Sky3 Running Order

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Teacher: Karina Caballero H. Date: 09/22/18

Class: Sky 3 Hour: 08:30 – 10:00

Learning Outcome: Ask and talk about personal information. Say what is happening.

Warm up All Watch the trailer of the movie Alex Rider’s Operation Stormbreaker Trailer.
Say whether they have watched the movie or not, name the characters.

Setting the scene S2 Read the conversation. Highlight new words. Ask peers for clarification of
meaning of new words/expressions.
All Books closed, listen to dialogue. Correct sentences displayed on the board.
Choral repetition of Everyday phrases.
Study S1 Read and complete example sentences with verb forms and auxiliaries. Decide
between Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses.
Check out the Grammar Store on page 95. Copy chart 1 and 2.
All Compare answers.
Practice S2 Read and complete a magazine article with verbs in the simple present or present
continuous. Compare with peers.
Read the article again. Tell the story to another student. Student checks if
information is accurate.
Listening All Listen to the rest of the dialogue and complete a chart with information about
Ollie Ford.

Vocabulary All Memory check: Places in town. Read comments and say which two places people
want to go. Write the names of the places.

Writing S4 Write a newspaper article about a famous film or pop star. Use questions to help
with content.
Put articles together to make a Society Section of a newspaper.
Homework  Activity Book 1
 Groups of 4, write a Star Profile
Teacher: Karina Caballero H. Date: 09/22/18
Class: Sky 3 Hour: 10:00 – 12:30

Learning Outcome: Ask and talk about plans and intentions. Ask and talk about future arrangements.

Warm up All Look at the photo in the dialogue and name the objects they see. Say what colour
cycle helmet they like better.

Setting the scene S2 Read the conversation. Highlight new words. Ask peers for clarification of
meaning of new words/expressions. Check or cross sentences from the dialogue.
All Books closed, listen to dialogue. Books opened, listen and practice conversation.
S5 Act out the dialogue. Choral repetition of Everyday phrases.
Vocabulary All Memory check: Money. Say prices. Then listen and check.

Study S1 Read and copy the example question and sentences with one/ones to identify
All objects. Choral repetition.

Practice S2 Complete a conversation with one/ones and the price given. Act out the
dialogue; SA is a shop assistant, SB is a customer.

Study All Read and complete example sentences with (not) going to for future plans or
intentions and Present Continuous for future arrangements.

Speaking S3 Talk about future plans and intentions. Use prompts given.
Join another group. Talk about future arrangements. Use prompts given.

Listening All Listen to Rose talking to a friend. Complete sentences with going to or present
continuous. Say if they mention a future plan or arrangement.

Extra All Song: Dedicated Follower of Fashion by The Kinks – Go to page 92

Oral Presentation I want to dye my hair green.

Writing  Activity Book 2

 Read, Copy, Listen to and prepare for oral presentation
Why do people dislike other people?
Teacher: Karina Caballero H. Date: 09/29/18
Class: Sky 3 Hour: 08:30 – 10:00

Learning Outcome: Ask and talk about things that happened in the past

Warm up All Look at the photo of the teens in the conversation. Label them with their names.
Brainstorm what they know about the movie Alex Rider’s Operation
Stormbreaker Trailer.

Setting the scene S2 Read the email and underline new vocabulary. Peers help with meaning.
Listen to the second paragraph and repeat.
All Check the names in the chart to show who said what in previous email.

Study S2 Read and complete example sentences with verb forms and auxiliaries in the
simple past tense.
All Make a list of regular and irregular verbs on their notebooks. Listen and choral
Practice S2 Read and complete a magazine article with verbs in the simple past. Compare
with peers.
Read the article again. Tell the story to another student. Student checks if
information is accurate.
Practice S2 Write questions and answers in the simple past about the magazine article.
Interview another pair and ask the questions.

Speaking S3 Ask and answer friends about what they did in their free time at different times.
Then tell the class.

Writing S1 Write an email to your teacher. Tell her about something funny or strange that
happened to you. Use the first email in the book to help.

Extra Limerick: Listen and complete the limerick. Page 94.

Homework  Activity Book 3

 Groups of 4, write a Star Profile
Teacher: Karina Caballero H. Date: 09/29/18
Class: Sky 3 Hour: 10:00 – 12:30

Learning Outcome: Ask and talk about plans and intentions. Ask and talk about future arrangements.

Warm up All Look at some landmarks in London. Recognize them and tell what they are.
Watch a short clip.

Setting the scene All Read 6 excerpts describing tourist attractions in London. Highlight and help one
another with meaning of new words. Read facts and figures about London.
Match questions to numbers from the texts.
Go over new words. Make sentences using the new words.
Listening All Listen to 4 people and say where they are in London. Write down where they are.

Speaking S4 Talk about London and agree on the three most interesting things about the city.

Writing S4 Imagine you are on a week’s holiday in London. Write a postcard to a friend. Use
questions as a guide to develop the postcard.

Writing  Activity Book 4

 Write a postcard (Imagine you are in London)
Teacher: Karina Caballero H. Date: 10/05/18
Class: Sky 3 Hour: 08:30 – 10:00

Learning Outcome: Write a story about an amazing day

Grammar S3 Correct mistakes in a conversation.

Phonics All /n/ Listen. Then listen and repeat.

Vocabulary S3 Do the sums and find out the total price.

Grammar S3 Rewrite a conversation. Change the underlined word to one or ones.

Communication S3 Complete a conversation using words and phrases.

Grammar S3 Complete sentences with one verb in the present continuous and the other in the
going to future.

Grammar S3 Complete verb tables with past forms. Then complete a text in the diary.

Vocabulary S3 Read the captions and say where people are going.

Grammar S3 Complete a conversation with your own information.

Teacher: Karina Caballero H. Date: 10/05/18
Class: Sky 3 Hour: 10:00 – 12:30

Learning Outcome: Ask and talk about plans and intentions. Ask and talk about future arrangements.

Warm up All Look at some landmarks in London. Recognize them and tell what they are.
Watch a short clip.

Setting the scene All Read 6 excerpts describing tourist attractions in London. Highlight and help one
another with meaning of new words. Read facts and figures about London.
Match questions to numbers from the texts.
Go over new words. Make sentences using the new words.
Listening All Listen to 4 people and say where they are in London. Write down where they are.

Speaking S4 Talk about London and agree on the three most interesting things about the city.

Writing S4 Imagine you are on a week’s holiday in London. Write a postcard to a friend. Use
questions as a guide to develop the postcard.

Writing  Activity Book 4

 Write a postcard (Imagine you are in London)

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