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The Effect of Work Environment on Health and

Safety at CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa

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The increasingly sophisticated industrial era and technological developments

now require all companies to implement Health and Safety Programs in order
to reduce the level of workplace accidents, especially for high-risk jobs. The
Government has regulated the program in Law no. 1 of 1970 on Occupational
Safety and Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health. However, many workers who often
neglect Health and Safety either from the leader or employees themselves,
indicated by a large number of work accidents that still occurred in Indonesia.
This evident comes from the increasing number of cases of work accidents that
occurred in Indonesia by 2015 as 105,182 cases. The year 2016 fell to 101,367
cases and increased again in 2017 to 123,000 cases of occupational accidents
(BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, 2017). And most cases come from contractor and
manufacturing companies. Many factors are caused by technical equipment,
work environment, and human factor.
Health and Safety Issues are not solely the responsibility of the government
alone but rather the responsibility of all parties namely employers, workers and
the community. Health and Safety are the most important thing for the
company because the impact of accidents and occupational diseases not only
harm employees but also harm the company. According to Mondy (2008: 82),
work safety is the protection of employees from injuries caused by
work-related accidents. According to Mathias and Jackson (2002: 245),
occupational health is a condition that refers to a physical condition, mental
and emotional stability in general. So it can be concluded that work safety is a
situation where workers feel safe and comfortable, with the treatment obtained
from the environment and affect the quality of work, whether employees
comfortable with safety equipment, equipment used, workspace layout and
workload obtained when work.
The working environment becomes an important factor for workers to feel
safe in working. The ideal working environment is a safe, healthy, and free
environment from chemical contamination that leads to reduced occupational
accidents and diseases so that the situation is expected to improve employee
productivity and performance. The good working environment includes several
factors to be considered as safe working condition, fixed room temperature,
there is adequate lighting, paint color of the room, relationship with a good
coworker (Sugiyarti, 2012: 75). Based on research by Setiawan (2013) working
safety and working health have the strong influence on employees productivity
Chain Service Department at PT PLN (Persero) APJ North Surabaya.
However, there are differences in the results of Katsuro's (2010) study that
working safety and occupational health are negatively related to employee
productivity and performance because the management is not aware that
employees are the asset of the company so they often ignore the safety of
employees in the workplace.
CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa is one of the contractor company engaged in
construction services in cooperation with PT. Semen Baturaja (Persero) TBK
offers construction services in the form of repair services, replacement
services, and construction cleaning services. Health and Safety are very
important applied especially to companies that deal directly with the
construction field so that employees can feel safe, comfortable, and healthy so
that employees feel comfortable in doing their work. Health and Safety have
been applied to CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa since 2011 until now. Occupational
Health and Safety Programs applied to CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa include:
1. Warning of health and safety culture in the form of drawings placed at a
2. Use of personal protective equipment such as safety shoes, masks, hats, and
so on.
3. Availability of clinic facilities.
There are still little workplace accidents although the Occupational Health
and Safety (OSH) program have been well implemented. In 2016 recorded 3
people suffered minor work accidents, while the year 2017 reduced to 1 person
only. Once in a while, there are employees whose health is decreased, among
others, sometimes due to night shift which may cause stomach upset against
eating habits, excessive workload resulting in the occurrence of work stress
resulting in the occurrence of accidents undesirable work of the company. The
environment in which the workers are also the deciding factor. The technical
fault factor of the partners sometimes results in workers having minor
accidents. CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa always tries to minimize the decrease of
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) risks related to work environment and
always try to fix errors to avoid repeating the same mistake so as not to cause
negative perception from partners and workers towards CV Tehnik Putra
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of work environment on
employee health and safety at CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa in Baturaja, South


2.1 Data

This research uses two types of data which are primary data and secondary
data. Primary data obtained from questionnaires about the work environment
and OHS spread to the respondents as much as 40 field employees and casual
laborers. Secondary data required are employment data, job operations,
organizational structure and company profile.

2.2 Simple Linear Regression Analysis

To know the effect of the work environment (X) on Health and Safety (OHS)
(Y) at CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa, used simple linear regression analysis as
follows (Dajan, 2000: 369) :

Y = a +bX


To search for a and b values :

(∑ Y − b ∑ X )
a= n
n. ∑ X Y − ∑ X ∑ Y
n. ∑ X 2 − (∑ X )2


Work Environment as Independent Variable (X) and OHS as dependent

variable (Y), n as the number of the data, a constant, and b as the variable
regression coefficient.

2.3 Simple Linear Correlation Analysis

Simple linear correlation (r) analysis is an analysis used to determine whether

there is a relationship between independent variables with the dependent

n (∑ X Y )− (∑ X ∑ Y )
r= (4)

√ 2 2 2 2
[n ∑ X −(∑ X ) ][n ∑ Y −(∑ Y ) ]

If 0.00-0.199 means the relationship very low, 0.20-0.399 means low, 0.40-0.599
means medium, 0.60-0.799 means strong, and 0.80-1.00 has very strong

2.4 Coefficient of Determination

A coefficient of determination (KD) in determining how much the value of the

independent variable work environment (X) affect the dependent variable
Occupational Health and Safety (Y).


2.5 Hypothesis Testing

According to Sugiyono (2007: 184), the t-test is the test of the regression
coefficient of each work environment (X) to the Occupational Health and
Safety (Y) to find out how much influence independent variable to dependent
Assume Ho ​: ß = 0: there is no influence between X and Y and Ha : ß ≠ 0: there
is influence between X and Y.


If t-count> t-table ​the solution is accepted Ha and rejected Ho. If

t-count< t-table​ ​the solution is rejected Ho and rejected Ha.​

3 Results

3.1 Simple Linear Regression Analysis

This simple linear regression analysis was performed using the help of SPSS
16.0 for Windows statistical program. Here is described the results of the
influence of the work environment (X) on Health and Safety (Y).
Table 1​ ​:​ Regression Coefficient Results

Coefficients a​
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 0,803 1,435 0,559 0,579
X 0,955 0,038 0,971 25,255 0,000

Equation formula : Y = 0,803 + 0,955X

From the equation can be described as follows:
1) The constant of 0.803 implies that the working environment variable
(X) is equal to constant or X = 0, then the value of the health and safety (Y)
variable is 0.803.
2) Coefficient regression of work environment variable (X) of 0.955 is an
estimator of work stress parameters (X). This value indicates if the value of
work environment increased 1%, hence health and safety (Y) will increase
equal to 0,955 with note no other cause influence.
Based on result of data processing, work environment variable (X) have
positive relation with health and safety (Y).

3.2 Simple Linear Correlation Analysis

Simple linear correlation (r) analysis is an analysis used to determine

whether there is a relationship between independent variables with the
dependent variable.

Table 2 : ​Correlation Result

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0,971​ 0,944 0,942 2,36823

From the table above obtained information that the value of correlation (R) is
0.971. This value indicates that the relation between the independent variable
that is work environment (X) with the dependent variable that is health and
safety (Y) is very strong based on the formula (0,80-1,00).

3.3 Coefficient of Determination

The coefficient of determination is to know the various variables in a clearer

sense between the independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y).

Table 3 : ​Coefficient of Determination Result

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0,971​ 0,944 0,942 2,36823

Based on the results from the Table 3, it can also be obtained that the
coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.944 (squaring of coefficient, or
0.972 X 0.972 = 0.944) or 94.40%. This value indicates work environment (X)
to health and work (Y) simultaneously is equal to 94,40%. Meanwhile, the
remaining 5.60% is the cause of other causes that are not examined. (R Square)
is activated on the numbers 0 to 1, with the smaller the R Square, the wider the

3.4 Hypothesis Testing (t-test)

The aim of t-test is to know if there is the influence between work environment
(X) to health and safety at CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa in Baturaja partially.

Table 4 :​ Hypothesis Testing (t-test) Result Between X and Y Variables

Model t​hitung t​tabel

(Constant) 0,559 2,024
Work Environment (X) 25,255 2,024

Based on Table 12, the results obtained from each table as follows with t-table
= 2.024 with the calculation df = n-variable, n the number of respondents
minus the number of variables X and Y variables with significant level (a) =
5%, then obtained t-count is following:
Work Environment (X) t-count = 25.225 while t-table = 2.024, so 25.225 >
2.024 then Ha accepted and Ho rejected, meaning there is a partially significant
influence between work environment (X) and health and safety (K3) CV
Tehnik Putra Perkasa in Baturaja.
Based on the data, Work Environment (X) variables partially affect the
health and safety (K3) CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa in Baturaja.

3.5 Discussion

Based on data analysis that has been described before, it can be concluded that
there is a positive and significant influence between work environment (X) on
health and safety (Y). This is evidenced by the result of multiple linear
regression equation: Y = 0.803 + 0.955X, the regression equation shows that
the constant is 0.803 which means that if the working environment (X) is equal
to zero, then the health and safety (Y) is 0.803.
The regression coefficient of work environment variable (X) shows
positive value, which means if there is an increase in work environment
variable (X) then health and safety (K3) (Y) will also increase.
Given the value of correlation (R) is 0.971 which means that there is a very
strong influence between work environment variable (X) on health and safety
(K3) (Y). And positive influence indicates that change of independent variable
(X) will be in the direction of change to dependent variable (Y).
While the result of R2 (R Square) equal to 0,944 or 94,40%, it shows
that the influence of work environment (X) on health and safety (Y) in CV
Tehnik Putra Perkasa at Baturaja simultaneously is 94,40 %, while the
remaining 5.60% is contributed by other factors which are not examined in this
study. Result of t-test indicate that work environment variable (X) has partial
effect to health and safety (Y) at CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa at Baturaja.
Thus, occupational health and safety (OHS) can be improved with a
work environment that leads to positive in the sense that a good working
environment will spur health and safety and will affect the performance of
employees providing quality services. Health and Safety is an important thing
for CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa in Baturaja, because without safety the company
will have losses because there will be many accidents in work.

4 Conclusion

Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the work
environment has a great influence on health and safety (OHS) in CV Tehnik
Putra Perkasa in Baturaja. This can be seen based on the regression equation
that is Y = 0.803 + 0.955X, the regression equation shows that the constant is
0.803 which means that if the working environment (X) is equal to zero, then
the value of OHS (Y) variable is 0.803, and positive influence indicates that the
change of the independent variable (X) will be in the direction of the change to
the dependent variable (Y) on the regression coefficient. Based on the value of
correlation (R) is 0.971 which means that there is a very strong influence of
work environment variable (X) to OHS (Y). Whereas based on the coefficient
of determination, influenced by 94.40% by work environment while the
remaining 5.60% other causes. Partial variable test (t-test) where the working
environment (X) affects partially significant on OHS (Y) at CV Tehnik Putra
Perkasa in Baturaja.
The results of this study indicate that the work environment has a dominant
influence on health and safety (OHS) at CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa in Baturaja.
So, it is necessary to make the management of CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa in
Baturaja to always pay attention to work environment of employees, both
physical and non physical, in order to keep the mood and mind of employees to
stay good, so the work can be quickly resolved. Environmental hygiene should
also be considered, to maintain the health of employees during work, and
maintain consistency of companies in implementing health and safety
programs (OHS) at CV Tehnik Putra Perkasa in Baturaja.

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