from european
countries attend specialised seminars and develop a space mission according to the yearly school’s topic.
The subject this year was Sample return from small solar system bodies. Students are separated
into 4 groups from which the mission I participated in was named CARINA, as a Team Green member.
Work results are published in this web address. Sponsor organisations, among others, are European
Space Agency, ESA, Austrian Research Promotion Agency, FFG. Weeks from 17th to 26th July
2018. Alpbach/Tyrol, Austria.
XVI International School of Astrobiologyy Josep Comas i Solà: Biomarkers: Signs of Life
through Space and Time. 30 hours summer school. Seminars involved state of the art astrobiology
issues. Offered by “Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo”. Week from 25th to 29th June
2018, Santander.
Attendance to international forum Outstanding questions for solar system planetary science and
associated key representative space missions which took place at International Space Science
Institute, ISSI. Days 13th to 15th September 2016, Switzerland, Bern.
Attendance to national congress “Reunión bienal de la Sociedad Española de Astronomı́a, SEA”
contributing with a talk. Talk titled; Temporal evolution of minor neutral components in exo-
planetary atmospheres: Parameter space exploration. Week from 18th to 22th July 2016, Bilbao.
Throughout my 3 years internthip at INTA I have conducted several scientific at “Instituto de As-
trofı́sica de Andalucı́a, IAA” for the sake of my numerical atmosphere model development, main goal
of my project. Stays spanned from 1 month up to 6 months, 2016-2018. Granada.

Language skills
C1 English language level certified by TOEFL ibt test exam scored 101 out of 120. Exam took
place on 11th February 2017. M.Sc. studies conducted in English including every oral presentation.
A1 German language level certified by “Instituto de idiomas de la Universidad de Sevilla”,

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