The Project and Its Background

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iControlu: a Remote Desktop Management System is a Computer-

Supported Collaborative Work System (CSCWS) for education establishments to

monitor and manage the activities of the students. These systems provide

capabilities to control all the computers in the computer laboratory in school. It

has a windows application interface that will further help the instructors handling

Information Technology and Engineering students to easily manage and maintain

their computers. iControlu is offline based server residing on central computer

servers which are accessed by clients or students through application.

A Remote Desktop Management System is for the client and server

function. A client function has the ability to allow the system to access from the

server. This feature is responsible for monitoring and controls the students

request to access to the client – server on the network. Server system capability

has the ability to connect to the client system. The connection is done by

directing the client's IP address to access the server program. The software used

for developing the system is Visual Studio 2013. The application uses the same

protocol as Microsoft Windows for file sharing. Thus, implementing and using the

application in a domain environment where each user has access to specific files

and folders makes sense. This also enables true mobility and control over the

user-account in a university or office setting. (Seung-Ju, 2012).


Remote Management System especially for computer laboratory is

necessary for the instructors and students. To lessen the burden of work by

checking, saving student’s files and consuming of time for the instructors and

students as well. Using this system is very helpful to help the instructors manage

and control’s student’s computer.

Project Context.

The Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo (DLSP) is vaunted project of

Mayor Vicente Amante in Brgy. San Jose, City of San Pablo, Laguna in 1991 for

the youth who want to have a good education at affordable tuition fee.

Today DLSP have an increase population of students. The Department of

Information and Technology (DTE) instructors do the manual checking of the

student activities on the computer laboratory, the instructors check one by one

the activities of every student manually and share their files manually.

The researchers conducted a study to create a system for the laboratory

head and for instructors of the Department of Technology and Engineering to

control the computers in the laboratory to lessen the burden of work such

checking student’s activity and manual sharing of files to the students. this

application can take control of the computers in the computer laboratory. There

are 3 types of users such as the server or the instructor then the client or the

students and admin for the laboratory head. The server account is for the

instructor who can control the entire computers in the laboratory. Instructors can

also view the activity of the students for checking thru server. The second user is

the Client for students who will use the computer for their activity. Through this

system students can send their files to the server. The time consumed by the

Instructor for checking the activity and saving files can be reduced. Students are

controlled by using other application on their activities. And the admin account for

the Laboratory Head who control the data on the database of the system.

Objectives of the Project

General Objective

The main objective of the project is to help the instructors under DTE of DLSP

in monitoring, checking and saving activities of their students.

Specific Objectives

The following statements are the specific objectives of the project:

1. Create an offline based server system called iControlu: a Remote Desktop

Management System (IRDMS) using Visual Basic Studio 2013 which will

capable of:

a. Controlling and monitoring student’s activities thru the server;

b. Allowing computer laboratory instructors such as checking and saving

activities in just one click;

c. With database management to manage the data on database.

2. To evaluate IRDMS using ISO 9126-1 model software quality to identify

the characteristics namely: 1) Functionality; 2) Reliability; 3) Usability; 4)

Efficiency; 5) Maintainability; and 6) Portability of the system.

3. To prepare an implementation plan for the deployment of the IRDMS, the

researchers will control the system together with documentation it will

serve as a guide how to use the system and for maintenance.


Purpose and Description

The project was conducted in order to help the instructors of computer’s

laboratory in the preparation of managing the computers by developing an

application called IControlU: a Remote Desktop Management System (IRDMS).

Once developed, IRDMS shall automatically prepare the management of

computer laboratory and control the student’s computer.

IRDMS have the following capabilities:

1. To view or monitor the activity of the students when they using the


2. Instructor doesn’t need go to each student computer to check their


3. With capable of sharing files thru this system.

4. To manage the data on database or remove the unused files.

Scope and Limitation

The study covers the abilities of system called IControlu: a Remote

Desktop Management System that will control and monitor the entire

computer on laboratory, ease of file sharing. The system can replace the old

traditional process in saving and checking student’s activities. It also

manages the user’s computer using the server which will be used by the

instructor. The project will be conducted for two semesters such as 2 nd

semester 2016-2017 and 1st semester 2017-2018.


This study has limitations such as diskless Setup can’t meet the

system requirement of the computer laboratory (server), disabling & enabling

Application, and can’t multi task of viewing the client’s desktop.

Definition of Terms

Client-server network it can be used on the Internet as well as local area

networks (LANs). Examples of client-server systems on the Internet include Web

browsers and Web servers, FTP clients and servers, and the DNS. (Mitchell B. ,


Database as stated by TechTarget (2017) a database is a collection

of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and

updated. (TechTarget, 2017).

Deep Freeze makes PCs indestructible. It protects endpoints by freezing

a snapshot of a workstation’s desired configuration and settings set by the IT

Admin with an instant reboot, any unwelcome or unwanted changes are removed

from the system, restoring it to its pristine frozen state. (Faronics, 2017).

Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo (DLSP) the location of the study.

Department of Technology and Engineering (DTE) the beneficiary of
the project.
Format it is a pre-established layout for data. A

computer program accepts data as input in a certain format, processes it, and

provides it as output in the same or another format. All data is stored in some

format with the expectation that it will be processed by a program that knows how

to handle that format. (TechTarget, 2017).


Reboot it is the process of restarting a working computer

using hardware (e.g. a power button) instead of software. Rebooting is

sometimes necessary after installing a software program, installing operating

system updates, to recover from an error, or to re-initialize drivers or hardware

devices. (Computer Hope, 2017).

The Conceptual Framework

The researchers found out the needs of the computer laboratory as well

as to ease the process of manual checking of the activities of the students. This

project may serve as basis in creating IControlU Remote Desktop Management

System, to improve the process of installing and checking the activity of the


Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. Using input–output

process approach to show system capabilities.

First section “input” contained the personal information such as

employee’s no., complete information of the instructor, Username and password,

list of computers, list of students and list of sections. Username and password is

needed to access the system. All the list of students contains the full name of

students, year and section is to serve as attendance to access client the


Second section contains the “process” which the researchers used all the

information to control and monitor the entire computer in the computer laboratory

for the security of the student’s activities.

Last section contains the “output” how the server manages the system by

displaying instructor’s information, monitor the student’s computer and retrieve

student’s activities. And lastly, for student’s access is can send activity to

instructor and can send and receive messages.



This chapter includes the in-depth discussion different terms that were

used in this study. Review of literature and System are also cited as guides to the

researchers in creating the Remote Management System. This system will

control computers in DLSP Laboratory that can monitor the activities of students,

as well creating a master list for the students for preparation of the activity. It has

also a features that the client and server can interact with the used of chat box

and they can also send and receive a file.

Technical Background

In the research project entitled, “iControlu: a Remote Desktop

Management System for Computer Laboratory of DLSP”, part of its Technical

Background, discussing about offline based server which capable of controlling

and monitoring student’s activities through server. Remote Desktop Management

System development also became possible through the use of tools and

frameworks such as:

 Windows Server 2012 according to Microsoft Corporation (2017) a, is

a single interface, Remote Desktop Management Server (RDMS),

replaces all above snap-ins and provides centralized management of

the Remote Desktop infrastructure. (Wikipedia, 2017).

 Team Viewer is a popular piece of software used for internet-based

remote access and support (Beal V. ,, 2017).


 Networking is the construction, design, and views of a network,

including the physical (cabling, hub, bridge, switch and router), the

selection and use of telecommunication protocol and computer

software for using and managing the network and the establishment of

operation policies and procedure related to the network (Rouse M. ,


 .C Sharp according to Farlex (2013), it is an object-oriented

programming language that is based on C++ with elements from

Visual Basic and Java. (wikipedia, 2013).

 MySQL defined that it is an open source relational database

management system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language

(SQL). (TechTarget, 2017).

 Visual Studio 2013 as stated by Farlex (2013), Visual Studio is a suite

of programming languages and development tools from Microsoft. It is

Microsoft flagship language product that includes Visual Basic, Visual

Studio. Net. (wikipedia, 2017).

Functions of the System

In this study, the following functions of the systems were used and

discussed how it works and how the system controls the student’s computer.

A client-server network as stated by (2017), it is designed for

end-users, called clients, to access resources such as files, songs, video


collections, or some other service from a central computer called a server.

(, 201).

Database is basically a collection of information organized in such a way

that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data. You can think

of a database as an electronic filing system . (Beal V. , 2017).

Format according to Vangie (2017), it is about to prepare a storage

medium, usually a disk, for reading and writing. When you format a disk, the

operating system erases all bookkeeping information on the disk, tests the disk to

make sure all sectors are reliable, marks bad sectors (that is, those that are

scratched), and creates internal address tables that it later uses to locate

information. You must format a disk before you can use it. (Beal V. , 2017).

Related Literature

As defined by Physics and Anatomy (2017) a Remote Desktop Server has

a CSR office maintains a server containing many applications for faculty and

student use from on and off campus. According to their study software installed

on the server is very similar to that installed on the undergraduate lab computers

in N212 and N337 and includes Java SDK, MATLAB, Mathematica, Maple,

Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio, and Open Office, WinEdt or MiKTeX

and Many others. By using the Remote Desktop client available on Windows,

Linux, and Macintosh computers, can work on the Remote server as do any

other computer. All of the documents stored on P-Drive will also be available.

(Physics and Astronomy, 2017).


According to hyunyoun2 (2017) a Remote Desktop Connection Manager,

from Microsoft, helps in managing multiple remote desktop connections. The

similarities to MMC Remote Desktop, Windows Servers’ built are high, but this

one is more flexible. Works perfectly on Windows 7, 10 and Windows Server

version from 2003 and up. Windows Live Experience developed Remote Desktop

Connections Manager due to the inflexibility of the default Remote Desktop

Connection Client that comes with window according to their research, The

native type could not handle multiple remote desktop protocols. But this one is

good for testers, lab manager, developers, administrators, etc.Its ability to

consolidate various RDP connections into one window eliminate desktop

clutter.RDCMan is only useful for RDP connections and thus is perfect for

administrators in Windows platform. It has a clean and straightforward interface.

(hyunyoun2, 2017).

As stated by TechTarget (2017) a Remote Desktop Connection Manager

(RDCMan) is especially useful for systems administrators, developers, testers

and lab managers who work with groups of computers, server labs or large

server farms such as automated check-in systems and data centers where

regular access to each machine is necessary. The tool also supports Microsoft

virtual private network (VPN) and Cisco VPN, among others. Admins can add on

features, such as Java Web Start and MySQL tools. (TechTarget, 2017).

TechTarget (2017) defined that developed that a Remote Desktop Protocol

(RDP) allows for the redirection of functions such as audio and printing and it

can support up to 64,000 independent channels for data transmission. Data can

be encrypted using 128-bit keys, and the bandwidth reduction feature optimizes

the data transfer rate in low-speed connections. (TechTarget, 2017).

As stated by Asti (2017) the Remote Management System (RMS),

provides the capability to monitor and manage ACE software and hardware

assets, from a local stand-alone system to distributed, multi-site systems. View

status with a quick glance at intuitive green, amber, and red indicators. Users

can select filter views to suit their needs from either a concise summary or full

details. Here are some features of RMS: Remotely restart, reboot, shutdown

Targets, apply intuitive device names to ACE-RIUs, ACUs and Power Amps,

Upload and manage option files, Upload sound files and perform spectral

analysis. (ASTi, 2017).

According to SDx central (2017) a Windows Server 2012, is a single

interface, Remote Desktop Management Server (RDMS), replaces all above

snap-ins and provides centralized management of the Remote Desktop

infrastructure. RDMS is a plug-in to the new Server Manager in Windows Server

2012. Additionally, they stated that Windows Server 2012 includes a new

installation type, “Remote Desktop Services installation”. This new installation

type makes deploying and managing your RDS infrastructure much

simpler. Connection Broker is a critical role in an RDS infrastructure that is

installed when using the new type. The RDMS service is also installed on the

Connection Broker when the new method is used. The RDMS service is the

engine behind the new UI and cannot be installed using the classic “Role-based

or feature-based installation”. ( SDxCentra, 2017).

AWSome Day Online Conference (2017) recorded that UltraVNC is

another remote access program is UltraVNC. UltraVNC works a bit like Remote

Utilities, where a server and viewer is installed on two PCs, and the viewer is

used to control the server. (AWSome Day Online Conference, 2011).

Related Systems

Jang (2012) created a Remote Management System in Windows

Operating System has a client and server function. A client function has the

ability to allow the system to access from the server. This feature is responsible

for monitoring the packet to request access to the client on the network. Server

system capability has the ability to connect to the client system. The connection

is made when we direct the client's IP address which we want to access in the

server program. This system was programmed with Visual Basic. The experiment

for the proposed functions was conducted. The application uses the same

protocol as Microsoft Windows for file sharing. Thus, implementing and using the

application in a domain environment where each user has access to specific files

and folders makes sense. This also enables true mobility and control over the

user-account in a university or office setting. (Seung-Ju, 2012).

Ruben Spruijt developed a system called a Remote Desktop Manager

that integrates many tools and protocols such as: Microsoft Remote Desktop,

Microsoft Remote Assistance etc. When it comes to security users who store

their usernames and passwords in another tool can take advantage of the

Remote Desktop Manager’s integrated password management functionality and

the advanced data source includes an easy interface to manage user security

rights. By creating and using built-in user or domain users, user can direct

Remote Desktop Manager to partially or completely restrict access to a specific

session, or to a subset assigned to a security group. It's also possible to set-up

database encryption with a specific pass-phrase, in order to provide an added

layer of protection. By applying the security policy regarding the password

management, Remote Desktop Manager ensures that access to sensitive data is

limited and secure. And also it is Secure, organize and store all of sensitive data

while granting access to specified people and keeping everyone else locked.

(Spruijt, 2017).

Jure Jereb (2012) designed a system that a Remote Desktop Services or

terminal services present a Microsoft solution for multi-user environment in

Windows server which allows its users an access to remote data and

applications located on terminal servers. With the help of Remote Desktop

Services users have access to terminal servers from a network of a company.

Only the screen picture is transferred to its user that is why such work does not

demand a very efficient computer. It is easier to control and manage centrally

located applications and users who have access to them). The purposes of his

thesis are: planning and implementation of the installation as well as the

transition to the use of terminal servers' farm with the help of Microsoft server

operating system Windows Server 2008 R2 and its Remote Desktop Services

role. There are mentioned all the upgrades and installations of hardware and

software, system and security configuration as well as all the procedures of

migration of the users and their profiles into a new system. The final part of the

thesis is dedicated to the findings, advantages and disadvantages the installation

and implementation of the new system have brought to its users and

administrators. (Jureb, 2012).

Xu (2016) designed a system called Java remote control system with the

rapid development of computer networks, the network applied to various fields. In

order to improve the efficiency and convenience, and users' demand, network

remote monitoring software was developed, remote monitoring software is also

now frontier technology and many countries are actively in research and

development. Remote monitoring also applied to various fields, such as:

telemedicine, tele-trial, distance learning, and bring users efficiency and

convenience. People do not need to carry computer everywhere, the operation of

the server can be implemented with a distant through the remote monitoring. (Xu,


Anas Raqi Shabaitah (2014) developed the system called Server-Based

Desktop Virtualization can be accomplished at different layers in the

computational stack and with different goals (servers, desktops, applications,

storage and network). This research focuses on server-based desktop

virtualization. The research deals with the challenges preventing the wider

adoption of server-based desktop virtualization while focusing on two of the main

virtualization architectures: session-based desktop virtualization (SBDV) and


virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). The first chapter introduces some of the

challenges faced by large organizations in their efforts to create a cost effective

and manageable desktop computing environment. The second chapter discusses

two of the main server-based desktop virtualizations (VDI and SBDV), illustrating

some of the advantages and disadvantages in these different architectures. The

third chapter focuses on some of the technical challenges and provides

recommendations regarding server-based desktop virtualization. In the fourth

chapter, measurements are conducted for the utilization and performance of

SBDV on different 6 user profiles (light, heavy and multimedia). Data and results

collected from desktop assessment and lab are used to formulate baselines and

metrics for capacity planning. According to the conducted measurements, it is

concluded that light and heavy profiles can be virtualized using SBDV, while for

multimedia profiles, additional capacity planning and resource allocation are

required. Multimedia profiles can be virtualized with VDI considering client-side

rendering to avoid network bandwidth congestion. (Shabaitah, 2014).

Design Synthesis

Java Remote Control System used remote monitoring software this

system is efficient and convenient for the users. People do not need to carry

computer everywhere. The system presented by Jure Jereb, 2012 is less

accurate than the one proposed by Ruben Spruijt, 2017 as the former lack of


Compared to the two studies given by the two developers on controlling

the computers the system proposed by Jang, 2012 is more accurate. This

research has also better accuracy than the current studies in controlling and

monitoring computers. The proposed system by Jang, 2012 has a client-server

function and also the client function has the ability to allow system to access from

the server. Server system capability has the ability to connect to the client system

for file sharing and control user account.

Both systems for monitoring computers. All of them have their client-

server function that can access at the same time. They can share the files

through the system and can control computers through server to monitor and

secure the data. It is more efficient and convenient for the users.

Because of these findings, the study of iControlu: a Remote Desktop

Management System is proposed to improve and to be filling up these

efficiencies. We make this system so that it is easy to access the computer

laboratory as well as to monitor the software maintenance and researchers add

other features to the system. We add an output for the instructors to easily

monitor the activity of students and the server has an ability to control the

application over the client.



This chapter the researchers elaborate project design and methods in

creating and developing the project. This methods guide the researchers to fully

understand the follow of the system. This study uses the new software

development methodology known as the agile methodology. This strives to

develop the system step by step by building a series of prototypes and constantly

adjusting them to user requirements. It illuminates continuous feedback, and

each incremental step is affected by what was learned in the main steps of


Requirement Analysis

Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo (DLSP) computers laboratory

monitor files using manual process. The people who are involved in the current

systems are the students and the instructors who are in computer subject. The

process in saving student’s files is the use of flash drive which is also used to

transfer the recorded activities of the students. This process is so tedious for the

students because they have to spend more time in waiting their turn to save their

activities in one flash drive that takes an hour to do. This delay causes other

students to open other software just to play or something that’s not related in

their subject. The instructors sometimes did not notice that students are not

doing things that are not related to the said subject because the instructors

sometimes are busy doing other matter and can’t attend at the same time. The

current system process is to follow: the students save their files in the flash drive

and handed it to the instructor to record it manually or the instructors has to

check their computer one by one then instructor will record the student activities

using record book. The researchers noticed that this process is time consuming.

Through the system that the researchers developed, the students time of passing

their activities will be lessen and redundancy of work will be avoided. The

computer laboratory instructor can also record the activities easily that only

consumes a minute. The transaction becomes faster especially the users who

will use the system.

Manual saving of Save to flash drive

activities from
student’s computer

Manual transferring of files into

instructor’s computer

Record of student’s files


Figure 2.0 Current Process in Saving of Student’s Files.

Computers Laboratory of Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo (DLSP)

process saving student’s files through flash drive the instructor then transfer the

files by using flash drive too, and record those files in the computer through

manual process.

Student Student Activities
Student D1 Flash drive
Student Record

Student’s files

2.0 recor

Student’s Record


Record of
Files Student

Student recor Recorded Files

Figure 3.0 Current Process Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3.0 shows manual process of the current system. The people who

involved in this process are the students and the instructor of computers

laboratory. The current system process is saving by using flash drive. The

instructor of computers laboratory will get the saved files of students that will be

recorded n the computer.

Requirement Documentation

The researchers have conducted an appointment in Dalubhasaan ng

Lunsod ng San Pablo (DLSP) computers laboratory communicating for the

communicating for the changes of their procedure monitoring of student’s files. In

addition the computer laboratory head wanted that every computer should have

log in form to monitor the attendance through application for security of activities

as well. There is also account for the instructors to retrieve the records save by

the students. The required features as assumed the computer laboratory head

and researchers are as follows: a.) The security of all accounts and application;

b.) The environment of the system is user friendly; c.) The color and design of the

system should match to the theme of the school; d.) The admin and the server

have an account for the security purpose and to monitor student’s activities; e.)

The student has log in form in application that is used to send their

files/messages to the instructor and server too.

Sending Student’s Files

Saving of Activities from
into Instructor’s Computer
Student’s Computer

Student’s files
Figure 4.0 Flow of the System in Saving Student’s Files

In this chapter, the developers discussed the different software that are

needed in able to develop iControlu: a Remote Desktop Management System.

The developers are also discussed about the system requirements for the


Hardware and Software Requirements

 Recommended Processor At least Core 2 Duo 1.30 GHz

 RAM: 1 GB

 Video Card: 1GB

Software Specification

 OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10

 Visual Studio 2013

Hardware Specification

 Computer Desktop

 Processor: Core 2 Duo 1.30 GHz

 RAM: 1 GB

 Hard Disk 200 MB on System Drive



In this phase, the developers discussed which software that the

developers will use designing the system. The developers used Visual Studio

2013 which is drag and drop language being a drag and drop platform the

developers can also used the language in designing the main interface of the


 Visual Studio 2013


 Visual Studio 2013

Design of Software

The main objective of the project is to create an IControlU: a Remote

Desktop Management System for Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo

(DLSP). The system which is called IControlU application will be capable of

Collaborative Work System (CSCWS) will be controlled by the admin with the

following features: a) Passcodes for admin to secure the data inside the system

and controls students computers; b) allow the students who are using the

computers in the laboratory keep their files through application by logging into

form through student number, full name, program, year and section and send

files directly to the instructors computers.





























Figure 4.0 System Flow of iControlu: a Remote Desktop Management System

Figure 4.0 shows how the instructors of computer laboratory and student

access the system. First, if the instructor is not yet register, he/she will register in

the application to input complete information and can log in to the application

then he can input the user name and password. If he/she wants to put a

password recovery he can go to another field and answer the secret question.

When already access the system instructor’s menu will be viewed and display

the list of computers, then he/she can view the student’s master list and set the

student who are entitled for activity. Second, the students can encode their

student’s name and student’s number to access the system. When the activity

was done the student can send the file directly to the server and at the same time

the instructor will receive message from the students. The instructors will then

check and save the student’s activities. The student need to log out when they

are done with the activity, the instructor will be the one who will shut down the

student’s computers.

Development and Testing


In developing and evaluating the proposed iControlu: a Remote Desktop

Management System, researcher used the spiral modeling method. This Spiral

model is a combination of iterative development process model and sequential

linear development model i.e. the waterfall model with a very high emphasis on

risk analysis. It allows incremental releases of the product or incremental

refinement through each iteration around the spiral. (tutorialspoint, 2017).

Figure 5 shows the four steps how spiral modeling implements.1)

Identification phase starts with gathering the business requirements in the

baseline spiral. In the subsequent spirals as the product matures, identification


of system requirements, subsystem requirements and unit requirements are all

done in this phase. This phase also includes understanding the system

requirements by continuous communication between the customer and the

system analyst. At the end of the spiral, the product is deployed in the identified

market, 2) Design phase starts with the conceptual design in the baseline spiral

and involves architectural design, logical design of modules, physical product

design and the final design in the subsequent spirals, 3) Construct or Build

phase refers to production of the actual software product at every spiral. In the

baseline spiral, when the product is just thought of and the design is being

developed a POC (Proof of Concept) is developed in this phase to get customer

feedback. Then in the subsequent spirals with higher clarity on requirements

and design details a working model of the software called build is produced with

a version number. These builds are sent to the customer for feedback and 4)

Evaluation and Risk Analysis includes identifying, estimating and monitoring the

technical feasibility and management risks, such as schedule slippage and cost

overrun. After testing the build, at the end of first iteration, the customer

evaluates the software and provides feedback.

The following illustration is a representation of the Spiral Model, listing

the activities in each phase.


Figure 5.0 Spiral Modeling Design


In testing procedure, the researchers tested and checked if the system

meets all the system requirements and with its functions of the system. After

debugging, the system will be presented to the IT instructors or IT specialist

called internal testing when the system is running, some of the students of BSIT-

4C will test the system. The evaluation to be use in evaluating the system can be

found in (Appendix B). According to Stefan Lindberg and Fredrik Strandberg

(2006) a structured testing approach offers the following advantages: a.) Testing

gives insight into and advice about the risks regarding the quality of the tested

system; b.) faults are found at an early stage; c.) Faults may be prevented; d.)

Testing is performed in a short a time as possible on the critical path of the

development cycle, so the development time will be shorter and e.) The test

process is transparent and manageable.

Data Analysis Plan

After gathering data, the statistical tools that will be used in the analysis of

data are Weighted Arithmetic Standard Deviation, The Weighted Arithmetic mean

will be used to determine the average responses for each item of five (5) options

in each item in the questionnaire namely, 5 (Strongly Agree / Very Good / Very

Willing / Very High), 4 (Agree / Good / Willing / High) 3 (Undecided / Fair). The

Likert scale can be generated means of respondent of the respondent’s

replication on the survey bellow.

The points that will be used are:

Strongly Agree / Very Good / Very willing / Very High = 5 points

Agree / Good / willing / High = 4 points

Undecided / Fair = 3 points

Disagree / Hesitant / Low / Poor = 2 points

Strong / Disagree / Very Hesitant / Very Low / Very Poor = 1 point


Table 1
Likert Scale

Range of the Interpretation

Weighted Mean
4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree ( for the question asked) / Very Good ( as a
computer user) / Very Willing (in spending time studying IT)
/ Very High ( extent of ICT usage) / Accepted
unconditionally ( the MCIT Prototype)
3.51 – 4.50 Agree ( for the question asked) / Good ( as a computer
user) / Willing (in spending time studying IT) / High ( extent
of ICT usage) / Accepted with minor condition (the MCIT
2.51 – 3.50 Undecided / Fair

1.51 – 2.50 Disagree ( for the question asked) / Poor ( as a computer

user) / Hesitant (in spending time studying IT) / Low ( extent
of ICT usage) / Accepted with major condition (the MCIT
1.50 and below Strongly Disagree ( for the question asked) / Very Poor ( as
a computer user) / Very Hesitant (in spending time studying
IT) / Very Low ( extent of ICT usage) / Reject (the MCIT

Table 1 shows the Likert scale it is rating with corresponding interpretation

to evaluate how our system and the implementation effective. In range of the

weighted mean the score of 4.51 to 5.0 is Strongly Agree ( for the question

asked) / Very Good ( as a computer user) / Very Willing(in spending time

studying IT) / Very High ( extent of ICT usage) / Accepted unconditionally ( the

MCIT Prototype). 3.51 to 4.50 is Agree (for the question asked) / Good (as a

computer user) / Willing (in spending time studying IT) / High (extent of ICT

usage) / Accepted with minor condition (the MCIT Prototype). 1.51 to 2.50 is

Disagree (for the question asked) / Poor (as a computer user) / Hesitant (in

spending time studying IT) / Low (extent of ICT usage) / Accepted with major

condition (the MCIT Prototype). 1.0 and bello.

Implementation Plan

The IControlU: a Remote Desktop Management System will transfer to

computers laboratory immediately to present it once more to the computer

laboratory head. If the institutions approve the system, the researchers will be the

one to control the system. The researchers will submit a user’s manual that

serves as a guide to the users who will be assigned to use system. There should

be a transfer of technology that will be handed to the institution without

compensation. The researchers is n longer liable for its update and maintenance.

If the system will be implemented, the researchers will conduct several

strategies. Maintenance will be done by developers who created the system.

Table 2
Implementation Plan
Strategy Activities Persons involved Duration

Approval from the Letters for the Researchers, 1 day

computer’s administrator Administrator
System installation Installation of the Researchers, 2 hours
IControlU: a Administrator
Remote Desktop
System and
required software
and hardware
Information User’s Manuals Administrator, 1 day
Distribution Computers

Training Hands on training Administrator, 1 day

and lectures Computers

Table 2 shows the Implementation plan. The first strategy is for the

approval letter of computer’s laboratory head which done in one (1) day. Second,

the system installation will be done for two (2) hours. Third is the distribution of

information for administrator and instructors regarding the system. Lastly is

training for the users and instructors who are using computers laboratory.

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