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All Requests

Received befween Tolot/2olA a|[l 09/3o/2OO9

ElGwOOO,le.emy information on Edwin Walter Martinez lloreno

=:,:.4!oa2-2009 BlGWOOD, Jeremy information on Eudocio 14aftinez Torres

=c:A 00003-2009 BtGwOOD,leremy information on l.lido Eudocio I'lart nez 14oreno

FOtA-00004'2Q09 BIcwOOD,leremy lnformation on Robeno D eqo Escoba. Espino

FOIA 00005,2009 BIGWOOD,leremy information on llenry ylilliam f4ac Kee Schlrlz

FOLA 00006-2009 BIGwOOD,leremy rrformaton on Lula Baraka Toric

FOtA'00007-2009 BIGWOOO, leremy informa!on on Migue Bumberto Baraka

FOIA-00008'2009 BIGWOOD, leremy informaton on 14at€ l'liguel Baraka lylazuelos

FOIA-00009-2009 informaton on uncle.lacob Fuss, a k.a.lake

FOrA 00010-2009 STEPONKUS, Ellzabeth CONTRACT CASE contract #HH144020440012

FOrA-00011 2009 BIGWOOO, leremy informaton on Luka Cesar Baraka 14a2uelos FOIA

FOIA-00012-2009 rcfena #01-F-15-Js bv DeDartme.t of Defense

N ?+310 on

Combatant Staius Revew Tribunal, and

FOrA'00013-2009 CONTRACT cASE #16202 ror rccords

concerning alldocumenls relat ng to the
contrads under solrcitahon
#HHrl40208RRFI184, the rorensic 5!pport

FOIA 00014-2009 ELlA5, Barbara *200810690IA139, a documents re ated to

form€r inmates or d€tain€es ofthe U.5.
detention center ln G!antanamo Bay, C!ba
suspected oi returrrnq to tefforist activ ties or
rejoininq radical 9roups detain€e

FOiA 00015-2009 CONTMCT CASE +16232, regarding all

contracts awarded under th€ Advisory and
Assistance Servces and Scientfic Technica/
Enq neerinq and Techn calAssstance

FOtA 000r6-2009 reco.ds on how many persons have been hired

by the DIA from 15 March 2003 to 15 flarch

FOIA,00017-2009 RICHEL9ON, Jeffrey copies of any 1997-2008 memorandum of

agreemenV!ndeEtaiding betw€en AFTAC and
the Underground Facilitres Ana ysis Center (at

FOrA-00018,2009 CONTMCT CASE contract awarded from

FOIA 00019 2009 George A, Koopman (1945-1989), a military

agency record by rt)i!)!l-0-1j-l€ u2O '',,,, r ,

' A Survey and

Evaluation," report to DlA, Conlract MDA903 &l(l) 101 sC .1lt
agericy iecorU Ov '
Ofiens ve Behavior: USSR (washington, DCi
DIA 19721
niornrauon on (bX6) r l
-::: tal23 2009 CONTRACT CASE #16292, regarding contracl
#HH144020400007 award€d to Dyn€tcs, Inc,
!nder the Delersiv€ systems Analysis

FOIA-00024'2009 records resardins lohn llccain s days as a FOIA

FOIA-00025 2009 CONTRACI CASE #16317/ regard n9 a

contracts awarded under solicitation
*490Q011A08, the cocoM Facls lnteg.ation

FOIA'00026'2009 res€arch on plrblic dlplornEcy "The Am€rican

Nnliona Exhib tion in tloscow in 1959"

FOlA-00027'2009 ELIAS, Barbara #20081084DIA140, connections between

menbers or Al-Qa€da, Includin9 Osama bin
Laden and prc Td lban leaders Ln Pakistan from
1 lanuary 2007 to p.esent time fram,.

FOtA-00028-2009 documents tited Free World Air Order of FOIA

FOIA-00029 2009 CONTRACT CASE ,16362, rcgardin9 contract

awarded to Applied lntegrared Technolo9ies,
hc. under So icilalion #HHr.140209R0006
FOtA-00030-2009 CQNTRAqI CASE cootract awarded from
solicita!io. *HH1,140208R0110 under the
Foreiqn Language Test Oevelopment program

FOIA-00031,2009 DIA empoyee nck named "the Cfow .nd

FOrA-000t2 2009 ELIAs, BErbara *2008108601A141, documenls containing
percenta9e estimates of how much of
Afghanlstan ls underTaliban controldunng !
lan!ary 2002 to present tjme frame
FOrA'00033 2009 al records regardlnq Romanla and ts po itic,
siiuaiion fron 15 Decemb€r 1989 to I
FOIA 00034'2009 CONTMCT CAsE sollcitat on #N!1EC-2008-
OCONUS-Support Sery rces awaried to SAIC

FOIA-00035-2009 1957 Fort lla pu UFO rncldent

FOrA"00036-2009 BLANTON, Thomas referal #200603489 by State Depaitment
.ecords on the reberlon I L beria, ed by the
Nauonal Patriotic rront of Liberia (NPFL) from
15 November 1989 to 30 September 1990

FOiA-00037-2009 *20081094DIA142 on alr doc!ments relaung

to meeling !n Mecca, Sa!di Arabia between
off cra s from the Afghan governrnent and
r.embers of the Tallban th.t took place n lale
documents realin9 to 'yelow Rain;-
nvestgation Note: rhis case was f0683,2001
16546 released ro Dr, Rebecca Kir?
RAVNITZKY, I'l ctrael the contents of a prevrols Forr cisElib64
2001-14411 by t4iguet Biblonion the 1957
Fort ltainu LIFO Inc dent
Ef'lERSON, Steven rei€rral #2lF 09 by INScoM documents on
organ zations: Abu Sayyal cfoup (ASc),
HAMAS (lslam c Resstance croup), Hizba tah,
Ab! Nlda Organization (ANO), At eaida

referrat#09-F 0135 by DoD Liberia-AilJehs-

docurnents on the viotence against civitans anc
volence within the AFL and NpFL
FOIA-00042-2009 ELIAs, Bdrbara r20081106DIA143, att docL,menC reEtins ro
th€ Taliban Commander f4u|ah Omar towards
the Talban from 1 lanuary 2005 to presenr
rime frFm6
FOrA-00043-2009 CONTR^CI CASE +164358, alt doc1lmenls
regatuing ail contracts award€d !nde. the
Enterpr se Resource Pann ns (ERp)
requrrement, awarded csc
FOtA 00044-2009 coNTRAcI CASE contract awa.deA iro;-
solicitat on #hH1,440208R0034 under the Sinqte
Scope BEckgrcund Invesrigation {ssBr)
FOIA,00045,2009 #20080657DrA080, arl recorls on $rE-
following s!bjects: 1. The tEnsfer of arms and
ammun tron frcm Nicaragua to the
Autodefeisas Un das de Cotombia "AUc" at
Ch quitats pon racrlity. n r!rbo, coroDb a on
or about 8 Novenrber 2001 from ?OOO to the
FOrA-00046-2009 +20081120DlA144, alt docu."nt" pe'tainrq
ro fterna rn€etin9s of the untted Setf-Defense
Forces of Co ombia (A!roderensas Unidas de
corombia) 'AUC , incudrng the ,National
summlt of Self-D€fense f,tovement of Cotomba
FOtA 00047-2009 EMERSON, Steven rerera #200000575 scT02 by State
Depaftment DIA NADA INTSUM 49 02 Irdq
Cornpos tior/ OrganizaUon and Tra ning of the
FOrA-00048,2009 acnvit es rn the eary 90's toserh-ar wth r6a FOlA
FOrA-00049 2009 +200811260IA145 all recoras pertainrng to FOIA
the meeting in 1997 involv n9 then,teader of
United Self-Defense Forces of Cotombia Cartos
Castano and then-General r4anaser of
Banadex, a who y-owned substdiary of the
!,S.-based Chiqutta Brands hternationat ..
FOIA 00050 2009 rou,equests ror reoros-on-iii!-iiE-
nvolvement and partlcipaUon ofthe United
Kingdom and other governments in the
renditon and seffet detention oi suspected
rerr r+q hv rhe lJnirFd qr:i.<
FOIA 00051 2009 CONTRACI CASE att p.oposats from and
contracts with Pro Telecom LLC from 1
&)vember 2006 to Dresenr rime rrA-.
#20081159DIA146, a copy of int€ttigence
paper writt€n by Derek Haruey, pior to
September 11, n referenc€ to the strat€g c
threat that Al Qaeda and the Tatban teadership
in Afghanistan posed ro rhe Un ted States

=c::-::053-2009 CONTRACI CAsE contract #GSI04078r0076

and a I othe. conkacts issued sinc€ l lanuary
2007 b€twe€n the DIA, GSA, or Redstone
A6enaland Caldwe lTechnology Solutons LLC
FOrA 00054-2009 ELIAS, Barbara *2008116aDIA147, all docllments retating to
the p.isoner exchange between th Pakistan
Army and lhe Ta iban from I lanuary 2005 to

FOrA 00055-2009 ELIAS, Barbara #20081175DIA148, all maps, satellte images, FO]A
pictures/ ilustrat ons, and 9raphics of Pakistan
ircm 1 lanuary 2000 to present t me ffame
identify ng tl-re location of Islam c religio!s

FOIA 000s6 2009 Narayanswamy/ Anupama referra #08'F 1416 by Deparlment of Defense
copLesof doc!ments identfied by conrro
fumbers from members of Cong.ess to the
Departmert of Derense (OSD)
FOrA'00057 2009 referrEl *46648 R2 by Nationa Securty
Agency Documents on Unidentfied Flying
Objects, o. fly is sac!ersj as well as Prcject
Au.ora from 20QQ to present time frame NOTEI
lhis is re ated to previo!s closed case +0198,
FOrA-00058 2009 al recods he I by the oefense Intelligence
Aqency on the lse ot functona magnerc
rcsof,af ce imdgii9 (fl'lRI)/
eleclroencepha ography (EEG), functional near
nfrared maq ns (fNIR), brain elect ca
osc lat ons s qnature (BEOS), b.a n'
FOrA 00059-2009 CONTRACI CASE records re atinq to contract
number GST04078F0076 issued on 1 lanuary
2007 involving 0IA, GSA or Redstone Arsnal
and Caldwe lTechnology Solut ons LLC

FOIA-00060 2009 records on yo!r father Lt, col. wiliam Alb€d

FOrA-0006! 2009 CONTMCI CAsE copy of lhe Request fof

Proposak {RFP) H9Ct04 08 R 0004 sCID

FOtA-00062 2009 CONTRACI CASE a ist oi co.tractors with

contact lnformatio. rhat was b dded for

FOrA 00051-2009 l'1OTLEY, RONALD refetral #09-F 0168 by Depadment of Defense

ll September cv suit Surnett/ et al. vs, al
Baraka I.vestmenl, etal., case #!r02CV01616
u s, oepEnmenr ol state publcation #11038
'Patterns of Globa Te.rcrsm 2002" released rn
FOIA-00064 2009 referrai #08 Fr1454 by Departmenr of Defense
a lsatelites and aerial photos taken in Kuwait
and KuwaiVSaud Arabra from Septernber 11-
c.:,::a:.:,:: SAUTER, T,lARK referral #08-F'1191 by Department oi Defense
al documents from 1 October 1953 to 3l
Dec€mber 2004 on U,5, servicernen from the
Korean Wa. r€ported aLlve in North Korea n
refersnce to U.S, Army defectors tumcoats

rererral #08'r-1773 by Depadment of Derense

infonnailon relating to lhe lslamlc Center of
Sai Diego (IcsD), counci on American-lslamlc
:olA 00067 2009 referal #96-4 2267 by Department of D€iense
"Milir:tu P anc" ..n.Frnind ahina
FOrA-00068-2009 DIA project perta ning fo a rcport by the FO]A
Natonal Academy of sclences Nat onal
Research Councll (NRC) litled "Cognitive
Neuroscience Research and National Security'

FOrA 00069-2009 (br(61

FOIA 00070-2009 ELIAS, Barbara *2008!2030I4149, on all docurnents relatrng

to possible terrcrist atFcks oo t4umba , India
fror. 1 .)uly to 26 November 2004 t me frame
FOIA-00071-2009 copy of DrA rcport on Chem caland Bolog cal
Weapons C€pab lties - lJ.S,S.R , March 1977,
D5r-1600s-014'76-5UP 1

FOrA-00072-2009 E14ERsON, Steven rerenal #200000575 by State Departrnert C'4 FOIA

FOIA 00073 2009 referral S09-F 0136 by DOD OsD f4DR cases
08-rl-32s6, 08-r,l-3257, and 08'14-3258 USDP
Policy Fi€s Ambassddor Pau Wolfowitz 1989
1993 Cheney/PowelLtrip to saudiArcbia Feb, 7
11, 1991 ll ddre East Trip Auglst 5 10/ 1990
secrerary Baker Mlddle East,,

ib)6 -- -'
FOrA-00074-2009 relerral ,199F-09 by U.5. INSCOM deta neesl

FOIA-00076 2009 copy of a list of althors and t tles of the

masters thesises submitted to the.loint lli tary
lnte I qence College/Nationa Defense

FOIA'00077-2009 420081221DIA150 on alldocument related to

R Mig!el C6va lo, a former Argentine
military navil commander of the Argentine
Navy l4€chanicalSchoo

FOIA,0007a-2009 CONIRACT CASE copy of the proposal for

Request ror Q!otations (RFQ) HHl4402-069 C-
0003 for Contractor Suport to the DlA, Otfjce
!-': copy ofthe fo lowing th€sises from the lo nt
l"1illtary Intellgence college/Natonat Defense
htelligence Coleger Freedom or hformation
Act and jts hpact on the lntelligence
Community (1980) Open sources: Perceptons
of Quality In NSA waming Produ..
-:.::,1C5a,2009 ELIAS, Barbara r€ferrai #200605020 by State Dept.
documents relat n9 to Pakistan and terrorism
:aia-00081 2009 a Irecords relaling to conlractor violent crjmes
occurin9 in Iraq and/o. Afghan stan from
October 2001 to p.esent time frame
1bllll.1l,lil l
FOrA 00082-2009 DOS case #200504662 ER2 RefD Revew
-l llR. FOIA
rJsc +l+
FOIA 00083-2009 9.andfather Fermin Cruz
FOIA-00084 2009 RICHELSON,IEFFERY FOIA Request cop€s ofThe luly-December

FOrA-00085,2009 FOIA Request Request copy of cassilled

p!bhcanon wniten bv her ralher l- 'lj -l
FOIA 00086 2009 ELIAS, Barbdra FOIA Reqlest Oocuments from lanuary 1,
2008 to present reat€d to the Pakistan miiitary
shooting or practic n9 to shoot pilotless drone
a rcraft. Arch ve # 2008r232DIA151

FOrA-00087 2009 FOIA request Disclosre ofdispos tron on a

whistle Blow report of 1998 to Naval Crinrinal
Invesusat ve Serurce(NCls) at Navdl Aif

FOtA 00088-2009 Freedor. of Inlormaiion Act Request Referai

Robed Rachllh Request records of Combatant
Status Rev ew Tr bLrna s and Adnrnistrat ve
Revi€w Boards held in the case of -::i:;1_
G)G) lat the detenii;;raciiity,
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,

FOIA-Q0089-2009 FOIA reqlest.opy of lhe folowjng thesises or FOIA

d ssertations from lhe loint Miitary lntelllgence
College / Nauonal Defense hterlisence college:
WXINT Weather lntellgence ( 1?99)
Intelligence Support ln the Capture of U-505,
4 June 1944 (2002) Electr..

FOrA 00090 2009 SANTOS, Rose CONTRACT cAsE FOIA request for documents
id€ntifed to the Deiense hteligence Agency,
Virgir a Contrad n9 Activity contEcts HH'11402-
09-D-002 through HHt4402-D'008: 1) Contract
lncludinq SoW and prcin9.

FOIA 00092-2009 CONTRAqT CASE Slalemenls of work from

contractsr HHrii40204A0008 (SRA);
NHr.14020440009 (csC)r uHN4020440010
(Booz A len)j HH1.44020440011 (SAE),
NHrr140204A0012 (Northrop G.umman);

FOIA 00093,2009 Nafio.a Sec!rity Archlve d 20061137D0S363.

AL documents cr€ated between october 1,
1985 and lanuary 31, 1986 feating tothe
entry of lhomas Qulwonkpa. Refenalfrom
DOD Ref 07 F-0346
Request records hed by Army on irs use of
runctronal ma9netic fesonance maging (fMRr),
€/ec(rcencepharo9rapiry (EEG), iuhcrionaJ ne6r
nirared ma!ing ('NIR), Brain Etectrica
osci latjons Signature (BEos), brain-
fingerprint n9, hfrared spectroscopy, or..

FOIA Refeffatrrom DOS. nequest att

brogEphcal docum€nts creared between
ran!rary 1, 1985 and luly 1, 2005 ncluding
reportsi Inter lgence summaries, phoros,
blograph c sketches, profites, and a[ other
biograph cal slrmmaries, reports and marertats

,l::6 2CC9 Request a copy of a ciasstfLeo paper of-

gdqown htle prodoced by DIA anatyst
and ci.culated in Auglst 2006, which
generally cons sted of an ass€ssm€nt of the (b)(3) r0 Lrsc 424
Iraq War at the tlme. UnofficraLty, this paper
was n cknamed "The Doomsday paper"...
;c1A.00097-2Q09 Requesr al documents from rhe U,S, defrtns
attache n lsrael and from the attache's offce
rrcm Oecember 1, 2008 thrclgh February 1,
2009 concem n9 Pales!n ans, Hamas, th€ W€st
Sank, or the caza Strip. Arclrive #
FOiA-00098 2009 CONTRACT CASE lnformation on contrac!
#HfM40?08R0302, the Scient fic Enqineerng
and lechnical Asslstance (SETA) Reqoesr
copres of Awarded contract and Incembent

FOrA-C0099,2009 coNTMCT CASE Request contracc awdded ro

American Governm€nt Serulces under
SoljcitaUon *917AAAISO1600, th€ DtVN/DIA

FOIA r1010r.2009 Request nforrna!on on Muhamrned Lamal

Khalfa, a Saudi blsinessman who was
m!rd€red in Jvladasgar on Jan!ary 31, 2007.
: li; !r0102-2009 Request lnformation, records, photographs,
analysrs papers, and any and all information
r€rated to the Ararat Anonraly (Noah s Ark).
Specrfically in the picture drea th€ pictures
taken on the fo owing dates by spy planes and
satellite or.erjaj photos: 19,.
FOtA 00103-2009 CONTRACI CASE Request Contract No,
H8M40207D0019, dated September 22, 20A7 ,
belween Defense intelligence Agency (thrc!9h
!s Virg nia Contractlng) and contractor
FOIA 00104-20Q9 Requ€st nform.tion regardtng 61 former
Guantanarno detainees r€ferenced n a pfess
conference on lanuary 13, 2009 by Pr€ss
se$etary of rhe Pentagof, Geoff Morre[,
These fornrer detainees are confirmed or
suspected of rcturning to !he fighr. Requesl
FOtA 00105-2009 Request informarion regardtng et form
Glantanarno detainees referenced in a prcss
conrerence on lanuary 13, 2009 by press
Secretary of the Pentagon, ceoff t4orel.
These fomer deta nees are confirnred or
suspected ol retumin9 to the fight_ Request
F0IA,00106 2009 Referra from Dos case # 20060472s ERaat
Req!est doc!ments discuss nq the mass riots
that broke out i Jord.n during the midd e of
Aprll 1989 begrnning in the city of lta an.
Request documents d scussing the mass rots
that broke oot in]ordan durinq the .,
FOIA-00107 2009 !IAIER, DIETER Request documents, photorAtha, ;d;tnE-
natenars co.cem n9 the fo lowing persons:
Akb€'t Heim born lune 28, 1914 in
Radkersb!r9, Austria, Kar Berckmu|er born
october 10 1895 n Kansruhe, werner B€st
bom luly 10 !903 n Darmstadt, Ha.s,toachifi1
FOIA-oo108 2009 PETERSON, Susa. Fola reeard ns uN opeEronsilnGi
Refefa from DoD Refr 00-F-1060, Dos case
FOIA-00109,2009 R.quet! i.formation regard n9 Swedens abitiq
to proteC CL.sslfied lnformaton. Referrat from
OOD Rd: 06-F 2611i Ronald Regan Library
Case NLRRF2002 090

FOIA'00110 2009 Refenartrom DOD. Rev€w or aocumini

K005b(Letha Chem cnls WESTPAC. DOD Ref:
94 F-0484: Arh ve A4olTnnoDnsi
FOIA-00111,2009 Req!est a copy oi the carro|| Report which i-
an .veshgatron report on the requestors
father lack E. D!nlap. Referalfrom NSA FOIA
FOIA 00112 2009 osoRto, cARLOS AI rtrords, from lanuary 1, 1991 rhrcugh
December 311 1995 tlrat refer n whole or in
pa.t to the Gses of younq chidren and babies
that were krdnapped from the r parents who
were e ther disdppedred, killed, or potitcal
prieoners d!rif9 th€ m tilary djc.,
FOIA 00113-2009 QSORIO, CARLOS All records fram.laiurary 1, 1975 through FOIA
Decernbef 31, 1980 that refer in whote or tn
pan to the cases of young chjtdren and babies
tnat were kidnapped lrom their parents who
were either d sappeared/ kitted, or pottica
pnsoners d!rLng the miltary d c..
FOrA,OO114 2009 Al records, frorn JEnuary 1, 1981 thrctd-
December 31, 1985 that refe. n who e or rn
part to the cases of young chidren and babies
that wer€ kidnapped from the r par€nts who
wer€ €ither disappea.ed, kited, or potUcat
Prisone6 dur n9 the military dic..
All .ecords, from lanuary 1, 1996 through
December 31, 2000 that refer in whote or n
part to the cas€s of young children and babies
that were kldnapped from their parents who
were either disappeared, killed/ or po itjcal
pdsoners durlnq the mlltary dic.-

Fa:A C0116,2009 Enamonefa, I'la rianfa Al records, irom lanuary 1, 1986 throuqh FOIA
December 31/ 1990 that refer in whole or n
part to th€ cases of young ch ldren and babies
that were kidnapped their parents who
were e ther disappeared, killed, or politcal
prisoners d!rlnq the miltary d c,.

FOlA,001t7-2009 Req!est records reated to Afqhan officals FOIA

aidlng the Talban in attackin9 US sotd ersor US
rn ltary nstallations in Afghanistan. Archiv€ #

FOIA 00118-2009 Reqlest documeots relating to the folow n9

Mexica. 14iltary Officials: Dr. Mario Sanchez
lmenez, Col, lose Luis Lop€z Ruvalcaba
(member of the E ghth lvlltary Zone of
Mazatlan), Victor l4anlel Mafquez VazqLre2/ Lt,
cor Medic ne, Gl ardo A rcon Lopez (hea..
FOIA 00119-2009 Request acc€ss to and copies ofall manuals,
9urdelrnes, mernoranda, or other documenis
containirg or.€lating to procedures,
r.struC.ions, and techniques utilized in
conducting a su tab lity background
nvestigaton for ernpoyment wlth the Def€nse
FOIA 00r20-2009 CONTRACT CASE Request the lo low n9 agency
records fiom lan!ary 1, 2006 to the present:
1. Copies of contracts between DIA and
contractors for the provision of inbrnet
surueillance software and computer hardware
to ass st In int€rnet mon toring progr..,
FOIA 0012r-2009 R€q!est doc!ments from Janlrary 1/ 1979
throush oecember 31, 1980 related to the
b09raphy, prcfess ona careers/ and actvities
of General Ernesto Baeza lr4lchaelsen. Arch v-"
FOIA 00r22-2009 Req!€s! EI records pertainrng to the abduction
detent on, nterrogatlons, and escape of
Horac o Domlngo Maggio. Arch v€ +

FOrA-00123-2009 All records frcm U S. embassy tn Santago de

Chi i from lune 2, 1979 through December 31
1980 that refer to Rodr qo Anfruns Pap.

FOIA-00124 2009 QSORiO, CARLOS Request records pertain n9 to Vicror a Donda/

her mothef Marla nilda Perez de Donda, her
ialher lose Maria Laureano Donda, and her
patemalunce, Ad fo lllgle DondaTge
Archlve # 20Q90115D1A017
FOIA-00125 2009 osoRro, cARLos Request records perta ning to the abd!ction/
detention/ lnterrcqatons, and rorture of
Patrcia Ann Erb n September 1976. Archive #
FOIA-00r26-2009 Requ€st records re aled to the bios€phy,
professionalcareers, and act vties of G€nera
Rau ItlnEga Numann, Archve #
FOtA 0C127.2009 Enamoneta, I'larianna Request records pertaining to th€ abduCrion,
detenton, interrogatons, and tort!re of cwen
Mae lok€n Lopez in Argenbna. Arch ve t

FOiA 00128 2009 RICI'IEL5ON, JEFFREY Request copy od DIA Transluon Book pr€pared FOIA
for the Obama adminlst.ation.
FOlA-00129'2009 osoRto, cARLoS Request records from lanurary l, 1975
th.oush Decemb€r 31, 1980 that refer to
candesUne centers in Argenrina, torture of
suspected s!bversis, and dlssappeared people
d!rirg the Argent nean military dlctatorship,
FOrA-00130-2009 Request all recods p€ n9 to the bomb n9
of the Asociacion liltua Israe ita A.gentina
(AMIA), the Jewish MltLralAid Assocat oi of
ArSenU.a in Buenos Aires Argeit na oi luly 18
1994 including in lhe PH!M, PINR, PINs, PREL,
or PTER TAG 9rolps and any.,

FOIA-00131 2009 roUNG, john Request Iniormaton Pertaining to Sov et

Irte lgenc€ Services Personalities.
rrorn Navy Case SEROOUF/8S1447

FOIA 00132-2009 request documents em ted by DIA in 1989

concernin9 Roman a Exc!ude reports

FOIA-00132-2010 FOIA request documents for Case Numbe( NW

FOIA 00134-2009 E.dmonela, t4arianna Request records from IAN 1, 1981 throu9h

detentiof centers in Ar9€ntina, torture of

s!spected s!bvers ves/ and dissappeared
peope dunnq the Argentinean military
diccatorshlp Archive + 20090128014020

FOIA 00135 2009 Request documents rrom la.uary 1, 1986

through December 31, 1990 that refer to
candesline d€teftion ce.tere n Argentna,
torture of s!spected subversives, and people
that d ssapp€ared d!nng the Argentinean
r.litary dictatorsh p. Archive + 20090130D..

FOIA'00136-2009 Request documents from ldnuary 1, 1978

through D€.emb€r 31, 1980 reated to the
blography, professional careers and activiiies
of Captian and General Lu s Lobos in Ch le.
Archlve t 2Q0901420IA025

FOIA-00137-2009 Enamoneta, Marianna Reque3t rccords from January t, 1991 throush

arg€ntinean organizaton ca ed Grandmothers

of the P aza d€ Mayo'. Arch ve *

FOIA-00r38 2009 Reqlest records frcm Janlary 1, 1986 through

December 31, 1990 lhat refer to the
argentinean orsanizaton ca led "Grandmothere
of th€ Paza de t4ayo", Archive #
FOrA C!ti9 2C09 OSORIO, CARLOS Request records from lanuary 1r 1981 through
December 31, 1985 that refer to the
Argentinean organization called GrandnrotheE
of the Paza de Mayo". Archive +

FOir,c!.:40-2009 Enamoneta, Marianna ReqLrest records rrcm lanuary 1, 1977 through

December 31, !980 concerning the
Argentinean organizat on cal ed Graf dmoth€rs
cf the Plaza de 14ayo. Archive #

FOtA-00141-2009 Request records from lanuary 1, 2001 through

Argent nean organizauon called Grandmothers

cfthe Plaza de Mayo, Archlve f
FOIA-00142-2009 o50Rro, cARLos Req!est records from lanuary 1, 1995 through
D€cembe.31, 2000 concerning the Argert ean
organizanon nam€d Sons and Dauqhters for
Idenlity and J!s tice Against Forqetring and
S lence. Archive # 2009018DIA027

FOrA'00143-2009 ELIAS, Barbara Records from lan!6ry 1, 1978 to lanuary L

!980 concernln9 Hiz i-lslam (also sp€ ed Hezt
e'Inam ) and lamaat e Isrami (also spelLed
lamiat-l-lslami) in Ar9hanistan. Archlve #

FOtA 00!44 2009 CQNTMCT CASE Request the top 35

conkactors and their F/08 contract values or
sp€nd n9 amouf!s sorted by asc€nding do lar
dmounts and top 35 lnforrnaton Technology
{lT) contr.ctors ?nd their FY08 totalcontract
v.lue or spending amounts sorted by asce..
FOIA-00!45-2009 ELlAs, Barbara Request documerts from October 1, 2001 to
the present re ated in whole or in part to
Ta iban n ltary operations within Pakistan, The
spread or extefs on ofTaliban military
activiUes nto Pak stani A 9ro!p called
"PakistanlTaliba. , Ab! Kalm 14uhammad,
FOtA-00146-2009 CONTRACT CASE Request documents
regaid n! ai contracts undef solicitat on
9W911Vr'409R0004, the signatures 5!pport
Program (SSP). INPlT Req!est # 17284

FOIA 00147 2009 Req!est doc!ments concern n9 the u5

bus nessman Armand Hammer's visitto
Bu garia and h s offer to the Sujgariar
governme.t extract petro e!m frorn lhe Black

FOlA-00148-2009 CONTRACT CASE Request a copy of the basic

awarded contract. inc udin9 the statement of
wo*, awdrded !.de. so icitallon #RFQ272978
under DCIPS Techn ca S!pport Program,

FOIA-00r51 2009 GREENEWALD, JOhN Request documents pertain i9 ro a.

assasslnauon po! agarnst President George
Requesl copes oi the followln9 documentsl
DIA R€ferral and Selection Lists fof Vacancy
Announcements #A08'020162-01 and #A08
020-105-01. ller! Selection ce.t ficate EUCO[1
Administrdtive Mana9ement Speci.l st, vacanct
Announcement #A0a-020162 01, I4eri.,

:.1 09i53-2Q09 EUAs, Barb.ra Request documents rclated to a suicide aitack

via cara.d bus on iSI (Inter service
hte liqence) Camp Harnza (also called Olhri
Camp) and sulcide attack via car on a m ltary
checkpoint near GHQ (General Headquarters)
of the Pakistan Army Archlve # 2..

FOtA-00154 2009 H]N, WETTE Request copes of the 10 oldest open or

pending Freedom of lnloffnation acl requests
being p.ocessed or held pending coordination
Bllh other asencies. Arch ve
FOrA-00155-2009 Savranskaya,9velana Request records frcm Aprll 1, 1995 to l,4ay 31,
1995 related n whole or n part to Russian
military and law enforcement operations in the
vlllage ol Samashki in chechnya, Russi. on
AprilT 10, 1995. Archile + 2009024D1403?
FOtA-00156-2009 Request all documents lhnt relBte to
Guatemalan miitary officia s and dr!9
kafilck ng in l{exco from lan 2003 to present.

FOIA-00157-2009 Request records related to develpoment of

DoD efforts to cornbat human traffickin9.

FOIA O0158-2009 Coallllon Provls onal Arithority Referral OOD FO]A

FOIA-00159-20Q9 Request records related to "Operation

FOtA-00160-2009 cREENEWALD,lohn Records resa.dinq Project Horzof

FOIA'00161'2009 GREENEWALD,Iohn Req!est al documents regading the
assassnaton od Liaquat ALiKhan, Pakrslans

FOlA-00162 2009 Requesr documents pe^arning !o an event

rvhere a RLrssian bomber apprcached Canadian
alrspace 24 ho!ls before Presldent Barack

FOIA 00163,2009 ReqLrest records regardin9 'Servicio d€

Investigaciones Criminales . Referra! oos Case

FOtA-00164-2009 Request copiee of the failowing doc!ments:

DIA l4ethodology Cata 09r An A d to
lFte lgefce Analysts a.d Forcasters,
Washifqton DIA pr mer on structured anaLyric

FOIA 00165 2009 Requ€st al a!aLlabLe ioformalion on l.4yanmar

FOrA-00166-2009 Request al records addressed to or wrltlen by

abtji,I0 usc 4r4
re at nq to the Rwanda. Pat.ot c Army
{RPA) or the Rwanda. refugees in zaire
between Jaruary 1995 - D€cernber 1997. DOs
Referral Case # 20040044
FOtA'00167-2:O9 Reqlest alldocuments r€lated to the Auqust
17, 19aB aircraft mishap which kiled President
Zia of Pakistan, US Ambassador Arno d
Raphael, and others n Bahawalpur Pakistan
Refenal DOA Case # 200500454

FClq,ci:68,2009 BENGE, MiKE Req!est records concerning the Vetnamese

sponsored faction of the Eastern zone Khnrer

FCIA 00169-2009 RAVNITZKY, MICHAEL Request any g1l dence documenls or emails
concernlng whether, how, and by what means
olA will carry out lhe ntent ofthe Pr€sident s
memorandum on the Freedom of Information
issued by lhe white Ho!se on lan!rary 21,

FOrA 00r70-2009 R€quest records concerni.g the Nat onal

Intel|gence Estimates (NIEs) on the rormer
soviet !nions 5S-13 lntercontinental Ba astc

FOIA-00171-2009 coNTRACI CASE Cortract NllEC20080coNUs

AWARDED ro Narional l!ed a Exploitation

FOrA 00172'2009 Request ai docurnents from lan!ary 1, 1985

to January L, 2005 re ated n whole or In part
to lndia's Foreign lnte lgence sewice/ the
Research and Analysis W ng (RAW or R&AW)
providinq aid, ncludln9 but not lim ted to
weapons/ guns and iundin9 !o groups-.

FOlA-00173-2009 GREENEWALD, ]ohn Reques! alL docLrm€nts concern nq an ncrdent

which occured on oraboll8 March 2009, in
which Ch nese Naval walships shadowed a Us
Naw unarmed vesse in internalionalwaters

FOIA-00174-2009 CONTMCT cAsE Request copy of the co.tract

awarded vi. HYO127_07-R"0073, for work
perta n ng to OPeratona Planning and Travel
I|rle ligence Cefter Project ncluding all
sect o.s, attachm€nts, and modifications.

FOtA.00r75-2009 Chjtpanich, E Reqrest iecords that relate to the forgn tavel

by the Directo. and emp oyees of the Defense
Personnel SecLrty Research Center
(PERSEREC) and trave bY PERSEREc
conrrador Martin Marty" wlskoff (and h s
wiie), a Northrop Grumman empoyee and

FO]A 00176 2009 Chitpanrch, E Request fecords cofcerninq the Lease or

wateriro.t offce fdc llies from the H€ritage
Harbor otfice comp ex on l4onterey Ca ifornia
for the Detense PersornelSecunty Researcn
Center (PERSEREc) and l{orthrop Grumman.

FOIA-00177-2009 Req!est records on Trayco (Tmycho) Dim trov

Belopopsky (BeoPoski). Born l5 rlay 193s in
Bu gara- died 21 February 2008 in New York,
FOIA 00r78 2009 Requeet for records concernlnq rhe following FOIA
t4ex can miitary and polce officialsi Rob€rto
Arcos Jimenez, Captair German Parra Sa gado/
l'larlano A az Perez, Pablo Hernandez Perez,
Anton o Santiz Lopez, lose Lu s Rodrguez
orczco, Jorge Hernandez Aguilar.,

iotA'00r79-2009 Savranskaya, Svelana Reqlest records from Novembef 17, 1994 to

l'lay 3!, 1995 cofcerning Russian military and
law enforcem€nt tactics in the war in

FOrA 00180-2009 Savranskaya, svelana Reqlest records from lanuary 1/ 1995 to

lan!ary L, 1995 concernin9 Zvad
Gamsak!rdia, the form€r Soviet dissident and
rirst Presd€nt of the Republrc of ceorq a.

FOrA-00181 2009 llllspaw, Iegan Req!est docLrments concerning a poss ble

.o lapse oi 14exicos government, includlng bul
not lm ted to subsequent refugee s tuatons,
and a records deta li.g preparations and or
sontingency plans in the event that the
government oi llexico collapses. EX..

FOtA-00182-2009 CQNTMqT CASE Reqlest copy of contract

8NH4020440008. Awarded !o 5RA

FOrA'00183-2009 CONTMCT CASE Request copy of contract

HHM4020440007. Awarded -ro Titan Corp.

FOrA 00184 2009 CONTRACT CASE Requ€st copy of contract

HHM4020440013. Awarded to Lockheed lvlart n

FOrA'00185'2009 CONTRACT CASE Requ€st copy of contract

HHM4020440012, Awarded to Northrop

FOIA 00186 2009 CONTRACI C-ASE Req!est copy of contract

HHM4020440011. Aw.rded to BAE

FOrA-00187-2009 CONTRACT CASE Request copy of contract

HH1"140204A0010. Awarded to Booz A len

FOIA 00188 2009 CONTRAC| CASE Request copy or contract

Hhr,140204A0009, Awarded to Computer

FOIA Q0189-2009 savrEnskaya, svelana R€quests records fiom January 1, 1988 ' FO]A
Febr!ary 1, 1992 concerning the Abkhazian
Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republlc and the
South Ossetian Autonomo!s Region in the
Georq an sov et soca st Replb ic of the UssR.
Arch ve 920090336D1A038

FOIA-00190'2009 Savransldya, Sve ana Req!est for records frcm December 1, l99l
throu9h la.!ary 1, 1995 concerni.9 the
abkhazian Autonomous Soviet soc a ist
Republc and the South Ossellan Autonomous
Region in the Georg an Sov et Sdlalist
R€pub c of the UssR, Archlve #
FO]A-oo191 2009 Request doc!ments concern ng the arrest of
the t4exican anti'nar.otics oftic al Noe Rem €z
:cti !::t2:t:_. Request rnost recent copy of "lniernaUonal
Terrorlsmr A Cornpendlum Vol!me lt - tliddle
East". DDB-2630'8'85, lniormation qutoff
dater 31 December 1984.

Requesl records concem n9 a trip made by US

Southern command Major Genefal Ken Keen to
the bord€r of the Domlnican Rep!b ic and Haiti
with Dominican Armed Forces llajor Geneal
luan Anton o Campusano Lopez in March and
FO!A-00194-2009 Reqlest all records concerning cor.mun cation
n 2005 and 2006 between offrcers of the Us
Southern Comnand, nc ldins Major
Ken Keen and Generallames Slravirdis, and
Domlnican llilitary officers abo!t the creaton
or the Dom nican border 9uard, CEs..

FOiA-00195 2009 Records concerning the Tradewinds 2008

training program carried out in Apri 2008 at
the Pedro Brant Doftr nlcan Army Base in Sanlo

FOrA-00196-2009 Reco.ds concemrn9 the Reb rth 2008 trainin9

FOIA-00197-2009 Req!est.ecords concern ng shoot ng by the

Domin can border 9!ard, CESFRONT, including
the shoot n-o oi Antoine lean oDalabonin
l,4Arch 2008, lozard Anette and lean Simon n
March 2008 n Dajabon; Lyonel Momp a s r n
Aprj 2008 on the Anse a Pitres/Ped€r,.
FOrA-00198"2009 Request records concern nq train n9 provided
by the Un ted States Army to the Dominican
Army, nclud nq the border gLrard, CESFRONT,
since 2006 rf the areas or border securily/
''strong boroeF po ioes,
migration/imn 9rauon convol, and €nt -
FOIA 00199 2009 Req!est records concern n9 train n9 provided
by the Un ted states Army to the Domin ca
border guard CESFRoNT, inc uding a9reenrents
made in 2007 to provide the Domirlcan Army
n generalor CESFRONT in particular with
b ometrc or scafnin9 equ pr.ent,

FOrA-00?00-2009 Requesl studies and repods conducted by the

Us border patrol bet{een th€ Dom nican
Rep!blic and Hait in 2005 or 2006, lnc uding
documents not n9 weakness in m iilary cont.ol
oi the border and or recommending
deploym€nt of he copters and creat on oi a b..

FOIA,00201,2009 GREENEWALD,Iohn Request records perta nin9 to Un dentified

Fly n9 Objects, or UFOs, that lrave been
created or released since my FOIA Reqlest

FOrA-00202'2009 GREENEWALD,lohn Requesl nformation concerning an Ame.can

r9ht€rjet that shot
down an Iranian drone as

FOtA-00203-2009 Request copies of allcurrent promotiona

market ng point of contact buyers for the
FOIA-00204 2009 ELIAs, Barbara Reiera from Dos case No. 200504524
Ahhiv6 d2O05149DOS5l4
FOrA 00205-2009 savranskaya, svelana Request records from lanuary l, 1991 _ FOIA
February 1, 1992 related !o fomer pres d€nt
Rlchard Nixon's vislt to tlre G€org an sov et
social st Repub ic of the USSR on arch 31,
1991. Arch ve 20090366DI4043
FCrA 00206-2009 GFEENEWALD,IOhN Request records concerning operation llorning

FOIA-00207-2009 cREENEWALD,.lohn Request records concealing Prolect lennif€r'

FOIA-00208'2009 Savranskaya, Svelana Req!est.ecords concernlng the fo owinq

individuals; Tenqz Sigua the Prme Minister of
the Republlc of Georg a and io!ndin9 member
of Georgian lt itary Co!nc l, Tengiz Kitovanl
comr.ander of th€ Georg an National Guafd
and founding member oi Georgian 14il .

FOIA 00209-2009 Request a copy of a I unc assifled Portions of

the DtA congress ona Budge! Justification

FO]A-002r0 2009 5avranskaya, Sveana Request records from ian!rary 1, 1985'

.Janurary 1, 1995 ng the io low ng
jndiv d!als n the Georgian soviet socialrst
Rep!blis ofthe UsSR' AlexeiGogua/ Aan
Chochiev, Boris Adleyba, v adrn r Khishba,
lumber patiashv li, Gi! G!mardze, M€rab

FOIA 00211 2009 Sdvranskay., Svelana Request records from lanlrary 1, 1985 -
lanuary l, 1995 concerning ndividuals li the
ceorqian sov et Sociallst Rep!blic of the
ussR, Gra Chanturia leader of the Georgian
National lndep€ndence Party and Nalional
Forurn, lrak iTserete li a Georgran nahona

FOIA-00212-2009 Request records from lan'rrary 1, 2006 to

September 1, 2008 coicerning negot atrons
belween India and Pak staf regard ng a
peacef! settlemen! in (ashm r. Arch ve #

FOIA-002r3 2009 Request copies of documents concernin9 East

Germa.y tnte ligence Services. INSCOt4

FOIA-00214'2009 nequest a Oocuments retated to the MArch 7,

2009 meet n9 between Pres dent Barack
obama and iorn! chiefs cha rman Mike 14ulen,
regard ng U.S. counter narcotics poricv
towards Mexico, Arch ve * 20090406D14048

FQ1A.00215-2009 Egg€rs, Denn s Req!est copies of Sma Caliber Ammo

tdentfcation Guide, vol 1 and Volz.
FOIA 00216-2009 Racords re ating to Uvlra between lan 1 1996
ard Dec 1 1997, uS €overnme.t activitv or
mitary int€lrgence operations. DOS Referal

FOrA'00217 2009 Request a ist of posit on tit es and posi!on

ocauons of clvlllian employees empLoved bv
th€ agency has d€sigfated as "exemPt" from
the Fair Labor standards Act. Limrt lrst to
members oi a collective bargaini.9 unit ol the
American Federalion ol Govern .
{::,::-:a -, -: Documents concer. ng Iraq Po tical 2001
2002 arrns control and disarmam,ent,
intell 9ence, internal political propaganda and
psychoog ca operatio.s DOS REFERRAL Case
t'200601611 ERl archive # 20060438DO5182

Documents coicernlng I€q-Polit cal 2001 FOIA

2002 arm5 control and disarrnament,
intelligenc€, interna poliucal prcpaganda and
psychological operations. DOS REFERRAL Case
#200601611 ER10 Archive #

FO:A 00220-2009 Documents concerning I6q Politicdl 2001-

2002 arms control and disarmament,
intelligence, interna polluca propaganda and
psychoLogical operaUons, DOS REFERRAL Case
+200601611 ER9 Archive # 20060438DoS182

FOrA'00221 2009 Oomlrts concerning Iraq-Po itical 2001

2002 arms control and disarmament,
nte ligence, internal political propaqanda and
psychological operations. DOS REFERRAL Case
#20060161r ER2 Archive # 20050438DoS182

FOIA-00222-2009 CONTRACT CASE Reqlest a copY of conkact

for DIA otrlce of co!nterintelligence Support
s€Nices sol citatron # Hfllvl402-9-c-0003-

FOIA-00223 2009 Request records concern ng German Baad€r'

f4einhoi teirorist group / R€d Army Faction
FBI Referra 106a934-000 Refer to case 0224_

FOtA-00224-2009 ne+rest ricoras concerning German Baader

fle nhof terorist sroup / Red Amv Faction.
FBt Refera 1068934-000 Ref€r casr 0223"

FOIA 00225 2009 Request documents in file china (Reds)

accesslon 330 9r-017, 1949_1969, r€cords of
the secretary of Defense, Referra DoD R€ll

FOIA-00226 2009 STEPONKUS, Elzabeth colt-ralcrcese aequest rask order #0059

oif Boo2 A len HamiLton BPA

FOIA 00227'2009 Savransl.aya, SveLana neqrest records concernlng the s!ppress on of

demonstGto.s by Sovlet Forces n Tbils,
Georgian Sovlet Socidlst Rep!b ic of the IJSSR
on Apri 9, 1989. Arch ve + 200904I6DIA050

FOtA-00228 2009 Req!est rformaUon on the iolowinq

organizations; Al Waka a Al islamlya A _Aiiikia
L'Il lghatha, Al Wakala Al lslamiya Ll
lghatha, ts amic American ReLief Agency
(lAM), Isemc Afrcai RelLefAgencv (lAM),
lslamic Afncan Relef Agency_USA (IARA_USA

FOtA 00229-2009 Pbit/f,llA operst ons: socoM Referr.l

FOtA-00230 2009 neqrest a copy oi at procedlres taken, board
member, and bonus recipents fortheAnnual
saiary Boards fo. DtA emploYees at the South
Easr R€q onal Ce.ter, Tampa Flordia for lhe
year 2007 and 2008 boards-
FO]A 0C2tr 2al9 Request SIGINT summaries materia on the
iorm€r soviet unions !nmanned Lunar
explora!ionand manned Lunar circumnav 9a!ron
and manned Lunar landing programs ior the
years 1956 thrcugh 1976. REFERRAL NSA
Case 10665-R4 Same document referred from

FOiA,C0232-2009 Request launch summ.ry reports, evenl

records, Russian Guided t4issie Reports,
regardlng the launches of the Soviet lvloon
Program. REFERRAL NSA Case 44240'R4 Same
document ref€rcd from NsA case 10665-R4,

FOrA 00233-2009 GANDHI, Satit May - jlly 1999 Karq I confict. 2nd Referral
from NSA regard n9 ihis request Case f 41530
R9 Previor.)s 41530 R3 Refer our case #

FOrA'00234'2009 B€rq€f,lohn Reqlest nformation on f4r. Khalifa a saudl

National. REFERRAL Dos 200700764

FOIA 00235-2009 Records concern ng djsc!ssions between Us

and lapan regardlng assessments of North
Korean milltary capab lties and North Korea's
polential threat to req ona security and
stabLLty in Asia during the Bush adminlstrat on
(1989 1993). Arch ve * 950290D

FOIA-00236-2009 Request documents produced in preparatiof

for or in response to Robert Gares appealance
on "l'1eet the Press", that aired on March 1,
2009, Arch ve 20090431DIA052

FOrA 00237 2009 EVANs, t4icha€l Request copies of the following documents:
SecDef Book Tr p, China set 19a8 / PRC
lieetifgs 1987 / PRC SecDef Meeiings 1947
REFERML DOD case Refr 96 F 1175 Archive f
FOIA 00238-2009 cONTMCT CASE Request information on FOIA

FOrA 00239-2009 CONTRACI CASE Request records concernrng

..nrr:.i HlrM4a?05c0019.
FOIA-00240-2009 CONTRACT CASE Req!est records concern ng
Cont.act HHM402O5C0Q21
FOIA.00241 2009 CONTMCT CASE Request records concern ns
a.nir:d HHM4nr05C022.
FOIA-00242-2009 coNTRAal CASE Request recor!s concernrng
contra.t HHM40205C0024.
FOIA 00243 2009 Req!est documents irom access on $330-87_
0066 and accession #330-87_0043: East Arsa
and Paclilc Region Flles Referal DoD Refi 93 F
2563 Archive # 931051DoD099

FOrA 00244-2009 5avranskaya, Sveana Request records from lanuary 1 1988 to

lanuary I 1995 related in whole or in part to
the Abkha2i.n movement In the
Georgiar sovi€t sco alst Rep!blic of the UssR.

FOtA-00245-2009 SavransLdya, svelana Request records from lanuary l1988 to

lanlary I 1995 related in whole or n part to
the South Ossetian secessionist movement n
th€ Georgian Sov et Socjal st Republc of the
USSR. Arch ve # 20090435DI4053
FOtA,0C245-:!49 Request records conce.ning lhe Navy Seal
rescue oi an Amercan freghter captain from

FOtA-1122-.2a)9 (bx6) R€quest information on self concern n9

miscegenation or s!bversive 0. comm e alien
star!s. Inrormat on on rathe.[Er(C,i',''Xl
6GJ rniormaton on trre uxurrnq stanto,o
Pr son Experiment. on on Nixon s

FOIA-00248-2009 HOWARO, FREDERICK Request any punitive regLrlalion, policy lelter,

or other goveminq document that req!ires
Linguists who do written translations of
Intelligence grade documents to know how to
compose r English. REFERRAL rrom Air Force
Case DF 2009 00031

FOrA,00249,2009 MARONEY, Ralph R€quest infor.nation concernin9 Grenada

Situaton Report, R€ferra from DOD case Ref:
98-F 2177 Ronald Regan Library case NLsF 96

FOIA-Q025Q'2009 Request nformation regard ng the foLlow n9l

lohn Lennon, Paul t4ccartney, George Harrison
and or Ringo star, both individualy and
colleclllely knorn as the rock band "The
Beat es", t4i.k la99er, Keith Richards, Bfian
lones, Charlle watts, Bil Wyman, M ck,.

FOrA-00251,2009 Request informaton on Pham xuan An,

FOIA-00252-2009 Request informauon related to Eifan sad!n
E f.n Al-lssawi from January 1, 2003 to
pr€seft/ nclld f9 al records of funds or
conkacts issled by the DIA to h m or h s
companies, Al ThurayE company or lkhwan
Conslruction, throu9hthe CoDmanders

FOIA 00253-2009 GREENEWALD, John Reauest nformation entered into the database
TALON REFERML DOD Case Rei 06-F 1367

FOIA-00254-2009 GREENEWALD/.lohn Requ€st nformation regardinq testlmony frcm

retked mllitary officer (USAF) Kenneth Storch
regardinq nrultiple unidentified objects comrn9
in from the Pacfrc Northwest wch were
coniirmed by RADAR whil€ stationed at Ofiutt

FOIA 00255 2009 Request al informaton pertainin9 to the FOIA

inte I gence avarlable pre September 11, 2001

FOrA 0Q256 2009 Request turnover dated between RADI4

Thomas wilson who was the OlA.l 2 to th€
.lo nt Chiels od staff (lCS) and RADI"1 Lowe I

lacoby rvho replaced h m in l! y 1999.

FOIA'00257-2009 Request informat on n the Pentagon Papers,

FOtA-00258 2009 Request records conc€.ning extra terrestra

technologies, unrdent fed flying objects, and
ind cations that there exlsts inte ligent life that
s nont€rrestrial . orig n. Exped ted
FO]A 00259 2009 Request a €opy of ntelligence document titiied
"HU14INT Cot4lNT Channels Defense Analysis
Report: Iraq Pot€nt a fof Fractlre hcreas n9"
Archive # 20090488DI4054

FOIA-00260'2009 Request documents for ongo n9 civii awsuit

aqainsi indrvidual network chanties, foreign
fi/rancial institutions, and others alleged to
have provded materia support to alQaeda in
support of rhe september 11th attacks,
REFERML irom DOD Ref: 09-F-06.

FO]A-00261 2009 Request informauon concerning Afghanrstan

from 1979 to tlre present that rnenoon;
landmines, !nexploded, and demin fs
and or m ne act on. Referal DOS Case No.

FOIA 00262 2009 Req!est informaUon on an lraqi Cltizen,

Inteligence, i,ljitary offrcers Report or
allegation that accused the u,5, D€partment of
Defense, U.5. Govemment, .id or U.S.
In!e liqence Agencies of develop ng or tesung
tech.o 09y that wo! d, w ll, can, or may..

FOrA'00263 2009 R€qrrest documenls related to the tesurnony

I ven by rli€ Director of National Intelligence,
Admnal Dennis Blair, before the United States
Sena\e 5e ect Committee on Feb.uary 12,
2009. Specifi€ ly r-"cards perlaining to Mexico.
Archive' 2009050701A055
FOtA-00264-2009 RlCHELSON, ]EFFREY Requests the most .ecent copy ot the rnost
recent b ographic sk€tch/mil tary leadershrp
prcnle of Alexander Shlyakht!ro!e.

FOIA-00265-2Q09 ReqLrest for a comm!nicaton between DIA

a.d any representat ve of the Am€rica.
Psyclio 09 cal Assoclit on, between 1/1/200r

FOtA-00266 2009 Requests lntellgeoce products or reports

published between 1975 and 1990 on the topic

FOIA 00267'2009 Request records on Op€ration Chuck Wagon

FOiA-00268'2009 KARVANEK,IEFFREY Request niormation on TK_11 & TK-12, Ta ent

Keyho e Satalghts omnl Prcject. Aequester
made prev ous reqlest for !FO's and B ack
Flylng Trianq e in 2007. case 688-2007


FOlA-00270 2009 Request dodrments concernrng th€ consume.

unron. R€ferm docurnent dated 2 Jan 1969,
nle *100-7324 s€ral 220. FBI referal Case

FOIA-00271.2009 Request records concerning plannhg or

budgetary documents p€rtain rg to the search
and €xplotat on of the cana ste west of
Kham s y3h depot.earTallalLahm,,
idenufied as a wMD storage locaton by ground
sources n 2003 lntellgence reports an.
FO1A,00272 2009 Request review and retuin-ii6ii6iii--
intelligence report R 363-41 ind€x # 104_5oo
Naw Rpfcrrir <Fa6^r rElo.^..n
FOtA-00273-2009 GREENEWALD/ JOhN Reqlest records entered nto rALo[ d;G!;G:
REFERML Air Force Case +2009-Oo25O F DOD
aase Ref:06,F-1367
FOIA-00274,2009 Req!est records.nd documents inciuOinS blt
fot imited to ema ls, tetters, cabtes or other
communications, memoranda, not€s, minutes,
pnotographs, aud o record nq, video
reco.dingsi digital recordings, fltght.nanfests,
Intell gence assessments, or other..
FOtA-00275-2009 ReqLest documents concerntnq w tn;as-
prcrecrEn programs by th€ commander in
FOIA 00276 2009 CONTRACT CASE R€quest responses to pist
periomance questionnaires submitred n
support of KPl.lG LLP p.oposais in response to
DIA SIFIl Solcitatons, HHM4O2-09 R 0052,
HHM402 09-R-0053i and HHrtt402-09-R-0093.

Fara-oQ277 -2009 Req!est documents .etared 6lh-reb 1eGE--

visrt of Colombtan Army c€nerat trtanue lose
Bonett to washington DC. REFERRAT DOD Refi
D2.F 1426
FOIA 00278 2009 BIGWOOOT Jer€my Request documents conccernin-lG krfi; bi-
police ofalleged coUp ptollers in Santa Cruz on
or aro"nd Aori 16, 2009
FOIA 00279-2009 CONTRACT CASE Reqlest a opV of tne tollw
on conrract after the contract fif .14o2 05,c-
0034 exDired on 7/18/2006, ror work
pertain ng to lraq and Gtoba Ter.or 5m
Intelligence Ana ys s Serv ces inct!din9 al
sedc ons, attachments/ and modificat ons.

FOrA,00280,2009 coNIRiCT cAsE Reqlest copy or trre-6niEE

HH1r402,05-R 0029-A.
FOrA,00281-2009 corrucr casr neq uesiiofriii6iiEE
HHM402-06 R,0021.
FOrA-00282,2009 GREENEWATD,.lohn Reqlest a copy of the FO]A Case bq ftr FOIA
ealcodar vear 2008,
FO1A,00283-2009 GREENEWALD, ]OhN Request a copy of the Defanse tntetfrence
S!mmary issue #1, circa !961.
FOtA-00284-2009 ELIAS, Barbara Req!est doclrrents ffeated irom Janr,ary t_
1985 !nnl presen! reta:ed to M!srafa Ab! E
Yaz d iakd she kh S.eed), an aFeaeda
operatve active i. Afghan stan and paksian.
ar.h va !?0og057RDItnq6
FOrA,0028s-2009 Request records perta,ninq ro shek a;il;-
{aka She k Satter Bez a abu Retsha). |e a a
lrba eader who worked wtth coatron forces
ano was assassrnated n Sept 2007,
FOIA-00286-2009 Request records ircm June 1, t97d;!-
Decehber 31. 1970 concerning the Teoponte
Iueftrra organ zation, archive*
FOIA 0Q2E7 2009 Reqlest records from lanlary t, 1974 to
Decernber 31, 1974 concerring the ltlassacre
n the valley, The event occured on lanuary
20, 1974 near Cochabamba, Bolvla and was
carned out by lhe Bolivian Army. Arch ve

FOIA 00288 2009 EVAN5, Michael Request records concernlnq the sltuaton in
cienEga, Colo.r'bia (Masdarena province) or
September 2001. Particularly records
perteinl.g to param itary 9ro!ps operating in
the req on Archiv€ #2009054DIA059

FOrA 00289 2009 GREENEWALD, John Request records concem n9 ]ran test iire of

FOIA-00290 2009 Requ€st alldcumenls ftom.luly 1, 1980 to

August 31, 1980 re ated to the Central Obrera
Bolv ana ln Bol via, also known as the Bolivian
Workefs Federation, Archiv€ f

FOrA-00291-2009 Request records irom lanuary 1, 1971 to

De€ember 31, 1974 conce.n ng General Hu90
Bonzer the fo.mer President of Bolivia Arch ve

FOrA'00292-2009 Req!est records irom ian!ary 1, 1975 to

Decemb€r 3!, 1978 concerning Genera Hugo
Banzer the former Pres den! of Bo lvla. Archive

FOIA-00293-2009 Request records conc€rning the siiualion in FO]A

cena96, coLomb a (Masda ena provrnce)
t4ay 2004, A.chive * 20090559D1A063

FOIA 00294 2009 GREENEWALD, )ohn Request records concern ng lrans drspatch ol
six waEhips on f4ay 25, 20091o lnlernational
waters, fc !ding the G!lf of Aden, to show its
ab lity to conircnt any foreign !hreat

FOIA-00295-2009 Reffealfrom DOD wth response to be sent

d recty to D05, Req!est review of document,
Mi tary Forc€s jn the Northwestern USSR
(Lenlngrad Military District) DOD Case Ref: 08-
F 1002 Dos Case 200705436 Regan Library

FOIA-00296-2009 Reqlest for a I ll.4PAC Card Folder names.

FOtA-00297-2009 Request records o. Hak mullah llehsud a

PaklstanrTal ban commander, f
FOIA 00298 2009 EVAN5, I'lichael Request records concernino the stuation n FOIA
Aracataca, Colombra (MagdaLena Province) or
september 2007. Archive # 20090568D1A06s

FOIA-00299-2009 Reqlest records conc€rning reports oi abuse

comrn ttei a9a nsi centeral American mLgrants
traveling thrcugh Mex co en rcute to tlre unrtec
states. Archive * 20090574DIA066

FOIA 00300 2009 coNfRAcT cASE Req!€st copy of contract

HHM4020205400Q2 awarded to 5ctor. INPUT

FOlA-00301-2009 CON'|RACT CASE Request copy or contract

HHM40205aQ0QL awarded to Northrcp

Ita.t nel oiiii


lf 1;1i511 11;{i'!" J"iil;il::t #;jJ,T


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FOIA-00317 2009 R€qu€st inforrnation on Alennder Stamkrn a FO]A
civll rghts activist in l{ississippi durng the m d
lo lale 1960s.
FOIA.D03l8 2009 R€quest allcontracts awarded under DIA
sor/contract4970013A09. cONTRAcT CASE
FOrA-00319,2009 Request a I reports subm tted to the
Intelligence Oversight Board from 25 Feb ZO0B
to 29 Feb 2008, All reports sLbmined to the
IOB or D rector of NaUonat hteltigence frorn
29 Feb 2008 until presenr, Atl reports of any
assessment or revrews of rntel igen.,
FOrA'00320,2009 Brill, I'r chae Req!est records concernins inteinsence and
assistanc€ provlded by DIA to rhe lraqi m titary
in its war against lrdn from Decembef 1982 to
tbe end of l.4ar.h iCa?
FOIA,0032! 2009 Request an index of the loint t4 titary
lnt€lisence Coliege masr€r,s thes€s from 1973
FOIA-00322 2009 Reqlest on beha f of cLient, a recqds
perta ning to Usama l,4ustafd Hassan Nasr
omar), the kidnappifg ofAbu Omaron or
about Feb 17,2003 in M lan Itaty/ rhe
suosequest aleged extrdordinary rendit on of
Ab! Oma. to Egypt for interrcqation, and the,
FOIA-00t23.2009 EVANS/ 14rchael Requesl.ecords pertaining to a CIA repod
refrenced in an artcle in rhe Los Angetes Ttmes
dated l1at.h 25,2OA/ Alt records concerning
Operat on Oron, a Colombtan Army operation
In lr!edellin, Alt records pertaining to a egations
of Colornb an Army nvio..
FOrA,00324 2009 Request for records cofcerning rhe kiting of
cviians in the Colomb an town ol Soacha by
the Colomb an Army in February 2008 and
rccords concernlng afy investigaton regarding
the k iings. Arch ve 20090639DIA070
FOtA-00325-2009 Request records con€€rning finlshed and
unfin shed lnte ligence reporls produced since
1980 ioc!sed on foreign critical tntrastrudure.

FOIA Q0326 2009 Request reporrs prcduced sinc€ 1g5aEi;ted

to the secu.ty of fore 9n land borders.
FOIA 00327 2009 Mccil, Wiliam Request records prodlced s nce 1964 retated
ro the security of foreign nuclear fac lities.

FOrA'00328-2009 EVANS, l.lichael Request records concern ng the Co/ombi.n

intel gence agency s w retapp n9 scandat as
wel as a lsubsequent investgatons oirhose
implGted in the sGndat. Archive
FOIA-00329-2009 ESTEVEZ, OO iA Records concerning drlg rratricking aod
organized c.ime orqan zdtion in Mexico,
Partic! ariy records pertaining toj Jlarez
Cartel, S na oa Cartet, Tjuana Ca|tet, Gutf
Canel, the I'tatamoros Cadet/ La Farni a aka La
Fam lia Michoacana and th€ crirninai pa..
FOrA-00310.2009 Request records concernln9 coniract
HH!1402061v10215 awarded to LogisUcs

FOIA 00331,2009 RICHELSON/ ]EFFREY Req!est copies the lanuary - lune 2009 issues

FO]A 00332 2009 Records from Jin 1 2002 till present related to
Afghan offcials aidlng the Ta iban in attackinq
US So diers or LJS mi itary insta lat ons in
Afqhanisran, Archive 20090024DOD004 DoD
REFERRAL 09,F.0425
FOIA-00333-2009 Req!est a non dedacted copy of Inte ligence
report regad n9 Somaila around April 1997.
Th s document is also in case 282-1995

FO1A,00334-2009 Request records regarding tenslon between FOIA

India and Paklstan from Feb 1990 to May
1990. REFERRAL Offltt Ai-B NE 68113 2040

FOrA-00335'2009 EVAN5, lvlichael Request for records concerning Maria de P lar

Hurtado, loege Noguera, Jaquln Polo, Andrcs
Penate, a.d Jeorge Alberto Lagos, H!rtado,
Nog!eE, Polo, and Penat-" are al former
d rectors oi the Co omban nte!ligefce agency
Arch ve # 2009066sDI4072

FOrA,00336-2009 Copy oi DIA/Contract HHr,44020400008.

FOIA 00337-2009 ContGcts: l-1f M40204C0200, FOIA

HHr"140204fr0200, ftit f]40206t40090,

FOIA,00338-2009 All documents pe.tain n9 to Project

G!nrunner" a program nitiated in 2006 by the
B!r€a! oi Alcoho!, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Exp os ves (ATF) to address the increaslng
vioence and arms trafflck ng occuring along
tlre I'lexico-U,S border. This request inc u..

FOrA-00339-2009 Ihral, Nathaf I am requestin9 information or records or lhe

investigation oi th€ Dec€mbe.12, 1985 crash
of Arow Arr F ght lrlF12S5R/ a Douglas DC 8-
63 aircraft, whjch crashed shodly after take oif
from Ga.der Internationa A rport ( n Gander,
Newroundiand, Canada),

FOIA 00340-2009 BIGWOOD,leremy Request nform.t on cofcerning the coup

aga nst honduras pres dent I'lanue Zelaya.

FOIA 00341,2009 Req!est al documenls related to cases of

civla. abuses occuring at mi tary checkpoints
I t4exico. Arch ve 4 20090696DIA077
FOrA-00342 2009 Reqlest records concem n9 cases of abuse
comrn tted by Mexican rnunicipal po ice forces
and jldic al polce ftom the beg nning of 2008
to the present. Archive # 20090692DIA076
FOtA 003:r3,2009 Reqlest records fiom lan 1, 1981 to Dec 31,
1989 concerning Iraqs actua or attempted
procu.ement ol equlpmant and techno ogy for
rnu t p e rocket aunch systems (MRLS),
Arclrive # 20090685DIA075
FQlA'00344-2009 Request records from Feb ! to l4arch 31, 2001
concern f9 nnt -coalit on sleeper celLs
estab ished or contro led by Abu Mlsab al-
Zarqaw in Iraq to oppose Coaltion forces.
Archive # 20090678DIA074

FOrA-00345 2009 FOIA reqlest documents of a I records

pertainin9 to the cyber a$acks that have taken
place around the beglning of luly 2009,
attacking the State Department/ White House,

FOtA 00346 2009 FolA request documents for: Information on

yo!r lnvolv€m€nt with the inter.ogation of
Saddam Hussein and his top captves.

FOIA-00347-2009 FOIA reqlest doc!ments for: The entire file

lhat DIA has on ABU l,lusab a Zarqaw going

FOiA-00348 2009 FOIA request do€u€mentE r.on 1965 to the

prcsent re €ti.9 to Mex caa citi.ens, politicans,
and goverment agents aiflal€d with l"lexico s
Fedcra Security Directorat€ (Drcccion Federal
de sesurldad' DFS): Ascencio,Pedro (comiie
Reg onal del PRI), Ced .
FOIA-00349-2009 BATTLE,loyce FOIA reqlest documents irom lune 1, 2001 to
D€cember 31, 2002 rrom Bruce Hardcastle,
defense intelllgence officer to rhe office of
lndeBecreta./ of defense for Near East and
south Asian Affa B (NESA), concerned in whol€
or part wth 1raq, n!clear prolii..

FOtA-003s0 2009 CONTRACT CASE FOIA request documents on

Contract Award Number HN1,4402 05 c 0048r
aw.rded lo USIS Proressionar Services
Dlvision/ hc 7799 Leesburg Plke, Suite 400
South, Falls Ch!rch, VA 22043 2413

FOIA-00351-2009 FOIA request documenlson a llst of credit card

hoLders n the DC l4etro area.
FOrA-00352'2009 FOIA request doc!ments re ated to police
tra ning actvlties, and other documents
produced or re.eived by the Def€nse
Inteligence Agency from 1965 to the pr€sent
on mllitary sec!rty oficlals. Arch ve case

FOIA-00353-?009 FOIA reqlest docunents on a I DIA reports,

assessmenG and analyses r€latn9 !o the lun€
25, 1996, KhobarTowers bombng. The
Itli tary lnte igence D gest a'tide dated lune
17, 1996, (a week before the attack)
describinq suspic ous incidents around the K,.

FOrA-00354-2009 FOIA requ€st documents pertain n9 to the lraq

m litary operat on named "Ramadan 1"1!barak",
wh ch was launched on April 171 1988, and
ended w th the i.dq m itary retaking the Fao
Penins!la trom lran an forces.

FOIA-00355 2009 GREENEWALD,lohn FOIA request documents pertain9 to all records

on January 3, 1983 the Soviet nuclear-
powered spy sale lte Kosmos 1402 burned up
rotn req uest uocume*iF6fr lE?E z-ddli-iii FOIA
medrurn .elared n whole or pa,t but nor ltmited
to the biography, professona ca.eer, activtes
and op€ranons of tlexican securtry official
Femdndo cutietrez Barrios_ Archive case
nLrmber: 200907500tA082
FOIA 00357,2009 Brian rura requesr 0ocumenrs on formerKorean war
'rckniqht, POWS. soclal Security Death hdex on Ctearenc
c. Adams. FBI FOI/PA #1112796_00 Re:
FOtA 0Q358-2009 Fura requesr Inrormation .egard.q the dearh
rr Ensign Jerry O Pope I who died in yenren on
r.tober 17, 2002
FOtA 00359 2009 :orA request document oni
:hallenges in Miljtary tntetuenIon Workshop
\rov, 29-30, 2001. 1779 t!assachusetts Ave,,
!W Humanrtdtran tssues t. Mrirary Targehnq
lvlar 7 8,2002 Washrnq ton DC
Jnderstanding Cottaterat Damage Worksh.,

FOtA 00360-2009 FoIA request document on th;-A-ilt-103

bomblng over Lockerbte, Scofland, Case
nLmber: 15799 R3
FOrA 00361 2009 fulA request documents on the bombing and
rnvestigation of PAN At4 Ftiqht# tO3 on Dec.
21l 1988 over Lockerbie, Sco|and, The last
coniact between Pa Flight* 103 and Air traffic,
Ihe lbyan susp€cts, At-M€g.ahiand phimah,
NsA case number 48005 R3
FQ]A 00362 2009
folA request doce!ments on a DtA
cofespondence irom or renl to emptoyees or
offc ak ofthe fo lowing rnedia orqanizations:
ABC News, CBS News/ CNN, Fox News,
Natonal Public Radio, NBC News, MSNBC.
CNBC, POLITICOi Prop!bltca, The Ch caqo

FOtA-00163 2009
FaIa request aocuments o;lt;it;EE;;-
Subject files, 1953 1970 Cas€ No. 72 4,3470
FOIA QQ364-2009
FolA req!est correspondence barGen $;tof
Krrsten c ll braid from lanuary of 2007 ro
prese.t and Congresswoman Carolyn fitatoney
FOiA 0036s-2009
rr.n 1qq3 i. Dresent.
!uN RAC CAsE FOIA request doclemenst on
cureot contracvs for tocksmith seru ce3,
access co.trot/ End physicat securtty for DIA
V/ashington, DC and Arington VA
FOIA 00366 2009 ELIAS? Bdrbara rota request oocuments ri;n-;;t;t-l;'i!zs
to lLne 1, 1990 ret.ted tn whote or pa.t to aid
rrom Sald Afab a to yem€n Arab Repub ic
(YAR) ce man Ltbrary cas€ no:
FOIA 00367-2009
2nntl r o6nosr63
FolA ieq uest aocuementsii-jillibdSTii
report tued 'Spec at Anatysis: traq's
Ifconclusive Ties ro At,oaida".
FOtA-00368 2009 FOIA request al documents prcdlced n
prePeration for, or in response to, the 'loint
Statement on the l'lerida Initait ve'tssued by
the U.S, and I'lex can goverments on Octobe.
22, 2007, NSA case noi 20090769DIA084
FOrA-00369,2009 CONTRACT CASE FOIA reqlest dG!ments onl
Contract no. HHM40208R0302 under the
Sc enlific, Engine€ring and Technical Assistanc€
(5ETA) program

FOrA 00370-2009 FolA request doc!ments from 1947 2008 on

Luis de la Barredo Moreno. NSA case no,

FOrA-0037r-2009 FOIA reqlest exped ted documents on a

appo ntees or representahves during th€
Obama admin stration to Pfesident Obama.

FOIA 00372-2009 FOIa req!est documents on Tar.ara Bunke aisc FOiA

known as Haydee Tamard Bunke Bder.

FOIA-00373-2009 FOIA request cop es of documents from 2OO3

to pres€nt on the purchases of chlor ne dioxide
generators or chlorine d oxide products.

FOrA-00374-2009 FOIA request records between lan 01, 2009 -

lul 31, 2009 on varous d ffe.€nt organ zatronsl
Campaign of liberty Republican Liberty Caucus
Consttut on party L bertarjan Pany Bobb Barr
for Prerident Chlck Baldwln for Pres denr Ron

FOIA 00375-2009 CONTRACI CASE FOIA requ€st conrract

doc!ments on +HH1140204R0043 !nder DNA
Analys s Sysiem Portable G€ner c Sequenc€r

FOIA.00376 2009 LOMBNESS, Paul FOIA request docuhents on nformaton

c0.cemin9 the use oi Electromagnetc
REdiaton (Rad owaves and Microwaves) on
People to Prodlce bio ogiva or
psychophys o oglcal effects W scons n Eastem
D stict Federal Co!.t case no: 09-CV-00272

FOIA 0017i 2009 EATTLE, loyce FOIA req!est docuements from February 1,
2003 th.olgh March 31, 2003 on lraq's actual
or aleged traini.9 ofal-Qaeda operatves
FOIA-00178 2Q09 Eanes, Greg FOIA reqlest a draft on an Operational H story
oiTeam spe cher, approxlmate y 318 pages
FOrA-00379 2009 ELlA5, Barbara FOiA requesi documenls irom lanuary 1, 2001
to the preseft on lndia s involv€ment n
tra n ng/ funding, armingl organiz ng or
similarly s!pporting politica dissldents in
Pakistan. Archive case no. 20090843DIA0a9
FOIA-00380 2009 CONTMCT CASE FOIA request docoements on FO]A
.ont.dC! no, f Hlt]40208C0077

FOIA-003a1,2009 FOIA request doc!ments from lan!ary L, 2004

- December 31, 2004 from Senior Analyst
Derek Haruey concering Iraq NSA case no.
FOIA,00382 2009 FOIA.equest documenrs frorn lanuary 1/ 2001
through Dec€mber 31, 2003 on traq's
potentral, actlal or alleged abitty to
mrniaturize weapons of mass destruction to
produce a "suitecase n!ke," NsA case no.

FOIA-00383 2009 FOIA fequest documefts on the anttrii:-

breach in ilre !nited States th.r have atready
been prccessed for production in response to
requests by other req!esters relating to the
antr.x mailngs of Fall 2001.
FOIA-00184 2009 FOIA request contact information on atl
execuuve of f icers/ pf ocurement oJncers/
secuo. cheifs, and procurment personne that
are authorized users of gov€f.enr cfedit

FOIA-00385-2009 BIGWOOD, ]EREIIY FOIA request doc!€r.ents on Bottvia's Ciiiese,

made shou der-la!nched anti,air missites- from
their purchase and maintenance n Botv a
tlrrough th€ir destructiof in rhe !.5,, I am
Interested n a I references ro these missites,
not justther destr!cton..,
FOrA'00387-2009 FOIA request doc!ments on the Roswetl
ihcidenls as well as dr.6m lak./Ara: c1
FOrA,00388 2009 FOIA request documenrs r€tated to La Famitia
(or La Fam ria t4ichoacana), a major r,texicEn
drug lraffcki.g caftel based in Mtchoacan The
arrest of the cartelts operarions chelf, Ar.o d
Rueda, on lLrly 10, 2009 ant the cartel,s tes to

FOIA 00389 2009 FOIA reqlest documents retared to the

9an9 and La For/ two M€xican
cr minal organizatons, A tdocuments regarding
police confections to th€se 9an9s. Arch ve fie

FOrA 00190 2009 FOIA request document on Aprll 1, 2OO1 us

Ep3 nava plane on rout ne military sorveiltance
co lied with a Chines F-8 fighterjet in South
Ch na Sea, the 24 membef crew was quicky
surrounded and placed in Ch nese rn itary
custody_ case no. 200600152
FOIA 00391,2009 EVAN5, !lchael FOIA request documents on the visit of
Colombian President Alvarc Uribe to the United
states from lure 29,2009 to.luty t, 2009
FOIA-00392-2009 FoIA request doc!ments on ttre itanappmg
and rnlrder of 14 year o d Femando Martr rr
Mexico in 2008. Thrs inc udes the arrests made
rr the connection to the case, as we tas
suspected gang and polic€ invovernent and
arso the arrest of members of the La F..

FO1A 00391 2009 FOIA request nformauon pertinng to

Cleaver, Eldidge/speciric file n!mbers: HQ,
1000447251, HQ-0440039665, HQ-
O52OOAq4to in.l Ho-1 76n.nnqao
FOtA-00t94-2009 RICHELsoN, ]EFFBEY 0IA requesi documenis on the 14 5 2AO4

ffiro. tne cirit appllcations committee.

FO:A-00395 2009 FOIA request records rrom January 1, 2000, lo

the pr€sent thai were collected and ma ntained
by the United States Department of Defense
and the Counterintelligence Field AcUv ty
reierring to your c ients and the organlzations
with which they are atrilia..

FOrA.00197.2009 Ketcham, Chrlstopher FOIA reqlest docu€rntns onr Israe I nat ona s
in the US identir€d as being employ€d as or
operaun9 a5 'ad stLrdents," "art vendors, " art
sales ma n/sa leswoflan, ' Sivan or S rvan

FOIA 00398 2009 FOIA/Prvacy Act request documents on the

Inspedoer General report related to lhe
complai.t mad€ to the DOD Inspector Genra

FOIA-00399 20Q9 FOIA request documents on containing

rererences to 'mujahideen," between lan. 1,
1990lhrough ln. 1, 1993. Case no.

FOtA-00400-2009 FOIA request a copy ror the followinq

docLrments identired b
5o +4970013A09/Build n9 ope.ations support

FOIA-00401,2009 FOIA request docuements of the 2002 DIA

repo( betwwen the lraqi regime and al'Qaeda

FOIA 00402 2009 CONTRACT CASE FOIA request contract

FOIA,00403,2009 GREENEWALD,lohn FolA request docuemnts on the Nucear

Weapons surety Report, 1985 p9 29

FOIA 00404 2009 ElvlERSON, Steven FQIA request documents on Dr. Bassan

FOrA 00405 2009 FolA reqlest documents on the lune 2008 u.

s. Senate Committe Intelligence report on
Inteligenc€ CommlBes r€latinq to lraq
conducted by the Poiicy Countederrorisrn

FOIA 00406,2009 cOl.lTRAcT CASE FOIA requesl doc!ments on

contrat * H11"140205M0344
FOIA 00407 2009 FOIA request documents on the followlrg
prcjects or persons: Project lloondust/
operaton Moondusy, Operation Blue Fly, Air
Force 200s (Prcject Blue Book)i Air
lntelignece Report no 100-203-79 (Analysis of
flyi.9 object incidents ln the Us); All Pr..
FOIA-00408-2009 FOIA r€quest docum€nts on Prolect Siqn (1947
present); Prolect Grudge (1949 present);
Project Bl!e Book (19s2-present)j Allen

FOIA 00409 2009 FOIA request docume.ts on Falun Gong aka

FaLun Oafa and any of it's affr!iate and or
subsidiary organizarlons FBI FoI/PA *
FOIA,00410 2009 BATTLE, ]OYCE FolA rcquest a ldocuments from 2001 to the
present on the International Solidarity
Movement (lSM), a non-governmental
advocacy qrcup actve n the West Bank and
the Gaza srip Reir 09 F 1256 200404920
NEA 1 Arch ve case * 200414120OS517

FOIA-004112m9 FOIA request documents from.lan 01, 2002 ro

the present related in whoe or part to Bait!ttaf
Mehsud and th suicde bombings in Afganistan

FOrA 004r2.2009 CONTRACI CASE FQIA request documents on

FOIA 00413,2009 CONTRACT CASE FOIA request documents on

contract #w15P7I-06-D-E402.

FOIA.004L4-2009 CoNTRACT CASE FOIA reqlest documents on

contrnct $HH1140209c0038.

FOIA 00415-2009 CONTRACT CASE FOIA request documents on

conrract #HHr'440209C0039.

FO1A,00416-2009 FOIA request docum€nls on lvlozambique from

1975 to the present. Case no. 200604652 Pr!2

FOIA-00417 2009 FOIA request documents on Sputn k Russlan

satel re FBI Fovpa log2i4a oon
FOtA 00418.2009 FOIA req!€st documents on Sputnik Russian
Sarelire, FBI Fot/PA 1101482
FOIA 00419-2009 FOIA requsr documents concern n! the 17
August 1988 plane crash n Ba hwalpu r Pakista n
that took the life of Paklstan President Zia U
Haq and US ambassador Arnold Raphael. Case
no.200902840 SCAl
FOIA-00420 2009 BATTLE,loyce FOIA reqLrest docu.nents from Febroary 1/
2001 through Dec€mber 31/ 2002 assessing
the stat!s oi Iraq and Syria realtions, including
econom c and enery cooperation and trad€
re at ons. Archive €se no, 200607!3DOS249

FO]A-00421 2009 FOIA request documents on the Beagle

Channei Conflict between Chie and ArgenUna
frcm lanuary 1977 to Dec€mber 31, 1979.

FOIA-00422 2009 R]CHELSON,IEFFREY R€quested copies of the most rccent

bioq6ph cal sketches/m litary leaderehip
prorles oir Gen. GE Zhengens (PRC) Gen. Jing

FOIA-00423.2009 GREENWELL, Reqina Rev ew Oocument 'sov et Cornments on aid to

FO|A-Q4424 2009 oSD case *200600s29ER1 -Nine Documenls
A.chrves +20060109D05033 IAP



FOIA'00426 2009 Flistory of automaric small arms

FOIA-00427 2009 emais and letters or corespondence on al FOIA
computers for documents between th€ ofiice or
oi Sen.tor Barack obarna himsef from the
FOIA 0042€ 2009 GREENEWALD, .lohn Correspondence between DiA and lohn t4€Cain


ARCHIVE *20090912DIA095



FOIA 00431-2009 types of non-lethal wapons and their use on

FOIA 00412.2009 CoNTRACT CAsE coniract MD490803A0018

and any modircations, deletions/ task orders,
award fee letteru, and source seleclion

FOIA,00433,2009 FOIA request documents on work ng

contractofs work ng !nder DoD authonzauon.,
control , train, co lect data epidemiological data
on civillans ln and surround ng Green,a
county/Greenv lle, Tennessee.

FOIA 00434,2009 O'SI]EA, LYNN FOIA request doc!ments on compaints against

Adm rai.lerry o. Tuttle, filed with the DIA/IG
by staffers wo.k ng n the PoWl'lIA office
durin9 the period lanuary 1, 1981 and.lune
30,!981. A copy of DIA Ececutive Order
Number one, 'Security Leaks" 17 Apr | 1,,

FOiA-00435-2009 CONTMSI CASE FOIA request documents on FO]A

contract + HHI'140205r"10356.

FOIA-00436 2009 FOIA ConsLrltation rcquest, reference

ir9900920OD010, documents on the
substance of Secretary of Def€nse Carlucci's
vsit to Beijing in september 1988.
FOtA 00437-2009 FOIA request doc!ments on DIA Fling systems
for any poss b e references lhat mefton or
concerns the folow ng individuals or
companiesi Ukralnian Natonal Sersey (or
Se9uey) Alexandrovich Shumov (or Shounrov)
Us National l,4ilton C Blane, US National D..

FOIA-00438,2009 FOIA request documents rel.ted to the lrip of FO]A

oscar Humbedo t4eja Victores, then
Guatemn a s Minister of Defense, to Mexico in
September 1982. Archive r€ference

FOIA 00439-2009 FOIA request documents on Donald Chares

FOIA,00440,2009 FOlA rcq!est documents, reference FOIA
#2009108901A099, berween 2004 and
septembef 2009 to the assassinat on oi
hdonesian homan rshts activist and head of
the commission lor l'1issin9 Persons and
Victims of Vlol€nce (Kontras) !lunit Said Thatb,
FOIA-00441 2009 SIlvlPSON, Erad FOIA rcquest documents, reference FO]A
f2009108EDIA098, from January 1996 anC
Septemb€r 2004 for 19lssins Persons and
Victims of Voence (Kontras) r,lun r Said
Thalib's relat onship with the lndones an
goverment, armed forces (AaRI, and sp€cial

FOIA 00442.2009 FOIA requesl documen!s concerning the

folow n9 topcs related to the u.5 rliitary aid
FOIA-00443 2009 KORNALUH, Peter FOIA request documents irom lanuary 1/ 1971
to December 31/ 1971 related in whole or part
to the attempted coup ln Bolivia in January
1971 by General Hugo Banzer to overthrow
President Juan lose Torres, Archive case

FOIA 00444-2009 Enarnoneta, lqaranna FOIA .equest doc!ments from luly 17, 1971 to
December 31, 1971 related n whoe in part to
the coup carried out n Bolivia by General Fugo
Banzer on August 18th 1971, Archive case
FO1A.00445-2009 FOIA req!est dc!ments from.luly 1/ 1980 to
December 31, 1980 related to or mentioning
the death or Marceo Quiroga on lury 17, 1980
in La Paz, Bo iv a, Archive case nD

FOIA 00446,2009 Enamoneta, Irarianna FOIA req!est docLrments in whole or part to

the massacre that was carried out n mid
Augusr !971 n snata Cruz, Botivia, in which at
l€ast 24 individuals were killed. Arch ve cas€

FOIA 00447.2009 Enamonela, l"laranna FOIA reqt,est documents concerning the

masscre of anywlrere from ll to 30 p€ople in
Villa T!.an, Chapare, Bo ivia in June 1988

FO14,00448-2009 SIMPSQN, BTad FOIA request all documents generated

between octobef !998 and september 2009
concernirq two shootins ol students protestors
belween 13 November 1998 and 24
September 1999, Near the Semangg
cloverleaf ard Atma Jaya University, lakada,
FOrA-00449 2009 KORNBLUH, Pet€T FOIA request documents frcm 11 September
2008 near the town of El Porvenlr, 30
kilhoters from the city of Cobija, capitd of the
depadment on Pundo, Bolvia n which at t€ast
30 ind vluals were kiled. Archive
FOIA 00450 2009 Enamoneta, Marian.a FOIA request documenls from I Septemb€r
2003 to 31 December 2009 related to
mention no the ki ling of over 60 protesters n
EIA to, Bolvia, Arch ve case no
FOrA 004sr-2009 KORNBLUH, PCTET FOIA request documents form l lanua.y 2002
io 3l oecemb€r 2003 on Gonzato Sanchez de
Lozada, former president of Botivia. Archtve
case no. 20091126DtA109

FOrA-00452 2009 FOIA request docum€nts re ar nq to Abu

Aubaydah former senior eader of a eaida, and
num€rous Intelli9ence Reports
FOIA Q0453 2009 FOIA request documents frcm 1 January 1988
relatng to Abu Zubaydah former seiior Leader
oi al Qaida, concernis Interrogarior
T.anscripts, NGO's Charitable H!manita an
Organi2ations and Kingdom of SaudiArabia,
FOIA-00454 2009 FOIA request documents from ! January 1987
on Khalid She kh llohammed concerning
Interro9at on Transcr pts, Internationat Istamic
Rel er Organlzations (IIRO), Abd alSu a man ai
Mtrjll, t4us m Won Leasu (r,lwL), pakisran Non-
Goverment Organrzarron ("NGO"), 8..
FOtA 00455-2009 FoIA r€quest documents on Inteitigence
Reportsl Int€ffogaUons of KSt'4 and Z!bayday
from 12 l.,larch 2003 to 16 Juty 2006.

Total No. of Cases : 449

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